Europe and two Daniels

 COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’). The main points covered therein are.:

> Obama’s Cairo speech and EU High Representative visits Israel’s president

> EU High Representative’s EU lecture on “How to organise a globalised world”

> global and Eurozone financial problems.

Dear Readers – most Britons either love or loathe the EU, but whatever’s it got to do with the Book of Daniel?
Briefly, from Daniels’ vision of four beasts (chapter 7) it’s commonly believed the last beast represents the Roman empire revived but in a very novel form. The interpretation given to Daniel was, “The fourth beast…shall be different from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces…” (Dan 7:23-27). Hence, the Lord’s watchmen are keenly observing the developments and global aspirations of the EU.
Some pointers since my previous:
> Solana’s letter about Pres Obama’s Cairo speech was immediately followed by his visiting the M East and meeting Israeli Pres. Shimon Peres, who tried to engineer a new, different settlements solution for meeting Obama’s stipulations. BUT he was given a huge slap-down by Israeli MPs for stepping outside his presidential powers.
> Peres has for a long time been a loose cannon with a personal agenda of moving towards the ‘new world order’, expedited by top-level European and international contacts.
> Solana then conferred with a Hizbollah MP in Lebanon over disarmament, thereby giving that terrorist party its first high level meeting with the chief of European foreign policy (see link 1 below for details).
> Upon returning to Europe, Solana gave a lecture upon his vision of “how to organise a globalised world”.In concluding he stated, “the Lisbon Treaty…will be the most direct, powerful response from Europe to the new shaping of the world.(!!) And it will ensure the right place for Europe in it.” (2)
> He comments upon huge financial problems outside and upon the Eurozone, “..There is no doubt that how we shape the reaction (emphasis mine) matters from an economic point of view”. And on this shaping, Obama had strongly hinted at the G20 summit that financial policies would be have to be implemented globally – so things are already happening behind the scenes. And the Apocalyptic beast will have exceptionally drastic financial powers whereby only those with its mark may sell and buy (Rev 13:16-18)
At least one of our MEPs, Daniel Hannan, may be near the truth of these EU matters..”British voters must be denied their general election so Eurocrats can have their Treaty…lack of democracy in Brussels…has spilt over into its constituent nations. In order to make an undemocratic system work, they too must become less democratic…” (emphases mine) Is this why we have an unelected PM and unelected Deputy PM, who wants to abandon Sterling for the Euro?? Dangerous days…watch out…
Daniel’s newspaper article is highly recommended reading (3).
Interestingly, yet again Solana is due to retire from his EU-post in October – but will he? (4)
The Lord bless you and keep you…

Obama’s Cairo speech

COPY of pre-blog email (as in ‘About’) – The main points covered therein are.:

> Jesus said, “Take heed that you be not deceived … (Luke 21:7-8).

> President Obama’s Cairo speech to Muslim world included delegates from the banned Muslim Brotherhood who were invited at Obama’s specific request. This Islamist group is banned by the Egyptian government because of its teachings and violence against all authorities that do not fully implement Islam’s sharia law.

> My reservations about the accuracy of his claims as a Christian and historian. In fact, Obama negated known actual facts to present a fully Arabic and Palestinian narrative.

The link to Rick Joyner’s paper is defunct but is open here: Discerning the Times pt34

Update 1: Elliott Abrams, Fellow of the Council of Foreign Relations, on 25 Sept 2012 briefly remarks on this in Pressure Points – Obama, Judaism and the Holocaust:

As Ronald Reagan once said, there he goes again. Islam has a prophet; Christianity has a savior, but Judaism has…. the Holocaust. The problem Jews and especially Israelis face, with apologies for having to spell it out, is not so much Holocaust denial as it the slander of the Jewish religion as a whole and the desire to eliminate the Jewish state.

Mr. Obama and his speechwriters should get over their equation of Judaism and Israel with the Holocaust. It is dispiriting to see the 2009 error repeated again three years later.

Update 2: Raymond Stock provides an excellent overview of the situation in the Foreign Policy Research Institute E-Note, On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi for His Mask (Feb ’13).  For introductory post, see Lunch with Raymond Stock.

Dear Readers,

Doctor Luke quotes Jesus on the signs of the times; ‘…And He said, “Take heed that you be not deceived…”(NKJV).

What are your thoughts and reactions to President Obama’s exceptional speech to Muslims last Thursday in Cairo?

To check it for yourself click

The widely welcomed speech brought a good response in Lebanon’s election with the defeat of Hizbollah-controlled coalition – but watch out Beirut! And SURPRISE, SURPRISE, in false-anticipation of a Hizbollah victory, Iranian/Syrian-proxy Palestinian terrorists responded in combined Hamas/Fatah/Al-Quada assaults upon Israel’s border, all of which failed.

According to an exclusive report based upon military and security sources, those attacks were only one outcome of Egypt’s intelligence minister meeting with Hamas’ politburo chief, who rejected Obama’s call and refused to call off terror campaign against fellow Palestinians. Also, soon after that meeting came the first ever missile strike from Gaza upon Egyptian security forces.

Book of Daniel

Far more importantly, it will be well-worth watching how Obama’s plans will connect into the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy – which, some surmise, is part of the ’70th week’ of Daniel (chpt 9:20-27) that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:15. Should you need any proof, read this letter of intent:

A FlawedSpeech?

May I submit to you that were Obama’s proposals for the seven issues he addressed put on a 3-legged stool, they’d probably collapse.

Why? Like legs upon which his argument was based, three connected claims in his opening remarks are flawed. Hence, the speech has some deceptive inaccuracies and dangerous nuances – even a clear implication of the New World Order’s agenda of multi-faith projects through the Alliance of Civilisations (and the Blair Foundation? – remember his strong connection to the Clinton’s and Hilary’s rebutted/denied previous Bush Admin’s agreement with Israel!).

First, it was sensible to slant a speech towards the mindsets of the Mulsim audience – like St Paul did with the Athenians. But after quoting ‘Be conscious of God and speak always the truth’ from the Koran, Obama said “I will try…to speak the truth…” and closely followed with “I’m a Christian”. IF he really were a believer, wouldn’t he have referred to what Jesus taught about how the truth makes one free?

IF Obama really were aChristian, he would not have firmly declared, as US President in his inaugural address and consequent trip to Europe, that America is no longer and never has been a Christian nation!! The national intercessor and teacher Dutch Sheets said that’s like the stronghold of Goliath mocking God’s people – so maybe there’s a warning here? We believers know God is not mocked!

IF he really were aChristian would he have spoken, as do Muslims, of Jesus as being equivalent to Mohammed??

IF he really were aChristian, then why are many Church leaders gravely concerned?

Rick Joyner writes,“…This new unity in the church is being driven because of foreboding created by the demeanor and laws being passed by the Obama Administration, which seem to be specifically designed to open doors for persecuting the church.”

To read his report Discerning The Times, Part 34  click

“As a student of history…”.If Obama really were a well-informed Christian and student of history then he would have told the truth about the founding of Israel, not only in 1948 but also despite fierce Arab riots and attacks against Jewish settlers since 1916, and about the reasons and origins of Arab and Jewish refugees within the Palestine region.

IF he really were a Christian and familiar with history, he would NOT have claimed the foundation of America and its universities were not influenced by God’s word and Christian principles. Whilst on-air, the renowned intercessor Dutch Sheets took great exception to Obama’s gross mistake and quoted from historical records to disprove the President’s claims that America is not and never has been a Christian nation.

Hence, Obama started out from a fundamentally flawed position and those errors affected the whole speech – like a little leaven. What do you think?

If you’d like further details on these important matters please do ask me to clarify or explain. Or, you could read these excellent articles from the Washington-based Centre for Security Policy:

May you be blessed mightily
For more on this read Middle-East Update – July 2009.