Anti-Israel BBC blocks legal director; several severe indictments

After 44 postings (click tag to scroll them) on the BBC  during which I gave it a more suitable title ‘Brainwashing Britons Cult’ when watching exposures of political rot in UK and USA, at long last there’s now a press focus upon the corporation’s blatant anti-Semitism. (It’s anti-Christian too!)

My monitoring this and its consequential inaccurate, biased reporting began two months less than thirteen years ago in my email Rapid rollover on today’s news, with a follow-up in August 2012 The biased BBC doesn’t know about Jerusalem.

Later I discovered helpful, informative websites Honest Reporting (see The picture that began it all in Sept 2000) and BBC Watch, which issued frequent in-depth scrutiny of its abysmal, journalism – as in this from exactly 11 years ago on 29th November 2012:

Is BBC’s coverage of Gaza ‘yellow journalism’?

BBC Watch has since merged with Committee for Accuracy in Middle-East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), founded in 1982. Another valuable analytical site located in Israel is the Middle-East Research Institute (MEMRI) with its trove of translations from all publications in that region. Particularly noteworthy is CAMERA’s monitoring of not only media inaccuracies but also UK branch’s statistics of Palestinian casualties this year.

In those years I regularly read ‘ne plus ultra’ Caroline Glick who served ‘1994-96, as an IDF captain in the Defense Ministry as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestinians’and ‘1997-98 as Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’.

Also very well-informed is Sultan Knish, Daniel Greenfield’s pen-name and who is Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. You may like to read his brief historical synopsis Thirty years ago Israel deported hamas.

OCT-NOV 2023

Here’s screenshots of very recent items in The Telegraph online – and don’t miss the last item about Westminster’s ‘anti-Israel blob’ that’s a likely major contributing influence upon BBC’s anti-Semitism:

First, the blocking of a highly qualified, invited consultant from giving a valuable contribution to a BBC presenter:

“I had been watching the coverage that evening already in disbelief. I explained that now, more than ever, the channel needed me on to provide balance. There was a desperate need to keep to the BBC’s commitments of due accuracy and impartiality. I had already seen many online reports that the incident had occurred in the context of a barrage of rockets from Gaza towards Israeli civilian communities. The BBC’s line simply didn’t add up.

Now, a tranche of reports in chronological sequence, and which can be read by searching at >

Last night:


[Extract, emphases mine]
‘All of that is now over: Foreign Office orthodoxy is back with a vengeance. Lord Cameron’s first interview – with the BBC, appropriately – was hugely disappointing. He claimed the number of casualties in Gaza was “too high”, implicitly blaming Israel rather than Hamas, and accepting the terrorists’ propaganda at face value, by failing to realise that many fatalities are Hamas fighters and somehow forgetting that they use civilians as human shields.

The war would end were Hamas to unconditionally surrender and release all the hostages – why didn’t Cameron ask for that, rather than stating, insultingly, that he “stressed over and over again that [Israel] must abide by international humanitarian law”? Can’t he see that Israel is doing more than any other country to follow the rules of war, and that it is succeeding to an almost superhuman degree? Is the FCDO trying to harmonise British policy with that of Emmanuel Macron and other anti-Israel European powers?’

Foreign Office culpability is enormous and Allister Heath’s article ties in well with this by America’s Barbara Boyd in Some Real Facts About The Current Mideast War.

See also The Jewish Chronicle’s Editor-at-large Stephen Pollard’s op-ed at,

This may be enough to demonstrate that the BBC is an unreliable broadcaster of news.

PS (18:00)

The Existential Threat to Israel – Part 3: A War of Survival – Neil Mackereth

Hot on the heels of Part 2 my retired soldier friend and author of Signs: The Significance of Bible Prophecy submitted this afternoon (images added): 



This is a very critical time in the history of modern Israel. I believe that decisions
made in the next few days will determine whether the Gog and Magog war (Ezekiel
38) is precipitated or if, alternatively, there will be a victory of sorts in Gaza followed
by a period of peace. The latter may seem the more attractive outcome; however,
there is no doubt that the Gog and Magog war is coming.

As I said at the end of Part 2, the situation is changing as I write. What is more, it is
difficult to get accurate real-time information. I am deeply distressed by the
polarisation that is developing; and by the BBC reporting, which seems intent on
encouraging that polarisation. [RB. It’s exceptionally badly biased pro-hamas support was noted 9 years ago in my Call for Clarity on Israel and Gaza!)

The media must bear some responsibility for the imbalance in reporting that, I believe, is encouraging mass intolerance and demonstrations, in support of a movement many of the partakers know very little about. Watching recent news reports, I am reminded of scenes from “Kristallnacht” in Germany in 1938, when marauding mobs roamed the streets attacking Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues.

RB: In his frequent on-the-ground updates Amir Tsarfati gives this informative link to a virtual Mapping the October 7th Massacres

The Dilemma Facing Israel

In any military appreciation of a situation, it is always wise to seek to assess, and try
to better understand, the situation from the enemy’s point of view. That requires a
working knowledge of their motives, intentions, strengths and weaknesses, and
tactics; and, in particular, what they must be stopped from doing, whatever the cost.
The leaders of Israel face an almost impossible dilemma.

Some key factors affecting their decision making:
  • Iran, and its proxies, are motivated by a deeply flawed genocidal Muslim
  • Israel is losing the propaganda war – and putting Israel, and Jews world-wide,
    in great jeopardy.
  • Every effort must be made to rescue the hostages.
  • Hamas uses the Gaza population as a human shield and hides its operational
    headquarters, weapons and munitions etc., in tunnels under hospitals,
    schools and such like.
  • Hamas pays no heed to the “rules of war”.
  • World opinion, and the need to maintain the support of allies, may limit flexibility (hamper operations).
  • Iran is likely to have the ability to build and deliver nuclear warheads, within
    weeks. The thought of that capability, being in the hands of radical Muslim
    fanatics, is frightening.
  • Hezbollah has over 100,000 fighters, is far better equipped and trained than
    Hamas, and has at least 100,000 rockets, many of which are sophisticated
    precision (targetable) missiles, plus drones and anti-tank, anti-aircraft and
    anti-ship missiles.
  • If Hezbollah where to attack fully now, Israel is mobilised and ready; if they don’t,
    Israel has to ask why not?
  • Possibilities (What Ifs): Perhaps Iran’s strategy involves the drawing out of the IDF, and the loss of Hamas and Gaza citizens may be viewed as a necessary sacrifice (collateral damage) to achieving their ultimate goal (explained in Part 1, radical Muslims do not have a western mind-set). Or perhaps Iran wants to delay an attack, in order to complete its nuclear weapons programme.


For Israel, “victory” in Gaza (and only Gaza) could lead to a false peace and, as a
consequence, to the demobilisation of reservists. The battle fatigued reservists would return home (and back to work) and start to relax. If Hezbollah were then to launch a full-scale attack, i.e., shortly after IDF demobilisation, the challenges for Israel would be immense.

God is revealing the true nature of the society in which we live, and it is alarmingly bad. The liberals, who took control of the madhouse decades ago, do not understand what they have unleashed. Their view that most, if not all, people are motivated by logic, reason and self-interest is flawed: there are some who will never enter negotiations with honest intent.

Iran and its proxies are driven by a deep pathological hatred of Israel and are committed to a radical Muslim theology that demands the annihilation of all Jews.
Similarly, the “Palestinian Cause” has always been a cover for the expulsion of Jews
from Israel, and has never been about sharing the land.

Why are the blood-chilling genocidal statements made by anti-Israel leaders and clerics, that show their true motives, never broadcast by the mainstream media?


Israel is fighting a war for its existence against a genocidal enemy. Whichever way things go, it seems inevitable that Israel will be vilified and, by association, all Jews world-wide will suffer.

Undoubtedly, one of Satan’s objectives, in his attempts to undermine God’s redemptive plan, is to stop the fulfillment of Biblical End-times prophecy. To that end, he is seeking to annihilate all Jews so that Jesus has no Jewish Kingdom to which to return and rule. The Bible shows that he will fail.

We may appear to be in an unstoppable downward spiral to disaster, but God’s plans
will not be thwarted. It has never been more important to understand the signs of the
times, watch for the fulfillment of prophecy, and to be ready. JESUS WILL RETURN.



Read in full at

PS. View more prophecy-related news at Richard’s Watch Telegram channel.

PPS (22:10)

Cont’d: ‘…to the international media – this is how the terrorist organization Hamas takes fuel from the hospitals in the Gaza Strip, at the expense of the humanitarian needs of the residents of Gaza.

The exposed conversation between the commander of the West Jabaliya battalion of Hamas and Gazati, with the participation of the director of the Indonesian hospital, is further proof of Hamas’ cynical use of humanitarian resources in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the conversation confirms that the terrorist organization Hamas controls the existing energy resources in the Gaza Strip and chooses to channel them for its operational needs at the expense of the needs of the civilian population.’

Humanity’s 2nd Pivotal Point: Update #3 – UN and media fail to condemn anti-Jew barbarity

Click to read TGP’s advert-free version >

A very brave Arab speaks out:

For more go to Behold Israel Telegram channel

Click to read TGP’s advert-free text >

PS (16:40): Daily Telegraph:

Prophetic word for Jerusalem; with news – Christopher Wickland

Ezekiel 7:11 ‘Violence (Hamas) has grown into a rod of wickedness. None of them shall remain, nothing of their crowds, nothing of their wealth – there is nothing of importance in them.’

“Oh Israel, My daughter, My Zion. At this time you sit alone like a shelter in a vineyard. The nations gather round you and conspire against you. Acts of violence (Hamas) are brought against you from the sky and the airwaves.

When you suffer, you sit alone in silent patience with no one to help you, none to defend your cause. Yet I AM your ADONAI, I AM merciful and I will not reject you O My people. I take no pleasure in causing you grief or pain. I AM your shield and your very great reward.

I know Israel, that you have become tired, you have become weary. You have become as one who walks around the same mountain year on year. ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!’ Yet Shalom seems to evade the city of peace. Like an old garment, you have become tired and stretched thin.

Let Me comfort you O Jerusalem, for you are the city of Ariel. I will bring back that which is lost to you, that which your heart desires everyday. I will return that which I took from you My people. I will give you back your heart, that you may stand strong until the end.

In this hour I want to show favour and compassion to you. The enemy has come like a flood to you, but I will raise up My standard against violence (Hamas) in these days. You will no longer sit as a shack in a field of cucumbers.

Watch My people, I will raise up nations who will stand up for you, who will defend your cause. I will even cause some who are your enemies to be your allies in the days ahead.

I will raise up sheep nations that will stand alongside you My Ariel. The land of three Lions will come to your aid soon with strength and military power. When they do, you will stand shoulder to shoulder with others whom I will raise to shield you from violence (Hamas).

You are My suffering servant and much pain lies ahead, but the days of Peace from the city of Peace are coming, when I shall rule and reign as your ADONAI from Mount Zion and my glory shall cover the earth as the waters cover the seas”

Chris Wickland 5/7/23


The invasion and utterly sub-human, barbaric massacre of and kidnapping of hundreds of children, parents and other adults after dawn on 7th October, a high sabbath at the close of Israel’s Feast of Tabernacles and national holiday, was a deliberate act of war by hamas, the governing body of Gaza.  By attacking not only Israeli citizens but also those of many other nations it declared war against the whole world!
Thus, they’re consequently and directly responsible for their own failed rocket blowing up outside the Baptist hospital in Gaza!!

Note part of this 2022 prophecy given by Julie Green:

Extracts from the DailyTelegraph:


For more updates visit Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel.

Further reference by Caroline Glick: Hamas’ Deception, and our Self-deception

More confirmation it’s all about first two jigsaw pieces, Iran and Israel

Regarding my reminder on Monday 9th October about the Lord drawing my attention as a not-yet believer to the great danger the Iranian regime poses to the nation of Israel, on that day Tomi Arayomi broadcast this video and associated ‘short’ poignant summary confirming Iran’s current behind-the-scenes activity. (‘Hat-tip’ to Tony Puccio for trying to send a link in his comment of last night.):

In my large coverage of Iran’s quest to eradicate the state of Israel I’ve occasionally referred to its quasi-religious motivation of deliberately arranging calamitous events in order to hasten the return of their Mahdi, or hidden Twelfth Imam, as in this posted ion 20 July 2012:

Iranian leader’s End-Times declaration


The Telegraph ‘Live news feed 11th October

PPS: Re. Britain’s Brainwashing Cult:

PS: Published 27 August 2015:

My ‘take’ on Iran vs. Israel

Therein I conclude :

‘This blog’s Welcome briefly recounts how I became aware of the huge role played by Iran in ‘The Last Days’. Now and again I refer to Iran in connection with the ‘Ezekiel 38 alliance’, otherwise known as ‘Gog and Magog’ and referred to in Revelation 20.

That role’s warning flags are:

  1. Mid-1980’s joint-rehearsal of the storming of Jerusalem by Iranian-Iraqi elite units, despite fighting on opposite sides during the Iran-Iraq War! (Refer to Review 2 – Iran and Nuclear ‘Fix’).
  2. Very early in his presidency Obama starts secretly appeasing Iran (email 18 May 2009).
  3. July/Aug 2010 – Iran’s nuclear reactor goes live, Supreme Leader reports having been visited by the Hidden Imam about his violent return (email 19 August 2010).
  4. Nov 2011 – referred to event 1 above in ‘Welcome’, introductory post launching this blog.
  5. Nov 2013 – event 1 repeated by Iranian troops in drill ‘Towards Jerusalem’ two years to the date I blogged about the 1980s rehearsal in ‘Welcome’. (Invisible Hand Reappears).
  6. Mar 2015 – The Lord asked, “How many months since that blog you wrote about Iran?”. Upon checking, I’m prompted to expect developments of nuclear deal four months later, ie this July (Review 2 – Iran and Nuclear ‘Fix’). The reference was to when I’d asked if my triple warning about Iran had disrupted my internet’s blogging connection in Nov ’13.
  7. Aug 2015 – new video of IRGC & Iranian proxies ‘imagining’ taking Jerusalem, as related in above section.

Finally, there’s also my statement in March: What’s weird about blogging about Iran.’

Amusing ‘coincidence’ over game of poker in my post and BBC mystery!

Following Encore Choir’s highly successful Summer Show last weekend, the weekly practices have closed until next term, and so last night we were at home watching one of our easy-going crime mysteries – the highly popular:

Click image for link to BBC iPlayer (overwrites this screen)

‘DI Mooney and team enter the high-stakes world of poker ($3,000,000 jackpot) when a finalist is poisoned during the Caribbean Poker Masters tournament. The only suspects are seated around the same table. When even a twitch of an eye can reveal a player’s hand, just how did the killer commit murder?’

Only when it was at the above-shown point did I recall that only hours earlier, in a day of many activities, carving out time to blog an update on Veronika West’s dream of a Trump vs Biden high stakes poker game.

Now what Detective Inspector Mooney says in his soft Irish accent when starting to address and question the gathered suspects struck me as directly relevant to the prophecy (46 mins time-point):

“I thought poker was just a silly card game, but had it not been for my associate here, I realised I was wrong!  Of course poker’s not really a card game at all, is it? It’s a game of people, that just happen to be playing with cards!

And so I realised that’s probably how Donald Trump is playing his opponents – as many of his supporters suppose!

SO maybe the Lord is confirming the validity of the prophetic dream – and timing?

Censorship and anti-Trump common to explosive exposures on opposite sides of the ‘Pond’: 1 – UK (PPU #78)

Well, we’ve come a long way since the Lord nudged me 86 months ago when I read a brief note about investigations into the Republican party’s presidential candidate and spectacularly successful entrepreneur Donald J Trump, as herein (along with Obama and Iran):

Is the Lord exposing rotten politics? UK, USA – next EU??

SO now a brief update upon Tuesday’s opening pitch on explosive exposures – 424th post monitoring progress of that prophetic musing’s ongoing (!!) fulfilment – in reverse chronological order from The Telegraph (paywall with free 1 month):




Updates on weekend’s political news: 2 – UK & Fbk surveillance and BBC compliance

Let’s continue with screenshots of more pertinent items from UK’s Telegraph and USA’s non-mainstream media that caught my attention as we attempted with difficulty since last weekend to get back into the stride of retirement!

And, I thought some friends may have been predictive in assuming my incommunicado disappearance was a stay in ‘Farcebuk jail’ because of a subsequent brain-dead alert from its bot(…).


Now, we begin with these extracts from these not entirely surprising reports in view of my many blogs on CV-19 and its man-made origins as a bio-weapon:


Ever since I began monitoring events in the Middle-East against Bible prophecy it was abundantly obvious the BBC was strongly pro-Palestine and anti-Israel and I’d often cite the diligent experts at BBC Watch, now Camera UK and its American associate.

Later, during the referendum for leaving the EU I dubbed it Brussels Broadcasting Club and more recently as Britain’s Brainwashing Cult.

Now comes support for my misgivings in Telegraph’s associate editor Gordon Rayner’s in-depth investigation, which can be read in its entirety (am subscriber, so hope no paywall) at!preferred/0/package/1365/pub/1365/page/71/article/NaN


A few days ago I shared a couple of repeated items from Derek Johnson on Donald Trump relating to the Munroe Doctrine, and Farcebuk’s media-morons moved in on both timelines – note double, double two in Derek’s timing (my birthday 22 has frequently turned up in blogging):

Not even clueless clowns! My time’s too valuable to waste. Here’s Derek’s riposte:

Great Shaking of MSM is part of the New Era – Chris Moyler

In response to recent events here and across the ‘Pond’ my friend Chris Moyler has made a couple of interesting postings on his Telegram group, one of which refers to not only prophecies brought by Julie Green relating to the upcoming Coronation but also to the shaking of mainstream media, as covered in most of my posts this week. Chris replies in response to Jonathan Turley’s article on Biden’s ‘made men’:

Dear Richard,

As each revelation of formerly hidden wrongdoing surfaces, we need to be mightily encouraged!

Clear as daylight, the bad actors out themselves!

What is so very excellent is that, when President Trump is publicly returned to power, there will be clear legal grounds for the root and branch removal of these men and women who have no heart to serve the people faithfully.

They are deeply guilty of breaking their oaths of office, all of them.

Small wonder then that President Trump looks so confident in his public appearances!

For quite some time he has been saying “We have it all.”

He also states clearly that, on his reelection, there will be a major cleansing of the Government, the Armed Forces, and the various Government agencies, in all of there forms.

These are emphatically NOT the words of a political braggart!

These are the words of a man who knows clearly that he has been raised up at this time in history for precisely this holy role.

And his task is indeed a holy one!

The LORD has sworn by his own Name to bring justice and righteousness to the whole earth, and to fill it with his glory.

HE has borne, with much patience, the deeds of the wicked and, as the prophets have clearly declared, his GAVEL has fallen on behalf of his saints!

No wonder then that the LORD declared through Lana Vawser that we have entered a New ERA: (RB: click image for link)

And, as Johnny Enlow declared boldly, history will be known as Pre-Trump and Post -Trump, so vast will be the change that the LORD will commence during President Trump’s time in office.

Right Wing Watch attacked Johnny in this article. However, in doing so, they accurately reported his words for us! You have to smile when God’s enemies speak HIS truth!

(The brief video shows him with his dear wife Elizabeth. He says: HE, the LORD, is going to save you from things you don’t know you need saving from yet!! Trump will be known as “The Hinge of the Ages!! THIS IS A RESCUE OPERATION FROM HEAVEN!!)

So, precious saints of God, no more chafing at the seemingly endless delays before the LORD’S justice is publicly revealed.

That justice is already well in process and nothing the enemy can do can possibly stop it!

Isn’t Our Saviour truly glorious? Hallelujah, Our God reigns!!!

Chris xx

Psalms 110:1 ​ The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”  (the most quoted OT scripture in the NT, I believe!)

As a PS to my post (there’s always a ps, isn’t there!) I want to put on record this BBC article [published 19 January 2021] which demonstrates, more clearly than any other, how profoundly our BBC is now controlled by antichrist spirit!

Those Christians who still continue to look to it for anything that vaguely resembles the truth, will actually be drinking the enemy’s Kool-Aid, if they are not very careful!

Speed-read this article to see its multiple lies, and to understand how our enemy thinks.

It could not be more disparaging of our brave and beloved President Donald James Trump.

Chris xx

Weekend Newsmix 2: My ‘take’ and BBC News ‘MAGA’ mistake!! (GPS 95.1)


Here Jane Hill on BBC News says,

“…But France’s win against Wales earlier kept alive their hope of remaining champions. Ben Croucher has been watching:”

“…Goodness, I AM so sorry. That is absolutely NOT the sort of story..we don’t want to be bringing you on a very big sporting weekend…!”

The photo appearing for 7 seconds is from the conference President Trump held at Mar-a-Lago on 15th November last wherein his address about the 2024 election gave a number of coded hints alluding to his operations as Commander-in-Chief, as analysed by Derek Johnson.

NOW WATCH the BBC’s MAGA  ‘mistake’ – as engineered by the C-I-C, POTUS 45?

Weekend News-mix on exposures of political rot: “man-made” CV19 virus – Biden scandal

For this 335th update upon prophetic musings 7 years ago of the Lord exposing rotten politics in the UK and USA  (of only the news personally seen that I had time to blog) here’s some shots of items caught over this past weekend, along with BibleGateway’s intriguingly appropriate daily verses:

Saturday 21st – the significant time-stamp was definitely NOT intentional

Telegram Channel:

Telegram Channel:

Sunday 22nd:

Brian Cates’ covers this scandal on Telegram at


On-topic posts:

Telegram Channel:

Telegram Channel:

Press echoes Prophecy (again!) – last night’s Brexit news

Other than an occasional view of the headlines we don’t watch TV news programmes – definitely not self-opinionated ‘yakking-heads’!  Readers of long-standing may recall my utter contempt for the BBC’s loss of its impartiality, especially it’s deliberately anti-Israel stance and reporting, such that I termed it ‘Badly Biased Corporation’.

In recent years it’s propaganda value as Brussels’ Brainwashing Cult is patently obvious for all to see! So, if there’s a quiet moment later in an evening I may get nudged to dip into my phone’s Telegraph App for the latest news-flash. Last night’s items show the parliamentary Battle for Brexit is approaching its climax.

Moreover, I was then inspired to blog on that by a couple of brothers in Christ of opposite opinions and chatting with one who isn’t yet appreciative of prophecy in politics. Like Jonathan Ely’s highly informative Facebook page Why Leave the EU, that of Robert Holman Woodward is prolific in covering Brexit-related news but more from financial and international aspects.

A week ago today Robert posted a Christian Today article from June 2016 of which I was unaware: Christians and Brexit: did God command the UK to leave the EU? It refers to Peter Horrobin of Ellel Ministries and Kansas City’s IHOP worship leader Julie Meyer, one of whose articles and a prophetical song featured on this blog. Raymond, who resides in France, is extremely cynical about the prophetic: “Reading a newspaper supporting your particular views will do the same trick!”.

It’s a useful discussion and I refer to dozens of prophecies of proven accuracy on  the EU Referendum result, plus many Press headlines repeating the gist of prophetic words, as followers of this blog know only too well.

I’m grateful to both Robert and Raymond for having heightened my sensitivity to this and being the inspiration for this post; as well as to the Lord for the ‘God-incidental’ timing of last night’s news providing further examples of journalists’ commentaries echoing prophetic words and visions, as though putting pieces into His Invisible Jigsaw. First, check the prophecies and then see how Press reports line up.:


  1. OCT 2014 – my open vision of school hall-sized bulldozer starting up in response to “prophetic words, declarations and intercessions aligned with His will, (signifying) His host will bulldoze through all demonic opposition. Also, It could mean they’re getting ready to clear away rubble after He has shaken and demolished ungodly human institutions and activities”. [Eg 2019 political shaking]
  2. Item 1 confirmed by Veronika West in JAN 2019 seeing Boris Johnson at a JCB Plant (pre-Party leadership contest), when she saw a vision of “dozens of great big yellow JCBs begin to move across the nation…I watched as these great big machines began to move and clear what looked like years and years of dirt and debris that covered the face of the Nation (then she hears) “WATCH! FOR A WORK OF DIVINE EXCAVATION IS NOW BEGINNING TO TAKE PLACE IN THE NATION, FOR I AM TAKING GREAT BRITAIN BACK TO HER OLD FOUNDATIONS, BACK TO THE PLACE OF TRUE GREATNESS, BACK TO THE PLACE OF PURITY AND MY DIVINE PURPOSE, BACK TO MY ORIGINAL INTENT FOR THIS NATION, BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME, YES! YES!
  3. NOV 2015David Noakes’ prophecy (last half): “…I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve. If you will separate yourself from her declared rejection of God, I will have mercy upon you and restore My hand of protection…Hear Me, O once godly nation and respond to My call, or you also will come to ruin in that same judgment of destruction. This is not My will for you, but you must choose the course which you will take. I urge you to respond to Me and choose life under My hand of discipline and protection, rather than death in the disaster which is even now coming upon Europe.” (Underlining mine)
  4. MAY 2016 – I mused “Is the Lord exposing rotten politics? UK, USA, next EU??” in view of news. Have since blogged on examples of such exposure (see Prophecies Fulfilled – items #10; noting #10.4 on “rogue element”).
  5. JULY 2016 – American Lydia Stanley-Marrow: The Redcoats are coming! The British are coming, the British are coming, the British are coming!!”  [Prophecy Update #6 refers to first manifestation with PM Theresa May – see next post.]
  6.  JUNE 2018 – Veronika West heard prior to Daily Mails’ scoop on MP Dominic Grieve’s secret meeting in EU’s London HQ: “Daughter just as the fox was seen on parade square in the light of day, out in the open for everyone to see, Watch! As My Spirit of Truth and Righteousness moves to uncover, expose and bring to light the works of wickedness and witchcraft in the land, and Watch! For those who have dishonoured Me and who have turned away and rebelled against My plans and purposes in the Nation, I will cause them to be stripped naked and paraded out in the open before all men, FOR NO LONGER WILL MY JUSTICE AND VINDICATION TARRY IN THIS NATION”! (Underlining mine)

Over a dozen indications of the coming fulfillment of item 3 appear in Fulfilled Prophecy #13 series, and several for items 4 and 6 are in that hub’s listing. More recently noted are Press headlines here and here describing our new Prime Minister as ‘Bulldozer Boris’, and we’ll now find that attribute coming to the fore!

THE PRESS – Wed 14th Aug 2019 Continue reading

God’s ‘sign language’: follow-up to EU-web #2 – Obadiah 15, ‘666’, EU-split

‘For the day of the LORD upon all nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.’ (Obad 15: on enemies of God’s covenant people.)

In discussing Tuesday’s ‘coincidences’ relating to the night vision of a huge spider’s web across Europe, here’s Part 1’s missing paragraph to my reply to ‘Fiona Z’:
‘…together with your email I had a notification from Tony’s blog of a video clip. It opens to show a person who’s been in my mind yesterday and first thing this morning, for the EU office she holds was created by ‘Recommendation 666’ and she’s against what Trump and Netanyahu are doing! (One of my first private emails on End-times refers to that post’s origins – see Not Many People Know – 2.)’

In his post entitled End Times my friend invites readers to “Take a look at the following video. Take it to the Lord in prayer”.:

Normally, I’m too busy to watch videos but was prompted to watch this one’s start and assess its merit. This video presents an overview of events leading into End-times, but neither the running news-banner or narrator divulge the identity of the person in the video’s first frames – run it a few seconds to check. So I comment on the blog,

“Fascinating timing Tony as the lady in the opening frame has been on my mind in connection with Israel’s 70th birthday because of her very strong objections to the US embassy move to Jerusalem, as well as against scrapping the Iran nuclear deal. (Read about her in Wikipedia: Frederika Mogherini)…upon opening my bible early this morning I decided to revisit Obadiah 15 on ‘The Day of the Lord’ for preparing a blog on those thoughts based upon that verse and EU – then upon getting notification of this post of yours I run the video and there she is!! I take this as strong confirmation that the Lord’s connecting the prophetic dots for us – as ever!”


Pastor Ken McMahon of Calvary Spokane draws to a close at 15:30 mark by referring to St Paul’s End-times prophecy at 1 Thess 5:3 of the world saying “Peace and safety”, and inserts a brief clip of that lady as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy stating exactly that! Moreover, I blogged on this last year in Three Days’ Prophetic Jigsaw Pieces: #1 – 21st Sept and 1Thessalonians 5, when I asked,

‘Is what Apostle Paul foretold about the timing of the Day of the Lord happening today? Or this coming year? Especially noteworthy is the fact that today is Rosh Hashanah – the start of the Jewish New Year 5778!! You may recall having read about this a month ago in Today’s and one month away’s awesome events in the heavens on Mark Biltz’s message (1:04 – 1:05 mark refers)?

[I checked and found:] ‘The United Nations has declared 21st September to be observed annually and globally as the International Day of Peace (‘Peace Day’)’. Today’s and the next 365 days theme is entitled, ‘Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity For All’.

‘Look again, that scripture’s third verse promises ‘when they say, “Peace and Safety!” then…’, the clear inference everyone’s saying those words.’

Now, we consider how this person had cropped up in my weekend musings…


Upon reading Sunday’s Debka report on preparations for the official dedication of the American Consulate in Jerusalem as the United States’ Embassy to Israel, I spotted a fact directly relating to a prophetic word on the EU urging Britain’s withdrawal – note my emphasis:

‘About 30 of the 86 ambassadors accredited to Israel accepted the invitation to the Foreign Ministry gala reception for the US delegation Sunday evening in Jerusalem. Most European Union ambassadors are boycotting the party, excepting Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria and Romania, whose envoys will be there in defiance of Brussels, which takes strong exception to the US move. The Russian, Egyptian and Mexican ambassadors are not expected to attend. Guatemala and Paraguay have both promised to move their embassies to Jerusalem.’ (Palestinian ambassadors have since been recalled from those four countries – for an Abbas tantrum!)

Not only do I recognise those four European nations will be blessed through Genesis 12:3 and Obadiah 15-16 in standing with Israel on its 70th birthday, but also I noted it’s yet another indicator that 2015’s prophetic warning from David Noakes urging Britain to come out of the EU is moving towards its fulfillment, namely:
“…Rather than rely on Me and my faithfulness to you, you chose, for worldly purposes, to join yourself to an institution which has denied my Name and refused to acknowledge Me in its councils. My fierce anger is upon that institution on account of its rebellion, its defiant rejection of me and its hardness of heart towards my ancient people Israel.
“I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve…”

[For more on this see Fulfilled Prophecies here, here and …‘6th Time’.]

Therefore, having learned 15 or so years ago about the ‘666’ foundation under Javier Solana of the EU’s office of High Representative – and combined with the weekend’s in-depth teaching on prophet Daniel’s End-time visions from Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum – I recalled the current official’s anti-Israel and pro-Iran stance.

Also, in catching up on Caroline Glick’s latest in-depth incisive articles on the situation I spotted her reference to the EU’s High Representative in the opening paragraph’s of her Netanyahu’s Finest Hour. (William Koenig, the Watcher in the White House, refers to her as ‘ne plus ultra’ – none better!) She writes,

‘At the start of his cabinet meeting on Wednesday, President Donald Trump discussed his announcement Tuesday afternoon that he is removing the US from his predecessor Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and reinstating the nuclear sanctions that were suspended with the deal’s implementation in January 2016.

‘European and other international leaders responded angrily to Trump’s move. The EU’s foreign policy commissioner Federica Mogherini was downright indignant.

‘Apparently unaware that the US is a more important EU ally than Iran, Mogherini insisted, “The European Union is determined to preserve it. Together with the rest of the international community, we will preserve this nuclear deal.”

If you like our British journalist Melanie Phillips and want to go deeper, then you’ll like Caroline Glick and may wish to read her Trump’s Iran Deal Was a Masterstroke, as well as Watching Netanyahu in Tehran.

After my Monday-Tuesday musings, Mogherini turns up at the start and ending of the video on Tony Pucci’s End Times post. Therefore, the Lord’s clearly alerting us by His ‘sign language’ to what’s going on in the world and how He’s aligning it to His prophetic scripture, and to words He’s giving today’s prophets.


In case your knowledge of the above events comes from mainstream media, please be aware the British Brainwashing Cult is extremely unreliable on not only Brexit but also on the Middle East. For example, for a superior examination of the Gaza riots visit the media-monitoring site BBC Watch and study its thoroughly factual blog. See also Col. Richard Kemp’s eye-witness account and explanation of why the world is playing into Hamas’ hands. (Thanks Debbie. )


Please note carefully that in absolutely no way am I attributing any similarity between living persons and biblical characters, but merely noting the nature and publication of official EU activities.

Not having kept closely abreast of related developments it was necessary to check my 2009 email on the EU and 666, especially to test and update links. So I was interested to find lawyer Constance Cumbrey reporting upon the EU’s first High Representative, Javier Solana, as being ‘one of the leading tacticians’ in the ‘Global Governance’ group –see this original data (scroll to top of page to read). Later, her Perspective affords these informative comments (emphases mine):

‘Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all. The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

‘One short week after Trump’s return from Davos, Switzerland and only two days after his State of the Union address, the New York Stock Market would drop by an astounding 666 points! That was a number obviously chilling to millions, including but not limited to Donald Trump’s Evangelical base of support in the USA. This happened only two days after Trump’s triumphant State of the Union speech to the United States Congress. A pivotal point of his speech was the dramatic improvement in the USA economy after his November 8, 2016 election. The 666 droppage would double immediately after the weekend on the following Monday by upwards of another 1200 points in one day.

‘Coincidence? Strange omen? Planned? Maybe, maybe not.’

Keep watching…

Prophetic Scripture Update #7: BBC-free newsfeed on JerUSAlem

British readers wishing to avoid the BBC’s extremely jaundiced, inaccurate news on America’s recognition of Jerusalem (visit BBC Watch) may be interested in the following sample headlines from Koenig World Watch Daily (also see Breaking Israel News and International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem):

  • Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, starts embassy move
  • Bravo President Trump for standing up to Palestinian blackmail on Jerusalem
  • Abbas warns of ‘wars without end’ following US Jerusalem declaration
  • Jordan accuses Trump of violating international law on Jerusalem
  • Iran ‘will not tolerate’ Trump’s Jerusalem ‘violation’: Rouhani
  • Trump’s Jerusalem plan worries Pope – should read Zech 12:3,9

You may like follow my practice of having Koenig’s World Watch as a browser tab for ease of reference.

Netanyahu vs. Marr – Bibi’s geopolitical master class on ‘Beeb’ tv

One of Britain’s outstanding journalists, Melanie Phillips, blogs in her Going Wherever the Evidence Leads,

‘Whatever you think about Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, this is a master class in how to present the case, not just for Israel but for rational western policy on the manifold and gathering threats to the world within the Middle East – of which the overwhelming threat by far is posed by Iran. Watch how he calmly copes with the usual boiler-plate prejudices about the Palestinians and then makes the points that so badly need to be made to a British audience – such as pointing out that Israel has helped save many British lives. Not a fact that the British often hear.’

In gently correcting the Bigoted Brainwashing Corporation Andrew Marr’s ignorance, Bibi rebuffs his arrogance with full-some answers – definitely well-worth watching!

Read also Melanie’s BBC Today’s Disgraceful Balfour Travesty and upon which BBC Watch goes to town in demonstrating BBC Radio 4 Today’s contemptible inaccuracies; eg. ‘(Introducing the) first of those items…co-presenter Mishal Husain repeated a practice seen time and time again in BBC coverage of this story (see ‘related articles’ below). Her inaccurate paraphrasing of the Balfour Declaration concealed from audiences the fact that the document specifically referred to the “civil and religious rights” of non-Jewish communities…’

Thus, we have further evidence of the BBC’s gross unreliability as a source of historical and current data, comment and opinion.

Inaccurate BBC Balfour Declaration claim misleads audiences

The unreliability of Bigoted Brainwashing Clowns, aka BBC, as a source of information is demonstrated in this demolition of its ignorance. (See also recent post’s update alerting readers to BBC’s reporting less than 1% of terrorist attacks in Israel.)

BBC Watch

On November 1st an article titled “Battle of Beersheba charge recreated for centenary” was published on the BBC News website’s Australia and Middle East pages.

In among an otherwise reasonable account of the commemoration of that First World War battle, readers found the following two paragraphs:

“The Battle of Beersheba led to the Balfour Declaration – the first time the British government endorsed the establishment of “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

While many Israelis believe it was the foundation stone of modern Israel and the salvation of the Jews, many Palestinians regard it as a betrayal.” [emphasis added]

The Battle of Beersheba took place on October 31st 1917. The Balfour Declaration was published just two days later on November 2nd 1917. Apparently though the BBC would have its audiences believe – as the use of the words “led to” indicates…

View original post 363 more words

Network ‘gremlins’ block comment on Boris, BBC & Balfour post

Being away from 10 o’clock on duties at Acorn after having published the previous post on Boris, BBC and Balfour Declaration I was unaware of a most informative comment submitted by Dave Chapman about half-an-hour later. It’s presented a fascinating but annoying bit of bother: something or someone somewhere read it and decided to block its appearance! That is, you cannot yet read his remarks at the foot of that post because WordPress is malfunctioning?

Could that be just sheer coincidence?  Let’s not get paranoid, but it reminds me of when my blogging about Iran’s rehearsals to attack Israel was affected (as here).

However, I was able to update that post with these appended notes which I’d started but had to amend, and added screenshot to confirm I’m not imagining this malfunction:

‘Also, please note Comments below from Dave Chapman, to which I’m about to reply in some detail…WHOA THERE! – MOST PECULIAR: although I saw them in an email alert to my phone timed at 10:35 (read approx 14:30 half-mile away and am now back home on PC), his message does not appear either at the foot of this post as usual, or in my admin screen’s listing of comments – yet it is flagged atop home page’s Recent Comments sidebar (as shown below)!

‘MOREOVER that email alert hasn’t downloaded to my PC (stop press: just in at 15:30 but no change on WordPress). So is someone, somewhere censoring and blocking his truthful material ??  WEIRD!’

Now past 17:00hrs we’ll solve the problem by copying the email alerting me to Dave Chapman’s comments:

So I emailed Dave direct with this reply (links added):

‘Thanks for taking time to go into details as I’d hoped on Monday to have been able to update readers on Trump by using material in Saturday’s ‘Koenig’s Eye View at White House’. In the light of his research since early 1990’s, I’m well aware of the correlation between talks to divide the land that biblically is to be Israel’s and the severe weather in USA. It’s so empirically observable that it’s almost scientifically demonstrable fact!

‘Here’s Bill Koenig’s latest on that scenario:

Trump’s Middle East peace plan is revealing. Has “Eye to Eye” made a difference?

‘The Times of Israel said Sunday that the Trump administration would shortly unveil a formal proposal for Middle East peace that aims to enable a “comprehensive regional arrangement,” but that it will not be imposed on the sides, and that it will not feature a rigid timetable. An administration official told The Times of Israel, however, that there were no imminent plans to present a proposal.

‘I prayed that President Trump would read my Sept. 6 letter and review “Eye to Eye”  [Bill’s book] and/or at least talked to staff about the book…to let the president know of the consequences of dividing God’s land. Additionally, I have also been told that people have written the White House about Israel’s covenant land…

‘President Trump has been expected to provide a comprehensive regional plan since his meetings with Arab leaders in Riyadh in May and at the UN in September. If he didn’t come forth with at least some plan, this would not bode well for him and Jared Kushner, after they showed such enthusiasm towards a comprehensive Middle East plan and deal. Moreover, President Trump doesn’t want to stop his tough talk or negate his credibility and/or reputation amongst Sunni Arab leaders which could further complicate his Iran and North Korea actions and decisions.

‘However, the fact a regional arrangement will not be “imposed” or that there would not be a “rigid timetable” is big news. In other words, they’re backing off the pressure, which is key. Plus, no imminent plans to present a proposal is also very favorable.’ (Emphasis RB’s)

[17:20 – am publishing and original comment still unavailable. Mystery solved – Dave’s got shunted into a spam folder. This has never happened to his many contributions so I wouldn’t expect to have to delve into a folder that doesn’t flag new entries.]

Boris (brave), the BBC (beware!) and the Balfour Declaration

Yesterday’s encouraging op-ed in the Telegraph broadsheet on the Balfour Declaration by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson covers his vision and a solution for peace in the Holy Land.  Lord Balfour’s Declaration of 2nd November 1917 on behalf of the British government under Lloyd-George, proposed the establishment of territory within Palestine for the Jewish people upon the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after allied victory in World War 1. That is, it would be in their own original and ancient homeland.  Boris writes,

‘On the Centenary, I will say what I believe: the Balfour Declaration was indispensable to the creation of a great nation. In the seven decades since its birth, Israel has prevailed over what has sometimes been the bitter hostility of neighbours to become a liberal democracy and a dynamic hi-tech economy. In a region where many have endured authoritarianism and misrule, Israel has always stood out as a free society. Like every country, Israel has faults and failings. But it strives to live by the values in which I believe.

‘I served a stint at a kibbutz in my youth, and (though I was mainly washing up) I saw enough to understand the miracle of Israel: the bonds of hard work, self-reliance and an audacious and relentless energy that hold together a remarkable country.

‘Most of all, there is the incontestable moral goal: to provide a persecuted people with a safe and secure homeland. So I am proud of Britain’s part in creating Israel and Her Majesty’s Government will mark the Centenary of the Balfour Declaration on Thursday in that spirit…’

His thoughts are well-worth reading for they display a keen appreciation of the state of affairs and he argues for a two-state solution thoroughly negotiated by Israelis and the Palestinians. BUT I have to say this could have been achieved decades ago but for the hatred, intransigence and duplicity of Palestinian leaders who prefer to forever whinge about victim-hood, instead of blessing and prospering their people’s lives!

For example, according to the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem’s report the PA ‘demands’ a formal apology from Britain for the Balfour Declaration!

The well-worn adage that ‘history is written by the victors’ isn’t so much of a yardstick in these days because of the increased global ability to research and investigate in depth through cyber-technology. However, there are many who bury and distort facts to avoid painful truths and spread lies for perverted propaganda purposes – not only politicians and terrorists but also medintellectuals and historians, who should know much better but serve the evil one’s purposes instead.

Tonight BBC 2 broadcasts ‘The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Promise to the Holy Land’ at 8pm. The Badly Bigoted Corporation’s tarnished reputation hardly makes this good, recommended viewing, especially if it is similar to BBC Radio Wales’ highly politicised account of the Declaration. Aired earlier this month, that programme included numerous omissions and inaccuracies according to BBC Watch’s in-depth review (here and here). This watchdog concludes,

‘…the aim of this programme appears to have been to steer BBC audiences towards the partisan view that – as Sarah Rowland-Jones inaccurately claimed in her introduction – the Balfour Declaration “sits behind the lasting conflict in the region”, while the relevant issue of Arab violence against Jews and later Israelis was once again whitewashed from a BBC account of history.’ (Emphasis mine)

Having investigated the modern history of Palestine in some depth I trust this brief note will warn you to keep an open mind and be alert to myths you may be exposed to. (NB. BBC reports less than 1% terrorist attacks against Israel in Q3 yet over 29% BBC News website covers security/terror issues – a disproportionate imbalance – and give excuses supportive of attackers for those it does cover.)

May you, my reader, discover the facts for yourself.

Also, please continue to the next post to read highly informative comments and about the ‘glytch’ preventing their receipt and automatic appearance at the foot of this post.

‘Weep for the BBC’ (intercession) starts tonight

Robin Jegede-Brimson, co-pastor of Servant Ministries in Whitstable, Kent, and one of the leaders of the Inter-Prophetic Alliance (IPA) issues this invitation to intercessors:


The BBC is in GOD’s spotlight!

We are called to make disciples of all nations, as in making converts and discipling people from all ethnic groups (Gk:Ethnae) “nations” but in another sense we are also called to introduce kingdom values to the systems and institutions of nations. This gives rise to the distinction in Matt 25:32 between sheep and goat nations. We see patterns of this in the life of Joseph who through his wisdom was able to save and preserve life in Egypt as well as Daniel who was promoted on the back of his very public unflinching in the face of persecution. He stood up for his faith, despite all…

In 1992 the BBC was dedicated to GOD and the plaque in the lobby of the BBC boldly declares,

“To GOD Almighty, .. praying that a good sowing may produce a good harvest so that everything unclean, impure and hostile to peace may be driven out, that whatever is beautiful, sincere, genuine and of good reputation may stand  . .”

However, this millennium has seen the BBC shift from being an impartial broadcaster to one which actively seeks to push ideologies averse to civilization and family, the building blocks of society and godliness. When those at the helm are challenged through petitions or the newscasters or offered an opinion other than that of the liberals, all objections are treated with impunity and hostility. “Bigot!”, “Homophobic!” and the like are what come. The BBC has become an organisation used by the enemy to promote gender extremism and hostility against any who hold to family values. A national institution in favour of all things Islam at the expense of Christianity. Even GOD-fearing politicians are not spared this barrage when they stand up for truth, decency and common sense morality.

Here are a few examples :

So, what can we do? Are we helpless at this tide of evil? By no means!! We are not without weapons, we are not without power, we are not helpless, WE CAN PRAY, and PRAY we shall! It is time to FIGHT BACK!

Credit_ JesusIsComing_th-1

The BBC and this slide to moral anarchy was highlighted to the Inter-Prophetic Alliance and friends (a group of leaders burdened for the nation) and we set time aside to ask The LORD for His heart for the BBC. We asked for His revelation on what was behind this and what prayer strategy He may have for us. Here are some of our findings and conclusions:-

A. GOD loves all the people in the BBC and desires that they all come to the saving knowledge of JESUS. Tears flowed freely from our faces as we once again encountered The SAVIOUR’s love for all of humanity including the broadcasters who have sought to vilify believers. We wept as we prayed mercy and forgiveness on all the broadcasters who have been caught in the enemy’s trap and castigated believers.

B.  There is a heavy influence on all (but for the grace of GOD and those covered by His Blood) who work in the BBC by the spirit of the power of the air who has been invited by evil workers to rule there. This controlling diabolical spirit is the enemy.

C.  One of the past DG’s of the BBC was closely associated with the occult and as a result of this pacts were made with the enemy. Presently there are several serving at the BBC who have entered into similar demonic pacts.


As we sought The LORD on what to do, this is what came to us –

1.  Pray, weep and intercede for all who are in the BBC. Pray for GOD’s hand of mercy to be revealed to all and for all who serve the nation there to come to repentance. We must uphold the spiritual truth that GOD always gives time to repent and turn before executing judgement (e.g Thyatira in Rev 2)
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” 2Peter 3:9

2.  Pray for GOD’s warning that they are in the spotlight to come to ears of those in authority in the BBC, that both Christian and pre-Christian alike find a place of repentance. (note that GOD expects godliness from all (e.g. Herod in Acts 12)
When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 7 This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” 10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened”(Jonah) 

3. Strengthen the hands of those who are called to be watchmen and intercessors to the BBC and see a company of priestly intercessors who will man the gates for this portal to the nation.

To this end we have a series of prayer events for the BBC coming up –

1. “WEEP (intercede) for the BBC” – a time of weeping and intercessions for all in the BBC
TONIGHT > 6pm Thursday 26th October
Venue: Barclay Hall Christian Fellowship, 25 Barclay Rd, Fulham, London SW6 1EJ

2. “Decree over the BBC” – releasing GOD’s original purpose intent for the BBC
6pm Wednesday 1st November
Venue: Church Of Destiny 454A High Road Tottenham N17 9JD
(At the opening session of APO500* – conference marking the 500th anniversary of the reformation )

3. “Raise an umbrella over the BBC” – strengthening a company to watch and pray
November date to be announced

Hope to see you there, please pass on to your intercessory pals.

Robin Jegede-Brimson, 17th October 2017

RB NOTE: readers familiar with my highly critical blogs on the Badly Biased Corporation (eg. 5 years ago) will recall its anti-Israel stance is not only pro-Palestinian in failing in its statutory duty to report current as well as historical events accurately but also its lack of  impartially arising from its distinctly prejudiced policy. This is amply demonstrated  by BBC Watch’s in-depth investigations overflowing with the corporation’s campaign of irredeemable misinformation, falsehoods and inaccuracies.

Thus, the self-righteous BBC deliberately misleads viewers about the state of Israel.

BBC headlines quote Queen proclaiming the Gospel on Christmas Day

In delighted astonishment we heard BBC News voice-over-video headlines announce on Christmas Day that the Queen had said,

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Moreover, I realised that by declaring a scriptural statement as Head of the Church of England and hereditary Defender Of The Faith, and in its being heralded and announced by national media, our longest reigning monarch’s biblical declaration has the power of a prophetic decree. (If you’re unfamiliar with this principle see this two-part report on spiritual alignment and decrees.)

The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast to the Commonwealth follows the pattern set by King George V (her grandfather) in the very first broadcast in 1932. Upon introducing this startling innovation he opened it with, “I speak now from my home and from my heart to you all“.

Yearly our sister in the Lord refers to her Christian belief as a source of inspiration and comfort. This Christmas Her Majesty made no bones about the majesty of her faith, as in forthright yet gracious remarks about the Good News of God in the birth of Jesus Christ..

Soon after opening, Her Majesty speaks about reflecting upon the year’s events,

“Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard. But it’s also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.

“It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’.”

Jesus’ Message of Love

She continues by referring to the custom Queen Victoria and Prince Albert introduced of using fir-trees at Christmas, and every year since WWII the people of Oslo send a huge tree for erection in Trafalgar Square. (Over 1,000 years ago our Saxon kings brought our ancient Viking enemies to Christ, especially Olaf 1 of Norway.)

Furthermore, Her Majesty related this and Jesus’ birth to the contemporary migration of refugees to Europe:

“…(this London tree) has five hundred light-bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none. At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the Star of Bethlehem.

“The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Albert’s time. For his family’s tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.

“For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus’s birth — in a stable – were far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country. It’s no surprise that such a human story still captures our imagination and continues to inspire all of us who are Christians, the world over.

Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ’s unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another. Although it is not an easy message to follow, we shouldn’t be discouraged; rather, it inspires us to try harder: to be thankful for the people who bring love and happiness into our own lives, and to look for ways of spreading that love to others, whenever and wherever we can.” (Emphasis added.)

Read her message in full on the official website The British Monarchy, or watch the above video.

A couple of Press reports

In Monarch quotes from Bible to address a nation shaken by a year of atrocities, the Telegraph’s religious affairs team open as follows,

‘The Queen used her Christmas Day broadcast to make one of her most overtly religious addresses to the nation in recent years. Quoting directly from the Gospel of John, she spoke of light which “shines in the darkness” which she described as a “verse of great hope”.

‘Her comments come at the end of a year in which Britain has been stunned by terrorist atrocities, from the mass shootings and bombings in Paris last month to the gun attack at a Tunisia resort during the summer.

 ‘Reflecting on the past 12 months, the monarch said: “It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year. But the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’.”

That broadsheet’s Boxing Day editorial also notes,

‘Britain’s religious leaders are in the mood for telling home truths. In a stark Christmas sermon, the Most Rev Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, compared the Jihadist threat to King Herod, to whom Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, also alluded. In the Bible, Herod orders the massacre of young children in a delirious attempt to kill Jesus Christ. In today’s Middle East, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) is no less bloodthirsty.

‘It murders critics and religious minorities, enforcing its religious code with violence. It represents a fanatical perversion of Islam, and to defeat it, the West must understand its motivations. Religious leaders, educated in theological nuance, are well placed to decode its language. Archbishop Welby told congregants that it seeks to trigger an “apocalypse… defined by themselves and heralded only by the angel of death”. Isil cannot coexist with Western democracy. It is hell-bent on destroying it.’

I’ve underscored the essential key to the solution that too many illiterate and misinformed political leaders have totally ignored to people’s peril.

There is more Encouragement for the Dawn of 2016, as reported by Prophecy Today UK:

“Despite all the problems our nation has faced over the last year, we at Prophecy Today found a little encouragement over the Christmas season to hear the Prime Minister’s affirmation of Christian values in our nation (see latest – RB) and also the Education Secretary’s resolve to promote the Christian heritage of Britain in our schools.”

It will be interesting to watch how all this may tie in with prophetical words received lately and being delivered in the coming months…