God’s ‘sign language’: follow-up to EU-web #1 – St George and the dragon

‘Jo Blogs’ post on God’s Sign Language posted Friday, proved to be an excellent lead-in to a couple of ‘signs’ sitting in my Tuesday morning in-tray on matters that had been on my mind – and then came yet another!

The first was within hours of having posted Tony’s Night Vision Concerning Brexit of a huge spider’s web and I’d then mulled over its connections with the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem on Monday 14th May.

The vision Tony Puccio saw was of a spider’s web within Europe and England being severed from its sticky strands. That evening ‘Fiona Z’ emailed me and kindly permits me to publish her message, viz:

‘Hi Richard I was in my orchard interceding for the UK with regards to the EU. I was asking the Lord, ‘How do we become totally detached?’

‘At this point I saw a clear picture of George and the dragon which I initially ignored but, on singing in tongues, the image became clearer and I asked the Lord, ‘Why Lord? Dragons are for fairy-tales – surely your Holy Spirit is enough?’ 

‘My thoughts were that fairy-tales were exactly that and if not George then ‘Who’ would the Lord send to fight and defend us in that way at this time. The Lord replied clearly,

“Michael will prepare the way for my Spirit, all unrighteousness will be burned away by the fire of my Spirit’ – He WILL have the victory!”

‘I was then reminded of Daniel 12v1. [‘At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise…’ NIV: RB insert]

‘Please ignore if you feel this not to be relevant, please test and do whatever is the Lord’s will. All I can say is that it is the clearest vision the HS has given me.’

I responded, ‘...it is indeed a most relevant revelation!  Interesting how it also relates to the weekend’s course on the book of Daniel, where Dr Fruchtenbaum explained about angelic warfare. So your email suggests our patron saint’s similar territorial activity under the head angel, the archangel Michael.

‘You will be interested to know, together with your email I had a notification from Tony’s blog of a video clip. It opens to show a person who’s been in my mind yesterday and first thing this morning…’

The rest of my reply and its associated details are for part 2 of this post. I was amazed a testing – or rather a ‘confirmation’ – of Fiona’s email was to come by lunchtime through another follow-up in God’s ‘sign language’ – or ‘God-incident’!!

During a ministry session at the day’s service for healing at Acorn Christian Foundation a dragon was sensed as having caused a great deal of bother. Within minutes the Lord quickly brought our brother through with a great blessing – He’s a good, good Father – praise Him!

As Fiona says, “Awesome when we surrender and the Lord moves in power to change everything for good!” Amen.


Thank you Wikipedia for the most informative entry on St George and the Dragon. It’s second paragraph offers a highly apposite insight relating to the essence of this topic, and which I’ve emphasised:

‘The legend of Saint George and the Dragon describes the saint taming and slaying a dragon that demanded human sacrifices; the saint thereby rescues the princess chosen as the next offering.

‘Only a kernel of the legend occurs in the ancient hagiography of Saint George dating to the 7th century or earlier. Here, a monarch referred to as “dragon of the abyss” persecutes the saint. The dragon-slaying may have been transferred from the legend attached to St. Theodore…’

However, that entry fails to mention that, as patron saint of England, his emblem of the red cross on white background is England’s national flag. With the addition of the diagonal crosses of St Patrick (red on white) for Ireland and Saint Andrew (white on blue) for Scotland, it becomes Britain’s flag, also known as The Union Jack.

[Image credit: Puzzle In Sky by Idea Go, courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net]

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