NEWS! Ian Clayton’s FIRST book is out!

It was most instructive hearing Ian Clayton for the first time at one of our earliest days in Well Church International, near Goldalming. I kept pace with his novel teaching throughout and realised he’s correct when he used almost identical words that I’d had only weeks before on ‘God-incidents’!! (That is, they’re just like instruments playing in an orchestra – see The spiritual significance of the Queen’s Jubilee Bells.) Ian attributed Godly coincidences to the Lord’s Spirit of Wisdom (see next post). Be blessed as you read…

Heidi Baker: prophecy of a new move of God in UK – with updates

The prophetic words below were delivered at Catch The Fire London on 16 November by the internationally respected co-founder of Iris Ministries, Heidi Baker. My thanks go to Suzanne Payne for bringing it to my attention and for the hard graft of transcription:

The Spirit Calls You To Him

Heidi at CTF WembleyThanking leaders Stuart and Chloe Glassborow for just having quoted the scriptures she was about to preach on, Heidi told those assembled to fix their eyes on Jesus and, asking Him to take everyone deeper, she sensed His Spirit flowing. In her inimitable intimacy with Jesus,  Heidi urged Him not to leave England like it is, nor the UK, nor London as they are.

Heidi went on to share what she was receiving, which brought a tremendous response from everyone:

“I just feel like this revival that God has promised in this nation – it’s another wave of revival He’s promised; I feel like it’s going to come as we go. It’s going to come as we go. It’s going to come as we go, says the Lord. This revival of radical love is going to come as we go. It’s each one of us just taking a hold of the love of God, taking a hold of the heart of God, taking a hold of the mercy of God, fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and the finisher, and as we go, one by one by one by one there’s going to be a lighting up in the hearts of men and women in this city, in this nation.

“This move of God is different than you’ve ever seen before, says the Lord. It’s different than you’ve ever seen before, says the Lord, because no one’s going to point to one mighty evangelist. No-one’s going to point to one mighty preacher, no-one’s going to point to one mighty event, but there’s going to be this, this immersion, this immersion of the Father’s love, this immersion of Holy Spirit, this immersion, this infilling of God within the hearts of individuals, and with the hearts of bodies, the body of Christ.

“There’s going to be a movement of unity in the UK that’s going to shake the world, says the Lord. I hear the prophetic word of the Lord. It’s going to flow through the universities and the colleges of the universities. It’s going to flow through denomination and the non-denominations. There’s going to be a move of unity within the Body of Christ.

“You’re going to fill Wembley Stadium. You’re going to fill stadiums, stadiums, with worshippers of the living God. And there’s going to be this holy affection where people come before the Lord. They’re not going to even know who’s speaking in the stadium, they’re not going to even know the name of the preachers, because they’re coming fixing their eyes on Jesus. It’s going to shake the nation, says the Lord.

“There’s going to be a unity even between Scotland and Ireland and the UK, that’s going to SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE. There’s going to be a shaking that’s going to bring a unity, says the Lord. There’s going to be something that the people of other faiths are going to see in this nation, as believers come together in radical love.

“There’s going to be; you are going to be a part of the history, a part of the history in this nation, says the Lord. There’s going to be another historical move of GodI see, I see a shaking, a shaking of radical love.

“I see people in the Body of Christ, and you’re going out, and I’ve seen a vision of it, you’re going out, and I know you’re sons and daughters but you’re going out like ants, you’re going out like ants, like ants, like little ants, like little ants and you’re digging digging digging digging digging like little ants – like little ants, you’re digging.

“And there’s something specific happening as you start just lining up in this unity. There’s going to be a unity beyond anything the UK’s ever seen. It’s like there’s something, I feel like you’re going to become like these radical lovers of God that’s going to cross all denominations, all the barriers.”

“I feel like church history is going to be made in this place again, and you’re going to be a part of the history because, instead of burning people at the stake, there’s going to be radical love manifested through the Body of Christ.

“And it’s like there’s something that’s going to be happening in the body of Christ in UK – and I hear the Lord, I hear the Lord so clearly – it’s this radical movement of unity where there’s going to be so much of Holy Spirit’s presence in the individual believers that they’re literally going to cross different streams and they’re going to move together in this HUGE river of radical love that’s going to flow over the banks of the UK, it’s going to flow over the banks – it’s going to be like this hotbed – and out of the UK there’s going to come this MIGHTY move of the Spirit that’s going to touch even unto the continent, says the Lord, and there’s going to be a re-awakening, a re-awakening of love, a re-awakening of unity, a re-awakening of His Spirit – and it’s like the other faith, the other faiths, the other religions, they’re going to take notice when the Christians come together in radical love – a cross-stream, they won’t care what they’re called, they won’t care…

”It’s interesting what I hear: there’s going to be diversity in the unity, there’s going to be diversity in the unity, uniqueness in the unity, where people are going to come together uniquely different and yet flowing together in unity. It’s not like you’re going to come together with a fake unity where all your doctrines are the same, where all your beliefs are the same, but you’re going to come together for the prize, you’re going to come together for the prize!

“He says, “I will give you souls, I will give you souls, I will give you souls, souls, souls, souls”. There’s going to be another Great Awakening coming out of this place!

“I see a great awakening touching the universities. There’s going to be a fire of God’s glory love on the universities. There’s going to be move between denominations that will blow your mind, says the Lord.

This is from God’s heart and it’s, it’s a passion on Daddy’s heart that…it’s hard to understand but there’s been this longing on the heart of Daddy God, this longing on the heart of the Father for this move that He longs for, that He’s destined this place for, that He’s destined UK for – He’s destined it in His Spirit – and I see it…Oh yes Lord.”

Amen! Bring it on Lord! 

baker-150x150Receive the full impact of this prophetic word to Heidi by listening to the podcast. Click on the link to CTF in this photo and select ‘The Spirit Calls You To Him’ – this word starts at 6:05.

Iris Ministries is based in Mozambique. Click to read how the Bakers began their work, their core values and their outstanding mission across east Africa.


  1. Email received 22nd December 2014:
    “Thank you for the word I was sent from your watch from Heidi – via ‘HS’ – it was very exciting to read as I had just heard the Lord say to me “you keep going and I will keep coming” – so we were amazed to read the first para of her word. Also, to read about the unity that she prophesies about as this is all part of our vision for Culture Changers.
    “I am therefore including it in our January update along with the word for 2015 from Sharon Stone. So very encouraging – thank you.
    “This morning I felt the Lord prompting me to write to you and thank you and tell you the above.”
    Ginny Cryer
    [Upon retiring as leaders of Winchester Vineyard Church, Hants, Ginny and Hugh started Culture Changers UK.]
  2. Note dated 13th January 2015:
    Two people unknown to one another spoke or wrote to me upon “Go!” from Isaiah 6:8-9 on the same evening – Thursday 8th January. AND the previous day Aliss Cresswell closed a prophetic word for 2015, “We have just entered into the promised land, so go!” THEN on 8th Jan and over that weekend the number of views of this post went ballistic at over 2,200 – Is the Lord getting our attention? In view of this word’s emphasis upon a new move of unity see CBTI – Churches for Britain & Ireland – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2015, 18th-25th January.
  3. Richard’s Watch 21 April 2015:
    How the above word fits a prophetic insight received by my namesake Richard Barker – God-incidents’ validate cycles and point to near future – 2
  4. Richard’s Watch 11 June 2015:
    Heidi Baker, Cindy Jacobs: prophetic messages verified and applied.
  5. Conversation in early August 2015:
    A neighbour’s daughter home from University at Brighton is very excited over Christian activity there and pleased that it involves fellow students from across many church denominations.
  6. Richard’s Watch 23 May 2016 – Can These Bones Live? Clifford Hill on the Pentecost celebration in Winchester Cathedral in this post

Personal Note:

Several years ago I discussed with Heidi’s husband Rolland an open vision before me of Holy Spirit fire sweeping up Africa from Mozambique into the Middle East. This had blessed me when I first saw Heidi teaching at Toronto and he said it’s similar to what their local director Supressa Sithole had seen for the ministry. (Details may be read under ‘2012 Note’ in A Third Great Awakening?)

Lion Bites: Yield to His process

Lion-Bites-logo-2012It’s amazing how personally relevant daily encouragement from Glasgow Prophetic Centre has been recently. Today’s wasn’t read until after Nina wrote a short piece on listening to and following Holy Spirit’s directions – this prophetic word confirmed her message. It’s also appropriate for the finishing touches to the previous post on The image of Jesus.



You are in a season where you are being re-sensitised to the Spirit of God in every area of your life. Often you have wondered what was happening, as the Holy Spirit has been re-sensitising you to Him in your thought processes, emotions and responses recently. The Lord is calling you to yield to this process. His heart and His plan for you is that you become sensitive and in tune with His voice and His promptings so that you would be a vessel for His glory wherever you are, always yielded to the leading of His Spirit even in all your thoughts, words and actions.

Romans 8:14
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 


I encourage you to check out and consider receiving Lion Bites emails, and perhaps financially supporting this special ministry.

Lion Bites is the product of a team of gifted people, who work together – in worship, prayer, writing and editing – to bring you the words.

The best way to guarantee you receive your daily word is to subscribe for the FREE email service. You’ll then receive your Lion Bites email straight to your inbox, every Monday-Friday. These word published since January 2011 reach and encourage believers in over 50 nations around the world. Please feel free to share, print, copy, distribute and comment on these posts.

The Directors David and Emma Stark hope you are richly blessed as you browse their archive of personal prophetic words!

On becoming like Jesus Christ

fire-of-Holy-Spirit-300x194This profoundly important message comes from Mike Parsons. It’s reposted in full rather than re-blogged in order to emphasise its associated prophetic word and append a book cover and make some observations on four consecutive days of God-incidences. Regular readers know my opinion of such events. For Mike’s original posted in August, click on his following title:


Mike Parsons with Jeremy Westcott

Transformation: embrace the season

We are entering into a season preparing us for holiness; a season of removing stumbling blocks; a season of preparation to cross the threshold into the glory realm; a season for transformation. Not just a minor adjustment of surface appearance, but fundamental, radical change, affecting body, soul and spirit.

Let’s not resist it, but embrace it. Let’s cooperate in being changed from glory to ever-increasing glory. Entering into the process of refining and purifying is entirely voluntary. That said, we know that sometimes God will engineer circumstances around our lives to give us further opportunities to volunteer. We can fall on the Rock, or the Rock can fall on us.

Like you have never known

Here is part of a prophetic word which God gave me before I first taught this series at Freedom in 2012:

“It is time to pray that the lid comes off and to call forth my angels who are waiting to start gathering and removing stumbling blocks both within and without. Holiness fire is coming, the highway of holiness has been prepared. It is time to walk in the river of fire. You have walked over it and felt its heat but now it is time to be baptised in fire. The heat will turn idols back into the dust they came from: to be under your feet, not in your hearts.

“Call forth the gathering angels. The lids are coming off the sewers, the secret and hidden things of the heart are about to be exposed. All I ask is for the willingness to submit to the fire that will refine, purify and prepare you for true holiness.

“I am about to restore your souls like you have never known, and lead you on paths of righteousness like you have never known.

“I am going to prune the church. I am going to cut off the branches that are producing no fruit. I am going to remove the stumbling blocks to true kingdom government. I am going to close the access doors that the enemy has had. Some have already been removed.

“I am looking for those who are willing to be pruned in the unproductive areas of their lives and in their desires and their priorities…”

Metamorphosed, transfigured

We have seen that happen at Freedom Church (kingdom government has been established here, but in the process, lids have certainly come off some sewers and we have experienced some painful pruning, both corporate and personal). What is true for us locally is true for you, wherever you are reading this. God wants His whole church transformed, metamorphosed, transfigured, changed, conformed into the image of Jesus; not patterned, moulded, conformed to the world.

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12:1-2).

Transformation is a process of change, a renewal, a restoration to original condition; not to what Adam was like before his sin but to what he would have become. How would things be today if Man had not fallen, but had spent the intervening centuries pursuing God’s plan for him and for creation? How would we be?

Our goal in transformation is to become wholly like Jesus; to live like Him; to do as He did, and greater things (John 14:12); to be conformed to His image.

For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).

One degree to another

In our day, the prophetic books (portals) have been opened and we are receiving deeper levels of revelation and understanding. But these also call for deeper levels of transformation. It is like going from pre-school mathematics (recognise a number), through primary school (counting, simple sums, addition, multiplication), to secondary school (algebra, equations, calculus), undergraduate, postgraduate and so on. I suspect many of us are not much beyond pre-school as yet.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).

There are progressive levels of transformation to maturity, progressive levels of responsibility and authority. God wants to take us from servant to bondservant to steward to friend; lord to king to son.

By the mercies of God

Freedom from sin (Rom 6:16-18); the gift of eternal life (Rom 6:23); peace with God (Rom 5:1); the grace of God (Rom 5:2); salvation from wrath (Rom 5:9); the gift of repentance (Rom 2:4-5); the love of Christ (2 Cor 5:14-15): the mercies of God are new every morning, and they motivate us to present ourselves as living sacrifices, ready for transformation.

It is indeed a process, and it may take some time. But we can begin today (and every day) by offering ourselves as a living sacrifice. We can invite Him to do what He needs to do in us.

He will challenge our conscience, imagination, reason, mind, emotions, will, and choice; our motives, desires, attitudes, mind-sets, belief systems, familiar spirits, patterns of sin, trading systems, idols, stumbling blocks, entanglements; hurts, pains, rejections, fears, inadequacies, inferiorities, disappointments and more besides. He will deal with our sin, transgression and iniquity. He will restore our supernatural abilities.

Are we up for that?
If so, let’s pray:

God I thank you for your presence in my life.
I open the gate of first love and invite you into my spirit
I invite you to activate my spiritual senses and flow through me
Jesus I surrender control of my life to your lordship.
You are Lord of my life.

I choose to be a bond servant.
Train me as a good steward
So that I can be your friend.

Renew my mind
Heal my emotions
Restore my conscience
Cleanse my imagination
Direct my will.

Train my senses to hear your voice
To know your heart
See your vision
And be directed by your peace.

Cleanse my bloodline and seed-line
Transform my DNA.

Father I choose to follow my eternal destiny
Into lordship, kingship and sonship.
I choose, as an ambassador of heaven,
To administer the rule of the kingdom of God
On earth as it is in heaven.

Display me as a son of light on the earth.
Manifest your kingdom rule through me to the world around me.

Related articles by Freedom ARC

Other resources from Freedom ARC


The year of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012, saw an abundance of prophecies about a new era for the Church (click for a selection).  For me it brought a conviction of seeing things falling into place, especially after an awesome gathering in August at Birmingham, as described in An invisible jigsaw falls into place. It greatly reminded me of having prepared annually for the new school year but going up to a higher class, and Spirit-filled believers have an exceptional schooling (see Back to School-College-Uni).

So I’m most encouraged that Mike refers to 2012, and spells out what was on my mind about increasing in Godly wisdom like when we went through various schools – but I omitted my intention of saying most churchgoers are in, or unwilling to progress beyond, nursery school!

More remarkable are references to ‘stumbling blocks’ and the ‘mercies of God’, because they featured prominently last week, as follows:

  • Tues 18th: the closing verses to the draft of my last post on Jerusalem (re. faith of traditional church leaders) got augmented. I added what had cropped up in that morning’s quiet time but used the literal wording rather than the standard NKJV text, “It is impossible that no offenses should come…”; ie. I wrote ‘stumbling blocks’, not ‘offenses’.
  • My study bible notes to Luke 17:1 state ‘offenses’ means ‘stumbling blocks’, and is literally the trigger of a trap or snare. In the verse it designates something that causes one to sin, and Jesus issues a strong warning against apostasy.
  • Within minutes of publishing that post an Elder called about having an insight into our unexpected month-long recurrence of a major health issue and said he’d seen a ‘stumbling block’! When my wife waited upon the Lord nothing came, she went to watch a TV programme but it suddenly changed to show a long-forgotten but traumatic episode of when she was 9 years old playing out on the TV Screen!!
  • Wed 19th: our Elder ministered as directed into that ‘video’ stumbling block’.
  • Thur 20th: Nina awoke to find there were no signs of this daily manifestation! Praise and thank the Lord greatly.
  • Thur 20th: that morning’s prophetic Lion Bites was exactly on target, as implied in my covering comment to New mercies every morning!  Mike refers above to “the mercies of God are new every morning’!
  • Fri 21st: not normally on-line, but went to adjust that draft only to see email note of Mike’s post being re-blogged on Ecclesia of Burning Ones – thank you so much for bringing this excellent post to my attention.

I can only conclude: NOW’s the time to action Mike’s post!

Angels GatherNote: Paul Keith Davis writes in-depth on ‘angels that gather’ in this book published in 2007. For details click on the book’s cover >>>


Revelation of God’s Prophetic Timetable

mike-parsonsIn limbering up to launch 3 years ago I referred to some things happening in the month of this blog’s launch and remarked, “It’s fascinating how events have cycled around and thus returned my focus to similar issues as in November 2011”. In that connection I strongly urge consideration of what Mike Parsons of Freedom Church in Barnstaple wrote earlier that month on Sons of Issachar. It has become increasingly relevant…

Sons of Issachar

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

We are getting to the core part of what we set out to share with you. Everything we have posted so far has really been by way of introduction. We are now beginning to look in detail at the prophetic timetable that God is opening up to us, the revelation of His plans and purposes over the coming months and years. Let’s remember, there are no specific dates or times here, just a sense of different phases or periods in which God will be working in particular ways, which He is calling us to recognise so that we can cooperate and participate with Him.

This is the first part of that prophetic timetable:

Each of these is a period of time which does not end, but continues alongside the other periods of time. Over these periods, there are going to be an increasing…

View original post 999 more words

Cindy Jacobs: prophetic words for UK, October 2014

Cindy Jacobs - FB pageMy thanks to Michael Marcel for publishing this prophetic word on UK Awakening. Michael writes that he was with Cindy Jacobs as she went to our four nations and the message was similar in each country. (He hasn’t posted one for Northern Ireland because her whole message was the word.)  His transcript in its entirety is below, which I’ve edited purely for ease of distinguishing between Cindy’s words and what she brings from the Lord. To read it as delivered in its full flow, click here:


The Lord would say, “I am coming to Wales, but not as I have done in times past, but I am coming in a greater measure, for I never do anything lesser than what I did before”.

The Lord says, “I have seen you and I have heard your cries”, and God says, “You look at your city as apathetic, but I say the fields are white with harvest”.

The Lord says, “I am the great I Am that raised up the Whitfields and the Wesleys and Evan Roberts”, and the Lord says, “I am going to do it again, I am going to bring my power, I am going to display my Glory in a measure that you cannot imagine, greater than what you even think”.

And the Lord would say, “Why shouldn’t I use you? I want to use the Caleb generation, I want to use the Joshua generation. In this move of God I am going to marry the generations, I am going to bring them up together, I am going to use red, yellow, brown, black and white, I am going to use the young women and the young men and I am coming says God. 

“You will see signs in the heavens and signs in the earth. I am going to begin to shake”, says the Lord, “and when you see the shaking come you will know that the visitation is not far behind the shaking. I am coming to shake everything that can be shaken says the Lord. I am coming to shake the heavens; I am coming to shake the earth. You will see signs on the cliffs, on the cliffs of the North Sea, you will see signs… in the heavens, even the newspapers will say ’Is this the end time, is this apocalyptic?’

And God says, “I know how to bring the fear of the Lord into our people. I am coming”, says the Lord, “I am coming to Wales, I am going to move upon the schools. Look to the schools and the land”, says the Lord, “For I am going to visit the little children, there is a great children’s revival coming. I am going to breathe upon the little children, I am going to breathe upon the six-year olds, and the seven-year olds and the eight-year olds, I am going to come and visit them”, says the Lord.

“Look at the ten through twelve-year olds, I am going to come upon them”, says God. And the Lord says, “I am going to come upon the old, even you will see upon the elderly, the seniors, very old people I am going to make them rejoice in me”, for God says, “I will not forgive one generation in this move that ? (questions? RB) I have come.”                       


Coming down out of the clouds, when the cloud level broke and I felt a burst of Glory coming out of the ground – first time in 35 years.

The Lord says, “I am releasing a wave of Glory out of Scotland that will affect many nations says the Lord. For this is going to be transformation that affects all of Europe and the nations of the earth”.

God says, “I am going to make you a transformed nation and the Lord says that there is a great battle over the destiny of Scotland, but what the enemy means for evil, I will turn for good. I am going to turn some things around on a level you would not imagine”.

The Lord says, “As this nation stands in prayer in the measure they stood to vote, I am going to turn it around”, says the Lord.

The Lord says, “I am coming with a move of my Spirit says God, I am going to release an anointing of evangelism, there is going to be an anointing, not only of evangelism”, but I see God is getting ready to send to the nations of the earth and the Lord says, “It is harvest time in this nation”.

The Lord says,”Many have prayed for revivals, many have said, God will you do it again, but I am saying to you I am going to do greater than what you can imagine and what you can dream, for there is a Jesus People movement coming. I am coming with a wave that is going to hit the secondary schools, it is going to hit the primary schools, it is going to be a school anointing, and it is not going to be just a few”, the Lord says, “There are going to be child evangelists, and they are going to raise up as my burning ones and they are going to have the message of God and a message of conviction upon their lips says the Lord”. God says, “Even now there are little ones who are six and eight and ten and I am giving them dreams and they are seeing angels and they are having visitations from the Lord”, but God says, “I am going to use them to begin to share in their schools, and if they try to shut them up, they will shout all the more and they will not be silent”, says the Lord.


For The Lord says, “There is a new sound arising out of England unlike any that has been released before.  I am calling my people to once again fill the streets with singing and dance upon injustice.

“For the streets of London are filled with protestors and the enemy is stirring up a spirit of Anarchy that will attempt to inflame radicals of all types, but I say that it is time for the Lion of Judah to roar upon this land.

“Wake up and call unto me!” says The Lord! “Awaken in me with the voice of song and dance for I inhabit the praises of my people.  It is time for the church to once again go to the streets and worship.  You will take back the streets of the cities through demonstrating your love for Me and I will be stirred up as a Mighty Man of War and fight on your behalf.

“Let My Name be praised from shop to shop and school to school!  Ring the bells and cause the church to wake up.

“If you will rejoice, I will release the former and latter rains upon the nation and there will be another Great Awakening that will spill out across the world.  For I desire to fill this nation and the UK and the region with My Glory”, says The Lord.

The Lord said to me today,

“Psalm 133, United Kingdom, red, yellow, brown, black and white, dancing upon injustice, releasing the Glory of God to the streets.

God has brought the Nigerians and the people from West Indies, …some people say the complexion of the nation has changed”, but the Lord says, “I have caused it to be the colour I have always wanted it to be in my people coming together as one, for love has no colour says the Lord”.

The Lord says, ”Do not fear that you will lose who you are, for I am going to loose the Spirit of Evangelism, I am going to begin to move upon those, and I am going to win them to me, I am going to woo them, those who you have most feared I am bringing for the greatest harvest this nation has ever seen.  

“A sound is going to be released that is going to be greater than anything that has ever come out of this nation before. God says, I am going to raise it up, I am going to raise up a new generation with a new sound that is going to pierce the heavens and release this anointing to her destiny” says the Lord.

Blog’s 3rd Birthday – what did Jesus prophesy about WWI?

I invite readers familiar with 20th Century history and the Bible to search their brainy database and try this single-shot quiz:

Question: which military event during the First World War has a direct connection to one of the prophecies spoken by Jesus Christ?

Clue: Old Testament prophet Isaiah described an amazing facet of this historic event.

Answers: short answers in the reply box below or, if unable to log in, please send email to ‘’ under subject ‘Quiz’.

Closing date for answers is 30th November. Regret no prize but correct entries will be announced with the answer in early December.

Limbering up to launch 3 years ago

RJBThe first three weeks of November 2011 were spent preparing to launch this blog. This was in response to the Lord’s nudging me to increase the readership of my emails on some of the Biblically relevant events in the Middle-East. It was daunting to move from a private circulation of several dozen church friends and out into the wider world. Who’d want to read my thoughts and opinions anyway?

A year later I was surprised to find the number of views was just under 10,000 and two more years later another ‘0’ had appeared at the end!  So thank you to you personally as you read, and for looking at other posts, and especially if you’re a subscriber. Thank you too my very dear Nina for your understanding and putting up with my disappearing into the study off and on over three days each week.

It’s fascinating how events have cycled around and thus returned my focus to similar issues as in November 2011: persecution by Islamists, Obama, Israel, apostasy and, in particular, a TV debate ‘Has the Church replaced Israel?’ with follow-up and summary. In connection with this matter I will briefly address the massive religious and historical illiteracy rampant in politicians, media and elsewhere (even in believers) next week – unless another ‘hot potato’ needs to be tossed over to you!

Thank you in particular for making such good use of the blog’s prophetical material. The most popular posts throughout the year have been words brought by Dr Sharon Stone for 2014-16, the photo of an angel attending Steve Hill’s funeral, Wendy Alec’s word on Obama, followed by the Library of Prophecies.

I’m especially pleased with the success of that collection in view of my personal effort, and because my intention is for it to be a useful resource to the body of Christ as well as public enquirers.

A personal thank you once again.

Exposure of media lies goes viral

In view of my long-standing complaints about the BBC’s abysmal reporting standards you may want to watch Simon Plosker of media-watchdog Honest Reporting. In this video he speaks about European and American media’s deliberate false reporting of news on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

He’s asked, “Are there any consequences to reporting like that? Do you just put it on (your site) and hope they pick it up and that their readership sees it…or…Does someone get fired over something like that?”

He responds,

“One thing we can do is, we have a very, very large reach. We have 140,000 subscribers around the world. We’re active on Facebook, Twitter…all sorts of social media and one thing we noticed yesterday – as soon as we expose these things – they were going viral.

“There was no way the media outlets could ignore what was going on ‘cos they were being told in no uncertain terms they’d got it wrong!

“The BBC are notorious for their choice of headlines…”

In this video Simon analyses media reports from Canada, Ireland, Britain and USA to expose the unprecedented media bias against Israel.


[Read also BBC Watch on BBC smoke-screening the true story the synagogue outrage and His Grace Cranmer on Slaughter in the synagogue is just politics as usual.]

Lion Bites: New mercies every morning

Lion-Bites-logo-2012Thank you Lord for a breakthrough at last on the peculiar health issue to which I referred the last time I re-posted one of the daily prophetical encouragements from Glasgow. In fact, some of the past week’s ‘Bites’ have been timely.

Today’s word is EXACTLY right in describing the situation.


Lamentations 3:22
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness, “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him”.

Many have waited in this season, believing for breakthrough. But at times it has felt like that bus which has never arrived at your bus stop. There you sit, looking… waiting… watching. You are the last person left there in the cold of the night… and yet you wait on. The Lord Jesus is your only hope and your only answer left… you wait… and watch still… because you know that God is coming.

Suddenly! The faint rumblings of the bus engine finally reach your ears and you know that your prayers have been heard.

Today is a good day! I hear the Lord saying,

“New mercies, new mercies, new mercies. I am the God of new mercies every morning!

“My compassion does not fail. I am releasing new mercies to My children, to those who wait on My name, to reveal My faithfulness again”.

Will you rejoice that your prayers have been heard today and that you will receive the new mercies God has for you?


Bless you David and Emma, and may everyone who reads this be blessed too.

In connection with the poetic ‘rumblings of the bus engine’, there’s a fascinating ‘God-incident’ over the closing scripture of my post on churches in Jerusalem and an Elder’s phone call minutes later – but that ‘glory-story’ must await another time.


Make sure your house is built upon The Rock

Thank you Lord for this timely prophetic vision. It’s similar to a startling open vision right in front of me just over 10 years ago (as told in Comments upon the collapse of Society).

My Dreams and Visions

I saw a vision 11/19/2014 as I was driving.  In the vision I saw people that looked like they were being tossed about as one would be were they in the ocean except they were bit in the ocean, they were on dry land.  In the vision they were even having a hard time time keeping their balance.  There was a shaking going on, a violent shaking.  There seemed to be no ceasing of the shaking. In the same vision I saw other people who were standing on round rocks slightly elevated above the ground.  They were not shaking as the others around them, they were at peace. The people who were being shaken saw that those standing on the rocks were not being shaken and tried reaching out to them so that they too would have secure footing as well. There’s no doubt in my mind that the Rock…

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Catholic and Orthodox churches choose fealty to 7th Century Muslim edict

Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on the earth?”  Today’s answer could well be, ‘Not where You’d expect to find it – in parts of Your Church!”


The Temple Mount with al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosques

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem reported last week that some Christians in Jerusalem pledged solidarity with Muslim authorities of the Temple Mount – and this in accordance with a 1,400 years-old decree of subjugation!  The ICEJ report opens as follows (inserted numbers refer to my comments),

 “Leaders of Jerusalem’s Catholic and Orthodox churches met with Moslem officials this week, declaring their solidarity against what they described as Israeli “oppression” and “violations” of the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem’s Old City [1]. Examples they cited of such “violations” included rumors about plans to change the status quo on the Temple Mount which have been dismissed as “fabrications” by Israeli officials but which have persisted nonetheless [2].

“The statement also reaffirmed the leaders’ commitment to the so-called “Pact of Omar” which was established following the Moslem conquest of Jerusalem in 637 AD which codified understanding that Moslems have a superior legal, political and social status to all others in the Levant, while also protecting the rights of non-Moslems to practice their religion [3, 4].” (Read full report here.)

In response I submit the basic facts, along with a few thoughts:

1.  A timeline of recent related events is given in Joel Rosenberg’s blog and indicates the violence was instigated by Muslim extremists and deliberate incitement from the Palestinian leader to start a third intifada. But Joel doesn’t go back far enough!

Six months ago, after disturbances in April, an imam from al-Aqsa mosque called for the destruction of Israel and urged Middle Eastern countries that signed peace agreements with Israel (Egypt and Jordan) to take up arms against it. [Israel Today citing al-Jezeera as herein.]

The latest outbreak was started not by Jews, but by Moslems throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and fireworks at police at the entrance to the Temple Mount – NOT because Jews tried getting onto it or into the mosque, BUT BEFORE the Israeli police tried stopping this disturbance.

See Honest Reporting’s detailed analysis of Wall Street Journal and New York Times’ reports, the details of which give a better account than Daily Telegraph’s incomplete video which, in the fuller context, actually gives credence to the Israeli version of events.

BBC Watch also provides a proper picture by correcting badly biased broadcasters, as well as exposing the quisling BBC’s platform to Palestinian Authority’s falsehoods and incitement of violence on Judaism’s holiest site. [Today: Anachronism and inaccuracy in BBC News Jerusalem reporting.]

The massive rock platform which the first and second Jewish temples were built upon is supposedly sacred to Moslems too, but their fanatics don’t treat it with reverence or with respect. And it’s no wonder because the city of Jerusalem and its sacred centre do not feature in their holy book. There are no historical references in it, only an inference that Jerusalem was the destination of their founder’s ‘night journey’ on an imaginary horse!

2. PM Netanyahu Israeli addressed the recent wave of violence in Israel last Tuesday by telling journalists that PA’s Abbas is “fanning the flames” of incitement by lying about Israel’s non-existent plans to change the status quo on the Temple Mount.

Deception and dissimulation are sanctioned in the Qur’an and known as the doctrine of taqiyya. According to a former Islamic studies professor at the American University of Beirut, Sami Mukaram, “Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era”. (Raymond Ibrahim’s eye-opening analysis, How Taqiyya Alters Islams’ Rules of War)

I’d add, ‘and throughout Western media too’!  The global scale of misinformation and lies makes Herr Goebel’s Nazi propaganda machine look archaic by comparison. No wonder the need for the highly commendable services of various media watchers, for as Raymond explains in summing up the implications of taqiyya:

…zealous belief in Islam’s tenets, which legitimize deception in order to make God’s word supreme, will certainly go a long way in creating “incredible self-confidence” when lying.

Yet most Westerners continue to think that Muslim mores, laws, and ethical constraints are near identical to those of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Naively or arrogantly, today’s multiculturalist leaders project their own worldview onto Islamists, thinking a handshake and smiles across a cup of coffee, as well as numerous concessions, are enough to dismantle the power of God’s word and centuries of unchanging tradition. The fact remains: Right and wrong in Islam have little to do with universal standards but only with what Islam itself teaches—much of which is antithetical to Western norms.

[Churchill was well aware of the dangers, as quoted in my blog All Hail the Lamb!. AND whilst writing, an excellent example of media proclivity to blame Israel arrived from CNN of today’s outrage on a synagogue as ‘Deadly attack on Jerusalem mosque’!! So much auto-brainwashing its overwhelmed what few ‘grey cells’ they possess…]

Had it not been for that faith’s founder using dishonesty to defeat his first opponents in reneging upon the treaty of Hudaybiya (628AD) – thereby showing the perpetual nature of jihad – his totalitarian religion would not have swept by the sword across Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Compare this with the Ten Commandments the Almighty gave Moses for how Israelites are to live; eg., to be truthful and trustworthy, as required by not bearing false witness against one’s neighbour! (Exod 20:16)

Compare also with Jesus’ description of the devil as “a murderer from the beginning” and “a liar and the father of lies”! (John 8:44)  Noteworthy for this discussion is the fact Jesus was chastising the Pharisees and scribes, which can be applied to mullahs and imams too because His rebuke concerned their non-acceptance of His identity and His relationship to God. (Read about it in this link to BibleGateway.)

But the Qur’an describes Allah as the best makar, ie the best deceiver or schemer!!(Suras 3:54, 8:30,10:21 per Ibrahim; also see in-depth discussion in Answering Islam)

Thus, anyone claiming the Holy God of the Jews and Christians is one and the same as Islam’s Meccan moon-god has been deceived and is utterly deluded!

3. As liberals whine about Israel ‘occupying’ Palestinian territory and the PA still does not recognise the right of Israel to exist but is to be removed, then the same ‘logic’ must be applied to Muslim claims. Second caliph Umar, companion to their founder, and his army invaded and occupied Jerusalem in 637AD. Therefore, Muslims don’t have any  legitimate right to be there or to have built mosques on the platform. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

Dr Mike Evans writes only last week, “Palestinian leaders have issued a new demand to their allies in the liberal media—stop calling the Temple Mount the Temple Mount. The Palestinians are annoyed because of the unmistakable link to Israel’s heritage in the Holy City that remains in the name of the places…so they want to wish it away.”

This capacity for lying to themselves has also produced the stupid claims that Jesus was a Palestinian and thus not a Jew!  Anyone with any intellect knows Palestine didn’t exist until the Romans trashed Jerusalem and dispersed nearly the entire population of Judea. The region was then named ‘Philistia’ after Israel’s old enemy, the Philistines.

Update (22/11) Read Ruthie Blum on ‘Temple Denial’, a term coined in 2007 by Dore Gold author of The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, the Future of the Holy City.

4. In the non-sectarian book that opened biblical prophecy to me in the mid-1980s,The Invisible Hand (see blog’s Welcome), Victor Dunstan makes the following remark:

“It is interesting to note that when Caliph Omar entered the city, Gibbon in his ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’  records:

“After signing the capitulation, he entered the city without fear or precaution; and courteously discoursed with the patriarch concerning its religious antiquities. Sophronius bowed before his new master and secretly muttered, in the words of Daniel, “The abomination of desolation is in the holy place”.

Recall Jesus’ warning about this,

“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…” (Matthew 24:15 NKJV)

Read for yourself the requirements of this Dark Ages despotic document in Analysis of the Pact of Umah, courtesy of Wiki-Islam.


In preferring to kowtow to Muslim demands instead of those of their Lord and Saviour, and opportunities afforded by the liberation of Jerusalem, those church leaders have given affront to the men, women and babes martyred by maniacs in recent months.

Sowing and reaping comes to mind. The traditional super-cessionist stance of the Church replacing Israel in God’s favour together with centuries of anti-Semitism has brought about these leaders’ own subservience and spiritual captivity to a falsehood that claims superiority. How abject!

We also have to ask, where’s these Catholic/Orthodox leaders’ real faith?  Apostle Paul’s prime point about Jesus Christ’s identity, the clear denial of which by these clerics in bowing the knee to 1,400 years of antichrist rule, implies they may have little faith,

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11 NKJV)

An unclear theology and lack of understanding the Word of God has probably led them to their unsound slavery. But in my humble opinion they’re in danger of committing, if not having committed, apostasy because what they speak from their authority could hinder others’ growth into fullness of faith. As the Lord warns disciples (Luke 17:1),

“It is impossible that no stumbling blocks should come, but woe to him through whom they come!”

Enough said?

Further Reading:

Links for readers wanting specific information on Islam:

  1. Australian Anglican pastor Mark Durie blogs on issues related to Islam here – also see his post Three Choices and the Bitter Harvest of Denial: How dissimulation is fueling genocide in the Middle-East.
  2. Gates of Vienna: Taqiyya and Kitman in Washington DC translation of Fridays’ Muslim prayer service in the USA’s National Cathedral, and about its significance.
  3. Bill Warner’s Political Islam; see 14th Nov (HA!) on Sacred Deception – Taqiyya
  4. Comprehensive coverage/translation by the Middle-East Media Research Institute
  5. A solid source/repository of well-informed authors at The Middle-East Forum.

As fires rage across the Mideast, a key man to watch is Jordan’s moderate King Abdullah II.

Interesting that this was published on Oct 7th, the day before the outbreak of violence at the Temple Mount. (In his previous re-blogged post, Joel scrutinises the important role played by his ‘Key Person for 2014’ in working to bring calm into the situation.)

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

A key man to watch: Jordan's moderate King Abdullah II. A key man to watch: Jordan’s moderate King Abdullah II.

On January 10th of this year, I began writing a series of columns on key people in the epicenter who I planned to keep an eye on in 2014. The first name on my list was Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

Sure enough, the King has proven himself a central player in a region set aflame by the forces of Radical Islam this year.

As the flames get higher, several critical questions come to the fore:

  • Will ISIS or other Radical groups try to topple the King and raise their black flag over Amman?
  • Will the U.S., NATO and other allies stand closely together with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, one of our most important allies in the region, to make sure this does not happen?
  • Will the U.S., Israel and Sunni Arab countries such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia — as well as some…

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As radicals try to blow up Israel-Jordan relations and ignite “Third Intifada”, Netanyahu heads to Amman for emergency talks.

UPDATE Mon 17 Nov: The Times of Israel quotes Hebrew news site NRG’s report on Thursday’s meeting that Jordan’s King Abdullah II expressed dissatisfaction regarding Jewish Knesset members who’d recently visited the Temple Mount…yet acknowledged President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent requests that right-wing MKs refrain from visiting the contested holy site, and noted last week’s decline in such visits…Netanyahu reiterated his commitment to Abdullah and Kerry that Israel has no intention of changing the delicate status quo at the Temple Mount, which includes the controversial Israeli policy of banning prayer by non-Muslim visitors…he reminded Abdullah that Jordan maintains administrative control of the holy site, and encouraged him to take a larger role in restoring quiet…also pointed out the recent clashes were carried out with the full knowledge of the Jerusalem Waqf (responsible for maintaining administrative charge of the holy site under the terms of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty).

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

"His Majesty King Abdullah holds talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Amman on Thursday." (Photo courtesy of Royal Court/AFP/Jordan Times) “His Majesty King Abdullah holds talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Amman on Thursday.” (Photo courtesy of Royal Court/AFP/Jordan Times)

(Central Israel) — Radical Islamists are trying hard to ignite a “Third Intifada,” engulf Jerusalem in violence, and blow up relations between Israel and Jordan, twenty years after the two countries courageously signed a peace treaty.

A close look at events here in recent weeks suggest that without much prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, wise leadership,  patient diplomacy, and the grace of God, the Radicals could very well succeed.

But they haven’t yet. With violence in and around Jerusalem spiking, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Amman on Thursday evening for emergency talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Secretary of State John Kerry. The goal: to find a way to de-escalate tensions — quickly and carefully.

The three leaders also held a conference call…

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46,000 churches called to “extraordinary prayer” for Great Awakening

Endless Bridge by Evgeni DenevA fascinating follow-on that acts as sequel to the last post can only be of the Lord.  In asking whether an emerging corrective trend of a spiritual-political nature could link the USA to Britain, I noted a commonality and mused if it may be related to Charlie Shamp’s remarks about the UK.

“Whether we are discussing the First and Second Great Awakenings…God has always seemed to release the fresh movement of the Holy Spirit on these Islands that has gone on to affect the entire earth.”

We now have reference to a ‘Third Great Awakening’, as follows:

Joel RosenbergThis morning (13th Nov) Joel Rosenberg’s latest email announced “something very exciting happening in the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention”.  In June he’d written  about the SBC’s new President, Dr Ronnie Floyd’s, and Anne Graham Lotz’s urgent prayer call for July 4th and beyond.

Joel reminds us that Dr Floyd was making prayer for a Third Great Awakening a top priority inside one of the world’s largest evangelical Christian denominations. He now reports that, true to his word, this pastor has travelled all over the country preaching on the need for deep repentance and revival inside the SBC.

Now, Dr Floyd’s released a free 16-page e-book titled, Pleading With Southern Baptists And Beyond to come together in clear agreement before God and “in extraordinary prayer for the Next Great Awakening and for the world to be reached for Christ”. It is a clarion call for Southern Baptists — and all Christians in the United States — to become deeply focused and committed to pleading with God for revival. [Click to read in full.]

The Third Great Awakening

Dutch SheetsJoel’s item rang a bell about Dutch Sheets also having similarly called for prayer, about which I wrote in some depth here. It’s the most motivational call for prayer  I’ve heard because of its foundation upon a supra-natural  lesson: the existing effect of generations’  intercession since the American War of Independence.

Also, I was reminded of having encouraged friends in early 2011 to watch his inspiring account at The Bay Revival of the Lord speaking since 1991 about a new awakening (this email refers).

Recounting his experience this September at the grave of the great revivalist Charles Finney, Dutch reminded Holy Spirit about the First and Second Great Awakenings and appealed to Heaven for another,

As we prayed, God chose this time and place to meet with me in a powerful way. I was overcome, as I have been before, with God’s heart and love for America. I wept, as we all cried out for revival in our land. Why did God meet me there in such a strong way? Perhaps it was to honor the memory of Finney, a faithful son; or, since awakening and harvest is what Finney so powerfully represents, maybe it was a confirmation that God is, indeed, going to give us another great awakening; and it could have been to remind us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves – that the great cloud of witnesses is watching and cheering us on, knowing fully that we’re the continuation of their efforts (Hebrews 11:39-12:2). Whatever His reason for choosing this time and place, the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon me. I was re-mantled and re-anointed.

After explaining about mantles and anointing, Dutch concludes,

God is not finished with America. Don’t be moved by the naysayers, don’t give in to hope deferred. There is a third Great Awakening coming to our land. There is another broad and passionate “appeal to Heaven” occurring in our land, which will be honored, just as it was when our nation was born. There is a re-connecting to the covenants, promises and sacrifices of our forefathers. And there will be an answer from Heaven in the form of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the earth has ever experienced – in America, and around the world. You are part of this! Keep crying out for revival – and cry out for revivalists like Finney to be raised up in our day.

Be blessed as you read his full account here.

[Endless Bridge by Evgeni Denev, courtesy of]

Does a spiritual yet political trend link USA to Britain?

Are subtle changes in the British and American political scene afoot, and is there a spiritual link between them?

Could a positive trend relating to revival come from the ‘mother’ nation to its ‘adult child’? A trend that includes a rebellious, corrective ‘fight-back’ from Christians!

Courtesy WatcharakunReading a few remarks on the US mid-term election results, comments upon our fuel prices and on the Labour party leader’s about-face, a provocative notion popped into mind. Just like one of my loaves it began to rise, and my premise is submitted for what it may be worth. Now it’s out of the ‘oven’ and not half-baked, I’d value your tasting and opinion, so kindly bear with me.

Let’s bite and chew upon these facts as they emerged over weekend 7-9th November:

1. Rick Joyner’s prophetic bulletin arrived whilst I was drafting POTUS’ party pummelled and, although I’d only skimmed it, his careful consideration of the results was evident. He’s of the opinion the GOP now has a mandate from the people – but not necessarily so, because turn-out was low with Democrat supporters staying away in droves. One could, however, argue they couldn’t care less, or that their own president’s policies are so chronic his voters are against him. Moreover, the mandate comes from many who are sufficiently concerned about state of the Union to express this by their vote.

Rick suggests two main questions need answering very quickly with the new Congress:

  1. Will Republican leaders lead with the resolution needed to fulfill their mandate?
  2. Will President Obama now work with Congress to make the mandated changes or will he become an obstructionist President?  (Do leopards change spots? RB)

He refers to Bill Clinton’s wise course of action after a mid-term rebuke as shown in his working with Republicans and their ‘Contract with America’.  Incumbent Obama has the same choice but, “If he doesn’t get the message and act accordingly, it will get very ugly, and impeachment will not be off the table for the abundance of crimes committed by his Administration”. (Now where did I blog about that? – ah yes, on 4th June 2013.)

Rick comments upon voters’ main concerns as revealed in exit polls and I noted nearly half (45%) saw the American economy as an issue. In recommending how GOP should proceed, he refers to Joshua’s defeat at the battle of Ai and how he learned to prevail and concludes:

To effectively deal with the threats to our existence that are still gathering against us, it is imperative that we throw off the extreme devotion to political correctness that has blinded us from seeing or confronting some of the biggest threats…

After elections that seemed to go in our favor, Christians and conservatives have often relaxed. Some would just go back to sleep. If that happens now, it can prove fatal…

“This election was a great victory, but it is just the beginning of getting America back on course. This is no time to let up, and this is no time to become arrogant.

[FYI: Rick Joyner is a founder of ‘a grassroots movement to unite, mobilize, equip, and activate Christians to be the salt and light they are called to be by engaging in the great issues of our time from a sound biblical worldview’ known as The Oak Initiative. Its rise was rapid across all 50 states and over 50 nations worldwide, as well as attracting over 300 Christian leaders.]

BillKoenig_hdr2. Friday’s Eye View From The White House from William Koenig connected right into Rick’s remarks  about Clinton. He opens from his personal, frontline coverage with header; Defiant Obama Completely Misses the Point of His Political Party’s Shellacking (transl: ‘thrashing’)

I was at President Obama’s White House press conference Wednesday afternoon. As I listened to him explain what happened in the 2014 mid-term election, I thought, “Does he really not understand that this election was a shellacking about him and his failed agenda? Is he that far removed from reality or in total denial?” This was one of the largest political defeats in modern election history at all levels of government, both national and state.

But Obama refuses to take responsibility despite the fact that his political party did not invite him to do any national or local political campaigning, which he said he loves to do…

As Obama’s yet to learn from the 2010 fiasco, as in this from BBC on ‘shellacking’, the chances of his now changing attitude seem negligible!

Bill’s review continues with quotations from leading left- and right-wing journalists who hammer Obama’s denial and defiance of sweeping GOP gains in the Senate, House and governorships. He also quotes National Review’s article on the Democrats in States Legislature sinking to levels only known prior to the Great Depression!!

3. The most surprising element of Bill Koenig’s ‘Eye View’ is on Christians’ decisive role in the Democrats’ demise!  Political involvement by churches in the US is regarded by Brits as an American peculiarity, probably because of our centuries of politico-religious conflicts and state-established Anglican church presided over by the monarch. Yet we need to be aware and appreciate what’s happened…

The Faith & Foundation Coalition report upon a post-election survey showing, ‘Self-Identified Conservative Christians Comprised Record Share of the Electorate, Backed GOP Candidates by 8 to 1 Margin’. Bill quotes FFC founder Ralph Reed,

Their share of the electorate exceeded that of the African-American vote, Hispanic vote, and union vote combined.  Religious conservative voters and the issues they care about are here to stay. They will be equally vital in 2016. Politicians of both parties ignore this constituency at their peril.

It’s instructive to note the Christian share of the vote was almost 1 in 3 and that those who identified themselves as believers voted as follows:

  • conservative – 82%:12% GOP:Dem (approx 52.4% GOP vote-share)
  • evangelical – 82%:18% GOP:Dem (constitute 23% electorate)
  • Catholic – 70%:30% GOP:Dem (constitute 9% electorate)

4. On Saturday I read about the reasons UK motorists are being ripped off and this cast doubt on claims about the state of the US economy being a major factor in the election results.

In his Business Comment, Allister Heath explains horrendous tax rates are the real reason why petrol is still so expensive and that international oil prices are directly connected to the petro-dollar. This is only one reason why falling prices are not quickly reflected in pump prices. A drop in price can be cancelled out by weak value of sterling against US dollar, as is happening today. “The value of the pound has slumped to a 14-month low against the dollar, partly as a result of strong employment figures from the US.”

Costs at the pump are hiked up by fuel duty and value-added tax totalling 63.4% of retail price. [At 1.60 £/$, petrol at just under £1.25/litre = $2.00. So 1 gallon here costs £5.68 = $9.10 : that is, $7.60/gallon (US).]

So, I thought this commentator’s remark ran contrary to US exit-poll reasons. Of course what really counts is voters’ personal perception and experience of economic realities. It is another thing for economists to look at leading indicators showing the US economy is now strengthening (eg. Guardian’s Trevor Williams, Calm down financial markets; the message on UK and US growth is good).

5. Then in the same paper I espied an op-ed’s strap-line ‘Sooner or later a line has to be drawn – and anti-Semitism is surely a good place to start’.  Dan Hodges’ Politics has become detached from morality opens on Tory strategists’ ideas to counter UKIP’s poaching conservative voters. Apparently, UKIP Leader Farage did a deal with a notorious extremist leader of a far-right Polish party who admires Hitler and denies his involvement in the Holocaust. But the author changes tack, as follows…

After the week’s reports of challenges to Ed Miliband’s leadership of the Labour party, it is noteworthy that Dan writes, “This week a voice was raised against anti-Semitism. It was that of Ed Milibrand…on his Facebook page (he said) ‘We need a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism in the UK and reaffirm our revulsion to it in all its forms’…”

Not so laudable as it seems, because its belies his 3-line whip preventing Labour MPs’ free vote in the motion favouring a Palestinian state (see MPs ignore Koranic scholar’s warning). Miliband’s ardent support for Palestinian goals seems mutually exclusive to any concerns over anti-Semitism and, by inference over anti-Israel sentiment.

Dan exposes the hypocrisy of Milband’s insistence upon a ‘zero-approach’:

A clear and principled statement. Except, it wasn’t a clear and principled statement, but a statement born of political calculation.

A week earlier, Miliband had received a high-profile rebuke from Labour supporter Maureen Lipman. “Just when the anti-Semitism in France, Denmark, Norway, Hungary is mounting savagely, just when our cemeteries and synagogues and shops are once again under threat”, she wrote in Standpoint magazine, “in steps Mr Miliband to demand that the government recognise the state of Palestine”.

Lipman’s comments, in particular her concern about the Labour leader’s silence over anti-Semitic attacks, were quickly echoed by other senior members of the Jewish community.

So 24 hours later that silence was suddenly broken. Reporters at the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News were phoned with quotes condemning a recent attack on Luciana Berger, the Jewish Labour MP. And a couple of days later, Miliband’s Facebook article appeared.

H O L D  O N – wot woz zat?

Suddenly, I sense an invisible jigsaw again taking shape…

Puzzle in sky - Idea go

A corrective trend?

I’d closed my previous post by quoting Apostle Paul on the futility of our mocking God’s ways and precepts, as in the earliest document of the New Testament. Also, I related it to the acceleration in applying that law as recently taught by Neville Johnson.

So now I’m suddenly struck, not by the Labour’s leader’s expedient about-turn, but by the fact of his leadership being challenged that week – see How Labour rebels turned on their leader. This isn’t at all surprising as a consequence of the party’s deep decline in Scotland.

But there may be another dimension to all this…a provocative notion springs to mind: I’m struck by the possibility he may be reaping what he’s sown against Israel.

Now, where did I note a similar party political upheaval before?  Answer: Alex Salmond and his failed personal ambition to persuade Scotland to vote for leaving the UK!  As a result, he stood down from leadership of the Scottish Nationalist Party.

Moreover, in blogging on Salmond’s possible Islamist stance, I noted he’s vociferously  anti-Israel.  Perhaps the Lord ensured he reaped his reward for what he’d sown against His people? And perhaps the most appropriate time was an election/referendum?

After the ground was shaken from under the Scottish First Minister, the notion popped into mind that this may the reason it’s starting to shake under Ed Miliband’s feet too?

Obama-NetanyahuAnd it’s happened in the very same week for POTUS and the Democrats! Obama mocked the Lord God throughout his tenure, has been against Israel and displays personal animosity towards its Prime Minister (click image to read why). As the renowned investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield now blogs at ‘Sultan Knish’, The Democratic Party’s Civil War is Here.

Also, lest we forget, two Christian leaders prophesied about Benjamin Netanyahu being elected into office for more than a single term, one as far back as 1980 (as told here). Therefore, he is the Lord’s man for this time in Israel’s history.

To summarise:

  • the above political leaders have made declarations and decisions in varying measure inimical to the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel and have then come a cropper. It’s quite possible the Lord is now taking them to task for that.

That this Galatians 6:7-8 action has started in the UK before the USA, where the sowing of defective seed has been extensive, may be related to the fulfilment of prophecies for the British Isles and what the Lord is already doing here.

That is, it’s necessary to correct UK’s ungodly situation first – or because the spiritual atmosphere is opening – in order for the harvest to ripen as people awaken to the Lord.

Whereas in the States, an enormous spiritual schism had opened up across the nation (as seen by Chuck Pierce in 2008) which will need extensive repair with repentance, or face an increase of the judgement that’s already come upon it.  Comparatively, the USA may therefore be further down the line for revival than the UK yet be blessed by what he Lord will do here.

Hence, the mid-term elections and the possible consequential actions could be a vital corrective action for the sake of America’s spiritual well-being. Perhaps that trend has already started here in the UK and will come to affect the USA too?

That concept was voiced in March by Charles Shamp about the British Isles,

“Whether we are discussing the First and Second Great Awakenings…God has always seemed to release the fresh movement of the Holy Spirit on these Islands that has gone on to affect the entire earth.

“My love for Church history and the moves of the Spirit caused me to recognize that what took place within these nations directly affected America and the move of the Spirit in my nation.

“Although we are an ocean away, we are connected in the realm of the Spirit, and as the song of Heaven would arise over the UK, it would carry all the way to the shores of America and revival would begin to come forth in these United States….”  (read full word here)

[Hand Pressing News Icon by Watcharakun and Puzzle in Sky by Idea Go are courtesy of]

POTUS’ party pummelled – a Jerusalem connection

US CapitolPolitical pundits over the ‘pond’ earned their pay on Tuesday and yesterday! (Potus = President Of The United States)

President Obama’s party – the Democrats – were trounced in mid-term elections by the Republicans (aka GOP, ‘Grand Old Party’). The GOP decisively won majority of seats to seize the Senate and gain full control of both chambers of Congress. CNN reports this empowers the GOP to pin down President Barack Obama during his last two years in office.

However, such swings with a low turn-out of voters aren’t unusual for mid-terms, as had happened for Republican GW Bush’s second term. It makes for a ‘lame-duck’ leader, but I leave it for my American readers to debate over whether that’s new for Obama.

Now I won’t pretend to know anything about USA’s governance, but want to point out later a coincidence of Biblical relevance. (Anyone like me needing to learn more will find this BBC briefing, or a fuller Wikipedia article, are helpful – as well as fictional The West Wing TV series!)

According to The Telegraph’s Washington reporter Raf Sanchez,

“Voters vented their frustration with Mr Obama’s six years in office on his Democrat political allies, giving the Republicans a majority in the Senate for the first time since 2006…In a particular snub to the President, voters in his home state of Illinois cast out their Democrat governor and replaced him with a Republican, despite Mr Obama campaigning on his behalf…

“Although Democrats had been braced for a bad night, the results were even worse than many had feared. The President’s party lost key races in North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa – all states that first propelled Mr Obama to the White House in 2008…”

I’d like to draw your attention to Rick Joyner’s assessment in his Prophetic Bulletin – Hope & Change.

A Jerusalem connection

Students of prophecy are only too aware of the significance of Jerusalem and its pivotal importance in international affairs and events, as in my recent post on William Koenig’s alert, Nations set on collision course with God.

John McTernanWilliam and John McTernan have followed developments since the mid-1990’s and 1986 respectively. In 1996, William published his work as Koenigs’ International News (now at and in 2001 he became an accredited White House correspondent. With John that year, he co-authored Israel: The Blessing or the Curse. They’ve written other works and their monitoring and correlating of events related to the US governments’ policies toward Israel and its biblical land have empirically tagged causative actions against Israel directly to consequential effects upon America. There’s so many instances I suspect they’d make a scientifically proven case!

Yesterday, John blogged the following observations with links to sources,

“Obama was humiliated as he was totally rejected by the American people at the very time of the statements about Jerusalem before the Supreme Court!” (…New political dynamic)

“The American people repudiate Obama at the very time he is attacking Jerusalem!”  (…Smackdown to stop Obama)

He refers to Adam Kredo’s article, Solicitor General: Israel has no claim to Jerusalem, just as Russia has no claim to Crimea, in connecting the voting debacle with the Obama administration’s failure to recognise Jerusalem’s true status…

“…This is the most outrageous article that I ever read about a US president dealing with Israel. I was shocked, and it takes a real lot to shock me!
“God used this Supreme Court case to expose what is in the heart of this man for all to see…”

Adam’s account of both sides of the argument is well written and even-handed. It makes fascinating reading. John quotes Adam’s opening remarks,

“Lawyers for the Obama administration compared Israel’s control of Jerusalem to Russian claims over the Ukrainian territory of Crimea during oral arguments this week before the Supreme Court in a case concerning the rights of U.S. citizens to list Jerusalem as part of Israel on their passports. U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who is rumored to be in the running to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, drew the comparison on Monday while he attempted to convince the Supreme Court that Jerusalem is not officially part of Israel.

This historic case demonstrates the quandary produced by political ineptness and lack of Godly direction upon a nation.

Parents of a child born in Jerusalem wish to have the birthplace officially stated on the US passport as being in “Israel”. This has been denied because the administration’s policy is to disregard the city as a part of Israel.

Consequently, the appointed Supreme Justice seemed to argue several times it would be a “lie” for the US government to acknowledge on a passport that Jerusalem is in Israel. That is, the executive branch does not believe it to be true as a matter of policy. Therefore, the parents are asking the government to lie. [SEE PS comment below]

What is amusingly fatuous are contentions about POTUS’ foreign policy, viz:

“Obama administration lawyers argue that the case infringes on the president’s executive right to conduct foreign policy. By acknowledging Jerusalem as Israeli territory, the White House would lose its credibility in the peace process, as well as its jurisdiction to manage foreign affairs, the government maintains…”.

To the claim that adding ‘Israel’ to the passport isn’t official recognition and thus doesn’t breach policy announcement, the administration, “countered that such a declaration would harm President Obama’s “credibility” in global affairs.  Foreign governments, foreign peoples will not be able to have complete confidence that the position that the president announces on behalf of the United States is, in fact, the position of the United States,”. 

Credibility? LOL…Derisory!

Is the Solicitor General and legal team living in cloud-cuckoo land?

POTUS’ popularity has not only plummeted at home but he’s also lost any credibility he had, not only in the supposed ‘peace process’ but also in global affairs!   (My blog done in August about attempts to bring a peace deal for the Gaza war was only one of many commentaries on this issue from more expert observers over recent years: eg. see the ‘Sultan Knish’ on Why Obama hates Netanyahu.)

This leader’s defiance of the Lord’s heart toward Jerusalem and intentions thereto have led to his humiliation – he’s only to look to himself!

Also, it may be an example what Neville Johnson said of the Lord shortening the time-lapse between sowing and reaping – see point 3 in Urgent prophetic words about a cut-off time in God’s timeline.

 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Galatians 6:7-8 NKJV courtesy

PostScript (10.11.14):

Dr Mike Evans writes as follows upon reading the Supreme Court transcript of Justice Sotomayor’s words:

They’re asking the government to lie,” Sotomayor said. “How could you tell me it’s not a lie?” Sotomayor asked Alyza Lewin, the lawyer representing the Zivotofsky family. “You, the United States, are being asked to put on the passport that you believe the place of birth of this individual is Israel, and the government—and the executive has said, no, we don’t think it was Israel, we think it was Jerusalem.” (emphasis added)

You will never see a better example of the folly of men contrasted with the wisdom of God!!

[US Capitol building by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee; courtesy]

BATH Spirit School – 14th Nov

Readers who liked my reports on the Days of Wonder gathering in Cardiff in August may be interested in this forthcoming event in Bath. Details of the School are in Justin’s initial announcement here, and we know its hosts Trevor and Ros Dunlup from their popular prophecy schools in Bath.

What have Paul Keith’s video and Mary Magdalene got in common?

Flying puzzles by Nokhoog Buchachon, courtesy

To God alone be the glory for this true story…

Join me as I meander along my musings and, as we wend our way, watch out for.:

  • a modern movie and its location
  • a medieval English abbey
  • a lost Renaissance painting
  • a legendary epic voyage
  • the earliest Christian letter
  • a new appreciation of prayer.

Except for the first, the rest took me by surprise the weekend before last. As pieces of an ‘invisible jigsaw’ they’d fallen into view like fresh snow.

Our long weekends off from weekday busy-ness start on Fridays, and a couple of Fridays ago we enjoyed strolling around Chichester city centre in warm sunshine. Eventide, we relaxed by catching up on an iPlayer movie recommended by our eldest daughter…


theway_gallery_L_04This movie written and directed by Emilio Estevez is most engrossing and stars Martin Sheen (aka ‘West Wing’s US President Bartlett) as an irascible American doctor, Tom. He goes to southern France after losing his son (Emilio Estevez) who had an accidental death after having set out on  “The Way of St. James” (see map).

Rather than returning to the States, Tom wants to honour his son by completing the journey on his behalf. But he doesn’t expect the profound impact this trip has on him. The Way tells the story of his near-500 miles hike to Santiago de Compostela in north-western Spain.

The route is one of many to one of the oldest of pilgrimages sites in Europe. I recalled learning about its connection with Reading Abbey upon researching the abbey’s history Founded in 1121 by king Henry I, this English abbey was also one starting place for the Camino de Santiago, and is reputed to have the remains of St James’ hand as a relic. (My researches began in my office overlooking the ruins of the abbey’s mill, and are as copied here.)

So this movie had a personal, albeit indirect, relevance – but more was to come on the ‘morrow…


The very next morning I found buried inside Saturday’s paper some interesting facts about a ‘centuries-old art history mystery’ –

Caravaggio’s original ‘Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy’ has been discovered in a private European collection, the world’s leading expert on the Renaissance master has claimed.


The Telegraph: photo credit La Repubblica

Although the 1606 painting has been copied several times, historian Mina Gregori says the original has finally been found. The Telegraph’s Andrea Vogt says this expert won’t  reveal which country it is in but can confirm that when she first saw the 100 by 90cm oil on canvas in the owners’ home, she had no doubt. Andrea reports, Gregori called the find a “marvellous addition” to the art world. The 80-year-old scholar and authenticator said seeing the original with her own eyes was a career highlight: “I think after all these years, I deserved it”.

This article rang a bell deep in long-forgotten memories of my pre-Christian interests  because:

The painting refers to the legend in which Mary, living as a hermit in a cave in southern France near Aix-en-Provence after Christ’s death, was overcome seven times a day by “the delightful harmonies of the celestial choirs”.

That reference, especially about an ecstatic trance, would connect with remarks I was yet to hear on the third day, and thus start seeing a part of this ‘invisible puzzle’. But we should first consider the importance of this biblical person.

Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus alive after his burial in the garden tomb and so many, including Pope Benedict, regard her as an “Apostle to the Apostles”. She was the sister of Martha and Lazarus, whom Jesus brought back from the dead and was to later become Bishop of Cyprus. This family are reputed to have been of royal blood and owned estates in and around Jerusalem as well as at Magdala near the Sea of Galilee, where the younger sister Mary lived and is said to have fallen into a sinful life. Jesus is thought to have frequented one or other of their premises whilst travelling with dozens of disciples.

This blessed woman became deeply devoted to Jesus after deliverance – no wonder she later sat wrapt in His teaching instead of helping her sister. On that need Jesus remarked, Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42 emphasis added).

Hence, Mary Magdalene is patron of contemplatives and Caravaggio’s painting reflects an outcome of her desire and her Master’s promise.

(Thank you to ‘Joe Catholic’ for also pointing out Mary is a model for penitent sinners. Also see this informative rebuttal of modern Catholic biblical scholarship.)

Next, I dived into my library and dug out a book bought in 1971 during my investigations into early Church history.:


Coming o'Saints

This book by John Taylor, first published in 1906, is   replete with source references and combines history and legend to portray the earliest Christian missions into western Europe (Spain, France and Britain).  It helped me – a non-believer –  learn about the early church’s transmission of Jesus’ original teachings. In my story, I explained my desire to find out why churches were not doing what Jesus had done, as promised in John 14:12, as well as how much of His teaching had been lost.

The editor of this book’s 1967 reprint answers complaints about mixing written records and local legend, saying the book shows they substantiate one another and dovetail together. “Of particular interest are the references culled from churches founded by the saints who were companions of our Lord during His ministry”, maintains Gladys Taylor.

She writes her namesake gathered evidence from a pilgrimage made to the French churches, and other countries, and thus produced impressive proof of their antiquity.

Coming o'Saints photos

From top: grotto cave of St Mary Magdalene; church of Les Saintes Maries; crypt of St Martha at Tarascon (J Taylor 1901)

One chapter summarises the Life of St Mary Magdalene complied by Rabanus Maurus (776-856 AD) – a manuscript copy of which is lodged in Magdalen College Library, Oxford. In his closing years he was Archbishop of Mayence (Mainz, Germany).

First however, I needed to re-remind myself of the book’s main thesis. Its first chapters examine the known historical  events, and those behind the scenes, at the close of and after Jesus’ life. Taylor thus adds detail to scripture’s narrative and he posits a list of disciples additional to the apostles, deacons and the family of Jesus. In addition to considering the ‘home-base’ of Capernaum, he lists names of followers from the house on Mont Zion and the city of Jerusalem, and towns of Bethany, Emmaus and Jericho.

Then Taylor covers some early missionary journeys not covered in Acts of the Apostles, noting Dr Luke’s historic account does not refer to the evangelical mission in Sardinia and Spain of John’s brother James. The only reference to James after Pentecost is his death at the hands of Herod in Jerusalem in 44 AD (Acts 12:2). His remains are said to have ended up centuries later back in Santiago de Compostela. Hence, pilgrimages  to his shrine, as mentioned above.

Persecution following Apostle James’ martyrdom led to the dispersal of many disciples from Jerusalem. (This was about 10 years after that led by Saul of Tarsus.)  Tradition of Provence, southern France, has a number of them being bundled into a boat without oars or sails somewhere near Mount Carmel and set adrift. They’re reputed to have been  Lazarus, Joseph of Aramathea, Maximin (leader of disciples after the apostles, and friend committed to the care of the Magdalene) as well as a favoured four: Martha and Mary, Mary wife of Cleopas and a third Mary (Salome) and others.

However, I was interested in checking John Taylor’s reference to the correct James at Jerusalem. Was it John’s brother, or Jesus’ brother James who later led the Jerusalem church and wrote a brief epistle. It is James’ historic ruling at the first Church council  that enabled non-Jews to associate with the Church without having to comply with the Mosaic laws their Jewish brethren had before coming to Christ.

So to clarify, I wasn’t so interested in Mary Magdalene as wanting to check out what Paul wrote to the Galatian churches about his post-conversion history. I recalled mention of  church leaders he met when in Jerusalem, as well as Luke’s account of those meetings (Acts 15)

Written circa 50 AD Paul’s letter is the first and therefore the oldest, canonical Christian document and earlier than the Gospels. Therein Paul tells what he did, where he went and how he learned the Gospel of Jesus by direct, personal revelation; that is, not from any original disciple or apostle:

13 For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it….15 But when it pleased God…16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood,17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. 18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days. 19 But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother. 20 (Now concerning the things which I write to you, indeed, before God, I do not lie.)  21 Afterward I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 And I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea which were in Christ. 23 But they were hearing only, “He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they glorified God in me.

Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and also took Titus with me. And I went up by revelation, and communicated to them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to those who were of reputation, lest by any means I might run, or had run, in vain. (Emphases added)


Paul Keith DavisThe next day, Sunday, we wanted more teaching and chose to watch the Paul Keith Davis and James Levesque video discussion I’d blogged about.

In arguing for the supra-natural abilities and dimension required to bring in the harvest that meets the heart of God, “as it is defined in scripture”, Paul Keith maintains this is for those who walk with God in realms of glory and demonstrate the supra-natural. He defines and explains this relating it to Jesus’ own ability (from 27:00 on video).

Then he tells of his mis-perception of Jesus’ prayer life (at 30:35) and surmising what it had been like after a long day ministering and teaching and travelling on foot – and then go pray and spend hours in prayer…thinking,

“…what a disciplined life!” says Paul Keith.

“No, you totally misunderstood My prayer life!” the Lord said.

“He said, My prayer life was My reward!”

“The Lord’s been showing me how, at the end of the day, after He did everything He was supposed to do, He went out into the wilderness and He was released into the Presence of the Father!

“Just think about that for a minute…after a hard day could you go pray 5 hours…?  No?  Think of it as this:

“James, go spend 5 hours standing before the throne of God, go spend 5 hours in the Presence of your Father – let Him download on you, let Him refresh you, restore you.

“That’s why Jesus could pray all night! He lived under an open heaven and when He went to pray – as soon as He quieted His flesh – He was standing in the Presence of His Father, standing before the throne of God, getting refreshed and learning what the Father wanted to reveal.”

An exceptionally instructional and fascinating teaching. At 41:30 he  considers this was how apostle Paul spent lengthy periods with the Lord before he ever met any disciples and apostles and moved into any ministry.

Consequently, having considered that the day before I was ready for what he said!


This insight on Jesus’ prayer life is the common denominator between the discussion on video and Mary Magdalene, who spent lengthy periods immersed in God, as had Jesus.

Paul Keith’s insight doesn’t detract from but enhances the model prayer Jesus gave his disciples, as recorded in Matthew 6:5-15.  And it magnifies Jesus’ personal prayer to our Father in John 17.  It’s no wonder this Mary went so deep yet so high in contemplative  ecstasy – will we?

(Remember to, “First seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” – Matt 6:33). 

Furthermore, from apostle Paul’s explanation this kind of intimacy was the norm in the earliest years of “The Way”, as the fellowship was known before the term “Christian” was coined at Antioch. (See Acts chapters 18-24, especially vv 24:18 and 22.)

Also, Paul Keith later refers to the event on the road to Emmaus, about which and without any prior intention I’d inserted a remark just before publishing the latest blog  before that weekend!

Therefore, that weekend is yet another example of ‘God-incidence’ (footnote refers).

By the way!

A couple of days later upon opening up my Bible to find where I’d got to, I found at the second turn the beginning of Luke chapter 8 staring up at me. There from the left-hand column just beside the volume’s spine I just couldn’t miss these words:

Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities — Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance.

Later, upon reviewing and adjusting the draft of this piece, I decided to refer to the first name for the group of believers as followers of the way of Jesus Christ; the way of life He taught and demonstrated as “The Way, The Truth and The Life”.

Then when I’d done and re-read the draft I realised I’d gone FULL circle – starting with the movie ‘The Way’ I’d ended up by including scriptures on ‘The Way of Jesus’ !!

Furthermore, an email arrived about that time which opens as follows.:

Truth, we find, is stranger than fiction. Some things that happen to us when in relationship with Christ no writer could make up. And I am amazed continually at what our God does in my life and in this world…(continue here)

Could the Lord be getting our attention to pray the way He does?

+ + + + + + + + + + + +


Image: Flying puzzles by Nokhoog Buchachon, courtesy of

Jesus & Mary fable:

My pre-Christian activities made me well aware of stories around Le Tresor Maudit, the cursed treasure of the Knights Templars, said to have been hidden for centuries but discovered by a parish priest. He spent a fortune on re-decorating a church in Rennes-le-Chateau and building a tower, both of which were dedicated to St Mary Magdalene.
Readers may know of it through bestselling The Da Vinci Code, which is based on serious research published in 1980s as The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail.  This source’s authors referred to fables about Jesus and Mary’s relationship, which I’m reliably told were then used as a deliberate advertising ploy for marketing purposes.
Consequently, that earlier book became a bestseller. The businessman who gave me The Invisible Hand (see Welcome) sold mail-order books and he told me his own copywriter had worked with HBHG authors and so he knew about its publisher’s sales slant.
Years later, I learned of another reference work by an expert on royal genealogy who claimed the fables were correct. But his analysis of scripture was unreliable, as I could demonstrate in his misquoting The Secret Gospel of Mark. Therefore, how could his claims hold water?  (Details on this blog at The Magdalene Legacy – a Critique.)


I refer to coincidences that are more than serendipity (happy, fortuitous chance events) as ‘God-incidences’, for they seem to have been arranged with a clear purpose in mind. We may not always know the reason but there’s a distinct thread connecting two or more events that are closely related in time: an “aha” moment

Frequently I’m amazed by those which involve scripture and occur one day after another and sometimes even 3 or 4  consecutive days, and always from different sources. I liken God-incidence to completing a jigsaw puzzle and it seems the Lord is stressing the importance or relevance of something. So they get my full attention, as happened in the above account. (See main menu for fuller exposition.)