Military-related prophecy being fulfilled behind the scenes (PPU 97.1)

Most intriguing publication date for this word of 5th November, the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot of a group of dissident Catholics led by Guy Fawkes, who attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Consequently, a ‘guy’ is burned on bonfires across Britain each year.

Click image to read prophetic word brought by Julie Green (emphasis in extract mine):

“…Yes, My children, hold on and brace for the impact of everything that is about to take place. Brace for it. Brace for it. The military is on the move. Military movements are growing by the day. They are growing, I say. Watch the military because soon you will see them. Soon you will see them.

They cannot hide these things anymore. Soon you will see them because it is now time for advancement. It is time for advancement, advancement, advancement, for pushing back the enemies of Almighty God and taking away what was never theirs. 

This territory is Mine, and I have given this territory to you, My children. So, receive this day all that I say”, saith the Lord.


Following my postings on Devolution of the US government under President Trump and his role as Commander-in-Chief of ongoing military activities, as explained by veteran Derek Johnson, let’s note his explanations on 12th December on his Telegram channel (preview screen available), especially with the Israel’s war against hamas:

“Let’s do this breakdown again and show how NOTHING is a coincidence.

Army Manual from 2019 shows what was to come in Israel in the ‘future.’

June 24, 2018, tells the world: “U.S. Army leaders say the next war will be fought in mega-cities, but the service has embarked on an ambitious effort to prepare most of its combat brigades to fight, not inside, but beneath them.”

Tunnels = Subterranean Warfare.

18 June 24:

The Washington Examiner put this out on Aug. 1, 2019:

“The Army is preparing soldiers for the wars of the future by training them to fight in subway tunnels and sewers common to big cities.”


On Aug. 31, 2019, Business Insider covered this piece:

“DARPA is asking universities for access to their tunnels ASAP, and it’s because the US military thinks its next war will go underground.”


The Washington Examiner was very specific on how much of that half-billion:

“Army leaders intend to spend $572 million to train and equip 26 of its 31 combat brigades to do battle in underground complexes.”

CIC Trump has always said, “We will make them pay for it.”

‘It’ = whatever the topic is.

I guess that’s why his Executive Orders on vaccinations in 2019 had the CDC in them and they were not in the EOs of the likeness in 2020.

I guess that’s also why he HAMMERED Pharmaceutical Companies and declared war on Opioids / Drugs and Trafficking.

I guess that’s why he talks about ‘Quick Trials’ all the time and executing Drug Traffickers.

I guess that’s why he declared a War on Trafficking (ALL FORMS; because how else are they paid?) on December 20, 2019, in the War Powers Act of 1973, 50 USC §1550, accompanying multiple Executive Orders, but more specifically EO 13912, that made him a Wartime President via 50 USC §1621 and 10 USC §12302, all backed by the Military Justice Act of 2016, and multiple other laws and orders, when he Federalized 1 million Reserves to Active-Duty.

Reserves do not serve dual missions. They’re Federal only. The ONLY person who’s Federalized Reserves to Active-Duty is 45. That’s NOT a transferable command due to the type of Orders given.

I guess that’s why Reserves are in the sky daily and have been since certain Orders.

So, what are the odds, 26 days later, AFTER the Washington Examiner said the Army spent $572 million training soldiers for tunnels, on Aug. 27, 2019, Johnson and Johnson were ordered to pay $572 million?

“In a landmark decision, an Oklahoma judge on Monday ordered pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson to pay $572 million for its role in the state’s opioid crisis.”


Now let’s look at the 2019 Army Manual titled: “Shaping the Deep Fight: Operational Implications for the 21st Century Subterranean Conflict.”

When you click on manual, notice how Deep is in italics. Emphasis.

Look at Chapter 25 of the Manual:

“Hamas: Egypt-Gaza Cross Border Operations.”

I guess that’s why ALL mainstream headlines and articles in October and November 2023 talked about the war in Israel being taken to the Tunnels and Sewers.

I guess that’s why “Kamala” aka ‘Special K’ told the whole world that there were going to be NO (Zero) United States Soldiers in Israel.


I guess that’s why I have all these Military Aircraft on a public app flying around Israel and Egypt before AND after the news broke on Israel.

I guess that’s why in paragraph two of the introduction in the 2019 Army Manual, it says: “In 2017, the US Army allocated $572 million into training and equipping active duty brigades to fight in large scale subterranean facilities.”

Army Manual (dot MIL):

If you’ll also read on the front page of the Manual it specifically states:

“Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited”

It all adds up when you get propaganda, noise, and smoke blowers out of your life and insert a Veteran keeping Oath and showing you ALL what matters via current, bipartisan Laws and Orders paired with Military Laws and Orders.

The way we turn Americans around is by educating them on how “we the people” govern via Laws and Orders that support the Constitution.

Military L&O > Everything.” 🇺🇸

Visit Derek’s channel to view the dozens of military flight plans he monitors, the latest in regards to Zelensky’s visit to DC!!

Lastly, I recall this published in April 2021 (before I learned about Devolution):

Is US military about to act? PLUS confirmation of prophetic insight on ‘maSk’ and ‘maRk’ of the beast!

PS I now find that post inexplicably no longer shows the full text (even though readable in all revisions), but I allude briefly to it in this follow-up:

PPS: Found this weird formatting <div id=”IC1-ad” class=”sponsor IC1″> had hidden the following. (14/12) Now find another <p class=”ad-notice flipboard-remove”> that blanked out final para of quotation.
(NB:video link no longer public, so am very pleased to have taken notes.)

‘In response to widespread outrage that someone with the views of Torres-Estrada was being put in charge of hiring Navy SEALs – indeed, that an “office of diversity and inclusion” was even created in the first place for America’s Special Ops forces – Torres-Estrada was “reassigned” to other duties while his background and qualifications are investigated.’

‘You may realise I watch videos only occasionally, but last night this one notified on my phone was so ‘coincidental’ that it grabbed my attention right away:

Continue reading

[Oct 2020] Is Donald Trump’s heart for God’s Kingdom? – part 1: 2008-2017

There’s extensive heated discussion on the upcoming US election, of which my fellow ‘watcher’ John Barber’s Trumpwatch 35: Crunch Times presents an honest, balanced viewpoint.

According to Professor Wayne Grudem, author of the huge tome Systematic Theology on my bookshelf, “every time viewers heard a negative evaluation of Biden, they heard 158 negative evaluations of Trump. For every positive statement they heard about Trump, they heard 18 negative statements” (emphases mine). He doesn’t cite his source but we’ll revisit his opinion later.

Personally, after hearing the Lord say “This is all about to be fulfilled” upon opening my Bible 12 years ago (as recounted in The Endgame is Now in Play), I began paying close attention to events in the Middle-East, especially those related to Bible prophecy. Also, I began emailing some friends and church leaders in order to keep them appraised of the situation. This included monitoring American involvement through weekly reports from a Christian editor based in the White House. Things took a fascinating, surprising turn of direction with January 2017’s change in the US administration.

Yet politics turns almost all Christians in Britain off because of its nature and public distrust of politicians. However, choosing to remain ignorant seriously affects our grasp of how the Lord and His servants work behind the scenes. Much as I respect all church leaders, too few appreciate the prophetic – even accepting media’s deception.

UNEASE OVER TRUMP Continue reading

Time to revisit the corkscrew nature of Time!

A couple of points struck me upon reading Wanda Alger’s blog upon her friend Lora Allison’s dream of how Donald Trump’s destiny will be revealed. One point was when she saw a spiral stairway because 7 years ago I’d had an insight about the nature of Time and thus wrote several blogs on the subject. The result was my setting up a static reference hub in the blog’s menu, viz:

  1. Eternity and Prophecy
  2. The Nature of Time
  3. Cycles and the Bible
  4. The Natural Year
  5. Historically Significant April

Time is directly related to this blog’s oft-recurring topic of ‘God-incidents’, ie. serendipity, or ‘happy coincidences’, especially those connected to our relationship with God. For a brief introduction to this visit the ‘God-incidents’ hub, and many posts may be read under that term’s tag.  

More importantly for our present purposes and as an introduction to the spiral nature of Time, where its passage may be compared to a corkscrew, I invite you to read what I posted on 5th March 2015 – especially as it leads into considering Revelation 13 and strategies of the hater of humanity relating to the Middle-East, and of which more very alarming ones are being exposed in Britain and USA.

May the Lord bless you as you consider…


A fast fortnight ploughed a deep furrow along a cycle of time – ‘a wheel within the greater wheel’ of End-time events…

Bells start ringing that we’ve been here before – and at this time of year too! – like fresh, bright-yellow daffodil bells I see springing up outside!  Let me to add to what others are doing as ‘prep’ for 2015…

Spiral stairway to cloudsTime is non-linear.  Our analytical mindsets think time’s a straight line. Often we see time-lines listing events in history – or use one for our own life.

The passage of time and events is seasonal; ie. cyclical. I regard time like a spiral for, when considered dynamically under the interaction of various influences, it’s just like a corkscrew being turned. Nature provides an excellent example that carries information – the DNA spiral.

Spiral stairs franky242Another example: on a spiral staircase we pass by different walls. If it’s in a castle turret there’d be a doorway on each floor and in the same vertical wall of the well. Regard this wall as a certain kind of event and note how it connects with us, or is relevant to us, at different times and levels.

Hence, various types of event can crop up in a cyclical pattern of repetitions at different levels and show some development has taken place. So it is in history and with God’s plans too, could we but be aware, or receive revelation. Continue reading

Is Donald Trump’s heart for God’s Kingdom? – part 1: 2008-2017

There’s extensive heated discussion on the upcoming US election, of which my fellow ‘watcher’ John Barber’s Trumpwatch 35: Crunch Times presents an honest, balanced viewpoint.

According to Professor Wayne Grudem, author of the huge tome Systematic Theology on my bookshelf, “every time viewers heard a negative evaluation of Biden, they heard 158 negative evaluations of Trump. For every positive statement they heard about Trump, they heard 18 negative statements” (emphases mine). He doesn’t cite his source but we’ll revisit his opinion later.

Personally, after hearing the Lord say “This is all about to be fulfilled” upon opening my Bible 12 years ago (as recounted in The Endgame is Now in Play), I began paying close attention to events in the Middle-East, especially those related to Bible prophecy. Also, I began emailing some friends and church leaders in order to keep them appraised of the situation. This included monitoring American involvement through weekly reports from a Christian editor based in the White House. Things took a fascinating, surprising turn of direction with January 2017’s change in the US administration.

Yet politics turns almost all Christians in Britain off because of its nature and public distrust of politicians. However, choosing to remain ignorant seriously affects our grasp of how the Lord and His servants work behind the scenes. Much as I respect all church leaders, too few appreciate the prophetic – even accepting media’s deception.


Consequently, pastors are prone to dismiss prophetic insights, as have national prayer and healing ministry leaders I know! After circulating the video of Trump declaring Jesus Christ is more famous than himself to some local church leaders, I got a gentle rebuke from one of them, whose email quotes two scriptures relating to his unease over Trump, and encourages me to look carefully at the fruit of his words, attitudes, values and actions: “I have to say that I struggle to see the values of Jesus or a heart for His Kingdom in what I have seen over the years.”

This is not surprising as he admits to not being well-informed on politics and, in view of Trump’s seemingly peculiar character, his cynicism is understandable. He offers, I suspect that many have done this for votes or political advantage – and few have actually been in submission to God and on His side. I pray that Trump and Biden both get to this place, and that God’s will is done and His Kingdom comes in the US election.”

AT least we can stand in agreement and I say a definite ‘AMEN’ to his closing prayer!

Even so, I can’t let the opportunity go by without sharing some facts for the sake of his being better informed. So I sent a short briefing based upon what I’d already said in my email with the video: “In thirty five years watching events relating to Bible prophecy, and involvement in the prophetic for the latter half of that time, plus keeping close tabs on US administrations since 2009, I do not recall being so blessed with how the Lord graciously used me as this week.”

I since realise my reply, expanded by some post-2009 observations, may be of some help to my readers on both sides of ‘the Pond’. First, the church leader’s criticisms based upon:

BRIEFING 1 – re. scripture

“These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Matt 15:8) – Reply: “This can refer to Democrats’ leaders Obama and Biden (supposedly Catholic yet a RC bishop of Tennessee asks him “At your judgment before God, how will you explain changing your position about abortion and how will you explain promoting no limits and allowing all protections removed protecting the most innocent? Will you tell God you supported the ultimate child abuse because of the American Constitution?”)”

“By their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matt 7:16) – Reply: “Some is obvious in Trump’s attempting to return Kingdom values back into public life (eg his Pro-life stance and his supporting ‘March For Life’) and nomination of Amy Barrett for a Supreme Justice, as well as furthering Father’s prophesied purposes for the state of Israel.”

BRIEFING 2 – re. President OBAMA

May 2009 – Early in his first term Obama met Netanyahu to discuss the latter’s 2-state solution for the Middle-East….involved attempts to turn the Arab world and Europe against Israel, and to appease Iran – even to ‘blackmailing’ Israel over its nuclear defence! (Obama wanted to be able to use Iran’s territory for supplying US troops in Afghanistan/Pakistan.) Also, there’s been dismay in Cairo and Riyadh over his courting the terrorist mentors in Teheran. No wonder Egypt and S.Arabia – both kept militarily informed by Israel – and five Gulf emirates turned a deaf ear to Obama’s secret (and 3rd) delegation seeking hundreds of billions dollars investment in US and global economic stimulus plans! That weekend a political furore gripped Washington and frayed Obama’s key policies.

June 2009 – Obama’s infamous Cairo speech to Muslim world included delegates from the banned Muslim Brotherhood who were invited at Obama’s specific request against president Mubarak’s wishes. I express reservations about his claims as a Christian and historian as he negated known facts and gave an Arabic and Palestinian narrative!

These indicated Obama’s direction of travel in being thoroughly anti-Israel, getting MB members in his administration (as well as throwing pres Mubarak ‘under a bus’ and creating a diplomatic rift with Saudi Arabia!) and courting the terrorist regime of Iran.

He was also plainly anti-Christian in taking no action whatsoever against Islamist violence against Nigerian Christians; wanting American black churches to turn away from Biblical principles of marriage; promoting and celebrating lgbt and same-sex marriage nationally and globally; increasing accessibility of abortions and making US overseas financial dependent upon receiving countries introducing legislation to facilitate abortion (Ie. modern-day practice of abominable child sacrifice in worship to false-god Molech.)

Here’s a brief review of Obama’s legacy upon Israel .

BRIEFING 3 – re. President TRUMP

During his 2016 campaign, REUTERS STOPPED RECORDING on Sunday (4 Sept) as Donald Trump received a standing ovation at a black church and praise from African-American Bishop Wayne T. Jackson in Detroit. As Pastor Jackson presented Trump with a Hebrew shawl (tallit), a Jewish Bible, and offered his prayers, the black audience cheered and clapped. As a Reuters cameraman became suddenly aware of the strong impact of the moment, a voice is heard off-camera saying, “He’s getting a shawl!” The cameraman then says, “I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say….I’ll take a demotion for this“ – but the feed got cut!

Just before his inauguration The Times interviewed Donald Trump with Tory party MP and ex-leader of the Brexit campaign, Michael Gove and reported: ‘Britain and America will get a new trade deal “done quickly and done properly”, Donald Trump said on Sunday night as he promised he would help make Brexit great. The US president-elect praised Britain for voting to leave the European Union, saying: “People, countries, want their own identity, and the UK wanted its own identity”. (emphasis mine)

It’s not so much that Trump trashes Obama’s ‘mobster-style’ threat, made during his visit to support ex-PM Cameron, to send Britain “to the back of the queue” in trade negotiations if we to vote to get out of the EU…more that Trump’s incisive remark about Britons wanting our own identity tallies so closely with a four years-old prophetic word brought by Revd Dr Sharon Stone. His remark demonstrates that, both nations’ new and radically different leadership that’s come into office through exceptionally unusual circumstances, IS ALIGNING WITH THE LORD’S STATED PURPOSES AND DESTINY FOR OUR NATIONS. (Fulfilled Prophecy #15)

Inauguration 20 Jan 2017Unprecedented Prayer On Display

Prayer played a major role in the inauguration of Donald Trump. The ceremony featured six religious leaders, more than any other inauguration in history. The list included Paula White, one of his spiritual advisors, Rev. Franklin Graham, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Rabbi Marvin Hier, and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson.

Read Trump’s Inaugural Speech, Mentions of Faith Compared to Past Presidents

Black History Month (Feb 2020) ‘African-American religious and political leaders lay their hands on Donald Trump as they pray for him at a White House reception to mark Black History month. The US president vowed to deliver ‘abundant’ equal opportunities for all.’

And check out Trump’s dealing with the Nigerian President over Christian persecution:

PS. After the Inauguration, William Koenig notes in Eye View From The White House:

“There is great hope with President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. They will need our prayers daily because the tasks at hand are enormous and very serious. I rejoice at the change because it has been very tough being in the White House press corps the last eight years.

“I am ready for greater involvement in the pressroom and keeping you up-to-date on what is taking place behind the scenes. Fortunately, Trump, Pence, Conway, Priebus, Bannon, Spicer and the nominees are very pro-Christian, pro-Evangelical and pro-Israel. This is truly a new day for believers in Yeshua.”

  1. 2008-2017 (as above)
  2. 2017-2020 – Dismantling Obama’s Legacy
  3. President Trump’s Personal Faith
  4. President Trump’s Faith In Action.
  5. President Trump’s Worship & Belief
  6. Truth Social, and Bible Prophecy?

PS: 20th Anniversary of 9/11 –  Pres. Trump Shares 21 Days National Prayer Call

Game-changing moment: Egyptian President Sisi makes history building largest church in the Mideast…


A most historically noteworthy event reported by Joel Rosenberg. Perhaps we’re heading towards fulfillment of Isaiah 19:23 on a highway being built from Egypt to Assyria and that both nations will form an alliance with Israel…

(Cairo, Egypt) — It’s impossible to overstate how historic this is: a pious Sunni Muslim Arab President builds the largest church in the Middle East and gives it as a Christmas present to the Christians of his country. Can you remember the last time this happened? Neither can I. Yet this is precisely what happened […]

via Game-changing moment: Egyptian President Sisi makes history building largest church in the Mideast. Our Evangelical Delegation was honored to be here for the opening. A few thoughts. — Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog

Bible Update: Zech 12:2-3 – PA leader’s 25-year strategy broken over Jerusalem

The oracle of the word of the LORD affirming Israel. Thus says the LORD, who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him:
“Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness (‘threshold of shivering’) to all surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.
‘And it shall happen in that day that will I make Jerusalem a very heavy (burdensome) stone for all peoples: all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered (together) against it”. (Zechariah 12:1-3 NKJV with KJV per Hebrew)

Having long bitten the hand that feeds it, the Palestinian Authority’s President Abbas has now received a long overdue “slap in the face’. The Holocaust denier’s reaction was to threaten war! So he’ll break upon the ‘burdensome stone’ that is the ‘apple’ of the Holy One of Israel’s ‘eye’!

Trump-Abbas Credit: Reuters

Within the past week he’s thrown the biggest tantrum over Trump’s moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem and introducing a way to overcome the PA’s continual intransigence over the ‘peace’ process. BUT the proposal is not that of Donald Trump alone (nor Israel’s) but comes in tandem with the Arab nations of Saudia Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates!

Courtesy Koenig’s WWD headlines/extracts (with emphases mine), the sequence of recent events reads:

  • Abbas Cancels Peace Negotiations Due to Saudi-leaked Jerusalem Plan‘(PA) President Mahmoud Abbas decided to deliver Sunday’s speech – in which he ruled out a peace process as long as Donald Trump is US president – after parts of Trump’s Middle East peace plan were leaked to him by the Saudis, Channel 2 reported on Tuesday night. Even before Sunday’s speech, Ben Caspit of The Jerusalem Post’s Hebrew sister paper Maariv reported last week that Abbas was angered by the preliminary reports of Trump’s plan that the Saudis had given him. The report said those leaks were the real reason Abbas did not intend to return to the negotiating table, and not Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.’
  • Abbas: “Jerusalem is the Gate of Peace or War – Trump Must Choose” – ‘(PA) President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday continued to rail against US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, cautioning that actions taken in the city could spark a future war, while also advocating a “peaceful” path. “Jerusalem is the gate of peace and war — Trump must choose,” said Abbas, who was at a conference in the Al Azhar University in Cairo on “global support for Jerusalem.” While warning of war, the 82-year-old Palestinian leader also reiterated several times that the only way forward for Palestinians to oppose both American and Israeli policies involved peaceful means.“A popular and peaceful resistance is the path that will succeed and that we will continue on,” Abbas said.
  • Trump Cuts UNRWA Funding Amid Abbas Assault ‘The Trump administration informed the UN Relief and Works Agency on Tuesday that it was cutting tens of millions of dollars in aid to the organization, amid an escalating diplomatic crisis between Washington and Ramallah, a US official told The Jerusalem Post. President Donald Trump heeded the advice of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster – in addition to that of the Israeli government – and agreed to transfer $60 million to the UN body for now, as opposed to cutting all funding outright. But the remaining pledge of $65m. has been withheld “for future consideration,” according to a letter sent to the agency. While the policy decision came out of the State Department, which faced a UN dues payment this week, the question of how to proceed became an interagency debate among Trump’s top foreign policy staff and involved the president himself. Only one of those figures – Nikki Haley, Trump’s ambassador to the UN – advocated for a full and immediate aid cut.’
  • (At UN) Haley Takes PA to Task After ‘Hateful’ Comments by AbbasIn her first official reaction to (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’s fiery speech this week, US Envoy to UN Nikki Haley said Washington is “not going to pay to be abused.”  Speaking during a wide-ranging interview…Haley took the PA to task. “Don’t think that you can sit there and say hateful things about us and turn around and write you a check. It’s wrong in every turn,” she said.

    Abbas effectively threw in the towel over the weekend, offering a scathing speech targeting the US administration generally and President Donald Trump personally by dismissing their peace effort and calling for his “house to be destroyed.”  “Damn your money!” Abbas declared. Israeli politicians and Jewish American groups decried the speech as a racist diatribe that revealed Abbas’s true colors. The speech included conspiracy theories and fundamental questioning of the existence and justification for a Jewish state. Abbas also reiterated his position that the US could no longer be seen as a fair broker in future peace talks.

    “We’re not going to reward bad behavior,” Haley said. “Here you’ve got the Palestinians who are basically saying they’re going to cut the US out of the peace process. They’re saying they no longer want to have anything to do with us. They go and take us to the United Nations and try, basically, are very hostile in what they say and what they do. We’re not going to pay to be abused. It doesn’t make sense.”

As ever, pre-MSM news outlet DebkaFile provides good insights in Abbas’ Ultimatum to Trump: Choose Between Palestinian Jerusalem or War. This in-depth analysis opens – and note opinion about EU funding.:

‘Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas kicked back hard after grasping he was confronted with an orderly, Arab-backed US peace plan that left his strategy in ruins. Abbas now sees he is cornered by his nemesis: Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, was not just a one-off whim, but a component of the “deal of the century,” which the US president and his advisers had crafted for months together with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman and the UAE ruler Sheikh Muhammed Bin Ziyad.
‘The Palestinian leader’s first predicament was how to explain to the Palestinian and Arab public what happened to his master strategy of the past 25 years, for using world opinion to force a pro-Palestinian peace solution down Israel’s throat. Not too long ago, Abbas boasted he was about to pull it off. Now it is crashing before his eyes. It is not enough for him to yell that the “deal of the century” is the “slap of the century.”
‘Here and there, he may find international pro-Palestinian stalwarts, but the doors are slamming shut as funds for UN bodies and NGOs dry up. Even the Europeans, who dislike Trump and sympathize with the Palestinians, are beginning to think twice about sticking to a blunt line against the US and Israel. They are reluctant to buck the two allies’ partners, the oil-rich Saudi and Emirate rulers, a luxury they can ill-afford in these times of profound economic decline.’

The known details of the plan are noteworthy: ‘Much of the criticism of the US-Arab peace plan is prompted by a misapprehension. The plan is based strongly on a two-state solution that offers the Palestinians their own state and negates bi-national Israeli-Palestinian statehood. But the contours are different from any former peace proposal. Gone for good are the pre-1967 war lines which were Abbas’ sine qua non. According to the fragments leaked about the new proposal, which is still on the work bench, this Palestinian state would rise on territory currently governed by the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria…

‘This plan for Palestinian statehood bears little resemblance to the goal of the 50-year old Palestinian struggle. The Palestinian national movement has consistently aspired to a state that would swallow Israel and extinguish the Zionist visionFor Abbas this prospect is anathema. He is so beside himself that on Sunday, he cursed the house of US President Donald Trump before the PLO central committee. But, then on Monday, Jan 16, Trump whipped out his ultimate weapon and slashed aid to the UN Works and Relief Agency for Palestinian refugees, from $165m to $60m..’ (read in full here).

FASCINATING! As Bill Koenig says, “The Bible is playing out right before our eyes.”

Recommended reading:
  1. Melanie Philips’ deep knowledge of this man’s character and history is very revealing.  Her article on his speech, Abbas Tears Of the Mask, concludes,‘In short, Britain and the EU continue to support, validate and this connive at an agenda aimed at the extermination of Israel promoted by hallucinatory lies and libels about the Jewish people along with gross Holocaust denial.

    ‘Abbas’s speech should be sent to every member of the British parliament, and the Prime Minister, Theresa May, should be asked how Britain can continue to give any money at all to such open anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. She should be asked how the British government can continue to support giving such people a state of their own. She should be asked why the British government has ignored this horrifying reality, and the constant mortal danger it poses for the Israelis, for so long.

    ‘But then, many British people will be unaware of the appalling nature of Abbas’s speech since the BBC chose to bowdlerise it, as BBC Watch observes.

    ‘Abbas clearly felt he had nothing to lose by making this speech. America has made clear it will no longer give the time of day to such an unconscionable agenda. Only Britain and the EU continue to keep it alive, to their undying shame.’

    2. Cont’d in Zecharia 2:8-9 as root of Europe’s migrant crisis and of UK’s ‘Brexit’.

Prophetic Scripture Update #5 cont’d: Rosenberg on Putin summit with Iranian & Turkish leaders to strengthen anti-Western alliance…Trouble for Israel.

(Jerusalem, Israel) — After several years of darkness falling on the Middle East, we’re actually seeing quite a bit of good news in recent months. The U.S.-led coalition of Sunni Arab countries is systematically crushing the Islamic State. The Caliphate has been dismantled. ISIS jihadists are still a threat, but they’re being driven out of […]

Click to read in full > Ominous: Putin holds summit with Iranian & Turkish leaders to strengthen anti-Western alliance, discuss next steps in Syria. Trouble for Israel. Here’s the latest. — Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog

Paws-4-thought: Kingdom-related events since lightning strike on Mecca’s Grand Mosque

Won’t you pause to ponder and praise the Lord with me? Let’s look back briefly and consider how the prophetic has a place in diplomatic circles.

After a lightning strike damaged Mecca’s Grand Mosque just over two years ago I’ve noticed many changes are under way in Saudi Arabia and the M-East generally. Developments indicative of major spiritual and diplomatic changes in Muslim leaders’ relationships with and their attitudes toward Christians, and Israel in particular, are quietly emerging.

Late in the year of the ‘blood-moon tetrad‘ (2015) I closed a series of posts on the years’ spectacular events with Why this September is special: Update #2 – Islam, which referred to a lightning strike in Mecca. Under the sub-head ‘Anniversary of 9/11 Atrocity’ I wrote:

‘On the anniversary of this century’s ‘day of infamy’ for New York, I noted another event seemed to connect into the collapse of the Twin Towers – as well as possibly being of God, or was it simply coincidence?  Lightning from a severe thunderstorm in Mecca struck a tall crane, which collapsed into the Grand Mosque thereby killing and injuring hundreds.

‘The construction engineer is quoted as saying, “It was an act of God”. A ‘very saddened’ British imam is reputed to have said, “It’s a blessing in disguise for those killed”. Four days later Saudi Arabia’s King Salman suspended contracts for the construction company, which is owned by the Bin Laden family!

‘Nevertheless, it ‘struck’ me that it’s a mirror ‘action replay’ on the 14th anniversary of the attack upon America, inspired as it was by the teachings and practices of the Meccan founder of Islam. That is, the very heart of the homeland and faith of those modern religious plotters and perpetrators was visited by an almost similar ‘toppling of a tower’. Also, my first impression was of The Almighty throwing down the gauntlet to confront satan. It’s far, far too uncanny not to be of poignant significance!’

The necessity of brevity means we’ll avoid itemising all subsequent events, except the notable one, and overlooking Crown Prince Muhammad’s radical reforms, your attention is drawn to recent events with his main Sunni Muslim allies of Egypt and Jordan.

This year’s change of US administration brought a complete sea-change not only in US-Arab diplomacy but also between USA and Israel. In his first foreign trip as the POTUS, Donald Trump addressed the 2017 Riyadh Summit in Saudi Arabia with a well-crafted speech. I re-blogged Joel Rosenberg’s report Trump boldly urges Muslim leaders to “drive out the terrorist and extremists” from their nations and mosques with this intro’:

‘Note Trump’s accurate description of Islamic terror as “battle between Good and Evil” (read prepared speech.)  All a mighty contrast to Obama’s deep rift with Riyadh in 2011 for betraying Egypt’s president Mubarak as a consequence of having invited the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to his 2009 Cairo speech plus his back-channel dealings with Iran, as I reported just over 8 years ago in Today’s Importance in History (18 May 2009)!’

Christian Leaders Meet Middle-East’s Leaders

THEREFORE, with those two historic and highly significant events in mind let’s look at the latest news from Joel Rosenberg of his delegation of evangelical leaders’ top-level meetings in Egypt and Jordan. Tap/click links to read his reports in full:

1st Nov > Today in Cairo, Egyptian President Sisi Welcomed First-ever Delegation of Christian Leaders for 3-hour MeetingI had opportunity to meet Egyptian President el-Sisi in Washington in April.  What I could not say at the time was that…the President invited me to bring a delegation of Evangelical Christian leaders to visit him in Cairo, as well as to meet other senior Egyptian government officials and religious leaders. We’ve been working on this with his staff and advisors ever since, and today the project not only became a reality but was far more than I could possibly have hoped for…’ 

2nd Nov > Arab & Israeli media provide inside details of President el-Sisi’s historic meeting Evangelical Christian leaders in Cairo : …’Rosenberg, who was born to a Jewish father, told Haaretz that he was surprised at the level of interest expressed by the Egyptians in the delegation. “For the leader of Egypt to invite a Christian group to sit with him, discuss what he’s doing, talk about some of the difficult issues, that’s very impressive. I was hoping we could get ten minutes with him, and eventually we got almost three hours. From our side, the important thing was to show our appreciation for his fight against terrorism and extremism, for his commitment to peace and security ties with Israel, and for saving Egypt from the darkness of the Muslim Brotherhood.”…

8th Nov > Jordan’s King Abdullah II welcomes Evangelical Christian Delegation at Palace in Amman. Leaders thank King for advancing peace, fighting terrorism, caring for refugees and protecting Christians : ‘The meeting capped three days of meetings between Delegation members and senior government officials; Evangelical, Catholic and Muslim leaders in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; and a moving visit to the Zaatari Refugee Camp near the Syrian border….’

Kingdom Presence & Prophecy

An insight upon another quite different aspect of spiritual diplomacy on behalf of the King of Kings was shared at Revd Dr Sharon Stone’s mentoring day last Saturday – it’s that of the office and function of God’s prophet.

As part of his material, the speaker for the first session taught about the student’s ‘work’ or assignment in the Lord as being the prime driver and energizer in their lives. As God created air for birds to fly through so He created His Kingdom in which His presence manifests and in which His saints are to function. Therein, Holy Spirit’s words and power comes to His people. Those anointed in the office of prophet are to create a Kingdom atmosphere in order to do their ‘work’.  So, without the presence of God any ministry is impossible. The question is, how’s this done in secular, even governmental, meetings?

In giving an example this speaker surprised us by telling about when he was invited to a meeting in Geneva, at the United Nations, and expected to prophesy to some government leaders. In meeting ‘the world’ with every race, creed and culture present, he realised the need to avoid jargon, or ‘churchese’.

‘Why? What am I trying to do? I’m trying to conquer an air-space; I’m trying to bring a Kingdom atmosphere into an already world-atmosphere. And there’s nothing more like world atmosphere, I promise you, than being at the UN…every ambassador, diplomat and delegate is there and I’m in front of a couple and of course I don’t know if they’re Christians. So I’m not going to say “Thus saith the Lord”. All I’m going to do is speak the Word of God  into the atmosphere and drop Truth, even in this place. And so I said (to X and Y), “I don’t know who you are but I see you’re in between two intense negotiations right now and I see…”

He gave the gathered students just a tiny peek of the bigger picture he was giving them about their personal work and how the Lord is helping. They then asked the prophet, “You don’t know who we are, do you?” – “No” he replied.

It turns out they’re Donald Trump’s envoys and the prophet continued: ‘(Then) as I’m speaking the atmosphere changes, all of a sudden the Kingdom of God came in and the next day – and the next day – there was momentum to minister to most of the diplomats…Why? Because we can change the atmosphere with the prophetic!’

The speaker explained how this principle works by alluding to the military strategy of  ‘air supremacy’ – so too, with prophecy and intercessory prayer.

Russia/Iran’s, the Gog-Magog coalition’s, game-changer

I’ve been twice ‘nudged’ to check Israel’s politico-military-diplomatic intelligence website Debkafile. The first time was just before I was about to go offline for dinner last night, only hours after having posted Prophetic Scripture Update #4.

Not only did I find news of expanding Russian-Iranian military cooperation in Syria, and inserted a linked ‘alert’ at the close of that post, but also I found the website’s layout had been changed within those four hours. Then first thing at my desk this morning I got another ‘nudge’!  I regularly check links within blogs before publication, but in view of that new site I again checked all Debka links in that post only to find they now give a ‘404’ unavailability error.

Readers who may have tried them without success should now try again via above link.

Photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/Pool/Flash90

Notwithstanding PM Netanyahu’s frequent meetings and contacts with president Putin, Russia is radically ramping up its direct involvement with Iranian-backed forces in Syria against ISIS. Also, in refusing to permit/oversee a wide buffer-zone between Syria and Israel as well as enabling an Iranian corridor through Syria to the Mediterranean, Russia is turning a blind eye to Iranian forces coming within easy striking distance of Israel.

[1pm breaking news: Israel shoots down Hizballah drone over Golan Heights border.]

Even so, the Lord has this and every outcome subject to His sovereign purposes:

“So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel and I will not let them profane My Holy Name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel…” (Ezek 39:7)…”I will set My glory among the nations; all the nations shall see My judgement which I have executed and My hand which I have laid on them…” (Ezek 39:21)

The following extracts give an idea how on-the-ground conditions are lining up with the Gog-Magog prophecies. AND let’s not overlook contemporary words from the Lord about His shaking the earth and heavens!

Last night’s Syrian/Hizballah may call up Russian air-strikes as cooperation deepens

  • ‘The license now awarded to Syrian and pro-Iranian Hizballah commanders to contact the operations rooms of Russian air squadrons, without going through the main Russian air base at Hmeimim in Latakia or the Syrian high command in Damascus, dramatically boosts the autonomy of Syrian, Hizballah and Iranian commanders in the field…(all emphases mine)
  • ‘Word of this game-changer was delivered by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, (to) Syrian ruler Bashar Assad in Damascus last Thursday, Sept. 14…(he) then flew to Tehran – this time in secret – to discuss Russia’s new operation plans for Syria with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Military leaders.
  • ‘DEBKAfile’s military sources note that the actions set in train by Shoigu have radically ramped up Russia’s military cooperation in Syria with Iran, Syria and Hizballah. They were timed to take place shortly before President Donald Trump’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at UN Center in New York on Monday, Sept. 19…
  • ‘The Kremlin was also putting Washington on notice that, after investing massive military and financial resources in Syria, it had no intention to let pro-American forces share in the kudos of the final victory over the Islamic State in Syria, which belonged solely to the Russian-Syrian-Iranian-Hizballah war alliance…’

This morning’s Russian pontoons convey Syrian forces across Euphrates –

  • ‘Hailed as one of the most important military feats of the Syrian war. DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Hizballah forces are part of the contingent crossing the river…
  • ‘While the rhetoric flows from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s talks with world leaders in New York, a profound strategic event is taking place on the Syrian-Iraqi border: Iran is winning a land corridor through Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean Sea with Russian support but without the US or Israel taking any counteraction…
  • ‘Iran’s new army chief, Maj. Gen. Abdolrahim Mousavi, threatened Monday to raze Haifa and Tel Aviv to the ground if Israel makes any mistake…‘ (rant omited!)

I won’t copy his threatening the destruction of Israel within 25 years as we’re well aware of our heavenly Father’s contempt for such plans. It is written:

“Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against I the LORD and against My Anointed, they have said to themselves, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us, But I the Lord who sits in the heavens shall laugh, I the LORD shall hold them in derision”. (Psalm 2:1-4)

MOREOVER, back in April a seer known to my readers had a vision in which she heard those preceding verses and records:

‘Then suddenly I came out of the encounter and I was fully awake. Immediately I began to pray in the Spirit concerning what I had seen and what I had heard, then the Holy Spirit showed me again a great, severe and violent shaking that is about to take place in many Nations in the Earth. Then I heard these words,


Meanwhile, Egypt’s president el-Sisi and PM Netanyahu have held a most amicable first publicly-announced meeting during the opening day of UN General Assembly. (Times of Israel describes it as ‘Egyptian leader showing his mettle by posing with Netanyahu’!)

Meeting Egyptian President el-Sisi, the man who wants to “rebrand” Egypt.

Important insights from Joel Rosenberg so be sure to link into his fuller background report covering Obama and the MB. Noteworthy that initials of the enemy of civilisation are this leader’s surname in reverse!

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog


(Central Israel) — This morning, The Jerusalem Post published a new column of mine. In it, I describe my recent meeting with the leader of Egypt and three distinct impressions of him that I walked away with. Below, you’ll find a few excerpts, and a link to the full column on the Post website.

I ask all Christians around the world to continue praying for the Christians of Egypt as they mourn those killed and comfort those wounded and traumatized in two savage suicide bombings there on Palm Sunday. Please also continue praying for the leaders of Egypt as they battle the radicals and work to improve security — and the economy — for Christians and all their citizens.

As I noted yesterday, these attacks were not isolated incidents. Rather, “they are the latest salvos in a dangerous new ISIS offensive to destabilize Egypt, and they underscore the urgency of close Egyptian security cooperation with both the U.S. and Israel to neutralize this jihadist threat.”…

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Mark Davidson’s best guess End-Time timeline

Many thanks for this very useful summary and how well timed in view of one of my readers’ comments on vision of heavenly council meeting on UK. For a summary of Mark’s theories read Four Signposts of the Books of Daniel and The Apocalypse.

Egyptian & Jordanian leaders head to Washington to meet with Trump. Will discuss Iran, ISIS & Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

What a refreshing change after ex-Potus Obama threw Egypt’s Mubarak ‘under the bus’ after being duped by the Muslim Brotherhood. (For latest info see: The MB, Fountain of Islamist Violence.)

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Abdullah-elSisi-5(Washington, D.C.) — President Trump’s efforts to rebuild deeply strained relations with America’s Sunni Arab Muslim allies continue full speed ahead this week.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has just departed Cairo and is currently headed for Washington. On Monday, April 3rd, he will meet with  Trump.

  • This will be the Egyptian leader’s first time to the White House.
  • President Obama never invited him but rather treated him nearly as persona non grata during his administration, denouncing el-Sisi for removing the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist regime from power in the summer of 2013 and suspending aid and military sales to Egypt for a time.
  • This will actually be el-Sisi’s second meeting with Mr. Trump.
  • Their first meeting was on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York last September during the presidential campaign. At the time, el-Sisi also met with Hillary Clinton.
  • The Egyptian president was also the first leader to call Mr. Trump the…

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Update on Update 2 – Islamist terror

It’s intriguing that whilst I was writing my unplanned previous post about Saudi Arabia that news was breaking on King Salman’s action against Islamic terrorism.

Debka Breaking News reports,

‘new counter-terrorism coalition announced Tuesday by Saudi Arabia, includes 34 nations with large and established armies such as Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, war-torn countries such as Libya and Yemen and African nations under terror assault, such as Mali, Chad, Somalia and Nigeria. But Shiite Iran is not a member, nor Iraq which has a large Shiite majority. The new alliance would be Saudi-led and its operations center based in Riyadh. It will be committed to fighting terrorism which “is forbidden by Islam as a serious violation of human dignity and rights, especially the right to life and the right to security.”
‘DEBKAfile: No organizations are mentioned by name in the statement – including the Islamic State.The durability of this alliance is widely compared to that of the 65-member anti-ISIS coalition often hailed by President Obama – long on paper, short in action.’

Bible’s prophetic vision of Daniel being fulfilled today

Astonished! And doubly so! LOL!  Not by events, actions or words – but by a map on Friday.

And astonished today too!  First thing, I got an email from the designer of a map that I’d started writing about yesterday – he too was working on the same map yesterday!

Christians have no excuse for not knowing End-times prophecies began coming to fruition a hundred years ago in the Holy Land. After learning about them 30 years ago and then being born-again, I noticed the pace of prophecy picking up around the Millennium. In launching this blog I referred to the importance of eschatology and the acceleration in End-times – and others more qualified than me were saying so (Not many people know this). Now, we’re witnessing the modern manifestation of the battles foreseen in Daniel chapter 8, not between ancient empires but their descendants.

But now, in 2015, the manifestation of yet-to-be fulfilled Biblical prophecies is rapid!

At morning coffee last Friday we quickly scanned our newspaper’s front page. Nina tore out the crossword and I went straight for Con Coughlin’s op-ed buried in the middle pages. This expert with 25 years experience on international terrorism and Middle-East, writing in Saudi airstrikes add fuel to bitter rivalries about Yemen, asks “Whose wars are we fighting in the Middle East?”

Courtesy of DebkaFile

Courtesy of DebkaFile

It was a welcome rest after a busy day getting a long post published as I’d worked on it for three weeks. But within an hour incoming news needed to be inserted. It was about Sunni Arab leaders taking military action but without any reference to Washington; and my post of August 2010 had referred to the diplomatic unease. As I like maps I’d noted the associated map shown here – click thereon for link to Special Report.

So that was at the back of my mind on Friday. But now I saw, slap-bang in the middle of Con Coughlin’s piece, this huge map taking up half the width of the Telegraph broadsheet page. It depicts countries following different forms of Islam:

Great Divide: Sunnis & Shias - credit Telegraph

In connection with that Thursday post’s reference to ‘squabbles over succession’ upon Muhammad’s death, Con explains how this brought a rift in Islam,

The split between Sunnis and Shias begins with the death of the prophet Mohammed in 632 AD, and the battle to succeed him as the first Muslim caliph. Sunnis say his brother-in-law Abu Bakr was the rightful heir; Shias say it should have been his cousin and son-in-law, Ali. It came to a head at the Battle of Karbala in modern-day Iraq in 680 AD with the death of Ali’s son Hussein at the hands of the Sunni army – an event which is still commemorated today.

Prophetical maps

However, my immediate first impression was of this map’s similarity not to the Debka map but to two others shown in Daniel Revisited. Mark Davidson illustrates how Old Testament prophet Daniel’s visions of far-future battles between powerful nations, as symbolised by a ‘ram’ and a ‘goat’ in Daniel 8, may relate to ones yet to come between Shiite Iran and Sunni Egypt, Turkey and Arabia. Upon checking this, I was again astonished to note the emphasis of Iranian action towards Yemen, as below:

Daniel Rev fig 10-2

From Daniel Revisited: COPYRIGHT Mark Davidson 2012, used with permission.

Furthermore, the latest news was of Saudi Arabia AND Egypt attacking Yemen to break Iranian influence, particularly to protect shipping – especially oil tankers! – to/from the Suez Canal via the Red Sea:

Courtesy of Mark Davidson, from Daniel Revisited.

From Daniel Revisited: COPYRIGHT Mark Davidson 2012, used with permission.

For an introduction to Mark’s important thesis read Four Signposts of the Books of Daniel and the Apocalypse (highly recommended overview).  His latest sound analysis on Iran is at Daniel 8 and the First Signpost.

Another article in Friday paper’s business section about a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran raising anxiety over oil prices reminded me of what I’d suggested in July 2014. On this I concluded Middle-East events and fulfillment of Bible prophecy as follows:

In my opinion, we may be about to witness major upheavals that will affect not only the ancient world’s centers of civilisation but also the modern world’s global petro-economy.

I had in mind that hostile disputes could lead to Iran closing the Straits of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf, thereby stopping international shipping of oil. Now, if Yemen falls to Iran then its proxy forces can overlook the Bab el-Mandeb straits and control the entrance to the Red Sea. Thus, Iran could control both corners of the Arabian peninsula and threaten the global economy. This would turn existing economic sanctions against Iran on their head!.

That post was followed a couple of months later with Mark’s The Petrodollar’s creator: Iran greater threat than ISIS. He quoted Henry Kissinger as saying,

“There has come into being a kind of a Shia belt from Tehran through Baghdad to Beirut…This gives Iran the opportunity to reconstruct the ancient Persian Empire — this time under the Shia label — in the rebuilding of the Middle East that will inevitably have to take place when the new international borders [are] drawn. The borders of the settlement of 1919-’20 are essentially collapsing.”

The latest from respected financial commentator Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is that Saudi oil infrastructure is at risk as Mid-East conflagration spreads!

What is certainly happening is the strengthening of the Arab League under the direction of Saudi Arabia. David Goldman, a Senior Fellow at The London Centre for Policy Research explains in The Middle-East Metternichs of Riyadh that the 10-nation coalition that Riyadh assembled to counter Iranian intervention in Yemen has a broad mandate to contain Iran throughout the region. Most surprisingly this includes Sudan and Quatar. And Pakistan is now sending its troops, as reported here yesterday.

More emphatically, Goldman concludes that Riyadh acted without the help of the US and in direct contravention of American policy of bringing Iran into Mid-East regional security architecture as an important player.  Readers who like in-depth background will find his article highly informative. (Austrian Chancellor Klemens von Metternich introduced the Congress System of diplomacy to balance imperial power after the Napoleonic wars.)

1 of 3: The ‘Endgame’ gets ramped up another level

A fast fortnight ploughed a deep furrow along a cycle of time – ‘a wheel within the greater wheel’ of End-time events…

Bells start ringing that we’ve been here before – and at this time of year too! – like fresh, bright-yellow daffodil bells I see springing up outside!  Let me to add to what others are doing as ‘prep’ for 2015…

Spiral stairway to cloudsTime is non-linear.  Our analytical mindsets think time’s a straight line. Often we see time-lines listing events in history – or use one for our own life.

The passage of time and events is seasonal; ie. cyclical. I regard time like a spiral for, when considered dynamically under the interaction of various influences, it’s just like a corkscrew being turned. Nature provides an excellent example that carries information – the DNA spiral.

Spiral stairs franky242Another example: on a spiral staircase we pass by different walls. If it’s in a castle turret there’d be a doorway on each floor and in the same vertical wall of the well. Regard this wall as a certain kind of event and note how it connects with us, or is relevant to us, at different times and levels.

Hence, various types of event can crop up in a cyclical pattern of repetitions at different levels and show some development has taken place. So it is in history and with God’s plans too, could we but be aware, or receive revelation.

Before I heard about Jonathan Cahn’s US best-seller The Harbinger, I’d outlined the Biblical analysis of historical and financial cycles in one of my first months’ blogs,  Points to Ponder 2011-2012. (For more see below.)

Quick recap

Last week I promised to reveal how a possible option between either one of two weeks for surgery affected, or even enabled(!), further insights into something we’d recently mulled over on this blog – Satan’s strategy to avoid the Lake of Fire.

Please accept my apologies for not having done so in ‘the next post’. So much was still surfacing – from both the past and the present – that I had to take stock.  To my great surprise a cycle of events was laid bare.

Blog JigsawOnce again, more of the ‘Invisible Jigsaw’ is appearing, as blogged extensively in 2014  (click image to read about its themes).

So, I’ll explain this year’s view of ‘the grand design’ for you to follow my logic. Let’s look at the jigsaw pieces we’ve placed down thus far.

I mused upon how Satan could have adopted tactics to avoid his destined demise in the Lake of Fire and a progression of ‘pieces’ was revealed as follows:

  1. Paws 4 thought: devilish plot to avoid the Lake of Fire – the removal of conditions necessary for Jesus’ prophesied return: no Jews alive in Jerusalem and Mid-East and disunity among Christians, plus not living in Holy Spirit’s power and a deep   rejection of Jews and Israel on supposedly ‘scriptural’ grounds!
  2. An insight into global Satanic strategy: Part 1 – misinformation from many political leaders. ‘Coincidently’, Archbishop Welby denounced anti-Semitism and had its most vociferous vicar silenced.
  3. An insight into global Satanic strategy: Part 2 – history of Islam from start up to the Crusades and exposure of the myth they taught Muslims to hate and attack Christians. It originated in Western intellectuals, whose fallacies within academia continue unabated!
  4. Anti-terrorism summit confirms this week’s insight – Within a day of blogging as above, international news on security confirmed my conclusions. But technical hitches hindered my publishing this, which revealed I faced ungodly opposition!

History cycles around

On top of those concepts, accelerating developments in the Middle-East only add to the mix. Therefore, an appreciation of my background in this will be of some help.

Pertinent to today’s issues is a personal event that hooked me into Eschatology, as well as subsequent developments, viz:


Invisible HandAs stated in this blog’s Welcome, the Iran-Iraq war opened my eyes as an unbeliever because I’d been given an unusual ‘secular’ book on OT prophecies of modern events. Whilst watching a TV documentary about that war I flicked through the brand-new book and noted references to the significance of Jerusalem.  THEN I heard the TV narrator speak about, and showed, elite units from both sides rehearsing together an attack upon Jerusalem! – despite being at war with one another!! So I’ve since kept an eye on international affairs.

Once again, conflict in Iraq involving Iran is in the news because of ISIS’ invasion of Iraq in 2014.


Six years ago last weekend, on 28th February 2009, I started what would become a series of private emails to Christian friends and church leaders drawing attention to the plain fact that events are fitting more clearly into Biblical prophecy.

We’d already debated the Lakeland, Florida, outpouring as I’d known of Todd Bentley before-hand. However, the new direction had become abundantly obvious and so I emailed them, The ‘Endgame’ is now in play.

It was only much later, in Autumn 2011, that the Lord prodded me into going public with this blog. (If you’re interested in numbers; the 700th post is one the above ‘insights’.)

As said, significant End-time events began to escalate. To appreciate how they’ve again become ‘hot potatoes’ you may like to dip into later emails of May and July 2009 noting especially as below:

  • Today’s Importance In History – reference to Obama’s ‘back channels’ (secret diplomacy) contact with and appeasement of Iran, and consequential dismay in Egypt and Saudi Arabia – and their cooperation with Israel.
  • Middle-East Update July 2009 – Obama’s making Netanyahu the bogeyman in preventing nuclear-arms discussions with Iran. Obama’s character.


An entirely forgotten idea privately posited with those friends popped up again unbidden in the last fortnight. Part 2 will show how the shuffled surgical schedule reported in The Shepherd, the Shadow and the ‘Spread’ fits into our ‘jigsaw’.

I hope you’ll have time to dip into those archived papers whenever possible.

Continued in Part 2 >>

More on cycles

[‘Spiral Stairway To Clouds’ by Victor Habbick and ‘Spiral Stairs’ by Franky242, courtesy of]

Egypt’s president el-Sisi orders military strikes after ISIS beheads 21 Egyptian Christians. Details & analysis.

Lest anyone’s unaware: Islamists have declared and are waging war against the world. Americans will have noted their leader continues to insult one’s intelligence (misleading comments at US National Prayer Breakfast: read Douglas Murray & Raymond Ibrahim). To correct this, Dr Bill Warner compiled over 100 facts, the vast majority of which were military attacks. Thus, over 460 years of JIHAD CAUSED THE CRUSADES – NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND!!  When will Western leaders learn? See also Four Myths about the Crusades [Latest: Egypt’s airforce struck at dawn today UPDATE 28 Feb: Egypt goes to war on ISIS, masses troops against Islamist Libya stronghold.]

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

ISIS jihadists prepare to behead 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. (source: screen capture from new ISIS video) ISIS jihadists prepare to behead 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. (source: screen capture from new ISIS video)

UPDATED: Much of the West remains asleep or lethargic concerning the threat posed by the Islamic State, even as the movement’s gruesome killing spree continues unabated.

The latest: an Islamic State affiliate has beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians who were working in Libya, according to a new ISIS video released on Sunday. “In the video, militants in black marched the captives, dressed in orange jump suits, to a beach the group said was near Tripoli,” reported Reuters. “They were forced down onto their knees, then beheaded.”

“The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church,” read a caption on the five minute video, Reuters noted.

President Obama spent eight hours golfingon Sunday.

But Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi vowed to “avenge” the “criminal killings.” He immediately ordered the Egyptian air force to…

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Amidst Obama retreat from Mideast, three regional leaders forming quiet but fiercely determined alliance against Iran & ISIS.

Who needs America? Not these three wise warriors! As ever, Joel offers solid analysis and this alliance is especially noteworthy in the light of the ‘4 Signposts’ scenario…

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

King Abdullah and PM Netanyahu. King Abdullah and PM Netanyahu.

President el-Sisi and King Abdullah II. President el-Sisi and King Abdullah II.

Something curious is happening in the Middle East.

Amidst President Obama’s repeated moves to withdraw American military power and influence from the Middle East and “pivot” to Asia, three regional leaders in the epicenter are forming a quiet, unexpected but fiercely determined alliance.

Why? To protect their people against two existential threats, one posed by the Shia Radical Islamists of Iran, the other posed by the Sunni Radical Islamists of ISIS.

Who are they?

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;
  • Jordan’s King Abdullah II; and
  • Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

They are meeting secretly. They are talking regularly by phone, as well as with other leaders in the region from Saudi Arabia to the Gulf. Their senior advisors are also in regular contact, coordinating moves to counter their most serious enemies. They are not waiting for Washington. Indeed, they often see the White House and State Department as less than helpful, and…

View original post 1,145 more words

Prophetically relevant gov’t news from the UK and USA

Last week, apparently unrelated events involving Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama could show an out-working of prophecies about accelerating events. Although being mutually exclusive, the effects of these events have global ramifications.

We’ll look at those words first and then the events, then their common denominator and the relevance of those contemporary, as well as of ancient, prophecies to the events.

So first, carefully consider what Neville Johnson brought in August for this new Hebraic year:

The issue of sowing and reaping is becoming critical. Everything is speeding up. The process of sowing and reaping is being shortened over recent times. Scary because we don’t always sow the right things, and it’s coming back quicker!” (See Urgent prophetic words about a cut-off date in God’s timeline, point 3)

Secondly, in March John Kilpatrick brought:

“In the season that we’re entering into the Lord says, “I’m going to cut things short”…listen carefully, we don’t realise how fast God’s going to speed things up and expedite things!” (See A season of ‘suddenlies’ AND a shifting)

Now the events:

1. Cameron v. BBC

Cameron - credit The CommentatorPM Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne took serious objection to the Blatantly Biased Corporation’s lack of objectivity and consequential political interference in reporting the budgetary Autumn Statement. The Telegraph editorial of 5th December opens with the assumption that, given its obligation as national public service broadcaster, the BBC’s obligation is to be balanced. Going into depth and referring to other instances, the editor remarks,

Anyone who retorts that they were irritated by just one report needs to view it in the wider context of BBC bias.

Read How a 3-min dawn broadcast generated a full-blown clash between the Beeb and Number 10, with fuller background at Under siege the ‘biased’ BBC fights for its life – but that’s nothing! There’s also the huge raft of issues monitored by BBC Watch, as in their latest on BBC’s Arab-Israel conflict obsession distorts history.

Regular readers are aware of many instances of pointing out the BBC’s unethical and unprofessional deep-seated prejudice that makes its reporting totally unreliable – even seeming to support terrorism (BBC tag refers)!

Hopefully, the reaction by the government’s Tories will severely shake the BBC and delay the renewal of its Charter, and even scrap the totalitarian levy of its annual licence fee.

2. Obama v. Netanyahu

In its exclusive report on Thursday DebkaFile reported Obama set on obstructing Netanyahu’s re-election. This report begins,

obama-netanyahu4‘President Barack Obama and his White House National Security team headed by Susan Rice have decided to seize on the political crisis besetting the Israeli government and the upcoming general election on March 17 for action to bar Binyamin Netanyahu’s re-election to a fourth term as prime minister…

‘This White House campaign would be accompanied by leaks from Washington for putting Netanyahu and his policies in a derogatory light…some senior sources in the US capital confided to DebkaFile that administration joy over political developments in Israel could quickly prove premature – either in view of another round of violence overtaking the Middle East, or by once again misreading Israel’s political map before stepping in and so failing in its object..’.

In my opinion interference in the internal political process of another nation, especially a democratic ally, is unconscionable. Obama’s well-known disdain for Bibi Netanyahu is poisoning Israeli politics. Clinton did the same during Netanyahu’s first term as PM – and we know the humiliating impeachment he suffered! Therefore, the US may now be in for some surprises in the next few months.

UPDATE 9/12: Washington Beacon – Congress demands Obama explain rumoured sanctions against Israel.

3. Common Denominator

The underlying common denominator in both instances is God’s plans and purposes for His covenantal people, the Jews and the land He designated for their homeland. In their unabashed hostility to them the BBC and President Obama have chosen to go against the One who is not to be mocked.

Also, let’s not overlook an early revelation about the Day of the Lord, as delivered by the prophet Obadiah:

“For the day of the LORD upon all the nations is near; As you have done (to Israel) it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall be upon your own head”. (Obadiah 15 NKJV, emphasis added)

Perhaps pay-back time for the ‘Beeb’ and ‘Potus’ is rapidly approaching? News of other developments suggests that may not be wishful thinking…


In a more detailed analysis of several developments DebkaFile refers to a meeting of 6 Gulf Cooperation Council rulers scheduled for this week in Doha. It bears the hallmarks of extensive yet quiet cooperation between Israel and key Arab leaders and the report reveals,

‘Its agenda is topped by moves to finally unravel the 2010 Arab Spring policy championed by US President Barack Obama…The Doha summit is designed to crown a historic effort led by Saudi King Abdullah…to undo the effects of the Obama administration’s support for elements dedicated to the removal of conservative Arab rulers, such as (by the Muslim) Brotherhood. They have found a key ally in this drive in Israel’s PM Netanyahu…’

The report also makes claims for the PM’s rare achievement of close coordination with the most important Arab leaders, as follows:

  • allowing Egypt to deploy 13 battalions in demilitarized Sinai to combat terrorists,
  • diplomatic operation instrumental in obstructing US-Iran deal on nuclear weapons,
  • Jordan’s replacement of Islamist security guards on the sensitive Temple Mount,
  • Saudi and Gulf funding to Palestinian areas of Jerusalem defused recent rioting,
  • Egypt and Gulf have influenced PA’s Abbas to reduce his incitement and invective,
  • because these Arab leaders are marginalizing the Palestine issue, Hamas leader Meshaal tried re-igniting violence in Jerusalem but he went unheeded!

So the report concludes,

‘Netanyahu may or may not opt to brandish Israel’s breakthrough to the Arab world as campaign fodder to boost his run for re-election. Whatever he decides, the rulers of Saudi Arabia, the Arab emirates and Egypt have turned out to have acquired an interest in maintaining him in office as head of the Israeli government, in direct opposition to President Obama’s ambition to unseat him.’

The heart of these issues lies in Obama’s Cairo speech and later betrayal of Egypt’s president Mubarak by elevating the Muslim Brotherhood, encouraging its revolution and allowing infiltration into the USA. (Walid Shoebat, ex-Palestinian extremist with many contacts in the Middle East, reports Obama’s half-brother is influential in the MB.) Saudi Arabia took grave exception to Potus’ several actions, as noted in my correspondence on those events.

So maybe it’s time to even the score? What fascinating times we’re living in!

Let’s keep watching…

Further reading:

  1. Debka: Netanyahu’s epic understandings with Egyptian, Saudi and UAE rulers…
  2. Joel Rosenberg: If the Obama team are this hostile to Israel before the elections…
  3. Franklin Graham: America is waging ‘War on Christmas’ and ‘War on Christ’ over the ‘hatred of Christian ‘culture’…
  4. Richard’s Watch 18 May ’09: Today’s Importance in History
  5. Richard’s Watch 10 June ’09: Obama’s Cairo Speech
  6. Richard’s Watch 2 July ’09: Middle-East Update July 2009
  7. Richard’s Watch 10 Feb ’11: Deep US-Saudi Rift Emerges

Israel, Palestine, Egypt 1; USA, Europe, Hamas 0

Courtesy WatcharakunReaders might like to know that last night, after hearing John Kilpatrick’s detailed teaching upon Russia’s possible intentions according to Ezekiel 38-39 and his declaration to national leaders on Israel, I checked out the latest ‘before the media’ headlines. What I found had been published perhaps less than an hour before, according to its time-stamp.

In view of what we’d just heard, this headline was most interesting: Netanyahu-Sisi-Abbas line-up tells Hamas: “Accept an extra month’s truce – or Ramallah will” (click for full report). This ‘exclusive’ opens as follows,

“The Egyptian and Palestinian Authority delegations slapped down an ultimatum for Hamas when negotiations for a durable Gaza truce resumed in Cairo, Sunday, Aug. 17. Debkafile’s intelligence report that Hamas was given the option of declaring a 1-month extension of the 5-day ceasefire which runs out Monday midnight, (emphasis added) or else the announcement would be made from Ramallah Monday in the name of the Palestinian national unity government. This was the first joint action taken by the triple bloc formed by Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for pushing the Islamist Hamas-Islamic Jihad duo up against a wall…”

It continues by referring to the bloc’s backers, namely Saudi king Abdullah and Russian president Putin!

More sensational, but definitely not surprising to those who follow closely, is the bloc’s agreement to keep the Obama-Kerry duo and administration, as well as the Europeans, from the trio’s dealings with the Palestinian Islamist factions.

“The proposition the three partners have formulated puts Hamas and Jihad on the spot. The Arab world has abandoned them and their only source of funding is Tehran. So their choices are grim: Face an escalated war that Israel will fight until the bitter end, or swallow hard and accept the only proposition on the table which is tantamount to disarmament and capitulation.

“Their isolation is complete. The Egyptian, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have managed to cut Hamas away from any backing in Washington, Qatar and Turkey as well as blocking its path to Moscow….

“Mahmoud Abbas, who appeared to be sitting on the sidelines of the Gaza conflict during Israel’s month-long military operation, finally threw in his lot with Sisi and Netanyahu when it came to the crunch…”

Thus, they’ve put the USA out in the cold, and their playmates Turkey and Qatar, as a result of the outrageous shenanigans that were a serious affront to sensible discourse, as Joel Rosenberg reported here. At least Abbas may now be cooperating with Israel – and without American involvement!

These actions confirm long-held suspicions of Obama’s preference to support terrorists, especially where connected with the Muslim Brotherhood. I voiced my own sceptical reservations of his 2009 overtures in Cairo to the Muslim nations, as well as to claims to his being a committed Christian. Obama’s own and his administration’s lack of concern for the butchery of fellow believers in Nigeria, Syria and Iraq are common knowledge.

[Respected analyst Caroline Glick’s insights on his change of direction in Obama’s new plan for Hamas point out there’s never been anything real to differentiate Fatah from Hamas. So Sisi’s gameplan may come undone, or actually prove effective in driving a wedge between the two Palestinian factions, as reported here. Update 19/8: see Abbas orders probe into Hamas coup plot revealed by Israel. Also, my comments on Obama in Cairo reinforced by US Army Lt Col (Ret’d) Allen West on how he’s enabled Islamist causes.]

Additionally, this decision by Israel’s supporters demonstrates Obama’s incompetence and strategic blunders in foreign policy has lost America all credibility and respect in the Middle East.

This fresh Gaza conflict instigated by Hamas has served to bring out into the open the new geo-political reality of America’s only democratic ally in the region now working with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Russia (as well as Jordan).

It demonstrates the truth of what the Lord promised Abraham that whomsoever blesses him and his descendants through Isaac will be blessed by Him and, conversely, those who curse them will fall outside that blessing and be open to living a cursed life, as it is written in Genesis 12.

Calls to pray for Obama appeared to result in a temporary change in his attitude to Israel. However, hostility seems to remain, as shown by his dealings with Prime Minister Netanyahu and halting further arms supplies. Anyway, this unrighteous gentile has the dubious distinction of being C-in-C and evangelist for changes in the definition of marriage; again defying scripture…


Further reading

Another well-informed point of view on US foreign policy may be found in several short pieces by Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Also, see Cranmer on the Church’s attack upon PM Cameron’s ‘incoherent’ Middle-East policy.

See Joel Rosenberg on Netanyahu meeting Obama at The White House on 1st October 2014 after UN General Assembly. (Related material: PM Netanyahu at UN and Tale of 2 Speeches at UN.)

[Image courtesy of Watcharakun at]

Gaza War Update, Day #21: Obama calls Netanyahu to demand “immediate” cease-fire. Kerry angers Israeli, Palestinian & Egyptian leaders.

Joel RosenbergOf Joel’s many updates I’m reblogging this because it covers the latest incompetence of messers Obama and Kerry (now persona non grata?). American influence in the Middle-East is likely to disappear in this rapidly changing geo-political situation.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

UPDATED AT 10:30PM EASTERN SUNDAY:(Washington, D.C.) — The most dramatic developments of the weekend in the Gaza war were these:

  1. President Obama’s call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday to demand an “immediate” ceasefire, even though Israeli leaders don’t feel they are yet finished neutralizing the terrorist threat posed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
  2. The U.N. Security council demand on Sunday for an immediate ceasefire, even though this will most help the terrorists.
  3. Secretary John Kerry’s disastrous efforts at negotiating a ceasefire, in which he actually managed to anger Palestinian, Egyptian and Israeli leaders all at once — as one regional commentator put it: “We are witnessing a grave strategic error by the Americans, who are succeeding in infuriating serious and strong allies like Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in favor of a deception in the form of Qatar and Turkey, which has managed to quarrel with all of its neighbors.”

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