Eagles over England 

Eagle-eyed by John Mark Long: courtesy http://www.propheticartists.com

Thank you Lord for another ‘sign’ received by Tony in Tucson on Christmas Eve. I concur with the comments about the meaning of eagles (NB: Why I Write/blog) and note also the significance of pastor John Kirkpatrick in Alabama having seen a bald eagle over his property in connection with Sept 23rd and Rev 12 plus UK-US spiritual connection, etc, etc (search ‘eagle’)

My Dreams and Visions

I had a dream this morning where I saw eagles flying from the sea over the English countryside and finally perching on Big Ben. What is interesting is that there seemed to be a lead eagle, if you will, looking back to see that the others were following and secondly I saw all this from the vantage point of the eagles.

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England ablaze, a third posting

fire-of-Holy-Spirit-300x194Thank you and to encourage you Tony,  author friend  William Smith emailed in response to my latest post, “God is most definitely doing a new thing right now across His Ecclesia. Our visit to Romania gave us an insight to how strongly He is impacting that particular community. His Presence leaving us all helpless to function for some time as we worshipped. Our own church prayer meeting is taking on a dimension of desperation/urgency unseen for many years, they tell me. A relentless refusal to remain as usual. Miraculous demonstrations of His work are beginning to accompany this.”
Another friend who heads up an evangelical ministry to Europe has just returned with enthusiastic reports of many Spirit-filled teenagers in their meetings in Switzerland.

My Dreams and Visions

Ive seen this for the past couple of days so i am going to post this vision concerning England which will be the 3rd posting. In the previous post I talk about those with oil lamps leaving England. In the vision I’ve had for the past few days I’ve seen one very large oil lamps similar to the ones I saw in the previous posting. The lamp I’ve seen is above the oil lamps mentioned in the second posting and it is pouring out fire. It would seem that the outpouring of fire resulted in the smaller lamps leaving carrying the fire abroad with them fulfilling Jesus’ command of go and tell. On the day of Pentecost after the fire had fallen on those in the upper room they immediately began to evangelize and magnify the Lord and the fire spread to 3,000 that day.

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‘God-incidents’ validate three prophetic visions

Today’s Keep Praying & Bless focus upon Edinburgh brings a decree and blessing so appropriate to the points I wish to convey on three visions I’ve posted this week:

‘We declare that our God is a powerful God who is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh in the last days according to His Word – We bless these islands with a fresh outpouring and awakening of God, for the Holy Spirit of Truth to come and revive the church, bringing repentance and transformation in our land. – Come Holy Spirit and move over our Nation with conviction and power.’

My favorite truth from Jesus is His explanation in John 3 to His secret disciple Nicodemus of how He and we follow Holy Spirit’s leading: “The wind blows wherever it pleases…So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” 

He blew strongly last Monday morning!

Once again showered with several pieces of an Invisible Jigsaw, my eyes opened to see so many of these ‘God-incidents’ – it’s been some time since I was so blessed.

Blogging ideas got blown away! After the long weekend I intended continuing on the USA-Jerusalem theme under title, ‘World’s woes caused by its leaders’ opening with Genesis 12:1 (blessing/cursing of Israel).

After noting William Koenig’s weekend update ‘Jerusalem Countdown’, as well as Gavin Ashenden’s demand that Archbishop Welby must apologise or resign because of his latest appalling nonsense, I was set to steam away – and planning to comment once again but more fully on a series of dubious articles run in Prophecy Today UK.

So after Monday’s usual domestic tasks, I was primed and pumped along those lines.

But it all got blown out of the window – and I’d spotted a hole caused by hailstone in the conservatory’s glazed roof that needed urgent attention!  Yet first to catch up and deal with email on return to my pc – but then I saw the first jigsaw piece and another, and in between fixing the hole in the roof, I got another as I perceived the ‘God-incidents’ of divinely directed data!!  I offer them for your consideration and weighing in sequence of my ‘perceptions’:


This is the vision of Holy Spirit at heaven’s door in The Revelation of The Christ and His Kingdom, as revealed to Simon Braker and which I quickly reposted on Monday. I was struck by his description of those who don’t follow His directions or would argue with others, and especially of those in the pigpen with mud on their eyes – it perfectly describes the blindness and mud-slinging displayed in parts of that series of debatable articles. (They denigrate leadership at Toronto Airport Church Fellowship for events known as the ‘Toronto Blessing’ and attempts to connect it, if not lay the blame upon it, for many churches moving away from the authority of scripture.)

Only when re-posting did I note this ‘Revelation’ is dated Thursday 14th December, a week ago today.

2nd PIECE 

A week earlier (Wed 6th Dec), I’d seen ‘Blessing the Church? VI’, about the ‘Toronto Blessing’ (better known as an outpouring of Father’s Love) featured on Prophecy Today UK. That move of God  perplexed many because of its unusual manifestations of holy and unclean spirits, as is well-known in power encounters (eg. Mark 1:21-27 – Jesus’ first visit to a synagogue after His baptism in the Holy Spirit).

In my opinion and experience, this regurgitated missive (1995 ‘updated’ 2017) decrying Toronto utterly misrepresents what the Lord has been doing. So, in view of a busy blogging week I left a very brief comment :

‘…had you investigated the FRUIT you’d find Toronto REALLY does bless believers: eg. hundreds of thousands miraculous healings and rescues from bondage in Mozambique (mosques becoming churches and Muslim provinces turning to Christ) as well as the underground crusades in Pakistan, the repentance revival at Pensacola/Brownsville that brought masses to Christ – not to mention having been a 24/7 carer for my wife for only 6 months (instead of the subsequent 10 years!!) because she was dramatically healed after having been officially registered as permanently disabled, plus 5 improvements after subsequent recurrence!…’


My remarks generated a couple of queries, including a rebuttal from someone who,  like me, had been active in satan’s camp,  some of which I responded to in more depth the following week and to the latter person on Thursday 14th December.

As the article’s author didn’t get his facts right on the beginning of the ‘Blessing’, I recommended the balanced investigation with interviews in The Story of Toronto by our Bibliophile friend John Peters, who’d been in the groups we’d been to Toronto with 10-15 years ago. He’s biographer of The Great Revivalists.

The articles’ antagonism and judgementalism suggests their author is operating in an ungodly spirit and isn’t an obedient disciple of the Lord (I wondered if he may be excluded from entrance to heaven). Therefore, over the weekend I revisited John’s book and prepared to submit more facts to that series of ‘teaching’ articles. Yet it may be wasted time; as Jesus warned us not to ‘cast pearls…’  But my action was quashed because my speculation was answered in that first jigsaw piece, and even more specifically in the…


This is another Monday morning email from UK Prophetic Words of a report issued Thursday 14th December entitled Those who take offence will not partake in the next move of God’s Spirit. I saw only that title and opening paragraphs. It’s an arrow hitting the bull’s eye of that partisan prophecy’ piece and so I emailed Suzanne Payne right away for information on its author Brett Dewey before my re-posting it. I didn’t have time to read until perusing a hard-copy over lunch, before which I had a reply from Sue as the…


For a mistaken reason Sue drew my attention to the penultimate paragraph of Brett’s piece and which I hadn’t yet read: 

‘Last of all I will record the vision I seen in the December One Voice prayer meeting in our Church – During worship I was focusing on the Lord and watching for his Spirit – I seen myself in what was the top floor of an office building – the building was like one of the office buildings I was working in during security work – but it wasn’t – the building also looked like the building I was at for Bible college but it wasn’t – I was sitting in a chair looking up with my eyes closed but could see all that was in the room.’


Those words in Sue’s reply sent me back six years to a very vivid visionary dream about the Kingdom of God and which confirmed what Bill Johnson, a close associate of the Toronto leaders, had prophesied that day during the first Revival Alliance Gathering in September 2011 being a turning point for the Kingdom of God in the UK (Father Let Your Kingdom Come and Update in previous post refers.) I replied that perhaps Brett should return to the vision and open his eyes to look outside the windows! 


But in fact he’d already done something similar! Over lunch I read his whole piece, which closes with the vision received this month. There, I found that what Sue quoted is followed by:

Suddenly the whole roof lifted up off the floor and there were just open heavens – I had the feeling the Lord was removing restrictions – possibly the restrictions of man – we have perhaps put limitations on God – He removed the roof: there was no limit now – all restrictions man made or otherwise being removed in Jesus name.’ !!  W-O-W!  DOUBLE WOW!!


Brett’s report opens with a dream in October featuring an incoming huge wave of God’s Holy Spirit but he notices someone attempting to prophesy by means of an unclean spirit – the Spirit of Offence. He hears the Lord instruct him on its meaning and realises the person prophesying wasn’t of God, yet presents herself as a prophet and who is a Christian. Unfortunately and sadly,  it speaks to me of the spirit behind those articles on a Christian prophecy website,  one I’d highly recommended to readers upon its launch!

Of particular importance serving as a lesson for me is what Brett learned at the Fire conference about the need to check ourselves and repent of any taking offence. I chose, therefore, to forget about taking that ‘Blessing’ issue any further.

Bringing prophetic pieces together

In closing, it’s worth reminding ourselves of Brett’s comments on such issues:

The Lord said that there would be many who would be offended because of Him. I felt a peace and a witness that what He was going to do in the next wave of glory would be offensive to many – especially people that had no room for GOD’S sovereignty in their mindsets…

‘I also believe the Lord encourages us not to be offended if other churches despise you or are offended, because you let God’s work be done and His Spirit manifest in all his Glory in the midst of your meetings. Hold fast to what is true. This is what the next wave will bring.’


Praise and thank you Lord for such blessing and to everyone in this ‘invisible jigsaw’ for blessing and teaching me so much more than I knew before the start of this week.

May everyone reading this account be thoroughly blessed with fresh insights into our relationship with Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father’s love.

IMAGES (courtesy Freedigitalphotos.net):
  • ‘Hand and Puzzle Pieces’ by Anusorn P. Nachol
  • ‘Flying Puzzles’ by Nokhoog Buchachons
  • ‘Puzzle in Sky’ by Idea Go
  • ‘Puzzle’ by Jannoon028
  • ‘Teamwork’ by Franky242

Prince Charles warns UK Christians not to take freedom to worship for granted!

Politico-religious author ‘Cranmer’ has blogged today about the Prince of Wales’ visit  to London’s Melkite Greek Catholic parish, based at St Barnabas Church in Pimlico, where a Coptic Orthodox Bishop and Syriac Archbishop were in attendance. The Prince spoke of his own faith, his despair at the appalling plight of Christians in the Middle-East and his hope during this season of Advent. 

In Prince of Wales to UK Christians: “Do not take your freedom of worship and freedom of expression for granted”, Cranmer blogs

And then came this nugget of theo-political awareness:

“It is so vitally important, in this season of Advent and throughout the year, that Christians in this country and elsewhere, who enjoy the rights of freedom of worship and freedom of expression, do not take those rights for granted; and that we remember, and do what we can to support, our fellow Christians for whom the denial of such rights has had such profound and painful consequences.”

Nuggety, because the Prince of Wales has gone further in this speech than many politicians and church leaders currently dare. Most will talk effusively of inter-religious tolerance and the imperative of freedom of worship, but very few these days will defend Christians’ freedom of expression, i.e., freedom of religion; the freedom to manifest their faith in the public space; to walk in spirit and in truth; to propagate the Christian faith and witness to Christ in the world.

Cranmer refers to the outstanding work of Christian Concern supporting/fighting in the courts on behalf of many individuals persecuted in Britain because of their faith at work or in public:

Freedom of worship and freedom of expression are foundational British liberties, currently besieged (if not nullified and negated) by ascendant and increasingly frequent appeals to ‘religious hatred’. By exhorting British Christians to guard these hard-won liberties, the Prince of Wales shows that he is patently aware of their incremental erosion – not least because they aren’t included among the Government’s rather fuzzy  notion of ‘British values‘. We supplant religious freedom with statist tolerance, and exchange public theology for mandatory respect, at our peril.

Please be sure to read the full article via above title-link.

The manifestation of God’s Kingdom gets closer

The following blog posted six years ago today, and one month after its launch, is offered for reader’s information. Tomorrow we’ll consider its direct relevance to the two visions received by Simon Braker and Brett Dewey:

FATHER, LET YOUR KINGDOM COME (20th December 2011)

The following email submitted details of a dream that had been weighed by the senior leaders of Winchester Vineyard Church and forwarded to Christen Forster, organiser of the Revival Alliance Gathering.

A number of elements in that dream, which happened concurrently with the event, are related not only to foundational scriptures for lead-in prophecies at the Inception meeting in November 2010, but also to activities in the heavenlies at the time of the Gathering, as well as possibly indicating what may be about to happen soon in the UK.

Christen agreed to the dream being posted upon the Revival Alliance Gathering website as Feedback under Prophecies & Testimonials.  [Links no longer available but details can be read in the Update closing this blog.]

Here’s the full email:  Continue reading

England ablaze – a second dream

Kitt Peak National (and Solar) Observatory outside Tucson: RB 4.2008

From his ‘spiritual observatory’ over 5,000 miles westward around the globe in Tucson, my cyber-friend Tony Puccio reports this pertinent dream of holy fire for the UK…and we’re increasingly aware of the lights starting to poke out through the blanket of spiritual darkness…

My Dreams and Visions

I start this post by posting a vision I had received 2 + years ago concerning England
The morning of, 08/17/2015, I had the following vision. I saw many many row boats, note that I said row boats and not ocean liners, leaving the shores of England for other parts of the world. Each of the boats had a small crew and I only saw one person rowing. This is part of a larger post entitled, ” England Ablaze”. I post this excerpt as it relates to a dream I had this morning.

This morning I had a dream where I did not see the country because it was dark but knew that it was England that i was seeing. In the vision above rowboats were leaving the shores of England. In the dream I had this morning I saw lit oil lamps leaving England. I do get the sense…

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GPS#10 – vision warns about taking offence at Holy Spirit’s next move

Thank you to the Lord, Brett Dewey and UK Prophetic Words for this, which although not first or the last on a coming ‘Holy Spirit wave’, is exceptional. NB: this from Kingston and that of Simon in Leicester were originally published on the same day and confirm some events of that day – now that’s what I call God’s Global Prophecy Signalling system! 


During My time of fasting and praying in October I was given a dream.

In my dream I was standing upon an old wall overlooking the ocean. I pointed out towards the ocean and began to prophesy:


Next thing I could see, there was a huge wave which was rolling in from the back. The wave came in and went half way up the beach. An old lady was on the beach and the water came to her feet. Even though she had wellington boots on she didn’t like the water being on her feet and walked off the beach.

I was again on the wall and looked out to the sea and began to prophesy “A WAVE IS COMING, A WAVE IS COMING”. Straight away a huge wave came in from the back.

This time the wave came right up to the beach and completely covered it. There was, however, a divider between the waters and right over the back on the right hand side, some distance from the shore, were a small group of people playing in the surf and having fun on their surf boards, enjoying the wave.

I then looked and I was standing by a teal green fence and it was like I was holding onto a fence. A woman who was standing on an old wall a little higher than the fence started trying to prophesy to me, but when I looked into her eyes she was of another Spirit not the Holy Spirit – so I called fire on her and she disappeared out my dream.

I then heard the Spirit of God speak saying:

“Those that are holding on to offence will not be able to enter in to the next wave of My Spirit.”

Also the woman prophesying that wasn’t of God presented herself as a Prophet, but was a woman who was a Christian; in offence she had been prophesying out of a divination spirit – as those in offence open the door to function from that Spirit when allowing it in – WATCH FOR THIS!

I first took the dream personally as a warning for me not to enter into offence – but later while attending a connect group in our Church, I felt led to release it – shortly after for the next few weeks I had fun walking out this word as that Spirit of Offence came through different vessels trying to find access to my life and calling, but never prevailed.

November’s 2017 Fire conference on the Saturday – I again saw this Spirit of Offence. I began asking the Lord what this was and had I offended him in any way – I began repenting – The Lord said that there would be many who would be offended because of Him. I felt a peace and a witness that what He was going to do in the next wave of glory would be offensive to many – especially people that had no room for GOD’S sovereignty in their mindsets.

I was also was reminded about the old woman, whom I believe represented an old Church, in my dream above – perhaps one set in religion, or tradition passed down – she didn’t like what the Spirit did and didn’t want to be in the water, which depending on the colour, represents the Spirit. She was stuck in tradition and legalism and hadn’t grasped the concepts of GOD’S enormous grace and sovereignty.

I also believe the Lord encourages us not to be offended if other churches despise you or are offended, because you let God’s work be done and His Spirit manifest in all his Glory in the midst of your meetings. Hold fast to what is true. This is what the next wave will bring.

Also I want to include that recently after releasing a word in our Church – KingsGate, Kingston – about turning the page and not being stuck on a page in the book of our life – as God has started your story and there was more – turn the page and keep walking – after I went and laid down before the Lord as His Presence became more manifest, again I saw this Spirit of Offence come out of a dark place – this time it was pinging back and forward looking for a place to land on the Church – I felt this was a prayer point and also it was an assignment from the enemy to abort us from enjoying the next wave of God’s glory which he has planned to be released in our meetings at a very large proportion.

I should have bound it when I saw it, but I just waited to hear more from the Lord about it.

Last of all I will record the vision I saw in the December One Voice prayer meeting in our church. During worship I was focusing on the Lord and watching for His Spirit – I saw myself in what was the top floor of an office building. I was sitting in a chair looking up with my eyes closed but could see all that was in the room.

Suddenly the whole roof lifted up off the floor and there were just open heavens – I had the feeling the Lord was removing restrictions – possibly the restrictions of man – we have perhaps put limitations on God – He removed the roof: there was no limit now – all restrictions man made or otherwise being removed in Jesus name.



Brett Dewey, 14th December 2017

Footnote: the full word excites my spirit for two reasons: one connected to the warning and links into aspects of Simon Braker’s vision; the other is related to what propelled me six years ago from private correspondence into public blogging about the prophetic. The jigsaw pieces validate details of both prophetic visions, as told in this post!

Simon Braker: awesome vision of entrants to the Kingdom and of players in pigpen!

Simon posted this last Thursday on Prophetic Voice Leicester Facebook page (typeface colours by RB). It is especially pertinent in view of my ‘coincidental’ debate objecting to an article demeaning Holy Spirit’s bringing our Father’s love into the world via Toronto since 1994 (as here):

5778 The Year of The Door (Prophetic Art of James Nesbit – click4link)


The Lord took me into a vision/dream.

I was stood in front of a giant door; the door was so large that I could not see to the top of it.

As I watched, I saw people walking up to this door. It was at this point that I saw that this one door was actually made up of many small doors within the one big one.

As a person walked up, suddenly many of these small doors would open as they approached. As they did, blinding light of many different colours shone through the door.

I saw that as each person approached, they were greeted by a person the like of which I’ve never seen, and it would be very hard to explain.

This person had no fixed shape: like fire, wind or water; they also had no fixed colour as they shifted and changed constantly. As I looked, in the midst of this I could see the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of a lamb, the face of an eagle, the face of a dove, and the face of a woman and the face of a small child all at the same time.

Sometimes one face would become clearer than the others, yet the other faces could still be seen in the midst of the wind, the fire and the water.

I understood that this person was the Holy Spirit; as each person came to the door, He would greet them and invite them to enter into a new door.

I heard Him say,

“The greatest doors are the ones you have to bow lowest to get through.”

As one older man came forward many of the small doors opened all at the same time. The light was both refreshing and blinding at the same time.

The man greeted the Holy Spirit and clearly they were close friends as they embraced one another like brothers; as they did the man was lost in the flames, wind and water.

They spoke for a short time then the man looked at the door, smiled then bowed to the ground and began to crawl towards a very small very low door. As he got close, he reached out to open the door; the moment his hand touched the handle he was lifted up off the ground at an awesome speed and a door that was very high up opened to him. Blinding light poured out the door as it opened as he entered in.

It was at this point that I noticed there were other people in front of the door. Most of them ignored the Holy Spirit; others actually argued with Him when He directed them to a door to enter through.

Still others were trying to climb up to the high doors but they would keep falling; each time they fell they became more and more bitter.

I then saw another group; they were shouting, ”You must only come through this door,” and not only did they try to force people through it, but they also tried to stop people going through the other doors the Holy Spirit was directing them to.

I could see that as a new door opened for a person it would sit upon the other open doors that person had, so each new door sat upon the others.

I then saw another group of people to the side of the door; they were all together rolling around in the mud in a pigpen. They were blind to their door for the mud covered their eyes; I could see many had been in the mud so long that they had begun to rot in the midst of it.

Upon the door I saw the words –


Let those who have an ear hear!

Simon Braker, 14th December 2017
Prophetic Voice Leicester

Simon is founder of School of the Spirit, Leicester, and is in senior leadership of Holy Trinity Church, Leicester. He operates in the office of a Prophet and has been actively involved in equipping and raising up prophetic ministers both in the UK and overseas for over 20 years. . [http://www.schoolofthespirit.uk/]

Prophetic word: Time to wake up and don our armour!


‘Some weeks ago in church, I had a picture of a battle-ready army stood waiting in silence. It made me think of the silence of heaven in Revelation 8:1. The sky was red and a glorified Jesus was facing them.

‘This morning I woke to a picture of a red sky morning with the words ‘Thou shalt not delay’. I realised that the picture related to the old adage ‘red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning’. As I prayed about this, I received these words:

“I am coming soon; be ready. Put on your armour; gird your loins; take up your sword. Stand firm in the battle and you will reap your reward. The harvest is ripe and it is mine. I am giving it to you to bring into the storehouse. Take care, for I am here and I am roaring at the enemy.”

‘Interestingly, I had knocked my phone onto the floor in the night, dislodging the sim so it was showing the wrong time; consequently I got up later than usual. I believe that the natural reflects the spiritual – so be aware; stay connected, for it is later than we think!’

Gill Parkes, 11th December 2017

Thank you very much Gill. It reminds me of Nina’s vision of believers dressed in armour at Revival Alliance gathering last August (read Vision of Christian warriors, angel’s messages and a ‘wake up’ call).

Spiritual well of Revival in President Donald Trump’s bloodline


Trump at 3-5 Tong on the island of Lewis Photograph by Murdo MacLeod

Did you know that President Donald J. Trump has two great aunts that prayed the Hebrides Revival down from heaven between 1949 and 1952? The Hebrides Islands are off the west coast of Scotland.

In the late 1940s, there were two elderly sisters that were too frail to attend public services – 84-year-old Peggy Smith was blind and 82-year-old Christine Smith was almost bent over double from arthritis. Their humble Scottish cottage on the isle of Lewis in the small fishing village of Barvas became their sanctuary where they petitioned God day and night for a promise given to them “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground.”

One night, Peggy received a revelation that revival was coming and the church of their fathers would be crowded again with young people. Peggy sent for Reverend James Murray MacKay to tell him to call…

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Is Donald Trump God’s man for this time? Pray for his salvation.

Am sure you have your own ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to the above question, but the purpose of this post is so you can read brief correspondence on the issue and learn more about the man.  Moreover, as I was about to start writing I was nudged to check progress on a debate at Prophecy Today UK that I’ve been mulling over. I espied a thread by one of its contributors and thank the Lord and John Shipton for drawing attention to something I’d long forgotten.

Although I wanted to blog on a couple of other things (!), I’ve done some unscheduled research on what proves to be essential background data to this important issue.

Maureen commented upon the previous post on John Kilpatrick blessing Trump: ‘I do believe President Trump has been raised up by the Lord for this time. Pray he seeks to know Jesus as his saviour.’

My response: ‘Myself and many others agree with you Maureen, so forgive me if you’re already aware of these facts: 

‘There were unusually a good number of prayers – specifically in Jesus’ name – for him and the nation at his Inauguration, including by Franklin Graham, whom Obama disliked and got ‘disinvited’ from Pentagon prayer breakfasts! The lady who prayed for Trump is said to have led him to the Lord (See this recent Washington Post item She Led Trump To Christ but ignore image!).

‘You may know Vice-President Mike Pence is evangelical and he and POTUS regularly meet Christian leaders for prayer. It’s never been known for Christians to have such free access to all areas of the White House as under this administration. (I often refer to the long-time accredited Christian journalist William Koenig, who’s based there.)

‘ALSO, did you know Reuters cut their film feed during DT’s campaign because he was wearing a tallit and being given a Jewish Bible at a black church?? (Read last section of this post.)

This news last Thursday from one of my regular readers was new to me: “…watching Sky news last night (can’t remember who reported) but they referred to President Trump as a wrecking ball. This immediately rang bells but couldn’t remember so googled and it was Lance Wallnau: Why Trump is ‘God’s Chaos Candidate’ and ‘Wrecking Ball’.’ (An interview only).’

Read Lance’s full prophecy in Isaiah 45, King Cyrus and Donald Trump (19 January). In addition, we learn that Donald Trump has highly significant godly ancestry!


Just days before Trump was inaugurated BBC Songs of Praise from The Hebrides, off-shore from Scotland’s west coast, looked at his maternal ancestry on the Isle of Lewis – see Tongs of Praise… (sic) in The Scottish Sun, 11th January 2017.

In October, World Tribune staff published Desperate prayers by Trump’s great aunts in ‘sanctuary’ cottage said to spark Hebrides Revival in Scotland, its closing lines read:

‘An online post in the 2017 National Day of Prayer asked: “Coincidence or Holy Ghost? Not only did the revival reach the sisters’ Island in Scotland but the Hebrides Revival became known around the world. Little did they know that their nephew would one day become the President of the United States of America.”.’

Next, we’ll read Robin Main’s blog about it >> click to continue reading.

[NOTE: I’ve updated/corrected my notes accompanying John’s video blessing Trump as I had only minutes to go before leaving to watch our grandson in his school’s ‘Christmas Pageant’. On his 9th birthday he played God and his lines were taken from Genesis 1. As he delivered those lines classmates performed as stars, air, seas and earth coming together, plus animals and Adam and Eve. We thank the Lord for his healing after he was so badly afflicted all year that he wouldn’t have been able to take part in the play!]

John Kilpatrick: Significance of Trump’s Jerusalem ‘tipping-point’ – fulfills Alabama prophecy

A week today 6th December, President Trump declared the United States of America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and decision to relocate US Embassy from Tel Aviv. The next day John Kilpatrick, senior pastor Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama, recorded his thoughts about it being a significant spiritual tipping point setting many things in motion – and set hell off – because it aligns the nation and its president with the Almighty.

Watch John talk about that as he speaks a blessing over Donald Trump and his family.:

He had the news in mind when welcoming the congregation at CHP’s Sunday’s morning service,

“Somebody made the statement here a few years ago it would be a cold day in H-e-l-l if the embassy was ever moved to Jerusalem –  well not only was it a cold day in Alabama but it snowed in Alabama! God has a sense of humor – amen!

The church is located on the eastern side of Mobile Bay (named by Spanish ‘Bay of Holy Spirit’: see Bay of Holy Spirit Revival) on Gulf of Mexico’s northern coast with its subtropical climate.  So we could say that quip proved to have a prophetic edge!

Snow decorates the branches of a palm tree in Mobile the morning after a late night snowfall on December 8, 2017.(Lawrence Specker)

Across the Bay, Saturday morning’s local news had asked How weird is snow in Mobile? Well Friday night’s snow set a record (1 inch on ground) and reported,

‘The old record was only a trace amount of snow on December 8, 1942. Local NWS records date back to 1842.

‘(Meterologist) says preliminary numbers were tallied late Friday night, but recorded snowfall is being measured throughout the state. Most counties who got snow yesterday are hovering around two inches, at the most. But, one report in Gilbertown in Choctaw County, points toward an alleged outlier of five inches…Numbers aside, Alabamians across the state took to social media to share their collective glee regarding the uncommon Southern snowfall…’ 

A prophetic word re. Prime Minister May and Brexit

Thank you to the Lord and Ruth Grigg for this, courtesy UK Prophetic Words:


‘As I was praying for our government, the Lord began to speak to me. What the Lord showed me was that Mrs May will step down from leadership as soon as she manages to secure a deal and it is signed. (This is the reason she was appointed by God, to secure a Brexit deal). I sense the outcome and its follow-up and implications will be handed over to other government ministers. I sense she will step down because of all the pressure, stress and strain that she has been under; however, she will still be in a governmental position, doing good for the nation.

‘I asked the Lord who would come into power next – what government? He said that it would be another joint government leadership, but that it would be balanced (ie. no need to worry). I just sense we need to pray for her more, and that whatever happens next will be a Godly move. We need Him to be governing and ruling in our nation. We need the next leader and government to be by his hand and not purely by man’s, so that our nation is led by Him.’

Ruth Grigg, 8th December 2017


In that regard, the Director of the Social Market Foundation and The Telegraph’s former executive political editor James Kirkup offers an astute observation on Theresa May:

“Anyone paying close attention to the election result or Mrs May’s words since would have picked up her signals about her real intentions.”

What he was writing on the day Ruth Grigg prayed as above got published later online (‘Theresa May’s punchbag act…’), and in Saturday’s broadsheet as The lady’s not of turning…so is this the package May planned to deliver all along? Kirkup writes,

‘…The Brexit deal set out in Brussels today is testament to Mrs May’s extraordinary toughness, an ability and willingness to endure public abuse, collegiate acrimony and private despair, yet not give up. Her predecessor may have run away from the scale of the Brexit challenge he gave Britain, but Mrs May has stayed at her post.

‘Whatever you think of the deal, whatever questions it leaves unanswered and whatever trouble it stores up for the future, remember this: many of those now passing learned comments on it were six months ago convinced that Mrs May would not be in office by now.

‘Her willingness to endure pain and ability to survive apparently mortal wounds – including self-inflicted ones – are the foundations of this deal.

‘The greatest of those wounds, the botched election, is perhaps key. For when Mrs May lost her Commons majority, she made compromises on Brexit inevitable, since she (or any other Tory PM) would lack the votes – and authority – to drive through the hardest form of exit sought by purist Leavers.

‘Looking back, it is hard not to wonder whether, within hours of the June 8 disaster, she had already calculated that only by making the subsequent negotiating process look unendurably hard might she able to placate those purists during the inevitable climb-downs to come…’

Lana Vawser: 2018 – the family, fruitfulness and fear of the Lord!

As at the close of the previous post the full text of the very deep understanding about next year that Lana gained from the Lord reads as below. This is a very powerful word based upon the following sub-heads:

  • Family
  • Family Units
  • New Vision & Blueprints in Family
  • Children of Promise
  • Family of God
  • Increase of Identity Revelation
  • Fear of God
  • Get Ready to Go Back to School with Holy Spirit
  • Isaiah 6 Encounters
  • An Unquenchable Fire
  • Greatest Year of Fruitfulness Thus Far.


‘About 4 months ago the Lord began to speak to me about 2018. The Lord highlighted to me “2018 being the year of FAMILY, FRUITFULNESS and FEAR OF THE LORD.”

‘The sense that surrounded me regarding this prophetic word, was that what the Lord is going to do in 2018 is going to leave God’s people and the world in awe and wonder of who He is.

‘2018 is going to be a year of THE UNEXPECTED in many ways and will leave people and nations in AWE of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

‘As we move into 2018, I believe that the Lord is asking for a deeper level of yieldedness. A deeper level of trust that says “Lord, whatever your way, I am ALL in. Even if it looks like I didn’t expect, I am ALL IN!!!!” Continue reading

The Fear of the Lord #3 (with GPS#9) – Holiness and purity of God

In referring a week ago today (4th December) to my foretaste of the Lord’s return plus the Lord’s wanting us to ask for “the revival of the holy, reverential fear of God”, I’m very concerned for its falling not only upon our fellow citizens but also and foremost upon all clergy and laity in every part of the Church. I’d noticed this topic started in Scotland and has been heard elsewhere in the UK (see #1 and #2) but had already been received on the other side of the world – in Australia!

We thus have another example of the Lord’s GPS in action (Global Prophecy Signals). So let’s read and weigh two more words on the fear of the Lord, the first by courtesy of UK Prophetic Words.:


‘Last night (3rd Dec) driving home the Holy Spirit whispered the word “Hurricane” to me.

‘I felt that the Holy Spirit is about to blow violently through our churches. Anything that is not firmly anchored down will be blown away – I feel that we about to see a mighty and potentially frightening move of God’s spirit that is going to purge everything that is not anchored in him.

‘I feel this is to prepare the church ready for the following move of God where God manifests His glory in a more intense and astonishing way that we have ever experienced.

‘This mighty blowing of His spirit is an act of loving kindness. Holiness and purity will be essential to host the next level of glory that God wants to pour out on His bride. However, Sin and compromise cannot exist in the full glory of God. Ananias and Sapphira found this out to their peril –God in His love wants us to avoid the consequences they experienced.’

Eddie Liley 4th December 2017

The next day in Queensland, Lana Vawser published an extensive message she’d been hearing for a few months, which includes this of direct relevance to our theme:


‘The Lord has been speaking to me so much about the fear of God being restored to the Church beginning in greater ways in 2018. The Lord showed me this happening through signs and wonders, huge amazing demonstrations of His power and the UNEXPECTED ways of God.

‘The Lord is about to BLOW YOUR MIND in 2018! He is going to do things you have never imagined. You are going to see Him move in nations in amazing ways.

‘You will see Him use the FOOLISH things of the world to shame the wise.

“But God chose them who the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise, and God chose the puny and powerless to shame the high and mighty. He chose the lowly, the laughable in the world’s eyes – nobodies – so that He would shame the somebodies. For He chose what is regarded as insignificant in order to supersede what is regarded as prominent, so that there would be no place for prideful boasting in God’s presence.” – 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 – The Passion Translation

‘In 2018 there will be greater demonstrations of how the Lord uses the things the world considers foolish, the unexpected things, the lowly to display His power, His Glory and restore the fear and awe of God to the Church and the world.’

This is part of an extensive message Lana published for 2018 on 3rd December which, as with all material she shares, is worthy of study and weighing and will appear in this blog’s next post.

[Digital Globe with Hand by Watcharakun, courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net]

Prophetic Scripture Update #7: BBC-free newsfeed on JerUSAlem

British readers wishing to avoid the BBC’s extremely jaundiced, inaccurate news on America’s recognition of Jerusalem (visit BBC Watch) may be interested in the following sample headlines from Koenig World Watch Daily (also see Breaking Israel News and International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem):

  • Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, starts embassy move
  • Bravo President Trump for standing up to Palestinian blackmail on Jerusalem
  • Abbas warns of ‘wars without end’ following US Jerusalem declaration
  • Jordan accuses Trump of violating international law on Jerusalem
  • Iran ‘will not tolerate’ Trump’s Jerusalem ‘violation’: Rouhani
  • Trump’s Jerusalem plan worries Pope – should read Zech 12:3,9

You may like follow my practice of having Koenig’s World Watch as a browser tab for ease of reference.

Vision of Jerusalem with angels – pray for its peace!

In addition to Tony Puccio’s comment about the need to pray for Jerusalem in response to my Update post, he’s also blogged:

Jerusalem has been proclaimed by President Trump as the capital of Israel. This has caused much turmoil among the surrounding nations to put it mildly. What I’ve seen in a vision today, however, was a walled city and there was a lot of dust being kicked up without the city. On each of the […]

…continue reading at  Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem — My Dreams and Visions

Nelson Walters: How to prepare for Jesus’ return

So well-timed surely the Lord is in Nelson’s informative teaching, parts of which serve as a very suitable follow-up to recent posts (eg. today’s Lion Bite: “I have overcome the world and chaos – so watch!” and my Personal Foretaste of Jesus’ Return, as well the deception in church against which we’ve signed a Petition). Thank you Nelson.

The Olivet Discourse and the Letters to the Seven Churches are a manual on how to prepare for Jesus’s return. What the Pretrib. Teachers Say “If the church was going to face the Antichrist, Jesus would have given us specific instructions on how to prepare. But the Bible contains nothing on how to prepare to…

continue reading at How to Prepare for Jesus’s Return — The Gospel In The End Times

Prophetic Scripture Update #6 & Mid-East update #4: JER-USA-LEM

The oracle of the word of the LORD affirming Israel. Thus says the LORD, who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him:
“Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness (‘threshold of shivering’) to all surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.
‘And it shall happen in that day that will I make Jerusalem a very heavy (burdensome) stone for all peoples: all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered (together) against it”. (Zechariah 12:3 NKJV with KJV per Hebrew)

Today, President Trump is expected to make an announcement on the United States’ official recognition of Jerusalem as capital of the State of Israel, as well as the decision to relocate the US embassy there. [Update Thurs: Two minutes after posting and closing down for the day I turned on 6 o’clock BBC News to see him ‘Live’ in the White House. Amended post’s title spelling, adjusted opening of Zech 12 to match Hebrew see here.]

Here are some of the headlines over the past week relating to developments in fulfilling Biblical prophecy in Israel and the Middle-East:

First, we must refer to the concurrent ‘coincidental’ events that William Koenig noted as a result of his observations over the past 20 years and concluding there’s a direct correlation in connection with the ‘peace process’ on dividing up the land.

Also see Cranmer’s article/discussion The whole world should recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – simply because it is!

Fulfilled Prophecy #24 – Brexit humiliation for Theresa May

Yesterday’s humiliation for Prime Minister Theresa May after going to Brussels lines up with what Emma Stark recently heard from the Lord after having seen the deep disarray in satan’s camp (emphases added):

‘And then the Lord started to speak to me about Brexit, in the middle of all of this. And the Lord said this: “You” (you collectively, like, all of us – family) “have prayed for a revival and awakening and reformation in the UK for so long.” And the Lord says, “I have heard the prayers for revival and awakening and reformation.” And the Lord said, “I couldn’t come as close as I wanted to, to the UK, because I had to resist her because she was proud.”

‘And many of us know that, actually, if we were scoring the UK in a pride rating, we would probably score it quite high. And we know from the Word of God that God resists the proud, and we know from the word of God that Leviathan (go and read Job chapter 41 if you want and 42, if you want to read about Leviathan), Leviathan is the strongman demon over pride in the earth.

‘And I heard God say this: “I will allow a bad deal for the UK in BREXIT, and it will bring a humbleness to the nation. And in the humbleness it will be an answer to your prayers, because it will break Leviathan off you. And in the breaking of Leviathan”, the Lord says, “I will rush towards you with revival and awakening that you have prayed for.” And so the Lord says, “Do not fear the bad deal, for I am in it, and I am disconnecting you to reconnect you.” And the Lord says that there will be a move of God on the back of the humbleness that is going to come to the UK…’

(The Lord then went on to encourage our prayers for a revival of the holy, reverential fear of God.)

Readers may recall my closely monitoring last year’s Referendum and recording almost two dozen prophetic words in the previous ten years in favour of the Brexit outcome – as summarised in EU & ‘Brexit’ hub. Therefore, I was surprised with this latest and needed to weigh what may be a turn-around with the previous; especially in view of the intense  opposition to our leaving the EU and then learning the effect of intercessors’ prayers upon the devil’s domain.

But it is not a change of heart on the Lord’s part for, unlike the meccan god, He doesn’t abrogate His principles. It’s understandable as an operational practicality in view of all the bickering and deep divisions across our nation.

Note that the Lord is bringing about His word on this issue through the only Christian- based political party in the UK: the Democratic Unionist Party, Northern Ireland (DUP) – see Are Bible-believing Christians The New Heretics?

After this year’s humiliating snap election Theresa May is reliant upon them to support the government’s very slim Parliamentary majority.

This week the DUP’s leader Arlene Foster dealt Mrs May a serious blow as a result of our PM’s lack of proper consultation over the highly sensitive and controversial issue of how trade between Ulster and the Irish Republic is to be conducted after Brexit.

‘Brexiteers’ in Cabinet accused the PM of trying to ‘bounce’ the Cabinet into agreeing a ‘regulatory alignment’ between Ulster and Eire (which is in the EU), thus requiring Ulster to be treated differently to the rest of UK because of its land border with the Republic

Upon hearing the Irish PM claim such an alignment would be part of the deal Mrs May was to agree with the EU’s President of the European Commission in Brussels, Arlene Foster more or less said, “No way!”. It came as a “big shock” to the DUP” (BBC News) and so Mrs May’s discussions collapsed.

Tory ‘Brexiteers’ such as a possible PM-in-waiting Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, are therefore  now grateful to and those in Cabinet are very supportive of the DUP, for whom several days are now needed to consider the proposed agreement for Brexit.

Philip Johnston writes the PM’s bespoke Brexit deal is now undeliverable and observes:

‘International agreements are not written by the Prime Minister on the back of an envelope in a darkened room. There are processes, committees, drafts, discussions, rewritings, amendments and final copies to be signed off. How is it possible that the very party that would be most opposed to what was being suggested – and which is propping up Mrs May in parliament to boot – was not squared beforehand? It is incompetence of epic proportions. What could have been a great national story is turning into an indignity that no leader should countenance.’ (Emphasis added)

Perhaps if our churchgoer Prime Minister (now ex-Christian?) had taken a firm stand on the sanctity of marriage here and not encouraged Australia’s government to introduce SSM, the Lord would have stood by her and given her the necessary wisdom to achieve a satisfactory deal with the EU?

Nevertheless, this turmoil clearly confirms what the Lord told Emma is rapidly coming to fruition – and He’s using a Bible-based political party to bring it about!