PM Netanyahu’s address to the UN General Assembly

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

Dear Friends,
At long last this pc’s back up to speed and plays sound.  So Nina and I caught up with a video-link Bill Koenig provided to a recording of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN.   He was spectacularly statesmanlike.  However, the link has since disappeared and, not surprisingly, copies and links are hard to find but here’s one full version, especially just for you:
I strongly recommend setting aside 40 mins to watch this firm declaration of many truths to a hostile world – as though the Lord was standing alongside and inspiring him!  He gives a compelling account as well as a rational denunciation of the UN as ‘a theatre of the absurd’!  We know that through his close friendship with Mike Evans, chairman of the Corrie Ten Boom Foundation, this democratically elected PM is deeply appreciative of Christian prayer support.  In view of my previous closing comments (below), it was interesting to hear of Bibi’s very ancient ancestral connection to Jerusalem.  Also, it was appropriate his speech followed that of the unelected PLO’s Abbas and Iran’s A-madman-jihad and which, for the discerning, can be seen as an honest alternative.
For a solid but brief overview of the address, see Joel Rosenberg at:
An email just received from Mike reports, in part:
As Abbas waved the copy of the petition he had earlier submitted to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, the hall repeatedly resounded with thunderous applause. One would have sworn it was Nelson Mandela fresh out of prison to proclaim an end to South African apartheid.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech delivered less than an hour after Abbas left the podium was brilliant and focused, but instead of enthusiastic applause, there were empty pockets in the hall where representatives of Arab countries had departed. The silence was deafening
Do you know the one very simple fact that reveals Abbas’ duplicity?  When the PLO were permitted to open up diplomatic missions the map displayed on their flags and literature depicts their proposed state as being the whole territory between the Med, Lebanon, Egypt and the river Jordan – ie. excluding Israel, as in the photo below and again reported recently at
Hmmmm – now why should he do that??

New development re. next week at the United Nations

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

Friends – Please see below Joel Rosenberg’s forwarded item upon this afternoon’s breaking news.
Negotiations have been getting extremely intense over these issues since my prayer call on Tuesday.  As suggested in my concluding line, the Americans are putting immense pressure on Palestinian leader Abbas. And even after stern warning’s and attempts to turn the tide from the Saudis, EU High Rep Ashton and Quartet Envoy Blair, Abbas isn’t backing down.  If you should be interested and have time for the finer details see:
Earlier background:
In his in-depth analysis of the Hebrew meaning of Israeli leaders’ names, William Koenig summarised:
God has given Benjamin Netanyahu to Israel. The “gift from God” [Benjamin] and the “Son of the right hand” [Netanyahu] is a protector of Israel and will be to the very end. It will certainly be interesting to see how God will use Benjamin Netanyahu in the days ahead.
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:12 PM
Subject: [New post] NETANYAHU COMING TO NEW YORK TO ADDRESS U.N. NEXT WEDNESDAY: Will confront Palestinian statehood bid and Ahmadinejad

NETANYAHU COMING TO NEW YORK TO ADDRESS U.N. NEXT WEDNESDAY: Will confront Palestinian statehood bid and Ahmadinejad

joelcrosenberg | September 15, 2011 at 1:09 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Israeli PM Netanyahu will address the U.N. next Wednesday (AP photo from Sept 2009)

Senior aides to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin originally told me the PM was not going to come to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly this year. But things have changed. Haaretz and Ynet News are now reporting that Netanyahu is coming to New York and will deliver a major address before the U.N. General Assembly next Wednesday. The decision reflects the PM’s desire to personally, directly and very publicly confront the Palestinian effort to unilaterally declare a state and receive a U.N. blessing, rather than engage in direct negotiations with the Jewish State. Netanyahu will also strongly condemn Iran’s bid for nuclear weapons and challenge the world to rein in Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is also coming to the U.N. next week.

During a press conference in Jerusalem yesterday with the visiting Czech Prime Minister, Netanyahu told reporters: “I have decided to personally convey the message of direct negotiation and striving for peace at the General Assembly — I know Israel doesn’t get a fair hearing at the General Assembly. It has an automatic majority which is quick to denounce Israel. I have decided to go… to tell the truth.”

The Palestinian Authority this week announced that on Friday, September 23rd it will formally submit its bid for full membership in the United Nations. A General Assembly vote would likely go overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians. The U.S., however, has vowed to veto a Palestinian statehood bid if it comes before the U.N. Security Council.


Stand today and next week re. Israel

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

Dear Friends,
Am catching up with my in-box and, if you’re as yet unaware, I’d draw your attention to the following ICEJ call for prayer back-up – please note the reminder about next week’s UN activity.
I’d hoped to have given a brief outline of the importance of this month to bring you up to speed but this revamped pc is so excruciatingly slow whilst I await repaired motherboard.  (Albeit optimized and tuned, it’s only 15% power of faulty pc, with processor too often at 100% capacity and struggling to multi-tab in browser!)
Hopefully, you may have kept tuned to what’s going on and I herewith insert some pertinent points that open John McTernan’s posting of early this morning:
“As the United Nations vote on a Palestinian state grows closer, the talk of war is accelerating. It seems that each day the war drums are getting louder and louder. Turkey and Egypt are now in a race to see who will be the first at war with Israel.  It is now a full-time job to watch the coming Psalm 83/Obadiah war. I still believe the war is going to focus on Jerusalem.  The Palestinians now are using Obama’s words against (him) in that he promised them a state!  This has a life of its own and is careening towards war…. “
– Turkey’s bellicose attitude, on top of expulsion of Israeli Ambassador and ‘corralling’ Israeli airline passengers, is becoming serious now its frigates are instructed to disable weapons of any Israeli ships outside territorial waters! (DebkaFile – unable to copy link) – all to avert attention away from growing domestic ills?  Time to kick Turkey out of Nato!
– last weekend’s storming of Israel’s Cairo embassy by founding branch of Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood activists required urgent intervention of USA’s Obama and Clinton before Egyptian authorities protected the besieged staff from an extremely grave situation (DebkaFile – unable to copy link) – all on top of Iranian machinations in Gaza and Lebanon. 
Just perhaps all this is one way the Lord may change Barack Obama’s deep anti-Israel stance?
Let’s keep looking to our Lord Jesus
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: Update re The Stand
You are still encouraged to attend ‘The Stand’ tomorrow outside Parliament between 3-5pm.  Tim Gutmann of Mordecai Voice writes: “Please, for a final push spread the word and pray with us that a great number of Bible believing Christians will come on Tuesday at Old Palace Yard (immediately to the West of the Houses of Parliament) 3pm-5pm. Please invite as many as you can and ask folk to RSVP at this email address or   I believe for a great turnout of love, support and a standing with Israel at this key time.”Pray for the Parliamentary seminar that will take place at the same time (3-5pm) inside the Houses of Parliament, which has been organised by Christian Middle East Watch with involvement by ICEJ UK and with the title Are the Palestinians ready for statehood?”   Pray that a large number of MP’s and peers will attend (If you would like a PDF of the invitation to the seminar, to pass to your MP, please request it:   info@icejuk.orgJust a week away now, the Palestinians will demand international recognition for statehood at the United Nations in New York. Download a guide to the unilateral Palestinian Declaration of Statehood (pdf)   It comes nearly 37 years after Yasser Arafat first entered the UN General Assembly, a gun holster strapped to his side, and legitimized a lifetime of terrorism against the Jewish people. “I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun,” he declared. “Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.”  Arafat’s chilling threat still hangs over the UN chamber in New York as the Palestinians openly warn of another ‘intifada’ against the Jewish people if the world refuses to give them what they want:  the city of Jerusalem.Then, on September 22nd the UN’s Durban III conference will take place in New York City. This ‘anti-racism’ conference has always targetted Israel and given a platform to anti-semitic abuse from her enemies.However, as Tim Gutmann writes, ‘We are  excited because we stand with truth, with the gospel of peace, with Jesus and we stand with Israel in these dark days…. We are excited to publicly proclaim this, to publicly pray, to publicly declare scriptural truth regarding Israel and His people, the Jews. We look forward to raising a public voice of love and support for Israel in a time of increasing isolation and hatred. We are looking forward to standing together in unity with you as we declare that; not only do we not believe the lies of the delegitimization efforts against Israel, but more than that! We believe Israel is covenanted with God forever, that His land has been promised to the Jewish people and their inhabiting is the fulfilment of prophecy from thousands of years.”
12 September 2011
The Stand – Westminster – 13th September 2011

Open doors of opportunity and of revelation

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

Dear Friends,

Kindly consider Paul Keith Davis’ August e-newsletter as being of value for deep reflection and which may be found on this link.

Therein, Paul Keith covers the distinct possibilities of previous prophetic perspectives coming into fruition.  He is most encouraging in discussing our direction for magnifying the Kingdom’s manifestation.

May I further encourage your visiting his ministry’s website to sign up for his E-newsletters?  You may be able to receive his special report Affirmations of the Open Door, issued only two days ago.  This report’s importance lies in the revelation a month ago of last weekend’s unprecedented tropical storm that swept the US eastern seaboard as far as New England.  The word from the Lord was to watch for a physical storm that would come upon Washington DC – “It will be a sign that cannot be prevented” of the commencement of heavenly intervention against the evil one’s plans therein.  This could be truly awesome!

In my humble opinion, watchers of the wickedness happening within that leading Christian nation, as well as those familiar with Chuck Pierce’s insights into the spiritual divisions across the USA, will see the relevance of this information.

May the Lord bless you mightily,