American dreams of England & EU – ‘England must remain Sovereign!’

Thank you to Tony Puccio in Tucson, Arizona, USA, with whom myself and another editor have been in detailed discussion about the following, which he’s since posted on My Dreams and Visions. The second dream came last night and I teased him,”You sure you’ve not been reading our weekend papers or watching our news?”. I know that in living out in the Sonora desert east of the Rockies he doesn’t follow or get in-depth UK news, which he confirms:

‘Being that I don’t have cable I don’t watch television except for an occasional movie from Netflix. I would love to know why, not that I’m complaining, the Lord is giving me all these dreams regarding England.’


‘I want to share a dream I had a few nights ago. In the dream I saw what looked like the whole of Europe burning. Unfortunately it was not the fire of revival but rather a destructive fire. I then saw England and while the glow from the fire illuminated it, England itself was not affected by the fire. That was the end of the dream.

‘I had a subsequent dream a few nights later where I saw England moving away from Europe like a sailing vessel. Then I heard what sounded like cannon fire but instead of seeing cannon balls I saw many grappling hooks attached to ropes fired into the air. There were many grappling hooks fired but none were successful in attaching.

‘I see this as a possible, albeit unsuccessful, attempt to keep England from leaving the EU.

‘In light of these two dreams I would say that intercession needs to be made that Brexit is successful in completely separating England from Europe as this would thwart the plans of the antichrist for a unified Europe. England must remain separate and sovereign.’

To Tony’s closing remark Suzanne Payne at UK Prophetic Words replies, “Yes, that is what the Lord has said all along through His prophets, and that is what the intercessors have unceasingly been praying.” [Both emphases mine.]

See my comments below and next post’s selection of prophecies and comments, which lead into Parliament to Debate Referendum on Abolishing the House of Lords.

Word for the UK: New Season of God’s mighty works on display

Thank you to UK Prophetic Words for this which received personal confirmation within hours of receipt (as below):


“There is a new season coming; God is going to display His Mighty works and the Fires are starting to burn.

Hear what the Lord is saying: “Bring the dry wood; bring yourselves in surrender to Him and you will see the fulfillment of the purpose of God to bring revival in these last days.”

I hear the Lord hearing from you, ‘Do you mean me Lord, can you really use me?’

The Lord says, “All I need is your willingness and I will take you to heights that have never been experienced before.
“I have redeemed you with a price so that you will be my favoured servants. You will see with your own eyes my great love for your Nation.”

Peter Barnes, 28th April 2018

Peter leads Rivers Of Fire Ministries International, London, and has a strong prophetic gifting. God has commissioned him to prepare specific regions and nations for revival, breaking down strongholds over them, decreeing and heralding in revival.


This was published early yesterday and, unusually for a Sunday morning, I booted up my phone, saw and read it and thought of telling our rector at pre-service prayer time. As the AGM was to be held immediately after the communion service, the actual service was to start over half an hour earlier than usual. Also unusually, the rector Revd Inglis-Jones asked prayer and ministry teams to attend 1/2 hour earlier to wait upon the Lord for words to give the combined congregations from both parish churches.

We arrived on time and, whilst the rector was preparing, I told him about the above and read it aloud. Not having had time to share it in full with Nina, my wife remarked its very similar to the brief word she’d had in her earlier quiet time. A few minutes later, one of the team joined us in the chapel and brought a word on the same theme of the Lord encouraging each of us to take His hand and let Him use us for His glory.

Therefore, in having two confirmations this word brought by Peter is noteworthy and deserves our careful attention and application!

BREAKING NEWS: Israel PM Netanyahu to address nation tonight on Iranian nuclear threat.

This morning’s news (UK time) is that, on his first trip to the Mid-East, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has given Saudi Arabia and Israel the ‘thumbs up’ to deal with Iran. [Update at Netanyahu Reveals Stunning Intelligence Coup ie. Iran lied about Deal.]

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog


(Jerusalem, Israel) — The news is just breaking here that Prime Minister Netanyahu will speak live to the nation in a televised address at 8pm local time (1pm Eastern).

At this hour, the PM is meeting with his Security Cabinet.

What we’re hearing so far is that the PM will discuss new intelligence Israel has obtained about Iran’s nuclear program and new plots Iran is developing against the State of Israel.

The speech comes at a moment of high tension in the region.

  • The Syrian regime continues using chemical weapons against its own people, despite the fact Russian President Putin and then US-President Barack Obama assured us all chemical weapons had been removed from Syria.
  • Russia and Iran continue to consolidate their military positions in Syria, and to prop up the Assad regime to keep the dictator in power.
  • Both the U.S. and Israel have launched air strikes against the…

View original post 371 more words

GPS #15: ‘Now’ prophetic word – Time on earth and in heaven is being synchronised!

Am very, very excited over this stunning ‘God-incidence’ of Global Prophecy Signals. Whilst I’m writing on Daniel’s prophetic time-scale in our days, the Alpha and Omega, the geometry of Genesis 1:1 and learning about the fascinating aspect of Time in ‘the Beginning’, on which I’ll blog next week, over in Northern Ireland Veronika West publishes this exceptionally profound word of imminent expectation.:



Please READ AND SHARE this word, last night I was taken by the Spirit into a powerful dream encounter where I was shown and I heard a clock begin to chime in the heavens. Then I saw the following unfold before (once again).



I had a powerful Prophetic Dream last night, where I was standing on the axis of the Earth. I could see some of the far off and distant planets of solar system in space. It was breathtakingly beautiful!!

As I stood on the axis of the Earth’s surface, suddenly a large signpost pole that had many arrows pointing in different directions came out of the ground. Each arrow had the Name of a Nation upon it, as I looked at the pole I noticed there was a large clock at the top of the pole. The clock seemed to be standing still but, as I continued to watch the clock, suddenly the small second hand began to move very fast, and then the minute hand began to move, and then the hour hand moved. As I watched all three of the hands move, they spun very quickly around the face of the large clock; then suddenly all three hands stopped at the 12 and I heard the clock chime VERY LOUDLY, ‘DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, DONG, THE CLOCK SOUNDED OUT 12 CHIMES WHICH WENT FORTH UPON THE NATIONS ..!

And Immediately I heard these words, “The Nations of the Earth are now perfectly Aligning with Heaven’s Timing”!

Then suddenly the arrows on the pole began to move violently around and around, as I watched closer I saw one by one the arrows fly off the pole and each arrow flew into the ground like a stake, arrow after arrow they penetrated the ground until I saw 12 perfectly lined stakes, 12 Names of Nations standing in perfect alignment with one another.


As I continued to watch, I saw the stakes in the ground suddenly being turned and transformed into ancient Gates. Now 12 Gates stood before me, each Gate had the Name of Nation upon it, as I looked at the Gates, I could see 12 Keys. Then out of the heavens seemed to come 12 bright lights, as I watched the bright lights one by one they approached the 12 Gates.

Then I heard these words, “These are My 12 Commissioning Apostles and Prophets for such a time as this”!

After hearing these words then I saw what looked like 12 Priests wearing crowns upon their heads, each Apostle/Priest took the key and opened the Ancient Gate, and each one walked through to the other side.

As I followed through one of the Gates, I saw men and woman on their knees, they looked like they had been waiting and praying, then I saw the Apostle/Priest begin to put his hand on their foreheads, he took a small horn from under his robe and began to pour oil out of it, he poured the oil over each of them.

Then I heard him say, “I Anoint and Commission you as Kings and Priests with the Authority of Heaven, Now Go into the Nations.”

I believe that the interpretation of this Dream is multilayered, and there is still more to come, however here is what I believe Father is showing us NOW!

“The Nations of the Earth are being perfectly Aligned with Heavens Time”, we have entered into a Time of Great Shifting and Sifting among the Nations and Tribes of the Earth.

Two nights ago I saw in the spirit 12 Wells being opened up and Rivers flowing forth from the mouth of them. I saw a great outpouring of supernatural Gifts and Anointings being given to God’s people, Father showed me 12 specific Mantles being released from Heaven, three that I saw were the Joseph, Elijah and Esther Mantles being released over many in this hour, then I saw 12 baskets over flowing with manna, and 12 Large Pottery Jars of New Wine.

Then last night I see the perfect alignment of 12 specific Nations. I saw America, Australia and the United Kingdom: these were only 3 of the 12 Nations that I saw coming into perfect Alignment with Heaven’s Time.


I submit and believe that there is a Commissioning Anointing being released by God in this hour to those that are Ready and Seeking for His Will to be Established above all else in the Nations of the Earth.


I Decree: In this New Season I see Heaven releasing and revealing Kingdom Assignments, there are New Places and Positions of Great Influence and Favour being poured out over faithful Sons and Daughters.

In this season, the Compass of Heaven is directing and redirecting the Sons and Daughters of God, they will Walk in God’s Perfect Timing and in the Spirit of Unity, they will be of one Vision and Purpose. They have heard the Commissioner’s Call and they have responded in Radical Obedience and Sacrifice, they are “Called for Such a Time as This”!

Please Share as you feel led; I believe this is a Time of Divine Release which requires a Divine Positioning. Let’s Respond to God in deep Humility and total Surrender.

Veronika West, 26th April 2018, Ignite Ireland Ministry

Veronika is ordained by Christian International Europe Ministries as a prophet and accountable to Apostle and Prophets Revd Dr Sharon Stone and Greg Black of CIE Ministries in the UK. [CIE is an international ministry founded by Revd Dr Bill Hamon.]

Amazing geometrical symmetry of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 (cont’d)

Now, where’d I got to a fortnight ago today…my drafting this suddenly interrupted upon spotting that what I was doing had gone public!

That Thursday, I’d kept seeing a weird status displayed across all open tabs of the two browsers I keep open. It took ages to update screens when visiting any site as cursors constantly rotated like spinning tops, instead of letting the tabs stop at a normal, stable display.

Also, I’d been getting unusual delays in saving work, even at 35M/s broadband. Maybe cross-talk between proxy servers had changed a status setting as I was saving and the draft got into the public domain. Maybe it arose from heightened cyber-security agencies’ activity against Russian interference/denial of service attacks in response to recriminations on their role in chemical attacks in England and Syria. Only once during many years blogging has a draft been accidentally published – and this time it was just as annoying!

Fortunately, I’d got to the end of saying how Hebrew and Greek alphabets can be used numerically. Now let’s continue:


Previously, we learned about the astonishing inclusion of mathematical constants of ‘pi’ and the exponential form ‘e‘ – ratios of circles’ circumference/diameter ratio; the base of natural logarithms and rate of growth shared by all growing processes – each within the first verse of Genesis and John respectively, as revealed when applying the same mathematical operation of multiplication and division to their letters and words, NO MATTER IN WHICH ALPHABET; that is, using this ‘conversion’ ratio:

[(All letter values multiplied together) x (Number of letters)] / [Numerical values of all words multiplied together) x (Number of words)]; or as Dr Paul Bluer in Bible Maths:

Jonathan R Hill writes on page 39 of Unlocking The Sign Miracles of John (1st edn),

‘Apply this ratio to Genesis 1:1 and ‘pi’ is revealed accurate to four decimal places. Apply the same ratio to John 1:1 and ‘e‘ is revealed, again accurate to four decimal places. Remember that Genesis and John were penned by two different authors in two different languages, hundreds of years apart (if not over a thousand: RB) These fundamental scientific and mathematical constants are markedly embedded within the two creation verses of scripture.

Not only are they powerful witness to the creation of the heavens and of the earth but also to the One who created. In this way, the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible are authenticated as the authoritative media of God’s Word – as God Himself could have placed these mathematical constants there. No other explanation is possible.’ (Emphasis mine)

  • ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ (Genesis 1:1)
  • ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ (John 1:1)

Genesis 1-1


In addition to the above, an exciting geometrical and, therefore, optical relationship exists between those two verses when all their letters have been changed to numbers and added up!

Then, using the principle of number triangles outlined in Post-Resurrection miraculous catch of 153 fish, the totals calculated for Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 can be regarded as snooker balls, or small squares, and positioned into geometrical shapes. The sum for the value of Greek letters of John 1:1 forms a perfect plinth, or trapezium, which exactly fits the triangular number that can be formed by the sum of the value of Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1, viz:

The sum of Greek letter values is precisely 3,627 and the sum of Hebrew letter values is 2,701, which forms a perfect equilateral triangle (as erected by the construction of a Vesica Piscis, shown in that post). Each of its sides consists of 73 small squares that represent one unit in the ‘conversion’ value of alphabetical letters. It’s noteworthy that 73 is also the numerical value of the Hebrew word for ‘wisdom’! Furthermore, there are scriptures that assert the world was created upon wisdom, for example:

    • Book of Proverbs – ‘The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding He established the heavens’ (3:19).
    • Prophet Jeremiah – ‘He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom. (10:12).

John 1:1 reveals that Jesus was with God in the beginning and thus He was before all creation, and Paul similarly writes at Colossians 1:17. Given that precedence, then it’s logical that John 1:1 is seen to support Genesis 1:1 in this mathematically visual way!


So far, we’ve learned the Bible has proven and demonstrable mathematical meanings buried within its text when letters are converted into numerical values. Moreover, many forms of mathematical operations and principles may be discovered, eg.

    • standard arithmetical operations
    • non-complex geometrical shapes
    • Venn diagrams
    • square root
    • factorials.

And that’s only when taking ordinary three-dimensional space into account. Also hidden within Genesis is a descriptive name of God and a direct link to the nature of Time! But that’s for another time…meanwhile, click to read what ‘coincidentally’ appeared today!!

Further Reading:

Dr Peter Bluer – A Challenge to Atheists (tap for link)

Thursday 19th’s prophetical musing fulfilled Friday 20th by Iran quake!

Having prepared materials for the blog introducing the especial significance of the 3rd week of April, then being surprised by the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, I went on to finish publishing. Only then did I begin mulling over everything that’s going on in this ‘Month of Infamy’, as Eric Hadik regards April with its regular crisis days of 19th and 20th April.

So weird that Israel has Memorial Day and Independence Day on those two dates!

In particular last Thursday, 19th April, I mused over the purported anti-chemical attacks in Syria as cloaking Iranian activities to prepare for their eventual assault upon Israel,  and wondered if they may mount some sort of attack during the holiday celebrations. Those who’ve been following the news will be aware of America’s intention to revise the international ‘Nuclear Deal’ with Iran.

Then I chuckled on recalling the Lord’s promises to protect Israel and that Iran may well come a ‘cropper’ – then this popped into mind > the Lord could arrange for a huge hole to open up and swallow their nuclear weapons facilities!

On catching up with overnight news on Friday morning, 20th April, my jaw dropped on seeing this headline on Koenig’s World Watch Daily home page:

‘Iran quake, at least 5.5 in magnitude, strikes near nuclear power plant’

It was followed by the map shown published the previous day in The Times of Israel (click/tap image for link, opens in same window):


For more details read USGS’ earthquake report.

Therefore, we could reasonably consider this may be a direct warning to Iran that the same, or bigger, can so easily happen to its nuclear program at any time!

Moreover, its occurring on the the year’s cyclically critical date of 19-20 April is surely no coincidence!

Also, highly ‘God-incidental that I just ‘happened’ to have blogged in depth on this topic – is it not?

LOL – what incredible timing when writing in connection with Time!!

PS. Considered further at Earthquake on Israel’s 70th Anniversary..Signs form God?

Modern Israel Turns 70 — here are 70 fascinating facts about the modern Jewish State you might not know!

Noteworthy facts from Joel…

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

israel(Jerusalem, Israel) — It’s been an exciting and joyful week here as Israelis celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Jewish State’s modern existence. Fireworks. Dancing. Picnics. Air shows. And so much more!

I must say it’s been deeply humbling to move here with my wife and sons, to become Israeli citizens, to build friendships with Arabs and Jews and so many others, and in recent months to actually move to Jerusalem and live here in the capital city that King David established some 3,000 years ago. Sometimes, it simply seems surreal. It’s certainly a great place to raise a family — and write novels!

This summer, The Joshua Fund — the ministry Lynn and I founded in 2006 to mobilize Christians to bless Israel and her neighbors — will be hosting another “Prayer and Vision Tour” here in Israel, as well as our first-ever Epicenter Prayer Summit. It will…

View original post 4,479 more words

Significance of the month of April, especially this 3rd week

The promise of improving weather, from that of unusually prolonged cool cloudy Spring to unexpected spell of wall-to-wall warm Summer sunshine, brings outdoor jobs to the top of our ‘to do’ tasks. Thus, with reduced time online, my intention was to complete the post on Bible maths I was drafting for this week, but which unexpectedly got ‘self-published’ then, if there’s time, to quickly re-post past items on cycles. But something was tapping away about April at the back of my brain! Those items needed more clout!! And they lead into a surprising revelation about April.

So I re-located pages in the God-incidents hub to a brand new one – Time: a Primer. (It covers brief thoughts on eternity & prophecy, the nature of time, cycles & the Bible, the natural year and the historical significance of April, especially to Israel and the USA.) After three busy days I had opportunity last night to copy-paste an introduction to the last item, as well as catching up on overseas news. That’s when my plans got a tad waylaid – I spotted the announcement about Israel’s Independence Day. Hold my horses – whoaa there! I need to publish that!


That news took me by surprise because I thought that will be next month: on the 70th anniversary of the day the British Mandate over Palestine expired – 14th May 1948.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, on that day ‘The Jewish People’s Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum to declare the establishment of the State of Israel. There’s no record of who attended the meeting, but 350 invitations were sent out instructing the recipients to keep the information secret. Word got out, however, and people started singing Hatikvah in the streets even before David Ben-Gurion began reading the declaration he’d written at a half-hour ceremony held before the British left, to avoid making the declaration on Shabbat. Some people signed the Declaration later but four hours later, Egypt bombed Tel Aviv. The new state was recognized that night by the United States and three days later by the USSR.

‘The creation of Israel in May of 1948 and its survival afterwards depended in large part on the Truman Administration’s willingness to recognize and support the Jewish state.’

SO, what’s today’s celebrations across Israel all about? It’s tied in with Memorial Day.

‘Established unofficially with the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, and enacted into law in 1963, the day preceding Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) is observed as a Memorial Day for Israeli soldiers who lost their lives in defending Israel. Held on the fifth day of the Hebrew calendar month of Iyar, Yom Ha’atzmaut is a modern holiday celebrating Israel‘s independence. Israeli Independence Day is always immediately preceded by Yom Hazikaron – Memorial Day. The message of linking these two days is clear: Israelis owe their independence – the very existence of the state – to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for it.’

This difference between those dates of declared and observed independence makes an uncanny connection with historical, cyclical phenomena. We now get into the fascinating facts about today and tomorrow specifically, as well as the third weeks of April. (Maybe it’s one reason I got nudged from circulating emails to public blogging?):


Weeks after launching this blog I wrote Points to Ponder: 2011-2012 and Biblical Historical/Financial Cycles about Christian journalist William Koenig’s investigation into the work of Eric Hadik, a financial markets technical analyst. (See their bios: About William KoenigWho is Eric Hadik?) I realised some years later that this ‘coincided’ with publication of Jonathan Cahn’s bestseller The Harbinger.

Hadik built his remarkable knowledge upon W.D. Gann’s work on market cycle theories, which are based upon his discoveries within the Bible and then applied to mathematical and geometrical principles!

Four years of closely following Hadik’s application of theories of cycles to natural and human events, enabled Bill to state he’d “found his calculations extremely accurate”.

Then in September 2012, with that knowledge of Eric Hadik’s predictions, Bill ‘hit the nail on the head’ by asking, “Would the 11th anniversary of 9/11 be another historical day?” – it was! (Read 11-year cycle proves itself again! – note it relates to period of sunspot activity).


In reprinting his earlier report Bill writes as follows:

“Eric Hadik (InsideTrackTrading) has complied an extensive list of major events that have happened on or around April 19 and 20—including world wars, American wars, Israeli wars, and the births of Hitler and Mohammed.

“Eric has previously shared the significance of the month of April and the incredible number of events that have happened in this month that have impacted the US, Israel and the Jewish people.

“Major wars began in the US in this time frame. Major domestic terror events occurred numerous times on April 19. Mohammed and Hitler were born on the same day—April 20. There have also been major news items about Iran in the month of April from 2006 to 2012 (and 2013’s Boston Marathon bombing, 2015’s nuclear ‘agreement’ with Iran: RB)…”

Read these astonishing facts in Historical Significance of April – Especially for Israel and the USA.

READ NEXT > strategic earthquake struck on same day as this post’s publication!

  1. For a short background briefing read Cycles & The Bible and The Natural Year.
  2. In checking those items’ links to Eric’s site I was pleased to discover his new site on 17-year periods, which number recently featured in the numerical mystery of Jesus’ post-Resurrection catch of 153 fish.

Israel’s 70th Anniversary – may nation and citizens be blessed

Independence Day in Israel begins tonight, Wednesday 19th April. Forty ambassadors to the United Nations from Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America, accompanied by Israel’s ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, have arrived for Israel’s 70th Anniversary celebrations.

Independence Day is traditionally celebrated with music and bright lights across the country’s towns and villages and the Israeli air force is expected to stage a spectacular fly-past on Thursday.

This date ‘coincides’ with that of significant events during previous Aprils, indicative of the historical nature of a particular cycle in human activity. Read the next post for all the  fascinating facts.

Jurgen Buhler, President of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, writes:

‘Israel is a nation that has faced unbelievable obstacles, and yet over these 70 years our mighty God has breathed life into the land once again. Seventy years ago, Israel was an undeveloped nation filled with orphans who survived through the Holocaust, and yet, God used those very people to cultivate, develop, grow, and bring new life back into the promised land!

‘The ICEJ rejoices with the Jewish people on April 18th and 19th as the streets of Israel resound with music, dancing, singing, and festivities to celebrate this spectacular moment in history! The international commemoration date will be on May 14th, which coincides with the opening date for the new US embassy in Jerusalem, so stay tuned for more opportunities to wish Israel a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

‘Today, let us rejoice around the world in the miracles God has done in the nation of Israel!

Psalm 118:24 – “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Here ICEJ’s VP Senior Spokesman David Parsons brings to mind the miracles God has done over these 70 years in Israel:

UPDATE (Thursday am):

Queen Elizabeth II and US President Donald Trump were among the well-wishers for Israel’s 70th anniversary.  Her Majesty’s congratulations on Israel’s anniversary were  conveyed through the British ambassador. Trump tweeted,  “Best wishes to Prime Minister Netanyahu and all of the people of Israel on the 70th Anniversary of your Great Independence. We have no better friends anywhere. Looking forward to moving our Embassy to Jerusalem next month!”

Bible Update: news on the 2nd ‘Signpost’

Mark Davidson blogs,

A number of news items are showing that events in the Middle East continue to march us to the Second Signpost. Iran Nuclear Deal US president Trump is threatening to boycott or end the Iran nuclear deal, on May 12. Though the nuclear deal is far better for Iran (as I posted here), allowing the […]

via Second Signpost News: April 5, 2018 — THE FOUR SIGNPOSTS

Also read Mark’s latest: Australia May Get A Little Taste of the 2nd Signpost

Elijahs arise: prophesy! – Leisa Ebere

Leisa emails, ‘In light of the recent unprecedented gang violence and knife and gun crimes in London and across the UK, which is causing such terrible consequences, I was praying this morning and the Lord gave me this powerful prophetic word:


“Yea, I am bringing from underground those that have gone into hiding. For the enemy sought to melt them like wax and destroy their destiny by vile distractions and defilements, which blinded their eyes from the great purposes and plans I have had for their lives. But I tell you, My Children, I will not give up My beloved sons and daughters to such a fate; and I am raising up mighty men and women of particular valour as I free them from despicable places and strongholds. And I shall rain down from gossamer wings a mighty outpouring of My Spirit, as those who are chosen emerge from their catacombs of despair like fragrant flowers growing up in strategic and dark places. For these ones shall be the Elijahs that call fire down from Heaven and a great light shall shine upon darkened souls in their midst. Let there be no tongues that condemn them, for their ways shall be unorthodox and born of My Spirit. Gangs shall be dismembered and young men and women shall no longer be defiled by the evil ramblings of the spirit of death and hell. For I shall shut the mouth of the enemy and cast him into a place of unending darkness, as My People rise and declare the victory bought and paid for by My Precious Son. Psychiatric hospitals and jails shall be emptied as a new day dawns and those held captive shall be made whole by those daring to believe that My strength and mighty power can truly free them. I am God, Jehovah, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I will rescue My Sons and Daughters from the fiery pit of destruction. Receive My Word and WATCH ME PERFORM MY WILL, as a great paradigm shift suddenly befalls the Earth. The Lion of Judah roars, as His Bride rises up and subdues her prey. And a great feast of plenty shall take place and feed all who partake of the spoils of war by My Spirit. I have declared this long ago through My Prophet in Isaiah 25:6-7,” says the Lord of Hosts, “and I declare to you again: I will destroy the shroud that enfolds My People. I am sounding the trumpet, it is time!”

Given to Leisa Ebere, 8th April 2018

L Ebere

For more delivered by Leisa click here. The first prophetic word she brought is God’s Mandate for the Prophetic Profiling of our Nation, followed by the UK Nationwide Circuit Prophecies, the first of which promises the Lord will give His prophets the ability to see clearly ‘My numbers’ in 2018!

Amazing geometrical symmetry of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1


Eighteen months ago I introduced readers to an astonishing mathematical revelation buried within the very first verse of the holy Bible and that of the Gospel according to John. Without the burden of numerical details I showed extracts from Jonathan R Hill’s Unlocking the Sign Miracles of Johnsummarising how the well-known mathematical constants of ‘pi’ and exponential ‘e’ are found. Also, I told of a most surprising ‘coincidence’ when reading that author’s explanation of those constants as featuring not only in the Bible but also in a well-known equation known as the Euler identity or formula, and receiving a mathematician’s blog on the equation’s pure, breathtaking mathematical beauty!

  • Hill’s book refers to the ‘Consummation of the Age’ (and on its ‘mathematical foundation’), typologies, numerical aspects of Hebrew and Greek alphabets and calculations of time periods, ‘end-time’ prophetical significance of the miracles.
  • He uses the ancient practice of substituting letters of ancient alphabets with their  standard designated and ordinal (sequential) values ( as shown below )
  • Typology & Numerology subhead (p 18) ‘…fundamental doctrine is never to be derived from types or numbers; they should only be used to illustrate and illuminate existing meaning of the surface text. No new teaching should be asserted based on numbers or types alone. (emphasis mine)
  • (p 20) ‘God does not stop with types, as each letter of the two original languages of the Bible, Hebrew for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament, encapsulates a numerical value. Words and collections of sequential words have a mathematical identity which, therefore, extends the surface narrative. Any agreement between this underlying numerical pattern and the surface meaning or doctrine, affixes considerable authenticity to the textOnly a personal, supernatural God could inject such intrinsic connectivity within a book written in two languages with different alphabets, by multiple authors and across two millennia‘ (emphases mine).
  • ‘The existence of a relationship between the surface meaning of the text, the type and the underlying mathematical value has long been known in Jewish Rabbinic tradition’ – page 160 Wiki Pardes (Jewish Exegesis).

Hebrew Alphabet per J R Hill (drag to enlarge)

Greek Alphabet per J R Hill (drag to enlarge)

Dr Peter Bluer – A Challenge to Atheists (tap for link)

CONTINUED HERE (somehow the ‘publish’ button got hit whilst editing! I apologise.)

Bible Update: Gog-Magog developments

Further to February’s Bible Updates on Israel & USA vs Iran & Russia, I’m now reading  DebkaFile’s exclusive report issued just after midday, Jerusalem, about Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Russian president Putin at loggerheads during yesterday’s phone conversation, which Bibi had initiated:

‘Vladimir Putin warned Binyamin Netanyahu to discontinue Israeli strikes in Syria because they may rock the Assad regime [backed by Moscow] and insisted on Israel respecting Syrian sovereignty and security. By this warning, Russia clamped down on the freedom the Israeli air force had hitherto enjoyed in Syrian air space for striking hostile elements, primarily Iran and Hizballah.

‘Netanyahu shot back, according to our sources, that Israel cannot possibly desist from action over Syria, since this would leave Iran at liberty to establish a permanent, hostile military presence in that country. And so, said the prime minister, Israel would have to persevere in its efforts to stop this happening. The conversation between Putin and Netanyahu ended in total discord…

Previously, Israel had kept Russia appraised of possible action against Iranian military activity inimical to Israel’s safety. As well as his knowing the existence of many sources of the nerve agent toxin Novichok, the release of which necessitated continued closure to the public of many locations within the city of Salisbury, that most sensitive working relationship meant Netanyahu refrained from joining the wide, international censure of Russia over the poisoning incident.  It’s no wonder their villainous and deeply sinister schemes countenance their Syrian vassal’s continued commissioning of war crimes.

[UPDATE: ‘Without revealing his source, French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday: “We have proof that last week chemical weapons, at least chlorine, were used by the regime of Bashar al-Assad” in Douma – Debka Breaking News.]

There was, however, another reason: Israel was preparing a pre-emptive airstrike against Iranian hardware at the T-4 airbase near Homs in Syria and this time kept Russia in the dark but informed President Trump!  This change of tack brought forth a dramatic change in Kremlin’s longstanding practice of letting Israel’s military operations pass without comment. Moscow’s tone towards Israel turned hostile (9 April) reports:

‘DebkaFile’s military and intelligence sources say that Moscow’s ire was prompted by five causes and more hostile steps against Israel may be coming:

  1. Israel’s reported military strike in Syria hit President Vladimir Putin at a highly vulnerable moment, when the US and its Western allies were holding him directly accountable for chemical weapons attacks in Syria and the United Kingdom.
  2. Putin never imagined that the nerve agent attack on the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter would be tied in with allegations that the Russian-backed Assad regime was using poison gas against Syrian civilians in Douma near Damascus.
  3. The Russian president suspects that Israel struck the T-4 airbase, a shared Syrian-Russian-Iranian air facility, as an advance foray on behalf of the US for testing Moscow’s reaction to a larger operation. He is therefore pushing back strongly against the Israeli attack to ward off a US sequel.
  4. After Israel’s wide-ranging air offensive on Feb. 10, which ended in one of its F-16 jets being shot down, Putin warned Jerusalem to desist from further attacks on Syrian targets, else the Russian air force would hit back. Israel complied for two months. But then, the compulsion became pressing to take out a key Iranian target, even at the risk of Russian disfavor.’

On the ‘Ezekiel 38 Alliance’, or Gog-Magog, political front we need to note the recent summit in Ankara between the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran. Most noteworthy is the fact their currencies are ‘tumbling in tandem’, as reported by Asia Times.

Close on the heels of the summit Iran’s supreme leader once again spoke about their intentions of removing Israel. On arriving in Damascus on Tuesday his senior adviser, Ali Akbar Velayati, bluntly stated, “Israel’s air strike on the Syrian air base will not go unanswered,” he said, At the same time Tehran gained support from its Russian ally in the visit of special Russian emissary on Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev. In a long meeting with Iran’s national security adviser Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the Russian said Iran’s decision for a military response to the T-4 attack was understandable. He proposes combining Iran’s action against Israel with Russia’s plans for countering the forthcoming US-British-France operation in Syria (Moscow-Tehran link up to strike Israeli targets in response to US-led operation in Syria).

Those familiar with the prophetic nature of the holy scriptures watch all developments with deep interest. For example, here’s what the prophet Isiah brought that’s now coming into fulfillment in our days on ‘The burden (oracle/prophecy) against Damascus’ (Isaiah 17:1):

“Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap.”


Further headlines/reading at Bill Koenig’s World Watch Daily.

A season of mighty eagles arising, a crossing over – Veronika West

In view of the very first prophetic word spoken over me (Why Write/blog?) the first of the following words brought by Veronika at Ignite Ireland Ministry is especially exciting:

Eagle-eyed by John Mark Long: courtesy



I Hear the Spirit of God say, “In this season I am releasing a new and unprecedented level and dimension of Faith, Hope and Expectation over My people, they shall not be moved or motivated by fear, they shall not be intimidated, limited or confined by the powers darkness, chaos or confusion that are round about them. LONG ENOUGH! have My people lived as if they were second class citizens powerless, ineffective and impotent going around and around in circles being unable to take back what the enemy has stolen from them. Watch! For NOW My Spirit is moving in a different direction and with greater power and acceleration over the earth. In this season I have called and anointed My people to war in a new way, for it will not be by might nor by power but by My Spirit that they shall overcome. Watch! I am raising up a mighty army of Overcomer’s and just like the army of Gideon My Warriors shall fight fuelled and filled with the spirit of Might, Power, Strength, Knowledge, Revelation, Understanding and the Fear of the Lord. Watch! For even now I am rearming My people and unveiling new weapons in the lifts of increased warfare and I am releasing greater kingdom strategy giving them full advantage over the enemy of fear, destruction and death that has come against My people in this hour”, says God.

“Fear not! for those that are fully surrendered and fully dependent upon Me and My prevailing power shall now taste and see Victory over defeat in the land of the living”.


DECLARE; I AM A MIGHTY WARRIOR ARMED WITH THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT, POWER, STRENGTH, WISDOM, REVELATION, UNDERSTANDING AND THE FEAR OF THE LORD. My destination has changed from being in a place of Hopelessness and defeat to now walking in Expectation and Anticipation for Radical Restoration, Redemption and Great Victory. In the midst of this intense battle I will not retreat or shrink back, I will not be half hearted, compromising or passive, BUT I will RISE UP and become as the Violent that will take the Kingdom by force, I am a mighty conquerer through Christ who enables, empowers and equips me to do ALL THINGS. Satan and his demons are afraid of the power of God that is at work in me, YES, they turn and run in fear, fleeing in 1000 different directions.

I am confident not in my own ability, strength or wisdom but in the Lord of the Angel Armies who fights for me. His Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation has given me access and understanding of how the enemy is moving and advancing, I Know his tactics even the hidden schemes and plots of the enemy, nothing is concealed or unrevealed, I am fully awake and activated to Wage war effectively and overcome my enemies.

I Know and I am assured that the Lord Sabaoth goes before me in this hour, I am confident that the outcome of every battle I face has already been settled in the heavenly realm, I WIN!!! MY DELIVERANCE AND VICTORY IS ASSURED.

The boundaries lines around my life have fallen for me in pleasant places, only the GOODNESS AND MERCY OF THE LORD SHALL FOLLOW ME. I am always in a state of Readiness, I am always Alert and Armed against the enemies tactics and activities. I am a Watchman on the wall, I am always full of High Praises, therefore my life is protected and preserved by the Fire of His Glory and Grace.

Today I choose NOW to Declare to the spirit realm, that no matter what situation or circumstance I am faced with in this hour, this is not a setback for me but rather a divine setup for me to receiving and experiencing the greatest Breakthrough in my life. I AM ADVANCING WITH THE TASTE OF VICTORY IN MY MOUTH.

WARRIORS, I want to remind you all that the devil that he is a defeated foe, his end is very near and his time is very short soon and very soon he shall be vanquished and we shall SEE THE LORD OF GLORY LIFTED HIGH ABOVE THE EARTH.

Veronika West, 7th April 2018: posted at 10:28


I hear the Spirit say, “The cloud of My Glory comes to shift and lift the atmosphere of death and darkness that has covered the whole earth, the cloud of My Glory comes to bring the rain of Redemption, Restoration and Revival that will soak and saturate a dry and thirsty land, the Cloud of My Glory comes to lead and direct My people into a New and Fruitful land, its a land of Promise and Prosperity, WATCH! the Cloud of My Glory comes as a canopy to cover and protect My people from the intensity of the battle that rages and from the deadly arrows that fly, the cloud of My Glory comes to connect My people to My creative power in this hour and season, the Cloud of My Glory comes to unlock and reveal New Vision, New Strategy and Greater Wisdom and Hidden Revelation, the Cloud of My Glory comes to herald the sound of Great Victory and Deliverance for My Mighty Warriors that walking close to Me in this hour”

“Beloved! Now Keep Watch for the cloud of My Glory and Presence is coming like a blanket to LIFT, SHIFT, RAIN, RELEASE, RESTORE, REVIVE, RENEW, COVER, PROTECT, CONNECT, UNLOCK, REVEAL AND HERALD the plans and purposes of My Kingdom on the Earth, for this is season of Celebration and Crossing over,” says God.

Veronika West, 6th April 2018: posted at 19:18

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 2

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

Prophecy: “2018: I will impart to My Prophets the ability to see clearly My Numbers…” (delivered by Leisa Ebere, read in full here).

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness.


Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, Knopf (2005)

Therefore, the modern definition of ‘mystery’ as an unsolved puzzle, or something difficult or impossible to explain is comparatively trite!

Even the eminent mathematician-physicist Sir Roger Penrose tends toward a circumscribed perception of reality when using this term, as quoted and discussed in RTU’s Three Worlds, Three Mysteries.

According to its author Joseph, Penrose posits the existence of three “realms” existing around us and “which brings three mysteries” that raise interesting questions on how the world should be viewed. These realms are the physical, mental and Platonic mathematical worlds:

Of course, such hypothetical mysteries cannot equal the much deeper ‘mystery’ of revelatory scripture! Yet in positing that mathematical entities don’t belong in space or time and are eternal and unchanging, Penrose is approaching our understanding of the mathematical aspects of the Bible. His recent thoughts upon consciousness originating at a quantum level may approach ideas I’ve broached in the convergence of science and scripture.


Continuing from Part 1 on Apostle John’s account of the miraculous provision of 153 large fish and the re-blog of New Zealander Joanne Rolston’s posts on it, we learn that she asked Jesus direct on why such specific details are noted. Let me quote some pertinent parts of her highly personal account:

I asked the Lord about the meaning of the 153 fish in John 21:10, and I was given a maths answer. Amazingly I grasped the explanation. Having to learn statistics in order to get my Diploma of Business helped. I had to overcome a lot to learn the math behind statistics…(including) my loathing for maths. Fortunately, I have a very patient husband who helped me with the mechanics of maths in statistics.

“But I kept complaining to God. “Why do I have to learn this?” I protested, “We’re never going to use it in our business!”

“Make friends with maths” the Lord told me. Not reconcile myself to maths, not become acquainted with maths; He wanted me to believe I could learn maths and take an interest in it! It was a big ask. In a Father’s instruction, He says;

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

So we read that Joanne progressed and mentions Factorial numbers and Venn diagrams as being the first things she learned in statistics. These were the basis of all the wonderful things she was later shown about that ‘action replay’ fishing trip by seven of Jesus’ disciples.

She succinctly explains the unusual significance of the 153 fish by maths of factorials and square root of the third prime number (3), as well as geometrical constructions and proofs in diagrammatic forms, PLUS their relevance to the triune relationship of God, Christ and mankind.

Now examine these facts more closely and delve deeper into the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’:

That historic catch’s mathematical meaning is a surprising shock to we moderns but, in the immense sweep of history, such intellectual knowledge was a relatively ‘recent’ development to those living in the inter-Testamental times of the Graeco-Roman world. The principal propositions, or theories and proofs, of geometry had been compiled by Euclid of Alexandria about 300 years before Jesus’ life. To give us some perspective, this is the same period since the accession of George I (1714) and the appearance of John and Charles Wesley to lead a major evangelical revival, from which was born the fourth largest church denomination in England, Methodism (in Oxford, 1729).

Fascinating Fact: the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry is to construct an equilateral (three sides of equal length) triangle by describing a Vesica Piscis (known as ‘Vessel of Fish’!) with a pair of compasses. It’s done by drawing one circle and then a second one exactly the same size, but with its centre on the circumference of the first.

The common, overlapping area looks like a canoe and the ratio of its length to width is 265:153, which closely approximates the square root of 3 as calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse.

All three symbols, triangle and circles with intersecting segment, feature in the ‘mystery’ of the 153 fish – note the use of equilateral triangle as this will be considered another time:

It’s noteworthy that John closes his Gospel account of Jesus’ main post-Resurrection appearances with this most tantalising morsel:

‘And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.’ (John 20:30)

That statement lodged indelibly within my soul when a teenager and I determined to set on a quest to discover the fullness of Jesus’ work. A lifetime later, I learn that ‘seal’ sets the scene for the last chapter’s account of the amazing fishing expedition. That is, it is a clear signpost of the next and final miracle’s deep significance to the early Church.


Jonathan R Hill, whose above-titled book explains how ‘pi’, the mathematical ratio of circumference and diameter of every circle is found in Genesis 1:1, and that of ‘e‘ (base of natural logarithmic and base rate of growth in all growing processes), are found in John 1:1, devotes a full chapter to ‘Sign 8’, the miraculous catch of 153 fish.

Consider this summary of his main points on Sign 8:

  • It is the 8th ‘sign’ miracle recorded by John and found in his book only. First and only post-Resurrection sign-miracle and last of the eight, thus reflecting the divinity of Jesus as ‘first and last’ and the ‘alpha and omega’! (I now recall hearing Him tell me during a ministry-team prayer, “I Am Alpha and Omega” – see below).
  • Time and death represented in this succession by number 7 is followed by 8, the number of resurrection (a new beginning, as blogged in January), underscored by 8 resurrections in scripture other than that of Jesus.
  • Jesus’ command to cast nets from the other side of the boat, the right, symbolises and prefigures God visiting the Gentiles and taking a people for His name.
  • The Greek word ‘ekklesia’ translated as ‘church’ means nothing more than ‘called out of’. Thus, the fish being caught out of the sea reflect the characteristic of the Gentile church as those who are ‘called out of’ the world.
  • 153 is of considerable mathematical and typological significance and represents the fullness of the Gentiles.
  • Key composites of 153 are 7 (spiritual perfection), 10 (numerical completeness) and 9 (finality) because (7+10) x 9 = 153 (= 9 x 17).

Jonathan makes many more deep connections between scriptures and Sign 8 and their importance to the Church and the Consummation of the Age. Building upon the 17-rowed triangle of the number 153 displayed in Jo-Blog’s Go Fish, this is how Jonathan describes this mathematical principle (drag to enlarge, noting number 153 forms an equilateral triangle of sides 17 x 17 x 17):

Triangular Numbers, courtesy Jonathan R Hill


In Appendix I on the meaning of number 37 and its palindromic partner 73, Jonathan says both form the numerical value for the fundamental Hebrew word ‘wisdom’. He tells how this pair play a role in a multiplication, the result being the precise number of the Hebrew for the creation verse of Genesis 1:1. He goes on to relate this to 666 and a diagrammatic representation, which he interprets as meaning:

‘This transformation represents the dispensational truth that at the second coming of Christ, the dominant spiritual hierarchy of the world changes from 666, the number of the ‘beast’, to 12 – the governmental number of Israel. All this information including this powerful intervention of God is elegantly and visually encoded in the first verse of the Bible.’

That’s on page 202 and page 203 divulges this absolutely astounding mystery:


From this brief overview of well-researched data we can confidently conclude that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven include mathematical principles as an important part of its transcendental wisdom. Selah!

If you liked that, you’ll like this: Amazing Geometrical Symmetry of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1

Further Reading:

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 1

Not long after Father God brought Jesus the Messiah back from the dead by His Spirit, the One who’s the radiance of His glory went once again in search of His ex-fisherman friends. Of the two sets of brothers who’d been partners in the fishing trade on the Sea of Galilee before deserting their nets to follow a peripatetic teacher, their boss had an exceptionally severe crisis of self-confidence.


So this ‘son of Jonah’, named Simon, decided to return to the simple life of sitting in a boat with buddies and dragging a net in the hope of getting a catch – but it proved to be an exercise in futility!

A few years earlier on that inland sea, the four fishing partners encountered and had been ‘called’ by The One to follow Him. Jesus amazed the crowds there with His teaching and had asked Simon if He could address them from his moored boat. Jesus knew the men had worked hard all night without having caught anything because, when He’d finished speaking, He told Simon to sail into deep water and lower his nets despite the fruitless night – Simon was overwhelmed by the result!  They’d got such a large number of fish that another boat was called for – then both began to sink with their massive weight!!

So Simon changed his tune. Upon hearing Jesus’ instruction he’d objected because of the poor night, yet respectfully referred to Him as “Master” – but in amazement at the fresh catch breaking nets and sinking boats, Simon addressed Him with the superior term of “Lord”; thus suggesting he was beginning to understand the status of this astonishing teacher. In the account by one of those partners, John, they’d previously met Jesus immediately after His baptism in the river Jordan and Andrew had brought his brother Simon to see Jesus, who then spoke of his identity and implicit destiny, “You are Simon son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas,” (which is translated ‘A Stone’, Petros/Peter: John 1:42).


After that huge catch of unspecified quantity, Jesus called Simon into his destiny: “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men!”  That is, a fisher of men. When they’d landed their boats the four foresook all and followed Him (Luke 5:10-11).

This event would be replayed later but at a higher level when, once again, Simon will be caught by surprise! But before that, the four fishermen disciples were to become part of the twelve chosen as ‘Apostles’, who were given power and authority (Matt 10:2). And Simon was to have a personal revelation of Jesus’ real identity. He blurted out “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” to which Jesus responded, “Blessed are you Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Also, he was further blessed to see Jesus’ transfiguration and hear Father speak about His beloved Son and instruct Peter, James and John to heed Him (Matt 16 and Matt 17).

Yet this same Peter later earned a severe rebuke from Jesus because, in his devotion, he was shocked upon hearing Jesus speak of His destined execution and in dismay he spoke against God’s plans!  AND then, when that dreadful event transpired, poor Peter was distraught during Jesus’ trial to hear himself thrice deny his association with Him! Even so, he was again blessed when Jesus visited, instructed and commissioned the Twelve (minus Judas the betrayer) after His miraculous resurrection from the dead.

However, Peter must have considered his thrice-denial would cost him dearly in losing his standing with his Lord. Hence, a critical crisis of self-confidence for Peter.

So, why not go back to fishing – and far away from Jerusalem?  His ex-fisherman friend John records Simon Peter as having told him and five others – seven in total – he was going fishing – and they replied, “We’re going with you!” (John 21:2-3).  In fact, Peter was heading into his own resurrection: that of his own self-worth, identity and calling!


John continues: ‘They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, “Children have you any food?” They answer Him, “No” and He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” So they cast, and were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish…


‘Then as soon as they came to land they saw a fire of coals there and fish laid on it, and bread (Note:) Jesus said to them “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three, and although there were so many, the net was not broken.’

Believing readers will be very familiar with the wonderful reinstatement of Peter.  When John recognised who the man on the beach was he told Peter and, being determined to be back with Him, Peter donned his outer garment and dived fully clothed into the water and swam about 100 meters to shore.

This dear man, so like all of us as imperfect disciples, is asked thrice if he loves the Lord much more than his fellow disciples – that is, with ‘agape’ love: the unconditional, unconquerable, benevolent goodwill, as given by the Father and Jesus. Peter, rescinds and over-rights his previous thrice-denial to profess a less emphatic love (‘phileo’) that he knows he can give. In repeating His question at that lower level Jesus accepts but tests his profession further, thus giving him a threefold commission to be His under-shepherd.

[Note: ‘agape’, a word to which Christianity gave a new meaning, for outside the NT it rarely occurs in existing Greek manuscripts of the period. It means a love by choice and refers to will, rather than ‘phileo’, a brotherly love by chance and emotion – New Spirit-Filled Study Bible.]


Read more deeply, if you’ve not already done so, about the significance of the specific size of this ‘resurrection’ catch in Joanne Rolston’s 153, Signs and Symbols.  In part 2 we will go deeper into them as we look into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven… continue reading.

[Photos: ‘The Life of Christ’, Wintershall Players, copyright R Barker]

HE IS RISEN! – Time and Quantum effects in Jesus’ Resurrection

First published on this blog and repeated annually:

In preparation for the Holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the night when Jesus and the lead-disciples ate an early Passover Seder, or meal (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they’d demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – read 1 Corinthians 15:6)


Jesus Christ died so that each of us may be forgiven for our sins. As a result of this new status, we can have direct personal access to Almighty God when we believe in Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus suffered on our behalf as our ‘scapegoat’.  That is, Jesus took the place of death that we deserved because of our sinfulness, for the shedding of a sinless one’s blood was the only way our status could be changed for us to gain personal salvation. Apostle Paul put it thus to the Romans:

8But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV, see whole chapter.)

Now, when I was a new Christian I found that rather hard to understand – but it works! The theological term is ‘atonement’, or ‘substitutionary atonement’.  In bringing forgive-ness to the guilty, however, this can cause deep problems for those who’ve been the victim of crimes. After all, why should a killer find forgiveness by God? And what about the victim’s families, or the victim of abuse? They find it very hard if well-nigh impossible to forgive.

In 2012 I heard a Portsmouth prison chaplain address this issue with a concept taken from the criminal justice system: restorative justice. This involves an active dialogue between victim and offender, plus reparation.  And it has a sound basis in  theology. How?

Jesus was a guiltless victim, directly of those who wanted Him killed, and indirectly of everyone’s ‘fallen state’ of sinfulness, which could only be rectified by His death.

And Almighty God, the Father, is a victim too. How? He’s victim of humanity’s rebellion against Him. For example and especially over the way religious leaders murdered His son – how they seethed with rage when Jesus denounced them! (read Luke 20:9-19).  So, every victim can find an identity and affinity in both God and Jesus Christ in their situation. Hence, they can receive God’s own ability to forgive because He will help them choose to forgive those who’ve harmed them. [Lack of forgiveness may be the only thing that hampers God – see Matt 6:14-15]


During contemplation upon the tableau illustrated above, an insight dropped into mind that the Resurrection created a distinct point in the flow of, or perhaps even a change in, Time itself. That is, the now termed ‘common era’ calendar is the medieval Christian one that counts years from the approximate birth of Christ as ‘anno Domini’. But in fact, a more powerful one would be the point at which things in heaven changed and thus affected our lives on earth and its ultimate role in God’s scheme of creation. This took place at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His revival to life from death itself.

That such a concept may be valid can be found in the discoveries about the material of ‘The Shroud of Turin’, the shroud in which Jesus was thought to have been carried and covered during His interment. It is of most astounding significance when examined from the view-point of modern physics.

Apart from the supra-natural or spiritual aspect, that unique, singular event could have naturally happened by means of a ‘singularity’ (a theoretical gravitational effect associated with ‘black holes’, eg. as may have been the starting point of the creation of the universe, or ‘Big Bang’).

Don’t take my word for this but consider that of Dame Isabel Piczek (deceased 2016), famous as a monumental artist and award-winning figurative draughtswoman. Her highly detailed analysis of theories about how the image on the shroud was formed is authoritative, as in the first of several detailed articles here.

Also, as a physicist who may have considered implications from a quantum mechanics standpoint, her conclusions about how the image was formed are most intriguing: it seems that the image of Jesus can only have been created by its hovering equidistantly above and below his reclining bent corpse. Furthermore, this necessitated the body’s levitation – perhaps not an impossible feat during the moment of the Resurrection power-blast?  After all, the disciples had witnessed Jesus walking on water and were yet to see His levitating into the clouds!

Dame Isabel succinctly summarises:

We have a piece of cloth and it leads us to a mysterious gate which opens for us, and it lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws.

Consider these claims by reading those articles and watching this 19 minute of extracts from the DVD The Fabric of Time (with its own lead-in trailer). There’s also a discussion of her scientific opinion at In Case You Missed Isabel Piczek’s Wonderful Paper.

‘Coincidentally”, just after having read the last link and revised the preceding references to science (post published 5 years ago), I’m alerted to theoretical physicist Mehki’s new post on ‘black holes’ and ‘event horizons’ (see Looking to the Horizon). The discussion thread has a valuable contribution from ‘physicalrealityblog’ that’s pertinent to the Shroud site’s discussion of Dame Isabel’s analysis and indirectly reconnects it back into quantum physics!

2017: ‘Coincidentally’ amusing that bloggers ‘hidden’ on opposite sides of the world (Britain and New Zealand) were preparing items on the fabrics that Jesus Christ was buried with – the full-body shroud and the head linen – in Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. My post updated on Wed 12 April 2017 was scheduled on Thurs 13th for auto-publication Sun 16 April. On Good Friday 14 April Joanne Rolston published news of the ‘Sudarium’ in AB-solute Proof – The Blood That Speaks.

Read about bizarre anomalies in scientific instruments placed on the slab of stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre said to be have been where Jesus’ body lay: Scientists Who Opened Christ’s Tomb Detect Mysterious Readings That Support Shroud Theory

Link: The Shroud of Turin website