BREXIT PRAYER ALERT: to cut and cast off the EU’s tentacles

Thank you to my dear friend Neil Mackereth, author of SIGNS, for his kind permission to publish the following email of last Monday’s date. It has been shared with intercessors, one of whom makes this sound observation:

“It’s a good Word in that, apart from stirring the intercessors to keep praying, it gives a clear explanation spiritually as to why we need to pray. Some people have not got this yet and think that prophecies should not be ‘political’.”

You may wish to join others in praying as the Lord leads along the lines Neil relates below and to stand with him in making the stated declarations.:

Neil writes,

Meet Neil by clicking photo

‘Dear Richard,

‘Do hope you and Nina are well and enjoying our exceptional weather.

‘Been having some swirling pictures and thoughts – sorry to dump them on you but do feel called to look for others to join me in prayer on this particular line.


‘A few weeks ago (early May 2018) God showed me a picture of the English Channel parted from the centre (Isle of Wight) to Dover in the East and to The Lizard in the West. I asked if this was for an “exodus” and if so, in which direction? The Lord said to look again. I saw revealed on the sea bed what looked like hawsers stretching across the Channel. I decided they must be mooring lines and that we needed to cast them off, as if we were a ship leaving port.

‘The Lord said, “Look again”. I saw that what I’d thought were mooring lines were alive and writhing! The Lord said these are the tentacles of the serpent that seeks to hold Great Britain in the web-like structure of nations that he is creating. The members of the EU have been led into an unholy alliance which seeks to undermine their individuality, and which advocates a federal form of ungodly humanism. Until Brexit, no member state has ever sought to leave the EU – Satan is enraged.

‘What can we do? The Lord said the tentacles must be cut.

‘How? By the word of God that is the sword of the Spirit.

‘Over recent months the Lord has been showing me some insights into the spiritual significance of Winchester as the ancient capital of Britain, and the seat of the only English king to have the sobriquet “Great” (Alfred the Great). Winchester is built on strong biblical foundations and there is a reservoir of spiritual power and authority into which we can tap.

‘The Lord said to pray the word of God over the waters of the River Itchen which flows out from the city of Winchester. The river flows into the Solent and the Isle of Wight acts as a separator that divides the waters to the East and to the West. By the power of God, the water will be a scythe that cuts the tentacles of the serpent.

“So, I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes” (Daniel 9:3). It is clear from Daniel’s prayer that even though we think we know the course we are on, we still need to pray expectations into reality. We don’t know why it should be so, but that it is so is clear from Scripture, history and our experiences. God chooses to involve us in His purposes.

‘The battle is raging in the heavenly realms. As in Daniel 10, princes are fighting to retain their territories and they seek to thwart God’s plans. However, the angels of God are advancing and recovering lands: victory is assured.

‘We have so much to be thankful for, so much has been set in train by God’s design: now we most earnestly pray for God’s mercy and forgiveness, and for the full realisation of the restitution of Great Britain as an independent nation under God.

‘Afternote: I started rationalising my thoughts and applying logic, until I read Oswald Chambers’ devotion yesterday (26 May) “The danger with us is that we want to water down the things that Jesus says and make them mean something in accordance with common sense; if it were only common sense, it is not worth while for Him to say it. The things Jesus says about prayer are supernatural revelations”.

‘Such exciting times!’


  1. Wikipedia has an interesting remark about the River Itchen, Hampshire: ‘The local chalk aquifer provides excellent storage and filtration and the river has long been used for public water supply. Watercress thrives all along the Itchen valley in its once pristine, crystal-clear waters (symbolic of holy, living water)…’
  2. For the Itchen’s location, zoom over Winchester on Map of British Rivers & Lakes.
  3. 2005: Vision for Great Britain, linked to the recent ‘Wilberforce Whirlwind’ vision, has similar references to the EU having unseen roots into Britain.
  4. For more on the importance of Winchester see GPS#12: King Alfred, a ‘Spiritual Magna Carta’ for Britain – and the World!
  5. See GPS #17 for ‘God-incidental’ events on the IoW.

One law for the EU, another for its citizens!

This morning’s Business section headlines The Daily Telegraph’s discovery of the European Commission leaking personal data of hundreds of citizens! This would constitute a breach of its own new data protection regulations had it been done by any other organisation!!

After internet users in Europe and worldwide have been inundated with emails seeking our consent to stay on their mailing lists in compliance with EU’s new data protection rules, this is rank hypocrisy – one rule for them and one for us!

But my readers have been forewarned that the Lord’s intention is for its downfall, as in the latest update to Fulfilled Prophecy #13.

In ‘Embarrassing’ Leak Shows EU Falls Short of Own Data Law, Margi Smith and US editor Ben Riley-Smith write,

‘The European Commission has claimed it is not subject to the strict new data protection law that it has imposed across Europe, following an “embarrassing” leak of personal data on its website.

‘Officials in Brussels admitted the bureaucracy that designed the rules is not itself compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A spokesman said the European Commission was “taking and will continue to take all the necessary steps to comply”…

‘However, a spokesman said the European institutions were separate from the data protection regulations for “legal reasons” (!!! emphasis mine). Officials in Brussels will instead follow a new law that “mirrors” GDPR but does not come into ­effect until autumn‘ (continue reading).

Heading for Economic Meltdown?

By the way, yesterday’s Business news broadsheet headline reads Meltdown on Debt Markets as Italy Heads for Fresh Vote ; today Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Europe is Paying a Dangerous Game With Italy as the Doom-Loop Beckons notes Italy’s elections in March “were a primordial scream against Brussels and Berlin”..!!

But Alister Heath’s op-ed on Brussels’ Kamaikaze Tactics to Keep the European Dream Alive nails confirmation of the prophetic word of dire warning from David Noakes ‘to the mast’:

‘…The political and moral cost of defying democracy, of the lies, of the endless obfuscation and hypocrisy: none matter in a world where the means, any means, justify the end. All will be forgiven, even the destruction of Europe’s enlightenment values and its historic institutions, as long as the project survives indefinitely...
It’s not just the EU’s understanding of history that is dodgy, leading it to overreach dangerously: its grasp of economics is equally disastrous and is the other, related explanation for the current madness. Ever since Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of the EU, economics has been seen as a tool of politics: policy has been designed not to maximise growth or promote free markets but to force political unification. Crises can be a good thing in this dystopian vision, especially with a set of institutions whose answer to every problem is more powers for Brussels

In concluding Allister says, ‘the EU’s economic system is a cross between corporatism and social-democracy, with strong protectionist tendencies, and an ultra-distortionary monetary policy rigged against savers. It is not designed to promote economic liberty and prosperity, which is why the EU has under-performed for so long…(This) is the problem, ultimately, with the EU’s scorched earth policy, its decision to sacrifice every ideal and every value to keep itself alive: when its bankrupt edifice is finally torn down, be it in a year or in a decade’s time, there will be very little left to save.

[Hand With News Icon by Watcharakun, courtesy of]

The whirlwind of William Wilberforce now moves upon Britain – Veronika West

Veronika’s posting on Ignite Ireland Ministry on Sunday, as published by UK Prophetic Words, is particularly interesting in view of Wendy Alec’s vision in 2005:


I have seen a battle taking place in the heavens over our promised Issac. I have seen the prince of the air working tirelessly to bring about a Spiritual Abortion over our Nation; this is reflected in the recent legalisation of abortion in the South of Ireland.

But I see that there is a remnant rising. I see the hand of God beginning to align and anoint spiritual Fathers and Mothers in our Nation; TIMING IS EVERYTHING. If the baby was to be born now there would be no Fathers or Mothers to tend to it.

REVIVAL DRAWS NIGH, but there is FIRST coming a divine dismantling, displacement and disruption both in the Church and the Government. There is a Spiritual realignment and a reordering of things taking place over our Nation.

A few nights ago while praying and in Worship, I was taken into the most incredible vision where I saw a MIGHTY WHIRLWIND coming out of the heavens and it began to move right across our Nation. As I looked at the Whirlwind, I heard the Spirit say,


“Watch! For the whirlwind of Wilberforce will sweep through the land. It comes to break the power of bondage; it comes to uproot and destroy the works of deception and witchcraft in this nation.

“Watch! For the whirlwind of Wilberforce comes to uncover and expose the way of the rebellious and the religious.

“Look and see, for the whirlwind comes to wreak havoc in the land.

“Tell my people to be ready; tell my people to batten down the hatches; tell my people, no longer will it be business as usual in this nation.

“Tell my people to be prepared for the whirlwind of Wilberforce shall come first to my house and then to the houses of government, for I AM is coming to unearth and reveal the hidden treasures in this land in this hour.

“Watch! For my spirit is now moving in the whirlwind to bring to birth that which has been promised and that which has been prepared since the beginning of time for this nation,” says God.

Veronika West, 27th May 2018

Further Reading:

Within the extensive Vision for Great Britain delivered by Wendy Alec in July 2005 is this section on William Wilberforce:

“And like Wilberforce – My apostolic voices shall rise in the Houses of Parliament – they shall arise in London – they shall arise in Edinburgh – they shall arise in the North of England – and even as the unions had a voice in past years that was strident and rose above the crowds and became the voice of the masses – so in like manner shall My Church’s voice start to be heard in a manner far above and beyond this present days.

“And so I shall raise My apostles – and they shall stand at the city gates and the gates of trading – and they shall stand in the government – and they shall stand in the media – and in the banking institutions and in businesses – and they shall stand in the clergy of this nation. And I shall raise up My prophets – and they shall rise – and their faces will be as flint – and even as John Knox voice rang out above Scotland – I tell you that My prophet’s voices shall start to rise in this nation – and I call My intercessors – I call My intercessors – Pray, Pray – do not desist from your prayers – for even that which you have perceived in your spirits and that which you have yearned for – it is almost upon you.”

Fulfilled Prophecy #13 cont’d – keep watching the EU’s fall

On 17th November 2015 David Noakes delivered a prophetic word in a meeting with a group of ministry leaders and which urged Britain to come out of the European Union. It was published on this blog at UK/EU In/Out #4: Prophetic Warning Urges “Come Out!” and only recently (God’s ‘Sign Language’: follow-up to EU-web #2 – Obadiah 15, ‘666’, EU-split) had I occasion to refer to this warning in connection with the foolhardy EU’s High Representative’s indignation at the US embassy being opened in Jerusalem.

The third paragraph of this warning reads:

“…I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve. If you will separate yourself from her declared rejection of God, I will have mercy upon you and restore my hand of protection; and I will use you once again to bring light to many lost in the darkness which is now steadily increasing…”

Now today I receive a comment from one of my regular contributors, Phil View, on a later word David brought about the EU’s demise in the aftermath to the Brexit vote and so I wish to draw reader’s attention to a couple more very informative articles on Italy’s precarious position in the EU.:

First from Phil – the former finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis’ opinion in The Guardian on Italian President Mattarella’s decision to clash with an absolute majority of lawmakers in his disapproval of the finance minister-designate, Matteo Salvini, asks,

Why? Because the said gentleman, while fully qualified for the job, and despite his declaration that he would abide by the EU’s rules, had in the past expressed doubts about the eurozone’s architecture and has favoured a plan of EU exit just in case it was needed. It was as if Mattarella declared that reasonableness from a prospective finance minister constitutes grounds for his or her exclusion from the post.

‘What is so striking is that there is no thinking economist anywhere in the world who does not share concern about the eurozone’s faulty architecture. No prudent finance minister would neglect to develop a plan for euro exit. Indeed, I have it on good authority that the German finance ministry, the European Central Bank and every major bank and corporation have plans in place for the possible exit from the eurozone of Italy, even of Germany. Is Mattarella telling us that the Italian finance minister is banned from thinking of such a plan?’

For more on this see Tim Stanley, Italy’s Woes Expose the Flaws at the EU’s Heart (and show people have had enough of Brussels’ stifling rules) and international business editor Ambrose Evans-Pritchard on Europe’s Soft ‘Coup d’ Etat’ in Italy is a Watershed Moment: Italy’s pro-euro elites have overreached disastrously. President Sergio Mattarella has asserted the extraordinary precedent that no political movement or constellation of parties can ever take power if they challenge the orthodoxy of monetary union.  

‘He has inadvertently framed events as a battle between the Italian people and an eternal ‘casta’ with foreign loyalties, playing straight into the hands of the insurgent Five Star ‘Grillini’ and anti-euro Lega nationalists. He unwisely invoked the spectre of financial markets to justify his veto of euroscepticism. Taken together, his actions have made matters infinitely worse…’ (All emphases mine.)

In Italy Is Now A Post-Democratic Colony of the EU: the Ballot-box No Longer Works politico-religious blogger Cranmer concludes:

‘You can’t have elite philosopher-kings beholden to hoi polloi, and so there is no place for democracy in the European Union, for there was never intended to be. In order to achieve fiscal union – a United States of Europe – with a single currency, a single bank, a single interest rate, a single taxation policy, and a single economic policy, there must be an ultimate authority; a single president who won’t be accountable to the people or subject to the vicissitudes and inconveniences of democracy.

‘While we await the man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people – the one who will lift the EU out of the economic morass into which it is sinking – Italians are forced to bow the knee to Carlo Cottarelli (elite-approved technocrat, formerly executive director of the International Monetary Fund). Whether he be god or devil, they must receive him.’

And on top of this and the four European ambassadors in Jerusalem (Hungary, Austria, Romania & Czech Republic), we won’t mention Poland’s bother with the EU!!

So my readers, keep watching…

Earlier related posts:

[Hand With News Icon by Watcharakun, courtesy]

Vision and Word on reviving Revival for Britain, and beyond!

Don’t you love it when the Lord points to similar incidents that ‘just so happen’ in our lives? It happened a week ago tonight and tomorrow, just like pieces of God’s invisible jigsaw:

First Jigsaw Piece:

This prophetic vision and word delivered by Robert Joy of Kingdom Cause Community appeared last Thursday morning on UK Prophetic Words (republished with permission):


Recently, when praying, I had a clear vision for the nation of Great Britain and beyond. It was panoramic, a crystal clear vision. I’ve had lots of dreams and visions but there have been few that put so much attention on the need for an immediate response.

In the vision, I was standing as if in the sea looking towards the white cliffs of Dover from Europe. And I saw the Union Jack flag positioned at the top of the white cliffs of Dover. I noticed that the flag wasn’t blowing. It was just stationary, motionless. And as I looked in this vision, I saw this huge dense thick block of ice wrapped round the flag that was preventing the flag from blowing; the wind couldn’t get to it. And the Lord began to speak to me; He said, “Son, the majority of the church in this nation has become cold. It’s become lifeless; it’s become just religious.”

And the cry came in my heart, ‘Where is the wind; where is the wind?’ When I say wind, I’m talking about the Spirit of God. In Acts 2:2 it describes the Spirit of God as the wind: Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm (TPT). It wasn’t just a little tinkling breeze. This was an outpouring of the Spirit of God with such ferocity, with such violence, that when it came, it shook the whole place. One hundred and twenty were baptised in the Spirit of God, with tongues of fire remaining on them, infusing them, empowering them. This wasn’t a natural wind. This was the Spirit of God. When you look at the Word wind in the Greek or Hebrew, it always points to the breath of God or the Spirit of God. It is the pneuma, the ruach, the breath of God.

And I just felt like there’s a wind coming, there’s a wind coming, but I tell you, the wind will only touch those who lay their lives down. A few days after the first vision, I was praying in my living room, just ministering to the Lord, and I had a picture of me, and my face was right by the floor, low, low down. And I saw like a wind coming; it went right through my face.

And I said, “Lord, what does that mean?” And He said, “Son, the wind that is coming will only touch the lowly. It will only touch those that are contrite and laid down and humble, that put down their own agenda, that lay down their own platforms and their own programmes and their own plans – lay their face to the ground in the spirit, and say: God, how dare I try and do anything without your presence?”

God resists the proud. And so God’s holding back from so many churches this incredible wind of his Spirit because hearts are cold. And all he wants you to do is just to lay yourself down, and he’ll release the Holy Spirit like we’ve never known before.

And last night God spoke to me, and he said,

“I’m about to revive Revival”.

And what the Lord showed me was this: the wind is about blow and it’s going to pick back up every single one of those ancient Revivals; all of them will be resurrected and restored. There is going to be a Revival like we have never seen before. It will be THE GREATEST AWAKENING, not just another great awakening. It will be like we have NEVER EVER KNOWN!

The Welsh Revival will be picked back up; the Hebrides Revival, Azusa Street Revival. Pensacola and Toronto and all those outpourings. They all brought with them something unique to the body of Christ. The Azusa Street Revival was all about the outpouring of the gift of tongues and the ministry gifts. And words of knowledge and all that stuff being released again. I’m telling you, we’re about to see a ‘word of knowledge’ revival like we have never seen before. The Lord is about to release everyday people to go into the marketplaces and to get words of knowledge and release people from their bondage, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Acts 2 says: ‘This is what I will do in the last days...’ Here is the gauge, the benchmark, the true litmus test of what God is doing in the church. God clearly says, “I will do this in the last days: I will pour out my Spirit on everybody and cause your sons and daughters to prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will experience dreams from God. The Holy Spirit will come upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17-18 TPT)

God wants to blow in such a way that the streets of our land are filled with everyday revivalists, hungry to see God move in the marketplaces and stun the world as Jesus’ power is revealed.

And what the Lord said to me was this: that the wind that is coming is going to carry with it refreshing; it’s going to carry with it healing; it’s going to carry with it anointing; it’s going to carry with it forgiveness and mercy and grace. It’s going to carry with it fresh songs of the Lord and fresh prophetic words and raise up men and women of God, young and old.

But at the same time as it blows in carrying something in, it’s also going to carry something out. It’s going to carry out your hardships; it’s going to carry out your strivings; it’s going to carry out your failings; it’s going to carry out your insecurity; it’s going to carry out your judgements of one another.

It’s going to bring us to our knees. And the same wind that carries in the glory of God will carry out the worldliness and the Babylonian church thinking. And it’s going to be an incredible wind of the Spirit. And I believe it’s coming over from Europe; I believe it’s going to hit Great Britain; I believe it’s going to affect the whole continent of Europe. There is going to be an incredible reviving of all of those revivals. It’s going to fill stadiums around the world; it is going to fill fields and car parks.

My wife Lydia had a dream the other night; she said, “You were giving a word of knowledge in a pub and the guy came forward, responded to the word of knowledge. As you gave it to him, the dream turned; there was a huge queue going right out the pub – people waiting for you to prophesy over them.” Two days later, Anna Sofia, a friend of ours rings me up, she says, “Rob I had a dream: you were walking through the street and there was an army behind you. And you were teaching them and training them how to heal the sick. And there was a healing movement breaking out in the streets.”

And I’ve been prophesying for nearly a decade now that the next real revival will not come through a platform and a preacher, but through the corporate body being obedient to go into all the world. The moment you become professional, the wind will pass you by. The moment you continue to carry offense, the wind will pass you by. The moment you continue to be judgmental of others that make mistakes and fall, or don’t dress the way you like or speak the way you like, the wind of God is going to pass you by.

I’m telling you this, the only way you’re going to receive this wind and keep this wind is when you get on your knees, put your face on the floor, in the spirit I’m speaking about, lay yourself down. Jesus said this, “The Son of Man has not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I’m telling you, if you want to see revival, serve your neighbour. Serve one another. Learn to build each other up and encourage each other. When we learn to honour each other, we’re going to see the wind blow, and the ice will unfreeze; it will fall off, and we will start to see Aslan on the move again in the nations of the world.

The cry of God’s heart is for the people of God today to cry out, “Where is the wind? Where is it? Where is the real manifestation of the Spirit of God?” Lord, you are not hiding from Great Britain; you are hovering. And you do not hover without a purpose. You are hovering and you are waiting for the spoken Word. And you have shown us God through Ezekiel, that we have to speak that Word: prophesy to the breath; prophesy to the wind. Speak to the dry valleys and the dry bones:

“Hear the Word of the living God.”

Robert Joy, 6th May 2018:

Rob is currently on a Winds of Revival tour. Watch and listen to him preach a powerful message based upon the vision and word on this video:


Second Jigsaw Piece:

Last Thursday was a full-blogging day before starting our long weekend and to ensure the above wouldn’t escape my attention, editor Suzanne Payne kindly sent me a copy direct. I acknowledged and over the weekend read a hard-copy, but was amazed that what Rob’s wife had told him about being in a pub had in fact happened with our own rector in the village pub at Liphook the Thursday night!!

He’d been given permission to have a small team visit it to pray for anyone who wanted to be prayed for. However, our visit clashed with weekly quiz night! Joining in with that event led to people starting to talk after it finished and rector reports, “One by one they began to open up – the real breakthrough came when I prayed for a bad arm – the pain went from 10 to 5 almost immediately & ended up praying for…- that was enough to get the conversation going!!”

Third Jigsaw Piece:

On pasting Rob’s text from UKPW I noticed the video, played an excerpt and found where he talks about the vision and how he heard from the Lord. He starts introducing it at 1:05:00 mark and then what I hear from 1:10:00 speaks to me of the Smith Wigglesworth 1947 & 1997(!) Visions of mighty Revival in Britain. Do read about them via that link!

Also note Rob’s Call to Intercession re-issued from last June.

[Puzzle In Sky by Idea Go, courtesy]

LATEST on Iran’s dual-strategy against halting nuclear accord

Further to my re-blog of Joel Rosenberg’s report on Secretary Pompeo’s speech on the USA’s new strategy on dealing with the Iranian regime, this morning’s pre-mainstream media news reveals the latter’s dual-strategy. It involves not only installing new surface-to-air missile batteries around their nuclear enrichment facilities at Natanz to protect from any Israeli and/or US attack, but also giving European powers an ultimatum!

According to DebkaFile, yesterday Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, ‘tried to counter Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s ultimatum with his own for the European powers, the UK, France and Germany, which are trying to save the 2015 nuclear deal after the US walkout.

‘The dictats he put before them included:

  • ‘European banks must safeguard trade with Iran, and
  • ‘stop seeking new negotiations on Iran’s ballistic missile program and regional Middle East activities to gratify the US president.
  • ‘The Europeans must further guarantee Iran’s oil sales and compensate Tehran for losses incurred from US sanctions.
  • ‘If Europe fails to meet Khamenei’s demands, Iran will go back to enriching uranium, effectively turning its back on the 2015 nuclear deal.’

The Debka report concludes, ‘Israel is now back to square one, ie. 2012, when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, then defense minister, and Eliezer Shekedi, air force chief at the time, had girded Israel up for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, only to be held back by the Obama administration’s push for nuclear negotiations with Tehran.’

I note CBS News reported Monday in European Allies Alarmed...‘Reacting to Pompeo’s speech, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson committed to shielding European companies from renewed sanctions. “We are going to do everything we possibly can,” Johnson said of protecting European companies. “I’m not totally pessimistic about the situation.” Johnson said a “new jumbo Iran negotiation” would not be “very easy to achieve.”

EU Foreign Policy head Federica Mogherini in Cuba, January 2018. (AFP/Adalberto Roque)

‘For the time being, at least, Europeans are not shrinking away from the JCPOA. Federica Mogherini, the high representative of the European Union, explained that Europeans will remain committed to “full and effective implementation” of the JCPOA so long as Iran upholds its commitments. She also explained that Europeans are still unsure of the U.S. rationale for leaving the deal. (She said Monday) “Pompeo’s speech has not demonstrated how walking away from the JCPOA has made or will make the region safer from the threat of nuclear proliferation or how it puts us in a better position to influence Iran’s conduct.”

Such clueless comments arise from failing to follow God’s written word, thereby gaining an appreciation of His purposes in establishing the Jewish state of Israel. In view of this blog’s material on the EU, the perplexity of its ‘high representative’ is not surprising and suggests an influence from elsewhere! (God’s ‘Sign-language’: follow-up to EU-web #2… refers.)

Any intelligent person, knowing how assiduously the homicidal thug Saddam Hussein sought to build nuclear weapons and missiles, only to be prevented by the second Gulf War, would be extremely wary of all other fanatics’ surreptitious schemes and strategies to do the same; especially when consistently proclaiming their aim of destroying Israel. [Saddam’s Secrets by the Christian Iraqi air vice-marshal and general Georges Sada, pp 71 & 200 and chapter 10 refers in detail to WMD, confirming Debka’s early intel on hidden transfers of weapons to Syria – thank you again Debbie!]

LATEST on ‘exposures’ – prophecies continue being fulfilled! (#29)

Browsing the newspaper stand in the Post Office this morning I couldn’t miss the Daily Mail’s banner headline of its exclusive report of last night:

Leaked dossier reveals details of Soros-backed campaign to keep Britain in EU.

Page 2 of the Telegraph covers the Mail’s item under ‘Best for Britain group to spend millions in bid to stop BrexitA Pro-Remain campaign group is planning on spending millions in a bid to overturn Brexit and will seek to defeat Theresa May on her final agreement with Brussels…’

As well as today’s news from our church home group, the Mail’s headline reminds me of the word on a ‘kairos’ opportunity Valerie Williams brought on Sunday, where the Lord refers to satan’s fury being released:

“…My beloved, he is furious. But your prayer needs to be that he’ll be so furious that he will make rash decisions which I will merely use and turn around for good – that the enemies of the truth, the enemies of what I am planning for this Nation will in their panic make rash decisions, actions and statements which will expose their hidden motives.

“May the net they hid entangle them. That is, may the traps planned to ensnare and defeat those who do My bidding finally ensnare those who are opposing My purposes; that they will fall into the nets they have set/devised for others!…”

AMEN, and Amen again, and again!

More on George Soros and ‘exposure’ prophecies:

For list in excess of 30 prophecies that have been, or are being, fulfilled click here.

Secretary Pompeo’s Iran speech: Tehran hated it. But most Arab & Israeli leaders loved it. So did I. Here’s why.

Joel keeps us up-to-date on Iran (Ezek 38; Gog/Magog) and I note its response: supreme leader demands his own terms on the nuclear accord and one of its Revolutionary Guards leaders threatens US Secretary of State!

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Pompeo-HeritageIranSpeech(Washington, D.C.) — Iranian leaders hated it. Most European leaders hated it. So did most former advisors to President Obama and Vice President Biden, and most of Washington’s so-called “experts.” But this is hardly news.

What’s fascinating is that most Arab leaders loved it.

I’ve spoken with two very high-ranking Arab officials in recent days about the speech delivered by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at The Heritage Foundation on Monday morning. Both made it clear to me how deeply grateful and appreciative their countries are to the Trump-Pence administration for finally taking a bold, decisive, uncompromising position against Iranian aggression. 

One Arab official told me privately: “It’s like the world is sane again.”

After watching Iran be feted and praised and rewarded and appeased by President Obama and his team over the past eight years, most Sunni Arab leaders are rejoicing that the U.S. is finally treating Iran as…

View original post 1,384 more words

Harry & Megan’s wedding a ‘kairos’ opportunity for Britain

Thank you to UK Prophetic Words for this from Valerie Williams:


In the spirit, I saw a shining roof with floods of water flowing over each side. This is a watershed kairos window of opportunity for the UK. The floodwaters are flowing on a dry and parched land (Isa. 35). Call this down over the UK!

I also saw a brush with very long silken bristles (rather like a brush that smooths down wallpaper to remove the air gaps and position the fresh sheet to match the other sheets on the wall and complete the pattern) ready to sweep away the sins of the Nation as (2 Chron 7:14) starts to be fulfilled through a gracious, compassionate move of God. Continue, therefore to decree an increase in prayer gatherings within churches and communities and a willingness to stand in the gap. Keep decreeing this! Although in its infancy, it is beginning to happen, though hidden from your sight!

“Satan is angry; Satan is exceedingly furious because the preacher preached on LOVE. The preacher preached on LOVE at the wedding of Harry and Meghan.

“Satan is furious because My message reached out to multi-millions; billions heard the message of LOVE – My Word – the Song of Solomon.

“Whoever does not love does not know Me because I AM Love! (1 John4:8)

“My beloved, he is furious. But your prayer needs to be that he’ll be so furious that he will make rash decisions which I will merely use and turn around for good – that the enemies of the truth, the enemies of what I am planning for this Nation will in their panic make rash decisions, actions and statements which will expose their hidden motives.

“May the net they hid entangle them. That is, may the traps planned to ensnare and defeat those who do My bidding finally ensnare those who are opposing My purposes; that they will fall into the nets they have set/devised for others! (Psalm 35:8)

“Decree this into the situations I have called you to pray over!

“What the enemy has intended for evil, I am about to turn round and bring good.

“I am about to bring good over this Nation, over cities, towns, villages and family! Therefore, take heart and see these things in the spiritual realm and not through your natural sight or you will become discouraged!

“I am about to turn the tide of rebellion, to turn the tide of humanism, secularism and intellectualism, which is idolatrous.

“I am about to turn the tide,” says the Lord.

“So pray for the yoke of the enemy to be broken across this land; the twisting work of Leviathan and the seduction of Jezebel bringing deception, rebellion and rejection. Pray for the unmasking of the work of Belial and decree a separation from their working together!

“Call forth revival and for the wonderful roots of the Christian heritage of this Nation to be revealed once again and restored back into the history books and taught in schools, colleges and universities! Call it forth! Keep decreeing this now for what I desire to take place in the future! Time is short, Beloved! Make the most of every opportunity!

“Is My arm too short to accomplish these things?” (Numbers 11:23)

(Isa. 62:4-5) “Apply and decree these promises over the UK as well as to Israel! Decree over a map of the UK until you see my fruit ripen on your branches. Fruit takes time to ripen! (John 15:5)

“These things will not be handed to you on a plate. You need to travail until you see the breakthrough in the spirit, then pull it down into the Nation!

“Call forth prayer and a spirit of humility to sweep away the pride and arrogance that once came through seeking to build a humanistic, rational, conquering, earthly British Empire. And call forth the promotion and spreading of My Heavenly Kingdom through the Gospel of love, joy, peace and freedom which is in CHRIST ALONE.”

Valerie Williams, 20th May 2018

DEFINITIONKairos (καιρός) is a term often used by teachers of bible prophecy. It is Ancient Greek and means ‘the right, critical, or opportune moment’. The Greeks had two words for time: chronos (χρόνος) and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a space or gap between time (Wikipedia). Also, it’s used to describe prophetical ‘now’ words, for example as given in GPS#15…

Julie Meyer: a dream of Prince Harry and England

Thank you to UK Prophetic Words for alerting me to this on Julie Meyer’s Facebook page dated Thursday 17th May, and that Julie’s happy for its wider publication:

With the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry coming, I thought I would share a dream I had regarding him. I still pray this dream and I know that God has big plans for him and Megan and also Prince William and Catherine…Bob Jones used to say ‘England will be saved by praying women’.

This is out of my book ‘Dreams And Supernatural Encounters‘.


I believe we are to pray for England, asking God to bring light to the hearts of kings and princes, and to encourage houses of prayer, especially the small groups of faithful people meeting in homes. This will bring about the plan of the Lord for that nation (1 Timothy 2:1–30).

I had a dream. It was like I was watching a movie about future events in England. I saw the Lord begin to stir a great number of women and men across England to pray. Small groups, sometimes only three to ten people, met in homes together to intercede for their land and to ask the Lord to raise up righteous leaders. I saw houses of prayer raised up one by one across the nation. Because of this prayer movement, rays of light started breaking through the dark cloud that had shrouded the nation.

I saw that as the people prayed and as houses of prayer began to arise all over the land, God brought light to the hearts of the kings and princes. The prayers of the saints arise to Heaven and light breaks forth on Earth, for what goes up must come down.

In this dream, the Lord made a declaration:

“I have not forgotten you, England. I have not forgotten you. There is a young royal who has made headlines from nation to nation. But I will take his wildness and turn it for good. I will encounter him who is red and ruddy, the second-born of his father. He will walk alongside his brother as a prophetic voice, like Nathan the Prophet walked alongside King David. Yet I will also thrust him forth in his own calling. He will walk in a dual-calling as prophet to the King and as a voice to a generation. I have chosen the second-born, just like I chose Jacob the 2nd born— though you call him Harry, I call him Jacob, and he will lead a great Jacob generation.

“The one who will be king will be shown to have a heart like David. Together, the one like King David and the one like Jacob will lead a cry for righteousness in the land. This wave of righteousness will be as a tidal wave, reaching even Australia— and when England reaches out its hands to Australia, they will accept the invitation.”

The Lord saw some of the leaders of the land walk up the steps to a mosque, which was called the House of Allah in my dream, and declare their allegiance to a foreign god. They vowed to embrace all religions for the sake of humanity, pledging their allegiance in return for great favour and fame.

The Lord saw and heard those who were in leadership say, “My leadership is inevitable. Even God Himself could not change my position.” At that point, I saw the Lord’s hand holding a stamp. He stamped the word ‘REJECTED’ in big, bold, red letters across the papers of those leaders. God was making it known that He has instead chosen leaders like King David—those who have hearts after God (Acts 13:22).

I saw the Lord begin to shed light on the true motives of the leaders of the land; little by little their hearts were exposed. I saw that the Lord had already been visiting the Queen of England in dreams.

The Lord said, “A great controversy will arise in England as I bring light to the hearts and motives of the kings and princes. A great cry for righteousness shall arise from the people in the land.”

The prayers of individuals, small groups and houses of prayer are highly esteemed by God. As citizens begin to pray and houses of prayer arise, the Lord’s will for the land and its leaders will be done in that nation.

I saw the Lord begin to stir a great number of women and men across England to pray.

Note: Julie commented following her post: A lot of us from the Midwest when we said England – to us it was all of Great Britain…Then of course I visited there and I was saying England – until people began to say – “It’s Great Britain”.

Julie Meyer spent over 15 years in Kansas City working alongside Mike Bickle to help establish the International House of Prayer; she serves on several international leadership committees.

Visit her website at Julie Meyer Ministries and her Julie Meyer Facebook to read many comments and add thereto.

The Signpost Perspective: The US Embassy in Jerusalem

Amen. Apart from it having been Israel’s 70th anniversary, I agree Mark’s reasons for this recognition of Jerusalem and his sound conclusion.


The United States moved its embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018.

Having some time to reflect on this event, and connect the dots to other events both past and future-prophesied, I believe this is an important milestone—not for the end times in general—but for Israel during these times.

I believe we can now divide the modern, end-time history of the nation of Israel into three phases.

Israel, Phase 1

The first phase saw the establishment of the Jewish people forming a community. After many centuries, the Jewish people returned to the land of Israel; not the land of Palestine, but the land of Israel. Jews began to arrive in the late 1800’s, bought desert parcels and swampland from their Arab neighbors, and created a thriving Jewish community. By 1948, there were a little over half a million Jews living and working in the coastal plain, the Negev…

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Fulfilled Prophecy #28: Iran’s ‘quake on Israel’s 70th – and Daniel..!

After sticking Charles Shamp’s prophetic words of Dec 2016 on the Brussels beast and the UK, with that of Feb 2017 on America’s embassy moving to Jerusalem, onto the blog’s home page as a result of their popularity, I was nudged to visit his Prophet’s Loft and to rummage around – I got a couple of surprises!

Now, do you recall my earlier surprise upon learning of an earthquake in the vicinity of Iran’s nuclear reactor actually happening on 19th April – Israel’s holiday celebrating its 70th Independence Day?

In checking out Charlie Shamp’s collection of prophetic words I find two confirming my sensing the unique significance of that ‘quake as being a ‘Sign from God’ (see herein) -not only geologically but also geopolitically – where I wrote

‘By ‘coincidence’ a geological ‘act of God’ took place on 19th April 2018 – the 5.5 magnitude earthquake in the vicinity of Iran’s nuclear power plant at Bushehr. As mentioned, I’d already mused on a ‘quake happening and blogged:

…we could reasonably consider this may be a direct warning to Iran that the same, or bigger, can so easily happen to its nuclear programme at any time! Moreover, it’s occurring on the year’s cyclically critical date of 19-20 April is surely no coincidence!

Here are pertinent extracts of what Charlie delivered this year:
1. A Time of Earthquakes and Eruptions (4th January)

“…I am going to shake up everything; turn some nations upside down. There will be natural shakings in the nations, yes a natural earthquake will be felt. In a nation that desired for war to shake the ground in the Middle East. You have plotted against my people, you have plotted against my Israel and you will be shaken, your land will shake, your ground will quake. I will overturn a royal throne and shatter the power of a kingdom that has come against my people. I will overthrow your government, dismantle your weapons and armaments and throw your army into confusion. The desire you have had to utterly destroy my people will come upon you unless you repent…”

2. I Saw Egypt and Iran in The Spirit (24th March)

‘…Again I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Iran, your deal is done, the foreign favors have come to an end. You have dealt harshly against my people Israel. You have sought their destruction and demise. I have seen your plan to tear Israel apart and wipe her from of the face of the earth. Your heart of hate has forced my hand against you and your agreement with America will be torn in two! Now you will deal with me in the days to come.

Behold, I will break your bow Iran, the foremost of your might will be destroyed! For I will cause you to be dismayed before your enemies and before those who seek your life. I will bring disaster upon you and I will send the sword of my word and it will strike your heart, yes the heart of Tehran. I will set My throne in your nation and will destroy from there the king and the princes. I will bring back the captives of the nation. Those who gather with me in secret to pray are more then those who meet with you in the open. I have heard the cry of my people coming from this land for freedom. I have caused my word to be heard in the heart of the nation and soon some you trust will turn to me and bow their knee. The destruction I will bring will not be by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit. My hand will sweep across the nation and many will be saved in one single day.

There is a rumbling coming that will shake the ground, you will feel it’s force. For it will be a sign of what will come a shaking in your government, a shaking in economy, a shaking of your religion. I will shake free every hand and feet from the shackles that hold them and they will walk free, yes they will march in the streets. I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will shatter deception and scatter your lies by these winds, get ready for it will begin. The dry bones will come to life! Even the bones of my Prophet Daniel who is buried in your country will shake as a sign that my people in the nation will awake.”

I’ve only just read that closing reference to Daniel when copying the prophecy into place and it took me totally by surprise – it’s personally poignant in view of the many instances his Book has popped up over the past month, as recounted in GPS#16.


If you’ve read the previous post’s link Watching Netanyahu in Tehran then, like me, you will have realised Caroline Glick’s analysis supports the details Charlie Shamp brought prophetically last January and March on the politico-economic shaking in Iran.


God’s ‘sign language’: follow-up to EU-web #2 – Obadiah 15, ‘666’, EU-split

‘For the day of the LORD upon all nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.’ (Obad 15: on enemies of God’s covenant people.)

In discussing Tuesday’s ‘coincidences’ relating to the night vision of a huge spider’s web across Europe, here’s Part 1’s missing paragraph to my reply to ‘Fiona Z’:
‘…together with your email I had a notification from Tony’s blog of a video clip. It opens to show a person who’s been in my mind yesterday and first thing this morning, for the EU office she holds was created by ‘Recommendation 666’ and she’s against what Trump and Netanyahu are doing! (One of my first private emails on End-times refers to that post’s origins – see Not Many People Know – 2.)’

In his post entitled End Times my friend invites readers to “Take a look at the following video. Take it to the Lord in prayer”.:

Normally, I’m too busy to watch videos but was prompted to watch this one’s start and assess its merit. This video presents an overview of events leading into End-times, but neither the running news-banner or narrator divulge the identity of the person in the video’s first frames – run it a few seconds to check. So I comment on the blog,

“Fascinating timing Tony as the lady in the opening frame has been on my mind in connection with Israel’s 70th birthday because of her very strong objections to the US embassy move to Jerusalem, as well as against scrapping the Iran nuclear deal. (Read about her in Wikipedia: Frederika Mogherini)…upon opening my bible early this morning I decided to revisit Obadiah 15 on ‘The Day of the Lord’ for preparing a blog on those thoughts based upon that verse and EU – then upon getting notification of this post of yours I run the video and there she is!! I take this as strong confirmation that the Lord’s connecting the prophetic dots for us – as ever!”


Pastor Ken McMahon of Calvary Spokane draws to a close at 15:30 mark by referring to St Paul’s End-times prophecy at 1 Thess 5:3 of the world saying “Peace and safety”, and inserts a brief clip of that lady as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy stating exactly that! Moreover, I blogged on this last year in Three Days’ Prophetic Jigsaw Pieces: #1 – 21st Sept and 1Thessalonians 5, when I asked,

‘Is what Apostle Paul foretold about the timing of the Day of the Lord happening today? Or this coming year? Especially noteworthy is the fact that today is Rosh Hashanah – the start of the Jewish New Year 5778!! You may recall having read about this a month ago in Today’s and one month away’s awesome events in the heavens on Mark Biltz’s message (1:04 – 1:05 mark refers)?

[I checked and found:] ‘The United Nations has declared 21st September to be observed annually and globally as the International Day of Peace (‘Peace Day’)’. Today’s and the next 365 days theme is entitled, ‘Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity For All’.

‘Look again, that scripture’s third verse promises ‘when they say, “Peace and Safety!” then…’, the clear inference everyone’s saying those words.’

Now, we consider how this person had cropped up in my weekend musings…


Upon reading Sunday’s Debka report on preparations for the official dedication of the American Consulate in Jerusalem as the United States’ Embassy to Israel, I spotted a fact directly relating to a prophetic word on the EU urging Britain’s withdrawal – note my emphasis:

‘About 30 of the 86 ambassadors accredited to Israel accepted the invitation to the Foreign Ministry gala reception for the US delegation Sunday evening in Jerusalem. Most European Union ambassadors are boycotting the party, excepting Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria and Romania, whose envoys will be there in defiance of Brussels, which takes strong exception to the US move. The Russian, Egyptian and Mexican ambassadors are not expected to attend. Guatemala and Paraguay have both promised to move their embassies to Jerusalem.’ (Palestinian ambassadors have since been recalled from those four countries – for an Abbas tantrum!)

Not only do I recognise those four European nations will be blessed through Genesis 12:3 and Obadiah 15-16 in standing with Israel on its 70th birthday, but also I noted it’s yet another indicator that 2015’s prophetic warning from David Noakes urging Britain to come out of the EU is moving towards its fulfillment, namely:
“…Rather than rely on Me and my faithfulness to you, you chose, for worldly purposes, to join yourself to an institution which has denied my Name and refused to acknowledge Me in its councils. My fierce anger is upon that institution on account of its rebellion, its defiant rejection of me and its hardness of heart towards my ancient people Israel.
“I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve…”

[For more on this see Fulfilled Prophecies here, here and …‘6th Time’.]

Therefore, having learned 15 or so years ago about the ‘666’ foundation under Javier Solana of the EU’s office of High Representative – and combined with the weekend’s in-depth teaching on prophet Daniel’s End-time visions from Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum – I recalled the current official’s anti-Israel and pro-Iran stance.

Also, in catching up on Caroline Glick’s latest in-depth incisive articles on the situation I spotted her reference to the EU’s High Representative in the opening paragraph’s of her Netanyahu’s Finest Hour. (William Koenig, the Watcher in the White House, refers to her as ‘ne plus ultra’ – none better!) She writes,

‘At the start of his cabinet meeting on Wednesday, President Donald Trump discussed his announcement Tuesday afternoon that he is removing the US from his predecessor Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and reinstating the nuclear sanctions that were suspended with the deal’s implementation in January 2016.

‘European and other international leaders responded angrily to Trump’s move. The EU’s foreign policy commissioner Federica Mogherini was downright indignant.

‘Apparently unaware that the US is a more important EU ally than Iran, Mogherini insisted, “The European Union is determined to preserve it. Together with the rest of the international community, we will preserve this nuclear deal.”

If you like our British journalist Melanie Phillips and want to go deeper, then you’ll like Caroline Glick and may wish to read her Trump’s Iran Deal Was a Masterstroke, as well as Watching Netanyahu in Tehran.

After my Monday-Tuesday musings, Mogherini turns up at the start and ending of the video on Tony Pucci’s End Times post. Therefore, the Lord’s clearly alerting us by His ‘sign language’ to what’s going on in the world and how He’s aligning it to His prophetic scripture, and to words He’s giving today’s prophets.


In case your knowledge of the above events comes from mainstream media, please be aware the British Brainwashing Cult is extremely unreliable on not only Brexit but also on the Middle East. For example, for a superior examination of the Gaza riots visit the media-monitoring site BBC Watch and study its thoroughly factual blog. See also Col. Richard Kemp’s eye-witness account and explanation of why the world is playing into Hamas’ hands. (Thanks Debbie. )


Please note carefully that in absolutely no way am I attributing any similarity between living persons and biblical characters, but merely noting the nature and publication of official EU activities.

Not having kept closely abreast of related developments it was necessary to check my 2009 email on the EU and 666, especially to test and update links. So I was interested to find lawyer Constance Cumbrey reporting upon the EU’s first High Representative, Javier Solana, as being ‘one of the leading tacticians’ in the ‘Global Governance’ group –see this original data (scroll to top of page to read). Later, her Perspective affords these informative comments (emphases mine):

‘Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all. The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

‘One short week after Trump’s return from Davos, Switzerland and only two days after his State of the Union address, the New York Stock Market would drop by an astounding 666 points! That was a number obviously chilling to millions, including but not limited to Donald Trump’s Evangelical base of support in the USA. This happened only two days after Trump’s triumphant State of the Union speech to the United States Congress. A pivotal point of his speech was the dramatic improvement in the USA economy after his November 8, 2016 election. The 666 droppage would double immediately after the weekend on the following Monday by upwards of another 1200 points in one day.

‘Coincidence? Strange omen? Planned? Maybe, maybe not.’

Keep watching…

God’s ‘sign language’: follow-up to EU-web #1 – St George and the dragon

‘Jo Blogs’ post on God’s Sign Language posted Friday, proved to be an excellent lead-in to a couple of ‘signs’ sitting in my Tuesday morning in-tray on matters that had been on my mind – and then came yet another!

The first was within hours of having posted Tony’s Night Vision Concerning Brexit of a huge spider’s web and I’d then mulled over its connections with the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem on Monday 14th May.

The vision Tony Puccio saw was of a spider’s web within Europe and England being severed from its sticky strands. That evening ‘Fiona Z’ emailed me and kindly permits me to publish her message, viz:

‘Hi Richard I was in my orchard interceding for the UK with regards to the EU. I was asking the Lord, ‘How do we become totally detached?’

‘At this point I saw a clear picture of George and the dragon which I initially ignored but, on singing in tongues, the image became clearer and I asked the Lord, ‘Why Lord? Dragons are for fairy-tales – surely your Holy Spirit is enough?’ 

‘My thoughts were that fairy-tales were exactly that and if not George then ‘Who’ would the Lord send to fight and defend us in that way at this time. The Lord replied clearly,

“Michael will prepare the way for my Spirit, all unrighteousness will be burned away by the fire of my Spirit’ – He WILL have the victory!”

‘I was then reminded of Daniel 12v1. [‘At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise…’ NIV: RB insert]

‘Please ignore if you feel this not to be relevant, please test and do whatever is the Lord’s will. All I can say is that it is the clearest vision the HS has given me.’

I responded, ‘ is indeed a most relevant revelation!  Interesting how it also relates to the weekend’s course on the book of Daniel, where Dr Fruchtenbaum explained about angelic warfare. So your email suggests our patron saint’s similar territorial activity under the head angel, the archangel Michael.

‘You will be interested to know, together with your email I had a notification from Tony’s blog of a video clip. It opens to show a person who’s been in my mind yesterday and first thing this morning…’

The rest of my reply and its associated details are for part 2 of this post. I was amazed a testing – or rather a ‘confirmation’ – of Fiona’s email was to come by lunchtime through another follow-up in God’s ‘sign language’ – or ‘God-incident’!!

During a ministry session at the day’s service for healing at Acorn Christian Foundation a dragon was sensed as having caused a great deal of bother. Within minutes the Lord quickly brought our brother through with a great blessing – He’s a good, good Father – praise Him!

As Fiona says, “Awesome when we surrender and the Lord moves in power to change everything for good!” Amen.


Thank you Wikipedia for the most informative entry on St George and the Dragon. It’s second paragraph offers a highly apposite insight relating to the essence of this topic, and which I’ve emphasised:

‘The legend of Saint George and the Dragon describes the saint taming and slaying a dragon that demanded human sacrifices; the saint thereby rescues the princess chosen as the next offering.

‘Only a kernel of the legend occurs in the ancient hagiography of Saint George dating to the 7th century or earlier. Here, a monarch referred to as “dragon of the abyss” persecutes the saint. The dragon-slaying may have been transferred from the legend attached to St. Theodore…’

However, that entry fails to mention that, as patron saint of England, his emblem of the red cross on white background is England’s national flag. With the addition of the diagonal crosses of St Patrick (red on white) for Ireland and Saint Andrew (white on blue) for Scotland, it becomes Britain’s flag, also known as The Union Jack.

[Image credit: Puzzle In Sky by Idea Go, courtesy of]

God’s sign language

Here Joanne Rolston shares her personal reflection upon what I’ve termed as ‘God-incidents’. May our Father bless and encourage you with His ‘sign language’ direct to you too…

The Kingdom

Einstein quote, coincidenceWhat do you think about coincidences?  Is it God trying to get our attention?  Or, as Einstein said, “a small miracle where God chooses to remain anonymous?”

I think people often get signs and dismiss them as coincidences.  I don’t dismiss them, you can miss out on a lot when you do that.

Have you experienced God trying to get your attention?  Has He tried to sign to you or speak to you with a word?  To hear, you must have the Word.  Hearing comes from the Word.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

There are two kinds of Words in the Bible, LOGOS for general application and RHEMA for personal application, where the Holy Spirit will speak directly to you, bringing  revelation.

I think hearing with the Rhema word is something that is caught rather than taught.  When I heard people…

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American’s vision of the EU and Brexit-effect upon it

Further to his dream a few weeks ago about Britain regaining its sovereignty, over in Tucson Tony Puccio has just recorded the following on My Dreams & Visions. A new  vision confirms previous prophecies from across the UK of a successful Brexit. Tony’s observation on the vision offers a spiritual explanation for the intractable, prolonged political difficulties endured since the democratic vote to leave the EU:


‘I will call this a night vision since this occurred whilst I was in bed and not yet back to sleep. What I saw was a huge spiderweb spread out over the countries of Europe. In the center was a huge spider. The web upon which it sat was no ordinary web as I saw what I will call electrical pulses passing through each strand of its web. What was interesting is, when looking for England, I saw that there were strands just dangling and sparking like one would see if a power-line were down. England was not a part of the spider’s web and from the looks of things it had broken free. In the natural an insect, once ensnared, does not break free from the spider’s web but is killed by the spider. I have seen, albeit rarely, an insect escape but with great difficulty. It would seem this is the case with Brexit.’

In my humble opinion I don’t think the pulses are purely electrical but represent how the demonic territorial spirit-entity controls thoughts and activity to everything that’s stuck in its ‘web’.

An especially sticky area relates to EU’s border controls and the near deadlock over arrangements for collecting trade tariffs at Eire’s border with Northern Ireland, for which electronic systems are proposed as a ‘max(imum) fac(ilitation)’ solution. The vision’s dangling bits in the sea could suggest we’ll end up with an ‘invisible’ border in the Irish Sea, as has been mooted.

Upon reading Tony’s vision it immediately reminded me of a powerful, dreadful dream before I was born-again. I was enveloped in a kind of ‘light’ in a nirvana-like state of mind but a curtain was drawn aside to unveil a spider-like, devouring monster behind it. A few years later I learned satan can masquerade as an angel of light!

Suzanne Payne at UK Prophetic Words notes, It’s another prophetic picture that we will break free, or as the Lord has previously put it, become unyoked from the EU, which is indeed like a dark web.”

Synopsis of posts on unsealing the Book of Daniel

To continue our theme on Daniel:

In view of the multi-level aspect of prophetic scripture recognised by biblical scholars of both Classical and Dispensational persuasions – and thus hinting at the cyclical fulfilling of prophecy – together with the ‘Act of God’ Iranian earthquake on Israel’s 70th Anniversary, we now start considering the prophetic instruction Daniel received from a heavenly messenger – and praying that we be blessed in its becoming ‘unsealed’.

I’m not alone in having my attention drawn to this book because one of the scholars whom I’ve re-blogged on Richard’s Watch is now publishing fresh insights. As in the previous post, it’s only one of many references to Daniel which have popped up since Resurrection Sunday!

Therefore and on the understanding that most readers are familiar to some extent with the Book of Daniel, it would be helpful to take stock of what I’ve already blogged on the ‘unsealing’ of the vision recorded in its 11th chapter, as may be inferred from.:

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel 12:4 NKJV)


Continue reading

GPS #16: are you too receiving a shower from Daniel’s book?

Dear reader – please let me know if you too have been showered by ‘jigsaw pieces’ of prophetic material within the Book of Daniel, especially regarding End-times. It’s like the Lord’s wanting us to help Him complete an invisible jigsaw by picking out pieces and dropping them into our minds – as though pushing a pile of pieces to our corner of the table.

Or to put it another way: it’s like a heavenly cloud’s been sitting for weeks over the three counties-overlap of East Hampshire – West Sussex – Surrey, to release flurries of flakes and then in fly a few pieces from overseas!  It’s a melting pot of metaphors where ‘God-incidents‘, ‘Invisible Jigsaw‘, ‘Bridge O’er the Pond‘ all indicate God’s ‘Global Prophecy Signals‘ are definitely operational.

For the record, here’s twelve pieces I’ve noticed:

  1. 10 April – learn previous week’s message at service for healing was on Daniel
  2. 17 April – Daniel again features at Acorn (unusually, 3 readings over April)
  3. 19 April – Cycles and Israel’s 70th Anniversary prompts rethink of Daniel’s 70
  4. 23 April – review previous on Daniel for summary on unsealing and new post
  5. 23 April – Nelson Walters blogs on his new book on Daniel: ‘70 Times 7′
  6. 26 April – intending posting on Daniel but publish Genesis & John geometry
  7. 26 April – need to split Daniel draft into two parts (published 6th & 11th May)
  8. 26 April – Veronika West vision of heaven and earth’s time synchronising
  9. 28 April – Receive invitation to Highlights from Daniel teaching weekend
  10. 3 May – Nina tells me of Anne Graham Lotz’s new book: ‘The Daniel Key’
  11. 6 May – Flag up Daniel in Signs from God? (Iranian earthquake on Israel’s 70th)
  12. 10 May – Finish synopsis on unsealing Daniel as next post > more to come!

Let me know in Comments below if you’ve been getting pieces too. Alternatively, you can email me ( or comment on Richard’s Watch Facebook.

Credits: Flying puzzles by Nokhoog Buchachon and Digital Globe by Cooldesign are published by courtesy of

‘Highlights from Daniel’ – Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s teaching weekend

“It never rains but it pours,” so the saying goes and you may like to note what’s on this weekend in the Farnham-Aldershot area, as announced below:

Dr Arnold Genekowitsch Fruchtenbaum is founder and director of Ariel Ministries, an organization which prioritizes evangelization of Jews in the effort to bring them to the view that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. He lectures and travels widely.

This event is one of several recent ‘God-incidents’ regarding this famous Old Testament book of prophecies. Maybe I’ll see you there?

For location and checking in event of cancellation visit the Fellowship’s website

History in the making: Trump terminates US role in ‘nuclear deal’ with Iran

Thirty years ago my jaw dropped upon seeing an utterly amazing ‘coincidence’ between a book I was reading (The Invisible Hand) and a video of Iran’s elite troops rehearsing an attack upon, and liberation of, Jerusalem (see ‘Bio’ ). After many years watching the malign machinations of that regime, I’m pleased there’s now a non-Israeli world leader adamantly refusing to tolerate Iranian terrorism AND is already taking action – with Britain and France! – as well as knowing those ‘Twelvers’ hell-bent eschatological motives! [See Iranian Leader’s End-times Declaration & ‘Mahdi’ tag]. Here’s Joel Rosenberg’s on yesterday’s announcement:

(Jerusalem, Israel) — After a careful policy review by senior administration officials, and consultation with a wide range of U.S. allies, President Donald Trump today kept his promise by announcing the U.S. will terminate the nuclear deal that President Obama and Secretary John Kerry negotiated with Iran. The President also announced the U.S. will imposing […]

Continue reading at BREAKING NEWS: President Trump keeps promise to withdraw from dangerous Iran nuclear deal. Will impose severe new sanctions on Tehran. This is the right decision & the President deserves tremendous credit. But pray for peace in the region. Things might get bumpy. Here’s the latest. — Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog