Invisible Jigsaw

Puzzle Globe and Book by Thanunkorn

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:1-3, NKJV)

‘INVISIBLE JIGSAW’ was this blog’s original title but it wasn’t possible to find a suitable illustration when preparing to launch the blog for Advent 2011. However, the present one was impressed upon me and fits well with why I’m writing.  Yet both titles apply, for God is working globally to perform His will, and to appreciate this we need not only biblical and contemporary prophecy but also spiritual awareness.

This can be likened to the Lord placing massive, states-wide, jigsaw-shaped pieces onto the earth and dropping them into our times – like completing an invisible jigsaw puzzle.  He and the heavenly hosts are the only ones who can see it – unless we can penetrate the veil…

The name of this invisible jigsaw puzzle is, ‘Thy Kingdom Come!’

(Upon writing the above in April 2013 I’d forgotten about all those details until an alert to a comment upon a post popped into my email’s in-tray, as related in Invisible Jigsaw.)

Whenever you come together each has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. (1Corinthians 14:26 NKJV)

It’s terrific when the Lord works though others individually to bring the pieces together. Knowing our lives are in the Lord’s hands is good assurance for our inability to see things from His perspective. Can you, therefore, comprehend my difficulty in conveying what’s happening? One way I’ve found is to notice coincidences relating to scripture or prophecy, especially when two or more follow in close sequence. I call them ‘GOD-INCIDENTS’…(tap/click link for more on this).

Teamwork by Franky242


In Spring 2014 I challenged readers to stretch their intellects and imagination to complete a jigsaw. Although invisible it’s not imaginary, because its material content really exists.

Divine data downloads as gently as snowflakes. As insights, or revelatory notions that drop into mind, they seem independent until sticking together like flakes. In fact, they get plugged in, a switch is thrown, the connection made and my inner light bulb starts flashing!

Then I perceive they’re really like jigsaw pieces.  Each fits somehow, somewhere, into an invisible jigsaw puzzle, the overall design of which is beyond my ‘ken’. Sometimes the ‘download’ I blog snugly fits together!  Someone looking over my shoulder whispers what sequence I’m to slot them together. Only as I do that, like moving in faith, does a new, unseen design start to appear. I could almost handle it and discover its intricacies

My own interpretation of that particular puzzle made up of associated posts on the blog looked like this:

Blog Jigsaw

For more examples of occurrences of this phenomenon, click the ‘Jigsaw’ tag, the latest of which heads its listing.

GOD’s ‘GPS’ – ‘Global Prophecy Signalling’ System

In addition to ‘invisible jigsaw pieces’ and ‘God-incidents’, in December 2016 I began to notice the ‘coincidental’ timing of similar, or closely akin, prophetical words and visions being received almost simultaneously in different parts of the world, as first told here.

Thus began a series of what I term God’s GPS, or ‘Global Prophecy Signals’, of which I’ve noted and published over 30 examples, which can be read under tag > Gods-GPS.

Illustrations courtesy of 
  • ‘Puzzle Globe and Book’ by Thanunkorn
  • ‘Teamwork’ by Franky242
  • ‘Flying Puzzles’ by Nokhoog Buchachons
  • ‘Digital Globe’ by Cooldesign
  • Richard Barker for ‘Blog Puzzle’.

7 thoughts on “Invisible Jigsaw

  1. “Divine data downloads as gently as snowflakes. As insights, or revelatory notions that drop into mind, they seem independent until sticking together like flakes. In fact, they get plugged in, a switch is thrown, the connection made and my inner light bulb starts flashing!

    Then I perceive they’re really like jigsaw pieces. Each fits somehow, somewhere, into an invisible jigsaw puzzle, the overall design of which is beyond my ‘ken’. Sometimes the ‘download’ I blog snugly fits together! Someone looking over my shoulder whispers what sequence I’m to slot them together. Only as I do that, like moving in faith, does a new, unseen design start to appear. I could almost handle it and discover its intricacies”

    Yes it’s exactly true. Love it

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for dropping by and ‘dipping’ in BGC and am pleased you like and readily apprehend this concept. It works hand-in-hand with ‘God-incidents’, both of which are frequent ways I hear from and ‘chat’ with the Almighty and fellow Holy Spirit-filled believers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I would like to understand your concept of “hearing, chatting and discussing” with God if you don’t mind. Do you intend “hearing and chatting” the way preachers pretend i.e (The Lord Jesus told me… and I told him…& God said to me….) or do you mean “God let you know about something through a sign or intuition ” ? This is very different from the first example.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Richard, I am so impressed by your page and your many followers and all the interesting input your site provides. I look forward to being able to share in whatever capacity I am able. Blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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