So what does Jesus really look like?

[First posted April 2012]

A little boy's astounding story of his trip to heaven and backUpon reading my brief review of Heaven Is For Real did you, too, not end up asking that question? Whilst reading the book I was most interested in simply because Jesus’ face had been out of sight during my own encounter, as explained here (at 1st Validation).

Also, I was familiar with ‘portraits’ of ‘Master Jesus’ in New Age circles but didn’t regard them as authentic. So, can you imagine how deeply stunned Todd and Sonja Burpo were whilst driving with their two children to hear their 4 year-old suddenly reveal he’d heard angels – and met Jesus Christ?

From their vehicle’s back-seat little Colton pipes up in answer to a gentle tease about hospital by saying what mum and dad were doing whilst he was dying on an operating table with a severely ruptured appendix that had poisoned his abdomen.  It wasn’t so much his accurate description of what they were doing in two different places – on the phone and praying; well, losing it with God! – that hit them. (Only much later did his father learn the finer points of how that prayer of desperation was answered!)

They had to stop at a nearby snack bar to hear again, and digest, Colton’s very quick account of what happened whilst being operated upon. As only a young child can, he described being with Jesus. Over the course of many weeks a fuller account gradually emerged, usually popping out during play times, of what Jesus looks like and of many things Colton ‘did and saw’ during minutes, not hours, of earth time.

There was also, and more importantly, what Colton knew. Almost all of this could not be attributed to any teaching or children’s Bible stories! The first answer to what Jesus looked like was the answer to a spiritual ‘riddle’: what’s the only thing in heaven that’s the same as it was on earth?  He said straight-off, “Jesus has markers”. Huh!!!!

His father claims Colton didn’t know about the crucifixion wounds at that age because their Weslyan church made no references to or had any pictures of them.  For nearly three years his parents would show Colton dozens of illustrations depicting Jesus but they all left him cold. He never saw one that he thought was right.

He just could not recognise Jesus in any pictures. One day Todd came across a CNN report of a young girl Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy who began painting exceptionally sophisticated artwork at the age of 6 years.  A couple of years previously she’d begun having ‘visions’ of heaven, even though both her parents were atheists!  The authors of Heaven Is For Real  write, ‘Slowly her mom began to accept that Akiane’s visions were real and that, therefore, God must be real’.

Todd writes, ‘As I watched a montage of Akiane’s artwork play across my computer screen, the narrator said, “Akiane describes God as vividly as she paints him”! (p 143)

That was similar to how Colton spoke of Jesus – both children spoke especially about His beautiful eyes. So Todd told Colton to come and take a look, asking what was wrong with this one. The boy said nothing, just stared, and he was asked again – still silence and then he got nudged:

‘My seven-year-old turned to look at me and said, “Dad, that one’s right!”

Entitled “Prince of Peace, Resurrection”, her portrait can be seen in Akiane’s Official Gallery under ‘Age 8’  and the next year shows Jesus praying, “Father Forgive Them”.

To learn how she saw and painted Him read For child art prodigy Akiane, Jesus is for real

Below, Ray Downing demonstrates how the picture Colton saw matches the image of the deceased Christ as captured millennia ago on The Shroud of Turin.

Also, you can watch Colton at 11 tell his story on video on Heaven is for Real Ministries.

APRIL 2024 – Tim Shey comments with another interesting pictorial comparison:

“Richard: I just discovered this today. The video is 3 minutes 55 seconds. Reminds of that scripture: ”in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” (Matthew 18:16)

I say, amen, to what Jim Caviezel wrote on his Facebook page. Reminds me of this quote: “Though swordless, these soldiers of Christ fought the might of imperial Rome and won . . .Unlettered they unblushingly declared the whole counsel of God and eventually staggered the intellectual Greeks.” –Leonard Ravenhill”

Further reading:

What does Jesus look like?

[First published 7 April 2012] Upon reading my brief review of Heaven Is For Real did you, too, not end up asking that question?

Whilst reading the book I was most interested in this simply because Jesus’ face had been out of sight during my encounter, as explained here (at 1st Validation). Also, I was aware of pictures of Jesus found in New Age circles but did not regard them as authentic, just stylistic like many religious paintings.

Can you imagine how deeply stunned Todd and Sonja Burpo were whilst driving with their two children to hear their 4 years-old boy suddenly say he’d heard angels and met Jesus Christ? Continue reading

On the Mysteries of the Kingdom: God-incidence #1 – maths in scripture!

Having seen another profound paper from pastor Thomas Harry I’m led to precede my introduction to it by reminding ourselves of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. (It is purely for information but I thank those who may wish to read the links.) Thomas kindly responded to my intention with,

“Your style of Intro is perfect and encourages people so I am full of support for it, rather than just a link. I enjoyed the link on mysteries, also was a blessing.”


Four years ago a series of overviews on the growing rapprochement between science and scripture were featured on this blog. It included a particularly peculiar ‘coincidence’ between my Summer-time reading and a physicist’s blog entitled Pure, Breathtaking Mathematical Beauty, which centred around ‘The Euler Identity’. What’s amazing is I’d already read how that same formula is hidden within the Hebrew and Greek of the first verses of the first chapters of Genesis and of the Gospel by John!

Therefore, I blogged on this news in Astonishing Mathematics; the conjunction between Creation, Gospel and Science? and introduced ‘Unlocking The Sign Miracles of John’ by Jonathan Hill. A continuation was posted after re-blogging Joanne Rolston’s Number 153, Signs & Symbols (whom Jesus personally encouraged to venture into His mathematics!) and more details in A Post-Resurrection Miracle as a ‘Mystery’ Now Revealed.

That post also considered the modern definition of ‘mystery’ as an unsolved puzzle, or something difficult or impossible to explain – which is rather trite. When using that term, even eminent mathematician-physicist Sir Roger Penrose tends toward a circumscribed perception of reality, as quoted and discussed in that posting.

That blog continued by quoting Jesus on holy mysteries, as at Matthew 13, which we’ll revisit in ‘God-incidence #2’.

Kingdom mysteries – Jesus points to mathematics

[First posted 6 April 2018 as A Post-Resurrection Miracle as a ‘Mystery’ Now Revealed]

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness.

Continue reading

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 2

[First published 2018]

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

Prophecy: “2018: I will impart to My Prophets the ability to see clearly My Numbers…” (delivered by Leisa Ebere, read in full here).

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness. Continue reading

HE IS RISEN! – Time and Quantum effects in Jesus’ Resurrection

First published in the early years of this blog and repeated annually:

In preparation for the Holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the night when Jesus and the lead-disciples ate an early Passover Seder, or meal (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they’d demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – read 1 Corinthians 15:6)


A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 2

[First published 2018]

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

Prophecy: “2018: I will impart to My Prophets the ability to see clearly My Numbers…” (delivered by Leisa Ebere, read in full here).

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness.


Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, Knopf (2005)

Therefore, the modern definition of ‘mystery’ as an unsolved puzzle, or something difficult or impossible to explain is comparatively trite!

Even the eminent mathematician-physicist Sir Roger Penrose tends toward a circumscribed perception of reality when using this term, as quoted and discussed in RTU’s Three Worlds, Three Mysteries.

According to its author Joseph, Penrose posits the existence of three “realms” existing around us and “which brings three mysteries” that raise interesting questions on how the world should be viewed. These realms are the physical, mental and Platonic mathematical worlds:

Of course, such hypothetical mysteries cannot equal the much deeper ‘mystery’ of revelatory scripture! Yet in positing that mathematical entities don’t belong in space or time and are eternal and unchanging, Penrose is approaching our understanding of the mathematical aspects of the Bible. His recent thoughts upon consciousness originating at a quantum level may approach ideas I’ve broached in the convergence of science and scripture.


Continuing from Part 1 on Apostle John’s account of the miraculous provision of 153 large fish and the re-blog of New Zealander Joanne Rolston’s posts on it, we learn that she asked Jesus direct on why such specific details are noted. Let me quote some pertinent parts of her highly personal account:

I asked the Lord about the meaning of the 153 fish in John 21:10, and I was given a maths answer. Amazingly I grasped the explanation. Having to learn statistics in order to get my Diploma of Business helped. I had to overcome a lot to learn the math behind statistics…(including) my loathing for maths. Fortunately, I have a very patient husband who helped me with the mechanics of maths in statistics.

“But I kept complaining to God. “Why do I have to learn this?” I protested, “We’re never going to use it in our business!”

“Make friends with maths” the Lord told me. Not reconcile myself to maths, not become acquainted with maths; He wanted me to believe I could learn maths and take an interest in it! It was a big ask. In a Father’s instruction, He says;

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

So we read that Joanne progressed and mentions Factorial numbers and Venn diagrams as being the first things she learned in statistics. These were the basis of all the wonderful things she was later shown about that ‘action replay’ fishing trip by seven of Jesus’ disciples.

She succinctly explains the unusual significance of the 153 fish by maths of factorials and square root of the third prime number (3), as well as geometrical constructions and proofs in diagrammatic forms, PLUS their relevance to the triune relationship of God, Christ and mankind.

Now examine these facts more closely and delve deeper into the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’:

That historic catch’s mathematical meaning is a surprising shock to we moderns but, in the immense sweep of history, such intellectual knowledge was a relatively ‘recent’ development to those living in the inter-Testamental times of the Graeco-Roman world. The principal propositions, or theories and proofs, of geometry had been compiled by Euclid of Alexandria about 300 years before Jesus’ life. To give us some perspective, this is the same period since the accession of George I (1714) and the appearance of John and Charles Wesley to lead a major evangelical revival, from which was born the fourth largest church denomination in England, Methodism (in Oxford, 1729).

Fascinating Fact: the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry is to construct an equilateral (three sides of equal length) triangle by describing a Vesica Piscis (known as ‘Vessel of Fish’!) with a pair of compasses. It’s done by drawing one circle and then a second one exactly the same size, but with its centre on the circumference of the first.

The common, overlapping area looks like a canoe and the ratio of its length to width is 265:153, which closely approximates the square root of 3 as calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse.

All three symbols, triangle and circles with intersecting segment, feature in the ‘mystery’ of the 153 fish – note the use of equilateral triangle as this will be considered another time:

It’s noteworthy that John closes his Gospel account of Jesus’ main post-Resurrection appearances with this most tantalising morsel:

‘And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.’ (John 20:30)

That statement lodged indelibly within my soul when a teenager and I determined to set on a quest to discover the fullness of Jesus’ work. A lifetime later, I learn that ‘seal’ sets the scene for the last chapter’s account of the amazing fishing expedition. That is, it is a clear signpost of the next and final miracle’s deep significance to the early Church.


Jonathan R Hill, whose above-titled book explains how ‘pi’, the mathematical ratio of circumference and diameter of every circle is found in Genesis 1:1, and that of ‘e‘ (base of natural logarithmic and base rate of growth in all growing processes), are found in John 1:1, devotes a full chapter to ‘Sign 8’, the miraculous catch of 153 fish.

Consider this summary of his main points on Sign 8:

  • It is the 8th ‘sign’ miracle recorded by John and found in his book only. First and only post-Resurrection sign-miracle and last of the eight, thus reflecting the divinity of Jesus as ‘first and last’ and the ‘alpha and omega’! (I now recall hearing Him tell me during a ministry-team prayer, “I Am Alpha and Omega” – watch for more on this later.)
  • Time and death represented in this succession by number 7 is followed by 8, the number of resurrection (a new beginning, as blogged in January), underscored by 8 resurrections in scripture other than that of Jesus.
  • Jesus’ command to cast nets from the other side of the boat, the right, symbolises and prefigures God visiting the Gentiles and taking a people for His name.
  • The Greek word ‘ekklesia’ translated as ‘church’ means nothing more than ‘called out of’. Thus, the fish being caught out of the sea reflect the characteristic of the Gentile church as those who are ‘called out of’ the world.
  • 153 is of considerable mathematical and typological significance and represents the fullness of the Gentiles.
  • Key composites of 153 are 7 (spiritual perfection), 10 (numerical completeness) and 9 (finality) because (7+10) x 9 = 153 (= 9 x 17).

Jonathan makes many more deep connections between scriptures and Sign 8 and their importance to the Church and the Consummation of the Age. Building upon the 17-rowed triangle of the number 153 displayed in Jo-Blog’s Go Fish, this is how Jonathan describes this mathematical principle (drag to enlarge, noting number 153 forms an equilateral triangle of sides 17 x 17 x 17):

Triangular Numbers, courtesy Jonathan R Hill


From this brief overview of well-researched data we can confidently conclude that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven include mathematical principles as an important part of its transcendental wisdom. Selah!

Further Reading:

HE IS RISEN! – Time and Quantum effects in Jesus’ Resurrection

First published on this blog and repeated annually:

In preparation for the Holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the night when Jesus and the lead-disciples ate an early Passover Seder, or meal (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they’d demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – read 1 Corinthians 15:6)


Jesus Christ died so that each of us may be forgiven for our sins. As a result of this new status, we can have direct personal access to Almighty God when we believe in Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus suffered on our behalf as our ‘scapegoat’.  That is, Jesus took the place of death that we deserved because of our sinfulness, for the shedding of a sinless one’s blood was the only way our status could be changed for us to gain personal salvation. Apostle Paul put it thus to the Romans:

8But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV, see whole chapter.)

Now, when I was a new Christian I found that rather hard to understand – but it works! The theological term is ‘atonement’, or ‘substitutionary atonement’.  In bringing forgive-ness to the guilty, however, this can cause deep problems for those who’ve been the victim of crimes. After all, why should a killer find forgiveness by God? And what about the victim’s families, or the victim of abuse? They find it very hard if well-nigh impossible to forgive.

In 2012 I heard a Portsmouth prison chaplain address this issue with a concept taken from the criminal justice system: restorative justice. This involves an active dialogue between victim and offender, plus reparation.  And it has a sound basis in  theology. How?

Jesus was a guiltless victim, directly of those who wanted Him killed, and indirectly of everyone’s ‘fallen state’ of sinfulness, which could only be rectified by His death.

And Almighty God, the Father, is a victim too. How? He’s victim of humanity’s rebellion against Him. For example and especially over the way religious leaders murdered His son – how they seethed with rage when Jesus denounced them! (read Luke 20:9-19).  So, every victim can find an identity and affinity in both God and Jesus Christ in their situation. Hence, they can receive God’s own ability to forgive because He will help them choose to forgive those who’ve harmed them. [Lack of forgiveness may be the only thing that hampers God – see Matt 6:14-15]


During contemplation upon the tableau illustrated above, an insight dropped into mind that the Resurrection created a distinct point in the flow of, or perhaps even a change in, Time itself. That is, the now termed ‘common era’ calendar is the medieval Christian one that counts years from the approximate birth of Christ as ‘anno Domini’. But in fact, a more powerful one would be the point at which things in heaven changed and thus affected our lives on earth and its ultimate role in God’s scheme of creation. This took place at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His revival to life from death itself.

That such a concept may be valid can be found in the discoveries about the material of ‘The Shroud of Turin’, the shroud in which Jesus was thought to have been carried and covered during His interment. It is of most astounding significance when examined from the view-point of modern physics.

Apart from the supra-natural or spiritual aspect, that unique, singular event could have naturally happened by means of a ‘singularity’ (a theoretical gravitational effect associated with ‘black holes’, eg. as may have been the starting point of the creation of the universe, or ‘Big Bang’).

Don’t take my word for this but consider that of Dame Isabel Piczek (deceased 2016), famous as a monumental artist and award-winning figurative draughtswoman. Her highly detailed analysis of theories about how the image on the shroud was formed is authoritative, as in the first of several detailed articles here.

Also, as a physicist who may have considered implications from a quantum mechanics standpoint, her conclusions about how the image was formed are most intriguing: it seems that the image of Jesus can only have been created by its hovering equidistantly above and below his reclining bent corpse. Furthermore, this necessitated the body’s levitation – perhaps not an impossible feat during the moment of the Resurrection power-blast?  After all, the disciples had witnessed Jesus walking on water and were yet to see His levitating into the clouds!

Dame Isabel succinctly summarises:

We have a piece of cloth and it leads us to a mysterious gate which opens for us, and it lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws.

Consider these claims by reading those articles and watching this 19 minute of extracts from the DVD The Fabric of Time (with its own lead-in trailer). There’s also a discussion of her scientific opinion at In Case You Missed Isabel Piczek’s Wonderful Paper.

‘Coincidentally”, just after having read the last link and revised the preceding references to science (post published 5 years ago), I’m alerted to theoretical physicist Mehki’s new post on ‘black holes’ and ‘event horizons’ (see Looking to the Horizon). The discussion thread has a valuable contribution from ‘physicalrealityblog’ that’s pertinent to the Shroud site’s discussion of Dame Isabel’s analysis and indirectly reconnects it back into quantum physics!

2017: ‘Coincidentally’ amusing that bloggers ‘hidden’ on opposite sides of the world (Britain and New Zealand) were preparing items on the fabrics that Jesus Christ was buried with – the full-body shroud and the head linen – in Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. My post updated on Wed 12 April 2017 was scheduled on Thurs 13th for auto-publication Sun 16 April. On Good Friday 14 April Joanne Rolston published news of the ‘Sudarium’ in AB-solute Proof – The Blood That Speaks.

Read about bizarre anomalies in scientific instruments placed on the slab of stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre said to be have been where Jesus’ body lay: Scientists Who Opened Christ’s Tomb Detect Mysterious Readings That Support Shroud Theory.

2019: Am grateful to unknown source of this image:

Link: The Shroud of Turin website

A post-Resurrection miracle as a ‘mystery’ now revealed – part 2

His disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” and He replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him (and her) more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand…” (Matthew 13:10-13 NKJV)

Definition: ‘Mystery’, Greek musterion (moos-tay-ree-on; Strongs #3466). From mueo, “to initiate into the mysteries”, hence a secret known only to the initiated, something hidden requiring special revelation. In the NT the word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The secret thoughts, plans and dispensations of God remain hidden from unregenerate mankind, but are revealed to all believers. In non-biblical Greek musterion is knowledge withheld, concealed or silenced. In biblical Greek it is truth revealed (Col 1:26). NT musterion focuses upon Christ’s sinless life, atoning death, powerful resurrection and dynamic ascension.’ [New Spirit-Filled Study Bible]

Prophecy: “2018: I will impart to My Prophets the ability to see clearly My Numbers…” (delivered by Leisa Ebere, read in full here).

The above, ancient meaning of ‘mystery’ is rarely understood and appreciated, even by those solidly grounded in scripture. As told in my testimony, my pre-Christian life got immersed in that esoteric knowledge, and so I’m experienced in this matter and can attest that the difference between that discipline and holy revelations from the Almighty is like the contrast between His Light and the devil’s darkness.


Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, Knopf (2005)

Therefore, the modern definition of ‘mystery’ as an unsolved puzzle, or something difficult or impossible to explain is comparatively trite!

Even the eminent mathematician-physicist Sir Roger Penrose tends toward a circumscribed perception of reality when using this term, as quoted and discussed in RTU’s Three Worlds, Three Mysteries.

According to its author Joseph, Penrose posits the existence of three “realms” existing around us and “which brings three mysteries” that raise interesting questions on how the world should be viewed. These realms are the physical, mental and Platonic mathematical worlds:

Of course, such hypothetical mysteries cannot equal the much deeper ‘mystery’ of revelatory scripture! Yet in positing that mathematical entities don’t belong in space or time and are eternal and unchanging, Penrose is approaching our understanding of the mathematical aspects of the Bible. His recent thoughts upon consciousness originating at a quantum level may approach ideas I’ve broached in the convergence of science and scripture.


Continuing from Part 1 on Apostle John’s account of the miraculous provision of 153 large fish and the re-blog of New Zealander Joanne Rolston’s posts on it, we learn that she asked Jesus direct on why such specific details are noted. Let me quote some pertinent parts of her highly personal account:

I asked the Lord about the meaning of the 153 fish in John 21:10, and I was given a maths answer. Amazingly I grasped the explanation. Having to learn statistics in order to get my Diploma of Business helped. I had to overcome a lot to learn the math behind statistics…(including) my loathing for maths. Fortunately, I have a very patient husband who helped me with the mechanics of maths in statistics.

“But I kept complaining to God. “Why do I have to learn this?” I protested, “We’re never going to use it in our business!”

“Make friends with maths” the Lord told me. Not reconcile myself to maths, not become acquainted with maths; He wanted me to believe I could learn maths and take an interest in it! It was a big ask. In a Father’s instruction, He says;

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

So we read that Joanne progressed and mentions Factorial numbers and Venn diagrams as being the first things she learned in statistics. These were the basis of all the wonderful things she was later shown about that ‘action replay’ fishing trip by seven of Jesus’ disciples.

She succinctly explains the unusual significance of the 153 fish by maths of factorials and square root of the third prime number (3), as well as geometrical constructions and proofs in diagrammatic forms, PLUS their relevance to the triune relationship of God, Christ and mankind.

Now examine these facts more closely and delve deeper into the ‘mysteries of the kingdom’:

That historic catch’s mathematical meaning is a surprising shock to we moderns but, in the immense sweep of history, such intellectual knowledge was a relatively ‘recent’ development to those living in the inter-Testamental times of the Graeco-Roman world. The principal propositions, or theories and proofs, of geometry had been compiled by Euclid of Alexandria about 300 years before Jesus’ life. To give us some perspective, this is the same period since the accession of George I (1714) and the appearance of John and Charles Wesley to lead a major evangelical revival, from which was born the fourth largest church denomination in England, Methodism (in Oxford, 1729).

Fascinating Fact: the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry is to construct an equilateral (three sides of equal length) triangle by describing a Vesica Piscis (known as ‘Vessel of Fish’!) with a pair of compasses. It’s done by drawing one circle and then a second one exactly the same size, but with its centre on the circumference of the first.

The common, overlapping area looks like a canoe and the ratio of its length to width is 265:153, which closely approximates the square root of 3 as calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse.

All three symbols, triangle and circles with intersecting segment, feature in the ‘mystery’ of the 153 fish – note the use of equilateral triangle as this will be considered another time:

It’s noteworthy that John closes his Gospel account of Jesus’ main post-Resurrection appearances with this most tantalising morsel:

‘And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.’ (John 20:30)

That statement lodged indelibly within my soul when a teenager and I determined to set on a quest to discover the fullness of Jesus’ work. A lifetime later, I learn that ‘seal’ sets the scene for the last chapter’s account of the amazing fishing expedition. That is, it is a clear signpost of the next and final miracle’s deep significance to the early Church.


Jonathan R Hill, whose above-titled book explains how ‘pi’, the mathematical ratio of circumference and diameter of every circle is found in Genesis 1:1, and that of ‘e‘ (base of natural logarithmic and base rate of growth in all growing processes), are found in John 1:1, devotes a full chapter to ‘Sign 8’, the miraculous catch of 153 fish.

Consider this summary of his main points on Sign 8:

  • It is the 8th ‘sign’ miracle recorded by John and found in his book only. First and only post-Resurrection sign-miracle and last of the eight, thus reflecting the divinity of Jesus as ‘first and last’ and the ‘alpha and omega’! (I now recall hearing Him tell me during a ministry-team prayer, “I Am Alpha and Omega” – see below).
  • Time and death represented in this succession by number 7 is followed by 8, the number of resurrection (a new beginning, as blogged in January), underscored by 8 resurrections in scripture other than that of Jesus.
  • Jesus’ command to cast nets from the other side of the boat, the right, symbolises and prefigures God visiting the Gentiles and taking a people for His name.
  • The Greek word ‘ekklesia’ translated as ‘church’ means nothing more than ‘called out of’. Thus, the fish being caught out of the sea reflect the characteristic of the Gentile church as those who are ‘called out of’ the world.
  • 153 is of considerable mathematical and typological significance and represents the fullness of the Gentiles.
  • Key composites of 153 are 7 (spiritual perfection), 10 (numerical completeness) and 9 (finality) because (7+10) x 9 = 153 (= 9 x 17).

Jonathan makes many more deep connections between scriptures and Sign 8 and their importance to the Church and the Consummation of the Age. Building upon the 17-rowed triangle of the number 153 displayed in Jo-Blog’s Go Fish, this is how Jonathan describes this mathematical principle (drag to enlarge, noting number 153 forms an equilateral triangle of sides 17 x 17 x 17):

Triangular Numbers, courtesy Jonathan R Hill


In Appendix I on the meaning of number 37 and its palindromic partner 73, Jonathan says both form the numerical value for the fundamental Hebrew word ‘wisdom’. He tells how this pair play a role in a multiplication, the result being the precise number of the Hebrew for the creation verse of Genesis 1:1. He goes on to relate this to 666 and a diagrammatic representation, which he interprets as meaning:

‘This transformation represents the dispensational truth that at the second coming of Christ, the dominant spiritual hierarchy of the world changes from 666, the number of the ‘beast’, to 12 – the governmental number of Israel. All this information including this powerful intervention of God is elegantly and visually encoded in the first verse of the Bible.’

That’s on page 202 and page 203 divulges this absolutely astounding mystery:


From this brief overview of well-researched data we can confidently conclude that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven include mathematical principles as an important part of its transcendental wisdom. Selah!

If you liked that, you’ll like this: Amazing Geometrical Symmetry of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1

Further Reading:

HE IS RISEN! – Time and Quantum effects in Jesus’ Resurrection

First published on this blog and repeated annually:

In preparation for the Holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the night when Jesus and the lead-disciples ate an early Passover Seder, or meal (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they’d demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – read 1 Corinthians 15:6)


Jesus Christ died so that each of us may be forgiven for our sins. As a result of this new status, we can have direct personal access to Almighty God when we believe in Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus suffered on our behalf as our ‘scapegoat’.  That is, Jesus took the place of death that we deserved because of our sinfulness, for the shedding of a sinless one’s blood was the only way our status could be changed for us to gain personal salvation. Apostle Paul put it thus to the Romans:

8But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV, see whole chapter.)

Now, when I was a new Christian I found that rather hard to understand – but it works! The theological term is ‘atonement’, or ‘substitutionary atonement’.  In bringing forgive-ness to the guilty, however, this can cause deep problems for those who’ve been the victim of crimes. After all, why should a killer find forgiveness by God? And what about the victim’s families, or the victim of abuse? They find it very hard if well-nigh impossible to forgive.

In 2012 I heard a Portsmouth prison chaplain address this issue with a concept taken from the criminal justice system: restorative justice. This involves an active dialogue between victim and offender, plus reparation.  And it has a sound basis in  theology. How?

Jesus was a guiltless victim, directly of those who wanted Him killed, and indirectly of everyone’s ‘fallen state’ of sinfulness, which could only be rectified by His death.

And Almighty God, the Father, is a victim too. How? He’s victim of humanity’s rebellion against Him. For example and especially over the way religious leaders murdered His son – how they seethed with rage when Jesus denounced them! (read Luke 20:9-19).  So, every victim can find an identity and affinity in both God and Jesus Christ in their situation. Hence, they can receive God’s own ability to forgive because He will help them choose to forgive those who’ve harmed them. [Lack of forgiveness may be the only thing that hampers God – see Matt 6:14-15]


During contemplation upon the tableau illustrated above, an insight dropped into mind that the Resurrection created a distinct point in the flow of, or perhaps even a change in, Time itself. That is, the now termed ‘common era’ calendar is the medieval Christian one that counts years from the approximate birth of Christ as ‘anno Domini’. But in fact, a more powerful one would be the point at which things in heaven changed and thus affected our lives on earth and its ultimate role in God’s scheme of creation. This took place at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His revival to life from death itself.

That such a concept may be valid can be found in the discoveries about the material of ‘The Shroud of Turin’, the shroud in which Jesus was thought to have been carried and covered during His interment. It is of most astounding significance when examined from the view-point of modern physics.

Apart from the supra-natural or spiritual aspect, that unique, singular event could have naturally happened by means of a ‘singularity’ (a theoretical gravitational effect associated with ‘black holes’, eg. as may have been the starting point of the creation of the universe, or ‘Big Bang’).

Don’t take my word for this but consider that of Dame Isabel Piczek (deceased 2016), famous as a monumental artist and award-winning figurative draughtswoman. Her highly detailed analysis of theories about how the image on the shroud was formed is authoritative, as in the first of several detailed articles here.

Also, as a physicist who may have considered implications from a quantum mechanics standpoint, her conclusions about how the image was formed are most intriguing: it seems that the image of Jesus can only have been created by its hovering equidistantly above and below his reclining bent corpse. Furthermore, this necessitated the body’s levitation – perhaps not an impossible feat during the moment of the Resurrection power-blast?  After all, the disciples had witnessed Jesus walking on water and were yet to see His levitating into the clouds!

Dame Isabel succinctly summarises:

We have a piece of cloth and it leads us to a mysterious gate which opens for us, and it lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws.

Consider these claims by reading those articles and watching this 19 minute of extracts from the DVD The Fabric of Time (with its own lead-in trailer). There’s also a discussion of her scientific opinion at In Case You Missed Isabel Piczek’s Wonderful Paper.

‘Coincidentally”, just after having read the last link and revised the preceding references to science (post published 5 years ago), I’m alerted to theoretical physicist Mehki’s new post on ‘black holes’ and ‘event horizons’ (see Looking to the Horizon). The discussion thread has a valuable contribution from ‘physicalrealityblog’ that’s pertinent to the Shroud site’s discussion of Dame Isabel’s analysis and indirectly reconnects it back into quantum physics!

2017: ‘Coincidentally’ amusing that bloggers ‘hidden’ on opposite sides of the world (Britain and New Zealand) were preparing items on the fabrics that Jesus Christ was buried with – the full-body shroud and the head linen – in Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. My post updated on Wed 12 April 2017 was scheduled on Thurs 13th for auto-publication Sun 16 April. On Good Friday 14 April Joanne Rolston published news of the ‘Sudarium’ in AB-solute Proof – The Blood That Speaks.

Read about bizarre anomalies in scientific instruments placed on the slab of stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre said to be have been where Jesus’ body lay: Scientists Who Opened Christ’s Tomb Detect Mysterious Readings That Support Shroud Theory

Link: The Shroud of Turin website

HE IS RISEN! Surprising scientific facts of Jesus’ burial shroud

In preparation for the holy-days’ weekend Nina creates a tableau for contemplating Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. She’s inspired about what items to collect and arrange, usually including a rock with a central hole eroded by the sea and which we found on a beach. It serves as both the ‘skull’ and garden tomb of Golgotha. For example, the above display has a scarf as a ‘river of life’ flowing out of the empty cave/tomb below the cross. (In 2012 it gave an insight that I’ll share below.)

A slightly different display is set up each Maunday Thursday, the night of which Jesus and the twelve leading disciples ate Passover Seder early (see video explanation). Following the meal, one disciple betrayed Him by leading Temple guards to capture Him at night for trial by a ‘kangaroo’ court of Jewish leaders.  It was a foregone conclusion that they would demand authorisation of His death from Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect, or governor, of Judea.

If you’re unfamiliar with this true story and how it led to Jesus’ gruesome torture, death and burial followed by his amazing bodily resurrection and appearance to His disciples, read doctor Luke’s investigative account and the personal account of Jesus’ closest disciple John. (Later, a Jewish leader violently opposed to them but who encountered Jesus en-route to Damascus would write He was seen simultaneously by over 500 – 1 Cor 15:6)


Jesus Christ died so that each of us may be forgiven for our sins. As a result of this new status, we now have direct personal access to God. As the Son of God, He suffered on our behalf as our ‘scapegoat’.  That is, Jesus took the place of death that we deserved because of our sinfulness, for the shedding of a sinless one’s blood was the only way our status could be changed for us to gain personal salvation. Apostle Paul put it thus to the Romans:

8But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV, see whole chapter.)

Now, when I was a new Christian I found that rather hard to understand – but it works! The theological term is ‘atonement’, or ‘substitutionary atonement’.  In bringing forgive-ness to the guilty, however, this can cause deep problems for those who’ve been the victim of crimes. After all, why should a killer find forgiveness by God? And what about the victim’s families, or the victim of abuse? They find it very hard if well-nigh impossible to forgive.

In 2012 I heard a Portsmouth prison chaplain address this issue with a concept taken from the criminal justice system: restorative justice. This involves active dialogue between victim and offender, plus reparation.  And it has a sound basis in  theology. How?

Jesus was a guiltless victim, directly of those who wanted Him killed, and indirectly of everyone’s ‘fallen state’ of sinfulness, which could only be rectified by His death.

And Almighty God, the Father, is a victim too. How? He’s victim of humanity’s rebellion against Him. For example and especially over the way religious leaders murdered His son – how they seethed with rage when Jesus denounced them! (read Luke 20:9-19).  So, every victim can find an identity and affinity in both God and Jesus Christ in their situation. Hence, they can receive God’s own ability to forgive because He will help them choose to forgive those who’ve harmed them. [Lack of forgiveness may be the only thing that hampers God – see Matt 6:14-15]


During contemplation upon the tableau illustrated above, an insight dropped into mind that the Resurrection created a distinct point in the flow of, or perhaps even a change in, time itself. That is, the now termed ‘common era’ calendar is the medieval Christian one that counts years from the approximate birth of Christ as ‘anno Domini’. But in fact, a more powerful one would be the point at which things in heaven changed and thus affected our lives on earth and its ultimate role in God’s scheme of creation. This took place at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His revival to life from death itself.

That such a concept may be valid can be found in the discoveries about the material of ‘The Shroud of Turin’, the shroud in which Jesus was thought to have been carried and covered during His interment. It is of most astounding significance when examined from the view-point of modern physics.

Putting the supra-natural aspect aside for the moment, that unique, most singular event could have naturally happened by means of a ‘singularity’ (a theoretical gravitational effect associated with ‘black holes’, eg. as may have been the starting point of the creation of the universe, or ‘Big Bang’).

Don’t take my word for this but consider that of Dame Isabel Piczek (dec’d 2016), famous as a monumental artist and award-winning figurative draughtswoman. Her highly detailed analysis of theories about how the image on the shroud was formed is authoritative, as in the first of several detailed articles here.

Also, as a physicist who may have considered implications from a quantum mechanics standpoint, her conclusions about how the image was formed are most intriguing: it seems that the image of Jesus can only have been created by its hovering equidistantly above and below his reclining bent corpse. Furthermore, this necessitated the body’s levitation – perhaps not an impossible feat during the moment of the Resurrection power-blast?  After all, the disciples had witnessed Jesus walking on water and were yet to see His levitating into the clouds!

Dame Isabel succinctly summarises:

We have a piece of cloth and it leads us to a mysterious gate which opens for us, and it lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws.

Consider these claims by reading those articles and watching this 19 minute of extracts from the DVD The Fabric of Time (with its own lead-in trailer). There’s also a discussion of her scientific opinion at In Case You Missed Isabel Piczek’s Wonderful Paper.

‘Coincidentally”, just after having read the last link and revised the preceding references to science (post published 5 years ago), I’m alerted to theoretical physicist Mehki’s new post on ‘black holes’ and ‘event horizons’ (see Looking to the Horizon). The discussion thread has a valuable contribution from ‘physicalrealityblog’ that’s pertinent to the Shroud site’s discussion of Dame Isabel’s analysis and indirectly reconnects it back into quantum physics!

PS. ‘Coincidentally’ amusing that bloggers ‘hidden’ on opposite sides of the world (Britain and New Zealand) were preparing items on the fabrics that Jesus Christ was buried with – the full-body shroud and the head linen – in Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. My post updated on Wed 12 was scheduled on Thurs 13th for auto-publication Sun 16 April. On Good Friday 14 April Joanne Rolston published news of the ‘Sudarium’ (see next post).

PPS (4 Sept’17) Read about bizarre anomalies in scientific instruments placed on the slab of stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre said to be have been where Jesus’ body lay: Scientists Who Opened Christ’s Tomb Detect Mysterious Readings That Support Shroud Theory

Link: The Shroud of Turin website

Good Friday Insights – part 1

The Cross at Ffald-y-Brenin, ‘miraculously’ provided and located as directed by the Lord.

Note: this from 2016 is republished as it leads into Thursday’s post on the Crucifixion and the directly related insights that blessed me this year..

Reflections upon the events of Jesus’ betrayal and execution whilst we were on a Quiet Day’s ‘Appointment in Jerusalem’, added to my ongoing meditation upon His prayer made not in the garden of Gethsemane, but after Passover in the upper room and offered up for Himself, the first disciples and every subsequent believer (John 17).

So my thoughts meandered around Jesus’ praying to Father that He’d “manifested Your Name” and for His disciples to see the glory He had with Father before the Beginning, as in my footnote to the word on Preparation for Enlargement.

Our modern concept of ‘name’ doesn’t convey the depth of meaning appreciated in biblical times. I recalled Hebrew and Semitic studies scholar Dr Michael S Heiser’s (bio) referring at Exodus 23:20-23 to the Angel of the LORD as having ‘Yahweh’s “Name” in him…which gives a glimpse of the Hebrew Bible’s ‘Name Theology’ in which reference to “the Name” actually refers to Yahweh Himself…Thus, ‘Yahweh indicates He is in the Angel…yet in other passages, Yahweh and the Angel can be simultaneously – but separately – present (Judges 6:11-26) [Old Testament Godhead Language].

That’s remarkably similar to the principle of quantum entanglement as noted On Engaging Time – yet is in the Bible!  He goes on to say the divine “Name” represents His presence, which is also God’s “essence”.

So over silent lunch with mind in ‘neutral’, an insight suddenly occurred to me and I noted it afterwards as an equation in my Bible’s rear fly-leaf.:


Also, the last part is equivalent to:


Now please note: in my mind I was going to write “in and throughout” but actually found myself writing “across”, which doesn’t make as much sense when considering the full continuity of time – BUT this change directly relates it to the Crucifixion.

From my earliest days of being ‘born again’ I’d heard about the Cross being pivotal in, and thus central to, human history. Now, however, I understood it’s existed throughout history from the very Beginning, and connected into the ‘mystery’ of ‘Fathers Own Objective’ that Apostle Paul revealed to the Ephesians, as noted in my intro to God’s Eternal Purpose.

I imagined the Cross’ horizontal beam s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g…r-i- g-h-t…a-c-r-o-s-s…t-i-m-e.

Next, I scribbled a cloud shape with arrows poking out of it to represent different epochs and wrote within its curvy outline, ‘Cloud of Unknowing’ (as in the title of the medieval book of Christian contemplative mysticism on the being and nature of God – see Wikipedia).

THEN right after jotting those notes and awaiting the first session after lunch, this famous Welsh hymn was played and I was transfixed by the chorus line,

“He can never be forgotten throughout heaven’s eternal days.”

Now, as I blog and search on Hebrew name theology I find a very informative article on ‘Ha Shem’ at Hebrew4Christians, to which is added this postscript:

‘The point of all this is to demonstrate that the “Name of the LORD” is none other than Yeshua (or Jesus). Yeshua = YHVH…The idea of “Name” means more that mere phonetics; it has to do with the deeds, acts, power, reputation and glory of God. Those who do not honor the Son do not honor the Father who sent Him (John 5:23). Denigrating Yeshua by even hinting that He is less than God Almighty is to desecrate the Name of God…’ (Divine Names Theology?)

The deep wisdom of that article is worthy of contemplative reflection. Yet it also speaks to me of another aspect of the Lord’s name relating directly to the Crucifixion, about which I’ll tell another time…(published Maunday Thursday 2017).

Also, yesterday Good Friday 2017  I was blessed with further related insights, which will be shared in Part 2.

‘Illusory’ free-will & science vs scripture & spirits

In this post I address some questions raised in a discussion thread on Rationalising the Universe but which are off-topic. Blogger scientists Joseph and Mekhi are open-minded in entertaining opinions as shown by raising ideas and topics on, or beyond, the fringes of material science. Read for example, What Am I For? and Science and God; a beautiful fusion or an unhealthy alliance?

Earlier this month a lively, informative discussion arose upon theoretical physicist Mekhi’s asking Is Free Will An Illusion?  She bravely ventures into a different form of matter – an immaterial one!  Mekhi opens her post:

“Whether or not we have a free will is an age-old question in philosophy: whether we are truly in control of our decisions and whether our future is an uncertainty, slowly carved out into a reality by our thoughts and actions today. Whether we have this free will is a question that has a popular appeal for it directly affects they way we see the universe and our place in it. Though what is it that makes us believe we truly are in control of our decisions and whether, when you’re faced with chocolate ice cream or vanilla, there really is a moment of genuine uncertainty before you choose the vanilla.

“Something inside us compels us to believe humans have free will….”

Spiritually-minded people recognise mankind’s possession of free-will as a gift from God because we are made with spiritual, moral, intellectual and emotional faculties: ie, we’re made ‘in His image’ and as His family. He did not create us to be mindless robots under His direct control. Therefore, free-will is a theological topic too, as well as being pertinent to other belief systems, philosophy, ethics and morality it is relevant in neuroscience, psychology and sociology.

Mekhi considers how classical and quantum physics can contribute to an understanding of free-will. Yet a problem lies in its being tied into scientists’ biased, or preferred, concepts associated with the twin belief systems of humanism and atheism. She concludes:

“Therefore it seems the only path we can follow to believe free will truly exists is to believe that somehow our minds behave in way that is superior to the direct product of the atoms that comprise them.. What basis we have for believing this I do not know.. but I believe I speak for all humans when I say something inside me compels it to be so – and that’s a scientist talking!”

What/Who Made ‘The Big Bang’ Bang?

Referring to the scientific conundrum of how the universe began, I point to inconsistency and ask about the apparent intelligence of sub-atomic particles from the perspective of quantum mechanics.

Another reader also picks up on and draws attention to the spiritual aspect of this topic. ‘Novus Lectio’ aka ‘BGC’, states “Free-will doesn’t stand in the realm of ‘matter’…it comes from the spirit”, refers to the brain’s reasoning processes and mentions references made to ‘something within’. I’d already noticed that and after Mehki’s negative response fill out BGC’s remark in saying her words indicate her own spirit, as well as pointing to use of language bordering on the religious.

Off-topic Discussion Points

A lively debate ensues! If you have time and inclination you may wish to read the article’s thread so you can appreciate its full flow. There are many fine debatable issues and here are extracts from the thread with off-topic points I believe warrant answering. I hope to do the discussion justice:

‘BGC’ makes an intriguing allusion to ‘scripture’ (March 13, 6:09 pm): ‘Yes I totally agree, the intuition comes from below our conscious awareness – but no calculation is performed due to the fact that we’re not the source of this intuition. If we were the source of it, we would call it “thought”.

‘In one of the Holy Scriptures God says: It is not for any human that God should speak to him, except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal by His permission whatever He wills. He is All-High, All-Wise. We thus inspired you spiritually, by Our command. You did not know what the Scripture is, nor what faith is, but We made it a light, with which We guide whomever We will of Our servants. You surely guide to a straight path. The path of God, to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Indeed, to God all matters revert….’

His protagonist ‘M’ offers his opinion and the debate continues but I notice this is from the qur’an and its claim and my subsequent discussion with BGC suggests he’s unclear as to how we can communicate with God and doesn’t realise spiritual beings, whether holy or demonic, have the ability to reason and communicate.

Eg, I respond (March 13, 5:56 pm): ‘Interesting thesis ‘BGC’ re, your “brain uses reason..spirit uses intuition” (reply to ‘M’) I partially disagree. Imho, the brain is just a tool to convey intuition and awareness of our spiritual life plus our link to God’s spirit . As we’re ‘made in his image’ with its free-will then we have a spiritual reasoning faculty to ‘discuss’ with our Father; as he says at Isaiah 1:18, “Come now let us reason together”…’

Also, in another reply, (Mar16, 5:49 pm): ‘Hence, my preference to analyse, query, test factual data – including scripture! – and accept the proven and hold theories lightly, rather than dogmatically make baseless assertions (emphasis added per comments below). I’ve been trained to discern between holy, human and unclean (demonic) spirits and deal with the last. My actual experience has verified the accuracy of what’s in the New Testament.

‘Thus, I disagree with your notion that free-will and rational processes are not used by immaterial or disembodied spirits. The Bible and Quran both report satan/iblis as having rational faculties, otherwise it wouldn’t have been able to rebel or tempt Jesus through power of persuasion. Also, Jesus referred to it as ‘The Father of Lies’. SO a spirit being has and uses its reasoning faculty! The main focus of such spirits’ activities is upon our human minds and thoughts.

‘BGC’ replies and asks (Mar 16, 7:08pm): ‘Hi Richard, I’m very surprised by your knowledge...I agree with most of what you said, “better to stick to attested facts of known events rather than conjecture of fictional films”. On the other hand, satan/iblis isn’t really described in the Quran except that it is made of a certain kind of fire (naturally not the human kind). So it’s not exactly a spirit is it?’

A fair question and I refer ‘BGC’ to this blog’s ‘Holy Fire’ tag, specifically the photos of More Focus on Holy Fire, which show the Holy Spirit flame upon people and a pair of seraphim, or burning ones.  As for the twisted rational faculties of demons, the New Testament records a few very brief instances of demons trying to reason with Jesus and their obedience to His commands.

Also, when I read the Muslim book I noted a similarity in style to a mediumistic-inspired book (or ‘automatic writing’) dictated by a ‘Jesus’ who belittles his disciples’ incompetence and misunderstanding of miracles. It pretends to tell where they went wrong and ‘how to perform miracles’.  Also, in denying the divine nature of Jesus, the qur’an is unhelpful as regards a born-again believer hearing the Lord, and is therefore not competent on the gift of prophecy and the office of prophet.  So I directed ‘BGC’ to dip into this blog’s hub on Prophecy (‘101’ here).

There is so much more I could add, but if anyone has a brief question please be free to ask and I shall respond as soon as possible…

‘Thin places’, a ‘quantum’ veil separating heaven and earth

Click/tap for description

The ancient Celtic saints’ concept of sacred spots – where heaven touches earth – may have a scientific aspect as a ‘quantum’ veil says Phil Mason, author of Quantum Glory.

Our ‘current trilogy’ of another look at the meeting place of scripture and science now includes Phil’s article posted on his website on 11th September. In view of my recent reflections upon Greek meanings buried behind our English translations, I especially note his focus upon that too.

I didn’t include the post with other science-related posts at the time to avoid any possible intellectual indigestion. Even so, his seminal work had already been introduced in Does Extraterrestial Intelligence Exist? Part 1 & Part 2.

First, an intriguing definition of ‘non-locality’ (emphasis added):

‘Another of the remarkable features of the microscopic world prescribed by quantum theory is the idea of nonlocality, what Albert Einstein rather dismissively called “spooky actions at a distance” …‘Nonlocality describes the apparent ability of objects to instantaneously know about each other’s state, even when separated by large distances (potentially even billions of light years), almost as if the universe at large instantaneously arranges its particles in anticipation of future events….’ (The Physics of The Universe )

[Note: for more see NIST team proves ‘spooky action…’ is really real.]

Now over to Phil Mason:


Faced with the triple realities of quantum non-locality, the existence of God and the supernatural intervention of God we can move forward to theorise the relationship between these three fundamental realities of our supernaturally crafted universe. As we explore this dimension of non-local quantum reality in greater depth I will propose that this invisible layer of quantum reality acts as some kind of interface between the presence and power of God (who exists in the spiritual realm) and the world of matter.

The non-local quantum world appears to be some kind of invisible, intermediate ‘buffer zone’ between spirit and matter. It would appear that the non-local quantum realm has been strategically crafted by God to be directly responsive to the influence and activity of the Spirit of God so that these non-local quantum realities are capable of ‘materialising’ into a localised spatial formation. Quantum realities are the building blocks of matter. This is now an established scientific fact!

I have been exploring the nature of the creation of the heavens and the earth through the lens of quantum non-locality and the wave-particle duality. But before I can get to that subject, we need to delve deeper into this phenomena of quantum non-locality. I am proposing the simple theory that this twilight zone of quantum non-locality is the interface between two worlds. This is by no means an outrageous speculation in the light of trends in the scientific community.

Even purely secular physicists such as Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking and many others have embraced an idea called the ‘Many Worlds Interpretation’ as a way of resolving the quantum paradox. Richard Feynman said, “I think we are forced to accept the Many Worlds Interpretation if quantum mechanics is true” (ref 1). Stephen Hawking is a big fan of this interpretation. In fact, in a poll of 72 leading cosmologists and quantum theorists 58% claimed to believe in the Many Worlds Interpretation (2). That is almost 6 out of 10!

This theory was developed by an American physicist called Hugh Everett. Everett argued that there is no such thing as the wave function collapse when it is measured by an observer. Instead the act of quantum measurement causes a splitting into two parallel universes: one in which the sub-atomic particle exists as a particle and the other in which it still exists as a non-collapsed wave. This theory has given rise to the science fiction popularisation of the concept ‘parallel universes.’ Scientists who have embraced the Many Worlds Interpretation have sought to explain the phenomena of the double-slit experiment as evidence that we live in a ‘Multiverse’ rather than a universe.

The Multiverse is a hypothetical set of possible universes that exist alongside one another in different dimensions, of which our physical universe is but one of a series of parallel worlds. I am not an advocate of the Many Worlds Interpretation because I believe in just two worlds: the world of spirit and the world of matter. But I wanted to make the point that the idea of parallel universes or merely the idea of another universe alongside our own is not an idea that is on the fringe of contemporary scientific thought. Many well-known scientists who have become popular authors subscribe to this view and actively promote it as a solution to the quantum paradox.

Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world!” (3) The writer to the Hebrews indicates that Christ is the one through whom God “made the worlds” (4). Note that the term ‘worlds’ is plural not singular. We see this same term in a later chapter of Hebrews, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (5).

There are two worlds revealed in the Bible. Jesus frequently talked about this world and the world above. He said to those who opposed Him, “You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world” (6). On another occasion He said, “I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father” (7). Clearly, Jesus revealed that there are two worlds. There is this material world and there is another world that is above and beyond this physical universe because it exists in another spiritual dimension.


These two worlds are separated by a gossamer thin veil. They are continuously intersecting yet they are two entirely separate worlds. One is the world constituted by matter and the other is constituted by spirit. When Jesus walked upon the earth he displayed the supernatural powers of the world above which He identified as ‘heaven.’ Even when He was upon the earth He was still living in this other dimension called heaven. He said, “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven” (8). The ‘Heavenly Man,’ Jesus Christ, displayed heaven on earth and revealed the kingdom of heaven everywhere He walked on earth. The gospels continually reveal His world breaking into our world.

The Bible talks about a ‘veil’ that separates heaven and earth. The book of Hebrews talks about entering “the Presence behind the veil” (9). Matthew, Mark and Luke all record that at the exact moment that Jesus died on the cross the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, prophetically symbolising that through the atonement of Christ the way had been made for humanity to pass “through the veil” (10) into this supernatural world called heaven. Elsewhere in the New Testament we encounter another interesting concept that appears to communicate a similar idea to the veil. Paul talked about a ‘mirror’ or a ‘looking glass.’ He said, “For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face” (11).

Paul picked up this idea again in his second Epistle to the Corinthians where he deliberately dove-tailed the twin concepts of the ‘looking-glass’ and the ‘veil.’ He taught that whenever someone turns to Christ the veil is taken away (12). He then proceeded to teach that those who have turned to Christ are now able to peer through the looking glass into heaven in order to behold the glory of God. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (13). The obvious suggestion is that God is on the other side of the veil. He is on the other side of the looking-glass, peering into this world. We are in this material world but through Christ we can now peer through the looking-glass into heaven.

Next Invisible Jigsaw Pieces: ‘Thin Places’, Open Heavens, New Season in Wales


  1.  Feynman is quoted in Frank J. Tipler: ‘The Physics of Christianity.’ p.6
  3.  John 18:36
  4.  Hebrews 1:2
  5.  Hebrews 11:3
  6.  John 8:23
  7.  John 16:28
  8.  John 3:13
  9.  Hebrews 6:19
  10.  Hebrews 10:20
  11. 1 Corinthians 13:12
  12. 2 Corinthians 3:16


Prophets and Quantum Physicists

A thought-provoking comparison that perhaps hints at deep similarities between these apparent opposites. Agree 100% with Franco’s closing point.:

One on one with Franco

"Thoughts and Visions" collage. The prophet's bubble from a painting by Edoardo Rodriguez Caldazo. “Thoughts and Visions” collage. The prophet’s bubble from a painting by Edoardo Rodriguez Caldazo.

Theoretical physicists and quantum physicists are some of the scientists who attempt to pull back the veil and peak into the unknowable. In the Old Testament, that was the role of prophets. What I’m calling the unknowable, could probably be better phrased. Unknowable is not a good word here. What might be a better way to say it is to say that these people, seated in our four-dimensional world, are attempting to peer into the fifth dimension and beyond using the limited tools we have at our disposal. It is clear to me that the creator, through the Holy Spirit, is constantly broadcasting truth, inspiration which some are able to capture with our imagination, mind, and spiritual gifting. Some are aware of this source outside of ourselves, while others believe they are themselves the source. And…

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Dimensions 1 – Heavenly Coordinates

Now and again along our journey we’ve mulled over the meaning of time and the likelihood of scripture and science meeting over the horizon. Here, Franco Guerri brings a clear, concise introduction to dimensions and relates them to the Bible. In particular, his insight on the Cross and infinity is most noteworthy (see reply to Tim Shey). If this is your cup of tea then you may like to read > Dimensions 2 – Randomness and Ignorance.

One on one with Franco

Representation of the first four dimensions. (Wickipedia) Representation of the first four dimensions. (Wickipedia)

“In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it.”¹   It seems clear then, that God being infinite and eternal, or beyond time, would necessitate infinite “coordinates” to be defined.   By definition, in-finite, cannot be defined.   Hence He exists in infinite, un-limited dimensions.   Can we not say that the entire Bible is a document from beyond time and space attempting to give sufficient “coordinates” in order to reveal God Himself to a people trapped in only a few dimensions?

If our senses were limited to perceiving only a two-dimensional reality having only width and height, what would we understand of the three-dimensional world we coexist with?   Would a square express anything of what a cube is? When a sphere came through…

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Saving the Present

saving-the-presentContinuing our on-going foray into the nature of Time (and space) with another most informative summary and discussion of principles by Mekhi and participants, I’m reminded of Apostle Paul’s brief remarks about his own extra-dimensional experience, as recorded at 2 Cor 12 (Ha! – where else in view of my personal ‘212’ connection/experience, as in Reflection upon First Sundays in Advent).

Paul writes, “I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago – whether in the body or out of the body I don’t know, God knows – was caught up to the third heaven. And I know that this man…was caught up into paradise and heard utterances beyond the power of man to put into words, which man is not permitted to utter…”

Rationalising The Universe

Two months ago I posted on how the theory of Special Relativity refutes the idea of a flow of time or a universal present moment. You can read that post here.

Today as promised I put forward the arguments from modern-day Theoretical Physics which seek to push back and restore our intuitive notion of an objective passage of time and a universal now.

Two of these arguments come from, no surprises here – Quantum Mechanics (quantum theories and relativity theories have always been bitter rivals) however an argument can also be produced from General Relativity – Special Relativity’s big brother. I will present these arguments as briefly and as concisely as possible, but as we all know the workings of theoretical physics are far from simple so I hope the advanced readers amongst will not seek to crucify me too much over my wording at times. If you are so…

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The Atom and the Atonement: Why we need models in science and theology

Chemistry graduate Joe Ogden draws a fascinating comparison between the apparent contradiction of the Holy Trinity and that of wave-particle duality in quantum physics, plus other interesting insights.

Timing of listening to ‘Time’

G’day readers.

How did your day start as you got under way?  Do you notice time seems to have different speeds when you’re getting up? Sometimes I have to get a move on to beat the clock and be ready at a specific time. One day ‘hare’ minute-hand scoots along as tho’ haring around the ‘milestone’ circle – but another day it may saunter as though half awake, and ‘tortoise’ hour-hand lies huddled in its shell.:


My childhood intro to time and different speeds!

Soon after starting my search for ‘truth’ when a young man, I read that time’s related to consciousness. So I noticed its measure may depend upon alertness.

Decades later and living at a more leisurely pace I notice this puzzles me. For example, in the bathroom I’m usually wide awake when swiping a razor around my face – rarely am I drowsy and, if needing to be on the move, I keep an eye on my watch as it sneakily heads for a deadline.

I’ve noticed differences on some days between how much I can get done in that early half-hour. Maybe my wrist-watch speeds up or down, or maybe it’s simply all down to my body-clock. Even so I’d agree with Justin Abrahams’ claim that, of its own nature, time does go at different speeds – maybe I get my own ‘time bubble’ in the bathroom!  But I’d much prefer to learn the practicalities of his claim to having done a two-hour wash, wax and polish of his car in half an hour!!

After posting the first announcement about Justin’s podcast on engaging Time in February I found the timing of my listening to it was intriguing!

podomatic-justin-abraham-time2My first attempt at listening on my phone failed to work. Not having done this on my phone before I found out later that the talk did download but I needed a better ‘ap’. Anyway, it was much better this way because it grabbed my attention when I was able to give it. Had it worked it would have distracted me from a personally relevant event at the conference I was going to.

At least a couple of aspects of what Justin teaches on that podcast were relevant to that event as well as to other recent things. First, I’m amused I’d been thinking of something from dim, distant days – “He who grieves most, grieves for wasted time”. It was one of many such quotations that had been used to prompt me to search seriously for the truth and meaning of life just before the famous Beatles turned into hippies and then got into transcendental mediation.

A Few Thoughts on ‘Time’

I hope anyone who followed my suggestion to listen to Justin’s podcast (here) didn’t find his excited assertions too daunting. Perhaps his approach is too ‘off-the-wall’ for some, yet his experiences and insights are worthy of due consideration and reflection.

Those of ‘glued-on’ adherence to the literal Bible text and fixed interpretation, according to whichever adopted translation is cleaved to, may have difficulty with his challenging but Biblically-based concepts. I very much like his familiarity with scientific concepts, from which most Christians shy away. It’s something I’d urge my brethren to get to grips with in order to marvel even more at Father’s handiwork.

Without being in any way dismissive, however, it would be interesting to see evidence for Justin’s claims regarding postage dates.  Also, as above, I’m ambitious to clean, wax and polish the car in such an unexpected short time-span as he experienced for two! 🙂

I recalled what Charles Shamp taught on the prophet Daniel travelling in time and seeing the stars at Jesus’ birth, thus leaving instructions on what the Magi should look for in the sky and why (Supermoon Monday’s ‘blood moon’ and The Age to Come refers).

Bobby Conner – Time Disappeared

Bobby_Carolyn_Conner_500pxAlso, I was reminded of what Bobby Conner said in Bath city about ten years ago. After returning from a trip, he phoned his wife Carolyn from the airport to let her know when to expect him home. It’s usually well over an hour’s journey, so his thoughts turned to the Lord whilst driving. Only twenty minutes later Bobby came to the junction for the road leading to their house – total time: under half hour!  Huh?

Miraculous, or a tall story? And is it Biblical??  My overview Eternity and Prophecy refer to three examples in scripture of time having been distorted and broken. And remember…

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no-one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end…

I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it, God does it, that man should fear before Him.

That which is has already been, and what is to be has already been; and God seeks an account of what is pursued [so that history repeats itself – Amplified Bible]. (Ecclesiastes 3:11 Amp; 14-15 NKJV)

[Drafted early March 2016]

Does the present really exist?

Physicist Mekhi’s scientific definition of ‘now’ augments my previous post on Justin Abraham’s outline of relativity and time. Also, the diagram is helpful in illustrating his description of slices of time and ‘before the beginning’, or pre- and post-Genesis. Don’t overlook the ensuing discussion from readers.

Rationalising The Universe

Firstly a warm welcome to all new followers; we were fortunate enough to be featured on WordPress Discover recently which gave a wonderful flurry of new support. We endeavour to stay in touch and interact with as many of you as possible; and hope that science and mathematics continues to be an area of interest for everyone. The pool of human knowledge is after-all our most valuable asset, which we share collectively.

Now for our second exploration of time (if you missed the first you can find it here). The theory of relativity is our best theory of the macroscopic world. The theory of Special Relativity was introduced by Einstein in 1905 brought about a wide range of insights into the nature of reality including length contraction, time dilation, a universal speed limit of the speed of light and the relativity of simultaneity. It is the latter that shall…

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