VIDEOs of testimonies

“The blind see and the lame walk…the deaf hear…”(Matt 11.5)

LATEST Resurrection Sunday 20th April 2014

Charlie Shamp talks to Mary shortly after he’d prayed for her at the Passover-Easter conference at Well Church International. The effects of chemotherapy during her long battle against cancer had seriously affected Mary’s ability to walk. Watch for the joy on her face as she walks strongly again. (See also brief initial and follow-up posts.)

[Video opens with 40 seconds montage of Charlie’s itinerant ministry]


As reported in Back down to Earth and  “Now we know God IS Real”, we witnessed  Jesus Christ bless the revival meeting in Hull City Hall on 8-10 March 2012 with some exciting miracles:

Watch these demonstrations of and listen to Lasette’s account of miraculous freedom from inoperable paralysis received after ‘gatecrashing’ a Pentecostal leadership pre-meeting; Michael’s account of his triple healing from effects of a stroke, long-term deafness and blindness; also Karen no longer has cerebral palsy and is free from crutches and can now hold her husband’s hand when walking!!  (Her pastor’s wife said she could tell when Karen was in church from the ‘clomp-clomp’ of her crutches.)

On his blog New Life Church’s leader Jarrod Cooper provides additional photos of Lasette and more footage together with a follow-up on Michael, who declares “God’s just amazing, He’s given me my life back and I thank God!

Also, Jarrod provides a video of his church member Sandra and her husband telling about the onset of disability after a severe fall and how difficult life became for six years.  Watch her story of how she received her healing at the local church in Hull:


UpdatesTonight in Cwmbran, Jarrod’s Miracle Reports #2013 and New Life Church on BBC2.                      


(For these accounts click on blue text within narrative to see short clip – NB Nov 2016: main website no longer available but read The Bay Revival for introduction on Wikipedia and watch videos listed on YouTube’s Bay Holy Spirit Revival.)

This revival started in Mobile, Alabama, USA in late July 2010 with several deaf people being healed –  see introductory video report from Rev John Kilpatrick, worship leader  Lindell Cooley and visiting evangelist Nathan Morris from England talking about a fresh outbreak of signs and wonders, as well as salvations.

The first to receive sight was a man who’d had eight operations to restore his sight, but all failed. He went home and returned with all his family of unbelievers who could not but acknowledge that God does heal and wanted to get right with him!

Most healings are evident in their ‘before’ and ‘after’ manifestation, and some recipients at the Bay Revival returned with medical confirmation of their healing. For example,

> surgically constructed bladder replaced by a real one! Crystal Caro explained why an operation had left her unable to use the toilet until she was prayed for in the revival. She showed her doctor’s written statement, ’There is no medical explanation for her augmented bladder to regain full function’. 


> after 22 yrs of paralysis Delia Knox got out of her wheelchair during prayer and then had to learn to walk again. Evangelist Nathan Morris and her husband, both said they felt an immense power surge above and around them during the ministry. Months later, Delia returned to give a 30 minute, full and emotional testimony of her eventually coming to terms with paralysis, describing how Jesus healed her and then learning how to walk again (see part 1, part 2, part 3). Then, in HIGH heels, Delia demonstrated the fullness of her healing by walking and worshiping (‘He’s my Healer’) on stage. This was also reported in the UK’s tabloid Daily Mail (but which omitted to acknowledge that her healer is Jesus Christ).

> similary paralysed and wheelchair-bound Dave believed Delia’s healing was faked but Jesus is helping him walk into his own ‘medically impossible’ healing. (Brief review here, second item.)

> severe seizures that Erin started to suffer along with associated symptoms of Chiari malformation made normal life extremely difficult for her, her doctor husband and family. Even after intensive medical work and surgeries, the condition deteriorated.  Although Erin had grown up as a Baptist she didn’t believe in divine healing and thus couldn’t be persuaded to attend the revival – until she saw Delia (as above)!  What then happened to her, and the remarkable ‘how’, is wonderful. Watch and listen to her yourself…       (For her terrific, subsequent update on 6 January 2012 see this video at 1hr49 where she also attests to the Biblical validity of healing.)

> two brain tumours disappear from a young boy’s head, as attested by his mother. Upon subsequent examination his doctors found ‘no trace of the cancer whatsoever’.  ’Before’ and ‘after’ scans were shown on a later broadcast. Also, here’s another boy’s own description of becoming pain-free as a cancerous tumour disappeared.

> digital box embedded in a young lady’s scalp enabled her to hear.  Not being able to hear in the left ear since birth, and even though its inner ear had been surgically removed(!), she returned to testify to the creative miracle of a fully functioning ear!

> five strokes left an older lady rather crippled. Therefore, her family were going to put her in a home as they couldn’t look after her.  She was collected by her sister who drove her 500 miles to the revival instead – she returned home healed, and to save her family!


> watched over the evangelist’s shoulder as Ashton Parker’s white eyes begin to see? Pastor Kilpatrick gave an update on Sunday 25th March to the church as follows: “He had glaucoma (left eye) so bad that he couldn’t go outside without wearing goggles. He had to wear thick sun-glasses, goggles, all the way around his eyes – it was so painful to go outside in the sun. After God healed him that night his brother had a ball game the next day, and he went out to watch the game with no goggles, no sunglasses – totally healed of glaucoma. (Previously) when he went to the doctor he could only see 3 inches from here (in front of right eye) and this eye (left) was totally blind, and both eyes were cloudy. That night he got a deep, ocean blue eye (motions over right eye) with a pupil and then he started seeing (upto) 20 foot.  In this (left) eye he can see movement in it now, plus the doctor says the glaucoma’s now completely gone!

> wept with another young boy upon his regaining sight in a blind eye?

> wept with Alanna being everywhere the butt of kid’s jokes at her limp?  She cried, “I can’t take it any more” but, upon receiving prayer, she was healed of cerebral palsy.  She started walking properly and the Lord continued His work for she was later filmed running and using a trampoline.


Testimonials about a medically impossible, mighty healing and an ‘amazing, shocking’ healing were heard during services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in Missouri. (At 1hr 53m and 2hr 5min in this full video – advance by clicking in gray bar as it loads.)

> four years of post-traumatic stress disorder arising from army service overseas had turned Daniel into a suicidal alcoholic who’d violently attack people at random. Visiting a Revival service he gave his life to Jesus Christ and later watched a Bay Revival DVD. Therein, he heard an extraordinarily personal ‘word of knowledge’ that gave the full details of his condition and he received God’s healing.

Doctors had said he could not be healed because the condition is incurable!  All they could do was offer drugs.  But from that moment on he never again suffered any violent outbursts, alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts or other issues whatsoever. After this testimony was given the fire of God fell very heavily upon Daniel, who then powerfully declared, “There is NOTHING TOO BIG for our God because of the blood of Jesus!”

> movement in Linda’s right arm was badly and painfully restricted to only waist height and severely hampered activity. The cause was a frozen shoulder after a fall. Whilst watching the Revival online she heard the pastor say he sensed a wave of the Holy Spirit going to those in their homes!  She moved her arm and found it to be instantly healed!

Linda brought a letter from her chiropratic doctor wherein he stated, “We were totally amazed and somewhat shocked…to find that she could raise her arm over her head, behind her back and touch her shoulder with minimal or no discomfort.  She explained what had happened and truly miraculous is the only explanation. With an injury of this magnitude I have never seen an overnight recovery! A week later and writing this letter I still shake my head.”

Two weeks later in Detroit a young Canadian lady, Morgan, brought the results of tests to her left ear. A year ago its auditory nerve had unexpectedly died and so doctors then declared her ‘legally deaf’, ie. medical impossible for her to hear and with no hope of Morgan regaining hearing in that ear.  She presented two years medical documents attesting to her being 100% deaf.  After being prayed for at the revival Morgan went for more tests and brought the resultant audiogram – it shows her hearing is ‘normal’! (Watch testimony at 1hr 59 on this full video.)

Praise you Lord for these and many more miracles around the world!

3 thoughts on “VIDEOs of testimonies

  1. Pingback: Now we know God IS REAL | Richard's Watch

  2. Pingback: Ditch the sermon, let’s celebrate! | Richard's Watch

  3. Pingback: The Blood of Jesus Christ | Richard's Watch

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