Today’s Lion Bite: “I have overcome the world and its chaos – so watch!”

Thank you to the Lord and Glasgow’s ‘centre for prophetic excellence’ for the latest:


‘The Lord took me up in the spirit, and I saw the entire earth; floods, wars, famines and , yet the Lord said to me with great force,

“Do not worry about such things for I have overcome the world.”

‘He said,

“Keep your eyes fixed on me and not on circumstances in and around you. Choose to look with your spiritual eyes and see what I am doing, for it far outweighs that which is going on in the world. I am bringing order out of chaos; I am calling time on things that are not of me.

“So watch and see what I am going to do!”

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


The Fear of the Lord #2 – God will separate Holy from unholy and the Church in UK will shine

Thank and praise the Lord for this rapid answer to my concerns and prayers relating to perversion and witchcraft in the church, eg. as covered in Voice For Justice’s Petition – have you too signed yet?


The days are coming when God will separate again black from white, and sweet from salty. And He will not tolerate the grey or bluish anymore.

“Because I am Holy I will separate again the darkness from the light as I did in the Beginning. Yes I will do it again in the hearts of My People and they will shine again in this nation.

“The enemy tried to mix the colours to make grey; he tried to destroy the borders between My holy people, My church, and the standards of this world. But he will not succeed. My Word will not come back to Me without fulfilling My will. My light overcomes the darkness and always will.

“I will raise the standards in My people and I will give them a new passion for, and understanding of My Holiness. And My Glory will start to be tangible again in this nation. I will put the borders between holiness and unholiness. I will draw the line between righteousness and unrighteousness. I will separate my holy people from the depravity of this world and will burn their hearts with fire.

“I will marry again My Truth and My Love in the hearts of My people. And they will be delivered from the deception of sin, from the perversion and the corruption of the spirit working in this world. I will make them brave again to live in Love and Truth without shame or fear.”

Then God showed me that He will expose the false love of this world which tries to copy His love; but it can’t because showing and talking love without Truth is hypocrisy/fake, and showing and talking the Truth without love is vain/lying. Both lead to deception.

“My true Love and My true Truth are One,” says the Lord. “United; they Walk together and are Connected together.

“No one can separate them because no one can separate Me. I Am the Truth and I Am the Love. No one can separate Me nor split Me. I will lift up the robe of the great harlot to expose her lies. I will lift the veil which covers the eyes and hearts of My people in this nation and I will free them from her perversion.

“My Church will shine again with a new light and passion, and My Glory will fill again the temples of this nation and everyone will see the Power of My Kingdom. Yes! I will restore the Power of Kingdom and Authenticity of My Truth and Love and I will again separate the Holy from the unholy. And there will be no doubt about it,” says the Lord.

Jimmy Stan, 2nd December 2017


Coalition For Marriage reports Places of Worship Say ‘No’ to Same-Sex Marriage – ‘In a speech in Moscow the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has said that “same-sex marriage, or as it is called in law Equal marriage” was seen by “70-90% of people” in the UK as “acceptable and unchallengeable.”

‘This is not true. The most recent British Social Attitudes report found that less than two thirds of the general public say that same-sex relationships are “not wrong at all” and only 55% of Anglicans. The most recent ComRes poll for the BBC on the issue found that in 2014 one in five Britons (22%) would refuse to attend a same-sex wedding if invited….’

[Published with the kind permission of UK Prophetic Words]

The Fear of the Lord #1 – Sword of the Spirit’s Separation Time

Further to my thoughts and prayers over the grave issue of the censorship Petition and the Lord’s desiring us to ask for “the revival of the holy, reverential fear of God”, as well as my having experienced that as a foretaste of His return, we consider a few prophetic words of direct relevance to this vital topic; the first of which was received when I posted Emma Stark’s video on deep disarray in the devil’s domain.:


‘A few weeks ago during our regular prayer meeting on a Tuesday night at Hastings 24-7 Prayer, I saw (with my spiritual eyes) the tip of a double-edged sword, and it was moving forward slowly, very sharp, cutting and separating as it moved. The scripture that came to mind was Hebrews 4:12 – ‘For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.’

‘This is a very critical point in time where God, by the power of His living and active Spirit-Word which proceeds from His mouth (and which we are to echo!), is beginning to cut through the body of Christ, making a separation between those believers that are soul-led, and those that are Spirit-led.

‘I felt that the two edges of the tip of the sword represented the true ministry of the apostolic and prophetic, and that the prophetic was twinned with the pure, undiluted truth of God, and the apostolic was twinned with the love of God to implement the prophetic expression of the desire of God for His people, Jesus’ bride-to-be.

‘As this word stayed with me over the last weeks and as I kept pondering it, I saw that the sword tip also symbolised the alpha, and the handle of the sword the omega of God, and that the moving-forward and completion of this process of separation through His (S)word would accomplish from beginning to end the full revealing of His will and nature in the earth.

‘As our society is rocked by many political issues, and as and our standards and values are polluted more and more by the influx of immorality, the calling into question of the very nature and identity of humanity in the image of God (sexual expression without borders, LGBT, abortion, euthanasia) along with the uprooting of the eternal principles of the Word of God, the Body of Christ is heavily influenced by this move, and many individual Christians, church groups and even whole denominations are pulled into darkness.

‘This is an urgent call from the Lord to His people to make a choice now as His double-edged (S)word moves forward. The fence is no longer a safe place. Lukewarmness will no longer be comfortable or sustainable. Those who choose to remain in the grey zone will be cut off, separated from the holy Kingdom of Light. The Lord is not doing this out of anger but out of the purity of His love: “He sent out his word and healed them, he rescued them from the grave.” Psalm 107:20. This process is meant to completely separate us from everything that is death so we can be fully filled with His eternal life!

‘As this process continues, let us search ourselves and pray for ourselves first, so God will find us as people who are led by His Spirit, faithful to His Word, fully standing in His Light. We are not to point fingers at other Christians or churches or denominations in this process as the Lord begins with us first! But let us also pray for the body of Christ, for people to choose well at this critical time, and not to be drawn into darkness with the rest of the world.

‘For those who do not want to choose, the relentless pull of darkness will be too strong to resist; they will not have the Holy Spirit-infused power to stand as they have depended on their soulish desires and prompts for too long. May God have great mercy on those who are undecided as the time to choose is becoming very short now.

  • Revelation 3:15-16 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
  • Ezekiel 34:17 “As for you, My flock,” thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I will judge between one sheep and another, between the rams and the male goats.”
  • Matthew 13:49 “So will it be at the end of the age: The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous…”
  • James 4:4 ‘You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.’
  • Romans 8:7 ‘…because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God: It does not submit to God’s Law, nor can it do so.’
  • 2 Corinthians 6:17 “Come out from them and be separate”, says the Lord. “Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”
  • Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
  • Romans 13:12 ‘The night is nearly over; the day has drawn near. So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.’
  • Isaiah 35:8 ‘And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it.’
  • 1 Peter 1:16 ‘For it is written, You must be holy, because I am holy.’
  • Romans 8:14 ‘For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.’
  • 2 Corinthians 11:2 ‘For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husband–Christ.’

Susanne Molina, 27th November 2017

[Published with the kind permission of UK Prophetic Words]

Petition for censure and removal of provost Kelvin Holdsworth for calling for SSM prayer

Here’s the most spiritually and morally offensive issue that I’ve ever come across – it’s tantamount to telling Christians to practise witchcraft!! 

Voice for Justice UK are calling upon Christians and others to petition the Archbishop of Canterbury, and I strongly urge and encourage you to join me in signing:

‘Voice for Justice has issued the following request to petition for the immediate censure and removal from office of ‘Very Rev’ Kelvin Holdsworth, Senior Anglican Minister Kelvin Holdsworth, homosexual Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow. He calls for Christians to pray for Prince George to be gay, in order to force the Church of England to support same-sex marriage.

‘He reportedly said that if the future monarch and supreme head of the Church of England was himself gay, and wanted a same-sex marriage, ‘it would be the fastest way to force the Church of England to allow gay people to wed’ (click Independent for report).

‘Under pressure from secular and LGBT activists, the modern cultural climate already draws no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual orientation. But, while affirming the right to freedom of choice for all, we respectfully point out that the Bible, on which the Church is founded, is clear in prohibiting all forms of homosexuality as a sin.

‘The message of the Bible is, and always has been, clear: God unreservedly loves the sinner, but hates sin.

‘The approval and normalization of what in the Bible is branded sin is, therefore, a betrayal of faith. More disturbingly, imploring people to pray along the lines advocated by Provost Holdsworth, calling for an individual to embrace a life of sin, amounts to a curse.

‘Condemnation of sin, while unreservedly loving the sinner, is at the heart of the Christian Gospel, and the reason why Christ was crucified – taking upon himself our sin in order to free us from the hold of the devil (eternal death) and restore us to right relationship with God (eternal Life). At no point did Christ say that sin did not matter.

‘All of us are sinners, and all of us stand in need of the grace of God, made available in Christ. Attempting to rewrite the Bible, or rebrand ‘sin’ as good serves only to lock the sinner into a destructive pattern of behaviour that by definition cannot bring happiness and that separates the individual from God, leading to eternal death.

‘We call for the Church of England to reaffirm its adherence to traditional Christian doctrine, as set down in the Bible, and for the immediate removal from office of Provost Holdsworth.

Sign petition: To the Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby – Archbishop of Canterbury – by clicking below…

ALSO consider petition due to be delivered to the Prime Minister but its DEADLINE is 11am Tuesday 5th December:

‘Protect the right of Christian MP to free speech. Do not allow Secular and LGBT activists to suppress Christian belief.’

For fuller background read Revd Gavin Ashenden on:

First Sunday of Advent and a personal foretaste of Jesus’ return

Yesterday, Sunday 3rd December, saw the celebration of the First Sunday of Advent 2017. It’s always highly nostalgic to me because of a life-changing dream in 1989 that brought a totally unexpected and radical encounter with Jesus Christ.


The First Advent was when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea 2,000 years ago. The four weeks leading into Christmas are designated within the church calendar as Advent, and start the church year.  In traditional churches the scriptural readings for the First Sunday in Advent are usually on the glorious return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign on earth, known as the Second Advent.

My encounter featured two highly personal aspects of my life; thereby validating the experience as real, not imaginary. Amazingly, both validations are directly related to the First and Second Advents and enhanced my interest in End-Times, by which I’d been figuratively grabbed by an Invisible Hand only a few years earlier.

Six years ago this week, soon after launching this blog, I posted details of the encounter – one that gave a personal foretaste of the Second Advent!

One aspect I haven’t previously referred to, however, now needs highlighting in view of current events I must blog about. So it’s important for you, my reader, to appreciate the wider grounds upon which I take my stand AND call fellow disciples of Christ to TAKE A STAND.:


The brief account On a Trapdoor into Hell – Jesus Swoops to the Rescue tells the full story.

My background was one of deep involvement in New Age, Gnostic and occultic notions with meditational and mystical practices. Although not a practitioner, I was nevertheless  aware of the principles of witchcraft. Those practices had led to some unusual ‘psychic’ dreams, but none whatsoever were like this one.

This dream’s sudden ‘gearing up’ into the supernatural reality of demonic and angelic activity and the appearance of Jesus Christ above the clouds and His fast descent towards me, startlingly made me conscience-stricken and realise the truth of judgement – in great dread, mine was about to happen NOW!  And because of my sins I was now about to be dropped right into Hell – so in terror I just had to hide from HIM!  (And I did…but!)

Later, I understand that terror had been ‘the fear of God’ brought through Holy Spirit in convicting me of my sinfulness (ie. wrongdoing) and, thus, preparing me to receive God’s grace (ie. undeserved favour).

However, only this weekend have I realised another scriptural relevance of that fear – and that I’D BEEN BLESSED WITH A FORETASTE OF THINGS TO COME! 


‘The kings of the earth, the great men, the rich, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great and day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Rev6:15-17)

My reaction to that visitation from Jesus very closely matches the reactions described in Revelation chapter 6 to earth-and-heavens-shaking events that will lead into His return.  It could be said that, in addition to natural fear, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the LORD (Isaiah 11:2) will come upon them.

So, I’ll be using that personal aspect as grounds for praying in a particular way for the conviction of sin and sincere repentance of reprobates who serve satan’s schemes.

Hence my taking note at the close of Emma Stark’s video of 24th November on the Lord’s preference for the kind of revival we should pray for.  ‘He said, “But Emma, I’d rather you ask Me for the revival of the holy, reverential fear of God.” And God said, “It is in that, that I can bring the extraordinary miracles.” And the Lord says that he is going to give back to his people right now…a godly capacity to fast; a godly capacity to pray; a godly capacity for greater holiness, because I believe that He’s saying to us,:

“Choose My move that is a holy, reverential, all-based response to Who I am, that will bring the greatest harvest, and the greatest salvation and the greatest miracles for a generation.”

[For an overview, with full background, of my true story click I’m FREE!]


Tomorrow – the First Sunday in Advent – is also ‘New Year’s Day’ for the Church. The following outline of the use of candles during this special period is a fine introduction for anyone unfamiliar with this practice:

Faith Style

advent-wreath-As we are coming to the ‘arrival’ (Adventus) of the festive season with full force, it is so easy to forget what Christmas is about in our busyness, restlessness and buying madness. However, this year, I am going to try something different . I am feeling challenged to understand what Advent means and truly enter into it’s mystery.  I must admit, not having come from a traditional liturgy background, I haven’t really engaged with the whole lighting of candles and the advent Sunday countdown before. However, there is something to be said about the importance of this in the church calendar.

This weekend, I am planning on doing a session for young people in a local church. We will be making Advent Wreath’ s in preparation for the first Advent Sunday . The Wreath represents the eternity and endless love of God and that there is no Alpha or Omega (circular)…

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