MAJOR exposureS: CIA collusion with Biden – FBI shut down Mar-a-Lago security cameras


New Information Shows CIA
Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

House Judiciary GOP

“We knew that the rushed statement from the 51 former intelligence officials was a political maneuver between the Biden campaign and the intelligence community.

Now with this interim report, we reveal how officials at the highest levels of the CIA were aware of the statement and CIA employees knew that several of the so-called former officials were on active contract with the CIA. The report underscores the risks posed by a weaponized federal government.” –

Jim Jordan


JUST IN: FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Legal Experts Weigh In

Trump Trial Travesty: update plus ‘Devolution’ aspect

A REMINDER: this blog’s political coverage is basically non-partisan and focused alone upon seeing the answered manifestation of the prayer to “Our Holy Father in heaven” that Jesus taught for His Kingdom to come and His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven!

Continue reading in full at

CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS (For earlier posts click Devolution)

‘Anon’ author offers a provocative tranche of posts starting June 19:

“Thought today would be a good day to post a summary of my theory (guess) on what we are going to see happen over the next few months— Election Day through Trump’s Inauguration on Jan 20, 2025.

My speculation on what’s coming is based on years of tracking & following Trump’s Executive Orders, policy & foreign diplomacy…..along with his words & actions.

Bc as President Trump always says: PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT.

Only time will tell, but I truly believe THE BEST IS YET TO COME.”

Continue reading on Telegram, via ‘Preview Channel’ if necessary >


MIKE Davis posted at 22:55

Judge Juan Merchan got exposed on his “random assignment” to all Trump-related cases.

His daughter Loren Merchan has already raised her millions.


Gag orders are supposed to protect criminal defendants going through the criminal process.

They are not supposed to protect Joe Biden’s corrupt henchmen like Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Matthew Colangelo.

Joe Biden’s fingerprints are directly involved in all 4 of the indictments against his main political rival, and the republic-ending lawfare Democrats are engaging in will not stop any time soon.

MAJOR exposure: was Speaker’s role in Russia-Gate treason???

When I began this series eight years ago asking Is The Lord Exposing Rotten Politics? In UK, USA…EU? little did I suspect what was hidden and eventually to be exposed to the light of day. So this is appropriate for 520th Exposures posting.

First, a relatively recent and specific prophecy…

Julie Green; Date Word Received: April 18, 2022

“A major scandal involving many of the House of Representatives, oh United States is about to break wide open. Listen for the breaking news. Members of the House who were involved will not be able to slip by and get away with this; scandal after scandal, one fraudulent act after another. Nothing they have done or have tried to hide will stay hidden in this hour of exposures.

More truth will come out regarding the Steele Dossier. There is so much more to the story. My children, they tried to keep hidden. It has all been uncovered, and a whistle-blower will come forward with more truth regarding the people who were also involved. It will shock this country to its core.

Some involved that you would never have thought were on that side actually were. Many people have tried to fool this country with the political side they picked. They were just paid to act like they were a part of that side when really they were just spies for the opposite party. Many infiltrated the camp of the rightful president. They have all been found out, and none of them can hide behind the lies and the parts they played.

No! Indictments and treason will be the end to each and every one who chose to spy and infiltrate the side of the rightful sitting president. All will be acknowledged and dealt with for the world to see.”


KASH PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

Well-worth printing hard-copy to read at earliest leisure; click Print-friendly. Kash Patel concludes with this damning indictment:

Every time I went to the Speaker’s office to get a subpoena authorized, every time we tried to force the DOJ/FBI to produce documents and witnesses, and every time we were blocked from access, Paul Ryan made the calls.

He and his team were complicit with the FBI/DOJ because they despised Trump. This corruption by Paul Ryan must not be forgotten. His actions undermined our democracy, obstructed justice, and allowed a fraud to permeate the highest levels of government.

Paul Ryan is the ultimate government gangster in this saga—just another senior government official caught in the rig who thinks there is an alternate justice system for him. I wonder if he discussed any of this with Rosenstein and Wray while they were busy illegally surveilling myself and other senior staffers who exposed Russia Gate. Too bad we never got the chance to ask him under oath.

Go ahead, ask me how I know…”

Kash Patel was the chief investigator and senior counsel for the Russia Gate Investigation on the House Permanent Select Committee for Intelligence.

On his Telegram Kash heads this item:

“Truth pounds Deep State in the face: Game on!”

For information, here’s previous posts on comparing Russia Gate to Watergate

Surprising confirmation Arizona-UK is on the Lord’s GPS

With well over 100  reports on major US election issues in Arizona and Maricopa county posted on this blog I could not remain silent upon reading this on Telegram…here’s the latest:

Fakebook removes post citing prophet’s name!

Upon sharing Saturday’s quickie post ‘More investigations… to Fake_buk it immediately got removed. So I tried again but that time removed linkage to Veronika West’s Fkbuk and that too failed.

Its excuse:

Being weekend I let it be; but today registered two complaints to the deep-state system and tried a different approach – which has been accepted onto my timeline:

More investigations keep confirming prophecy of cheating in US elections (PPU 154)

Since Thursday’s updates on the progress of Veronika West’s 2020 stadium race dream, news has continued to explode relating to point 8. You may recall that she heard the public calling “Foul, foul” from the start and at the close of the election. As a reminder, here’s her dream’s end-points:

“8.He’s looking to be given the race as victor, but I see the race officials look at their screens and discuss between themselves what’s happened ds how the race was run and…

9.…I see one of the officials stand up and look at Joe Biden and say, “You may have run the race, but you have been disqualified.”

10..God showed her that Donald Trump had won the race.”

PPU 153 trilogy is just a ‘taster’ so to catch-up with subsequent ‘election interference’ news visit Richards Watch Prophecy Validations and scroll through the many items of June 21 and June 22.  NB. If you’re not on Telegram then select ‘Preview channel’ button.

The latest indicates the public ‘spectators’ may be getting heard at long last!

Archbishop Vigano to be excommunicated by anti-pope!

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

Click above, wherein Joe Hoft begins his article:

‘Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Holy Catholic Church.’

My readers may recall nearly two dozen postings wherein I’ve cited this brave archbishop’s work and this news is doubtless the outcome of the duplicity between so-called catholic Joe Biden and Bergoglio.

Chris Moyler on Telegram writes his response to dear Archbishop Vigano on his X post (ArchbpVigano)

“You have been faithful, dear Archbishop Vigano.

It is the present hierarchy of the RCC, and NOT you, who are now the ones on trial for apostasy.

We appeal to the Court of Heaven on your behalf.

You shall, Sir, most surely receive your vindication from the Almighty One. Amen.”

AMEN and again Amen my friend!

‘Conspiracies’ Proven True #1: Archbishop confirms we ARE living though Revelation 13

Trump Trial Travesty – Latest on appeal to SCOTUS (PPU 143.3)

As indicated in PPU 143.1 and 143.2 on the Manhattan trial’s direct connection with political election interference and possible submission to the Supreme Court Of The United States, readers may like to be aware of Constitutional scholar Paul Ingrassia’s article published this morning:

PPS to Investigation into interference in 2020 Election (PPU 152.3)

With reference to the closing points of officials’ investigation into Biden cheating in the US presidential election race of November 2020, as in Veronika West’s dream and validatory news in PPU 152.1: we catch up on missed and further news subsequent to the PPU 152.2 PostScript.

First, continuing from full-circle post with this Detroit-related news on the rigged election.:

Remember, the prophecy’s final points refer to officials closely examining the Trump-Biden election race of 2020, as has subsequently happened in depth by professionally and legally interested parties.

Veronika doesn’t identity the official declaring Biden’s ‘disqualification’. It does, however mean an authoritative, final decision such as by the Supreme Court, or even the Lord Jesus as the Almighty has commissioned Him as Judge of the living and the dead.

Read the above item’s timeline in print-ready format here.

Intrepid Julie concludes her Substack Declassified:

So, Smith is up to his same old tricks in less friendly territory in Florida. Asking (Judge) Cannon to ban Trump from speaking about the raid under false pretenses is just another example of how the Special Counsel’s office is trying to shield the American people from learning about this case. He also pulled out the “threats and harassment” excuse in previously asking Cannon to conceal the names of potential witnesses in the case; she said no.

Smith continues to oppose efforts to unseal other evidence related to the investigation—a mostly losing battle as Cannon repeatedly underscores her commitment to transparency—including a trove of records demonstrating collusion between the Biden White House, the National Archives, and the DOJ in spring 2021 to concoct some sort of documents case against the former president.

Defense attorneys complain they still do not have all the discovery they are entitled to receive; some materials from grand jury proceedings in Washington, the Trump-hating and out-of-jurisdiction court where most of the investigation took place, also have not been turned over.

At the same time, the DOJ and Democrats warn that Trump is a threat to “democracy” and the “rule of law.’“

It is, of course, the exact opposite. Calling Smith’s gag order demand a “shocking display of overreach and disregard for the Constitution,” Trump’s lawyer filed a response on June 14:…

Cannon, however, is unlikely to play along with the DOJ’s desperate ploy to prevent the former president from continuing to expose this deeply botched case. Smith isn’t concerned about what he described as Trump “put[ting] a target on the backs of the FBI agents”—after all, names of law enforcement in the case are redacted in court documents—but rather how to protect his sloppy, dishonest prosecutors and investigators from Trump’s wrath.’

‘Trump and The Kingdom’ goes full-circle back to Detroit!!

Being challenged by our church leader and others on Donald Trump’s apparent lack of Christian principles, I began to gather my thoughts on what I’d learned through William Koenig’s reports as an accredited Christian journalist in The White House. The result was a short series launched a few days before the US 2020 presidential election, the first of which I’d encourage your reading via this linked image:

Is Donald Trump’s heart for God’s Kingdom? – part 1: 2008-2017

My response to the challenge is to submit, after the introductory material, introductory information in these briefing sections:

  1. Scripture – Matt 15:8 and Matt 7:16; pro-life versus abortion.
  2. President Obama – anti-Israel, pro-Iran and Muslims, silent on persecution.
  3. President Trump – inauguration, prayer times, Black History Month, confronts Nigeria’s president over persecuting Christians – subsequent to Detroit news:


Now, after having quickly posted these weekend news items on Richard’s Watch Telegram along with a link to Part 1, I needed to return and search on Detroit::

(Am amused at 212; personal number). Upon playing the video on ‘X’ I note Trump’s response to the pastor of, “It’s my honour!” Someone notes there’s only whites in the audience, BUT my original post covers his appreciation of and great ease with black people.

Click for TGP’s last report above. The following linked image (overwrites this screen) gives full report including above screenshot 2 of 12:

Friend or Foe of the Bridegroom? – Tony Puccio

Meanwhile over in Arizona, Tony Puccio posted this today in his Dreams and Visions. It is truly MOST apposite because only two days ago in an online chat with our breakfast bible group, I referred to Jesus’ parable of the virgins awaiting His return for the Bride. Tony writes,

‘While at Tuesday night prayer I was shown a vision where I saw the Lord standing with a grieved look upon His face. The vision that follows is taken from John:

John 3:26-29 (NKJV) 26 And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified—behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!”
27 John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but, I have been sent before Him.’ 29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.

In addition to seeing the Lord I saw a bride in a wedding dress ready to be married to her bridegroom.  However, this was not the case because I saw her – Christ’s ekklesia – going from pulpit to pulpit dancing with various pastors, the supposed friend(s) of the bridegroom, but not with the one she is betrothed to! Those dancing with her, the bride, are not friends but foes according to John’s gospel.  The bride is enamored by men, i.e., individual personalities, and not with the One she should be enamored with. When prayer began I heard the Lord say, “I want My Church back”. If you are a pastor reading this post it should grieve you as I felt the Lord’s grief upon seeing the vision.’

PS to Investigation into interference in 2020 Election (PPU 152.2)

With reference to the closing points of officials’ investigation into Biden cheating in the US presidential election race of November 2020, as in Veronika West’s dream: we catch up on other recent pertinent news on the deliberate destruction of proper legal process and the consequential change of the USA into Biden’s banana-land third-world country:

America First Legal Files Complaint with the Federal Election Commission Against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the Biden Campaign for Violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act 

The above is exceptionally informative; read at

So too is Prof Turley’s severe indictment of a fellow ‘professional’ as Attorney General in The Corruption of Merrick Garland

Read in full at

Thus, I can only conclude that the ‘officials’ declaring that Biden is “disqualified” must be either the Supreme Court of the United States, OR THE LIVING LORD GOD!

Investigation validates Veronika West prophecy of US 2020 election cheating (PPU 152.1)

‘(Washington, DC)Judicial Watch announced today it received 110 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show state election officials in the days before and after the 2020 election flagging online content deemed “misinformation” and sending it to the Center for Internet Security (CIS), a DHS-funded nonprofit, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), and others.

The records were obtained in response to a November 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records of communications between the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, and the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to suppress online election content for censorship and suppression(Judicial Watch Inc. vs. U.S. Department of Homeland Security(No. 1:22-cv-03560 )). Judicial Watch filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after DHS failed to respond to an October 2022, FOIA request….’

Continue reading at Judicial Watch – Censorship, Coordination Election

Judicial Watch has been in the forefront of uncovering government efforts to censor free-speech and suppress opposition.

“The records provide more disturbing evidence of a conspiracy by federal, state, and ‘private’ actors to censor Americans on social media during a presidential campaign,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch will continue to expose the government’s involvement in what is an ongoing and unprecedented attack on Americans’ First Amendment rights.” (Emphases RB)


A reminder of the sequence of Veronika’s dream about the Trump-Biden election race in a stadium, as published by His Kingdom Prophecy, not omitting to note any aspects of symbolism (extracts from HKP’s bullet points of her dialogue, emphases mine):

  1. “A recent dream of a stadium running race…with a heavy sense of anticipation.
  2. Biden took to the field there was silence… Trump walked out, the crowd erupted.
  3. Moments before the starter fires the starter’s pistol, Biden takes off and starts to run the race. Trump then starts to run after the pistol is fired.
  4. While the crowd shout “Foul! Foul” – the media shout, “Run! Run!”
  5. The race marshal is completely oblivious to what is happening.
  6. Biden crosses the finish line three steps before Trump and wins the race.
  7. The media are shouting, “Joe you’ve won, he’s won!” Cameras clicking and they’re shouting “Victory for Joe, victory for Joe!” but the crowd’s shouting “False start, false start – foul, foul – disqualify!”
  8. Biden then runs to a table of 9 race officials expecting to be announced the winner (9 speaks of birthing and judgement also number of Supreme Court justices).
  9. He’s looking to be given the race as victor, but I see the race officials look at their screens and discuss between themselves what’s happened and how the race was run and…
  10. …I see one of the officials stand up and look at Joe Biden and say, “You may have run the race, but you have been disqualified.”
  11. God showed her that Donald Trump had won the race.

Continue reading at Postscript..

A word for the UK & Ireland: God will shake the Nations – Henry Joseph Falcone (GPS 106.2)

Further to the previous post reporting the GSP to Veronika West in Northern Ireland, a similar GPS was received on Father’s Day at the other end of the Bridge o’er the Pond,
by Henry Joseph Falcone in Florida and confirming The Shaking I’d heard in Hebrews 12:26-27. It’s published on Flame of Fire Ministries (copied from Facebook, hence close formatting) as follows:
Continue reading

Return to ‘Rupture, not Rapture’ – Veronika West (GPS 106.1)

FATHER’S DAY GPS (Global Prophecy Signal) 106.1 – Yet more details relating to Hebrews 12:26-27 that the Lord dropped onto me over 25 years ago at house group, but which nobody could explain or provide any insight:

Continue reading

Exposures of Biden regime continue – Bar Association gags debate: DoJ & FBI Mar-a-Lago raid.


1 – Prof Jonathan Turley: (image-link overwrites current window)

“No Place in the Public Discourse”: The Connecticut Bar Association Warns Critics of Trump Prosecutions

Click here to read in separate new window  Here’s an extract (emphases mine)

‘…Ironically, the letter only reinforced the view of a legal system that is maintaining a political orthodoxy and agenda. These officials declare that it is now unprofessional or reckless for lawyers to draw historical comparisons to show trials or to question the motives or ethics underlying these cases. They warn lawyers not to “sow distrust in the public for the courts where it does not belong.” Yet, many believe that there is an alarming threat to our legal system and that distrust is warranted in light of prosecution like the one in Manhattan.

As discussed in my new book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, critics of political prosecutions under the Crown and during the Adam Administrations were often threatened with disbarment or other legal actions for questioning the integrity or motives of judges or prosecutors. It is not enough to say “well that was then and this is now.” The point is that the bar association also has a duty to protect the core rights that define our legal system, particularly the right of free speech.

Again, these officials are not threatening bar action against critics of these cases. However, as evidenced by the emails in my inbox, it is being taken as a warning by many who hold misgivings over these prosecutions…’

2 – Investigator Julie Kelly

Julie concludes her excellent in-depth 7-page Real Clear Investigation,   

‘Some records related to the search remain under seal, including grand jury testimony of a Secret Service agent. Judge Cannon previously indicated she would allow for the unsealing of grand jury materials if necessary, so more revelations as to how the raid was planned and conducted could be forthcoming.

Documents filed on June 11 add more context to the execution of the raid. It appears the Secret Service point of contact was only informed of the warrant roughly two hours before agents arrived at Mar-a-Lago. Contrary to what the DOJ attempts to portray as a “cooperative” effort between the two law enforcement agencies, FBI agents used a bolt cutter to open the lock of the storage area where boxes were housed rather than wait for a key.

Agents mishandled files from the start; Smith recently admitted the sequence of evidence inside the boxes is not in the original order and that some alleged classified records do not match the cover sheet used as a placeholder to indicate where the classified record was found.

Which leads to this question: Was the unprecedented and potentially dangerous raid of the former president’s home only the beginning of what now appears to be a botched case?’

3 – Prophet Julie Green – word received 9th January 2024 (emphases as printed)


“Your enemies will try everything now to get you away from Me and My Word. Hold fast and remember My Words and that they stand forever. There is no more time to live as the world lives. There is no more time for complacency. There is no more time for distractions. There is no more time for slow. No, this is the time to speed things up, or your enemies will cause more damage and chaos. But I am intervening on your behalf, and I will not fail you. Rest in Me. Rest in My Word that says- all is well in the House of the Lord

Watch as the walls of protection surrounding your FBI not only fail but fall. Shock will ring out across this land regarding your FBI. Great exposure is coming concerning every cover-up, the blackmail, the destruction, every lie, and every crime committed against this country and American citizens. (I will expose) how long the FBI has been weaponized against you by the Washington establishment and the global government. My infiltrators are coming forward to destroy their power and plans against you and how they tried to silence you and the truth. Every FBI director and every person in this agency who was against Me will be exposed. All will fall. All the treason committed against this Nation will be exposed, and justice will be served. 

James Comey: I am opening the books on you and showing the world every crime you and your agency committed while you were the director of the FBI, how you destroyed evidence of the crimes that were committed against this Nation by many government officials, every cover-up and scandal, everything you gave to foreign nations to help take this country down, and every way you helped to weaken this country. I have it all. Nothing will stop Me, and treason will be your end. 

Robert Mueller: I am not done exposing you or how dirty you really are. I am the judge, and I am judging you and everyone with you. You have not gotten away with what you have done against My Nation. It is all coming out…


Meanwhile, good news emerging from Georgia (PPU 151)

Many thanks to Admin Tracy for posting this Tripartite report on The Roar Rises (Ernie Plumley Telegram)

Part l of lll

Trouble in Georgia…for the bad guys. Don’t you just love it when the people on the side of evil are exposed for who they are?

Part ll of lll

This is fun to watch.

X Post: Here’s the viral moment that exposed everything. The judge lost his mind after being found out.

Part lll of lll

X Post:
Ashleigh Merchant one of the lawyers on Trump’s side in the RICO case also showed up to support her fellow lawyer and called out the judge to his face. She also brought 20 other lawyers with her

Fani Willis is TOAST

LOL after checking other material, just finished and posted at double Q-time 17:17!

MSM mirror images of Veronika West’s vision of Biden-Harris circus act (PPU 150)

Guess I should check how many updates I’ve posted on the progress of the prophetic dream Veronika West reported on 16 January 2021, before Joe Biden’s ‘inauguration’.

Early this morning she writes,

…This Prophetic Word is once again coming to the fore and Holy Spirit is bringing it to our Attention; WATCH AND PRAY…!!

…”Joker Biden’s balancing act with The Queen of Hearts, Kamala Harris and The Stolen Crown of The King!”
Yes the title is a mouthful — but it encapsulates the essence of the dream. Bare with me!…”

It’s not luck they need, but to turn to our Almighty Father of mankind in Holy Spirit-convicted repentance of sins and earnest renunciation of evil.

FACTS FRIGHTEN Facebook – 3rd removal proves it’s a fake book!!!

SO I get back to the desk and forward latest post as usual to Telegram, and Fakebuk only to immediately get this, showing it’s scared of truth – after all, my post is on the Lord’s exposure of political corruption:

In case you may have missed it >

Exposure of Obama’s Iranian deals thwarting justice (PPU 149)