2 visions: the Cross and America’s foundation

Clearly a warning Tony, but there are prophetic promises of renewal yet to be fulfilled in line with Isaiah 60’s immense encouragement despite deep darkness covering the earth and enmeshing the masses.

My Dreams and Visions

I have seen 2 visions So I  am putting both here.

In the first one, I saw the cross of Jesus. I saw a group of people and starting from the west coast of the United states they were pushing it out, state by state, across America. As the cross was pushed out of a state I saw the state go dark.  This continued until the cross had been pushed across the entire United states .  The days are definitely getting darker so we need to be vigilant to make sure our lamps are burning brightly so that we do not stumble in the darkness. Remember the parable of the 10 virgins.

The second vision was of a foundation stone. In this vision I again saw a group of people with sledge hammers and they were trying to destroy  the foundation stone. America was founded on Judeo- Christian  beliefs that…

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Update on Eurozone crisis

Kononia eNews_Breakup-of-EUAccording to last night’s headline, Negative interest rates put world on course for biggest mass default in history. Its sub-line continues:

More than two trillion-worth of eurozone government bonds trade on a negative interest rate. It’s a bubble that’s bound to end badly.

Jeremy Warner’s article opens as follows,

‘Here’s an astonishing statistic; more than 30% of all government debt in the eurozone – around €2 trillion of securities in total – is trading on a negative interest rate.

‘With the advent of European Central Bank quantitative easing, what began four months ago when 10-year Swiss yields turned negative for the first time has snowballed into a veritable avalanche of negative rates across European government bond markets. In the hunt for apparently “safe assets”, investors have thrown caution to the wind, and collectively determined to pay governments for the privilege of lending to them…’  (continue reading)

See my previous references here and here concerning Switzerland.

His closing remark is most noteworthy, with emphasis added:

‘Both Keynsian and monetary economics seem to be in some kind of end game. What comes next is anyone’s guess.’

[Image by courtesy of Koinonia House.]

Hillary Clinton wants Christians to give up their Biblical beliefs

The following brief report from Bible Prophecy Blog comes as no surprise to those watching the signs of the times: Hillary Clinton Wants Christians to Give Up on Bible Beliefs.

No doubt our American brothers and sisters have already decided who is unworthy of their votes?

Iranian invasion: get ready for possible SUDDEN economic devastation in the West

Courtesy of James Mark Long, www.propheticartists.comAs the End-time prophecies of Daniel move towards fulfillment, fellow watcher Mark Davidson investigates a scenario similar to the conclusion I drew last July: “We may be about to witness major upheavals that will affect not only the ancient world’s centres of civilisation but also the modern world’s global petro-economy” – see Middle-East events & fulfillment of Bible prophecy – 1.  Mark explains his grounds for this being a distinct possibility and considers the consequential severe damage upon western economies. He also provides a helpful, succinct outline of global finance as well as updating Hadik’s reference to the Swiss Franc (see previous post). Thank you Mark. See also Saturday’s A Middle East in flames is the biggest threat to economies by Andrew Critchlow and Dr Henry Kissinger’s comments of last September on Iran greater threat than ISIS.


We don’t know when it will be; before September 13, 2015, or after.  But after it happens many of the things you could have done to prepare before it happened may very well be much harder or even impossible to do.

The Second Signpost, the Iranian invasion of the Middle East, have some worried simply because it is the next sign given in the Bible telling us the Antichrist is on his way.  We will see brutality and war on a scale across the Middle East that no one currently alive has seen.  But there is another factor to the Second Signpost that has had me concerned for some time.  As the author of Daniel Revisited, and a watchman on the wall for the signs soon to come heralding Christ’s return I feel the need – indeed the responsibility – to you all to make you aware of something, and make it…

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Developments in EU’s 40-year cycle – Euro crisis

Kononia eNews_Breakup-of-EUThe reason ‘Note on Cycles’ was inserted into God-incidents validate cycles…(part)1 was for contemporary rather than only biblical evidence for 40-year periodical cycles. I quoted financial analyst Eric Hadik’s expectations for 2015 of ‘acceleration’ and of the crisis in European financial markets coming to a head.

And sure enough, on the day of that blog the crisis over Greece took a nosedive! As usual for my full Thursday writing, I wanted to put the intermittent work over several days to bed with publication.

Nero_6Over a leisurely morning coffee and crossword in Alton the next day my paper’s business section bore this headline from international business editor for the Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Greek Crisis deepens as IMF dismisses payment relief. He reported the Fund’s MD as stating, “We have never had an advanced economy asking for (debt) payment delay”.

The next day in covering the International Monetary Fund’s meeting of finance ministers and central bankers in Washington, Ambrose reported UK Chancellor George Osborne as saying the escalating crisis in Greece is now the biggest threat to the world economy.

Today’s news‘Europe’s creditor powers have ruled out another “big” bail-out programme for Greece as the country edges ever-closer to an unprecedented default on its international lenders…Failure to agree a new bail-out package would further call into question Greece’s long-term future in the currency union…’

Anyone wanting a detailed overview should read Dr Steve Ewart’s Breakup of the EU from Dr Chuck Misler’s Koinonia House.

Swiss flags courtesy: Swiss News, The Local http://www.thelocal.ch/page/view/50

In closing, let’s refer to Eric Hadik’s January report again and note his remarks about the Swiss (as underlined RB):

‘Has the Euro Crisis accelerated in January 2015? Have events begun to reach fruition??
Today’s move by the Swiss Bank – without notifying anyone at the IMF (Horrors! They should have told them so that someone could have capitalized on it, then leaked it and also had time to precede it with a nice, tidy ‘spin cycle’) – was their version of ‘exiting’ the current Euro process.
’You can spin it however you like… but IT’S ALL ABOUT PERCEPTION. The Swiss might be neutral, but they’re not nuts. And, we know they are savvy bankers – so you do the math. They are ‘getting out’ (figuratively speaking) while the getting’s good
’…Before Greece could exit and before the UK could ‘exit’ it. And before additional problems come out of hiding across Europe. Why wait around for the inevitable when the handwriting is on the wall???
The Euro has entered a DANGEROUS period and a DANGEROUS price zone. And, tomorrow is a decisive day (described weeks ago)…’

We need to stay alert and keep watching…this financial topic continues in the next post  on Iran and in Update to Eurozone crisis.

Image credits:

  • Euro symbol: courtesy Koinonia House eNews
  • Caffe Nero goodies: courtesy Richard Barker
  • Swiss flags: courtesy Swiss News, The Local

Surprising endorsement of ‘The Fellowship of the Secret’

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV)

The recent post about my namesake’s e-book The Fellowship of The Secret’ produced yet another amazing ‘God-incidence’! Thank you to Karolyn in southern California for being so sensitive and obedient to the prompting to act.

First, however, for newer readers and visitors let me clarify what may have given rise to some misunderstanding or difficulty:

The Word of God, the Holy Bible, gives the ‘Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth’ as revealed through the ancient seers and prophets, as well as apostles who personally knew the anointed Son, whom God sent to save us from our sins and reconcile us to Himself. It’s fantastic that we can be in a relationship with Him personally and blessed by the presence and gifts of His Holy Spirit.

Courtesy Victor Habbick at FreeDigitalPhotos.netYet it’s far from easy to grasp the enormity of His work and plans throughout history, from creation to the new earth and heavens, as outlined in holy scripture.

Have you ever looked behind a tapestry? Have you done so without seeing any design? If so, did you try guessing what’s on the other side? Could you trace the threads and notice they disappear and reappear elsewhere. Could you figure out which threads make up a feature of the design? A variety of colours and directions of travel, yet all the threads work together to produce a clearly recognisable picture on the front of the material.

Puzzle Globe and Book by ThanunkornMetaphorically, our lives are on the underside of the canvas the Lord is crafting but we know the general design of what he’s sewing, or painting as a large picture, or even as a jigsaw He’s putting together.

I get excited when His needle pieces through and know His hand is in our lives and events, or when pieces of a jigsaw suddenly appear and fit together as though they relate to His plans and purposes for the world as stated in His Word.

Invisible Jigsaw

Puzzle - Jannoon028And it’s terrific when He works though others to bring those pieces together. Knowing our lives are in the Lord’s hands is good assurance for our inability to see things from His perspective. Can you, therefore, comprehend my difficulty in conveying what’s happening? One way I’ve found is to take note of coincidences relating to scripture or prophecy and especially when two or more follow in close sequence.

Also, there are times when I’ve observed actions and decisions taken by myself and others produce a chain and network of coincidences, as happened during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee (here). I described it like an orchestra, where the conductor directs various instruments and singers to make wonderful music. Only weeks later I heard Ian Clayton use the same description for coincidences. He’s of the opinion it’s a way the Spirit of Wisdom helps and tutors us, as Mike Parsons writes in the in previous post.

Bridge Over ‘The Pond’

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform”, so begins the old hymn by William Cowper. One of those ways could be ‘God-incidences’. I name one kind of these “Bridge Over The Pond”, and use it for identical prophetical words or teaching delivered on opposite sides of the Atlantic on the same day or weekend. (Eg., over Friday 10th to Sunday 12th April, as noted for The Battle For Inheritance.)

One such instance yesterday caused both parties to marvel…

Endless Bridge by Evgeni Denev

Here’s what happened.:

Before arising on Wednesday I was mulling over that personal 40-year period covered in last Thursday’s blog. So, in a brief quiet-time I wanted to re-read about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness and specifically about Joshua and Caleb’s return from spying out the land of Canaan. But for some reason I started to read about Moses selecting and sending out the spies, as in Numbers 13:1-20.

Moreover, I was specifically prompted to read and note where these men were from. In particular I noted Joshua and Caleb led the tribes of Ephraim and Judah respectively, which facts weren’t in my memory bank.

Now we had to be prompt in getting on with gardening and Spring cleaning before the sun got too strong – unusually for an English April. As soon as Nina finished in the bathroom I got up, booted up the pc in the office between there and our room and got washed/shaved. Afterwards I logged in and got dressed whilst emails downloaded. All this would save time and be done with as there’d be no time later.

Upon scanning unread mail I spotted one from my namesake and one from Karolyn Polo, in which she introduces herself as living south of Los Angeles, California. She has a good sense of humour and kindly permitted me to publish her news:

“I can’t quite remember how I came to follow your blog several months ago, but I enjoy reading about your journey and hearing about what God is saying and doing in the UK. I suppose I too am a watcher as the events of our time have my attention and the ways they are lining up with Scripture and prophecy.

“I believe we are at a pivotal time when the Body of Christ is finally waking up to the truth that we are to be One  – unified, sanctified and becoming the whole House of Israel/the Kingdom of God.

“I have a brilliant acquaintance that writes an incredibly insightful blog about the coming together of Ephraim and Judah in the hand of God as in Ezekiel 37:15-28, Ephesians 2, and Romans 9-11 among others. I feel compelled to send you the link for this in light of the posting you have made from your namesake Richard Barker.

“Let me just add, I believe you are all “barking” up the right(eous) tree!!! 🙂

“Here’s the link: http://thebarkingfox.com/commonwealth-of-israel/

“Please read through the various articles. I think you will be blessed!”

OH WOT! – WOW!!  What had I read about a few minutes ago?

Ephraim and Judah! I certainly am blessed – so too was Karolyn on learning about this.

So after jobs were out of the way, I replied to her explaining why she was ‘compelled’ to send me the link. Doubtless that’s why it dropped into my mind to check out Numbers 13 and especially note the tribes – “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform”.

And what Karolyn certainly didn’t know was that link has another to an article about the Shemitah and Yovel (day after Jubilee), about which I’d already noted in researching for my blog about rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s work. I recalled the latter’s importance when writing about 50/55 years, but didn’t explain as I didn’t want to further complicate my blog.

I can only conclude this is very important and the Lord wants me to note it AND got a lady on the other side of the world to email me about it HOURS BEFORE I WOULD READ AND LEARN ABOUT THE SAME THING!

That’s why I notice ‘God-incidences’ and refer to ‘Bridge over the Pond’.

ALSO, all this not only brings divine emphasis to but also endorsement of my namesake’s book, does it not?

Image Credits:

Illustrations are kindly supplied by Freedigitalphotos.net by courtesy of

  • Victor Habbick for ‘Hand Reaching for the Stars’
  • Thanunkorn for ‘Puzzle Globe and Book’
  • Jannoon028 for ‘Puzzle’
  • Evgeni Denev for ‘Endless Bridge’.

Israel celebrates 67 years after its dramatic, prophetic rebirth. A few thoughts to mark the occasion.

A most informative post and Joel presents background details on the birth of Israel that are relevant to the 70-years period I intend writing about

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

israel(Central Israel) — Today, Israelis are celebrating our Independence Day. On the Western calendar, we remember May 14th, 1948. But on the Jewish calendar, today marks 67 years since the dramatic, prophetic rebirth of the Jewish State.

A few thoughts to mark the occasion:

It’s a very special time for our family as it’s our first time celebrating as new Israeli citizens (“Olim Chadashim”) and actually living here full-time in the epicenter. Today, Lynn showed me this video about some of the things new Israelis love about this country. Take a look — I hope you’re as moved as we were.

It’s a great time to see the Land with family and friends. We would love for you to make plans to come visit Israel — and Jordan — with us and The Joshua Fund this Octoberso we can show you the Promised Land and the people who live and minister here and help you see…

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No longer a slave, but a Son

Detail from Eagle-eyed by John Mark Long: www.propheticartists.comSo well-timed in view of my recently ruminating over a personal word concerning Joshua and Caleb, as well as correspondence received today! ‘Tis also a good follow-on to my train journey of ‘Abiding in God’s Word’

Sons of Issachar

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

We are looking in more detail at selected characteristics of the Joshua Generation. All those characteristics come out of relationship: they are characteristics of sons, not slaves.

Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, but he is under guardians and tutors…  But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son… so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God (Gal 4:1-7).

If we are to have an inheritance, we need to know and…

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‘God-incidents’ validate cycles and point to the near future – 2

A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

Courtesy Digitalart at Freedigitalphotos.netTo continue from part 1 on the significance of 40 and 55 years periods and how the latter had cropped up in a video on a Wednesday, followed by an insight into it on the Thursday…

Next came an astounding surprise on the Friday – making a triplet of consecutive ‘coincidences’, again!

An extraordinary confirmation

I was completely unaware on Thursday 26th March that a Richard Barker – my namesake – had emailed me. However, in the busy-ness of getting a blog published that afternoon I’d not checked incoming mail. Unusually for our regular long weekends off-line, I was ‘nudged’ to check my email on the Friday.

I was amazed to find one not only from someone with my name, but also because what he wrote covered the very subject matter I’d heard on the Wednesday evening – ie., Dr O’s brief remark about the early Church’s rejection of its Jewish roots. This was on the evening before Richard emailed me!

We’re both writers, retired Civil Servants and our journeys in Jesus have a common factor which has taken us along different paths, which have now crossed.  Taking the decisive step in 1970 to follow Jesus, Richard joined the evangelical Reformed Church. After studying the early Church Fathers, however, he became convinced the Reformers were mistaken and was received into the Catholic Church 15 years ago.

My journey went from Catholicism of my childhood to the ‘New Age’ when a young man and engaged in occultism until Jesus rescued and ‘saved’ me in 1989. Then, to provide a solid Biblical grounding, He put me in a ‘Free’ Baptist church and a few years later I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, I received training and practised prayer counselling and deliverance ministry, and after moving and marrying entered ‘the River’  that honours the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements, as well as the prophetic.

So, I appreciate the other Richard’s Catholic, ex-Calvinist perspective as being highly informative as well as interesting.

Moreover, Richard’s profound encounter with Holy Spirit in July 2013 introduced him to the prophetic and revelatory realm, about which he has been led to write. This brought about a deep interest in Apostle Paul and he ‘stumbled upon’ my blog in doing a search on his own name and his e-book centred on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians – and which he’d published that very day!

[It’s noteworthy that another writer blogged that same month about an exciting trend of the Spirit drawing Christians together. Also, a New Era for the church was dawning, as prophesied by many; eg. Keith Powell spoke of “2011 being pivotal” and Bill Johnson upon 1st September being a turning point in the UK – see ‘2011’ in Library.]

So it’s good that Richard can think outside the institutional box, and especially in being blessed by Holy Spirit’s direct revelation – and is being faithful to what he’s received.

My namesake has kindly allowed me to quote his email about a prophecy he believes the Holy Spirit gave him,

“…the main thrust (of which) concerns the re-unification of the churches and also the reconciliation of our Jewish Fathers of the Faith with their Gentile children (us) whom according to Paul have been incorporated into the Kingdom ahead of them to “provoke them to jealousy”  (Rom 11:11). That reconciliation I believe will be achieved when the churches (not least Rome) acknowledge misunderstandings concerning the promises to the Jews in the Old Testament (pertaining to “the fellowship of the secret” (Eph 3:9-11 Greek) which I am clear nobody has really understood including myself until my encounter with the Spirit.”

On the last point and in view of his background, Richard has probably realised that the Replacement Theology taught since the early Church is widely recognised as an error. Nevertheless, as he states, a higher revelation beyond most theological understanding could be emerging.

The concept of inter-denomination reconciliation/re-unification to which Holy Spirit has led Richard reminds me of the words Heidi Baker brought last October on a new move of God within the UK, for which this brief extract cannot do justice:

Heidi at CTF Wembley“There’s going to be a movement of unity in the UK that’s going to shake the world, says the Lord. I hear the prophetic word of the Lord. It’s going to flow through the universities and the colleges of the universities. It’s going to flow through denomination and the non-denominations. There’s going to be a move of unity within the Body of Christ.

“… There’s going to be something that the people of other faiths are going to see in this nation, as believers come together in radical love.

“… There’s going to be another historical move of God…

“…And there’s something specific happening as you start just lining up in this unity. There’s going to be a unity beyond anything the UK’s ever seen. It’s like there’s something, I feel like you’re going to become like these radical lovers of God that’s going to cross all denominations, all the barriers.” (Emphases reflect emphasis in Heidi’s voice.)

The ‘Mysteries’

Richard and I share an appreciation of the Kingdom ‘mysteries’, or secrets, as in Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. About the time of blogging An insight into the supra-natural I searched out all NT references on ‘mysteries’ in my study Bible, highlighted and mulled over them – including Jesus’ comment to His disciples,

“To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to those who are outside all things come in parables….” (Mark 4:11 NKJV)

I particularly note Apostle Paul’s quiet sojourn in Arabia where he must have deepened his relationship with the living Lord thereby beginning a life of revelations on “The Way” of Christ. There’s frequent reference throughout his letters to his personal insights.

I look forward to reading Richard’s prophetical-cum-theological ‘take’ in his e-book The Fellowship of The Secret. He describes it as identifying, “the key that unlocks an age-enduring  mystery surrounding the apparent disconnection between OT prophecy and the out-working of the Church/Gospel age.” 

This claim, however, is not so new or surprising to those who study prophetic scripture outside the confines of the Catholic or Reformed churches, especially in view of the latter’s wide consensus on the cessation of Holy Spirit’s activity after the 1st Century.

In the overview of his e-book (as above link), Richard focuses upon Paul’s statement in Ephesians 3:8-11 about his personal revelations. I especially appreciate this conclusion regarding the mutual failure in Jews and early Christians to understand one another:

“…Christendom’s part pertains to a failure to grasp the “the fellowship of the secret” – its implications to broader providence and God’s as yet unfulfilled terrestrial promises to the nation He first chose for Himself.”

Dipping into the extracts Richard makes available online, I like his hammering home on what the Church has lost and missed, and especially note the following from the first chapter ‘The Hidden Dispensation’ of ‘The Fellowship of the Secret’:

“The New Testament “elephant in the room”: the biblically unexplained and largely undebated non-fulfilment (or subversion) of scriptural prophecy regarding the terrestrial and political aspects of the Jewish apocalypse pertains to a secret disclosure, revealed to and through Paul of which I was previously unaware but now realise is the key to understanding Old Testament prophecy…”

Preceding that section Richard’s remarks are of direct relevance to recent posts on this blog about keys to and unsealing of the Book of Daniel, with emphasis added:

“In the religious sphere an on-going learning curve has been guaranteed through the intentionally cryptic profundity of Holy Scripture that was never intended to be entirely unravelled until the end of the age, for it contains at least one significant mystery (or secret) that was not to be disclosed until such a time (Dan 12:1-4 & 7; Rev 10:4,7)…”

I suspect that those who love to sink their teeth into a theological treatise topped by a prophetic icing will gain by reading my namesake’s e-book – especially in broadening  our own understanding of End-times. I certainly will.

For details on Richard’s blog click > The Fellowship of the Secret. (updated 20.4.16)


Reflecting on all this I notice the trio of ‘coincidental’ and thereby significant events, took place over 3 successive days, making an excellent example of ‘God-incidence’. That is, one that confirms and validates what I’d heard and recalled, as shared above.

All this suggests the Lord’s invisible hand is distributing keys to a complex network that connects Biblical and private prophecies and events to interweave them with historical cycles, as well as with personal destinies – wheels within wheels.

Next, we consider a 70-years period and how it points to 2017, as well as confirmatory teachings Charlie Shamp brought at the Passover-Easter conference; eg., on Daniel, the Age to Come, Blood Moons, the Temple and the Old Testament power behind Islam; taking us full circle and up another level – what else!

To be continued

Images credit:

Freedigitaliphotos.net kindly supplied the following courtesy of
  • Digitalart, ‘Burning  Heart’.

‘God-incidents’ validate cycles and point to the near future – 1

Flying puzzles - Nokhoog BuchachonTHE ‘INVISIBLE JIGSAW’ RE-APPEARS! It never vanishes. It rolls around and releases fresh, visible pieces for us to fit into place. The emerging picture ‘connects the dots’ of not only Kingdom influences but also a new chain of ‘coincidences’.

Including early and modern, ‘cutting-edge’ Church issues, these pieces could be more noticeable to those of mature years. Younger folk don’t yet have the advantage of seeing history unfold before their eyes. But they’ll doubtless grasp the following:

What’s the best way to depict what we sense supra-naturally through our spirit?

Pictures try capturing a 3-dimensional (3-D) world – no, it’s a 4-D one because they’re also a snapshot in time. Thus, to draw or paint something we’re taking from the tangible, or the imagination, our perception of whatever it is, but we only succeed in imprisoning it in a 2-D area on paper or canvas. The same applies also to photo or video, because they confine an instant or sequence in time into a slice of captured, confined time.

So, the illustrations used to refer to an ‘invisible jigsaw’ hamper communicating its supra-natural existence!

Digital GlobeIn fact, concepts and mechanisms of the digital world and of cyber space convey much better our sensing and processing, as well as receiving and communication of knowledge and revelations, because they portray the linkage between seemingly disparate things or minds – or dimensions!

(Readers unfamiliar with the concept of synchronous events, a.k.a. ‘God-incidence’, may wish to read Rev Dr Sharon Stone on serendipity as one of ‘four biblical laws for advancing the Kingdom’, as outlined under that sub-head in this post.  A brief overview of ‘invisible jigsaw’ and cycles is given in this post.)

In sharing these personal ‘pieces’, one of which is highly unusual, and a few fascinating snippets of what Charlie Shamp brought, you may like to check if Biblically relevant time periods appear in your own life. I’m certain the Lord recently told me to take notice of them. For example:

40-Years Period

In telling about an open vision last Autumn of “a river running through this nation”, Dale Mast interrupted unwrapping its meaning to relay a related prophetic word direct to me. It referred to Joshua and Caleb’s faith outlasting 40 years of doubt whilst wandering in the wilderness to see what they’d believed come to pass. Dale said this relates to a dream that God’s delayed but which will come to pass for me. (Interesting that Mike Parsons refers to them too in his latest post.)

I was puzzled yet intrigued because, back in ’74, another 15 years were to pass before I became a believer – 40 years ago my ‘dream’ was to find the Truth. Yet much older was a childhood fancy of how marvelous it must have been to see and hear Jesus teach, heal and perform miracles.

Spiral stairs franky242I’d concluded this word may refer to my sincerely searching for a supreme being, as recounted  here. Although I’d done this through Eastern religions and esoteric teachings arising out of Gnosticism, the Lord personally confronted and rescued me from Satan’s camp. So this prophetic word may mean I was about to go ‘full circle’ but in a sanctified life rather than an ungodly, unsaved life this time around – like going around and up a spiral staircase to the next level, as mused herein.

Note on Cycles

williamkoenig-web[1]In one of my earliest blogs I introduced readers to cycles of time by referring to White House correspondent William Koenig’s investigation of the work of Eric Hadik, a leading financial markets technical analyst. A great deal of Hadik’s knowledge comes from W.D. Gann’s work on market cycle theories based upon his discoveries in the Bible, and which could be applied to mathematical and geometrical principles! (Read Who is Eric Hadik?)

After four years of closely following Hadik’s application of theories of cycles to natural and human events, Bill attested to having “found his calculations extremely accurate”.

Anyone wishing to check out this fascinating topic should read Inside Track for a host of informative articles on many types of cycles. In his bulletin of financial analysis Eric predicts and checks ‘cycle predictions’, eg. geological (earthquakes and volcanoes), scientific (including nuclear), financial markets, political, diplomatic or military matters!

Occasionally I’m sent a copy of Inside Track and have only now got around to reading January’s. Entitled 40-Year Cycle: Euro 2015, it reprints a 40-year cycle analysis and checks the accuracy of predictions made mid-2011. He reminds subscribers it’s about an expected crisis in the Euro, with this year being one of ‘Acceleration’!!

At the beginning of this year he wrote (emphases added):

If I was pressed to use one word to describe expectations for 2015, it might be acceleration. 2013-2014 was projected to provide or reveal the initial phases on an expected ‘Shift’ of epic proportion.

2018-2021 is expected to see many (initial) results or consequences of this ‘Shift’ reach fruition (including ‘Cycles of Unification’ in both the Middle East and Europe…)

Eric also refers to 60-year European Unity Cycle and a 70-year cycle and its effects in the next few years, which I’ll refer to later in connection with Charlie Shamp’s visit.

55-Years Period

Occasionally, our minister refers to teachings by a Nigerian “Dr O”. So, three weeks ago I asked for a link and was given one to YouTube. As there’s a listing I dipped into the top one but found it was 3 hours long. So I scrolled to where ‘Dr O’ was standing at the front of the meeting and played from there – what he said at that point exactly hit the ‘bull’s eye’ for me! 

He announced he wanted to teach on something, but then said something that took me back 50-55 years. He repeated what had dropped into my mind about church during a Catholic Mass when I was about 12 years old, or mid-teens: “They’ve lost what Jesus taught!”  Now, ‘Dr O’ conveyed the same notion almost word for word – no-one else has ever said that!

‘Dr O’ explained the early Church is like a tree with lots of branches but no roots. When he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in the early 4th Century, Constantine discouraged all contact with Jews and the Church severed itself from its Jewish roots – from even the descendants of Jesus’ kith and kin, or Desposyni.  In doing so, the Church lost a fuller and deeper understanding of the Old Testament.

As a teenager that brief idea startled yet motivated me a few years later to set me off on a quest – one which took me into enemy territory of Gnostic and New Age doctrine.  Had I heard ‘Dr O’ in those days I’d have had a far better response to that uninvited remark and sought elsewhere for the truth – possibly becoming a believer much sooner.

Before going on to teach about how Jewish fathers recognised their sons upon reaching maturity and thus giving an insight upon ‘Sons of God’, he said the Biblical meaning of number 5 is “multiplication”. Again, this plugs into those early years of searching!   That is, 10 or 11 times 5 (50 or 55 years) – and echoes my initial reaction.

The next morning I wanted to replay it to check exactly what he’d said BUT could not find the video! I’d seen it only just in time before it was deleted or archived!

That was Thursday 26th March, when I was completing the 2nd part of a trilogy on the possibility of Satan pre-empting the Lord’s End-time schedule. Also, that day had been fraught with technical glitches! (Respective posts here and here refer.)

BUT, I didn’t know about another way in which that Thursday’s events connected into the Wednesday. It would be revealed the next day, Friday. That is, on three consecutive days the very same theme cropped up for my personal attention – it was like being hit between the eyes. I just couldn’t miss it! This trio of instructive ‘coincidences’ couldn’t simply be serendipity (ie. fortuitous happen-chance) but what I call ‘God-incidence’; or as Einstein described coincidence: “God’s way of remaining anonymous” (see here).

So, someone must have urged and directed my actions in discovering not only a direct relevance between what I’d been doing that day and 16 months ago, and 55 months ago, and 40 years ago, and 55 years ago. AND have directed what else was about to come within 24 hours…

Click to continue reading

Images credit

Freedigitaliphotos.net kindly supplied the following courtesy of
  • Nokhoog Buchachon for ‘Flying Puzzles’
  • Cooldesign for ‘Digital Globe’
  • Franky242 for ‘Spiral Stairs’.

Torrents of living water about to flow

Lion-Bites-logo-2012Thank you to Suzanne Payne for sending this second timely Lion Bite issued yesterday, together with a vision delivered in Bristol on Sunday that’s also timely for the reason given in closing below:


“I am releasing ‘waterfalls of my presence’ for those who are hungry and thirsty for me”, says the Lord. 

“I am not releasing a trickle or a drip. I am sending forth gushing, overwhelming, forceful waterfalls which will move in power to you, through you and from you.

“It is my desire to do this through you, my child. So position yourself to allow me to overtake you with my torrents of living water, for they are about to be released in great measure. I am about to overwhelm you in my power and force as you choose to position yourself in these days. My sons and daughters will be overcome as I release them in power!

“So let us be those who position ourselves with God in this day. Let us shake off all that hinders and set our faces towards Him. Let us be those who are completely drenched and immersed in Him.”

Let us pray: ‘God, I choose to position myself today for the outpouring of your Spirit like never before. Oh Lord would you release the waterfalls and torrents of your living water in and through me!’

Psalm 42:7
Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.

ARE WE GOING TO FLOW WITH GOD IN THE RIVER? THE RIVER WILL GO OUT TO THE COMMUNITY. (Sandra Sullivan, Sanctuary Church Bristol, 12 April 2015)

God gave me a picture and He’s opening up the floodgates of His Spirit. He’s making way. And the Holy Spirit represents the river, the river of God. And it’s about to flow. It’s about to flow in this place. Now God gives you the opportunity, are you going to get in the river, are you going to flow with Him, or are you going to be on the sideline, and not get in the river? It’s your choice. God’s giving you a choice. He wants us all to get in the river, the river of His Spirit. And who knows where He’s going to lead us. It’s our choice. He’s opening up the floodgates. The river’s going to flow in this place, and it’s going to go out to the community. It’s real, it’s going to go out to the community and it’s going to bring life. It’s going to bring healing; it’s going to bring restoration in people’s lives. It’s going to flow, and are we ready? Are we ready to step into the river? Are we ready to do our part? Are we ready? It’s up to us. The river of His Spirit. The river to flow wherever He calls us to flow. Whatever He’s calling us to do. Let’s get in that river, and let it flow in us and in this place.


This from Bristol reminds me of a vivid dream I had whilst in the city of Bath in 2006. I saw previously unknown large sluice gates open in the side of the river Avon to flood the region north of the river. Although I was on the raised towpath, the bank towards the lower now flooding area slowly gave way and I waded in the river.

However, what no-one knows, is that since last week I’ve been preparing a post that starts by referring to Dale Mast’s vision There’s a river running through this nation!!! Also, as that draft covers another ‘trio’ of God-incidents, as with Battle for Inheritance  regarding strongholds, I checked an earlier reference to such events and noticed it starts, 

“Just go with the flow” was an oft-used quip of my youth. Now I’d add, “And see where I go!” for it seems the Lord has dropped me into the river of life flowing from under His throne… (A trio of ‘God-incidental’ prophetic prompts).

Furthermore, a few months ago a friend remarked that things are opening up in the Bath and Bristol region in accordance with many promising prophecies.

Also, read the attached comments and this vision of Oct 2009 about Living Water as received by Tony Puccio,

….I saw water pouring from under the throne of God onto the earth. Some were catching the water in buckets and keeping it for themselves while others while others were cupping their hands and giving it to others. In order to satisfy their need and the needs of others , they needed to be constantly coming back to the source…continue reading

Timely Lion Bites


First tranche of timely words from Glasgow Prophetic Centre:


“It is OK, You have my permission to move forward”, whispers the Holy Spirit, gently.

“Now is the time of decision for those things that you have been thinking about for a while and pondering, ‘when is the time?’  Delay and indecision has allowed doubts to float in and cloud the vision that I gave you. But even still, I have been using this time to teach you to wait upon me for my timing and my ways. I have been preparing your heart for this new season, so that you might believe in better. Faith has increased as you sought me ought – and know that I am faithful to complete all I am doing in you. So keep in step with me and let me take you through the door that is now open. It is OK; It is OK; It is OK… Let’s go! No more delaying excuses or distractions, the door is open.”

Revelation 3:8
I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

White Door in SkydoorMY TIMING IS PERFECT (Tuesday)

“Remember that I am God of justice”, says the Lord.

“As you wait for my intervention in your circumstances, know that I have not forgotten you. Though it seems like I am late, remember Lazarus, how I came to resurrect him four days after he had died. Although it seemed too late in the natural, my timing was perfect, and I am the same yesterday, today and forever! I don’t overlook my children and I don’t turn a blind eye to injustice. “Thank me for my perfect timing today. Thank me for my justice and watch what I am about to do in your life”, says the Lord.

Psalm 25:3
Indeed none of those who wait for you will be ashamed; those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed.
Psalm 89:14
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; loving kindness and truth go before you.

[White Door in Skydoor by Nattavut, courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net]

The Battle for Inheritance

Credit_ JesusIsComing_th-1This essential follow-on has TRIPLE VALIDATION over 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS on its subject of strongholds: – FRI; post gets published – SAT; in Windsor, Dr Sharon Stone teaches on identifying and demolishing strongholds – SUN; in Alabama, Rev. John Kilpatrick explains and ministers into strongholds in his 11th sermon on Overcoming an Orphan Spirit and Embracing Adoption!!!  (Also, I’d drafted my upcoming post on a personal word about Joshua and Caleb.)

Sons of Issachar

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

Israel’s Promised Land speaks to us of our Kingdom inheritance. The journey they travelled was like ours, from slavery to sonship.

Coming out of Egypt’s bondage is a picture of our salvation.
Crossing the Red Sea is a picture of our baptism in water.
The pillar of cloud and fire is a picture of the baptism in the Holy Spirit (most of us have received that baptism in cloud: perhaps not so much in fire – though that is coming, if you have not encountered it already).
The wilderness: testing, preparation, transformation.

Finally, in crossing the Jordan they were embracing their destiny. But they could have done so a generation earlier:

Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.” But the men who had gone up with him…

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An Earthly and a Heavenly Inheritance

Detail from Eagle-eyed by John Mark LongThe importance of inheritance in Jesus Christ is becoming pronounced among bloggers and this good outline by Mike Parsons closes with an encouraging invitation to ‘engage’ with the Lord. Also check out my post on this in respect of End-times – it quotes a rebuke from the opposite camp to believers being ignorant of our inheritance!!

Sons of Issachar

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

Where a will is, there must of necessity be the death of the one who made it (Heb 9:16).

Usually, we receive an inheritance when someone has died, and left us something in their will. Jesus, the firstborn, has died for us. He received judgment so that we can receive blessing: an eternal inheritance.

The Hebrew word nachalah means inheritance, possession of property, or heritage. It is used 273 times in the Old Testament; on 183 occasions it relates to land as a gift.

The Hebrew word yarash means to seize, dispossess, take possession of, or inherit. It is used 255 times in the Old Testament; on 210 occasions it relates to military action.

Joshua Generation

Our inheritance, then, is given by grace as a gift but is received by taking possession of it. And there can be a significant difference between what God is willing to give…

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Killing Christians: persecution is worse than ever, so why is the Church growing?

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog


>> Join me for a discussion of Christian persecution in the Mideast during a special simulcast on April 19th.

We are living in a time of unprecedented persecution of Christians in the Middle East and around the world. The Lord Jesus warned His disciples that they would be persecuted, and that persecution would intensify as the time of His return drew near. Today, we are seeing His prophecies come to pass as never before.

Recently, my friend, Tom Doyle, published an important book titled, Killing Christians: Living The Faith Where It’s Not Safe ToBelieve. Tom not only describes the general wave of brutality against Christ-followers worldwide; he also tells specific, personal stories of believers boldly standing for their Savior — and courageously proclaiming the Gospel of forgiveness and eternal life — amidst such persecution.

This is one of the most intriguing conundrums of our time: the Church is actually growing amidst martyrdom. More and…

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Antichrist’s land of origin?

Courtesy of James Mark Long, www.propheticartists.comOnce again Mark Davidson’s observations are noteworthy, and those watching Turkey’s moves over recent years will be interested in the discussion generated. President Erdogan is moving Turkey increasingly toward End-time events, as indicated for example in Turkey & Iran Locked in Struggle (by Chuck Missler’s senior analyst Dr Stewart Elwart) and  in Saudi Arabia, Turkey Discussing Unlikely Alliance to Oust Syria’s Assad, as published in Huff Post Sunday.


It is interesting how sometimes the past, the present and the future conspire to show us a truth.  And so it was when reviewing a series of maps recently the question struck me, “Are we looking at a rather limited stretch of land that could be the homeland of the man to be Antichrist?”  I refer the reader to the map for the following discussion.

Territories of the past, present and future overlap.  Might this be the homeland of the Antichrist? Territories of the past, present and future overlap. Might this be the homeland of the Antichrist?

From the Past: Both my book Daniel Revisited (Chapter 2) and Joel’s book Mideast Beast(Chapter 7) give rationale as to why Daniel 9:26 is telling us the Antichrist will probably be Syrian.  The text of the verse tells us that the Antichrist to come will be of the people who destroyed the Temple in A.D. 70.  The people were of course Roman soldiers, of the main legion, Legio…

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Obama vows “Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch.” That’s only 20 months. What about after? Latest details on the draft nuclear deal & its flaws.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

NuclearDeal-cartoonOn April 2nd, President Obama announced “a historic understanding with Iran” which would “prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

On April 5th, the President told Tom Friedman of the New York Times, “I’ve been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch.”

Yet in the days that followed, the President admitted that Iran’s leaders could race to The Bomb with essentially no “break out” time and with very little way the world could stop them once the deal concluded in 13 to 15 years.

Specifically, the President noted that the deal would be “purchasing” a one year “break out” period during the life of the deal, meaning it would take at least a year for Iran to enrich enough uranium to military grade and build an operational nuclear weapon from the time it made the decision to do so, if it wasn’t already cheating…

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The year of light?

Loved this about Jesus, Light of the World, after having covered necessary dismal stuff. Planned to re-blog after Passover-Easter and that darkness giving way to light. So we’ve since awoken daily to birdsong and glorious sunlight. Thank you Jesus – and Jo…

The Kingdom

S.B. Sunrise Sunrise from the beach at the end of my street.

I go for an early morning walk during the week, along the beach at the end of my street.  It’s getting dark now, but the sunrises are so beautiful.  Did you know that NZ is the first country in the world to get the sunrise?  Here’s a photo from last month at dawn.

While walking I told the Lord I wanted to blog something about Him before Easter, and I asked what He wanted.  I felt He wanted me to blog about Him being “the Light of the World.”  I stopped at the end of the path and stretched out my arms to the sunrise, agreeing that He was indeed the light of the world.

I prayed the word from Isaiah 50:4; “Sovereign LORD, give me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. Waken me morning…

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Kingdom Invasion Tour UK – attend the Shamp’s tour if possible

As you may expect from the previous, illustrated post about Charlie Shamp’s visit to Guildford, I can recommend your making the effort to attend, if at all possible.

Those who travelled from south and central Hampshire. London and north Kent were blessed to receive healing. And others came from several hours away, even Ireland.

Those wanting fresh insights into scripture will not be disappointed – but be prepared to be challenged!  For example, rather than ‘doom and gloom’, Charlie brought uplifting thoughts and revelation from the Book of Joel on the ‘blood moon tetrad’.  As in my covering note to the re-blog of Justin Abraham’s announcement, I was blessed many times, especially by confirmations of recent insights!

Here’s the itinerary for the tour. For details see Destiny Encounters Events, except for one-night in Romford which is as below, by courtesy of Jane Almond.

Norwich, England: April 10 – 19

Reading, England: April 24 – 26

Cumbria, England: May 1 – 3

Dumfries, Scotland: May 8 – 10

Romford, England: May 14 only (see below)

Belfast, Ireland May 15 – 19

(Location postcode RM1 4PJ)

(Location postcode RM1 4PJ)

The Lord bless you and keep you…

Healing Passover conference in Guildford area

Resurrection weekend featured healings from long-term ailments, and encouragement from the Lord for Nina, plus insights and confirmations of a personal nature through Charlie’s teaching.

Charles_Brynn_Shamp_250px[1]Well Church International in Bramley was the first of two locations in the area starting Charlie & Brynn Shamps’ Kingdom Invasion UK tour before they head off to Germany and France. This time last year I blogged about their visit and prophetic words for the UK (tag). So it’s very interesting this time to hear Brynn speak about a vision she received at Jacob’s Well (outside Guildford) during that visit. After praying about it, they realised this was a good reason for them to return to the UK.

When Brynn referred to ‘the ground opening up’, I recalled what I’d seen in an open vision during worship in 2004. Here’s her account from Diary of a Preacher’s Wife; A New Chapter (highlighting added):

On a Saturday afternoon, as we ministered in a place called Jacob’s Well I saw a vision during worship. What I saw was a great shaking in England and the blood of the martyrs (the revivalists and believers that have gone before us and laid down their lives for the Gospel) rising from the ground. As it rose, the rains from Heaven began to pour with the weight of God’s presence. Mid-air the droplets of blood and water collided, instantly transforming into golden drops. These liquid drops of golden glory fell back to the Earth, covering the ground saturating the land. It was a declaration and confirmation that God’s glory was about to cover the Earth, but first a shaking was going to take place.



Here’s their report on the weekend (and there was more!):

“We arrived in Guildford, which is just south of London, on Thursday and started the Passover Conference at The Well Church, Friday night.

“Wow, did God ever move in power! The presence of God moved uniquely in each meeting. Many people were touched and testified of receiving miracles throughout the weekend.

“On Friday night a woman testified to having a scar that she had for twenty two years vanish while the power of God swept through the building.

“Then Saturday night three woman had tumors dissolve from their bodies. One woman had multiple growths for more than twenty years leave her body! These are just a few of the wonderful things that took place over the past few days.”

Three women testify to tumours disappearing

Well 1

Scar vanishes off woman’s body

Well 2

Power of God moving through the meeting

Well 3

Well 4

[Photo credits: Charles Shamp and Lindi Masters]