Exposing plans of the wicked; given ultimatum – Amanda Grace

The previous blog posted urgently on Saturday refers not only to some brief news about  the disunity in USA but also to a pre-waking dream about searching through this blog for prophecies on America. “I saw a long thread of continuous text and understand this isn’t my personal work, or of others I’d read, but represents the whole spiritual scroll of the Lord’s decisions and announcements on this subject.  Next – and just before waking – I saw a separate report or blog connecting into part of that ‘scroll’ and know it’s the next events about to manifest on earth.” – hence title includes ‘action in hand’!

Later that day I watched Elijah Streams video recorded Wednesday-broadcast Friday 25th, and looked for a printed version of that prophecy. When found, it looked like the on-screen screed I’d scrolled through in my dream, with video being its connected item. Thus, both seemed a good fit with what I’d dreamed:

This prophecy may be read in full at Ark of Grace Ministries and I’d strongly encourage you to do so, a couple of paragraphs of which impress me, especially reference to Joshua before Jericho, part of which I’d quoted to begin Thursday’s blog Ungodly opposition brings mightier blessing – the fall of the gods. Here’s those extracts:

And says the Spirit of the Lord “This day I am casting out the nets for a catch,” says the Lord, “for this is the time this is the hour where those who have been baited to enter their own nets shall; for the nets that were laid for my children the corrupt shall be caught up in themselves; for the pit that they have dug for My children, shall indeed they fall into; for those of My children they have attempted to throw into a pit, as did the corrupt of the days of Jeremiah, I am pulling those voices of truth from the pits and giving them podiums to speak MY TRUTH AND MY WORD” says the Lord of Hosts….

And says the Spirit of the Lord, “This day death has gone out into the capital of Washington DC; they have welcomed it and so conjured it up from the pits and so it has gone out to reap and they will be sorry those who dripped their own blood for power and so sealed it and called upon the high priestesses of Baal to so advise them as one who advises within the political and circles of Hollywood, her demise is coming very soon; a sudden, a shocking demise for the one who wants to do cooking with Spirits is coming, as the time to repent and turn has thinned as the clock of grace is reaching the midnight hour” says the Lord of Hosts, “Big Ben, Big Ben shall sound across the land as the end of a dynasty so comes…”

Reading that paper first will prepare you for what Amanda brings as an extended, ‘brand-new’ part received later that day, and which starts at 24:00 minutes…

A distraction delayed me a couple of hours in fixing a system failure on sending email served, but it only serves to enhance the value of this amazing, in-depth instructive word Amanda brings direct from the Lord:

  • evil cornerstone of implantation of fear to be knocked out of joint – everything falls!
  • increasing dissection of molecular construct and chain, secrets of big pharma,  health organisations, millionaire backers and secret scientists of many labs within labs – more will be exposed,
  • much as the father of lies deceives masses of the ‘pondering’ lost and atheists, the Lord will reveal Himself and His truth direct and personally to them,
  • world leaders will be visited and given ‘Abimelech’ ultimatum – mercy or judgement – only a few will heed and change course,
  • an unlikely secret union between two Eastern countries will be the shield to hide the darkest plans of another union. “I the Lord thy God shall pierce the plans of Middle-East nations, and shall PIERCE the plans in the nation of the eagle, and of leaders of Canada and their secret oaths and indebtedness to the “Council” (ie. evil elite rulers on the earth),
  • a great, enormous scandal to hit the leader of Canada,
  • watch Slovakia, Panama Canal, Gulf of Mexico, Spain, Indonesia, Barrier Reef,
  • pivotal powers for God’s children to break through barriers and demonstrate His glory and power,
  • God is raising unique Standard as in biblical days that wicked cannot stand against, their current to be reversed and caught in own “quagmire”,
  • woven web shall be exposed and publication falls of those hitting heart,
  • God is building new foundation in Church from ash and persecution and new breed of proven leaders who’ve stood in their faith will shepherd the flock,
  • dividing line now exists dividing true from false shepherds, whom the Lord uses,
  • Lord triggering many chain reactions in government and nations and chemically!
  • scandal in Israel’s leaders, secret agreements between Arab nations and Iran,
  • much trading relationships, switching places between those in secret leadership,
  • collapse of bridge – major incident on same road in London as previously
  • The Lord will “will dig into England secret ties and a shocking discovery shall shake up and shift the country again” (Health Secretary’s hypocrisy emerged 25th June, he resigned 26th)
  • much jockeying for position and Lord will jostle and upset their plans that’s who’s WHO, for they’re secretly looking for something more infectious that’s rare and  more effective!
  • leaders of nation of eagle will release another scare upon the people and another “mockingbird” to be accelerated – MSM cornerstones to crumble/cave,
  • Watch the heart of the nation of America and The Shepherd…
  • “An ailing Ahab is not in line with the covenant I made with this nation”, says the Lord of Hosts,
  • It is time to WAKE UP. There are those who will be shaken out of their slumber as a shaking occurs in part of your nation for in the realm of the spirit there is a great war in the heavenlies for the SOUL of your nation!
  • like with Balaam, prophet of Baal, and his ass, the Lord used Joe Biden to speak truth prior to the 2020 election: ie. it really is a “battle for the nation’s soul.”
  • it’s not the enemy’s time for it’s trying to accelerate events (as Dr Sharon Stone said) but the Lord is changing its course of action!

Only God can stop dis-USA becoming Biden’s banana republic – action is in hand!

In 12 years of writing on End-times related news I don’t recall dreaming about this very busy activity – until today!

Before closing down on Thursday afternoon I checked emails. One from my friend Roger in South Africa strongly recommends lawyer Rudy Guiliani’s video broadcasts. I replied that I’d not heard any news of him since FBI raided and arrested him, a famous former mayor of New York, for issues relating to the Ukraine.

Next day, he popped up in the news as the Supreme Court of New York has barred him temporarily from practising law, more or less on the grounds of having an unacceptable opinion !!  The decision arose from ‘multiple complaints…based on allegations of false statements made in court, in the media, and elsewhere about the 2020 election’. That is, upon Guiliani’s claims of widespread fraud in the presidential election.

Now we’ve all been indoctrinated to know that’s sheer nonsense, so it’s only right that Guiliani be disbarred – AND that, as in communist countries, the feds should arrest and imprison all those who demonstrate support for President 45.


That news followed a veiled threat from Biden, published Wednesday: “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government? You need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is, it’s always been the ability to limit, to rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who could own them.”

As Friday closed, therefore, I recalled my previous observation “4 year’s attempted ‘soft coup’ + sedition + rigged elections + cyber-censorship = civil war OR martial law!”, and some prophets’ claims that the next weeks may see a fresh form of independence to re-unite the federation of North American states.

Then just before waking this morning I was dreaming about searching through this blog for prophecies on America. I saw a long thread of continuous text and understand this isn’t my personal work, or of others I’d read, but represents the whole spiritual scroll of the Lord’s decisions and announcements on this subject.

Next – and just before waking – I saw a separate report or blog connecting into part of that ‘scroll’ and know it’s the next events about to manifest on earth.

So let’s keep watching!

Ungodly opposition brings mightier blessing…the fall of the gods!

‘Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17, NKJV BibleGateway.com)
‘And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” 14 So He said, “No, but as Commander of the Army of the Lord I have now come.” And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?” 15 Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.’ (Joshua 5)

Trust I’m not being too boring when mentioning (yet again) the principle of being blessed when under ‘duress’ of insistent and persistent arguments claiming to prove I’m wrong! Last time was 3 weeks ago over the triple-postings on “Brace yourself!” for the Lord’s soon return and manifestation of His Glory. More often than not it’s on my Farcebk.

But, as previously, I’m recompensed by rapid confirmation of the rectitude of what I’m blogging and, therefore, of my protagonist’s inaccuracy, and perhaps their deliberate lying.

Plus, this time’s blessing’s even MORE AWESOME!

Late on Monday I noticed that Joe Hoft, co-founder of The Gateway Pundit, had written a explanation about why many highly influential groups don’t want a proper, full audit of every ballot in last November’s presidential voting in Arizona’s Maricopa county. As dinner was about to be served I copy-pasted its headlines and provided only a link to Reminder: When People Don’t Want An Audit, They Are Hiding Something.

The next day, I added Joe’s observations on five tactical objections to thwart the audit and which were refused. Also, I added them to the copy of that blog I’d shared on John Barber’s Farcebk.

However, I espied therein a vociferous, politically anti-Trump person launched accusations on that posting against Hoft and I pointed out his objecting to a post reporting on suspiciously criminal activities implies he supports injustice! My remarks got ignored in his litany of questionable activities of Hoft, which is more or less an ad-hominem attack. But that accuser’s opinion on that election has already proven to be mistaken!

So I sought the Lord on how I should reply – or not – and I handed the issue over to Him.

AND then came the Elijah Streams video of Barry Wunsch for which I set aside yesterday’s lunch-time to listen and got thoroughly blessed with reference to an insight of 10 years ago (see previous). AND AGAIN upon revisiting it’s greatly blessed me, SO this morning I added this to my Facebook:

“I’m now listening again to the last 10 mins about the prophecy for the official close to DJT, to ensure that I understand what he’s bringing, rather than my mind getting in the way of thinking it may be relevant to 10 years-old person insight beyond the Bible’s back-cover.
“Also, EVERY time I hear Barry saying “this (battle) IS BIGGER than (that of) the Valkyries!” I keep getting tingles all over by back as its truth strikes me too!”

Now today’s not been my usual blogging day because I collected a friend from hospital and took him home and told him about that video. As we arrived there, I was recounting that last reaction BUT proclaimed it means “the fall of the gods!”

Barry may have had the modern film ‘Apocalypse Now’ in mind, but I was thinking of Richard Wagner’s operatic cycle based upon Norse legends, the Ring of the Nibelung, and its final part Gotterdamerung, ‘Twilight of the Gods’.

Driving away from my friend’s house I turned the radio on, only to hear Classic FM’s announcer say the piece that had just played was “The Ride of the Valkyries” !!!!

Therefore, I guess I’m getting a glimpse of what Barry was getting so inspired and sparked by Holy Spirit when telling what he’d heard from the Lord and on what He’s doing…!!!

“..bottom line…It’s NOT over, it’s NOT OVER!”

Prophet’s message of move of the Lord in USA and Canada confirms my insight on book beyond Bible’s back-cover!

WOWEE 🙂 PRAISE THE LORD! – Upon listening to this video whilst sunning myself during lunch, at 50 minutes I get to the close of Barry’s message and four minutes later am very sure of what he’s going to say next on what happened after the back-cover fell off his notebook during prayer for a top-ranking US official. And yes, my hunch is correct – we connect!

10 YEARS AGO I was blessed to receive a similar insight on God ‘s book beyond the Bible’s Book of Revelation: that is beyond the Bible’s back-cover!!

What Barry hears direct from Father expands upon my brief grasp of what He’s doing – but it’s the first time I’ve heard anyone refer to the ‘weird’ word He’d dropped into my spirit, as in Supermoon Monday’s Blood Moon and The Age To Come (Sep 2015):

The Book Beyond the Bible

‘At an inter-stream conference in March 2011 in Winchester, King Alfred’s capital of Saxon England, the Lord drew my attention to the unwritten book hiding behind my Bible’s back cover! That is, it comes after The Apocalypse, or Revelation, given to Jesus Christ for showing to and recording by His close disciple, the Apostle John.

‘As noted in Revival 1: Glory Stories, I sensed in worship that the Lord wants me to focus upon the eventual new earth and new heavens, especially the appearance from heaven of The New Jerusalem. That is, to not only be involved in and understand the times of His return, but also and more importantly to focus upon His ultimate aim for the Church, as in Revelation 21-22 and its implicit existence and purpose beyond the Bible’s cover!

‘That pre-blog email recounts subsequent encouragements for understanding that this all relates to ‘The Age to Come’.’

May This Video Bless You…

The prophetic visions and words Barry brings are mightily encouraging – and in my opinion, that personal confirmation ‘seals the deal’. His visions tell how the Lord is dealing with the deep evil across US & Canada, and within government.

It’s the first time I’ve heard Barry and appreciate his warrior prayer-mode and note how the Holy Spirit acts upon him to confirm various details of his message. It is good to know that he doesn’t follow media and other prophets.  Here’s just a few items…

June 17th Vision (11 min) – saw newspaper momentously historic front-page headlines ‘Victory! DJT sweeps the nation’, and then saw masses of people coming out onto streets to celebrate like at the end of wartime.
Was taken outside White House and saw those who’d conspired evil plans, committed crimes against humanity, removed from by military and restrained with handcuffs and shackles – the crowds cheered and sang anthems!
Sight of teams of lawyers being sent to abroad to deal with criminal foreign leaders.

US-Canada Prayer Teams Meeting (21 min) –  saw army of angels slaughtering demons and escorting high-level anonymous American official into high-tech facility to be given code machines used for globalist control.

There’s lots more on how the Lord is moving mightily in these days…

Barry is based in Alberta, about which I especially liked hearing how the Lord is working there because our favorite TV series (Heartland) is situated in its vast countryside.

Modern Babylon is fallen – Johnny Enlow

[Publ 22.6.2021 – featured to follow Veronika’s reference to being quickened to Rev 18, Fall of Babylon the Great]

You may recall my recommendation of Johnny Enlow’s superb teaching on how Trump’s actions and the political state of America mirrors the fall of ancient Babylon to Persian king Cyrus.

In Johnny’s latest analysis of events he teaches from OT prophet Jeremiah (chapter 50) and stresses the similarity between the ancient Hebrew ‘shepherds’ and today’s church leaders in failing to take charge and rule from the ‘mountains’ – ie. “Occupy until I return” as emphasised by J.C Ryle (1816-1900), first Bishop of Liverpool, in his seminal Are You Ready For The End Of Time? Continue reading

When people don’t want an audit, what are they hiding?

Joe Hoft writes,

“…In all the audits I’ve participated in I have never seen the ‘auditee’ (the person who owns the process or financials) complain the way the Democrats do in response to the audit going on in Maricopa County. I’ve never had auditees select their own auditors and have them perform their audits to show everything was working fine before I performed my audit, like the Board of Supervisors did in Maricopa County. (In this case, the selected auditors reviewed a couple of audit machines and said they were working fine and because of this, they claimed the entire 2020 election was fine. They didn’t look at a single ballot – 2.1 million ballots and they didn’t look at one.)…'”

I noted on my Fbk version:

‘Upon reading this I was impressed with Joe’s expertise enabling him to write with such authority upon this matter of great political moment. In spite of TGP’s other unwelcome items, I now know why its extensive, in-depth coverage of evidence of grave criminality behind the US presidential election has had my daily attention.
‘As an experienced professional auditor Joe provides five examples of top-level activities made in attempts to THWART and CIRCUMVENT the full forensic audit, the methodology of which 20 states have examined and want to introduce!!’

Joe’s Observations (Maricopa example given for each):
  1. I’ve never had auditees select their own auditors and have them perform their audits to show everything was working fine before I performed my audit, like the Board of Supervisors did in Maricopa County.
  2. I’ve never seen an auditee complain to the media about the audit that I was performing.
  3. I’ve never had an auditee beg me not to perform an audit of their shop.
  4. I’ve never had an auditee threaten a lawsuit if I performed an audit.
  5. I’ve never had a politician push his fellow politicians and agencies to stop an audit.

“NOPE, I never had any of this happen!”

Monday Newsmix 2: the Georgia-Arizona connection in rigged US election

The above video-clip was part of exciting Flashpoint discussion with Dr Patrick Byrne premiered on 9th June https://rumble.com/embed/vfpbwr/?pub=4 In case it  may be not be clear, Cesar writes,General Flynn speaks about the Arizona audit: “the next four weeks will shock everybody.” Once the fraud is proven in one State, it’s virtually impossible to contain the domino effect provoked by Maricopa. One state will follow the other and so on. The media will deny the fraud until they will be wiped away by the tsunami.’

There’s lots of news and well-informed comments on the almost complete forensic audit of last November’s voting in Maricopa county, near Phoenix Arizona, especially in-depth coverage by staff at The Gateway Pundit. Here’s this morning’s:

One particular aspect is the specific connection with Georgia’s crooked election that Jack Dennis blogs in depth in this tri-partite series, with the latest issued yesterday:

Click here to read The Runbeck Connection – Part 1

Click here to read The Runbeck Connection – Part 2

Click here to read The Runbeck Connection – Part 3

Monday Newsmix 1: US Bishops vs. Biden

BEWARE: this and the following posts cover unsavoury and unsettling content, for which I trust my readers will understand the need for Christians to be well aware of the rampant satanic battle that’s being waged globally.

Also, please note that, as a born-again Christian I endeavour to be non-partisan in political matters. Some issues are distinctly either pro- or anti- Godly principles and I try to address those as and when I can, but some – like the following – demand a strong, vociferous response.

Click image to read article in full (patience req’d over adverts)

Last October the bishop of Tennessee Rick Stika challenged Joe Biden on how, as a so-called Catholic, he’ll explain to God his stanch support for restriction-free abortion, as well as transgender-issues. This was followed in early November by former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States and Secretary General to the Governorate of the Vatican City, Archbishop Viganò issuing a very strongly worded statement, as blogged herein.

In February the Archbishop of Kansas City warned everyone not to be duped about Biden’s claim to being a devout Catholic AND that he should stop defining himself as such!  See also Catholic League against Biden and Pelosi anti-Christian Policies and Tyranny.

Click image to read article in full (patience req’d over adverts)

Let me be perfectly frank > when a national leader’s personal sin seriously affects the policies of a government to the extent it gives demonic access rights into the entire nation, then it most definitely is NOT a private matter. In times past, Catholic kings were required to perform acts of public penance to show they were truly contrite.


HOWEVER, there are many other ‘personal’ peculiarities have come to the light of day that engender GRAVE concerns over Biden’s real ‘devotions’… or predictions!

For example, here’s a couple of detailed exposes from Jack Dennis over the ‘Pond’ in Texas:

Sniffy Joe;  America’s Disgrace and ‘Groper-in-Chief’

The Whistle-blower Interview (Pt 4) about Biden, Hunter Underage Sex and FBI

AND the following report implicitly confirms those claims about children, plus opening the US southern border to child-sex trafficking (click to read and bear with bad language)…

Utterly repugnant and distasteful, but please don’t say you haven’t been warned…

By the way…

When will people wake up?

Couldn’t have said it better … (last) Friday’s News round-up This week international leaders flew in from all over the globe to attend the G7 summit in Cornwall. Many arrived on private jets including Boris Johnson. Booo! One of the key subjects will be how to curb climate change and encourage people to take less […]  WHEN WILL PEOPLE WAKE UP?

The Lord’s using His GPS button (Global Prophecy Signals – GPS #64)


As usual I had plans to download my brain today, supposedly devoted to full blogging. Yesterday’s idea was to cover the latest examples of political rot and corruption, as in three US government bureaux: I’d captured related screenshots and was ready to blog. However, necessary domestic tasks had priority, especially talking with technicians on sorting out a unique phone-line issue.

On days like this I know my best course of action is to ‘go with the flow’ – of the River of God… only then did I discover He’d once again pushed His GPS button within 24 hours!

First in my plan of action for today is to catch up with news of fulfillment of the prophecy of three woes and three blessings coming to pass regarding Stonewall (see previous).  I messaged Christopher Wickland so he’s be aware of my action, and was blessed to get an immediate reply.

However, I realised I’d not had opportunity to do likewise for my republishing his vision of a Sign in the Sun. (Since publishing Nina’s open vision of two suns in the sky three weeks ago, I’d intending ‘resurrecting’ Christopher’s from last June – in fact, that had been stirring deep within to blog on both accounts as soon as possible.) So I added a PS with link to that item… THEN came Chris’ astonishing response:

“Excellent. Thanks. Interestingly I felt God reiterate this word about the sun this Sunday during a sermon.”

Therefore, we really need to pay attention to and get prepared for what the Lord is going to do in the very near future – that is, in our lifetime!


What’s more, the Lord had already pressed his GPS button at last night’s zoom meeting with CTF Farnborough, which began with the pastor’s wife referring to Tuesday evening prayer meeting’s focus upon preparing the Bride. Rachel said there was an impression of angels and trumpets, and that theme was also the focus of the next morning’s Lion Bites (issued by the Global Prophetic Alliance based in Glasgow), viz:

I saw ranks of heralds lined up either side of a large door with trumpets at the ready with red banners attached to them.  As the doors swung open, those inside were preparing for the entrance of the king. The trumpets sounded, heralding his arrival.

Psalm 24: 7-10 (NIV)
Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.  Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.  Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty – he is the King of

Prepare the way for the coming King. Prepare the way!  The King of Glory is coming as The Warrior King in strength and might.

As Joshua stood before the Commander of the Lord’s Armies on the plains of Jericho, today, recognise that you are standing on holy ground.  In this moment of holy hush, as the King of Glory comes into where you are right now. There is the opportunity to prepare your heart, to consecrate yourself afresh, for The King.

Surrender your heart, desires, ideas and plans. It’s time to make ready your heart for humble service to your King.

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭5:14-15‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬
‘Neither,’ he replied, ‘but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ Then Joshua fell face down to the ground in reverence, and asked him, ‘What message does my Lord have for his servant?’ The commander of the LORD’s army replied, ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.’ And Joshua did so.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42:13‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬
The LORD will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.


Now I was unable to follow closely all Rachel said because I recalled a snippet by Chris G Bennett that I’d seen this week about trumpets – but could I turn to my phone to refer to it as I’d have to search?  Whilst trying to listen, I then saw the item staring me in the face from my phone’s screen. Now please note, I don’t stay logged in on Facebook and so my profile would NOT be readily available – YET it showed not only my FBk home-page but also had only one item displayed, the very one I wanted…by God’s hand!

And so I was able to inform my fellow attendees by reading the above aloud. To which pastor Christopher said he’d later be teaching upon the battle of Jericho in a CTF global prophecy meeting!

TWO confirmations! Therefore, we clearly need take careful note of what the Lord is about to do…and await and follow His instructions…

[Digital Globe with Hand by Watcharakun, courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net]

‘Stonewall’ prophecy fulfilled – Christopher Wickland

First published by Christopher Wickland on 18th September 2019 and at UK Prophetic Words as Blessings Follow Woes and War on Britain and in January 2020 on this blog as 2019-2020 Fulfilled Prophecies 2 of 3...., Geoffrey Pick at Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival has reminded his group of the 1st Woe and recent news of its fulfillment.

Christopher comments therein,

“I must be honest, when God gave me this word I was pretty nervous about this one. I couldn’t see how such a thing could happen. Yet God in His wisdom is pulling Stonewall apart brick by brick until it’s gone for good. Praise Jesus.”

I’d add, the ‘writing was on the wall’ is graphically illustrated in that movement’s logo, for it acts as an encoded prophetic declaration that it’s on the way out > a one-way exit!

The applicable part of the prophetic word reads (underscoring mine):

‘The First Woe

‘The first part of this prophecy is aimed at the Stone Wall in our government. This is for those who have ears to hear, and have understanding to what the Spirit is saying.

“Oh Stone Wall. You have become great and marvelous in the eyes of man. You have grown from a child to a man. You have become as a king, dictating your edicts across this land with pride and arrogance. But know this. I never put you where you are today. I have allowed you to become the size you are so that I may bring you down with a mighty fall. I will chop down the tree of your influence. I will not even permit a stump to remain. I will utterly wipe the memory of you from this land.

“I am the Lord of breakthrough and I will shatter you Stone Wall. You think you are impenetrable, you think no one sees or knows. But I see, I know and to me you are as a grain of sand. I will destroy you Stone Wall and I will grind you to dust. You will never rise again and never again put your edicts and rules over this land again.”

The Christian Institute reports in Flood of Public Bodies Exit Stonewall Scheme…(emphases added):

‘Several high-profile public bodies are leaving Stonewall’s ‘Diversity Champions’ programme, following the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s recent departure. Concerns about the scheme centre around Stonewall’s aggressive promotion of trans ideology.

‘The House of Commons, the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency and the employment dispute service ACAS are among a “flood” of public bodies which have ended their membership.

‘Public bodies pay upwards of £2,500 plus VAT to subscribe to the lobby group’s programme, which rewards employers for promoting LGBT ideology inside and outside of the workplace.

Taxpayers’ burden

‘Last month, the Equality and Human Rights Commission revealed that it had ended its membership of Stonewall’s scheme in March. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government ditched the programme in 2019.

‘The Minister for Women and Equalities, Liz Truss, has now called on all Government departments to withdraw from the scheme. According to calculations made by The Sunday Telegraph last year, fees paid to Stonewall by public bodies cost the taxpayer at least £600,000 a year.

‘Stonewall’s Chief Executive Nancy Kelley recently likened defending the reality of biological sex to anti-Semitism.


‘But Stonewall co-founder turned critic Simon Fanshawe slammed the group for “pushing a divisive dogma” and insisting “without discussion that those born male can become women simply by saying so, and therefore enter exclusively female spaces and use women-only services”. He dismissed the group’s claim to support freedom, highlighting that it refuses to back “the freedom to disagree”.

Two visionary signs of the sun

Returning to my focus upon Jesus’ Return you may recall these two confirmations of my ‘nudges’:

As told in Lillian Brown’s message from the Holy Spirit to “Brace yourself. Get ready for Jesus’ soon return!”, pastor Rachel Bird mentioned having that impression some time ago and referred to visions of a supra-natural atomic bomb that her husband and I had. On the following Saturday morning Nina had an open vision that related not only to that but also to Lillian’s asking about the glory, “What will it look like?” (From 17:45 mark of her video she urges us to await God’s glory as Jesus comes closer.)

Here’s my dear wife’s example of what it may look like:

Going into our back garden she saw the sun in a cloudless blue sky sitting well above neighbouring rooftops to her right. However, she then saw directly ahead of her a second sun, making our usual sun rather dim, and sitting lower in the sky over the far horizon. Furthermore, Nina could see a broad beam of light descending from that brilliant new ‘sun’ towards the ground and, as with the normal sun, nothing impeded its light on that cloudless morning.

Her account reminds me of what I’d published last June by Christopher Wickland:

End-Times Briefing 6: Pastor’s ‘Sign in the Sun’ Vision Warns of Coming Global Cataclysm!

Those following these Briefings will appreciate the direct relevance of Sign #27 to this video and transcript, for which I’m grateful for Carolyn Stewart’s very helpful expertise.

On Wednesday 27th May 2020 pastor Christopher posted this alarm or warning on what’s soon to hit the world. (His November 2019 prophecy of a great humbling then spiritual revival of Britain is accurate.) As with all prophecies, please seek the Lord in weighing this vision.

In NKJV, Christopher’s Luke reference is headed ‘The Coming of the Son of Man’:

“Welcome to another thought for the day. Today I have quite a serious message and one which probably many Christians will find a little bit hard to stomach. I will start with this piece of scripture, then I will get straight into it.

“It says in Luke 21 from verse 25: “There will be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars and on the earth, distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring. Men’s hearts failing them from fear and expectation of things coming upon the earth because the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”

“The other night I was out for a walk with my wife, and the Holy Spirit really came upon me suddenly. Something happened there and one of these things that happened was that really strongly the Holy Spirit said to me,“There will be signs in the sun very soon.”

Continue reading

Trump admin “very close” to pinpointing lab-source of Covid-19

VERY interesting news in view of the fact that Secretary of State Pompeo was the first to validate the answer I received from the Lord about Covid-19 being a man-made virus!

LINK > Koenig World Watch Daily


Visit NEW libraries on this blog at CV-19 PANDEMIC and CV-19 BIO-WEAPON

Insights into the Rapture and Jesus’ Return

Maxine David in Nova Scotia writes in response to Chris G Bennett’s sharing Johnny Enlow’s “I heard Goliath go THUD. Babylon is fallen!” on 3rd June (emphases mine):

‘I had a vision or visitation through the night last night here in Nova Scotia. I had watched a Youtube video of a brother in Christ who was somewhere in the USA I assume, in a mountainous area, who said God took him into the future in the Spirit, to see what it would be like where he was, after the rapture. Said the one world government was put in place and people had to leave their homes and tough it out out in the wilderness because the one world gov’t was set up and they only way they could keep their homes, bank accounts and so on was to take the mark.

‘It really threw me as I had been hearing things from the Lord about those who remain standing firm in Christ, reigning with Him in His Kingdom – the complete opposite. So the Lord woke up me in the middle of the night and began a series of revelation and visions to show me the difference. I understand it to be the difference between what He’s doing in USA versus Canada. Two different things, keeping them separate in order for each to stand in the gap for one another. After hours of walking through it with Him, it came back to what He’s doing with Trump on the ground. LOL.

‘First, I saw in the Spirit the round circle symbol used on British military planes since 1915. In my mind I understand it to also symbolize the rock group ‘the Who’, as they also used it for their tours and albums. Canadians are big ‘Who’ fans and I saw them a couple of times in Toronto. So it all congeals in my mind as a combination of Battle for Britain (I come from the same hometown as the man put in charge of aircraft production for the Battle of Britain – Max Aitken); and some very memorable Who songs that now bear great relevance to me: “Won’t Get Fooled Again” and “Talking ‘Bout My Generation”, for example.

‘The lyrics to “Won’t Get Fooled Again” are often going through my mind, and I feel it’s God’s way of keeping me alert, speaking to me through things I’ve experienced: “I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution; Take a bow for the new revolution; Smile and grin at the change all around; Pick up my guitar and play; Just like yesterday; Then I’ll get on my knees and pray; We don’t get fooled again.” It’s a powerful way to reach the younger generations with this kind of ministry.

‘Anyway, that’s just one thing the Lord showed me as a Kingdom-hearted Canadian. From the Canadian perspective the spiritual battle is ‘in the air’ and related to the New Jerusalem’s intercession for USA / Israel on the ground. (LOL, I just heard in the Spirit “It’s a GATED community!”)

Then I heard the Lord call me to drive to New Glasgow today, to meet Him ‘in the air’. New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, is the location where the Scottish first landed in Canada. When I even thought about going there, I saw an open heaven and the Lord Himself riding on a horse. I heard in the Spirit “Behold He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the TRUMPET call. Lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee, and out of Zion’s hill, salvation comes.”  I heard the word ‘Captain” as in “Captain of the angel armies” and the word ‘TRUMPET’ in the air showed me an open heaven with a TRUMP on the ground, ready to do battle on earth as He is in heaven.

Then the Lord started to sing to ME “Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty, early in the morning my song shall rise to thee..” 

I felt it coming from my own heart, as if greeting the Lord ‘in the air’. Constantly feeling like the victory for Canada begins with the UK and manifests in joining the battle on the ground in USA.

So I’m going to drive to New Glasgow today and see what happens next. Hallelujah for the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.

I ask, “From this do you sense the Rapture will happen after the major harvest of souls and revival arising from the Glory of the Lord becoming widespread? Maxine replies:

As it relates to the Rapture, as I think I wrote before, I believe I’ve been hearing from the Lord that the timeline is pushed back to take in another generation for a billion-fold harvest. All this stuff I’m seeing today comes to me as ALL being part of the rapture as it’s happening ‘in the air’ in a way that heaven comes to earth and meets me in the air. It feels like it’s part of being a Kingdom son for whom all of creation awaits, and it’s all about redemption of whatever can be redeemed in the fullness of His Kingdom. I didn’t get a sense of going UP anywhere, but instead see open visions of heaven while I’m on the ground.

‘Reading of these brothers and sisters is very exciting.’

Therefore I added:

’Also I’d remind you of what I shared last year about the word Paul Keith Davis gave me 12-15 yrs ago. In walking up an aisle at Bath City Church to give a word to someone at the back, he went past me sitting immediately alongside that aisle but suddenly whilst l walking he looked me directly in the eye and said, “Await His Return!”

’Someone I know – and of our age – confided a similar insight as applying for himself. AND a lady I know in her early 90’s believes she too will still be alive for the Rapture!!

’SOoo if those ‘words’ are true then we haven’t too long to go!’

PS. I informed Maxine about publication and she says,

“I was talking about this just yesterday to some people in my home. His Presence is unmistakable. It leaves a believer like Daniel, totally shaken to the core, feeling like I’ve died but I’m still breathing. Yet the holiness is ‘to die for’ anyway.

WOW what timing! I ‘d started drafting this 10 days ago but unable to action ’til now!


Upon re-reading to edit, I’m strongly struck in my spirit by Maxine’s hearing descriptive reference to “Captain of the angel armies”. That’s exactly the understanding I had upon seeing the heavenly battle on the night of my personal life-changing visitation over the night of 13-14 Sept 1989.

Visions of the Rapture

The essential matter mentioned a fortnight ago on my ‘back to basics’ refocusing upon Jesus’ Return definitely has not gone away and we’re now going to weigh and pray about a couple more folks’ perspectives. [See Holy Spirit says “Brace yourself! Get ready for Jesus’ soon Return and Supra-natural light of God’s glory is manifesting... as well as Chris G Bennett’s recent four postings]

Scott Hefty has been following this blog for years but got in touch only last October to confide a couple of awesome, unforgettable visions he’d experienced relating to the ‘snatching away’ or Rapture of all believers in Jesus. We discussed them and I asked approval to publish, which he kindly gave. Events arising out of the 2020 presidential election delayed my publication, however, until the time is right – that is, now!

Here’s what Scott saw in Maryland, with a brief preface, as copied from his email reply:

As for the Rapture…

The first vision was the most powerful in my life and has guided me in many ways. More about this below, but first…

Do they give me any sense of timescale for the Rapture and Return?

Yes. It was clearly the time in which we live, meaning, I was driving the car I owned in 1991 to what was my home in the vision. (In reality, the house still belongs to the parents of a close friend). The bottom line is, I believe that I will not taste death, but I will be among those alive in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.

For the timeline, I look at Matthew 24:34: “Truly I tell you: the present generation will live to see it all.” However, in verse 36 Jesus tells us that, “Yet about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son: no one but the Father alone.” (Oxford Study Bible, Revised English Bible)

I understand “the present generation” to be those born in the time that Israel is back in her land, so I agree the century of 1950 – 2050 is our focus without saying a specific day and time. Just like the fig tree, we can see the season is soon upon us.

1990s Visions of the Rapture

In the late ’90s, (1996-1999) I was blessed with a vision in which another friend named Dave and I were at the gas station (petrol for the Brits)…In the dream I was at the gas pump filling up when suddenly a massive black cloud formed with wind blowing. As I looked up, there was a loud crack in the sky and the center of the cloud opened and Jesus was there. I looked around for Dave and he was coming out of the store with the drinks looking up in amazement. I said “Dave, it is our Lord Jesus” and we both went up to be with the Lord. I could see others from the town joining us. Similarly, I would just about reach Jesus and I would wake up. I saw this vision 2 more times but in the second and third times, our wives joined us as we went up into the clouds.

2014 Vision of ‘The Bubble’

My Maryland men’s group travels a couple of hours every spring for a retreat at New Life Bible Camp in Pennsylvania. We join some other men’s groups from the area so there are about 50 of us there. This dream/vision took place in the “upper room” of the lodge where we worship and listen to our speaker for teaching. In the vision we are there having worship with our brothers. I notice that my parents, who passed away in 2012 & 2103, are there along with some other people that I don’t know. Then Jesus walks into the room and is standing at the corner of the railing at the top of the steps. Jesus says “Greetings everyone. We are heading home this evening.” The next moment, the room is hovering above the trees encapsulated in a clear bubble. We begin to ascend and we continue to worship as I am filled with joy in not only seeing Jesus and going home, but also in seeing my parents again.

This vision replayed twice more over the next couple of months without much variation.

I pray these visions bring blessing to you and glory to God. Thanks for letting me write them down. It is the first time I have done so. I believe God is calling me to share them more often now that “the imminence of that harvest day becomes increasingly obvious” (from today’s Richard’s Watch – ).

Scott Hefty, 10.10.2020
PS – More about the First Vision.

In my dream, I was driving the car I owned in 1991, which was a 1972 Cadillac with the roof cut off like a convertible with the roof down…As I drove into the driveway, which was David’s parents’ house, the song “Grave Robber” by Petra was playing on my car radio and from all the open garages on the cul-de-sac. I suddenly heard a loud sound like a crack in the sky and a shout from above. I looked up and I saw Jesus in the clouds. I immediately rose up into the air. As I was ascending in the vision, I thought: “This is the rapture !!!” Then I thought, “No, this is just a dream. I will wake up any second now.” When I didn’t wake up and I kept ascending, I yelled out “Jesus, Jesus, my Jesus !!!” I reached out my arms to wrap them around his shoulders, and just as my fingertips were an inch away, I felt my wife shaking me awake. My shouting in the vision was making a terrible sound to her. When I told her what I had just experienced she was amazed.

I had this dream/vision 2 more times over the next month or two. The second time it was exactly the same, except my wife Debbie was there in the yard and we went up to meet the Lord in the air holding hands. The third time was exactly the same as the second vision, except we had a son and all of us went up to meet the Lord in the air holding hands.(Now we have 3 sons).

The strange thing is that at the time I wanted to tell David, but I knew he was still unsaved and it would never have made sense to him…Fast forward to 2020 and I recently reconnected with David on Facebook…I know from his profile and posts that he is a believer in Christ now. Praise God. I now am just now feeling led to tell him about this because he will, with his renewed mind, be able to understand and be blessed by the vision that involves his parents’ house.

I used to obsess about the house. Thinking I must have to live there for this to come to pass. Whether I do or don’t live there; and wherever we are when the trumpet blasts and the archangel shouts, we will see Him in the air. We will go and meet the Lord in the air.

[Door In The Sky by Danilo Rizzuti, courtesy Freedigitalphotos.net]

Wonderful vision and warning reminder – Chris G Bennett

I’m grateful to Chris for permission to republish his Facebook items, especially this from  today. It is very well-timed as a useful introduction to post I’ve been preparing and now scheduled for tomorrow of visions of the Rapture!

I had a wonderful vision and warning today.

I saw trumpeters, dressed in white – they may have been angels – preparing to sound a fanfare. They were all blowing their instruments, just like you see an orchestra warming up. They were excited, chattering, and looking around kind of expectantly, almost looking for the conductor to make snide appearance. Suddenly he appeared, not dressed in white like the trumpeters, but sort of ‘dressed down’ a little bit. I understood from this that I was watching a rehearsal!

In proper conductor style, he mounted a small podium and tapped it several times with his baton. The trumpeters were instantly in the ready position, instruments to their lips, all eyes watching. The conductor raised his baton and held it aloft while he did a very quick scan to endure they were all ready. Then he brought it down and the trumpeters started playing.

Oh, the sound! It was a beautiful melodious fanfare, at once both militaristic, triumphant, yet fluently flowing with melody and counter melody. Almost close harmony except that there were probably two or three dozen players. Each seemed to have a melody of his own, yet the whole sound was beautifully melodic, each complimenting the others. It really was beautiful. The sound drifted as a cloud over them and each trumpeter had a look of sheer bliss – they were loving it.

The sound covered the earth like a mist or thin cloud. I was able to see people from every part of the world as they looked up to see what was happening. The effect on those listening was electric. Some were looking up pointing and shouting and jumping excitedly. Many just looked puzzled, while a small proportion looked angrily around them, shouting curses at those who were celebrating.

I knew I was watching the Rapture. Was it a rehearsal? Was it the real thing? Was it just a little glimpse of that which is soon to come. As I watched, I saw those who were celebrating just disappear – in the twinkling of an eye – and I saw several of those looking puzzled disappeared too. Many left behind looked shocked and distraught, while some continued to look angrily about them and continued to hurl curses at anyone close enough to hear them.

Altogether a disturbing, yet confirming vision. I didn’t think it needed much interpretation but the Lord still spoke to me.

“Are you still wondering about this. Many are, and many are doing little or nothing to prepare. Yet you need to keep on warning them, keep telling them that I AM is coming. I did not leave you that picture of the wise and foolish virgins for nothing. It wasn’t just an allegorical tale to entertain you. It was a pictorial warning. Time is so short, yet so many either think there is plenty of time, or they just don’t believe I am coming at all. You have taken the scripture, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick!” (Proverbs 13:12), and you have applied it to My return. You have said in your heart, “What’s the use – He’s not coming yet, if at all!” You have believed the enemy’s lies! Don’t let him rob you! Don’t let him kill, rob, and destroy all that you hope for. That’s the only weapon he has – the fear of hope deferred! I AM is coming, and coming suddenly, coming soon – much sooner than many expect or think possible.”

“What you have seen here is literal; it’s a foretaste, a forewarning of that which WILL come. REAP THE HARVEST, BUT ALSO TELL THE PEOPLE I AM IS COMING VERY SOON. TELL THEM, TELL THEM, AND TELL THEM AGAIN!”, says the Lord.

God’s justice moves within the sands of Time – Veronika West

As well as yesterday’s word about supernatural paradigm shifts and reversal of the curse Veronika also published this in His Kingdom Prophecy, and which takes previous prophetic visions further – love the Lord’s ‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ reference:


During my time of prayer with The LORD for the Nations this morning, I saw The Finger of God drawing a line in the sand, and then I heard a loud sound of screaming and shrieking coming from deep within the Nations and I saw the powers and principalities of darkness fleeing in seven directions.

Now as I stayed watching, The Finger of God drawing a line in the sand, I felt a tangible shift taking place in the Realm of The Spirit over the Nations.

Then suddenly, I saw the line in the sand beginning to curve, and a Full Circle appeared before in the Vision.

As I looked at the Full Circle, I heard these Words,

”Watch — as My Finger of Justice now moves within The Sands of Time to draw Boundary Lines within the Nations.

“For Nations are now being Realigned and Rearranged for a greater outpouring of My Spirit draws nigh.

“Watch! For a Divine and Supernatural Circling Back to The Future is now taking place over the Nations of the earth.”

As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw the Full Circle become as a Gold Signet Ring upon The Finger of God, and then I heard,

”The Gold Signet Ring of The Synergy of The Ages!

“Watch! For a time of Divine Overturning of demonic thrones and the shattering of the powers of foreign kingdoms shall take place!”

As those powerful Words washed over me, I heard The Spirit say,

”Watch, as My Finger of Justice now moves within The Sands of Time to bring the Nations full circle.

“Watch — as My Finger of Justice begins to circle back to Redeem Time, to Restore the fortunes of Zion and to Reform a Righteous Remnant that has been scattered.

“Watch — as My Righteous Right Hand goes forth to bring to full Completion and Perfection the good work that I have started within the Nations of the Earth!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

[Image: Time Travel © Saretta1]

Was removal of previous post’s content on Trump ‘accidental’?

Long overdue a coffee-break after drafting and publishing the previous post I logged off at desk pc, left the study and grabbed the ground coffee for our cafetiere and sat with it in the conservatory. Then getting back online with a laptop I was astonished to see the opening paragraph of the last post staring at me on its own – nothing else!  WOT!!

IF that’s all you saw too, please revisit the correct, full version by clicking here.

Everything I’d blogged about how Veronika’s word ties in with a rebroadcast of a warning statement from Donald Trump was wiped away! I’m not paranoid in thinking it may have been caused by a ‘gremlin’ because WordPress is – or has been – free from censorship.  So it was probably caused by a weird glitch over the internet.

But how did that happen??  And a good job I soon checked… Continue reading