Prophecy Update #5: Press again uses prophetic terms in politics

Now and then over our regular long weekends, I get to spend an hour at my desk and quickly run through the email’s in-tray.  It ‘just so happened’ as I did so on Saturday that one came from Margaret H drawing my attention to a Friday newspaper’s strap-line that  implies confirmation of a profound prophecy.  Margaret writes,

‘…I’ve been thinking a lot, and praying a lot, as we all have, I’m sure, about Boris in that earthmover, and Veronika West’s word about it [A Work of Divine Excavation…Taking us “back to our old foundations”], which you posted on January 21st this year along with your own picture from 2014 [Call to pray for UK]…[RB: ’twas a very vivid vision!]

‘Yesterday morning I found on the BBC website, among their images of the front pages of the daily newspapers, a confirmation of ‘Bulldozer Boris’. It’s using the words in a different context, in reference to Boris sweeping all before him in terms of the leadership election, but it’s definitely prophetic and confirmatory.’

So I did a quick search and found this summary shot from BBC in the Guardian:

And here’s a close-up of the Daily Mail’s front page:

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).