England ablaze, a third posting

fire-of-Holy-Spirit-300x194Thank you and to encourage you Tony,  author friend  William Smith emailed in response to my latest post, “God is most definitely doing a new thing right now across His Ecclesia. Our visit to Romania gave us an insight to how strongly He is impacting that particular community. His Presence leaving us all helpless to function for some time as we worshipped. Our own church prayer meeting is taking on a dimension of desperation/urgency unseen for many years, they tell me. A relentless refusal to remain as usual. Miraculous demonstrations of His work are beginning to accompany this.”
Another friend who heads up an evangelical ministry to Europe has just returned with enthusiastic reports of many Spirit-filled teenagers in their meetings in Switzerland.

My Dreams and Visions

Ive seen this for the past couple of days so i am going to post this vision concerning England which will be the 3rd posting. In the previous post I talk about those with oil lamps leaving England. In the vision I’ve had for the past few days I’ve seen one very large oil lamps similar to the ones I saw in the previous posting. The lamp I’ve seen is above the oil lamps mentioned in the second posting and it is pouring out fire. It would seem that the outpouring of fire resulted in the smaller lamps leaving carrying the fire abroad with them fulfilling Jesus’ command of go and tell. On the day of Pentecost after the fire had fallen on those in the upper room they immediately began to evangelize and magnify the Lord and the fire spread to 3,000 that day.

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