UK/EU in/out #4: prophetic warning urges “come out!”

To continue in the prophetical vein from the latter half of #3 In the Face of God, the timing of this seems apropos to today’s headlines. (My intention for this mini-series on the EU and referendum of our membership is to present a ‘prophetical sandwich’ of spiritual food for thought stuffed between two ‘doughy’ slices of politico-historical, legal data.)

We learn PM Cameron has ‘lost the plot’ by saying that Brexit could lead of war because of  secession/independence from the EU. (Timed for today’s celebration of Europe Day marking the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of 9th May 1950). He would be wiser were he to seek, hear and heed the Living Lord’s opinion on the EU’s future.

Readers who followed the link in this series’ #1 post may have already read the following from a Bible teacher whom we’ve known for years (and who gave Nina an accurate word a few months before our marriage). The following prophetic word is posted with permission of Prophecy Today UK, with sub-heading linking to the original.:


This prophetic word was delivered during a meeting with a group of ministry leaders on 17th November last year.:

“Nation of Britain, I have loved you with a love which has not ceased, despite the state of apostasy and degradation into which you have fallen. My anger towards those church leaders who have taught false things in My Name, and encouraged others to believe and act as they do, is intense and My judgment upon them will be severe. Yet I have compassion upon those who have been like sheep without godly shepherds; and My heart still longs to exercise mercy upon a nation whose forefathers upheld My Name and took My Word to the ends of the earth; a nation whose belief in the truth of My Word framed godly laws and inspired a culture of uprightness.

“Rather than rely on Me and My faithfulness to you, you chose, for worldly purposes, to join yourself to an institution which has denied My Name and refused to acknowledge Me in its councils. My fierce anger is upon that institution on account of its rebellion, its defiant rejection of Me and its hardness of heart towards My ancient people Israel.

“I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve. If you will separate yourself from her declared rejection of God, I will have mercy upon you and restore My hand of protection; and I will use you once again to bring light to many lost in the darkness which is now steadily increasing.

“Hear Me, O once godly nation and respond to My call, or you also will come to ruin in that same judgment of destruction. This is not My will for you, but you must choose the course which you will take. I urge you to respond to Me and choose life under My hand of discipline and protection, rather than death in the disaster which is even now coming upon Europe.”

David Noakes

The prophecy has already been widely circulated and the Prophecy Today UK editorial team believe their readers should see it in the context of seeking guidance from God in regard to the forthcoming Referendum on EU membership. 

Readers are reminded all modern prophecy should be tested and not simply accepted as having come from a reliable messenger (see Additional Note from Dr Clifford Hill and its latter section for his personal testimony of David’s reliability and integrity).

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).