Revival: 2 – prophetic word

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’):

It’s delightful when we see someone’s ‘aha’ moment, is it not? For example, when a face light’s up with a revelation, especially during prayer, or seeking the Lord.

For some weeks I’ve intended circulating a prophecy on revival in UK, but found I was beaten to the draw for it cropped up twice! First, it was quoted by Paul Keith Davies at Dudley and then it featured in Stewart Keiller’s blog (leader of Bath City Church).

If it may help you to connect into this word I’d first like to tell of an event in 1997:

At a prayer for revival I had the privilege of meeting 80 years old Rev Norman James, prayer partner of the renowned ‘apostle of faith’, Smith Wigglesworth. When this small group stood in a close circle to pray, Norman was less than a yard right in front of me.  As he was quite short my eyes opened to gaze fully into his face and I couldn’t help but notice his eyes alight with excitement. A huge, beaming smile – he was radiant!

Norman could hardly speak, save to whisper, “I’ve just seen what Wigglesworth saw – Britain in revival, on fire for the Lord!”

Ever so briefly he explained that in Wigglesworth’s 88th year the Lord had given him a vision of a future revival in Britain. He knew it would happen decades ahead but he so desperately desired to see such days.  Thus Norman confided, “No wonder he wanted the Lord to keep him alive!. But he couldn’t find the words to describe its wonder.

Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy about a coming move of the Holy Spirit in the UK, is as follows:

Smith Wigglesworth (1859 - 1947)

During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterized by a restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The second move of the Holy Spirit will result in people leaving historic churches and planting new churches. In the duration of each of these moves, the people who are involved will say “This is the great revival”. But the Lord says “No, neither is this the great revival but both are steps towards it”.

When the new church phase is on the wane, there will be evidenced in the churches something that has not been seen before: a coming together of those with an emphasis on the Word and those with an emphasis on the Spirit.

When the Word and the Spirit come together, there will be the biggest movement of the Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed the world, has ever seen. It will mark the beginning of a revival that will eclipse anything that has been witnessed within these shores, even the Wesleyan and the Welsh revivals of former years. The outpouring of God’s Spirit will flow over from the UK to the mainland of Europe, and from there will begin a missionary move to the ends of the earth.

For a brief background see the Apostle of Faith on Jonas Clark’s website, or visit the Revival Library’s dedicated website for full biographical accounts and materials.

In Great Revivalists John Peters writes:

All that mattered to Wigglesworth was listening for and to the voice of God’s Holy Spirit: it is hardly any wonder this ministry had such powerful anointing…
He conceived of revival in typically robust terms: that it can only come when we are prepared to die to self and human striving. Alongside this was his teaching that Jesus must occupy the foremost place in our hearts and lives.

It’s interesting to note, therefore, that Nathan Morris stresses those very points during the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival.

Revival: 1 – glory stories

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’):

“Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord,
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory,
Holy Holy, Holy is Your Name,
Exalted upon the praise of Your people.”

So runs the chorus of Lydia Stanley’s song Holy Are You Lordlisten here – it’s one of several inspired by Holy Spirit since last July (2010) for her to lead hours of fire-filled worship at The Bay Revival, Alabama.

Psalm 22 v 3 proclaims, ‘You are holy, enthroned upon the praises of Israel…’ and thus, the Lord’s Presence can be sensed, even becomes tangible, and people hear Him more easily, are saved, healed and delivered – in such a sacred atmosphere, with anointed leading and prophetic preaching, miracles often occur.

You may recall my reference to evangelist Nathan Morris having a word from Alabama for revival in the UK? So a few ‘glory stories’ may inspire and encourage you:

First, on a personal note, I’ve been in a fascinating flow from the Lord since an ‘inter-stream’ conference in Winchester in March. During opening worship I sensed the Lord wanted me to focus upon the eventual new earth and new heavens, especially the appearance from heaven of The New Jerusalem and I had a flash picture of a lion’s head.

Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband…(Rev 21:2 NKJV)

Then one of the seven angels…talked with me, saying, “Come I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife”. And he carried me away to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone…(Rev 21:9-11 NKJV)

Over the last year or so a couple of scriptures had come whilst in Bath, but now the context became clear. Also, the Lord’s saying He’s let me see a couple of childhood desires He implanted have been fulfilled: to see miracles of healing and receive Jesus close teaching, and to be in and understand the times of His return – but now focus upon His ultimate aim (Revelation 21-22), and beyond the Bible’s cover!

Then in the first session Stuart of Catch The Fire, Wembley mentioned,

“There is so much happening in the Kingdom of God at the moment…we’re seeing Him move again and again and again…We’ve just seen a massive increase in the supernatural – not because of ministry but because God is moving – ‘Aslan’ is on the move!”

He went on to describe seeing the breath of God blow away demons that had attached themselves to someone they were praying for. This one didn’t need in-depth ministry sessions, valid as that is, but God simply blew – like the mighty protective and possessive roar of a lion over its young! Stuart said, “It’s like the Lion of Judah puts His paw on you and says, ‘Mine, Mine – you are Mine!’ and roars at anything that would threaten you.” With Chloe, his wife, teaching followed upon their theme: full meaning of Sonship in the Kingdom

Also that month, Bill of Blandford wrote me as follows:

God is awesome! Only last evening I was testifying to standing in awe as again Abba God brought deliverance to His beloved children. I was sharing ministry to bring freedom to some people with ancestral masonry. We saw His mighty deliverance set them free from chains of deception. What He desires and delivers to the one or two, He will do for the many. I stand in awe right now as day after day we see and hear prophecy unfolding… (Thank you Bill)

Here’s another – Over dinner in Zizzi’s, Russ of Farnham said he was at The Potter’s House, Stoke-on-Trent and heard intriguing accounts of unbelieving youngsters turning up because God had come to them in the night and told them to get there!

Winchester flowed into Bath >

There, the first thing I put my hands on at a partners’ day was a book featuring chapters on the new earth and new heaven! >>

Then Liz, leader of prophetic ministry, followed straight on from and augmented what Stuart and Chloe had taught >>>

Also, Richard mentioned about a recent Secret Place conference in Dudley and I knew to get the downloads quickly >>>>

So, in those recordings I heard Paul Keith Davies delve deeply into teaching upon the Sonship-Bridal paradigm….(more here)

>>>>>>>>>>> keep flowing Holy Spirit…in and through ……More please Lord.

Update on intercession request

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

“I haven’t heard about that! Why haven’t my church friends told me?” Nina’s hairdresser indignantly retorted this morning.
“Because it won’t be covered in the news and, if it is, it’ll be badly biased – and few believers know, or are interested!” Nina replied.

Friends who’ve joined this intercession well know that we’re a minority.  I offer this update and attached extract of Rabbi C’s message, plus some inspiration:

Yesterday, there were clashes throughout the West Bank
and IDF placed upon standby after having been trained for various scenarios. Earlier in the week security forces were beefed up to close the border to refugees from Syria (other neighbouring countries were closed too). 

On Thurs I found a website devoted to the Intifada. It reported on demonstrations at the Israeli embassy in Egypt and for a mass protest to march from Tahrir Square, Cairo and be joined by several hundred thousand protesters to advance upon Israel tomorrow.
Reading a few of that site’s items showed their very poor standard of historical and journalistic accuracy – and confirmed the original intention of incitement to violence. (That was why their first Facebook page was shut down.) 

However, today I see that website’s two home pages have been replaced by masses of articles from supporters, including one about First Scottish Minister Alex Salmond’s strongly condemnatory anti-Israel stance!!  (Its author ridiculously refers to David Cameron as pro-Zionist!!  Not so, according to Spectator blogger Melanie Phillips whose open letter to him about his meeting with PM Netanyahu minces no words!)

Prior to prayer yesterday, I was listening to Paul Keith Davis speaking at Dudley about the Bridal company and Sons of the Kingdom (many thanks to Richard in Bath). Suddenly, he gave reference for this as being in Matthew 13 as well as Zecharia 12.8 regarding Jerusalem in ‘That Day’.  Now Paul had already confirmed things I’d had from the Lord, but during intercession I turned to that OT chapter – WOW what insights came for today, and how it could fit into what this rabbi teaches  – thank you Lord! 

Zecharia 12
could well distinguish between what’s happening now and what’s coming through the ‘Two State’ supposed solution – verse 2 is about the surrounding peoples, as in this 3rd intifada – verse 3 is about the whole world, as in UNO, EU, USA !  And there’s lots more throughout chapters 12 and 13 that may apply to revival in Israel and for ALL inhabitants of Jerusalem, including the ultra orthodox Jews (who outdo muslim hatred for Christians!) and Arabs.

May the Lord lead our prayers


PS > > SHOULD YOU WANT MORE details see today’s entry at

Briefing on intifada intercession

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’).:

Dear Friends,
For those with whom my email about this weekend’s proposed 3rd Intifada struck a chord, here’s the promised background.  To my mind there are several reasons which, in sum, strongly indicate the issue’s import. 

We’d watched Messianic Rabbi ‘C’ give the Easter Sunday message at Church of His Presence in Mobile.  Amongst much he gave an insight into the wider fulfilment of Jeremiah 31.31-37 ‘new covenant’ by indicating it may include all Abraham’s seed, as hinted at in Genesis chapters 16 & 22

Whilst in Gilgal, Israel, a herd of sheep descended a hill towards him and he heard the Lord say, “I am calling My sheep from the nations” and that ‘C’ would be ‘presented’ with what he was to do.  Upon returning to the States he got an email about multitudes on social networks responding to calls for a 3rd Intifada on Israel’s 63rd birthday!  The Lord instructed, “I want you to battle in love – in the opposite spirit – not hate”.  So a media friend helped to launch the video you may have seen (via the link below).

In view of what the Lord has been pointing me towards, I was especially surprised by Rabbi’s message because

1. He COVERED my prayers about the ‘fall of Islam’ requiring sovereign interventions of the Lord.  When asking the Lord why he’s to that video, he claims the Lord said, “Israel and the Middle-East need to see the miracle-working of God like never before”  (Like in 1967 when they were protected from invasion?) “A bigger one now and they shall get it – it is coming (and) the Church needs to see their prayers being answered, to see this as a testimony.”

2. He CONFIRMED the meditations I’d been led into on retreat on Good Friday at Acorn, here in Bordon. There, I found myself focussing upon the POST-resurrection Emmaus road conversation, particularly “It is the third day since…” (Luke 24.21) and realised the present times are the 3rd day (ie. 3rd millennium, where 1000 years = 1 day; per 2 Peter 3.8).  This rabbi said, “…it’s very important that you know spiritually what time it is. This is so critical – because God is moving quickly – we’re moving into the ‘third day’…”

3. He CONTINUED with that Lucan narrative into the appearances of Jesus, thereby giving a strong scriptural validation of the effects of the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival.

In another email I’d like to share more details of another aspect of this ‘Resurrection Sunday’ message upon revival in the UK – it will probably surprise you, as it did us!

So I hope you can understand the urgency of this messianic rabbi’s call to pray for the people of the whole region tomorrow through to Saturday. 
Perhaps you may be able to join in as and when you can? 

If required, I have a transcript of the pertinent part of the message.

Trusting the Lord will move into the whole situation…
(See Update on Intercession Request.)


—–Original Message—–
From: Richard Barker
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:25 PM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Dear Friends,
Please would you consider the following 2 minute video request for prayers for a potentially dangerous Middle Eastern situation?  If it finds a witness in your spirit, hit ‘Like’ and circulate/tell your friends.
Otherwise, watch Youtube here –
For regular readers I’ll shortly follow up with the background to this and how it connects into my February email about a 1992 vision of the change in Islam, as well as prayer-reconciliation for revival here – what ‘epic’ times we’re in!
Bless you