Obama admits U.S. “underestimated” rising threat of ISIS in Iraq & Syria. Here’s exactly what he said.

ESPECIALLY FOR AMERICAN READERS! As Robert Spencer notes, ”Of course US intelligence underestimated the Islamic State. US intelligence is bound as a matter of policy to pretend there is no Islamic jihad terrorism, and that when Muslims commit acts of jihad terror, they are misunderstanding their own religion and misapplying its tenets. That means that US intelligence is forbidden to understand the enemy properly; is it any wonder that it underestimated the Islamic State?” Also see my previous links to reports on the CIA and FBI, and Raymond Ibrahim on ‘The Lone Wolf Jihad’. AND last week in the UN your POTUS praised a Muslim cleric who condoned murder of your troops! (See John McTernan’s opinion and my PS to post on Netanyahu’s speech to the UNGA.)

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Obama tells "60 Minutes" that US intelligence underestimated the ISIS threat. (source: CBS News) Obama tells “60 Minutes” that US intelligence underestimated the ISIS threat. (source: CBS News)

For the last several years, President Obama and his top advisors told us over and over again that “al Qaeda is on the run,” and “we decimated al Qaeda.”

In January, the President dismissed ISIS — formerly known as “al Qaeda in Iraq” — as a “jayvee” team and not a serious threat in Iraq or a serious threat to U.S. national security. He said this even though ISIS forces had just seized control of the city of Fallujah days before the January interview with a reporter from the New Yorker.

But as numerous Mideast analysts, myself included, have repeatedly warned, the forces of Radical Islam have grown more powerful and more dangerous in recent years, not less so — and ISIS, in particular, is no “jayvee” squad. They are a vicious, battle-tested, barbaric terrorist organization…

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PM Netanyahu at UN: Israel’s fight is the world’s fight against militant Islam

“Distinguished delegates, I come here from Jerusalem to speak on behalf of my people – the people of Israel – I’ve come here to speak about the dangers we face and about the opportunities we see.

“I’ve come here to expose the brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country and against the brave soldiers who defend it. Ladies and Gentlemen, The people of Israel pray for peace. But our hopes and the world’s hope for peace are in danger. Because everywhere we look, militant Islam is on the march. It’s not militants. It’s not Islam. It’s militant Islam.

“Typically, its first victims are other Muslims, but it spares no one. Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Kurds – no creed, no faith, no ethnic group is beyond its sights. And it’s rapidly spreading in every part of the world…”

Netanyahu at UN credit Reuters per Haaretz At yesterday’s 69th UN General Assembly Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  delivered to  a wide-ranging speech that touched on the scourge of radical Islam, the dangers of a nuclear Iran and a new paradigm for peace with the Palestinians. He also presented a logical case to convince the world that what Israel faces today, it will face in the near future. Furthermore, he accused many UN delegates of at best, sheer ignorance or at worst, rank hypocrisy:

“Last week, many of the countries represented here rightly applauded President Obama for leading the effort to confront ISIS. And yet weeks before, some of these same countries, the same countries that now support confronting ISIS, opposed Israel for confronting Hamas. They evidently don’t understand that ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. ISIS and Hamas share a fanatical creed, which they both seek to impose well beyond the territory under their control.

Reporting on the last day for speeches at the UNGA’s general debate, Herb Keinon  writes in The Jerusalem Post,

Netanyahu also cautioned against focusing world efforts on battling Islamic State at the expense of ignoring Iran’s nuclear aspirations, saying that “to defeat ISIS [Islamic State] and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war”. ‘Netanyahu broke up his address into five main parts: The first dealt with the challenge of Islamic radicalism, as embodied by Islamic State. The second part dealt with the danger of an already existing Islamic state – Iran – getting nuclear capabilities. The third dealt with the summer’s Gaza operation; the fourth with rising anti-Semitism; and the fifth with a comprehensive regional peace…’ (click to read full article).

In Netanyahu at UN warns “militant Islam is on the march”; from Hamas to Isis but greatest threat is Iran, Joel Rosenberg provides a useful summary of the speech:

  • “To defeat ISIS & leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power would be to win the battle & lose the war.”
  • “ISIS & Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. They share the same fanatical creed.”
  • “The Nazis believed in a master race. The militant Islamists believe in a master faith.”
  • “Militant Islam is on the march. It’s not militants. It’s not Islam. It’s militant Islam.”
  • “What would your countries do if thousands of rockets were fired at your cities?”
  • “You wouldn’t let terrorists fire rockets at your cities with impunity.”
  • “Hamas deliberately put its rockets in hundreds of residential areas.”
  • “Israel was using its missiles to protect its children. Hamas was using its children to protect its missiles.”
  • “No other country and no other army in history has gone to greater lengths to avoid casualties among the civilian population of their enemy.”
  • “Hamas cynically used Palestinian civilians as human shields. Israel did everything to minimize Palestinian casualties.”
  • “Allowing Iran to reach nuclear capabilities will pose the greatest threat to us all.”
  • “A broader rapprochement between Israel and the Arab world may help facilitate Israeli-Palestinian peace.”
  • “Israel is prepared to work with Arab partners to confront dangers and seize opportunities.”
  • “There is a new Middle East. It presents new dangers but also new opportunities.”
  • “In any peace agreement I will always insist that Israel be able to defend itself by itself.”
  • “The UNHCR has betrayed its noble mission to protect the innocent. The Human Rights Council has become the Terrorist Rights Council.”
  • Quoting Scripture: “For the sake of Zion I will not be silent. For the sake of Jerusalem, I will not be still.”

Click to watch and/or click to read this PM’s straight-talking, no-nonsense speech. In presenting a balanced report let me state that this speech was followed by the usual clueless or duplicitous claptrap from the US State Dept, the PA and Israeli left-wing, as  reported by the ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem).

PostScript: Continue reading

Tale of 2 speeches: at UN Palestinian leader accuses Israel of “genocide”, “war crimes” – Jordanian king gives moderate, peaceful address.

As well as Joel’s attached analysis, Dror Eydar’s frank Israel Hayom Newsletter opens, “We watched as he stood up and lied in the worst speech of incitement a Palestinian representative has ever made to Westerners, using the verified accusations made against the Palestinian Authority and turning them against Israel without batting an eye. Not a word about the reason for the war this past summer; not a word about the putsch Hamas planned against him. And we’re expected to trust him?”  Also see Elliott Abrams’ brief examination why Abbas made it yet ‘another lost opportunity’.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of "genocide" during speech to the UN General Assembly this week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of “genocide” during speech to the UN General Assembly this week.

UPDATED: This week in New York City, leaders from around the world are addressing the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly (GA). Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently flying to New York to meet with President Obama and address the GA. His speech is scheduled for Monday. I will provide the full text and analysis at that time.

So far, speeches by two Arab leaders have drawn my attention. Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas both addressed the GA in recent days. I would strongly encourage you to read both texts. The contrast between the two was stark.

Here are key excerpts from the speeches and a bit of…

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Holy fire from southern to northern hemispheres

“I saw the globe and I felt like I was looking at the south pole and there was this flame underneath the south pole – and I saw people south of the equator praying and I saw their prayer coming up on the north side of the equator and I saw revival fires coming. And the Lord said…”

World In Fire by Danilo Rizzuti

“When I was walking into this room I saw the Fire of God pass through..”

Upon hearing Dale Mast make that last remark it confirmed my quick open vision of a 12-15 feet high wall of waving red, orange and yellow flames stretching across the front of the low platform he’d just stepped onto. Dale was behind that ‘invisible wall’.

Dale Mast credit Branchmill PhotoGalleryThis was at Dr Sharon Stone’s recent mentoring day after she introduced her long-time friend/mentor Dale Mast.  He went on to teach about Moses and David in connection with Jesus’ ministry and stressed the importance of our having a good friendship with God, one like reluctant servant Moses had grown into. Dale chuckled over how Moses may have sought the privilege of visiting Jesus whilst on earth, and so explained, “Friendship brings greater access than faith!”

Dale said prophets should back up what they hear with prayer and intercession to bring it to birth. Quoting Habbakuk 3, he pushed that we don’t want to just read it, we want to live it, we know what God’s done but want Him to do it again in our generation. Saying there are different levels of revelation Dale shifted up a gear into prophetic mode,

“Do you know why you in front of me are alive now? It’s because you’re perfectly matched to what God’s going to do in this generation…You were called to make a difference – in this generation – and I believe this:

“There’s something’s coming out of the prophetic movement – even out of the UK – there’s coming a voice that will literally cause it to go over many flags of the nations. And just like there was the anointing that the UK had that went over many, many nations, I believe there’s something that God is going to release that’s going to go to many nations.

“I just saw a little prophetic picture. I want to share this; it’s sort of interesting:

“I saw the globe and I felt like I was looking at the south pole, like there was this flame underneath the south pole – and as it was hitting…I saw people south of the equator praying, and I saw their prayers coming up on the north side of the equator to this hemisphere – and I saw revival fires coming and the Lord said…”

“There’s prayers coming up out of the southern hemisphere that are literally going to release fire into the northern hemisphere because they have a mantle of intercession”.

“And I also believe that there’s certain things that are being released in the realm of the Spirit. When I was walking into this room I literally felt like I saw the Fire of God pass through. It moved through and some of you are going to experience the wind of the Spirit in a very unusual way…”

In his stimulating teaching about Jesus and the throne of David, Dale focused upon the change in David’s identity that entering the ‘Holy of Holies’ of intimate relationship with God had brought him.

Another prophetic picture was of the river of God getting ready to run through this land again and of the Lord saying,

“This is going to be a time to think and drink! I’m refreshing the anointing that has been dormant.”

Dale then became very specific for this training session on what the Lord is asking of us personally as a prerequisite to what He will do nationally. We’re headed for challenging and exciting days…

It’s fascinating how this meets the concepts of a name/identity change and preparing for advance implied by the Hebrew understanding of this new year 5775, as herein. And I’m quietly amused over my musing on revival and ‘down under’ and Joanne Rolston’s quip – seems you’re right Jo 🙂

Image credits:

  • Dale Mast by Branchmill Photography Gallery
  • ‘World on Fire’ by Danilo Rizzuti courtesy Freedigitalphotos.net

The Year 5775: The Year of Advance

Thank you Melissa for another excellent explanation, and to Victoria Heard for a prompt to visit her site – and Ephesians 1 once again turns up! This is well timed for what I was about to blog but got delayed!

Defining Words

ayinhey[For returning readers, the first part of this post is a rehearsal of prior research.]

Sundown on Wednesday, September 24 marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year. For the Jewish community, this is a time of reflection, purification and hopeful contemplation of the future. Not unlike our Western New Year’s celebrations, Rosh Hashanah is a time of recapping or regrouping in order to strategically move forward.

For the past month, I’ve heard the following declaration in my spirit. “God is on the advance.” Knowing this was somehow relative to the word for the year 5775, I could not wait to delve into the research you are about to read. While synthesizing the information, crystal clarity came on just how He will move in the days ahead. Prepare yourself for what will be a year of reorientation and permutation.

Shall we begin?

Remember, the Hebrew alphabet doubles as…

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Sundown today Rosh Hashana – start of a new year

‘Tomorrow’ or rather at sundown today 24th September is the ‘head’ of the Jewish New Year 5775, and which is regarded as starting The Year of Advance.

Yesterday and tonight, our church has Randy DeMain, after having been the guest at our Isle of Skye associates’ Glory 2 Glory conference, bringing his fascinating Ephesian’s 1:3 perspective upon scripture. See the video on the last link for a flavour of his teaching – it opens with two scriptures I’ve been contemplating lately!!

Randy taught about a revelation that, when considered collectively, Psalms 111 to 117 may relate to the Lord’s seven spirits (Isaiah 11), thereby bringing insights into His plans for 2011-2017 and the means by which He will bring them about. 

So it’s appropriate that, in referring to the Jewish New Year, I herewith quote Randy’s newsletter for this month and close by noting some relevant prophetic words. He writes:

meetrandy“It is the first of 3 connected feasts and celebrations unto the Lord followed by the Day of Atonement, then the feast of Tabernacles.  The New Year begins the celebration of the end the previous year’s harvest cycle, and the beginning of a new harvest cycle. Many westerners have thought that the Jewish New Year is like our new year that commences January 1st.

“That is somewhat true in that the New Year for Israel is followed by the Day of Atonement, a time of personal reflection and purification to prepare oneself for Tabernacles and a blessed new harvest season.

“However, the New Year begins in the 7th month, not the 1st month, which occurred at the day of Passover, so it has a deeper meaning and purpose.

“On the 7th and 49th year, the land is given rest, debts retired and lands restored. I can’t help but wonder if this is what the Lord is doing in this nation that has a long and deep spiritual heritage. Restoring their identity, their land and retiring their debt?

“I am going to be in Scotland for several days in the middle of this month to speak about revival and the more glorious church that is arising. Please pray the will of the Lord will prevail through the times of ministering and the messages I bring.

“For the rest of us. This month has already seen a harvest moon. Next month will be the second blood moon on October 8th, the beginning of Tabernacles.

“Therefore, this is the month to set your sights on the new harvest season ahead, prepare our plows and harvest equipment, for the harvest shall surely be great. One day the Lord Jesus will fulfill the last fall feast, just as he has the spring and summer feasts of Passover and Pentecost!

“Therefore, we must be diligent to bring in the full harvest between Pentecost and Rosh Hashanah so the ingathering will be the fullness of the intended harvest.

“Happy and prosperous New Year!  Randy” (Kingdomrevelation.org)


  1. An Invitation to the Threshing Floor by Dr Sharon Stone and Bob Jones’, “It’s about the Harvest – look at your hands!”, as well as this blog’s Harvest tag.
  2. Israeli’s prepare to celebrate their holiday, and farmers for a sabbatical year.

How should we pray for ISIS?

Definitely ‘Amen’ to the canon’s closing prayer. His conclusion isn’t so much theologically sound as wise because, imo, it’s directly relevant to this brand of Sunni Islam’s end-time doctrine in hastening the end of the world by global conflagration.

The 3 dimensions of time

Thank you Lord for Your timing in Ajibola’s publishing this profound post, and in Tim’s reading it hours before my re-blogging Tony’s in connection with what You gave Neville!! (Comments to previous refer.) Re. Mary’s appointed time, readers may be interested in this post on Gabriel prophesying into Time, of which there’s more yet to blog!

Visions connect with Neville’s ‘Yom Kippur words’

Visions received on Wednesday through to yesterday by my fellow blogger Tony Puccio on My Dreams and Visions are relevant to my previous post on the prophetic words and teaching brought by Neville Johnson. Tony blogged as follows:

Faulty Foundations Cannot Support and Will Ultimately Crumble (Thu 18th)

After all, no one can lay any other foundation than the one that is already laid, and that foundation is Jesus Christ.  (1Cor 3:11)

I had a vision start 09/17/2014 and received clarification on it today. In the vision I saw a beautiful white church with a beautiful white steeple. This was odd. but I saw people standing around the church instead of in it like you would normally picture things to be. The people seemed to be admiring the building called church. Whether or not they had built it or not, I do not know. I just got the sense that they were admiring it. Then I saw the building called church begin to crumble beginning with the steeple. The building began to collapse in upon itself until it was destroyed. The word that I heard was faulty foundation.  The foundation of any church must be Jesus and Him alone.

Beware of the Seeds You Are Sowing (Fri 19th)

As I was watching a prophetic word today by Neville Johnson that was shared by a fellow blogger, Richard Barker, I saw the following:

I saw people sowing what I will call bad seed into the soil and just as the seeds hit the earth the weeds of what they had sewn sprang up entrapping their feet and ankles so that they could no longer walk. They were stuck in that position. The more they kept sewing bad seed, the more the weeds entangled them. Remember, a Christians highest calling is to walk with God and not to do things for Him. Then there was another group of people who had fruit baskets in their hands. They were giving fruit out of their baskets and people were also reaching into their baskets and taking fruit. What comes to mind is the following;

Fruit of the flesh:

Now the works of the flesh are clearly revealed, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, fightings, jealousies, angers, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revelings, and things like these; of which I tell you before, as I also said before, that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal 5:19-21)

Fruit of the Spirit:

But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  (Gal 5:22-23)

Notes to this 600th post:

Tony’s visions connect directly into points #1 and #3 that Neville received from the Lord. Click on their above sub-head titles to read originals and comments threads.

I was astonished to get my email copy of the first vision! Friday was a full blogging day in a week re-shuffled for family reasons. Also, items to blog from last week, especially Neville’s video, had top priority for available slots of time – but they’d been postponed by unexpected turns re. Scotland, plus a delayed debate elsewhere.

So, I’d been wanting to blog about Neville’s video since 3rd Sept but had got waylaid. When I read Tony’s ‘Foundations’ post I thought that, living over in Tucson Arizona, he may have heard about the conference near Los Angeles. There’s lots of prophetic stuff whizzing around ‘over the Pond’. Wanting to check it out, I asked Tony if he knew of it and sent a link. He and I have been in touch since the first months of this blog and I’m confident his dreams and visions are from the Lord.

Tony kindly replied (at the start of his Friday), “No, this is the first I’ve heard of it”!  The video must have grabbed him and he took time to watch that very day – then came the second vision, as related above copied from his blog.

Obviously, my delays were all part of the wonderful and mysterious way the Lord has all things under His hand. They simply served to validate what Tony was yet to see!

I’m always awe-struck at ‘God-incidents’ showing God’s the one and only Time Lord.

Thank you Lord for how you connect your people not only by a spiritual ‘bridge over the pond’ but also ‘down under’ and all around the world. For, as You declared through Your seer Hanani to Asa king of Judah.:

The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV)


News flash: Alex Salmond resigns

Courtesy WatcharakunFurther to the NO result of the Scottish referendum on independence, Alex Salmond has stated that he will step down as First Minister as well as resign as leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party. (Sources: BBC News video and The Telegraph report.)

That he’s chosen not to continue in office to implement political changes Whitehall has promised to the half of Scotland wanting independence is most intriguing, especially in the light of his long-held antagonism toward Israel and any possible Islamist leanings (blog refers). One would reasonably believe he hasn’t been blessed but cursed, in line with the Almighty’s promise to Abram!

[Image credit: Hand pressing news icon by Watcharakun, Freedigitalphotos.net]

Urgent prophetic words about a cut-off date in God’s timeline

Prophesying into Time was a topic I started blogging about in the first weeks of the New Year. Now I can cover it again, not in analysis but in what’s being revealed about the Lord’s imminent action plans.

The last mention of timing, albeit very brief, was in Paul Keith Davis’ opening remarks at last month’s gathering in Cardiff (as here). In passing, he referred to getting “things and structures such as apostolic hubs and communities in place” between the Days of Atonement 2014 and 2015. That was all, nothing more, nothing less, as it was followed by other matters.

Neville_Johnson-311x350Whilst Paul Keith was in Wales, Australian prophetic seer Neville Johnson was in Lancaster, California. (His website is at The Academy of Light.)

Neville had spoken 18 hours earlier, in a conference’s first session, in detail about prophetic words on what’s in, or scheduled for, the same time frame that Paul Keith had mentioned, ie. after this October’s Day of Atonement.

Upon our return from Wales, our pastor produced notes for our group’s consideration of what Neville had delivered. We all recognised it’s of the Lord and its great import. For example, in view of her wish to change how we ‘do church’, we’d already discussed how to start the Lord’s first point.

Therefore, I’m including a video of the session and his notes of what the Lord gave him for your careful consideration and edification. The notes have been slightly modified for ease of reading and, additional to Neville’s use of upper case, I’ve emboldened points that spoke to me and trust this won’t detract from your study. It’s better, however, to first take time to watch and weigh:

Neville opens by referring to the importance of setting our hearts on things above and the change he senses in the conference atmosphere since last year. Upon standing outside the airport after landing, he’d sensed a gusty ‘whoosh’ go by him and asked himself,

“What’s going on in this nation? Everything is stood up in the spirit realm; both good and bad!

“You know, there’s something going down and we really need to be aware of it because the times and the seasons are very, very important.”

He continues as in the following notes published with the YouTube video:

“We have come to a critical time in our relationship and walk with the Lord. This nation (USA) has come to a critical time in the purposes of God. It’s not ‘business as usual’ – we’ve come to a critical time!

“This year I’ve had more encounters with the Lord than any other year in my life – things have become critical. It is the season of change.

“Hebrews 4 – God limited a certain day – Today if you hear my voice, harden not your heart. He limited a day – a timing factor is involved.

“The time now is limited for an adequate response before all hell breaks loose over this nation; also heaven will come, but the time is limited. When Israel came to Kadesh Barnea and spies went into the land, ten of them came back with the wrong message. There are a lot of wrong messages out there. And they died because of it. God limited the time and said, “No more!”.

“Today, if you hear His voice”…we are on the brink of something great and something terrible.

“Time is running out for us and we have to be prepared for what is coming, particularly  this nation (USA), but there are ramifications for other nations around the world as well. We are on the brink of something great.

“A number of things the Lord has given me:

  1. THE LORD HAS LAID A CORNERSTONE FOR A NEW KIND OF CHURCH. It is time for the Philadelphian church to come into manifestation in the earth and fruition in the earth. (The Faithful Church Rev 3:7-13)
  2. YEARS OF PROMISES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN FULFILLED IN YOUR LIFE ARE INTERSECTING NOW. It is time to take hold of them and bring them into fruition.
  3. THE ISSUE OF SOWING AND REAPING IS BECOMING CRITICAL. Everything is speeding up. The process of sowing and reaping is being shortened over recent times; scary because we don’t always sow the right things, and it is coming back quicker.
  4. WE NEED TO BUILD A KINGDOM (NOT CHURCH) CULTURE. We are heading into the goodness and the severity of the Lord. This year they will begin.
  6. INTERCESSION MUST BE TARGETTED – prophets must speak into the target, and intercession must bring forth the purposes of God.
  7. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST? Israel is setting itself up for a major war – the big one. There will be some skirmishes on the way, but the big one is coming, and the ramifications on the church are enormous.
  8. THE LORD WILL RELEASE THE GIFT OF FAITH IN THIS SEASON. This gift will release the most incredible miracles that we have hardly dreamt of. There is not much spoken of about this gift.

Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement 2014 is a Cut-Off Point

[Yom Kippur 2014 is from sunset 3rd October to sunset 4th October – read about Its Christian perspective.]

“From the time of the last blood moon to the Day of Atonement is coming – it is a cut off point, something ends. Something is coming. Yom Kippur this coming year – the curtain is drawn on many things. There is no more time. God has delayed out of His kindness some things.

“He is visiting heads of state all over the world and giving them time. God took me to Europe to speak to a queen in her bedroom. God told me to give her a specific word of what she must do and what she mustn’t do…people high up in the financial realm, giving them time to repent, many of them.

“Something is happening God is visiting people right now because time is running out and they have to make decisions. Because the world is going to change next year. Once we pass Yom Kippur things will escalate and change. It will be a different world. Stuff will be released, good and bad.

“There is a definite cut-off point that is going to happen. A lot of things have been held up because God in His mercy has waited and waited and waited (like before the flood came – Methuselah had to die first. So Methuselah became the oldest man ever on this planet because God kept extending His grace and mercy); and God has given us more time and more time. But he spoke to me,

“Neville, it is over. There is no more extension of time!”

“He is visiting people the world over, in the financial sector especially. Most of them will not repent, but He is giving them opportunity. Things are going to get really, really difficult.”

The rest of Neville’s teaching is most instructive, especially about how cultivating the Kingdom’s culture will help us during the coming dangers. He explains the powerful effect of the imagination and how its unsanctified use allows evil that he’s ‘seen’ going on behind the scenes to manipulate it, eg. violent video games. He also covers time travel…!

So, be mightily blessed as you watch and read subsequent connected visions here.

(Readers unfamiliar with Christian prophecy will find this Introduction useful.)

Cont’d in Why September 2015 is special & Last blood moon ushers in new era.

See Fulfilled prophecies: 4 on how this message applies to November 2015 attacks in Paris, France.

Personal Note:

Last weekend I was amazed to receive a personal word at the end of a guest teacher’s message at Dr Stone’s mentoring day. It was, as with Joshua and Caleb, a 40 years-old promise will come to fruition.  Also, I’d forgotten – Neville’s remarks on the Israelite spies who returned with a wrong message, except Joshua and Caleb – and point #2 above!

Scotland votes ‘NO’ – prophetic words revisited

UK flag

“2014…you’re going to give birth to twins…”

In case you haven’t yet heard:

The Scottish people’s Yes for independence was expected to lead in yesterday’s voting. Opinion polls were expecting a close finish either way.

But the first results showed a clear swing to No, with a resounding final result announced around 8am. A terrific turnout of 86% gave ‘NO’ 55% and ‘YES’ 45%.

One could assume this means Scotland will become an equally divided people. But not necessarily so because the threatened separation should bring betterment for them and the UK as a whole. The equally comparable collective sizes of both groups suggests we could regard them as ‘twins’ rather than opponents.

It was a historic and momentous day as Scotland voted to stay in the Union, or as the Independent headlines it, “The re-united kingdom”. The main advantage is expected to be an improved devolution of power to the Scottish parliament but there’s other hurdles to overcome (see analysis).

The main lesson we must learn is that complacency nearly broke up the UK, as Dan Snow reports. Now where’ve we heard that before?  From God last year!

And it’s a massive ‘WAKE UP!’ call to we English, not just to all sectors of society but to the full spectrum of church to get serious and not miss our ‘Day of Visitation’!

Thank you Lord the break up didn’t happen!

Rev Dr Sharon Stone, courtesy CIEIt’s proper that we review what He gave Dr Sharon Stone a year ago about Britain for 2014-2016.

Her 3-part ‘clarion call’ has been this blog’s most popular post throughout the year AND its statistics support the admonition about complacency!!

Part 1 has words for Scotland, Wales and Ireland.  Those for England are in Part 2 but it has had only half as many hits as Part 1 has.  And only 1 in 5 readers went on to Part 3, on England’s coming battle. In view of its nature my notes are circumspect, but it may be related to that for which we will “need the strength of Scotland for what’s coming”, as heard by Justin Abraham (UK: the Father’s heart is for unity).

So, I recommend born-again Christians to study ALL parts of that important prophetic word!

Not a nation divided, but ‘twins’!

This is my transcript of what Sharon brought for Scotland during her mentoring day in October 2013, now with relevant parts emphasised:

“For Scotland, the Lord says,

“In 2013 you were pregnant with purpose. 2014 though, you’re going to give birth to twins and there’s going to be a double-anointing released upon Scotland.

“The first ways you’re going to see it is it’s going to be the Father’s Heart and the second is Justice.

“You have started a quantum momentum for the rest of the UK and Europe for you are no longer at a crossroads but you have crossed over. As with the Israelites when they crossed over from the desert to the Promised Land everything changed. A warrior mentality had to be restored, prophetic activity released…

“Now I used to live right underneath Scotland and the things that the Lord is speaking to me now about the nations He just wasn’t talking about before, and so I’m very excited about this! (emphasis RB). The Lord is saying,

“Prophetic activity released is this: the asset of Scotland is its families. No longer a fatherless nation but a refuge for families. Scotland you are not a mother nation like England but a father nation who fights for what is just. So prophetic warfare, praise and intercession will shift your land and help align England and other nations as well.

“Eventually, you will declare new freedoms. Freedom to see in a new way, freedom to govern yourself financially in a new way…

“And the Lord speaks to Scotland AND Wales and says,

I will not let the complacency of England hold you back any longer. The hunger and the violence to take My Kingdom by force will be released within you.”

“Now before England gets upset there, you know that complacency means there is a relaxed wait and see position that you take, rather than a forcefully advancing  Kingdom position – that’s the difference there…

“A friend of mine Chuck Pierce said this,

“Wales and Scotland you will be thorns in England’s side”.

England, you’re going to get prodded, you’re going to get irritated, from your borders. That’s what’s going to happen at this time. And remember that God’s not speaking to us as one because we’re in different time zones spiritually – but we are a catalyst and a complement to one another.

“So, Wales and Scotland is going to assist England to spiritual hunger – repeat after me, ‘Hunger not jealousy’ – hunger for the Kingdom and God Himself…”

Read the full prophecy from its beginning here, continuing through links as shown. It’s  also worth paying attention to a couple of Part 1’s Notes:

1. In Nov 2008 Chuck Pierce closed his report on visiting Germany and England as follows: The Spirit of the Lord says to the people of England, “This is your season for your light to come forth as never before. Rifts will come in old structures and My people will unite in a new way. A message will come forth from pulpits in this land” Then I saw a picture of 5 nations and the Lord said, I will radiate in each land. Do not allow the rifts to cause you to let go of My hand for I am raising you up with a sound of victory.” 

3. For more see Seven Decrees Over Scotland – Jane Hamon, 20 Sept 2013

On Scottish First Minister’s possible Islamist stance


In re-blogging Gillan’s Scott’s thoughts on the Scottish referendum (here) I referred to the Almighty’s personal promise to Abram, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you”.

This plumb-line standard of Genesis 12:3 means Scotland’s future could well be bleak  because, and I emphasised, the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) leader, ‘Alex Salmond is not only in favour of boycotting Israel but his party also funded a Scottish affiliate to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood‘, and linked to its source, Labour Party blogger Rob Marchant’s SNP and Gaza: why Salmond is Not a Statesman.

I’d discovered this by ‘googling’ salmond israel and also found that Salmond supports sanctions against Israel, as reported by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment &.Sanctions) movement. Salmond’s support for bellicose Turkey over the Mavi Marmara incident is as plain as a pikestaff.

Then there’s detailed journals on Alex Salmond and the SNP’s Support for Terrorists by anti-BBC researcher, ‘Highland Rebel’, and on noticeable Anti-Israel sentiment and fears of a ‘Yes’ vote by Daphne Anson, as well as her blog SNP-led Scottish council bans Israeli books!

Furthermore, last month Salmond wanted an arms embargo on Israel because of the Gaza war, as reported by The Independent and Huffington Post.

And I missed the denials over whether or not he equated Israel to ISIS on a TV show over the weekend, see Commentary Magazine.

On top of that lot are reports of threats, intimidation and abuse, as well as a possible NHS budgetary deception.

With such notoriety, Alex Salmond appears too undesirable to be in charge of our sister nation beyond the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall. [Was this a prophetic decree?]

UPDATE 19/9: As a result of his failed ‘Yes’ for independence campaign, Alex Salmond has resigned as First Minister of Scotland and as leader of the SNP (BBC news).

Personal background

The above remarks may generate questions over my knowledge of Islam. An outline to this may be gained from my comments appended to God has used Britain to do great things…, which are as follows:

“United we stand – divided we fall”!

Our UK issue reminds a South African pastor of SA’s difficulties changing government. Chinese and Russian triads took advantage of the situation and infiltrated her nation.

Nick wants to know about spiritual elements at work in this. I agree. We need to be alert to the spiritual dimensions and opposition that’s demonstrated its evil prowess globally. And we need to understand the principles involved (eg territorial footholds), none of which is hardly ever taught in ‘Churchianity’.

Whilst our focus has been on ISIS overseas we have a blind spot to home defences and an Islamic flag has been flown officially over Glasgow council offices. Surely that’s an open invitation and ‘welcome’ to undesirable elements? None of us are ignorant of the advances made in the UK since the demand for a muslim parliament in Britain was announced on 6th Jan 1992. [NB: am not anti-muslim, but am also not blind.] This link refers.

So, maybe Scotland should be separate after all?

> Fellow contributor ‘Sarky’, with whom I’ve developed a dialogue through several posts on God and Politics UK, responded as follows.:

Richard, you may not be anti muslim, but there is definately a bit of muslim paranoia creeping in on your post. Hinting that scotland should seperate because of a perceived muslim influence?? Really??
listen,the percentage of muslims in the uk is roughly equivalent to the percentage of practicing christians, at around 4%. I think any real influence by christisns/muslims is greatly exaggerated and is really just a product of the media. It makes me laugh that you fear the goals of muslims, yet they are your goals, a country/population living under the rules/influence of your god.

Thankfully the majority of votes tomorrow will be cast with god/religion left firmly on the back seat.

> In replying I referred to my decades-long background on the subject.:

Sarky, I was being sarcastic about it being a reason for national separation. But thanks for proving my point about general ignorance of spiritual principles.

Your ardent atheism doesn’t equip you with a grid for that dimension. Not surprising you’re uninformed too. So too are many clueless politicians who fool themselves that ISIS/L isn’t Islamic. It simply copies the founder’s life-style and strategies after he was thrown out of Mecca – so it IS the real deal. [Added for blog: ISIS-ISIL difference and ISIS not Islamic?, see also this Investigative Report on Terrorism. Also see the Home Secretary’s incompetent claim about the Quran]

Invisible HandNo, I don’t fear Muslims at all but love them. My quoted date hints how long I’ve been watching/studying this phenomenon. First as a ‘new ager’ 40 years ago, then in ‘84 a perspicacious writer on the Middle-East pointed out,

“We’re about to witness a mighty and almost unbelievable upsurge in Islam. Although we see the first signs of that revival (it) has a long way to go, but it’s going to go that ‘long way‘ very quickly”!  [‘The Invisible Hand’ page198, Victor Dunstan, 1984]

So the outrages of 9/11 and 7/7 were not really surprising. [Link on latter here. Also, I could add the barbaric murders of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich on 22 May 2013 and humanitarian worker David Haines last weekend – plus other internationals]

Also, you and I are far too young to recall Churchill’s prophetic warning of 1899 in his honestly critical ‘The River War’ (vol 2 pp 248-50, per Wikipedia).

Therefore, we do need to be well-informed on what’s going on.

> The discussion continued…

ISIS is islamic in name only, like the uk is a christian country in name only. you cannot judge people on the actions of a few idoits!! Or are we to judge christians on those who gun down doctors at abortion clinics?? Or those far right christians who want to bring about the end of the world so jesus returns?? You have to be so careful with labels, or you run the risk of alienating moderate voices within communities, and you dont have to have supernatural ‘superpowers’ to see that.

> Therefore, I provided more information:

Well I’m glad we can agree about labels! And I accept your point Sarky, and assure you I know only too well about judging. But you’re wrong about the IS as they do have solid  grounds for using the term ‘Islamic’. A ‘few idiots’?  Maybe you’re unaware of what’s gone on outside Syria/Iraq/Nigeria etc etc – that is, in Australia? [Almost 24,000 globally since 9/11, thousands so far in 2014, and click here and here re Australia.]

At long, long last many leading Muslims are voicing their objections about ultra-extremists.  But the fact remains that Islam started off peaceful but became savage during the lifetime of its founder because of his example and purported private instructions from his ‘god’. So they savagely plundered their neighbours, killed those who refused to convert, and after he died they divided, argued and started fighting one another! (Compare with early Christianity – not churchianity, please.) [Oct 5th, a brave Catholic professor writes, ‘Islamic State is not heresy; “model is Muhammad himself”.]

Also, I do know different kinds of Islam are practised, and some like the Ahmadiya and Grand Mufti of Syria preach and practise peace, who was targeted for assassination but his son got killed instead. Read this ex-Muslim [Dr Patrick Sookhdeo] on it and his remarks on ISIS at [link provided: Barnabas Fund editorial ‘The Two Faces of Islam’].  

Also, this non-judgemental expert who warned about 9/11 answers ‘ISIS not Islamic?’  [link provided: Daniel Pipes ‘ISIS Is Not Islamic?’

I study eschatology but only crackpots would do what you suppose. (If meaning GW Bush, his ‘theology’ was unsound.) What you describe is actually part of ‘Twelver’ Shiite doctrine. They’re keen to usher in the end of the world by military means so that ‘Hidden 12th Imam’ can appear and bring Jesus with him! Those are more dangerous than the barbarians.

PS. Missed Dr Sookhdeo’s apocalyptic bit about Sunni ISIS’ ultimate goal. Perhaps this is where Sunni and Shiite may agree with one another, as they do over capturing Jerusalem.

Today’s Scottish Vote – beware of deception

In his News for September Rev Dr Clifford Hill issues a deeply felt warning about today’s voting in Scotland.

C Hill 163835It has been circulating privately for intercession but may also be read on Issachar Ministries website. It just so happens that its opening, prime scripture also featured in what we heard this morning in a video on effective prayer from Anne Graham Lotz in Jerusalem. In view of this, I’m posting Dr Hill’s call for your prayerful consideration:


A spirit of deception is sweeping across Scotland that threatens to bring disaster, not only upon the people of Scotland, but upon the whole United Kingdom.

The first phone call Monica and I received on returning home from a three-day prayer retreat last week was from one of our Prayer Partners up in the Highlands of Scotland who said she has been repeatedly receiving a word from the Lord both in sleep and when she is awake – the word is the writing on the wall seen by Belshazzar –

“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARSIN” – “Your days are numbered; you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians” (Daniel 5:25-26).

This tied in completely with the words of warning I had been given from Ezekiel 33 that if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people he will be held accountable.

This is the word of the Lord to the people of Britain today,

“As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!” (Ezekiel 33.11).

God has been warning our nation for 40 years that he would shake all nations and that Britain was facing disaster unless there was repentance and turning. He has sent many signs and prophetic words which have been ignored.

In 1980 I published a book, Towards the Dawn, saying that all the pillars of society in Britain would crumble unless there was repentance and turning. Today, we are on the brink of catastrophe: the pillars of society are crumbling – the family, the economy, the church – all are being shaken as corruption and abuse are exposed; the bankers, the politicians, the police, the social services, the journalists, and the celebrities.

Now the nation is on the edge of disaster – if Scotland votes “Yes” on 18 September the people of Scotland will pull down the whole house around them. They have got good cause for wanting to be free from rule by Westminster but if they vote for independence all the main institutions of society will collapse. In the lifetime of many still living, Great Britain has lost her Empire, the Commonwealth is crumbling and now the very existence of the United Kingdom is threatened.

In 1911 the Mother Barbara Prophecy foretold the great shaking of the nations that is now taking place. “Not one country will be without trial but do not be frightened of anything you will hear. An evil will shortly take Russia and wherever this evil comes, rivers of blood will flow… In the last days Germany will be divided in two. France will just be nothing. Italy will be judged by natural disasters. Britain will lose her Empire and all her colonies and will come to almost total ruin, but will be saved by praying women. America will feed the world but will finally collapse….” (more information here).

Last year Britain crossed a red line in passing a law to re-define marriage which is part of God’s creation and judgement became inevitable. But amazingly God still loves this nation! He is promising that if the faithful remnant will intercede before him now, total disaster can still be averted. The Lord is calling his watchmen to blow the trumpet and intercede on behalf of the nation. The time is short to mobilise the prayers of the faithful, but it can be done. Pray now most urgently that the United Kingdom does not collapse with all the ensuing chaos which will follow.

Rev Dr Clifford Hill

[Author of over 30 wide-ranging books, journals, studies and audio resources, including some written jointly with his wife, Rev Dr Clifford Hill MA BD PhD is a sociologist and theologian. His pastoral ministry has been in inner-city areas of London, a long ministry in the East End, Senior Lectureship in Sociology of Religion in London University as well as founding one of the largest urban mission organisations in Britain, and Prophetic Word Ministries. This had an extensive international ministry from 1982 to 2005 with its flagship magazine Prophecy Today.]

God has used Britain to do great things but now man seeks to tear us apart

Gillan’s guest blog by Ciaran reinforces the earlier post on Justin Abraham’s visions of the UK and that, “We will need the strength of Scotland for what’s coming”.

Follow-on to ‘Days of Wonder’ – Getting closer to God

“Lord, we’re seated with You in heavenly places, let us operate our lives from that perspective….Let us see the eternal realm…We make that our mission, our prerogative, our number-one objective between now and the end of this year to enter the heavenly realm where God’s presence is, the miraculous is and the realm of faith….”

In so saying during prayer, Paul Keith Davis opens his thorough teaching on coming closer to God, as in the latest WhiteDove Ministries’ video.:

It is noticeable how Paul Keith’s authority and maturity in Christ have taken a ‘quantum leap’ since seeing him at ‘Days of Wonder’ in Cardiff.

After Cardiff, I meditated upon apostle Paul’s letter to the early Ephesian church. Here, he addresses current – and future – church leaders from the heavenly realm, and beside Jesus Christ in Father’s throne room. Why is that realm, which Paul describes as a Christian’s proper place of life, a rarity for most of today’s church leaders?  Some, however, do know it personally and can thus speak from direct experience.

In this session, Paul Keith conveys a deeper understanding of what apostle Paul experienced and learned direct from Jesus, as related in his letters. Moreover,

“I’m of the ardent belief…that the End-time Bride of Christ is to also access that realm – as did the apostle Paul – to receive our revelation, our understanding, of the Gospel.

“Not one word can be added to the 66 books of the Bible, but with the mass confusion we have right now that’s being preached from pulpits…we need somebody to access heaven and tell us the truth! Is that not the truth?

“We need somebody to go behind the veil and get, “Thus saith the Lord” and bring the plumb-line revelation, “This is what the Lord said, I’ll stake my life on it”…

“Believe me, when they do they will be persecuted because it will go against the grain of what’s being preached today in the churches of America! It’s going to fly in the face of the religious spirit!”

Personally, I was impressed with his reference to re-visiting ‘revelatory seeds’ that had been sown soon after returning to the Lord after a period of being back-slidden. [That was in 1989 – the same year my life radically changed, as here, followed by many biblically educational insights.]

Paul Keith explains the impact upon him of Cardiff’s gathering and being challenged by people he met there,

“Some amazing things happened and another realm started to open up, one that had been open in years past – I’ve been ‘re-ignited’…to go through gates, doors and veils…”

This is encouraging because in a ministry time he noticed what was stirring within me, and has since continued strongly.

Reinhard Bonnke siteAlso, in view of my past involvement in the New Age/occult, I’m especially impressed with Paul Keith’s correct instruction upon, and warnings about, the great dangers of occultists’ practice. Christians are to go through the door God has provided – Jesus Christ.

Finally, if Paul Keith’s incredible story of a translucent lady puzzles you, the sister and her blessing are known to our church.

Be mightily blessed as you watch…

The Return of The King – part 2

This excellent part 2 continues this blog’s theme on The Lion of Judah, as in part 1 and subsequent post, Vision of a Lion.

The Kingdom

Lion of Judah 1Jesus has a dual aspect to his character.  He’s the Lion of Judah and the Lamb Of God.  So far, the world has only met the Lamb.  Are we ready for the Lion? 

The Lion speaks of triumph and the Lamb speaks of sacrifice.

Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders.”
Revelation 5:5-6

His capital city is going to be Jerusalem.  Jerusalem is mentioned 669 times in the Bible.  It is not mentioned in the Koran at all.

Jerusalem was the capital of Judah, whose emblem is a lion.  Jacob’s prophecy over…

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If Scotland votes ‘Yes’ all of us will have a part wrenched out that will never be replaced

Christians need to be carefully prayerful on this major issue and get back to first base > are Scottish nationalist leaders personally blessed by God, or the opposite? Whichever is the case it will rub off on our fellow Brits beyond the border. Alex Salmond is not only  in favour of boycotting Israel but his party also funded a Scottish affiliate to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood, per The Centre Left!  According to Genesis 12:3 that doesn’t bode at all well for Scotland. Just look what happened to the UK in 1967 within 6 months of the Wilson government preventing arms being shipped to Israel for its survival against armies amassed on all borders – Devaluation of the Pound! SO I suggest being very, very wary on this voting and that we stay together as a United Britain.

Prophetic points to ponder on 9/11

It was about this time of day, around lunchtime here in England,13 years ago when a consultant at the office where I worked gasped at what she saw on her pc monitor – the first video footage of the horror that had happened about an hour ago in New York. An aircraft ploughing into one of the twin towers in New York. If I remember correctly, it was soon followed by live news feed of the second adjacent atrocity. You know the rest in that day of world-changing infamy.

Rabbi Jonathan CahnMy readers may have read Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s novel The Harbinger. I trust those who are unfamiliar with it will bear with me in not summarising it. Some are of the opinion there’s a need to be aware of possible inaccuracies as far as scripture’s concerned, as advised in a couple of supposedly ‘discerning’ reviews here and here. Yet facts prove a theory, as born out for Cahn’s unusual message.

Although I haven’t yet read his book I must convey interesting points he made in a God TV programme I’d recorded and was catching up with.

I’d missed the beginning of The Harbinger Continued but it caught my attention because friends we’d seen on holiday had recommended the book. Rabbi Cahn spoke about the replacement to the Twin Towers in connection with Isaiah 9:10 judgement. The new one is to be higher and stronger than before and to show the world, as an embodiment of America, that it stands defiant. The new tower became controversial and its completion got delayed until after Cahn’s book was published. (For photos see NY Daily News.)

It was fascinating to learn about the background to this book, and a lot of confirmatory material and the way it turned up.

In The Harbinger a date is given to the ‘mystery’ of Ground Zero – April 30th. In fact, it’s the day the tower broke the height ‘barrier’. That mystery, claims Cahn, continues and is linked to various American issues he names. Furthermore, he later realised the Isa 9:10 passage, or ‘Harbinger Scripture’ was linked to Genesis 11’s Tower of Babel.

After his book was out he learned that a photographer had found a Bible buried in the rubble of Ground Zero. Blown apart and charred with only one page showing, the man took a photo before being whisked out of danger. Later, upon looking at the picture he broke down weeping, for this is what he read that was buried in those remains:

‘Come let us build for ourselves a tower.’

Then 7 months after publication something came out in the news causing people who’d read the book to gasp, including himself Cahn claims. And he says he didn’t believe it, “No that’s too much, too much!”.  He describes what he’d seen on TV reports:

“President Obama, the leader of America – remember leaders are important in this ‘mystery of national judgement’ – he goes down to Ground Zero. He is shown the tower – the last of ‘The Harbinger’ is going up.

“They present him with a beam from the tower that’s going to be the highest beam on the tower. The final beam that’s going to crown all the nine ‘harbingers’. It will mark the highest elevation of ‘the harbinger’. And that beam is significant, as the tower’s all about the height – and this was to be the crown of it all, of the vow: ‘we will rebuild’.

“(Obama) came there to write words on the beam of the tower to crown the tower. He can write anything he wants. What he writes in modern American prose is the ancient ‘vow of destruction’ of Isaiah 9:10…on the crowning beam as the highest words in America…The president writes…

‘We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger’.

“It repeats the ancient defiant vow that ascends to heaven that led to ancient Israel’s destruction.

“AND although not written in future tense as the Hebrew was, and as in his first major speech to Congress, but done in the present tense, America is doing it…(explains Hebrew)

“And Obama adds two extra words at the start, which makes it the same length of eight words in the Hebrew – yet in both the fourth word is ‘rebuild’, all done in the president’s ignorance of scripture!

“So now the words are on ‘The Tower of America’.”

Daily Bible Readings

Particular points I wish to ponder lie in what he said about the date itself, which are not  in the book. Jonathan Cahn calls it ‘the third manifestation’ and he had no idea at all about it when writing the book.

He mentions that God used various supernatural ways of getting his and warnings to Israel’s leaders. Apparently the origin of Cahn’s was in a stranger’s prophetic word, “The Word goes forth”. Now he asks,

“Is it possible that God was actually sending this word, that it would fall upon the nation (as at the start of in Isaiah 9)?

“Is it possible that God was sending this word and this connection between Isaiah 9:10 and September 11th, to fall upon America in a massive way that had nothing to do with The Harbinger – even taking place before it became a book?

“Is it possible that He wanted this connection to go forth on a massive scale?

He goes on to refer to the popular One-year Bible, which is available in every version of the Bible.

“For every day there is an appointed scripture so that in one year you’ll read through the whole Bible. If you go to the One-Year Bible – any version – open up to the scripture of ‘the harbingers’; Isaiah 9:10 – the scripture that identifies the beginning strike of judgement upon a nation – you will look and you will see a date above that scripture.

The date above Isaiah 9:10 is September 11th – in every One-Year Bible – for every year!

The Bible itself is marking the beginning of national judgement as September 11th!

“It’s identifying the attack as September 11th!”

Now consider what a Greek lady who acted as amanuensis, or scribe, to Jesus wrote in 1991 – like Apostle John had been in writing to seven churches in Revelation 2&3.

Forewarning of Sept 11th 1991

On that date 10 years to the day before the Twin Towers attack in New York, Vassula Ryden was with the Lord. She records in The Foundations of the Earth Will Rock:

Jesus suddenly changed tone and, after waiting a few seconds, with a tone very grave that left me in awe said:

“…the earth will shiver and shake – and every evil built into Towers 2 will collapse into a heap of rubble and be buried in the dust of sin! above, the Heavens will shake and the foundations of the earth will rock!”

This profound, prophetic word closes with Jesus’ call to

“…repent and ask the Father to relent; soon, very soon now, the Heavens will open and I shall make you see,”

Signed, “The Judge”.

Please note that, following the New York attack, Vassula adds,

“I want people to be careful how they interpret this message. Interpreting prophecy is not easy, unless it is given through the light of the Holy Spirit. This apocalyptic message should be interpreted in the following way:…” (as in the letter’s footnote 2). 

May the Holy Spirit be with you in this…

PS: Thank you Tony for reminding me of your dream about The Freedom Tower with its many comments. The tower is now known as 1 World Trade Centre.

The Petrodollar’s Creator: Iran Greater Threat Than ISIS

An interesting follow-up to my concluding remarks in Middle-East events and fulfilment of Bible prophecy about major upheavals upon the global petro-economy.


This news story appeared in the last couple days. While pondering it, a reader emailed me about it. Having a reader tell me about this seemed to confirm its significance in my mind.  It seems old Henry Kissinger is back in the news.

Back in 1971, Henry Kissinger was the Secretary of State under President Nixon. I’ve written both in my book, Daniel Revisited, and in various posts like this one, that the one thing that will make Iran’s invasion and the Second Signpost very hard for life here in the United States is the ending of the Petrodollar. If the Petrodollar were to end, it would drastically change the economy and living conditions here in this country.

It seems they don’t make American Secretaries of State as intelligent and shrewd as Mr. Kissinger any more. Not only did he navigate the dangerous waters of dealing with Soviet…

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