Prophecy Library: 1909-2023

Detail of ‘Eagle-eyed’ by John Mark Long, Prophetic Artists

Visitors to Richard’s Watch are invited to wander around this library and browse through well over 100 titles by many ‘ghost writers’ or ‘ready writers’ (Psalm 45:1). Open as desired by clicking upon the associated links and be sure to weigh for a witness within your spirit as to the Lord’s voice…

Here, we’re browsing in the ‘Chronological‘ Section of ‘Prophecies and Visions’ up to 2017, as ‘shelved’ below.  As a result of the welcome explosion in prophetic gifting and material published worldwide, it’s not been possible to keep up-to-date other than by posting as ‘rolling’ posts, just like visiting any library’s ‘Periodicals’ Section.

Those may be read by going to this cyber-library’s ‘foyer’ at this blog’s Home screen, and whilst there you will see the Main Menu and can hover over ‘Prophecy Library‘ to open up its drop-down menu of many specific papers.

Take the ‘lift’ to the ‘Reference Section‘ by clicking > About Prophecy for information about prophecy and visions as received in Christian circles and on specific topics: ‘Importance of Prophecy’, ‘A New Era in the Church’ and ‘Revivals for the USA’, as well on the theology of prophecy and politics, eg including Brexit and the EU.

Moreover, if you’re new to Christian prophecy I recommend visiting the Introduction to Prophecy ‘shelves’ for notes on the nature, gifting, testing and protocol for delivering prophecy.

Next, take the lift higher to Prophecies-Fulfilled for well over a hundred linked papers and scroll through its tag to scan through hundreds more subsequent postings!

(NB: Page updated 17 January 2024)


This chronological compilation of contemporary prophetical words and visions, primarily for the United Kingdom, is offered for reference purposes. Simply scroll to wander through and note that, in view of its increasing content, post-1990 material is ‘shelved’ according to year and separated by << LARGE RED LETTERING >> for ease of locating and reading.

Associated annexures are located in the Library’s ‘annex’, visited via the main menu hub and clicking to open its drop-down menu with chronological listing.

Some prophecies of a global nature and for other nations are also included where clearly not for UK alone and are shown in [parentheses].

Personal endorsement of any entry should not be inferred and is subject to the caveat that ALL prophetical material on this blog (static pages as well as consecutive postings) is to be weighed against scripture and checked for alignment with God’s character and purposes, as revealed in the Holy Bible. (For example, to put spirits and their teaching to the test according to 1 John 4:1-6.)

Each entry is linked to its fuller text for ease of reference. Prophetic words of 2005 are courtesy of Watchman Network’s website. A number of entries are notes from Chris Welch’s personal Prophetic Stream published in his blog 080808, as in his comment to my Paws4Thought.  These entries bear a direct link to his ‘Revival Prophecies for the British Isles’.

NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED – some noteworthy items!


1885 – Modern Pentecost was born at Bethshan Conference on Holiness and Healing, in London with 2,000 international delegates, according to Paul Keith Davis, and taught upon healing, prophecy and declaration of prophetic words. Eleven years later in 1896 Theodore Herzl wrote The Jewish State “calling the people, a ‘fishers’ message’ to lure the people of Israel back to the land, and Alexander Dowie commissioned his apostolic church luring us back to an apostolic period” (PKD at ‘Days of Wonder’, August 2014) 

Paul Keith and others recognise the significance of developments in the modern history of Israel as occurring in tandem with moves of the Holy Spirit in the 20th Century.

Mike Parsons considers such movements since 1993 as “different phases or periods in which God will be working in particular ways, which He is calling us to recognise so that we can cooperate and participate with Him”. He has produced an informative schematic of ‘God’s Timetable’ which is worthy of consideration.


As you prayerfully weigh the following words with the Lord may He bring insight, peace and a stirring in your spirit…

<< PRE-1990 ‘SHELF’ BELOW >>

1909 – [Charles Parham  & William Seymour: respectively father of the Pentecostal Charles Parhammovement and leader of the Azusa Street Revival received nearly identical prophetical revelations without knowing it. One was on the east coast and the other on the west coast at the time and hadn’t been in touch beforehand.

William-Seymour-1Both leaders said that in about 100 years there would come an even greater revival which would be like the former and latter rains coming at the same time (RB: maybe flooding? Emphases added).

They also said it wouldn’t just be a relatively local outpouring like at Azusa Street but it would be all over the world!  In this video-clip Randy Clark asks Tommy Welchel, who knew many who lived through the Azusa revival, about that 1909 prophecy. For fuller account see entry in Revival Prophecies for the British Isles.]

1911 – [‘Mother Barbara’: “Not one country will be without trial but do not be frightened of anything you will hear. An evil will shortly take Russia and wherever this evil comes, rivers of blood will flow… In the last days Germany will be divided in two. France…Italy… Britain will lose her Empire and all her colonies and will come to almost total ruin, but will be saved by praying women. America will feed the world...” – read full version by Felicity Dale from Lance Lambert. Footnote here for details of Orthodox Mother B.]

Mother B on the importance of praying women, “Tell the women they must belong absolutely to God. They must believe in the great things that are happening and that God is doing on the earth. They must prepare their souls, their children and their husbands. And they will have very much work to do for God. Oh, what a great work the women will have to do in the end time, and the men will follow them.” (Felicity Dale)

Arthur Burt1937 – Arthur Burt: recorded the ‘No Ebb’ prophecy that was left ‘like a scar’ inside him and was told he would not die before the Word came to pass. Two years ago the Lord said it was time to release it. According to Billye Brim, Arthur tells how human pride got in the way in past moves of God and they were “ebbed” but the last one will continue because He will see that “no flesh will share in God’s glory”!!  For the prophecy and more, see Who is Arthur Burt?, his daughter-in-law Mary’s clarification and Comment to this post as well as 2-part On wild winds flooding & earthquakes which includes Bob Jones’ word on Arthur and the prophecy, questions raised by both words. Arthur went ‘home’ to the Lord on 28th August 2014.

1939 – Smith Wigglesworth to American evangelist Lester Sumrall on three waves of revival, “…I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to planet Earth…every form of disease healed…”. (Smith Wigglesworth’s 1939 Prophecy)

[pre-1947 – Smith Wigglesworth: “Australia you have been chosen by God for a great move of the Holy Spirit. This move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind’s history and will start towards the end of the 20th century and move into the 21st century. This move of God will start a great revival in Australia, spread throughout the whole world and usher in the second coming of Jesus. This will be the final revival before the coming of the Lord….”]

Wigglesworth1947 – Smith Wigglesworth: Prophecy of major move of the Holy Spirit in Britain.  Note: two preliminary phases have already happened, so be prepared for the full move! Likewise for the word delivered 40 years later to David Minor! (as below) See also 1997 and prophecies of A New Era for the Church  AND  Paws4T: Britain-shaped cloud & Smith Wigglesworth’s Vision.

1961 – [Tommy Hicks: vision of End-time ministries of the Body of Christ  gives us insight into the ministry of the Church that will occur in a time of great tribulation but which will coincide with the Church’s most victorious hour. It is a ‘vision’ which also conforms to Scripture – use link to obtain pdf file.]

1963 – William Smith: I knew Bible College awaited me and it was during these prayer times that Father spoke so clearly to me. “You will see major revival in this land in your lifetime and you will be instrumental in its happening”. ‘The term ” in your lifetime” was stamped on my mind and spirit. It meant that I would physically be on the earth and hands on in this revival…not be a witness from heaven to the events. (On…a coming Revival)

Jean Darnall1967 – Jean Darnall: Vision of fires of groups of believers across Britain being struck by lightning bolts (NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #1  Jean Darnall Dec 2014 and 2006 video below, as well as Prophetic Points (in) Holy Week, 2016).

1986 – Dr Clifford Hill prophecy-intercessory team at Mt Carmel, Israel, and in Jerusalem drawn to Haggai 2 warning and hear The Great Shaking Foretold (December 2012 A New Season: A New Message also refers: NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #2 –  Diversity & Islam in UK).

1987 – [David Minor: The Two Winds Coming to The Church closes with this promise: “You have longed for revival and a return of the miraculous and the supernatural. You and your generation shall see it, but it shall only come by My process says the Lord. The church of this nation (US) cannot contain My power in its present form. But as it turns to the wind of Holiness unto the Lord, it shall be purged and changed to contain my Glory. This is the judgment that has begun to the house of God, but it is not the end. When the second wind has come and brought in My harvest, then the end shall come”.]

<< PRE-1990 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ POST-1990 >>

1991 – [Vasula Reyden: wrote ‘towers will collapse’ 10 years to day before 9/11 attack.]

1991 – [Dutch Sheets: starts getting intimations of Third Great Awakening in America]

1992 – [RB dream over W Mediterranean: the Lord’s decree about the eventual fall of Islam. SEE Prophecies fulfilled – 2.]

1992NEW Mar 20 > David Noakes’ letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, Lambeth Palace, June ’92 of the Lord’s calling for repentance by Co’E and to “Return to my Word and obey it.”

Keith Powell1992 – Keith Powell: Taken into heavenly realms in August, “The Lord showed me a wave, a white waterfall moving unstoppably, powerfully, across the UK from the South West to the North East. As it moved over very, very slowly, but powerfully, it left a white, pure white Cross across the UK and I asked the Lord, “What’s going on”? He said, “I’m going to revive my church and renew the nation and that symbolic white Cross is a Holy church, and a Holy church will impact the nation”.” (2011 a Pivotal Year…)

1993 – Colin Winfield: Separation of the Bride and the Harlot – SIFTING of the Church!

1996 – [David Hood: a word for Jerusalem.]

1996 – Jarrod Cooper: Days of Wonder Are Coming (See UK Prophetic Council 2013).

1997 – Norman James: similar vision of UK to his prayer-partner Wigglesworth in 1947.

1997 – Dennis Cramer:  England will become a great “exporter” to the world-wide Christian Church. She will export a new breed of apostles, a new model of preachers, and an army of women evangelists – Unusual healings will take place in cities all across England – As England is sovereignly blessed within her borders, foreign powers outside her borders will rise up against her – When other allies are not doing well economically, she will prosper. This will be a supernatural sign from God – God will clean up her political process, eliminating corruption and greed, making England an example for other nations to follow.

Ginny Burgin1997 – Ginny Burgin: 2-part word relating to the death of Diana Princess of Wales, as introduced and reported in Revival Prophecies for the British Isles“I am at work in the heart and spirit of the people of this nation. I am doing a work which, at the moment, is very, very unseen. But it is happening quicker than you think. Things are happening much more quickly than you think. And as a sign, this shall be a sign, that there will be a day very soon when the whole nation will mourn. And the nation will put flowers in their cities…When that day happens the sign is this: the speed at which the heart and spirit of this nation can be affected, that is the speed at which I will work in this nation…”

1998 – [Samuel Doctorian: warning vision of 5 angels over the continents – update here]

Wendy Alec1999 – Wendy Alec: three visitations over three years from the Lord Jesus full of His merciful encouragement; prophecies for several nations including Arabs (those of Nov ’99 of her allies betraying  Israel materialised 2010-11); warnings of judgement to the media, traders and ministers; last days’ apostasy and delusion; encounter with Father.  Published as Journal of the Unknown Prophet. Intro/reviews at Elijah List, Good Read. Also see Call to Pray for the UK – part 2 and related post re. the vision.

<< 20th Century ‘SHELVES’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELVES’ 21st Century >>

2000 – [David Hood: a vision of Russia, Europe & UK – see Comment of May 2015 below.]

2001 – Lyn F:  “When in Cornwall had very strong  impression…as if I was positioned at the south-west of Cornwall looking at the land mass of England, Scotland and Wales from the air.  In a moment I saw rising up from Scotland first, like the lid of a container with the hinge being at the extreme end of Cornwall, the “Body of Christ”.  Impressed that the ‘Body’ is everywhere and there are people ‘hidden’ who are so much part of it. I was then taken aback by the thought that it appeared to be like a sleeping giant rising up powerfully and suddenly.  The experience left me with hope and anticipation for what God would do in spite of how things appeared.”  (Also see Tommy Hicks’ vision 1961)

2001 – Ruth Rubail: message from the Lord for Britain AND the Commonwealth (recvd by RB, March 2017). In view of changed UK-US relationship this proves very timely, as in covering post AND comments thereto of 3rd & 4th April 2017.

2002 – (approx.) David Hood: At a prayer time about 13 years ago, I was given a vision of a river. This river stretched from the very north of Scotland, ran straight down the centre of the whole country, terminating somewhere, half way on the southern coast of England, near Southampton. But the river seemed to start from the very north in Scotland…(very detailed vision can be read at Lord, Turn the Tide in the UK.)

2003 – [RB open vision: Holy Spirit’s fire from Mozambique up Eastern Africa to Egypt and over the Sinai into Middle-East. Upon recounting this to Rolland Baker he said this was also been seen by their  Director Surpresa Sithole at the start of his ministry, and told me about the reactions at highest levels of the Islamic world in Cairo (read details in Not Many People Know)!

2004 – RB open vision: the fabric of society so rotten it will tear – the Rock appears!

Dyfrig Griffiths2004 – Dyfrig Griffiths: in Moriah Chapel on the 100th anniversary of the Welsh Revival he prophesied, “An even greater move of God is yet to come to this land, which will fill the chapels once again”. (Revival Prophecies for the British Isles)

<< 2000-4 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2005 >>

2005 – Chuck Pierce: prayer directive coincides with Big Ben inexplicably stopping.

2005 – Martha Lucia / Chuck Pierce: London Transport bomb outrages and ‘swords over London’ seen prior to 40-days of prayer. (See London Report May 29 section of this paper, also  Prophetic words for 2014-16 parts 2&3 refers.)

2005 – Martha Lucia / Dr Sharon Stone: post-bombing report and God’s hand of mercy. (See also Prophetic words for 2014-16 parts 2&3.)

2005 – Wendy Alec: A Vision for Great Britain – land of End-time destiny in bondage to the EU – voices like Wilberforce in Parliament – a mighty flood of evangelists – the ‘Lionheart’ of Britain..”And like Wilberforce – My apostolic voices shall rise in the Houses of Parliament…” (NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #9 – PM May’s personal mission predicted in 2005... and possible forecast of 2017 terrorist atrocities, as in Fulfilled Prophecies #20).

<< 2005 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2006 >>

2006 – Jean Darnell reflects in depth upon the open visions of fires and lightning across British Isles and Europe. She recalls the Lord’s explanation, “I am causing people to become intensely hungry for New testament Christianity and for a spiritual awakening for this nation….I’m gathering people together to pray and I will fill them with the Holy Spirit and teach them about the gifts of the Holy Spirit…”  Watch the interview here:

Keith Hazell2006 – Keith Hazell: “I believe God speaks to you that there is life going to flow into the valleys of Wales. This is against what men think, but this is what God thinks. The valleys shall…the valleys shall ring with the sound of praise. God just says this is going to effectively change a lot of people’s thinking; some attitudes are going to be changed because God’s going to do this.” (Revival Prophecies for the British Isles)

<< 2006 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2007 >>

2007 circa – [David Hood: pictures of war (re. Middle-east?) Where East Meets West.]

2007 – Rob Rufus: “There’s something happening in the heavens over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales…about the Glory Cloud and learning how to have His Presence in meetings and how to have His glory radiate through us.”  The Lord is saying, “Learn to fill my people with My Presence!”. (Rob Rufus , 22 May 2007 – RB personal notes)

2007 – Maranatha Community: A Call to Repentance and Encouragement and Hope – a collation of extracts from prophecies up to June 2006.

2007 – Keith Powell: In August…I saw the Lord standing with a belt round His waist and sword hanging from that belt. He took the sword with His right hand and with His left hand He wiped the blade, and as He wiped the blade, spontaneously the sword became sharp and shining and ready for use. (2011 to be a pivotal year in battle for Britain…)

chuckpierce[1]2007 – [Chuck Pierce, visiting the Grand canyon in 2008: “What I saw quickened in me and reminded me of what I saw in August 2007.  It was then that the Lord began to show me a nation divided and continued to deal with me from an intercessory standpoint to get prepared for a great schism that is coming to this nation” (from Elijah List). Also see Modern Prophecy on USA & Israel Approaches Fulfillment.]

2007 – Maranatha Community: the Lord is purifying, preparing and refining His Bride.

<< 2007 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2008 >>

2008 – Maranatha Community: God’s Warning to Churches and Nation of shakings.

2008 The Angels – an angelic army encamps in Latimer, Bucks, for Easter Sunday.

2008 – [Patsy Southway: vision in the Czech Republic of God’s Army of Love travelling over Europe – releasing the Father’s Love.  Like a magnet, people, crowds of people, were drawn to His Army receiving revelation of His love, His heart for them as Sons and Daughters.  And many more, as in the account of Peter’s shadow, instantly healed! ]

2008 – “Wakey, Wakey!” Beni Johnson of Bethel tells about a young Welsh student’s major encounter with the Lord instructing her to go to Moriah Chapel and awaken an angel there. She had another vision and the angel told her the next revival would bring in many more souls for the Kingdom.  (Revival Prophecies for the British Isles)

bobbyconner2008 – Bobby Conner: a “holy, unstoppable firestorm” is coming to the UK (see Oct 2012).

2008 – [Chuck Pierce: vision of USA’s realignment against Israel in 3 years time.]

2008 – Jane Hamon: God’s injunction to declare, write and publish a Decree for London

Rev Dr Sharon Stone, courtesy CIE2008 – Dr Sharon Stone (Summer): “September will convince you to connect to His Economic System…”  FULFILLED in global economic crisis!

2008 – Wendy Alec: Eye of the storm, elections, economic collapse.

2008 – Chuck Pierce: A new move of God coming in England (see link item 1)

2008 – [Wendy Alec: Netanyahu will serve Not 1, not 2, but 3 terms as PM of Israel.]

<< 2008 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2009 >>

2009 – RB’s EXPLODING BIBLE!  ‘Last year, I encountered two conflicting claims about Jesus’ explanation of the parable on the end-time harvest of wheat and tares (Matt 13:36). So I went to check scripture but upon opening my Bible a deep excitement exploded within as I heard, “This is ALL about to be fulfilled” (Word for 2017 implies fulfillment.)

2009 – [John Kilpatrick: R.E.S.U.R.R.E.C.T.I.O.N. 12 prophetic words, incl. re. Russia!]

2009 – [Kenneth Copeland: “This is the time that has been prophesied about, and at stake here is not only your welfare in the land (USA), but also My move in the end times of a great awakening,” saith the Lord. “And it is that Awakening that will save this land and others like it. For it is the time of the coming of the Lord. And you will rise up, and you will be My Name and you will be My power. And I will manifest Myself through you, and many shall come and say, ‘Surely He is the God of all good.’” – see Comment to Feb 2016 post.]

2009 – Dennis Wrigley: prophetic words received after the Consultation in the House of Lords and State of the Nation emergency prayer call to Christian leaders in Westminster

2009 – Chris Welch: heavy rain followed Chris as he travelled from Cardiff to North Kent Community Church, Tonbridge. He writes, “Over the next few days while we listened to Kris Vallottron (of Bethel) it continued to rain heavily. Right across the nation there was a heavy deluge which went on for days….there was extensive flooding…It felt it was confirmation of what I had heard the Lord speak to me about his desire to overwhelm the British Isles with his love, and a promise of a revival outpouring which was about to happen (despite circumstances) I sensed that God was about to bring an amazing degree of blessing to the British Isles…” (Revival Prophecies for the British Isles)

<< 2009 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2010 >>

2010 – Colin Winfield et al, A New Day: In the first days of 2010 the Lord continued to speak to us here in NW England, speaking to the true Church that is the Body of Christ. The following is part of what the Lord was saying to us here but it applies to the true Church world-wide…The Lord spoke to us, “Those I have appointed to understand this I have appointed to speak this. The Church is looking for a temple that is exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all lands,” (1Chron.22:5) but they should look in the mirror! The only building for the Spirit is our bodies. As those who see this gather, Jesus will be in their midst. When this comes in its fullness the Church will be a carrier of the Lord and the Lord will minister through them… the whole Church has Jesus in them and this ministry, though different, will be Jesus ministering through His end-time Church. He doesn’t want prominent men, only Jesus is to have the pre eminence. The Lord said, “When I get a people who see this, it will rock the world”.

2010 – Obi Pax-Harry: The Lord’s Eye’s are on Europe: I wanted to know where so much light was flooding into. The nation was Great Britain, and the portal was over England, and the light was targeted at London, then spreading through the nations of Great Britain and the Isles (Habakkuk 2:14). I then heard the voice of the Lord say; “Now!” This time the Lord was answering to a question that had not as yet formed in my heart. He knew I would ask that question before I knew, and to save on time He answered me (Isaiah 65:24). Again the Lord answered to the angel saying; “Now!”, and finally with a smile as of One who knew the end of a matter from its beginning the lord answered; “Month of May.”  [NB: see May 2014 below]

2010 – Lance Lambert: a far more serious phase of judgement commences (See three follow-ups here, here and here on subsequent events which may validate this word.)

2010 – Christen Foster: Prophecies at Inception Meeting of Revival Alliance Gathering.

2010 – J Oloyede: vision of Wembley Stadium and related but unattributed prophecy.

Keith Powell2010 – Keith Powell: “The lion is still roaring…everywhere you walk through the City of Bath…there are 100 lions. I felt God was just saying “Wake up, oh sleeper”. You know this is the call to the church, Eph 5: “Wake up, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you”. The battle is at the gate, Isaiah 28:6…So in August 2010 I spoke on raising the dead, the call of the prophet. That is the physically dead, the dead church, dead nations, and so on…in Revelation there’s an Angel straddling the earth and the sea, and he shouts out loudly with the roar of a lion, and in Rev 10:11 it says: “You must prophecy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” In other words, it’s gone from severe warning to a critical warning about prophesying. (See 2011 for full script and instructive reference in 1st March 2021 post Canada, Gt Britain, Israel and USA.)

<< 2010 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2011 >>


Dec’10 – Keith Powell:  “The Lord spoke to me two years ago about 2011 being pivotal, the word was ‘pivotal’; pivotal for the church, pivotal for the nation and extraordinarily pivotal for the world, because what I believe will happen in this country will then go on out….I was hoping He might speak to me in my sleep as He often speaks to me in that way, but at six o’clock I woke up and He gave me this heading ‘Battle for Britain 2011-Call a Holy Fast- Blow the Trumpet’. This was all the download regarding the battle. The battle has moved from ground level to air level. Now this battle is in the heavenly realms and will need heavenly weaponry. It’s a pivotal moment and just like the Battle of Britain, we need spiritual radar stations around the coast, we need watchmen around the coast, we need many new prayer fields rather than airfields. The generation that fought that Battle of Britain is now dying out, it’s time for a new generation to rise up, and so there’s a great focus on young people.

??? – Peter Stott: The Latter Rain (last of four words), “…the harvest is closer than you think. This is the season of latter rain…”.

Nathan 1Jan’11 – Nathan Morris: the epic generation of fire-filled, heroic men and women.

Apr’11 – Nathan Morris: declaration on the UK and the Holy Spirit’s fire in the Church.

May’11 – [RB: the bride of the Lamb, the heavenly Jerusalem, coming down to earth.]

Aug’11 – Lance Lambert: word for Britain (including climate upset) on eve of London riots.

Aug’11 – Dr Sharon Stone: God says’ “Who owes who?” – re. widespread rioting and collapse of society.

Aug’11 – Eddie Liley: “The world will see a land where I am glorified” – re Olympic torch.

Sep’11 – RB dream: “They’re setting up the Kingdom!” and urgent release of its news, as recounted in ‘Father, Your Kingdom Come’. See also Oct 2011 email Acceleration in Kingdom Activity. [A similar powerful dream of how mantles of anointing are becoming available from the Kingdom came to Revd Bob Mazeroski of New Life Church, Weirton, W Virginia in 2014, as reported here.  Full details in 5th Anniversary (2016) post follows resonant words and 2009’s “ALL about to be fulfilled” word in Pivotal Prophecies Now Coming Into Play. Dream confirmed in theme, location and timing.]

Bill J Credit BethelSep’11 – Bill Johnson: at the first Revival Alliance Gathering in the UK declared ,“We would look back at 1st Sept 2011 as the day things changed in the UK.” David Pike’s replete record in  Diebach-Welldigger’s Revival Alliance Meetings in Westminster  notes Bill then said it might take time for the impact of this day to be seen and felt across the nation, but gradually it would come. In his library of ‘Revival Prophecies for the British Isles’, Chris Welch noted him as saying, “There’s something about September 1st. I believe you can write it down…‘Everything changed September 1st 2011’….understand that a Kingdom perspective sees the oak tree as an acorn…I feel like it’s a prophetic word over this country: September 1st everything’s different.”

Sep’11 – Christen Forster: a Gathering organiser later reported Che Ahn had told him that, in all the time working with him, he’s rarely heard Bill make an apostolic pronouncement of such a kind. Christen wrote, ‘Bill’s prophetic word in September was a declaration of the start of the new day, the new wave, the new season. The wells don’t need unblocking any more, the water is flowing, we just need to carry their life and refreshment into the dry places. And every week I hear stories that confirm that word.’

Sep’11 – Rachel Morris: vision of fire upon the Union Jack (video clip at 3min50).

11 Nov’11 – Geoffrey Pick Prophetic Decrees – Vision of a Sword, Keys and a Champagne Bottle: shift from organised religion to apostolic prophetic anointed leadership; old order of church and traditions and is over and new Holy Spirit-led army of heaven will come to the fore.

21 Nov’11 – Launch of Richard’s Watch refers to Iranian-Iraqi elite troops rehearsing capture of Jerusalem in their 1980s war (Welcome refers) – AND in Nov 2013 & Nov 2015!!

Dec’11 – Julia Loren: A vision for Europe and A Ring of Fire around England & Wales.

Dec’11 – Christen Forster: (re Windsor) signs of a revival that will flow out of the UK.

Dec’11 – Jon Bellamy: UK at ‘tipping point’ of moving from standing to taking ground.

<< 2011 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2012 >>


[Nov’11 – Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders’ Word of The Lord for 2012].

mike-parsons??? – Mike Parsons (when in Guildford): Praying, he looked out to sea and saw a massive wave-like a tsunami wave. As it came into shore it narrowed and went up the Thames, and went up all the tributaries to the Thames. The southern bore turned the whole tide of the Thames and caused it to go back up the Thames. “I saw all the fish that had gone out to sea like trout and salmon and go to spawn in other countries, I saw them all come in on this wave. As they returned they found new spawning grounds and were no longer going to spawn in other countries. All tributaries were full of spawning fish. Teeming with fish and life. There is a wave of the Spirit coming that is going to touch all the areas inland. IT’S GOING TO FLOW WITH NEW LIFE and new fish and bring a revival. Some people aren’t going to see it coming (RB emphasis per ‘Shifting’) but it is going to turn the tide. Everything is going to be turned around in authority and power.”

??? – Mike Parsons: “It is time to pray that the lid comes off and to call forth my angels who are waiting to start gathering and removing stumbling blocks both within and without. Holiness fire is coming, the highway of holiness has been prepared. It is time to walk in the river of fire..I am about to restore your souls like you have never known, and lead you on paths of righteousness like you have never known…I am going to prune the church. I am going to cut off the branches that are producing no fruit…” (in full here and copied in this blog with observations on 4-fold God-incidence).

Jan’12 – [Nathan Morris: the Lord is setting the stage for global fulfillment of His Word.]

Jan’12 – Dr Sharon Stone: Word for 2012 – A Ripening Season and Divine Intervention.

Jan’12  – Jarrod Cooper: the sound of heavy rain – 10 Couds in the Sky; Days of wonder.

Jan’12  – Chuck Pierce: comment upon landing, “England is on the verge” of a new era.

Feb’12  – Clifford Hill: Holy Spirit scattering forces of darkness spread across our land.

Mar’12 – Jon Bellamy: the Bells of Change (January publn of Turning Point? cont’d)

Apr’12  – Geoffrey Pick: 10 Visions – the Church and nation moving into the glory place…

Apr’12  – John Kilpatrick / Paul Keith Davis: also refer to theme of the 10th of last item.

May’12 – Roy Fields: I hear God saying this over the UK, “It’’s been cloudy over the UK but the sun is coming out, and the light is about to shine like never before in the darkness. And there shall be many that have fallen away that will come back”. (#36 A New Era)

May’12  – Kathie Walters: vision of angels and pealing bells and as reported in Cornwall’s Kingdom Vision It’s time to ring out those bells... (see also here and here).

Beni JohnsonMay’12  – Beni Johnson: “The bells are ringing again in England..”, which heralds breakthrough.

May’12 – Joy Hall: Eight bells for the Jubilee, their spiritual meaning and call to worship.

May’12 – William Mathews (Bethel): Word for the UK – “I am gathering My children”.

Jun’12  – Initial report of Spiritual elders and Parliamentarians hearing from Jesus.

Jun’12 – Christen Forster: “We’re in a new season (from Sept 2011 – as above) that’s bringing shift and change…” (see A new era for the Church, No 7, 23 June 2012).

Jul’12 – Kim Clement: use of technology and “UK shall never be the same again”.

Jul’12 – The Significance of Bells in 2012; a review of Jon Bellamy’s articles above.

Aug’12 – [Tony Puccio: I started hearing the phrase, “winds of change”. As I began praying about this, I saw a woman holding onto a flagpole and she was perpendicular to the flagpole because the wind was so powerful and she was hanging on for dear life. I then began to be reminded of a dream that I had 2 years prior that I am re-posting… RB: this was 2 months before Hurricane Sandy was forming.]

Aug’12 – Graham Brown: As I opened (the book of Zechariah)…huge panoramic cinema screen in my front room…right in the middle of the picture there was a huge F5 tornado going like anything. And I could hear it roaring. And then I could see a tsunami. And then the Lord showed me a picture of the whole of the UK, and the tornado went on its side, so you had the tsunami and the tornado just off Lands End ready to come over. And I said why Lord? and the Lord said they both represent My Spirit. The wind and the water both representing My Spirit, and the power of My Spirit…(Weighing Waves, Tsunami & Tornado…)

Oct’12 – Julie Meyer sings a prophecy over Great Britain and Europe during worship – see this blog post for connection to 2008 Bobby Conner prophecy and full transcript by RB.

Neville_Johnson-311x350Oct’12 – Neville Johnson: Wave after wave of God’s moving with unquenchable fires, not of revival but reformation for UK and revival in Ireland.

Nov’12 – Dr Sharon Stone: the Lord kept saying that this hurricane and these winds are ‘a punctuation’ – not  just in the US but a punctuation in the world…“These are re-arranging winds and they’re changing the course of nations.”…forgive me as I’m going to read some of this because I want to get the words right. The Lord said: “The Old World’s time has cycled around again to become a New World (we’re part of that Old World, here in Europe) to rewrite history, no longer a Constantine conversion that advances religion without Christ. Hidden winds of change have been developing on the inside of My people and they are now blowing change into the world. The western New World, particularly the USA, will enter accelerated crisis-shaking to hasten their journey to learn that I am their true resource and I am their defender. The USA has been a champion of freedom for much of the oppressed world, but you cannot represent freedom without representing Me, Jesus, Who is the provider and Who can bring sustainable protection to the nation…Parts of these winds that are blowing, part of these winds that are bringing a re-arranging, are blowing away what has confused nations of their identity”. We’re not the only nation that has been in an identity crisis. I believe that many of our nations have had skewed identity and the Lord is saying this; He says, “I will bring you out of what you have designed by your own thinking and by your own hands – listen to that! – that I may redesign it by My thoughts and My plans.” [Fuller text of Prophetic Word on Hurricane Sandy inserted 18 Jan’17 – NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #15 – UK & USA’s Identity.

Wendy AlecNov’12  – [Wendy Alec: Prophecy and prayer for President Obama – also see blog report AND Obama prophecy fulfilled? re Congress 2015]

Nov’12 – Dr Sharon Stone: What God is Saying for 2013.

steve-hill-portrait 2Dec’12 – [Steve Hill: vision of a spiritual avalanche of deception within the Church.]

Dec’12 – Clifford Hill 1986 – 25 yrs later the Lord speaks about A New Season: A New Message.

<< 2012 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2013 >>


Jan’13 – [Susan O’Marra: Vision 1: “I am tempering you…”]

Jan’13 – UK Prophetic Council (includes Sharon Stone & Emma Stark) – Word for 2013.

chuckpierce[1]Jan’13 – Chuck Pierce: “Scotland’s Season of Transition just ended… Scotland has crossed over into a new season in God…God is going to take all that has been deposited in the past on his behalf and…start accelerating into the future…the move of God here is going to be some sort of prototype for the entire move of God in the world in days aheadA new mantle of my glory and fire begins to go across Scotland. It will move to place to place to place…a new sound of worship and song will be released in the land… Scotland has decided to follow Jesus – no turning back, no turning back”. (Summary here.)

Jan’13 – [John Kilpatrick: 22 prophetic words for CHP as well as for the world-wide Church, received as a download and delivered whilst preaching, “God Is Planning Something So BIG Even The Devil Can’t Stop It!”]

Jan’13 – Nathan Morris: “London’s burning” as Holy Spirit fire falls in Kensington Temple.

Feb’13 – [Tony Puccio – I saw what looked like a tornado except it didn’t come down from the sky. It didn’t move haphazardly but had purpose and direction. I called it a tornado as I mentioned above, however, in the dream I heard it get called a cleansing wind….]

Jan’13 – [Prophets warn the United States: pray for your president – YouTube video.]

PK Davis_credit z3newsFeb’13 – [PK Davis: The Lord told me in my vision, “I am about to visit your generation, but what is going to precede the Ark of the Covenant are these three anointings…”.]

Mar’13 – Lyn F: awoken to an urgency in her spirit there’s not much time left and had been hearing, “We are nearing World War III” – “Behold I do a new thing” – “The world is spiralling into hell” – “You can’t bargain with the enemy” (read Has God’s alarm clock gone off?)

Apr’13 – Dr Sharon Stone: “A season unlike anything I’ve ever lived in before!”.

Apr’13 – [John Kilpatrick: “Tell My people I have brought about a season change”.]

May’13 – Chuck Pierce: “…our Kinsman Redeemer will open every door…” – see May05

May’13 – [Lydia Stanley Marrow: The Lord says, “There’s coming a great shaking/clash…”]

Sep’13 – Chuck Pierce: “See unlocking and shaking in the next 3 years (2016)…” – see Sep07 and Fulfilled Prophecies #8 part 3  (re. UK/EU Referendum – ‘Brexit’)

bobjonesSep’13 – [Bob Jones: Some of the things the Lord highlighted this (new Hebraic) year are: The Father’s love, resurrection power, the inter-national banker, warnings to the Church about immorality, and paralyzing fear…one message we feel is vital to the Church this year as we get ready to move into a season of baptism of fire (Luke 3:16) symbolised by visions of an egg, road on a mountain and house on fire – interpreted under Second Birthing, Highway of Holiness, Conditions for Holiness and House Ablaze.  See Preview of the Shepherd’s Rod 2014, with an introduction.]

Sep’13 – Stephen Herzig: God is saying…“This is a time of ‘new beginnings. What ‘was’ is no more. What ‘will be’ needs new foundations”.

Sep’13 – Kathie Walters: A season of opportunities and open doors (NB: introduction)

Sep’13 – Chuck Pierce: “I am bringing a new quickening of power across Wales….”

Sep’13 – [John Kilpatrick: a revelatory word from the Lord of Hosts on angelic power.]

Rev Dr Sharon Stone, courtesy CIEOct’13 – Dr Sharon Stone: 2014-16 prophetic words for Scotland, Wales and Ireland with a clarion call for England not to miss its day of Visitation. NB: Word’s accuracy analysed in Scotland Votes ‘No’ (independence), predicted timing for England is 100% (Fulfilled Prophecies – #8 part 3) + for Ireland being fulfilled post-2017 election (FP #21).

Oct’13 – [Keith Ogden:  Tornados & Disturbance – I am bring down the strongholds of the enemy in your land.]

Kathy WaltersOct’13 – [Kathie Walters: “There is a mighty move being stirred – many great callings being released. But God is sending a great spirit of LIBERTY because we have to hear God for ourselves…” Note: Steve Shultz’s introduction.]

Oct’13 – [Tony Puccio: dream worldwide security blanket being removed.]

Nov’13 – [Iranian massive drill code-named ‘Jerusalem’: The Invisible Hand Re-appears!]

<< 2013 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2014 >>


Jan’14 – Colin Winfield / Russel Stendall: “…we sense that this 2014 will prove to be an eventful year as we are increasingly in serious times. It is important therefore that we not only hear the voice of the Lord but also examine ourselves for we truly need to be changed…” 2014 Consecration and Thoughts – brief summary at PS to this post.

Jan’14 – Lindi Masters: summary of some Prophecies for 2014.

Jan’14 – [John Kilpatrick: the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts with, “You are not a victim of fate. You don’t wonder what the year will bring, you tell it what to bring!”  The Lord says, “I am doing a hurried up work”.]

Jan’14 – Chuck Pierce: …we are going to decree that the river of God for Liverpool will start flowing. It will align I hear the Lord saying there is a divine alignment of my glory that is going on in this nation at this time which has never gone on before. This night is the beginning of a divine alignment of my glory…the river of God will flow from Liverpool, it will move through Manchester, it cannot be stopped. It will begin to align with others rivers that are forming, the one in Dudley. It will cause London eventually to come alive. I say to you, you must go all the way to the south of this nation for I will create a strange thing: I will cause a river to flow north and I will be flowing from north to south, south to north…This begins a new movement in this land…I am re-building that which is of ancient times…I will bring your sons and your daughters back, back to the place of my plumb-line back to the place I have bought in the land. (Lord turn the tide in the UK)

Jan’14 – Justin Abraham: summary of prophetic words for Wales delivered through Rev Dr Sharon Stone, Martin Scott, Jason Westerfield, Chuck Pierce, John Paul Jackson and Ian Clayton.

Justin AbrahamJan’14 – Justin Abraham: “I am hearing from Heaven (and you are free to test this and reject it) that NEW things that we have not seen before are coming onto the Earth shortly. I wasn’t shown exact time frames. But I feel it begins this year perhaps in a hidden place. We are going to see increasingly the release of new signs and wonders that bring people to stunned attention – Signs beyond human comprehension. Phenomena that will arrest the heart and awaken the soul. I keep seeing from God that we are stepping into the days of ‘Mystery and Wonder’….” (as it was in Luke 5:26)

Jones3_300pxJan’14 – [Bob Jones: The Coming Promise – Vision of an apple tree. The Lord revealed many people have been ‘in bud’, waiting on prophetic promises from many years ago. Now that Lord id saying that before, the apple tree blooms this Spring, their buds shall bloom…to produce the fruits of righteousness – peacemaker ministry – Love – God’s opened His armoury to bring out new weapons for a new Jeremiah 50 & 51 action plan – the battle-axe! “In fact, the first thing He will deal with is the church that’s been withstanding Him.”] 

Feb’14 – [Jane Hamon: “At the beginning of this year, as I was seeking the Lord regarding the season we are in, I distinctly heard Him say this would be the “Year of the Quantum Leap”.” Jane goes on to explain how the principles of quantum science directly relate to what the Lord is doing. This leads into her concluding, “This is a now season! We cannot be discouraged or disappointed by the previous years as we have looked out over our planted field of promise and seen no visible results of our labor. Because suddenly, BAM! Rapid growth, fulfilment, and harvest are at hand!…”]

Feb – Sharon Stone: On the significance of the widespread flooding and An Invitation from God to the Threshing Floor.

Feb’14 – [John Kilpatrick: God is Redefining His people His people and bringing about a season of ‘suddenlies’ and a shifting to a new level for some of the Church.]

Feb’14 – [James Goll: Believes the Lord is focussing in 2014 and Beyond upon – a fresh baptism of fire, with renewed weapons of spiritual warfare – watchmen to be alert – more detailed words of knowledge and gifts of wisdom and discerning of spirits – solution-based prophets (as with Dr Sharon Stone) – restoration.]

Charlie ShampFeb’14 – Charles Shamp: “There were nights during our preaching (in England), young people would come in off of the streets and walk to the front asking, “What must we do to be saved?” With no altar call or invitation for people to accept Jesus, they were coming to the altar to be born again. The harvest was just that ripe!…”

(A few days later) “The wilderness and winter season in England is coming to an end and the people would sing with great joy as it comes. This barren land will once again celebrate and flowers will burst forth in spring, bursting into blossom like a symphony of song and colour. God’s glory will be on display this Spring, ….The Lord spoke to me that a major shift in the Spirit would come in the Spring and wells that were capped over would be opened once again…”  (Emphases added; read full account, its quoted later at the close of Does a spiritual yet political trend link USA to Britain? which leads into an interesting sequel.)

Mar’14 – [Elaine Tavlocci: The Lord says, “I am looking for the trailblazers who will prepare the way to release My glory on this earth as it is in Heaven. I am looking for the leaders who will rise up and help others find their way to what they were called to do. They will not go in their own strength, but they will go in the anointing and authority that I have placed on them…”  Read full word here.] “Trailblazers” was the word RB received in late 2013 to explain an open vision of a line of fire being ignited and running in front of the worship band at church, rising into the air and disappearing into the distance. The other side of the fire and beyond the musicians was an extensive golden field of wheat, ripe for harvesting. 

Mar’14 – [Bob Jones to Bobby Conner: “It’s about the harvest – look at your hands!”  The coming harvest will be spearheaded by the prophetic.”]

Heather ClarkMar’14 – Heather Clark: “It’s as though God’s wanting to break down walls and as they were being removed then a huge wind came in…I saw the country and there were all these different kinds of walls along the map and God was breaking down one wall, then the next wall, the next wall and the next wall. And as that happened then the wind that came through was able to catch the next place on fire…and it was as though this contagious fire was going all through the nation…everywhere I go here it feels like right before Toronto…it’s really, really easy to lead worship.”

Apr’14 – Charles Shamp: “This nation has seen mighty moves of revival but the LATTER movement of the glory of God THAT IS COMING NOW over this nation is going to trump everything you’ve ever seen in the UK. It’s NOT going to look like the old thing – it’s SOMETHING COMPLETELY BRAND NEW and what it’s going to do is literally even to shake ground in this country…”.

Charles_Brynn_Shamp_250px[1]Apr’14 – Brynn Shamp: “I saw a great shaking in England and the blood of the martyrs (the revivalists and believers that have gone before us and laid down their lives for the Gospel) rising from the ground. As it rose, the rains from Heaven began to pour with the weight of God’s presence. Mid-air the droplets of blood and water collided, instantly transforming into golden drops. These liquid drops of golden glory fell back to the Earth, covering the ground – saturating the land. It was a declaration and confirmation that God’s glory was about to cover the Earth, but first a shaking was going to take place.” (Diary…A New Chapter)

May’14 – RB: “Keep Your Eyes on Britain” – Is The Time Now?  “The Spirit has been stirring deeply in me since our spectacular Resurrection Sunday…That dating caught my eye and so…maybe it’s this May 2014? This would line up with the later word about God’s glory being on display this Spring?”  Yep, the time’s now – May 2014 recounts receipt of confirmation that question may be accurate, per Doug Addison.

Doug_Addison credit Elijah ListMay’14 – [Doug Addison: Wind of Change Starts in Mid-May; “There is a massive wind of change that is finally coming. This spiritual climate shift is happening in order to blow away the things in our lives that have held us back….” Sudden Changes are About to Occur in May…”a time when new things will spring forth and begin to come together. Watch for doors and opportunities to open suddenly. We are entering into a new time of things happening suddenly…].

May’14MajestyTony Puccio: “I saw in a vision 23rd May the country of England rise up but not completely out of the water, it seemed to become more prominent than it had before.  I saw a crown above the country sort of like the one pictured (here) but instead this one was covered with what looked like diamonds and light seemed to be radiating from the crown as it hovered over the country and giving that same light to the country”.

May’14 – Friends of RB: Resurrection coming to Anglican Church and return to Gospel.

Jun’14 – Glasgow Prophetic Centre: “The anointing for this time is for advance and breakthrough. It is time for a new level and God is opening the doors of heaven to facilitate advance and breakthrough for you – personally, in your family, your business, your church, your community… God wants to take us to a new place…” cont’d here.

Jun’14 – Glasgow Prophetic Centre: part 2 of the above – “Jesus Christ is asking us, as living stones, to not sit apart, but to allow ourselves to be built together. He is calling us, at this time, to close and personal fitted togetherness. The Lord is promising His people in this hour a weight of His glory and presence – but only if we get ‘fitted together’…new leadership mantles for the youth and for those who have been overlooked…God is moving with righteousness and justice towards children. Scandals will be exposed… Scotland is being wooed by God… “.

Jun’14 – [Several bear witness to this month’s prophetic word: incl Nathan Morris, “Doors Nathan 2are going to close around the world that will shock the world – but at the same time God’s going to open doors in the Kingdom that have not been open for us for many years… We’re living in the days that it’s dark but this is the greatest moment for the Church of Jesus Christ. And I want to tell you that people say, “Europe is too dark, it’s over”. I want to tell you it ain’t over – it’s only just begun”.

JohnK 214_logoJohn Kilpatrick, “Get ready, because I’m telling you God’s about to do some awesome, awesome things. Listen, that doesn’t preclude the fact that there’s going to be a lot of hell going on in the world.  There’s going to be a roller-coaster coming in the next 90 days, a roller-coaster ride where things are going to be whizzing by you – it’s just going to be going so fast you won’t hardly have chance to assimilate it – things are going to be happening suddenly. But I tell you what, the Kingdom of God is getting ready to come into full view – it’s getting ready to come into full view and you just need to get ready for that!“]

Aug’14 – [John Kilpatrick: “I want to say to America, and I want to say to Israel and to all their Arab neighbours, and I want to say to Great Britain – and all the nations – I want to say to you: You are about to see something come to pass in the very near future that your mind cannot even wrap around. It’s going to be so magnanimous, it’s going to be so awe-full, it’s going to be so awesome…and the nations and the kings and the politicians of the earth will not even know how to respond – their mouths will be open! It’s going to be a day LIKE NO OTHER DAY! – but when all is said and done God will reclaim Israel and God will pour out His grace and His mercy, even upon the united States of America! I believe the revival is going to come to the nations of the earth!”[

Aug’14 – [Neville Johnson: “God is visiting people right now because time is running out Neville_Johnson-311x350and they have to make decisions. Because the world is going to change next year. Once we pass Yom Kippur things will escalate and change. It will be a different world. Stuff will be released, good and bad. There is a definite cut-off point that is going to happen” plus several points.]

Sept’14 – [Emily Rose Lewis: “I think the ‘close at hand’ is even closer at hand now. This last month things have been shifting and being set up for an outpouring in several areas. It’s not just one. I see a field planted with several different vegetables. They may not all be harvested at the exact same time but I see growth in various stages. Many areas coming to fruition in succession – see blog comments Sept 8 ]

Sep’14 – Ruth Johnson: I just sense that there’s a wave coming into Bristol in the Spirit. And that Lord You want us to get in the water and You want us to be on our boards, and You want us to be standing on those boards, and riding that wave. And as that wave comes in, to be shouting out the Name of Jesus, there is no other Name, there is no other power, but the Name of Jesus. And that Lord God, we need, as we ride that wave, as it comes in, to be able to see from a different perspective. (Lord turn the tide in the UK)

Sep’14 – [Dutch Sheets: “There is a third Great Awakening coming to our land. There Dutch Sheetsis another broad and passionate “appeal to Heaven” occurring in our land, which will be honored, just as it was when our nation was born. There is a re-connecting to the covenants, promises and sacrifices of our forefathers. And there will be an answer from Heaven in the form of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the earth has ever experienced – in America, and around the world”, as in My experience at the grave of Charles Finney. Also, see A 4th July aspect of praying for the USA as well as A Third Great Awakening?]

Dale Mast credit Branchmill PhotoGallerySep’14 – Dale Mast: “The river of God is getting ready to run through the land again…This is going to be a time to come and think and come and drink”…the Lord says “I’m refreshing the anointing that has been dormant…There’s an authority that’s rising in the land”… [AND “…I saw the globe…there was this flame underneath the south pole…and the Lord said, “There’s prayers coming up out of the southern hemisphere that are literally going to release fire into the northern hemisphere because they have a mantle of intercession”.]

Oct’14 – prayer calls for UK regarding warnings of judgement, especially over Scotland, from Dr Clifford Hill (here) and Oladapo Ogungbade (here), and revisiting details of Dr Stone’s words in 2013 and reiteration of Wendy Alec’s 2005 A Vision for Britain.

Oct’14 – Cindy Jacobs: Prophetic words for the UK  – “I am coming to Wales, but not as I have done in times past, but…in a greater measure, for I never do anything lesser than what I did before –  I am releasing a wave of Glory out of Scotland that will affect many nations says the Lord. For this is going to be transformation that affects all of Europe and the nations of the earth – There is a new sound arising out of England unlike any that has been released before.  I am calling my people to once again fill the streets with singing and dance upon injustice…I say that it is time for the Lion of Judah to roar upon this land…Wake up and call unto me!”

baker-150x150Nov’14 – Heidi Baker: Prophecy of a new move of God in the UK  –  “There’s going to be a movement of unity in the UK that’s going to shake the world, says the Lord. I hear the prophetic word of the Lord – it’s another wave of revival He’s promised  – This move of God is different than you’ve ever seen before… because no one’s going to point to one mighty evangelist – There’s going to be a move of unity within the Body of Christ…another historical move of God… you are going to come together for the prizeI will give you souls!” (See also Heidi Baker , Cindy Jacobs: prophetic messages verified and applied and ‘Updates‘ in main post.)

Dec’14 – Sharon Stone: 3 dreams and Word of the Lord for 2015 – “There’s a focus of God upon us individually and corporately concerning our inability to understand the hosting of His presence – what was our ceiling in the last season is now our floor in this season; this can be a “Turnaround Year” – Jesus is bounding into our areas of drought bringing hope…Buried desires will receive a Resurrection of Hope…”. Words on the ‘turnaround season’, the fear of the Lord v. fear of exposure, Kingdom entertainment v. corruption of films, imprinting v. indoctrination, release of the army of the Lord, we will see ‘convergence’ as never before.

Dec’14 – [John Kilpatrick: revival to re-visit the Gulf Coast of America.]

<< 2014 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2015 >>


Charlie ShampJan’15 – Charles Shamp: Prophetic Prayer Points for 2015-2020 – the overshadowing of God’s glory – intensification of seer anointing: the blood moon 28 Sept 2015 and the incubation for manifestation of a supernatural movement, Daniel company – innovations in medical, computer and clean fuel technologies – beware solar flares. (Publicised/discussed here.)

Jan’15 – Aliss Creswell: The Year of Promise – The beginning of 2015 marks the end of preparation, the end of wandering in the wilderness and the beginning of a new season of possessing the land of your inheritance. Everything is changing. Have you not been aware of it? The transition from one existence to another…the season of waiting is over…you have an invitation to enter the promised land, and possess those promises, to occupy the land of your inheritance from the Lord…Life in the promised land will be very different…Church will not look the same…it is not a time to come into agreement with the enemy, but it’s time to stand your ground…It is your time to extend the Kingdom of God in love and power such as you’ve never imagined before. Like Jesus, it is time to only do what you see the Father doing in heaven, and speak only what you hear the Lord speaking to you…You are now standing in unchartered territory…Like Joshua, you have not been this way before. The old has gone, so let it go…You have stepped off the map of the old. It is time to write a new map, the possibilities are endless…the harvest is unprecedented…so go!

Jan’15 – David Herzog: “..I saw the map of England and I saw all these little wells that God wanted to re-uncap and that you don’t have to re-dig the well, you don’t have to create a new well, all you had to do was re-dig the ancient wells and start there, you already have a head start, the great moves of God that England already had, they’re all over, they’ve just been dammed up. The Lord said just uncap them, uncap them and it’ll be able to spring up again…one of your best defences against what’s happening in Europe and in England is (to) uncap the ancient wells and let the King of Glory enter in.”

Jan’15 – Simon Braker: “In a dream last night I saw a giant green wave approaching the entire borders of the UK. As it hit the beaches it swept through the whole of the UK touching every town village and city. Not one street was left untouched. In its wake thousands of fires began to light up all over the UK, in houses, church buildings, office buildings everywhere…the Lord said, “A great prayer awakening is about to hit the UK.

SandJ BrakerFeb’15 – Simon Braker: I saw waves heading towards the UK at speed their impact was imminent. The first was a wave of prayer. The second a wave or miracles and healing. The third was a wave of reformation – this wave swept across the nation and washed the nation clean to the point that it shone! However, I saw a fourth contrary wave…(Weighing Waves, Tsunami & Tornado…)

Mar’15 – Amanda Wells: This is the time of wonders, outstanding signs and wonders. England you are coming into a time of amazing wonders, or supernatural phenomena, and miracles.This is going to manifest in an amazing release of glory breaking out all around you, everywhere you go. England this is a year where God is measuring you, amending, changing, renovating, and turning you. (… A Turning of the Tide)

Mar’15 – Lila Terhune: prophetic declaration “Not only over Church of His Presence but over all nations that are watching right now; that the coming revival will be a revival of prayer – that will be the face of the new revival; is the revival of prayer…”

Mar’15 – [Lana Vawser: ” I felt the Lord saying that the time of “contending” has arrived. The time of really taking what the Lord has said and is saying, take His Word and pray and declare His promises into this nation. As I sensed this urgency in the Spirit I felt a real excitement as I felt the Lord’s heart for what He wants to do in this nation.” United States of America, It Is Time To Fight!!!]

Mar’15 – Gaynor Lewis: I saw the oceans around the coast of Great Britain become turbulent to the extent that waters swept up the estuaries of our country. The cities along these estuaries were engulfed by a wave of the spirit. Cities such as Liverpool, Hull, London, Bristol, Cardiff were touched by the spirit of God. Places set aside for the youth were affected, nightclubs saw many lives touched by the spirit of God. I saw a campus established in a nightclub and hundreds of young people flocking into the church. The demographic profile of the church changed. New birth, new life, new purpose. (Lord, turn the tide in the UK)

Apr’15 – Monica White: Today I walked up a hill in Weston Super Mare and interceded again for England. Again we saw a flood, tidal wave, coming over the land from the Bristol channel. It was a physical wave we saw in the Spirit. (Lord, turn the tide in the UK)

Charlie ShampApr’15 – Charles Shamp: We’re standing at a strategic time right now. Actually in September – the 27th – is going to be the fourth blood moon. No it’s not going to be the Antichrist – it’s actually going to be a revealing, of the beginning, of the Army of God…the Bible says the heavens declare the Glory of God…They show us signs that don’t point to death but point to life!” (A scriptural context of the 4th lunar eclipse of the ‘Blood Moon Tetrad’ and Supermoon Monday’s blood moon & Age to Come)

Apr’15 – Tony Puccio: I was driving home and I began to hear bells ringing. I saw and heard church bells in steeples ringing smaller bells as well were ringing. They were ringing over Scotland.

May’15 – Ken Gott: Something of God happened in the election….I confirm that something of the Spirit moved in that election, moved in our nation. Political commentators got it drastically wrong, the commentators were shocked, the pollsters were amazed how wrong they got it – and everybody’s looking at each other saying we never saw this, we never saw it…I believe we will yet find out that God orchestrated something in the last couple of days! I’m 100% totally, totally convinced of it!” (Stunning General Election Results… item 5)

May’15 – Cindy Jacobs: (The Lord says,) For I am getting ready to break out in the UK, I am getting ready to display my awesome power; I am getting ready to display my awesome glory…I am going to show it to England in a Biblical(?) way, I am going to manifest my Presence. In the past some of you had to just wait and believe that I would manifest who I am, but I am coming, the Almighty is coming to show who I am, a mighty God….This is the season where you are to speak and be that loud voice, and if you will do that…I am going to give this window of awakening; that the power of God is going to rush into the UK, not just England; the power of God is visiting the whole of the UK.” (Heidi Baker, Cindy Jacobs: prophetic messages verified and applied)

Jun’15 – ‘Kenzel’: For weeks (maybe even months) I’ve sensed it. Beyond that I’ve heard it as if it were a whisper in the wind – the word: “Quickening”  I know a lot of people are reluctant to talk about The End of Days or End Times or The Tribulation. I imagine it frightens them. When I’ve accidentally happened upon the topic in conversation I hear…

Aug’15 – Aliss Cresswell & Val Williams: the Lord is gathering in the lost ones [and for USA Kim Clement: the lost loved ones to return ‘home’ to the Lord]. (NB: Fulfilled Prophecy & Answered Prayer #6 – Families/return of prodigals)

Aug’15 Light and Fire in today’s first emails! – Glasgow:  “…See that I choose to move in the darkest places for that is where I am seen the most. Just as a lamp in a bright room has less effect than in a dark room, so me and my people will be seen as I begin to rise upon my children and release new waves of my glory and new measures of my goodness. I will be your pillar of fire in the night and I will be your pillar of cloud in the day as I begin to turn up in seen and visible ways. I am not tiptoeing in through the back door in this season but I am rushing in and sweeping through in a way that will be noticed as I reveal more of who I am…” (My Light Is Rushing In)

Tony Puccio: I saw a vision of the country of England as I was driving today, August 16th 2015.  What I saw was a topographical map of England. In what looked like the upper-most right hand corner of the country I saw a small fire begin. (England Ablaze)

Aug’15 – Simon Braker: In recent days I’ve found the Lord putting a strong sense of press in my Spirit to be pressing after him and that as a nation we have entered into our time of encountering him and harvest…

Neville_Johnson-311x350Aug’15 – Neville Johnson – visions and teachings as covered in 2 parts: Last blood moon ushers in new era & The BIGGER picture of post-blood moon era.  Jesus warned that in Sept “When the present pope will address the United Nations and Congress it will be the beginning of the rise of the false church”. (Why this Sept is special – pt 2)

Aug’15  – Patsy Southway: I saw a map of Great Britain and Angels with Bugles have been placed in specific places in Scotland – England – Ireland – Wales.  Behind the BUGLER Angels were taller angels holding long, large trumpets…(Angelic reveille over Britain) A few days later she received more, plus the word’s global relevance – see continued.

Mary Carpenter BurtSep’15 – Mary Carpenter Burt: “Prepare your hearts. Know the times and season you are now in. Be not ignorant. Be not foolish. Do not remain blind. I have come and come to bring light that you might see, that you might know. I speak of cataclysmic (apocalyptic) events and change soon to be revealed, soon to be known…

Sep’15 – Amanda Wells: “Many in the Church assume We are angry, and We are judging the nations, We are neither, we are not judging…But when we aren’t asked what WE ARE DOING in the midst of the affairs of earth, assumptions can be made and they will miss Our heart for all that is happening in the world right now“. (Jesus wants us to ask)

Sep’15 – Lion Bites: “You who hear my voice, my prophetic warriors. I am gathering you together in this season to bring a covering to the land – to fly with the leading of my Spirit and move together. I am not looking for lone voices but I am gathering you as one“. (Gathering of Eagles)

Sep – Maurice Sklar: received revelatory word/visions over the Feast of Tabernacles – a prophetic word on the final restoration of and wars against Israel (including blood moon tetrad), Times of the Gentiles closing and clarification upon the ‘Rapture’; PLUS…

Sep’15 – Maurice Sklar: Revelation 5 vision of unsealing the 7-sealed Scroll, “Tell them all, The Day of the Lord is upon you now!”.

Rebecca KingSep’15 – Rebecca King: God is up to something. I felt the Lord saying to leaders, “Beware of locking yourself into your own plans and putting community and other leaders on the back burner”. Priorities will only bear good fruit when they are God’s priorities, and alignment with Sovereign priorities will bring into your storehouse what your heart is longing for – not necessarily sticking to your agenda.  His agenda must remain in front and centre for His Kingdom to be established. (Word for Great Britain.)

Oct’15 – [Simon Braker – “I have to say it was one of the most profound words I’ve ever been given“: A Dream of Judgement / Revival in United States.]

Nov’15  – Patsy Southway: …earlier this year, during May, God spoke to me about a FRESH WIND and this morning as I was listening to a natural wind, He said that “I am sending another FRESH WIND” …I saw an acceleration of AWAKENING …an acceleration to RIGHTEOUSNESS of God upon the NATIONS. (Howling fresh wind.)

Nov’15  – Angela Jelf: confirmation of preceding prophetic word, “This wind comes upon my church to propel you out! You will go out into the community, to the highways and byways. You will no longer stay hidden behind four walls. This wind will send you OUT and propel you to new horizons…”  (From journal dated June 2014)

Nov’15 – Rebecca King: decree and word for Great Britain “Open Up The Gates!” I saw a release of angels coming towards us carrying supernatural energy to combat what I can only describe as complacency…. God is up to something. I felt (Him) saying to leaders, “Beware of locking yourself into your own plans and putting community and other leaders on the back burner”…

Nov’15 – James Bailey: “Just as the world has reached a tipping point and their fate is sealed and major changes are coming, so have My people reached a tipping point and their fate is sealed and major changes are coming“ (My People Have Reached a Tipping Point.)

chuckpierce[1]Nov’15 – Chuck Pierce: “Embrace your turning point. Over this past season you’ve been sifted and you’ve been strained, and you have even fought for your very breath. But this is a day of change! This is a day of rearranging! This is a time that I AM sending a three-fold cord of empowerment into your soul that cannot be broken. For many of your nerves were strained and broken over the last seven years. Many covenants that you thought would last are now lying by the wayside… (Day of the Turning Point)

Nov’15 – [RB: Revival in the USA – a Prophetical Perspective From Over ‘The Pond’]

Nov’15 – Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival: words of New Life & New Wind of the Spirit.

Patsy SouthwayNov’15 – [Patsy Southway: Europe – It’s Time! re 2008 vision where God preparing His LOVE ARMY that would be moving right across Europe. This Army had no weapons as soldiers usual weapons, but their weapons were “heavenly weapons”. Their words were FULL of power and authority. Their shadows, like Peter, caused the lame to be instantly healed and their prayers were from the heart of the Father. They were living out of a truly John 5:19 lifestyle – whatever Father was doing, we were doing, whatever Father was saying, we were saying.]

Nov’15 – Monica White: Prophetic word of blessing and fire for British Isles & Ireland.

Nov’15 – Wendy Alec: a reminder from Suzanne Payne of Wendy’s 2005 vision for UK prompted RB to note prophetic promise of the Lion’s Roar and the ‘Great Joining of the Lion and Eagle, and Tony Puccio’s dream of the same day, The Lion is Roaring (and likewise for Singapore, as the Lord told Pat Schatzline).

Nov’15 – Iran again rehearses capturing Jerusalem (The Invisible Hand Re-appears at another blog anniversary: spooky!)

Nov’15 – Many notice accelerating eschatological events, over 30 in week’s headlines!!!

Nov’15 – LanaVawserLana Vawser: the Lord’s again been showing keys of strategy that He’s releasing through prayer…He began showing me many who were feeling “stuck”….with a very shocked looked on their faces. It wasn’t what they expected as the Lord handed them the key, He smiled and spoke “This key is going to bring about a great REARRANGE, but keep moving forward, for the GREAT REARRANGE is moving you onto a NEW PAGE.” – These keys of strategy even they they may not “look like” what you expected are actually going to lead you into a HUGE new beginning. They are actually unlocking the “shift of season” – “I am going to turn CONCERN to CONFIRM. Where many are concerned about these keys of strategy because they are so “out of left field”, I am going to begin bringing SUPERNATURAL CONFIRMATION. Confirmation in a way that only “I” could confirm. These keys may not be what you expect, but they are going to RESURRECT things of old and IMPLEMENT things of the NEW. DOUBLE PORTION FOR YOU.”  “I AM THE KEY FOR YOUR FAMILY” – “I am MOVING IN as the KINSMAN REDEEMER.” “Next year 2016 will be a year of MANY PRODIGALS COMING HOME!!! (NB: Fulfilled Prophecy & Answered Prayer #6 – Families/return of prodigals)

Rev Dr Sharon Stone, courtesy CIEDec’15 – Sharon Stone: This 2016 Word of the Lord is about intentionally partnering with God’s will being done on earth as it is in Heaven (“The Momentum has Shifted”) – 1 The Voice of the Lord is a Force for a New Course! – new prophetic velocity is being released – 2 Sovereign Court is in Session…prophetic consensus: Daniel 7 is now being fulfilled – 3 Time to Possess the Kingdom: Daniel 7 – Major prophets all over the world are going, “The time is now!” Now, to possess the Kingdom!  The momentum has just been shifted…I heard the Lord say “You are the power behind the Throne.” The Ecclesia will function to advance Kingdom territory –  4 Increase in Authority – 5 Unique Obstacles… ‘ISIS’ will continue to operate for a time; one of the reasons is that true motives of the spirit behind Islam are being exposed to many people who have a searching heart…Greater shakings to be experienced in the M-East as division comes upon the “House of Islam”. – 6 Time for Apostolic Action and building – 7 There is an Agitation of Wineskins…a catch-up movement of the Holy Spirit very similar to the Charismatic movement …spirit of Leviathan being stirred to resist this awakening… to stagnate and stalemate the Church in our nations – 8 Awakening, Harvest, Reformation and Transformation…a shifting of the Saints into the Great Transformation of the Church for the Transformation of our nations 9 Unity – 10 Nations: Europe shaking in disunity in the EU… but God says; ‘I have a plan for a sweeping awakening of Europe and the nations of the earth, to actually reap a harvest of the Muslims nations“. So God is going to turn that Trojan Horse around for the benefit of harvest- words for several nations 

Dec’15 – Patrick Schtazline: 2016 The Lord’s Joyous Shout – “I have heard the cries of the righteous”, and He is declaring respite for His children. “My shout will cause the enemy to cower and take refuge from my glory.” Then He said,  “Deliver a message to my people”… An extensive word incl. renewal for church leaders and for families (NB: Fulfilled Prophecy #5 – Return of a prodigal daughter)

Dec’15 – Lana Vawser: the Lord showed me one of the themes He wanted to focus on this year 2016 I kept hearing the words over and over “The year of the slipstream”…I felt the Lord say the year would bring THE GREATEST demonstration of DIVINE REST of heart, mind, soul and body for many…THE GREATEST demonstration of ACCELERATION that they have ever seen…I saw mighty rushing winds coming into the body of Christ in 2016 that are going to begin to bring the people of God “UP and OUT” of places where they have felt stuck, weighed down and no forward motion…”Get your baskets ready, it’s harvest time. Not only will I restore to you tenfold what the enemy has stolen, broken and destroyed, I will add to you with greater increase, acceleration, and ABUNDANT restitution.”…I also heard “2016, THE YEAR OF THE PIONEER”…who’ve been through intense trials, opposition, weariness, hardship and fire…2016 a great vindication is coming over the Pioneers..favour is going to be poured over the Pioneers in 2016 in greater ways  “It’s time for UPGRADE” 

Dec’15 – John Kilpatrick: “The Wind Has Shifted”20 prophecies and words of knowledge for 2016 and beyond…”This year will be very unusual on many levels. As a matter of fact, a phrase will be repeated over and over on the lips of people of many nations. You will hear it said, “I have never seen anything like this before.” There will be a great stir among the people of the nations. Seemingly, nothing will remain normal any longer. This will not be just an American phenomenon, but it will touch all the continents.
The Lord shall rise up and make Himself known – The forgotten shall shout for great joy – The heathen will see a great light – Unbelievers will take another look – Experts will be stumped – Nations shall be shaken, but kingdoms shall be jolted – Dead, dry bones will experience a fresh prophetic wind – Some will struggle with the question, “Is this God, or is this the devil?” But God will receive all the glory for His mysterious wonders. – This will be the year of the winds of God, and those winds are already blowing even as I speak this word.”  PLUS 19 more (watch video, download pdf) – including 1st Jan 2016, as below…

DEC’15Momentous world-changing events >  #1 Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity;  #2 Orthodox rabbi: Jesus has a role in returning to the real Israel.

<< 2015 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2016 >>


Rev John KilpatrickJan’16 – John Kilpatrick: …there is coming a great international harvest of souls through “the net” (Internet) and “online”.  (The Lord) said that the Internet will light up as Holy Spirit accelerates His mighty wonders. He also said that “the net” and “lines” will bring tremendous and miraculous provision to God’s people because time is of the essence, and the waters are abundant for harvest. A new and very powerful wind of anointing will blow through the Internet. In real time, signs and wonders will be witnessed without edit. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament will show forth His handiwork! (See Update 1 and Update 2)

Jan’16 – Lana Vawser: I have been feeling the Lord saying “fire and favour” on families. The Lord is doing a DEEP work right now in the family unit. His Spirit is moving powerfully and bringing healing, restoration and freedom to families…I saw the fire of God falling on houses and restoring family unit’s and Jesus walking through houses bringing healing. When I felt the Lord begin to speak again on “fire and favour” on families, I asked Him for greater clarity…then heard, “Now is the time for the DOUBLE PORTION”. (NB: Fulfilled Prophecy & Answered Prayers #6 – Families/return of prodigals)

Jan’16 – Doug Addison: 2016: Get ready for realignments and new assignments – refers to an 11-yr cyclical activity of the Lord throughout the 20th Century…major adjustments for many folk in how we regard and operate in church plus a number of matters at length. Encounter which gave him an insight into Bob Jones’ ‘Lumber-yard Experience’ and leading up to that Doug sensed a “distant rumble in the spirit” of the Lord coming and that His “glory is returning like never before”(!), adding this noteworthy caveat: “It is not coming in the current Church structure, though churches are invited“.  Another of the several details of this word is that keys of authority have been reassigned….“God is lining things up for a breakthrough in March!”

Jan’16 – Patsy Southway: ‘We have been given keys. I saw a large bunch of keys; different shapes and sizes. Some really really small and some really really large! The size was not important as EACH KEY unlocks for YOU whatever is needed RIGHT NOW!…’

Feb’16 – John M Kilpatrick (USA) heard an English voice as though from loudspeaker in bedroom, “Would you like to see Me in your wilderness experience?” and next day Glasgow Prophetic Centre’s daily Lion Bite‘…the Lord says that this is the day that He begins to manifest into your midst that which He has spoken!… (this post).

Feb’16 – Aliss Cresswell: “There has been a massive shift spiritually worldwide, which is also affecting the physical realm. Here is what I sense the Lord showing me beginning to happen right now at the start of 2016”: grassroots movement arising – signs, wonders and miracles – many returning to the fight – true Christianity going viral – King Cyrus anointing – spirit of wisdom & revelation – apostolic/prophetic partnership – the warrior Bride – Rev 4:1 doors are open – love and courage will increase.

Bobby_Carolyn_Conner_500pxFeb’16 – Bobby Conner: Behold the Lamb in His Glory! “These are days of destiny, filled with wonder and excitement. The awe of God is returning to the people of God, filling the heart of God’s people with great expectation. Something new and revolutionary is at the door—but the question is not what is at the door, but Who. A cry for the manifest Presence of God is about to be answered (Isa 64:1). Every eye shall behold His brilliance and magnificent Glory (Isa 40:3-5) and every veil shall be removed in order to behold the Lamb in His Glory (2 Cor 3:18). Indeed, much will be discovered in these revelatory days concerning the Glory of God and the God of Glory. Now is the time for every child of God to behold the Lord Jesus in His revealed Glory (John 1:14). The Word of God plainly declares that the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God….” (Behold the Centricity of Christ)

Feb’16 – Lana Vawser: “This morning during worship I saw angels descending from heaven and they were holding burning coals of fire in their hands. I saw them going throughout the earth and they were releasing these coals of fire, the fire of God upon the hearts of prophets and those operating in the gift of prophecy…” (Coals of Fire Being Released)

Feb’16 – Val Williams: What is the Lord saying to the UK Church for 2016? “The Jewish calendar reveals that we have now entered the 70th Jubilee since Joshua entered the Promised Land in the fifteenth year of their crossing over. This holds great significance for the next seven years within the United Kingdom. We need to hear the Trumpet sound from Heaven. For those who seriously seek the Lord and stand on His promises, this will be their time of seeing their lost ones restored, backsliders returning home, restoration from debt and liberation from bondage to habitual sins, family iniquities and transgression….”

Patsy SouthwayFeb’16 –  Patsy Southway: “…Last week God also spoke to me about ‘The Meltdown’ that’s happening, globally, and I could see some ‘streams’ flowing into a larger river. I saw an even greater coming together to work together in the plans and purposes of God…the opening up of Old wells will not be releasing the same ‘old’ flow, but a FRESH flow that Father has been preparing our hearts for…” (The Meltdown and Re-opening the Wells)

Mar’16 – Simon Braker: Second wave of the Spirit and season of visitation; references to number 5…heard the Lord say the second wave of My Spirit has begun, this is a season of visitation, it is a time of encounter all who are thirsty shall be filled (Isa 55) this is a time to enter in and drink deep of the fresh release of my presence…visits in the night, many will experience my presence in new ways. The last move was Holy joy and laughter the sign of this move shall be holy tears, many will weep in the outpouring of my glory.

Mar’16 – [Lana Vawser: Angel of Awakening in the USA]

Apr’16 – Simon Braker: Resurrection Sunday prophecy of a new season…this refreshing is not just for my church but for this whole land. In this season there will be stories of my Spirit breaking out in work place, classroom, on streets and in churches in every place people are!

Apr’16 – Posts on reviewing the Jean Darnell and Smith Wigglesworth visions and What’s Happening in the Church, 70 years and 2107 – [UK & Oz visions of fire falling on USA].

Apr’16 – Veronika West: Vision of glory firestorm and Four Faces of God…There is a sudden supernatural shift happening in the realms of the Spirit in this hour. GET READY for there is an emerging army of mighty warriors coming forth from a firestorm of glory, WATCH!!! FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF GREATER SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES!  In this encounter, I was taken onto a battlefield, the sky was filled with the colours of Deep Red and Orange, and I heard the words, “THE DAWNING OF NEW DAY”,

[Apr’16 – Lana Vawser: New alignments, assignments & power stations – globally! ]

May’16 – Patsy Southway:  May – The Domino Effect…many will see the beginning of a ‘domino effect’ in their lives. As God’s finger touches the very first domino; the rippling effect will be breathtaking!…immense JOY exploding as long awaited promises and prophetic words that had been spoken, were suddenly,manifesting.. I also saw the ENLARGEMENT of territory, of land, and increase in all areas connected with the wealth of God’s Kingdom. As the finger of God touches the first domino we will hear the click, click of the rippling effect throughout the nations! NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #13#14

May’16 – RB: Is the Lord exposing rotten politics? UK, USA – next EU? NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #10 – Eruption of Corruption

Jun’16 – Nina Barker saw words “This is My country” as uniformed guards marched en-route to famous annual ceremony – Hit by Holy Spirit During Trooping the Colour.

Jul’16 – several among many prophetic words and visions on Britain leaving EU.

Jul’16 – Yinka Oyekan: Prophetic vision of a great shaking coming to new Britain.

Jul’16 – Valerie Russell: “I have removed the sting from the scorpion’s tail”.

Jul’16 – Charles Shamp: The Lion has roared and the Eagle will fly!

Jul’16 – Various: Visions of New Britain’s natural and spiritual renewal – #1 and #2.

Lydia S MarrowJul’16 – Lydia Stanley-Marrow: Map-vision and word, Epicentres of rivers of God’s glory in Britain  (video) “…The Redcoats are coming! The British are Coming!” NB: Fulfilled Prophecies #12 – ‘Redcoat’ On POTUS’ Empty Podium.

Aug’16 – Yinka Oyekan: A vision over the nation

Aug’16 – Amanda Wells:  As I was in worship…I saw two massive angels standing each side of our stage.  They were seraphim … fiery angels, their body was full of fire. One was called Awaken and the other Wisdom. (Word of the Lord for the nations, including UK)

Aug’16 – Veronika West: Vision of Sons and Daughters of God walking as living signposts of God’s glory and of opening ancient gates (You will be a wondrous sign).

Aug’16 – Simon Copley: “Because I am going to give many in this nation victory, and I am going to exalt your nation, and My song is going to be heard in your land over and over again, and these blessings will flow to every aspect of the nation and from every part of My church – and a watching world will see and be astounded, that I am the Lord who heals and lifts you up.” (Prophetic words on Gt Britain as sports superpower)

Sep’16 – Lin Wills: “I Am coming with my power like fire”.

Sep’16 – Clifford Hill & RB: Last Night o’ Proms & prophecy on GB and on EU’s demise  cont’d in Britain at the Crossroads (incl David Noakes).

Rev Dr Sharon Stone, courtesy CIESep’16 – Dr Stone (& Chuck Pierce):  Dream of (early Sept – end Aug) of being in a museum and seeing many Medieval weapons. Just before the end, her attention is drawn to “a very strong sword; a broad two-edged sword but it’s hilt had a crown that covered the hand”… telling husband Greg of the dream and about 5777 he told her to see…Chuck Pierce’s Head of the Year 5777 gathering that, “has on the front of it a picture of a sword with a crown on top – isn’t that incredible!” (2017 – the sword of the Lord will arise)

Oct’16 – Lana Vawser ‘As I spent time with Jesus today as Rosh Hashanah is upon us. I had a vision where I saw Jesus coming into the lives of believers and He was dressed as a warrior and had a HUGE SWORD in His hand.’

Oct’16 – Veronika West: Anointed in a new way for a new day and spiritual battle.

Oct’16 – Lion Bites & RB: A prophetic word from God about time – and on time!

JohnK 214_logo[Nov’16 – John Kilpatrick: While I was sound asleep the Lord woke me up about 4:30 and said, “The wind has shifted!” The last time I heard that was last December but, as soon as I heard the Lord say that, I listened and heard the wind whistling through the windows of my house and the wind picked up…things have somehow been going along a certain way but last Friday (21 October) things shifted and that will show up real soon, whatever it is will show up real soon. Chuck Pierce also gave the word – and Dutch shared it when he was here – that the Lord said there’s going to be confusion and great confusion up until October 20th – that was (when) ‘Awake Deborah’ conference (started) here and the next morning was when the Lord woke me up to say, “The wind has shifted”…]

baker-150x150Nov’16 – Heidi Baker: The Lord is going to allow the Church to explain in the most glorious way who He is, not just in words but with actions and in Truth. I feel like there’s going to be an Awakening again…(God’s awakening Europe – and the Anglicans!)

No’16v – Lin Wills: My church shall rise up again in splendour.



[Dec’16 – Various – US, UK, Australia: President-elect Trump stamping on Jezebelic spirit.]

Dec’16 – Simon Braker & Veronika West: Prophetic words for the Church in the UK.

veronika-westDec’16 – Veronika West: “My Beloved, in 2017 many will come to KNOW ME as the God of the “SUPERNATURAL SUDDENLIES”, and many will SEE ME as the STRATEGIC SHIFTER AND THE GREAT SHAKER OF THE NATIONS. Watch! For in the Year of 2017 MY HAND AND MY SPIRIT WILL MOVE SUDDENLY, POWERFULLY and UNEXPECTEDLY upon the Earth. (2017 Supernatural suddenlies, shaking & shiftings plus removal of the wicked)


Dec’16 – Stuart Wentworth: “The Time Has Changed and You Now Need to Live in a Totally New Understanding of My Eternal Timescale.

Dec’16 – Sarah Rowlinson: I saw the Lord speak to the land of the UK, and I heard Him say, “There is still yet historical spiritual legacy in the land, that I am going to honour.” And I saw two key areas. And this was on our Queen, Elizabeth, and it was on the Church of England. And the Lord said, Because of prayers that have been prayed, because of promises and oaths taken, that were fulfilled, because of decisions that were made before Me, there’s a deposit of favour in the land still that I’m going to honour.” Also words about Revival via ‘branch of Church of England’, ‘hotspots’ major cities/towns (similar to Lydia Marrow in July, as above), innovation, pioneering, wisdom, governance and business community (Word for UK 2017).

Dec’16 – Various: Vision of a great outpouring – something massive is going to be birthed – the white horse – pioneers will overflow with the glory of God – wave after wave outpouring almost upon us – God is preparing you to perform His surprising suddenlies (Selection 1). The wind of His Holy Spirit is starting to blow – word for 2017 to God’s people- All change, all change, all change! (Selection 2).

Dec’16 – Charles Shamp – entering period of contention of double attack from evil spirits of EU and religion (especially of Islam)


Nov’16 – Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders: 2017 the Year of the Breakthrough

Dec’16 – Chris Bennett: 2017 The Year of the Breakthrough for the United Kingdom

<< 2016 ‘SHELF’ ABOVE — BELOW ‘SHELF’ 2017 >>

2017NB: see several preceding entries Sep-Dec’16 for 2017.

JohnK 214_logoJan’17 – John Kilpatrick: …on the way to church I heard the Lord say, This is going to be a year of revision!” What He meant by that was, the story that’s already been written is going to be revised. What’s already determined is going to be revised – everything’s going to be rewritten. You can’t go by the old ‘cue cards’, the Holy Ghost is going to be spontaneous in giving you new cue cards. (2017 – a Year of Revision)

Jan’17 – Chris Bennett: There is so little time left before the Marriage of the Lamb “WHEN WILL MY PEOPLE REALISE THE LATENESS OF THE HOUR? WHEN WILL THEY LISTEN TO MY PROPHETS? WHEN WILL THEY UNDERSTAND THE URGENCY OF THE TIMES?” (Prophetic word on the great urgency of these End-times)

Jan’17 – Lindas Diggle: I was waking up from a dream and I saw 4 angels blowing golden trumpets over the U.K. Each one was positioned at 4 locations [as stated] These angels were heralding angels and were announcing a coming move of God, bringing outpouring to the UK. This outpouring will bring awakening and revival to the church and a deep conviction on the unsaved, and many will be brought into the Kingdom. The angels were issuing a clarion call, which meant there was a sense of urgency requiring action of some kind.

Jan’17 – Viv Caplin: I am pouring out My spirit in the night watches. I am showing forth revelation in the dark hours. For this is a time of multiplication. I have much to speak to you and much I would have you know. There is so much information to give you that I have to input into your very spirit what I’m going to be doing this year. (I Am Pouring Out Revelation)

LanaVawserJan’17 – Lana Vawser:  I keep hearing the words over and over “Don’t forsake the secret place”. It has been weighing SO HEAVY on my heart lately. There has been such a stirring in my heart that the Lord is releasing a greater invitation to His people to COME DEEPER and COME HIGHER!!! I had an encounter with Jesus many months ago and He spoke to me about a season of radical acceleration, breakthrough momentum and increase. The MANIFESTATION OF LIFE was springing up ALL AROUND!!! (Don’t Foresake The Secret Place)

Jan’17 – Veronika West: PM May’s visit to President Trump vision of mighty river of gold and silver, the UK and USA shall become one

Jan’17 – various: ‘global prophecy signals’ on the Bride of Christ

Feb’17 – John Kilpatrick: “Tell the people there’s no middle-ground any more plus  Midnight Words for 2107 and beyond with addendum on the lifting of Truth once again

Feb’17 – Veronika West: Midnight vision of angels harvesting wheat and tares.

UPDATES (17 Sept):

Mar’17 – Patsy Southway: March winds – the UK has an anchor

Mar’17 – Tony Puccio: Big Ben arises with continual wake-up!

[Mar’17 – Neville Johnson: warning re USA – darkness and Soros/Obama’s OFA as an ‘official war against Trump’.]

[Mar’17 – Hanke Kunnemann: a spiritual shift across northern hemisphere]

Mar’17 – Cindy Jacobs: word for UK upon Islamist attack in Westminster

Apr’17 – Ruth Grigg: vision of heavenly council meeting upon the UK

Apr’17 – Simon Braker: a New Season and Restoration of the Apostolic Church

Apr’17 – Chris Bennett: get ready for a fresh powerful move of the Holy Spirit

[Apr’17 – Veronika West: Psalm 2: two visions of international shaking]

Apr’17 – Veronika West: a New Season of shaking, shifting, resurrection, restoration

May’17 – Simon Baddeley: prophetic alert for the United Kingdom

Jun’17 – Veronika West: a ‘now’ word on the significance of Theresa May’s election

Jun ’17 – Charles Shamp: Urgent Word about Brexit, Terrorism, Theresa May… updates Dec ’16 word on UK’s situation and for post-election reference.

Jun’17Heaven’s trumpet sounding over UK – Changing of the guard over nations

Jun’17 – Chris Bennett: cleansing and preparing for the Lord’s glory to visit Britain (as never before!)

Jun’17 – Charles Shamp: keep your eyes on Big Ben

Jun’17 – David Noakes: a mighty word of encouragement for Great Britain

Jul’17 – Kathy Laity: a New Season for the Prophets

Jul’17 – Robin Jegede-Brimson: waves of glory and mercy about to drop on Britain

Jul’17 – Patsy Southway: visions of golden rain and of gold

Jul’17 – John Kilpatrick: the Lord spoke to me two mornings in a row and said “The earth is marked for change”And that is not just the earth but is also the heavens – and the Holy Spirit has said to me there’s going to be such things begin to happen…it’s going to be so shaking to people before we get out of here, before the Lord comes to get us, there’s going to be so many things that’s going to shake people that, if you’re not forewarned, it’s going to shake you! (MORE, read THE SHAKING: Watch for signs on earth and in the heavens.)

[Jul’17 – Chris Bennett: A ‘now’ word for Donald Trump: look beyond the media, the lies, the propaganda.]

Jul’17 – Veronika West: watch for the Lord’s Spirit moving powerfully in Britain and USA.

Jul’17 – Chris Bennett: shakings and God’s glory for Britain and America.

Jul’17 – Lisa Arnold: the Lord’s word to the Church: He’s sending the Latter Rain.

Aug’17 – Yinka Oyeken: prophetic visions of renewal for the Church in Britain.

Aug’17 – ‘Sarah’: It’s not the End but the Start of an amazing, wonderful New Day!

Aug’17 – Chris Bennett: Pentecostal flames of fire will descend and the glory manifest.

Aug’17 – Veronika West: Watch! A sudden change in spiritual equilibrium is beginning to manifest, a great spiritual awakening is now upon us.

Aug’17 – Lisa Arnold: an unprecedented wave of God’s glory and fire coming to the UK.

Aug’17 – Tony Puccio: England ablaze -another vision from Arizona.

Sep’17 – Lori Lawlor & Tony Puccio: Harvest is ripe for reaping: Time is running out

Sep’17 – Chris Bennett: God is birthing a New Church with all Holy Spirit gifts operating.

Sep’17 – Chris Bennett: Important angelic message for Church – God has drawn a line!

Sep’17 – vision of Christians as warriors, more on ‘line in the sand’ and ‘wake up!’ call

Sep’17 – Chris Bennett: Sept shift for leaders of UK, USA & Israel: message to Church “ALL hands on deck!” for the battle.

Sep’17 – Veronika West: His Spirit is coming suddenly, swiftly and severely to shift, sift, separate and scatter!

Sep’17 – RB: 3 days prophetic jigsaw pieces: #1 – 21st Sept & 1Thessalonians 5

Sep’17 – RB: 3 days prophetic jigsaw pieces: #2 – 22nd Sept & Daniel’s ’70th Week’

Sep’17 – RB: 3 days prophetic jigsaw pieces: #3 – 23rd Sept & Revelation 12

Sep’17 – Chris Bennett: A short season of pruning the deadwood, then the season of the harvest – published in conjunction with this from…

Sep’17 – Simon Braker: A word concerning the Church of England.

Sep’17 – John Kilpatrick: Revelation 12’s sign as a ‘breakthrough’ for many more signs

Sep’17 – Chris Bennett: More on the coming double Holy Fire (published 23rd Sept)

Sep’17 – Fire International Ministries: Roar of Revival (item 3 of 3 on Scotland)

Oct’17 – Jarrod Cooper: A fresh prophetic vision of God’s glory invading every sphere of society – extracts  from his book 500 – Are we at the Dawn of a New Era of Glory?

Oct’17 – Patsy Southway: Fresh Wind Blowing Ftom Heaven (item 1 of 3 on Scotland)

Oct’17 – Chris Bennett: Word for Scotland + Unity for UK (item 2 of 3 on Scotland)

Oct’17 – Yinka Oyekan: Vision of Fresh Fire Coming to the Church.

Oct’17 – Chris Bennett: Hebrew Year 5778 – Year of the Open Door“Have I not opened every door necessary to bring you thus far?” says the Lord. “And will I not open every door necessary to ensure your path in the future?”

Oct 17 – Vida Caplin: Time for The House of Cards to come down – showing photos of subsequent headlines! ‘God is going to pull down something very big and it will not be rebuilt. This is an empire work of corruption that Holy Spirit is speaking of. The house of cards speaks of something that has been intricately built over the years, the face cards speak of those who are in powerful positions or are known. More than that Holy Spirit has not revealed but we watch for the dramatic fall to happen.’


Subsequent items appear in full in Prophecy Today tag (latest first) as well as under an individual’s name tag (eg. Dr Sharon Stone, Neville JohnsonJohn Kilpatrick, Chuck PierceLana Vawser, Veronika West).

MORE: for a prolific, regularly updated database visit UK Prophetic Words.

16 thoughts on “Prophecy Library: 1909-2023

  1. Richard
    God bless you for keeping such a thorough blog!
    I’m speaking at a christian meeting at Top Barn farm, near Worcester on 1st March about ‘God’s Prophetic Word for 2014’; your detailed notes have been very helpful and confirmed things I’ve been hearing from Jesus as well. (e.g. ‘Wales being a thorn in the side of England’ – I live in Herefordshire but have been working in south London for the last 15 months… I drive from the M5 to the M4 and then into London… and every time I pray for the ancient Celtic church blessings to flow from west to east; from the birth places of the church in Somerset and South Wales, down the Thames valley, to bless the capital; [note how this links with the sites of the recent/current floods….]. Also, wrt the London bombs: ‘winning a battle but not the war’ (against the spirits of Islam etc): every day when I go to work in London, I drive on the A217 into Sutton, Surrey… and see the Shard in the center of London, 12 miles away… and I pray that the Islamic spirits sitting on it (the highest point, a pyramid built with Islamic money) will be defeated in prayer by the believers in Jesus in London; he who controls the capital can control the country… etc.
    In reading your blog I was also reminded of Rick Joyner’s ‘The Torch and the Sword’; if you haven’t read it, do do so… it links with the spiritual battles needed to be won in London/England over the next 2 years, which can bless lots of other places and the breaking apart of historical ‘churches’ based in London as well…
    Even as I’m writing this I sense things falling into place that I can share about in March!
    I’ve registered for email updates from you.
    God bless
    Mark Maddock
    P.S. I’ve got a very poorly kept blog (it needs re-launching, because I didn’t know what I was doing when I started it!); but if you do a Google search for ‘Mark Maddock Wales Prayer Walk 2012’ you’ll see what Jesus said to me when I did a prayer walk across Wales in 2012… the photos don’t appear (wrong format); if you send me your postal address I can send you a hard copy. There’s also things on my blog to do with ‘The Storm’; which covers the spiritual/financial/breakdown of society storm we are heading for…


      • Hi Richard
        Good to hear from you; when were you in Sutton? I was born there and lived there from 1960-1989; and then from late 2012 until now… but I have a new job starting in Hereford after Easter. I went to Cheam Fellowship in Sutton from 1977 – 1989….
        God bless


          • Hi
            We have a connection: my wife grew up in Cheam Baptist Church! I’ve read your testimony and see that our paths didn’t cross in the 1980s as you were born again after you’d left Sutton…. I drive through Belmont every day on the way to work! It would be good to link up some time; I could drop in to your place en route to the south east one Sunday afternoon… but it would have to be before April!
            God bless


  2. From David Hood (UK) aka chabod

    Quite late in the year 2000, I, David Hood, was given a vision of Europe.

    It started in the North west corner of Russia. I saw a black horse with a black rider ride diagonally to the south eastern corner of Russia. I feel today this represents famine or economic famine. The rider was wearing black rags, the torn edges were flapping in the motion of the wind, as the rider rode with speed. He seemed to have a black lance that he carried width wise, horizontally, across the level of the saddle

    Two events precipitated this occurring.
    1. Ostankino Tower radio tower in Moscow …The tower caught fire on 27 August 2000, killing four people ….. it represented the height of disaster
    2. On August 14, 2000, Russian authorities announced that one of their newest cruise missile submarines, the Kursk, had sunk with all hands. In the same month of the same year. …. it represented the depth of disaster
    3. The rider rode on a horizontal diagonal line … the losses are yet to be determined. It represents the diagonal axis of the horizontal breadth of disaster.

    What followed was a kind of rising creeping, dense mountain fog, that one sees in mountainous forested areas that descended and engulfed the Black Sea area and encroached west to Slovakia.

    There then appeared a flying horde moving quickly in the sky from the east to confront the shores of Great Britain. These seemed to be riding black broomsticks, without the bushy end and they were dressed in the black tattered rag garb of the black horses rider.

    I felt but could not confirm they were representative of an eastern Islamic type identity.

    I saw as they flew to Britain. Three countries formed a barrier together, protecting Britain. They were Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. I am unsure if France involved themselves or not with the other three. But they formed a protective screen for Britain, from the flying black horde.

    The scene switched to the Himalayas ,,, where I saw a series of Himalayan mountain peaks form a particular pattern of their silhouetted skyline. At the base of the largest peak there was a flat plain. And wait for it … there a circular spacecraft situated itself, the shape and size of a 400 metre running track, it rested there on the plain at the base of the highest peak.

    There the vision ended … this began in later part of the year 2000. Very recently, I feel that … Rev 6:5-6
    And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, `Come and behold!’ and I saw, and lo, a black horse, and he who is sitting upon it is having a balance in his hand, 6 and I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, `A measure of wheat for a denary, and three measures of barley for a denary,’ and `The oil and the wine thou mayest not injure.’
    The verses … 2 Chron 7:14 and My people on whom My name is called be humbled, and pray, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I — I hear from the heavens, and forgive their sin, and heal their land. … come to mind

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Dave.
      Re: UK – am reminded that attacks upon UK were being spoken of in 2005 and later, as indicated in this Library’s sub-pages‘2005…’
      Re: Russia – the Ukrainian president is now saying there’s a real war with Russia (
      Re: ‘circular spacecraft’ – a Russian mystical artist Nicholas Roerich, claimed to have seen such a craft over the Altai mountain range in the Himalayas. I think it was in 1947, or perhaps in the 1930s. Btw, ufo’s are demonic as I discovered when the Lord rescued me (part 2 of refers)


      • I felt led to look at the older prophecies today and was startled to see the mention of a space craft. Years ago, when I first arrived in London, the Lord showed me a significant picture of a space ship, connected with islamic movements planning attacks, culturally, politically and actually, on Britain.

        I heard that ‘they’ had attempted it before but the attack failed. One ship had been left behind, and this would release understanding and knowledge to us of the true attack which was being planned. Strangely the Lord brought to mind the film ‘Independence Day’, where they used the technology and language gathered from the ship, to foil the true attack.

        I did share this at the time with my prayer leaders, but sadly they couldn’t accept it. It was too strange I think. I feel that the enemy has left behind information and understanding that is vital to us, and that it somehow tied into Portsmouth, England.

        Thank you for sharing this. Not being able to share this knocked my prophetic confidence very badly and I have never been allowed to share since then.

        God bless you x

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Be wise and gentle! Serpent styled wisdom is a steady progression that may look like a zigzag but moves into proximity where it can achieve its goal. Keep your eyes focused on that which you need to take control of and keep making progress, keep moving forward not backward. Doves are love birds, non-theatening nor violent but theirs is a labor to enter into rest. And when at rest, they bring forth new life. People of God be intentional in this hour. I am leading saints to occupy and to be fruitful and to multiply. Your victory is secured as you worship in the positions I have placed you. This is a time to use your voice and make His praises glorious. This praise and worship establishes His throne for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done!


  4. From Heather Alcock at dated 2 Nov 2015:
    I was looking for prophetic words about the UK and stumbled upon your blog, which I have enjoyed reading this morning….I was surfing the net for most recent prophetic words for the UK an Europe, when your site came up.
    I would like to commend you on a blog that is very easy to read and well organised . You have also done such a good job of collating prophetic words through the years. I have always worried a bit about the lack of sites like yours when compared to America!
    I also liked the directory of similar ministries that you have given as well as your ‘Introduction to Prophecy’.
    Thank you so much for taking time to record and write about prophetic events as you have been doing and may you be blessed as you continue with this valuable ministry.


    • Heather & John, thank you for taking the time to dig into my blog and for getting in touch with such exceptionally encouraging comments.

      It’s good to know your CI connection too as I’ve known Sharon for 10 years and attend her mentoring days in Windsor as often as possible. She helped me concerning an awesome open vision of Britain, which followed through 3 years later and relates to a word the Lord gave her, as told in


  5. I have also been shown young men, a huge army of them, wearing the black tattered garment you spoke about. They were assembling at a warehouse and being issued with orders, to torment and frustrate believers and the plans of God in Britain.

    As they left the building they were jostling and laughing, and then went deep into the under-passes and roads of Britain, and I heard one word – ‘Ants’. These ants had no love for one another but were joined together by their purposes. A purpose they loved which was to cause chaos. Their assignments were being centrally coordinated, and they were all young white males.


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