Leisa Ebere: The Awakening Prophecy

Leisa emails on Holy Saturday, ‘Here is another Prophetic Word the Lord gave me in the early hours of the morning. I believe the Lord is really driving home the point that we need to totally rely on Him to lead us and prepare us for the Great Awakening of His Body of Believers.’:


“There are small fires burning,” says the Lord. “Many of these lights have bursts of energy; but are quenched as many people in My Body cannot see past the natural world. Such men and women do not incline their ears to hear truth; preferring comfort which they define as peace.

“My People, I have come to split the World asunder, as is written in Isaiah 24; and I shall take the spoils of war. For My Son’s sacrifice brought the kind of peace that requires all mankind to make decisions to walk without compromise; as they walk a new path of righteousness. Can peace be established by earthly means, My Children? I declare to you that such a thing is impossible, for these thoughts and actions only cause distance and blockage; where I cannot move as freely in your lives. The River of God only flows as an outworking of My Spirit and My True Remnant dive into the waters of My making, and live their lives swimming with the tide and flow of these waters. For living in the natural realm is like swimming against the tide of fast-moving waters; and as hard as you try, My People, such a lack of cooperation shall only cause you to miss out on the many blessings I have in store for you.

“Take Courage My People, for prophets are rightly discerning that an Awakening is coming upon the Nations of the Earth. And I say to you that in this hour that sleepers shall arise from places as dark as the darkest night. Some reaching clarity of vision because of pain and others because of isolation and loneliness; but each shall find true comfort and peace as the morning dawn breaks forth a New Day. A Sign of extensive rains and floods shall come before the rising up of these sleepers in the days ahead, as a symbol of the fullness of the outpouring of My Spirit. And I shall touch their foreheads with My Sovereign Hand, and take away their blindness forever,” says the Lord of Hosts.

Leisa Ebere, 20th April 2019

Satan’s strategy made plain for ALL to see in Sri Lanka

A few years ago I considered how the enemy of our souls wants to avoid its foretold demise in the Lake of Fire, and this would be done primarily through anti-Semitism and increasing persecution of Christians, especially attacks upon churches and communities. This developed into a 3-part theme that looked at modern evidence and the myths of Muslim ‘history’ and attitudes towards Christian crusades of survival, which then got confirmed by an anti-terrorism summit.

In that year of 2015 so much was happening to demonstrate the reality of those suppositions that I blogged another tripartite series The ‘Endgame’ Gets Ramped Up Another Level.

The mass-murder of men, women and children in Sri Lanka is the latest tragedy, but the plain fact it took place whilst they celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death and His victory over satan through redeeming humanity from its authority and grip, demonstrates the attacks were satanic in nature and perpetrated by demonised humans – those whose lives have been perverted by demonic lies into hatred and destruction of anything to do with Jesus Christ and Christianity.

Moreover, they are aided and abetted by those stooges who daren’t and cannot admit to, much less recognise, the Truth of God, His Son our Saviour, His Holy Spirit and sacred scriptures. I mean mealy-mouthed politicians and media who control free-speech by criminalising critics of any religion that teaches hatred and murder!

Here’s Revd Gavin Ashenden (extra emphases mine):

‘One of the Sunday school teachers in the Church in Sri Lanka has written about what they were doing on Easter day.

“Today at Zion Church we asked the children, ‘how many of you would be willing to die for Christ?’ Everyone raised their hands. Minutes later we took them into the main service. The blast happened. Half of them died on the spot.”

‘In one of the two other Catholic Churches that were blown up, the bomber waited until the children had come back into the main liturgy before he detonated. Killing the children appeared to have been a priority to him.

‘Some people may have been surprised by the UK Government’s initiative that lay behind Jeremy Hunt writing forty letters to a variety of Christians and agencies offering support for Christians in their persecution. Not many people are aware that Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world today.

Last year, over 300 Christians were assassinated each month. 245 million Christians were persecuted by either their neighbours or the state they lived in.

‘At first sight, it seems odd that the world’s largest religion should be the target of so much hatred and violence. But at the risk of drawing lines in history that are too sharp, it seems that there are three figures who stand as major figures of history and their teaching and influence drive the values of their followers.

‘They are Jesus, Mohammed and Karl Marx. Their followers are Christians, Muslims and Communists. In terms of violence, Christians are the odd ones out. 

Jesus taught his followers never to use violence, but only humility and compassion. There is no sanctioned violence in the New Testament. 

‘But there is in the Koran. 

Mohammed told his followers to offer non–Muslims the chance to convert, and if they didn’t, to use violence to make them. Islam swept through the known world carried by armies who did just that. 

Marx also was a proponent of violence. He called his followers to armed revolution, and in the twentieth century, they obeyed with alacrity. But with Communism the killing didn’t stop with the revolution. It continued. In the Little Black Book of Communism Stephane Courtois estimates that the sum total of deaths communism caused, with its genocides, forced famines and executions, to be over 94 million.

‘Bill Warner in his book The Islamic Trilogy estimates the death toll of non-believers at the hands of Islam, between its founding in 610 and 2006, to be more than 270 million non-Muslims. 

‘It’s not easing off; from 2001 to 2017, Islamic activists carried out more than 32,000 attacks that killed more than 85,000 innocent and unsuspecting civilians. The Intelligence Services in the UK have identified 23,000 jihadist ‘extremists’ of whom 3,000 are believed to pose an active threat to their non-Muslim neighbours.

‘It is perfectly true that Christianity has blood on its hands too. But the distinction is that with the exception of the self-defence, the violence has been mainly instigated by the State rather than the Church. There are no Christian jihadists, no Christian terrorist bombers. And if there were, the New Testament would be held up to them to show they had no right to call themselves followers of Jesus or Christians at all. In other words when Communists and Muslims engage in violence they can justify it by appealing to Marx and Mohammed; but when Christians turn to violence, they can’t. It is forbidden.

‘So in part it is the use of violence sanctioned both by Marx and Mohammed, that has meant that Christians have become the most persecuted group in the world today.

What is very odd beyond that is the way in which the media and the politicians do all they can to avoid telling the truth about it. The media avoid the “M’ word as long as it can. The child abusers of Rotherham were called ‘Asian’ to the deep distress of Sikhs and Buddhists. The BBC said it had no idea who on earth would even think of sending suicide bombers into Sri Lankan churches for as long as it could. !!!!

‘When the dreadful killing in Christchurch happened the media instantly named the victims as Muslims. In Sri Lanka suddenly the euphemism ‘Easter worshippers’ was used. Imagine the outcry if the media has called the victims in the Mosque at Christchurch ‘Ramadan worshippers’?

‘Why is there such a reluctance to acknowledge that both Communism and Islam resort to violence to the extent that they do? In the same week as the New Zealand atrocity where 50 Muslims were killed by a lone gunman, African Muslims murdered 120 Nigerian Christians and the world’s media kept it secret. 

‘With very rare exceptions, Christians do not kill Muslims or Communists. Both Communists (currently in China) and Muslims kill Christians on an industrial scale. As the Sunday School teacher said, Christians are taught to be willing to be martyrs for Jesus. Unlike Muslims they are not taught to make martyrs of others. Why won’t the media and the politicians tell the truth about it?

Footnote: According to the extensive database maintained by The Religion of Peace, there’s been over 34,900 terror attacks by Muslims since the infamous 9/11 atrocity.

Dr Lance Wallnau: Testing the spirits on prophetic words

Whilst Nina was happily chirping away last night at her choir’s rehearsal for Sunday at Farnham’s Vineyard church I took time out to watch a few short YouTubes. I spotted the one below featuring Dr Lance Wallnau and, although I’ve referred to him in a few blogs, I’m unfamiliar with him and any ministry he may be in. In fact, this Elijah Streams video describes him as ‘International speaker, business and political strategist’.

Steve Shultz, publisher of The Elijah List,  asks him about his rise to fame as a result of the pre-2016 campaigns for electing the next American President. Lance tells about the state-of-play between party politicians and evangelicals’ aspirations, and how he began to prophesy about Donald Trump winning that race.

So the discussion turns to the fine details of his getting the word about Trump being a “wrecking ball to demolish political correctness” and later recognising him as having a ‘Cyrus’ anointing. Among many snippets he tells about meeting Trump and seeing him  throw ‘the cat among the pigeons’ during the president’s national prayer breakfast by getting into the middle of the huge gathering and expecting people to come and lay hands on him in true Pentecostal style. No other President’s ever done it that way!

It’s an eye-opening insider’s account, and thus comes with my recommendation.

Moreover, as one moving in a relatively new gifting, Lance explains how he learned to test and enquire whether or not what he was getting was truly of the Lord (perhaps he’s read this blog’s Intro to Prophecy?).  In checking Isaiah 45 on king Cyrus as possibly applying to Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States, he tells Steve,

“You know what. The way that we know something’s of the Lord is by way of a multitude of significant coincidences in confirmation – but I’m thinking ‘This is going to go down like a rat sandwich!’ and no-one’s going to want this word!”

So Lance needed to check what his mentor Kim Clement or someone else was hearing, but he wasn’t available and only then did he hear the Lord telling him,

“You’ve got to hear for yourself!”

NI-Eire Prophecy Update #10: news roundup – is South Africa an object lesson?

Here are email updates received from Roger Jervois over the Holy-days. As previously they relate not only to the prophetic word Emma Stark brought on the Irish and Ulster leadership, but now also to her closing words about the manifestation of blood-thirsty violence. Roger writes,

Standing ovation as priest challenges politicians (click to run – not new screen)

Fri 19 April

By way of interest, there might be a spiritual connection between the current problem of paramilitaries and these guys: Wikipedia ‘Fianna’. They were obliged to demonstrate their manhood by acts of extortion, etc, before they could marry and integrate into early celtic settlements. I came across some research that gave chilling accounts of their activities, surprisingly tolerated by the early celts…

Sat 20th April

At a vigil held for Lyra McKee, the murdered journalist in Derry, there is genuine tenderness between the two leaders. May Lyra’s death not be in vain.

Figures from across the political divide, including Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald and DUP leader Arlene Foster, were among the hundreds of people to attend the vigil.’  (BBC News NI)

Mon 22nd April

Here is Mary-Lou McDonald (SF leader) quoted at a memorial service for Lyra McKee yesterday (Sinn Fein leader says dissidents must “pack up”). More confirmation of God using all things to His purposes – in this case closer UK-Irish relations.

‘She said the people of Derry and beyond had echoed this sentiment “with one voice” following Ms McKee’s “brutal killing”.

‘Ms McDonald also told the crowd that Northern Ireland’s current political “stalemate cannot continue”.

‘In the absence of the power-sharing institutions, she said a new British-Irish partnership was needed to implement agreements and safeguard rights.’


Here is something of great significance: the SDLP are republican-minded, but non-violent. They are experiencing new support in border areas such as Derry. It is a shift away from politics (defined by selfishness) to statesmanship (defined by self-sacrifice).

Derry Now reports ‘SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has written to party leaders and two governments to immediately convene talks to restore power sharing in Stormont.

The full text of the letter from the SDLP Leader is below:

 Dear An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar,

Prime Minister Theresa May,

Leader of Sinn Fein in the North Michelle O’Neill,

Leader of DUP Arlene Foster,

Leader of UUP Robin Swann,

Leader of Alliance Party Naomi Long,

‘There is an unmistakeable public desire that the tragic and terrible loss of Lyra McKee marks a turning point for our peace and political process.

‘I am therefore writing to all party leaders and to the two governments to urge that talks are convened this week in order to finally restore government in Northern Ireland.

‘On the streets of Creggan, in Derry and across Ireland a clear and resolute message has been sent to Lyra’s killers and to all of those still wedded to the futility of violence. They are the enemies of all of us on this island and enemies of the shared future we have all chosen to build.

‘There was however another equally strong message in the aftermath of last week’s murder. It was a simple and direct message to all of us tasked with political leadership – resolve your differences, end the division and get back to work.

’21 years after the Good Friday Agreement we have been far too casual with our peace and our politics. We have too easily forgotten that failure in our politics always results in danger in our streets. We have been far too ready to disagree with one another and not ready enough to value and build upon the peace we inherited.

‘As political leaders, we are responsible for the context of political division which has let all of our people down. We can’t allow it to go on.

‘I am therefore proposing that the two governments convene urgent talks this week. If this is to be a turning point, then it is vital that we listen to the public demand to return devolution and power-sharing.

‘We all know that this shouldn’t be an impossible task. We all know that reform of the petition of concern is central to unlocking the impasse and we know that what has really been missing is the political courage and will to get the deal done.

‘The excuse needs to be removed that talks in Northern Ireland can’t happen until after an election. The public expect us to go back to work and they expect us to form a government – campaigning for any election can’t get in the way of that fundamental responsibility.

‘We have to stop failing and we need to start talking.

‘I look forward to receiving your response.’

Yours sincerely, Colum Eastwood MLA, SDLP Leader

Wed 24th April

Lyra’s funeral is presently underway. A seed has died, and a tree is growing. There is such poignant humility amongst the politicians there – look at the body language.

Sometimes it is very hard to understand how things work.

Mourners have started to arrive at the funeral of Lyra McKee at St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast.

Prime Minister Theresa May, President of Ireland Michael D Higgins, Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) Leo Varadkar, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and local politicians are at the service.

DUP leader Arlene Foster sat beside Sinn Féin leaders Michelle O’Neill and Mary Lou McDonald.

SOUTH AFRICA – an object lesson and role model for the future?

By way of encouragement….

South Africa is well-known for lawlessness, even from long ago. Within SA, Johannesburg is regarded as the centre of gravity of lawlessness. Within Jo’burg, there is a high-rise, greatly feared suburb on the crest of a ridge overlooking the central business district, and it is called Hillbrow. This was and still is the epicenter of lawlessness of Jo’burg. When I emigrated to SA from Zimbabwe in 1983, a few months after my A-Levels in 1982, I was led to live within this environment (I grew up in a brutal civil war: 1965 until 1979; SA was easy) until 1993, when I got married. It was the easiest place to minister as a Christian, because of the harshness of the life around oneself. The outpouring of God’s grace was so accessible under these conditions. It was literally a case of “Where sin abounds, graces abounds more”. Therefore the goings-on in Derry have primed the conditions for revival, of which I am absolutely certain.

I have also seen that the bonfires that have been used by satan to provoke violence within the communities of NI will instead be fires of worship and revival, burning intensely in the spirit as praise and worship rise up to Heaven and the nostrils of our God Most High.

Take a look at this aerial photo of Belfast in bonfire season, and see what God will do with His holy fire.

There for you…


NI-Eire Prophecy Update #9: Irexit?

Nicholas at All Along The Watchtower reports upon developments since last October when I blogged about the Irish Freedom party and a possible connection to a dream about Irish resistance to German invaders:

‘Commenting on the foreign policy and constitutional decisions and preferences of another nation is often problematic (consider the anger felt by many UK citizens regarding President Obama’s comments about the Brexit referendum). Given the tempestuous history of relations between Ireland and Great Britain and then between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, I […] continue reading at Irexit?

A vision of eagles and God’s multi-coloured crown of light

This from Lisa Tierney on 9th April, as published by UK Prophetic Words, immediately caught my attention because it relates directly to my first encounter with prophecy in mid-90’s, as first told in Why I’m Writing.

Eagle-eyed by John Mark Long: courtesy http://www.propheticartists.com


The LORD showed me the Darkness and Blindness which presently cover the land. But He then showed me eagles, flying in formation, and soaring together above whirlwinds and storms. This speaks of the prophets and intercessors, working closely together, and He said, “I am their Protector!”

Then he showed His multi-coloured CROWN, and He said that the jewels within it are His people. The many colours in His crown also spoke of His Seven-fold Spirit, operating in the CHURCH – the Spirit of Wisdom, Council, Might, FEAR OF THE LORD, SPIRIT OF THE LORD, Understanding, and Knowledge.

Father says: “MY LIGHT SHINES THE WAY BELOVED! It dispels the Darkness, which flees before it!

Next, He showed me His royal SCEPTRE, His symbol of the authority and power, which His Kingdom brings within it. This has, in His kindness and mercy, been placed on our land. And I saw GUARDS, which looked like Royal Guards with weapons, patrolling our land. These are His Armed Guards, which He has placed over our land, in the spirit realm, to secure and protect us.


Father says: “The same gifts that were brought to honour My Son, I now bestow upon your land:

GOLD signifies Wealth and My Divine Kingship, a precious metal.
FRANKINCENSE signifies our prayer offering; it’s the most pure-white incense, rising to Him.
MYRRH signifies anointing and sacrifice; it calls to die to our flesh, our own agendas and plans.”

Thank you Father, for your precious gifts to us!

Father says: “Your armour of light must be fixed for the battle ahead!” (At this point, I saw our LORD Jesus as a Lion, standing on a high peak, and looking over the whole land. I also saw the Saints, who were marching in formation; in battle array.)

And the LORD said, “When my Saints walk forward as one, they push back the demonic hordes.” I saw the Lord’s footprints on the land. He invites us to walk in them, following Him as the people in the wilderness once did, when they followed the pillar of cloud and fire. However, if we do not follow Him in unity, then our enemy jeers and laughs, just as Goliath once did. And I also saw Pillars, which speak of our firm foundations. Father says: “These firm foundations are yours when you walk in My truth; a truthfulness both with Me and with one other. But watch out! For the Spirit of Delilah comes to steal your anointing and your Inheritance. It will charm you into giving as it needs to advance.”

(At this point I saw darkness, and the Lord showed me that this was like the blindness that overtook Samson, because he succumbed to Delilah’s allure.)

Father continued: “Tell my people that Delilah strikes hearts when they are not looking at the right things; when they seek to quieten their unease with material comforts and pleasure, rather than pressing deeper into Me and My Kingdom; their only true peace.

“Go back and warn them!

“My beloved ones, you must be ready willing to lay everything aside. Now is the time to CRUSH the HEADS OF PRIDE in your soul and your mind; you are able to do this. My Son gave his own life, so that you might have freedom within you. Lean on Me, and do not rest on your own understanding, which is so easily contaminated with this world’s wisdom. This is of great importance at this critical time in your history!

“ARE YOU WILLING to forgive and to go on forgiving? At times this can be very costly, even unfair, but this is how My Kingdom advances.”

A song:
“El Shaddai, your Redeemer is He,
A price laid down at Calvary.
Weapons of destruction- I’ll hold them back!
Listen to my heartbeat! No turning back!
Open your eyes wide, and see all around,
On where you stand is Holy Ground.
Waiting in Response from the King- El Shaddai.
Almighty Prince of Peace, The Lord Most High.”

Father showed me the letter Pey. The word “PEY” means “mouth, word, opening, or extremity. It is, therefore, symbolic both of the WORD and of REPENTANCE, which is done with the MOUTH.

This TWOFOLD meaning of Pey, firstly speaks of the effect of speech and written words, including the Word of God. Secondly, it speaks of the connection between REPENTANCE/SALVATION and the MOUTH. Both involve spoken words.

Therefore, Father is saying that we must be watchful at this time, concerning the words which we Speak. Our words must be WORDS of LIFE! And they will be words of life, when they are woven with repentance and the written Word. This will bring forth our UNITY, as one Body, and the hordes of hell will be pushed back! Most importantly, Father says that he will hold back the Weapons of Destruction that the Enemy wants to use against us.

1 Cor 10:


Prayer: LORD, may this scripture be our prayer to you. Help us to understand and to apply these great weapons that you have provided for your people, that Pride and Delilah might be destroyed from our midst.

We decree: “LORD, Let your Light SHINE! Father, let your seven-fold Spirit REST upon your Church! Release Heavenly encounters, and turn the hand of the wicked, and the hand of the oppressor back to you, LORD!”

Prayer: Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE on EARTH, as is it in Heaven Give us this day our daily Bread Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one. FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN IN YOUR NAME, LORD JESUS, AMEN

Leviticus 26:13 I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. (together) as ONE!

Zechariah 9:16 On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land.

Footnote: Lisa Tierney’s painting published with her kind permission.

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 2

[First published 2018]

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

Prophecy: “2018: I will impart to My Prophets the ability to see clearly My Numbers…” (delivered by Leisa Ebere, read in full here).

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness.


Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, Knopf (2005)

Therefore, the modern definition of ‘mystery’ as an unsolved puzzle, or something difficult or impossible to explain is comparatively trite!

Even the eminent mathematician-physicist Sir Roger Penrose tends toward a circumscribed perception of reality when using this term, as quoted and discussed in RTU’s Three Worlds, Three Mysteries.

According to its author Joseph, Penrose posits the existence of three “realms” existing around us and “which brings three mysteries” that raise interesting questions on how the world should be viewed. These realms are the physical, mental and Platonic mathematical worlds:

Of course, such hypothetical mysteries cannot equal the much deeper ‘mystery’ of revelatory scripture! Yet in positing that mathematical entities don’t belong in space or time and are eternal and unchanging, Penrose is approaching our understanding of the mathematical aspects of the Bible. His recent thoughts upon consciousness originating at a quantum level may approach ideas I’ve broached in the convergence of science and scripture.


Continuing from Part 1 on Apostle John’s account of the miraculous provision of 153 large fish and the re-blog of New Zealander Joanne Rolston’s posts on it, we learn that she asked Jesus direct on why such specific details are noted. Let me quote some pertinent parts of her highly personal account:

I asked the Lord about the meaning of the 153 fish in John 21:10, and I was given a maths answer. Amazingly I grasped the explanation. Having to learn statistics in order to get my Diploma of Business helped. I had to overcome a lot to learn the math behind statistics…(including) my loathing for maths. Fortunately, I have a very patient husband who helped me with the mechanics of maths in statistics.

“But I kept complaining to God. “Why do I have to learn this?” I protested, “We’re never going to use it in our business!”

“Make friends with maths” the Lord told me. Not reconcile myself to maths, not become acquainted with maths; He wanted me to believe I could learn maths and take an interest in it! It was a big ask. In a Father’s instruction, He says;

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

So we read that Joanne progressed and mentions Factorial numbers and Venn diagrams as being the first things she learned in statistics. These were the basis of all the wonderful things she was later shown about that ‘action replay’ fishing trip by seven of Jesus’ disciples.

She succinctly explains the unusual significance of the 153 fish by maths of factorials and square root of the third prime number (3), as well as geometrical constructions and proofs in diagrammatic forms, PLUS their relevance to the triune relationship of God, Christ and mankind.

Now examine these facts more closely and delve deeper into the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’:

That historic catch’s mathematical meaning is a surprising shock to we moderns but, in the immense sweep of history, such intellectual knowledge was a relatively ‘recent’ development to those living in the inter-Testamental times of the Graeco-Roman world. The principal propositions, or theories and proofs, of geometry had been compiled by Euclid of Alexandria about 300 years before Jesus’ life. To give us some perspective, this is the same period since the accession of George I (1714) and the appearance of John and Charles Wesley to lead a major evangelical revival, from which was born the fourth largest church denomination in England, Methodism (in Oxford, 1729).

Fascinating Fact: the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry is to construct an equilateral (three sides of equal length) triangle by describing a Vesica Piscis (known as ‘Vessel of Fish’!) with a pair of compasses. It’s done by drawing one circle and then a second one exactly the same size, but with its centre on the circumference of the first.

The common, overlapping area looks like a canoe and the ratio of its length to width is 265:153, which closely approximates the square root of 3 as calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse.

All three symbols, triangle and circles with intersecting segment, feature in the ‘mystery’ of the 153 fish – note the use of equilateral triangle as this will be considered another time:

It’s noteworthy that John closes his Gospel account of Jesus’ main post-Resurrection appearances with this most tantalising morsel:

‘And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.’ (John 20:30)

That statement lodged indelibly within my soul when a teenager and I determined to set on a quest to discover the fullness of Jesus’ work. A lifetime later, I learn that ‘seal’ sets the scene for the last chapter’s account of the amazing fishing expedition. That is, it is a clear signpost of the next and final miracle’s deep significance to the early Church.


Jonathan R Hill, whose above-titled book explains how ‘pi’, the mathematical ratio of circumference and diameter of every circle is found in Genesis 1:1, and that of ‘e‘ (base of natural logarithmic and base rate of growth in all growing processes), are found in John 1:1, devotes a full chapter to ‘Sign 8’, the miraculous catch of 153 fish.

Consider this summary of his main points on Sign 8:

  • It is the 8th ‘sign’ miracle recorded by John and found in his book only. First and only post-Resurrection sign-miracle and last of the eight, thus reflecting the divinity of Jesus as ‘first and last’ and the ‘alpha and omega’! (I now recall hearing Him tell me during a ministry-team prayer, “I Am Alpha and Omega” – watch for more on this later.)
  • Time and death represented in this succession by number 7 is followed by 8, the number of resurrection (a new beginning, as blogged in January), underscored by 8 resurrections in scripture other than that of Jesus.
  • Jesus’ command to cast nets from the other side of the boat, the right, symbolises and prefigures God visiting the Gentiles and taking a people for His name.
  • The Greek word ‘ekklesia’ translated as ‘church’ means nothing more than ‘called out of’. Thus, the fish being caught out of the sea reflect the characteristic of the Gentile church as those who are ‘called out of’ the world.
  • 153 is of considerable mathematical and typological significance and represents the fullness of the Gentiles.
  • Key composites of 153 are 7 (spiritual perfection), 10 (numerical completeness) and 9 (finality) because (7+10) x 9 = 153 (= 9 x 17).

Jonathan makes many more deep connections between scriptures and Sign 8 and their importance to the Church and the Consummation of the Age. Building upon the 17-rowed triangle of the number 153 displayed in Jo-Blog’s Go Fish, this is how Jonathan describes this mathematical principle (drag to enlarge, noting number 153 forms an equilateral triangle of sides 17 x 17 x 17):

Triangular Numbers, courtesy Jonathan R Hill


From this brief overview of well-researched data we can confidently conclude that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven include mathematical principles as an important part of its transcendental wisdom. Selah!

Further Reading:

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 1

[First published 2018]

Not long after Father God brought Jesus the Messiah back from the dead by His Spirit, the One who’s the radiance of His glory went once again in search of His ex-fisherman friends. Of the two sets of brothers who’d been partners in the fishing trade on the Sea of Galilee before deserting their nets to follow a peripatetic teacher, their boss had an exceptionally severe crisis of self-confidence.


So this ‘son of Jonah’, named Simon, decided to return to the simple life of sitting in a boat with buddies and dragging a net in the hope of getting a catch – but it proved to be an exercise in futility!

A few years earlier on that inland sea, the four fishing partners encountered and had been ‘called’ by The One to follow Him. Jesus amazed the crowds there with His teaching and had asked Simon if He could address them from his moored boat. Jesus knew the men had worked hard all night without having caught anything because, when He’d finished speaking, He told Simon to sail into deep water and lower his nets despite the fruitless night – Simon was overwhelmed by the result!  They’d got such a large number of fish that another boat was called for – then both began to sink with their massive weight!!

So Simon changed his tune. Upon hearing Jesus’ instruction he’d objected because of the poor night, yet respectfully referred to Him as “Master” – but in amazement at the fresh catch breaking nets and sinking boats, Simon addressed Him with the superior term of “Lord”; thus suggesting he was beginning to understand the status of this astonishing teacher. In the account by one of those partners, John, they’d previously met Jesus immediately after His baptism in the river Jordan and Andrew had brought his brother Simon to see Jesus, who then spoke of his identity and implicit destiny, “You are Simon son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas,” (which is translated ‘A Stone’, Petros/Peter: John 1:42).


After that huge catch of unspecified quantity, Jesus called Simon into his destiny: “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men!”  That is, a fisher of men. When they’d landed their boats the four foresook all and followed Him (Luke 5:10-11). Continue reading

HE IS RISEN! – Time and Quantum effects in Jesus’ Resurrection

First published on this blog and repeated annually:

In preparation for the Holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the night when Jesus and the lead-disciples ate an early Passover Seder, or meal (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they’d demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – read 1 Corinthians 15:6)


Jesus Christ died so that each of us may be forgiven for our sins. As a result of this new status, we can have direct personal access to Almighty God when we believe in Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus suffered on our behalf as our ‘scapegoat’.  That is, Jesus took the place of death that we deserved because of our sinfulness, for the shedding of a sinless one’s blood was the only way our status could be changed for us to gain personal salvation. Apostle Paul put it thus to the Romans:

8But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV, see whole chapter.)

Now, when I was a new Christian I found that rather hard to understand – but it works! The theological term is ‘atonement’, or ‘substitutionary atonement’.  In bringing forgive-ness to the guilty, however, this can cause deep problems for those who’ve been the victim of crimes. After all, why should a killer find forgiveness by God? And what about the victim’s families, or the victim of abuse? They find it very hard if well-nigh impossible to forgive.

In 2012 I heard a Portsmouth prison chaplain address this issue with a concept taken from the criminal justice system: restorative justice. This involves an active dialogue between victim and offender, plus reparation.  And it has a sound basis in  theology. How?

Jesus was a guiltless victim, directly of those who wanted Him killed, and indirectly of everyone’s ‘fallen state’ of sinfulness, which could only be rectified by His death.

And Almighty God, the Father, is a victim too. How? He’s victim of humanity’s rebellion against Him. For example and especially over the way religious leaders murdered His son – how they seethed with rage when Jesus denounced them! (read Luke 20:9-19).  So, every victim can find an identity and affinity in both God and Jesus Christ in their situation. Hence, they can receive God’s own ability to forgive because He will help them choose to forgive those who’ve harmed them. [Lack of forgiveness may be the only thing that hampers God – see Matt 6:14-15]


During contemplation upon the tableau illustrated above, an insight dropped into mind that the Resurrection created a distinct point in the flow of, or perhaps even a change in, Time itself. That is, the now termed ‘common era’ calendar is the medieval Christian one that counts years from the approximate birth of Christ as ‘anno Domini’. But in fact, a more powerful one would be the point at which things in heaven changed and thus affected our lives on earth and its ultimate role in God’s scheme of creation. This took place at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His revival to life from death itself.

That such a concept may be valid can be found in the discoveries about the material of ‘The Shroud of Turin’, the shroud in which Jesus was thought to have been carried and covered during His interment. It is of most astounding significance when examined from the view-point of modern physics.

Apart from the supra-natural or spiritual aspect, that unique, singular event could have naturally happened by means of a ‘singularity’ (a theoretical gravitational effect associated with ‘black holes’, eg. as may have been the starting point of the creation of the universe, or ‘Big Bang’).

Don’t take my word for this but consider that of Dame Isabel Piczek (deceased 2016), famous as a monumental artist and award-winning figurative draughtswoman. Her highly detailed analysis of theories about how the image on the shroud was formed is authoritative, as in the first of several detailed articles here.

Also, as a physicist who may have considered implications from a quantum mechanics standpoint, her conclusions about how the image was formed are most intriguing: it seems that the image of Jesus can only have been created by its hovering equidistantly above and below his reclining bent corpse. Furthermore, this necessitated the body’s levitation – perhaps not an impossible feat during the moment of the Resurrection power-blast?  After all, the disciples had witnessed Jesus walking on water and were yet to see His levitating into the clouds!

Dame Isabel succinctly summarises:

We have a piece of cloth and it leads us to a mysterious gate which opens for us, and it lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws.

Consider these claims by reading those articles and watching this 19 minute of extracts from the DVD The Fabric of Time (with its own lead-in trailer). There’s also a discussion of her scientific opinion at In Case You Missed Isabel Piczek’s Wonderful Paper.

‘Coincidentally”, just after having read the last link and revised the preceding references to science (post published 5 years ago), I’m alerted to theoretical physicist Mehki’s new post on ‘black holes’ and ‘event horizons’ (see Looking to the Horizon). The discussion thread has a valuable contribution from ‘physicalrealityblog’ that’s pertinent to the Shroud site’s discussion of Dame Isabel’s analysis and indirectly reconnects it back into quantum physics!

2017: ‘Coincidentally’ amusing that bloggers ‘hidden’ on opposite sides of the world (Britain and New Zealand) were preparing items on the fabrics that Jesus Christ was buried with – the full-body shroud and the head linen – in Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. My post updated on Wed 12 April 2017 was scheduled on Thurs 13th for auto-publication Sun 16 April. On Good Friday 14 April Joanne Rolston published news of the ‘Sudarium’ in AB-solute Proof – The Blood That Speaks.

Read about bizarre anomalies in scientific instruments placed on the slab of stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre said to be have been where Jesus’ body lay: Scientists Who Opened Christ’s Tomb Detect Mysterious Readings That Support Shroud Theory.

2019: Am grateful to unknown source of this image:

Link: The Shroud of Turin website

Jesus’ Crucifixion described within the Holy Name of God

First published on this blog in April 2017 and now continuing yesterday’s Maundy Thursday Musing:

According to Steve Maltz, author of God’s Signature, the only time the sacred, personal Name of God was spoken by the ancient Israelites was during worship in the Temple in Jerusalem, and especially on the Day of Atonement when the High Priest pronounced it ten times.

The Talmud has many warnings about using the most holy Name – it is also regarded as having special powers of healing.  Apparently knowledge of its pronunciation was lost after the fall of the Temple in AD70 prophesied by Jesus Christ.

The knock-on effect of that event, together with the Roman Church’s withdrawal in the third Century of financial support for churches in the Holy Land founded by Jesus’ own ‘kith and kin’ (‘desponyni’), was the great loss of a full understanding of the Church’s Hebraic roots. Hence the confusion and doctrinal disagreements over Jesus’ claim, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10).

Digging deeper we encounter an astonishing revelation of that double-identity!

From translations of Hebrew, the post-Shakespeare English-speaking world referred to God’s Name as ‘Jehovah’ or ‘LORD’ (letter ‘J’ was then starting to replace ‘i’). However, Jews preferred well-known descriptive titles such as ‘Elohim’ – God, in all the fullness of His attributes; ‘El Shaddai’ – Almighty; ‘El Sabaoth’ – Lord of heavenly hosts; or Adonai’ – Lord, and more often than not the reverent term ‘Ha Shem’ (The Name) sufficed.

Scribes, or sopher, needed to take special care in praying before writing the holy name, which must be done without interruption. Were a mistake made, it must not be corrected but the whole page discarded and the page restarted. Numbering had to be carefully handled too because Hebrew characters represented both letters and numbers. So the logical way of writing 15 is to add a yod (ie 10) to a hey (ie 5) and likewise for 16 (a yod to a vav). But this never happened because, as part of the sacred name, they could accidentally be read as this name. The Holy Name is shown below, but read from right to left:

Ha Shem

“Yod-Hey-Vav-Hay” first appears in Genesis 2:4 statement that ‘The Book of Beginnings’ is the account of, “When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens”.

This Name was first revealed when Moses encountered God in the burning bush after he’d asked Him whom should he tell the Israelites had sent him to get them out of their slavery in Egypt.

God replied, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you’. ” (Exodus 3:14 NKJV)
Steve writes, “Interestingly and contrary to popular belief, the Hebrew word used in this passage…is not YHVY (he shows Hebrew characters). So, what’s going on here? Is it His name or isn’t it? In this Exodus passage, the word used for His name is “Aleph-Hey-Yod-Hey”.

“This takes the meaning of “I will be”…(which) shares a similar three-consonant root with YHVY in Hey-Vav-Hey and Hey-Yod-Hey…and as they’re related are both ways of describing God”.  Hence my liking of describing God as “Always” and “Now”, the latter being used by Charlie Shamp too.


As in those preceding links, literary Hebrew developed out of pictographic forms that represent gestures and their meanings. We logically surmise both original visual and later written forms were known to and, therefore, used by the Lord in communicating with Abraham and his descendants through Issac and Jacob, and used by Moses and his scribes in compiling the first five books of the Bible.

Comparing the literary and pictorial forms of the name Moses heard and recorded as being from the Lord, we have this graphic (credit Heart To Heart):

Hebrew is read right to left, ie ‘hand-look-nail-look’, but if we read as normal left to right we find not only the Name of God describing who He is, the fullness of His character and abilities, but also its exceptional prophetic nature in it foretelling the pivotal point of His action plan for humanity: the crucifixion of His Son Jesus Christ!



Could this indicate that Christ was hidden in the Father when Moses encountered them at the burning bush but manifested as ‘The Angel of the Lord’ or pre-incarnate Christ ? It’s worth reading Exodus 3 carefully again and note Who is speaking to Moses…

Moreover, the pictographs graphically portray God as ‘hands up’ in connection with a nail. Putting all this together into one picture we get a typical image of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, where long nails or spikes driven through Jesus’ wrists damage the median nerves thus making His hands bend into the ‘claw position’ – just like letter Yod!!


NI-Eire Prophecy Update #8: Eire’s relationship with Ulster and the USA

A quick recap on the importance of these updates relating to Brexit and the ‘Backstop’ and the word received from the Lord by Emma Stark of the Glasgow Prophetic Centre whilst in Belfast at the end of February.

Emma asked about Brexit, the Backstop and the Irish border and on where the solution lies. She was stunned to hear the response, “Emma, the solution is in Dublin.”  Then the Lord explained there’s a tangled ball of wool sitting in Dublin’s Parliament building and the end of that ball of wool is in the hands of Leo Varadkar, the Taoiseach, or prime minister of Ireland.”  This most significant word explains the necessity for leaders of the north and south to work together in a new way to iron out issues preventing Brexit.

Once again for our information, our fellow watcher overseas, Roger Jervois, reports on what he’s seen in the Ulster press, as follows:

“Hi Richard, Here is more confirmation of thawing relations between the political leaders within Eire/NI (per Irish Premier Hails Centuries-old Friendship Between Ireland and US – 17 April)

“Leo Varadkar has hailed the country’s continuing relationship with “our friend” the US.

‘The Irish Premier was speaking as he hosted a reception at Dublin Castle attended by the United States House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi. Also attending were TDs, Senators, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and Democratic Unionist leader Arlene Foster.

‘Mr Varadkar added that Ireland will do everything the country can to avoid a hard border.

He added: “Last week in Brussels we agreed to give the UK more time to ratify the Agreement and when that is done we look forward to securing a partnership with the UK. We want it to be as close as it can possibly be.”

I also note the article continues with the Taoiseach saying (emphasis mine),

“I know you (US) will be there as you always have in the past to help us build a better future. Irish men and women have helped make America great. Ireland has become a home from home for so many Americans.

We want Ireland to act as a political and economic bridge between the EU and the US. Given our shared language and history, it means the US and the EU can better relate to each other on a political level.”

Mr Varadkar added: “Today we are working to preserve all of that which has been achieved in the past and no matter what happens with Brexit, we will do everything we can to prevent the return of a hard border. In this we are backed by countries across the EU and indeed our friends in the United States.”

Today Roger writes, “And more statesmanship from God’s man of the hour in power” (per Nationalists in Northern Ireland Will Not Be Discriminated Against – 18 April):

‘In his annual address to Seanad Eireann – the upper house in Dublin – Mr Varadkar said: “The Withdrawal Agreement contains a commitment from the UK that Brexit will not result in any diminution of the rights, safeguards and equality of opportunity as set out in the Good Friday Agreement.

“I have discussed with Prime Minister (Theresa) May the responsibilities of the UK Government under the Good Friday Agreement, with or without a deal. 

“No matter what happens, there are a number of areas on which we can provide reassurance for Irish citizens living in Northern Ireland. Irish citizens in Northern Ireland will continue to be European citizens in all circumstances. They will continue to enjoy the right to travel and work and study freely throughout the EU, benefiting from the important rights not to be discriminated against on the grounds of nationality while doing so.”

‘…He thanked both houses of the Oireachtas legislature for showing “unity” in dealing with Brexit, particularly the Brexit Omnibus Bill which was passed last month.

“This landmark piece of legislation, crossing the remit of nine Government departments, focuses on protecting Irish citizens, assisting businesses and jobs, and securing ongoing access to essential services and products,” he added.

“Our work complements the steps under way at EU level to implement measures to mitigate the impact of a no-deal Brexit.”

To gain the full sense of these press reports please be sure to read both articles in full.

Clearly, he is approaching Brexit from a different stance, one unrelated to what 17.4 million Britons voted for – the separation of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland from rule by the European Union. Nevertheless, some sort of progress is under way, as indicated in what Emma Stark received from the Lord.

Moreover, I’m aware advances of a conciliatory spiritual nature between north and south Ireland are happening this week and we praise the Lord for what He’s doing therein.

Prophecy Updates:
  1. Northern & Southern Irish Leaders Meet In Washington
  2. Northern & Southern Irish Leaders Meet Trump and Pence
  3. EU Grasps Ireland At Its Own Peril (ie. as EU’s puppet)
  4. DUP MP Would Like To See Ireland Join The Commonwealth
  5. Yet Again, NO Need For A Hard Border!
  6. DUP Prefers Brexit Delay To ‘Prison’ of May’s Withdrawal Agreement
  7. The Taoiseach and the E.U.

A Maundy Thursday Musing

The Cross at Ffald-y-Brenin, ‘miraculously’ provided and located as directed by the Lord.

[First published 2016]

Reflections upon the events of Jesus’ betrayal and execution whilst we were on a Quiet Day’s ‘Appointment in Jerusalem’, added to my ongoing meditation upon His personal prayer made, not in the garden of Gethsemane, but earlier in the upper room at the close of their Passover meal (John 17). That ‘celebratory remembrance’ proved to be more than a ground-breaking event. It was truly a heaven-breaking-in pivotal time in human history in which Jesus offered up Himself as the Paschal Lamb, not only for His first disciples but also for everyone who would ever believe in Him – eg. you and me! AND enable everyone to come into the full freedom of salvation from their sins and satan’s consequential authority over their lives – should they so choose.

So my thoughts meandered around Jesus’ praying to Father that He’d “manifested Your Name” and for His disciples to see the glory He had with Him before the Beginning, as in my footnote to the prophetic word on Preparation for Enlargement.

The modern concept of ‘name’ fails to convey the depth of meaning and significance as understood in biblical times. I recalled Hebrew and Semitic studies scholar Dr Michael S Heiser’s (bio) referring at Exodus 23:20-23 to the Angel of the LORD as having what’s noted from Gideon’s encounter with Him (Judges 6:11-26); that is,

‘Yahweh’s “Name” in him…which gives a glimpse of the Hebrew Bible’s ‘Name Theology’ in which reference to “the Name” actually refers to Yahweh Himself…Thus, ‘Yahweh indicates He is in the Angel…yet in other passages, Yahweh and the Angel can be simultaneously – but separately – present [Old Testament Godhead Language].

That’s remarkably similar to the principle of quantum entanglement (see On Engaging Time) – yet is in the Bible!  Jesus goes on to say that the divine “Name” represents His Presence, which is also God’s ‘Essence’.

So over silent lunch, my mind in ‘neutral’, an insight suddenly occurred and I noted it afterwards as an equation in my Bible’s rear fly-leaf.:


Also, the last part is equivalent to:


Now please note: in my mind I was going to write “in and throughout” but actually found myself writing “across”, which doesn’t make as much sense when considering the full continuity of time – BUT this change directly relates it to the Crucifixion.

From my earliest days of being ‘born again’ I’d heard about the Cross being pivotal in, and thus central to, human history. Now, however, I understood it’s existed throughout history from the very Beginning, and connected into the ‘mystery’ of ‘Fathers Own Objective’ that Apostle Paul revealed to the Ephesians, as noted in my intro to God’s Eternal Purpose.

I imagined the Cross’ horizontal beam s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g…r-i- g-h-t…a-c-r-o-s-s…t-i-m-e.

Next, I scribbled a cloud shape with arrows poking out of it to represent different epochs and wrote within its curvy outline, ‘Cloud of Unknowing’ (as in the title of the medieval book of contemplative Christian mysticism on the being and nature of God – see Wikipedia).

THEN right after jotting those notes and awaiting the first session after lunch, this famous Welsh hymn was played and I was transfixed by the chorus line,

“He can never be forgotten throughout heaven’s eternal days.”

Now, as I blog and search on Hebrew name theology I find a very informative article on ‘Ha Shem’ at Hebrew4Christians, to which is added this postscript:

‘The point of all this is to demonstrate that the “Name of the LORD” is none other than Yeshua (or Jesus). Yeshua = YHVH…The idea of “Name” means more than mere phonetics; it has to do with the deeds, acts, power, reputation and glory of God. Those who do not honor the Son do not honor the Father who sent Him (John 5:23). Denigrating Yeshua by even hinting that He is less than God Almighty is to desecrate the Name of God…’ (Divine Names Theology?)

The deep wisdom of that article is worthy of contemplative reflection. Yet it also speaks to me of another aspect of the Lord’s name relating directly to the Crucifixion, about which I mused this time last year and which is republished next… ie. tomorrow, Good Friday.

A prophetic word on the coming ‘bowls of the fury of God’

Now that Facebook can at last connect this blog’s Fb page with my previously unused personal profile, I’ve been pinning a few of its posts and hubs to its ‘wall’ or timeline by way of an intro’ to my writing upon Biblical and contemporary Christian prophecy.

Doing that reminded me of the difference between ancient and modern prophecy, which after due weighing and testing, provides a means of hearing from God before we arrive at the End-times foretold in scripture. Therefore, I mused upon when and how those two modes of hearing Him will converge in the run-up to the Millennium, when Jesus Christ returns bodily to reign and rule on earth. 

AND “Lo and Behold!” within a couple of days I get an email on that subject, as in preparing for things to come, which reads as follows: Continue reading

Yet again a political cartoonist catches up with prophecy

By Blower, The Telegraph, Thursday 17 April 2019

As reported in GPS#32 on Monday Veronika West posted on her Facebook these words and image:


‘This afternoon while sitting talking with the Lord in my garden suddenly I saw the Nation of France and as I looked at the Nation I saw a FIERY PHOENIX RISING UP FROM THE ASHES, as I looked again at the Nation the Word of the Lord was quickened to me saying, “Then I thought, ‘I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply my days like the phoenix’. On hearing these words I immediately inquired of the Holy Spirit and I heard Him say,…’

Christophe Morin/Bloomberg

For previous examples of the daily press echoing prophecies and visions click here, and this links to the Telegraph’s other cartoonist Matt on Big Ben and dreams thereof.

GPS #32: words and visions on the significance of Notre Dame’s conflagration – and Jerusalem’s!!

A personal thank you to Angus MacKillop for alerting readers of Ignite Ireland Ministries to Newsweek’s report that whilst flames were engulfing Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, there was also a fire in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque – it cannot be mere coincidence or a ‘God-incidence’, as we’ll learn from the prophetic word of yesterday shown below.

Tom O’Conner writes in yesterday afternoon’s Newsweek, ‘Fire broke out at the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem just as flames ravaged the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

‘Footage showing smoke and fire emerging from the roof of a structure known as the Marwani Prayer Room, or Solomon’s Stables, could be seen on social media. The Palestine News Agency, the official outlet of the Palestinian National Authority, cited a guard as saying Monday that “the fire broke out in the guard’s room outside the roof of the Marwani Prayer Room, and the fire brigade of the Islamic Waqf handled the matter successfully…Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, director general of the Jerusalem Waqf and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs Department, told Jordan’s Al-Mamlaka TV that the fire broke out in the courtyard and preliminary information suggested that it may have been caused by children tampering in the area.’

Let’s not forget that intriguing ‘coincidence’ of an unusual lightning strike in Mecca on the 14th anniversary of the attack upon New York’s Twin Towers (see Paws-4-Thought: Kingdom-related Events Since Lightning Strike on Mecca’s Grand Mosque).


That the above buried news of the Al-Aqsa compound fire is not only synchronous but also is part of what God is doing worldwide, will become clear upon reading the first of two words received in this morning’s email, namely:


The Lord would say, “The fire of the Paris Cathedral is a signpost of My Spirit and is the beginning of the tearing down of the high places of religion across the nations of the Earth. For surely I am doing a new thing in the midst of you and My Spirit shall burn down the old entrapments and raise up the new places that I have decreed.”  For the Lord says, as is written in Jeremiah 23:29 ‘Is not My Word like fire and like a hammer that breaks a rock into pieces?’

“Watch and Listen for I am causing both heavenly and earthly signs to identify the changes I am making to re-frame the earth so that My righteousness and glory are at the forefront,” says the Lord of Hosts. “Be vigilant Watchman and make My Signs known to My People,”says the Lord.

Leisa Ebere, 15th April 2019


While watching the FLAMES RISE OVER NOTRE DAME the Holy Spirit quickened to me this powerful word I gave for France last year…!


This afternoon while sitting talking with the Lord in my garden suddenly I saw the Nation of France and as I looked at the Nation I saw a FIERY PHOENIX RISING UP FROM THE ASHES, as I looked again at the Nation the Word of the Lord was quickened to me saying, “Then I thought, ‘I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply my days like the phoenix’. On hearing these words I immediately inquired of the Holy Spirit and I heard Him say,



Note; PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE NATION OF FRANCE IN THIS HOUR. (click to read vision to Pray for France Arising dated 3rd May 2017)

SEE A SECOND WORD GOD GAVE ME JUST A FEW DAYS LATER; (Click to read France! France! France! Pray for France! dated 7th May 2017)

Note; Job, notwithstanding his present despair of it, was favoured and satisfied with, (Psalms 91:16 ) ( Job 42:16 Job 42:17 Job 29:18) . Some versions render it, “as the phoenix”, a bird of that name, spoken of by many writers as a very long lived one; some say it lived five hundred years, others five hundred forty, others six hundred sixty…!

Veronika West, 15th April 2019


Roger Jervois in South Africa kindly forwarded copy of yesterday’s conversation he had with a sister in UK who moves in the prophetic. They note a specific reference to ‘Fire of God’ in an American’s prophetic word, the title of which I’d noticed a few days ago but for different reasons.

It is published in Elijah List as British Isles/UK and Europe: It’s Time to Reap What You Have Sown, the pertinent part of which reads (emphasis mine)

‘We make room for the Holy Spirit in our local church gatherings. It’s impossible to see culture shift without a local church that maintains an open atmosphere to the supernatural movement of the Spirit. I prophesy, Europe and UK – may the fire of God burn strong in your churches! I even see some of the ancient landmarks of faith, the cathedrals and beautiful sanctuaries of old, coming alive again with the fire of God.’

Larry Sparks, Dallas, Texas, 12th April 2019


Fire in the cathedral – a sign?

Nicholas brings some poignant reflections on the Scriptures and history before we consider three prophecies and a ‘coincidental’ fire in Jerusalem at the Al-Aqsa mosque!

All Along the Watchtower

Many years ago, I had the privilege to visit Notre Dame de Paris. It was an awe-inspiring sight, a triumph of Gothic architecture. Beloved by millions, it stood as an icon of France and France’s Catholic heritage. Now ravaged by fire, it will be rebuilt, ostensibly as a sign of France’s resilience and commitment to cultural excellence.

There is a deeper problem here, symbolised by the fire in the cathedral – France’s anti-religious secularism and ethno-political turmoil. France has turned its back on God. The presence of Christians from a variety of denominations in France does not significantly alter the big picture of apostasy and decay.

Lest the reader think my judgment is harsh, I would say that I hold much the same view of the United Kingdom at present and speak as someone with partially French blood. I love France and the UK, but I do not love what…

View original post 324 more words

Revisiting the vision of ripping the rotten fabric of our society

Last Monday’s two blogs on GPS #31 began by saying that overnight and throughout Monday I’d been contemplating the relevance of the open vision I had of the British Isles back in 2004 to our nations’ current chaotic situation, and began to blog about it. However, upon seeing what Veronika West and then, Yvonne Coombs, had just posted and that both relate to that vision but take it up another level, I realised their material should take precedence. So I republished those prophecies.

In August 2011, about the time I was being ‘nudged’ to start blogging, I emailed friends in connection with current news headlines: ‘World In Crisis: Markets Dive, Mobs burn London’; `Rule of the mob – Markets dive as panic spreads’ with links to renowned Bible teacher Lance Lambert’s prophecies of 2010 (far more serious phase of judgement commences, and follow-ups herehere and here on events), as well as an encouraging insight through Revd Dr Sharon Stone on reports of ‘the imminent collapse of society’!

I asked my recipients to consider those events’ relevance to the vision I had seven years earlier, which I recounted as follows:

‘Personally, I’m encouraged that this word (through Revd Dr Stone) confirms the gist of an open vision coming right at the start of the first worship session at a conference in St Albans, Hertfordshire, in October 2004.

‘About eight feet right in front of me I ‘saw’ a large map of Britain surrounded by the sea, as though painted on rotten sacking – like disposed, old coal sacks I`d see in my childhood. I had the strong impression of the Lord saying Britain is just like them; moreover that the fabric of our society is so rotten it could so easily tear apart. 

‘This ‘map’ then began to rip apart in the middle downward, from about the line of Hadrian’s Wall down the Pennine chain into the Midlands, and I sensed the Lord say, “I’m going to put the backbone back in Britain”. (I recalled the Pennines are known as the Spine of England.)

‘Then out of the tear emerged a very long rock, which I understood as meaning the Lord would restore our strong, spiritual backbone when we stand upon Him, The Rock.’

[Much later I noted, ‘Could the Lord be allowing increased persecutions here for the purpose of putting the spine back into Christians and making us stand up strongly?’… And Parliament has since been, and continues to be, thoroughly shaken and ripped open – do it to the media and elsewhere, Lord…Did you know that mounted, body-armoured police in Manchester interrogated a street preacher just because he was inviting people to an Easter service? Next, a hate-crimes unit visited him at home!!!]

‘It wasn’t so much the unexpected and unbidden nature of the event that startled me. It was because I thought I heard the Lord say that He would rip the nation apart as easily as an old sack because it’s rotten!! That troubled me greatly for I considered such to be contrary to His loving nature. 

‘But NT scriptures do speak of judgement and He gives many repeated warnings of such impending action (eg. as given this month through Lance Lambert). Yet, we must plead His remembrance of mercy and of Jesus’ sacrifice, through which comes the fullness of true blessing. All rather a profound mystery. Also, let’s not forget that the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD (Isaiah 11.2) were aspects of the Holy Spirit prophesied for the descendant of King David’s father Jesse: Jesus Christ.’

For the purposes of accountability and weighing I submitted the vision to the presiding pastor and his guest speaker, and later to our own church leader, but they blanked out!  Yet upon attending a prophecy school the next year at Bath where one of the courses was led by Dr Sharon Stone, I submitted it to her. Immediately, she agreed its validity and got her ‘masterclass’ interceding upon it!

When, in the mid-1990s, I first heard church leaders referring to prophecies it was said they’re to be held in a ‘pending tray’ because many years pass before they usually, if at all, come to fulfillment. With the ‘acceleration’ over the past decade, however, they have begun to manifest a lot more rapidly.

To summarise briefly, the state of our nation hasn’t improved but drastically deteriorated; that is, the fabric of our society has become increasingly rotten and too many politicians led the way in opening wide the doors for demonic infiltration, control and destruction by their willful rebellion against the Living Lord God and His Holy Word.

Since that vision we’ve witnessed the rapid erosion of Biblical standards of personal and public probity; mental, behavioural and spiritual perversion of right and wrong; the disintegration of freedom to believe, think, speak and act in a civilised manner and with every courtesy due our fellows, even in what were once the acme of all advanced societies – the universities.

For example, I knew a newly graduated historian whose mind is tightly shut against empirical evidence offered by older, more knowledgeable people on Brexit. He allowed one gentle rebuke on his blog, but not my brief corrections even though he subscribed here. (As I won’t tolerate bigotry I removed him.)

Just this week, my friend and ‘mature student’ Michael tells me his “being sandwiched between two major universities and attending a church full of university students has opened my eyes to quite how vicious anti-Christian prejudice has become both in university and in the media!”

And there’s the utterly reprehensible MP who’s completely lost his marbles by denouncing leading Brexiteers as ‘neo-Nazis’!  An appalling aberration, which shows how the spiritually oppressed lack intellectual acuity and credibility.

Yet far worse are those whom Jesus said it would be better for them to lose their lives than allow them to endanger and harm little children. I refer to officials who insist parents have no right to exclude their children from school classes on transsexuality.

Nevertheless, my open vision promises that, although society will severely split apart, the Rock of our Salvation will reappear during that self-destructive period.

What’s more, according to these extracts from last week’s prophetic visions the next phase will be that of our nation becoming a ‘gold signet ring’ on the Hand of God – as here:

(GPS #31.1 Veronika West) ‘I had a powerful dream 3 nights ago where I saw the the Nation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland being drawn up by the hand of God and as He took hold of the Nation it became as a GOLD RING, as I looked at the GOLD RING suddenly I saw the finger of God come forth from the heavens and the Gold Ring which was the Nation was put on His finger and I heard these words,


(GPS #31.2 Yvonne Coombs) ‘I ask the Lord how it will look if we are in unity of movement and I see a giant gold ring hovering over the Houses of Parliament. I see a blow-torch melting the gold from the ring as it drips over the building.


I felt to paint this image and I saw a sword thrusting into the river Thames.

I believe the gold ring is a wedding band, a covenant promise, so let us say “I DO!”
(Psalm 63)

Update on illegality of extending Article 50 for leaving E.U.

Courtesy of Prophetic Voice UK

Footnote 1 to UK Situation Summary #4 reads, ‘Democracy 17.4 supports English Democrats lawsuit against the PM to obtain a declaration in Law that the Law states the UK left the EU on 30th March 2019, and in blocking any extension to Article 50.’

One of few parliamentarians with a backbone for resolutely defending democracy, the chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee and former shadow Attorney General Sir Bill Cash MP, as a back-bencher in the Commons last week demanded Theresa May’s resignation of Prime Minister. After hours of discussions with QCs and former judges, Sir Bill believes the British Government’s extension of Article 50 is unlawful.

He writes in Theresa May’s Article 50 extension is illegal, and will be challenged in the courts (emphases mine):

It is a fundamental principle of UK constitutional law that the Government may not use its powers, including its powers to make international agreements, to frustrate the intention of Parliament. Parliament’s intention is to be found, and is only to be found, in the laws it makes. Resolutions of the House of Commons may sometimes be politically important, but they are of no legal effect unless an Act of Parliament expressly gives them legal effect.

The intention of Parliament is, and remains still, that the UK must leave the EU. This is clear from the legislation to trigger Article 50 (the EU Notification of Withdrawal Act 2017), in which Parliament referred to and declared “the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the EU”. The EU Withdrawal Act 2018 gives effect to the decision to withdraw by repeatedly referring to “exit day”.

‘The Withdrawal Act expressly states: “The European Communities Act 1972 is repealed on exit day”. Parliament originally set that day precisely at March 29 2019, but the Government has purported to extend this by statutory instruments. These can be challenged in the courts.

It is essential to note that Parliament’s legal intention for the UK to leave the EU is not conditional upon a withdrawal agreement. While many MPs have said that they do not want the UK to leave without a withdrawal agreement, and the House of Commons has passed a resolution stating this, the law of the United Kingdom is not affected by their protestations. Our law is simply that the UK must leave the EU...

‘It follows that when the Prime Minister exercised her power to act for the UK at the EU Council, she was obliged under our law to refrain from doing anything that would frustrate the intention of Parliament that the UK must leave the EU with or without a withdrawal agreement.

These are only Sir Bill’s opening paragraphs but his strong argument is so important I recommend your reading in full by clicking here. He continues by cutting to the quick:

‘These are manifest limitations on the Prime Minister’s competence. They concern rules of UK internal constitutional law of fundamental importance. In these circumstances, I believe that it would be impossible for the Prime Minister, acting lawfully under UK law, to accept an extension of the kind proposed. When I called on her to resign last week in the House of Commons, I reminded her that she had promised over 100 times not to extend exit day.

‘For the Prime Minister to agree to such an extension in these circumstances is to knowingly use her power in a way that she herself believes would risk frustrating Parliament’s intention that the UK must leave the EU. This is legally beyond the pale!’

Sir Bill concludes his well-grounded case:

‘We have been told by the Prime Minister that “we will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws”. The repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 achieves that control as the law of the land. The Withdrawal Agreement drives a coach and horses through the constitutional status of Northern Ireland and undermines the repeal of that 1972 Act.

This is a political betrayal of the referendum vote in June 2016.That vote was expressly given by Parliament under the Referendum Act 2015 to the people and became the law of the land. It cannot be taken back by mere resolutions of the Commons nor by unlawful statutory instruments. Indeed, on Friday evening, five minutes before the deadline on the statutory instrument for the regulations to confer the extension to October 31, I tabled a block against the regulations which continues until the House returns.’

Unity News Network has been reporting extensively on the court case undertaken by Robin Tilbrook of The English Democrats over what he believes has been the illegal extension of Article. They write in Sir Bill Cash in STUNNING confirmation of Article 50 ILLEGALITY!!! that Mr Tilbrook and certain leading legal minds believe that Britain has, in law, already exited the EU on the 29th of March.

NI-Eire Prophecy Update #7: the Taoiseach and the EU

We continue updates since the exceptional, in-depth instruction about the leader of the DUP and the Irish Prime Minister that shocked Emma Stark upon asking God about the solution to the Brexit ‘backstop’ for Northern Ireland. (Re-reading the transcript gives an appreciation of what may be happening behind the scenes on the implementation of Brexit.)  So we report as follows:

5th April, DUP response to delaying Brexit beyond European elections an existential threat to Tories:

‘Arlene Foster, the DUP leader, said: “The United Kingdom fighting European elections almost three years after a clear majority voted to leave the EU sums up the disorganised and slapdash approach taken to negotiations by the Prime Minister.

7th April, anonymous reader’s link to Spectator article Ireland’s strange decision to join the French Commonwealth.

10th April, Roger Jervois in South Africa emails, “Here is some more constructive work from Leo…(speaking before last night’s crucial summit in Brussels)

‘The Taoiseach (Irish prime minister), Leo Varadkar, has suggested that the UK would be able to have a say in trade deals if it forms a customs union with the EU. A customs union is a major focus of Brexit talks between Labour and the Conservatives…Many Conservatives oppose that idea saying the UK would be subject to EU trade deals but with no say.

‘However, the Taoiseach suggested the EU would be able to develop a ‘sui generis’ (unique) arrangement for the UK, and said the proposal for the UK to stay in a customs union with the EU after Brexit has “real merit”.

“I believe as the EU having the UK in a customs union means we could get the best deals for all of us,” he said. “If the UK were to decide to stay in a customs union, we would be able to develop something ‘sui generis’ so that they would have a say around things in terms of future trade deals, and a level playing field around labour rights and environmental rights.”  (BBC News NI Brexit: Leo Varadkhar hints at UK say in future trade deals)

Today, Brexit latest news: Theresa May told to resign in Commons as Tory MPs brand Hallowe’en extension an ‘abject surrender’…at 1:38pm:

Arlene Foster: Six months to change the backstop

‘Asked whether she believed there was any prospect of the Withdrawal Agreement being reopened in the period to October, Mrs Foster told reporters in Brussels: “It depends whether they want to get a deal.

“If they want to get a deal they’re going to have to deal with the backstop because the only thing that has got through Parliament with the majority is the fact of dealing with the backstop.

“And if it’s dealt with in the appropriate fashion then the Withdrawal Agreement will go through and they will have a deal. But if they continue on the road of ‘we are not reopening the treaty’ then we are heading inexorably towards a no-deal scenario.

“That’s something which I really regret because we want to get a deal that is good for the whole of the UK.

“Instead of this intransigence, actually what they should be using the next number of months to do is look at ways to deal with that backstop.”

[FYI: I use The Telegraph for its extensive coverage at half-price subscriber discount.]

Passion For The Nation: Declarations to shape a nation, day 11

Readers will recall the work of Suzanne Ferrett and the many declarations over our nation she publishes at Passion for the Nation, as well as a Spiritual Magna Carta. (Click link for introduction). Today’s declaration appears below:

Click/tap image for link to Passion For The Nation and previous declarations

Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 11

National Day of Prayer

We thank You for the mantle of prayer resting upon this nation at this time, for the individuals, groups and movements You are raising up, for the diversity of how people pray and the different anointings, callings and strategies being released at this time, orchestrated by Your Spirit. Even as Your word states ‘if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven,’ we declare as the Headship of Jesus is established over Your people, a new ‘oneness’ in prayer will be released, uniting those of different generations, culture groups and streams. We praise You for the work of Your Spirit and for the depth and width of Your purposes at this time. We declare as Your people pray, Your Kingdom will be released in great measure, changing hearts, touching lives and transforming communities.

We decree and declare the Name of Jesus will be lifted over the villages, towns and cities in this nation, that the awakening breath of Jesus will blow in us and through us – until this nation is fully His. We decree and declare God’s people in this land will arise, going through the gates; preparing the way, removing the stones, lifting a banner for the people.  We speak to this nation in the Name of Jesus and we declare “surely your salvation is coming.”

Now, as Parliament meets today, we decree and declare the outworking of every emotion, frustration and weariness will serve and facilitate His purposes today.

We declare the Kingdom of God will be established over every other rule and dominion, of power, of greed and of the thoughts of man, that the new season God has planned for this nation will be delivered in full, in order and on time.

We declare the power of God-appointed leadership to bring about Kingdom purpose. We declare this nation will be led throughout this Brexit season by those appointed by Him for this task, those carrying God-given vision, supported and surrounded by the prayers of His people and aided by the Hosts of Heaven.

As the European Leaders meet tonight, we come into agreement with Psalm 29, and we declare “Your Voice shakes the wilderness …and causes the deer to give birth, it strips the forest bare”. We declare God’s Voice will arise, silencing every other voice. We decree and declare the outworking of every emotion, frustration and weariness will serve and facilitate His purposes this day.

Amen, may it be so!