Is Egyptians’ attitude better than British one?

COPY of pre-blog email, with my emphases .:

At a ladies’ regular house gathering in a village near Guildford, guest speaker ‘H’ was eloquently forthright about the situation here in comparison with her homeland of Egypt.  There ordinary Muslims would expect Christians to be as fervent as they are in their faith.

 [I’m only too aware of the current persecution of our Coptic brethren, possibly because that’s where the Muslim Brotherhood took root and which is pressing for political power in the event of President Mubarak’s demise. One of its martyred leaders is regarded as the founding father of modern jihad and its deeply doctrinaire targeting on all fronts of America and Europe.

[Update: see Robert Spencer; Egyptian Copts overwhelmed by “anxiety and fear”, see Muslim Brotherhood government as “worst in memory” – 14 Oct 2012] 

You may recall my having quoted Miracles Among Muslims by Christine Darg. So, it was good to hear ‘H’ say over a million Egyptian Muslims secretly believe in Jesus and that Middle Eastern believers are migrating to the relatively more tolerant Egypt. [NB: 2 years ago!]

‘H’ mentioned the Lord had advised her not to regard outward events as being of His will but to look for His redemptive plan for nations.  Thus, she gained insight into the Isaiah 19 prophecy regarding Egypt, Israel and Assyria (ie Iraq) – which is also a  pillar for Canon Andrew White’s reconciliation work in Baghdad, Jerusalem and Cairo!!  [See previous post.]

Perhaps the serendipitous references to this scripture came in answer to my thoughts upon Acts 1:6-7?  When answering the disciples’ query on restoring the kingdom to Israel, could Jesus have had in mind Father’s strategy to fulfil that prophecy??  What do you think, my friend?  Some teach that Jesus rebuked them because they were mistaken about God’s purposes. But surely Jesus would have explicitly said so? 

Let’s remember when He upset them by saying He was going away to prepare a place for them in Father’s house, He explained: “Were it not so I would have told you” (John 14.2).  Surely, Jesus would have applied that same teaching principle when answering their question about Israel’s future, wouldn’t He?  

Jesus’ answer was not an emphatic “No” but rather a “Not yet and it’s not for me to say – I have a something else for you”.

Meanwhile, let’s take our stand…


Encouraging news from Iraq

COPY of pre-blog email (see About):


News just in from Canon Andrew White will interest those concerned over the murderous persecution of believers in Iraq. Please see his email below (unable to copy to blog) and my introductory notes if you’re unfamiliar with his mission. 

Although having MS, he’s one of a tiny handful of people trusted by virtually every side of the complex Middle East, Andrew’s been deeply involved in the rebuilding of Iraq. 

His first-hand experience with Al-Qua’ida, however, shows they’re

“…impossible to engage with at any level…because they are set only on killing and maiming in the name of god”!


After having watched Andrew’s interview on dvd Finger of God, Nina and I read his most absorbing The Vicar of Baghdad. Reading his involvement with the 39-day siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem ‘coincidentally’ fitted well with the start of our home fellowship’s study of the Book of Ruth, as it’s based in that famous town. 

About 10 yrs ago Andrew White his personal contacts with Yasser Arafat and Israeli PM Ariel Sharon bore fruit in their joint approval to the wording of a draft declaration against violence in the name of religion.  This was then put to religious leaders of all three Holy Land faiths and through exhausting discussions agrement was reached, with difficulties coming from Christians(!!), who “often feel they have to be even more Palestinian that the Muslims, to show how committed they are to the cause” (RB’s emphasis) on top of “rivalries and tensions between different denominations”!!

The outcome in Jan 2002 was The Alexandria Declaration, out of which a large number of other initiatives have arisen despite continual violence.  He writes, “The sticking points were not theological but political”. 

Elsewhere, on Iraq he writes,

“…but then unexpectedly the hope of Resurrection breaks though…  The Spirit and the glory of God are here…and are filling the atmosphere with the presence of the Lord. He is working in our world and I believe that the Middle East is the centre of his purposes. The more I have worked in this region, the more I have come to see that it is God who is in control (my emphasis)…I have come to realize that what is happening in the physical realm is often just a manifestation of what is happening in the spiritual realm.”

A marvellous story, so you may wish to join in praying for our persecuted brethren…
