Fulfilled prophecy #20 – warnings for locations in UK

UK Prophetic Words issued a couple of extracts on Tuesday from the detailed vision and call for prayer, repentance and intercession received by Wendy Alec on 15 July 2005. (A fortnight after the barbarism perpetrated against London buses and underground rail.)

On her Facebook Wendy draws attention to the double mention of Manchester and other locations. Clearly, she didn’t understand the rationale behind that because this followed a vision of the lion of Britain and the Lord’s promise to restore “Lionheart” and His glory to visit Britain as we move into our End-time destiny. Therefore, that section’s closure is in <parentheses> to lead into the second extract. 

Wendy opens her account of ‘Vision for Great Britain’ as follows:

I saw several pockets of small fires across Europe – The fires of wicked men and organisations – And the Lord said “Holland” – Holland was very strong – then France – and then Spain and Italy – then the Lord said – “And to the North was very clear and the Holy Spirit’s voice was insistent and very strong – “The NORTH – the North – the North” – and I had no clear understanding at all what the Lord meant and then I sensed a circle and heard the Holy Spirit say – “North London – Northern England – Northern Europe” and then I heard “North Africa” – this was the circle and the circle seemed to me to be linked in some way.

These fires, God said were kindling fires – they were very small – hardly noticeable on the map – but they burned furiously – and had fiercely burning blue flames – and then I saw that some kind of NET was being loosed from the heavenlies down to earth – and I heard the Lord say – “THIS IS THE SNARE OF HEAVEN” – and I saw a great angelic host – the warring host of Heaven being dispatched across Great Britain and Europe and other Northernmost and Middle-Eastern parts of the earth with swords that glistened like flaming fires.

And the Lord said – “As in the ancient of times – so as My people humble themselves and pray – a great and mighty roar of battle shall be unleashed from the heavenlies – and My mighty warring angels shall go forth – for I shall send them from the North and from the South.”

God was saying these were the fires of wicked men and organisations across Great Britain and Europe and beyond.

Then I saw prayer start to rise – first from small pockets of intercessors across the British Isles – these were not just prayer movements and organisations – but they were the heartfelt prayers of the saints from towns and villages all across Great Britain – these were the praying mothers and grandmothers and grandfathers – these were the prayers of the intercessors across Great Britain – and yes – they were mostly women in their homes and in tiny prayer and home groups – fallen on their knees and on their faces – and I could see that they had the full attention of the Lord – and then I saw the men – and ministers of God – and pastors and the ministers from all across Britain rose and joined their prayers in the Spirit with the prayers of the handmaidens – and the prophets started to prophesy – and join with the apostles and the intercessors – and then they were joined by the praying saints from across pockets in Europe and then from the North, East, South and West – and I saw a great hand arise from the North and the South and the East and the West.

And the Lord said,

“Because of the heartfelt prayers of My saints – I shall send My Angelic Host and the sound of their battle cry shall resound through the four corners of the earth as they prepare to meet the Princes of Darkness – For I tell you My children –A great and terrible darkness has been unleashed upon the earth in these days – BUT I am raising up an army – I am raising up a mighty army of My people who will gird themselves up for battle –and as the sound of their voices rises up to me – and as the sound of their prayers – of their supplications comes before my throne – so in turn – My mighty warring angels be unleashed to do battle in the heavenlies.

“And through the prayers of My saints in Great Britain – through the prayers of My saints in Great Britain – through the prayers of the saints and My followers in Great Britain – the stupor and the slumber and the secular humanistic spirits that have bound My people in this nation shall start to uproot – for my Church has had an outward semblance of power – yet its sound has been a whisper – even as My children have raised their voice in the streets of Great Britain – so the spirits of secularism and humanism have bound the mouths of My saints – but I tell you my children – there dawns another day – says the Lord – there dawns a different hour – and I call you Oh Church – I call you My saints – This is the day and this is the hour to arise” – says the Lord – “This is the hour to stir yourselves even as the mighty men of old – lift your voices and your hearts up to my throne – for this is the day and the hour of supplication.”

Then as the saints rose and started to pray – not with lip service but fervent heartfelt prayer from the heart – I saw another fire – with fierce white and orange living flames – start to burn – the prayers of the Church in Britain – and although it too started in pockets – this was the most incredible fire in the way that it spread across the nation – It was so fierce that as it took on power – it seemed that nothing could stop its path – but the people who created the fire were fallen on their knees – and God said “Penitent hearts” – and I knew somehow that these praying saints were repenting on behalf of Britain for the sins of the nation and for the sins of omission of the Church in Great Britain.

And these prayers gave the angels much strength – and the Snare of the Lord fell like a net across the dark hidden places of the earth – and I saw the terrifying whirlwind of the Lord like a fierce black whirlwind literally chase some of the evil blue pockets down – the winnowing whirlwind of the Lord of Hosts…

<…And God said Britain has yet to move into her end time destiny in the nations – And I saw again in great letters – the words – “THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED FROM THE LION – BUT THE GLORY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS SHALL RETURN.” And the lion’s roar by now had gained strength. (See introduction re parentheses)>

And then the Lord said – “Manchester – Newcastle – then Birmingham – London – Edinburgh – Glasgow – Southampton – Bournemouth.”

And I heard Him say “Airports” – not airlines but airports – “Malls – shopping centres” – that He was urging the saints to pray a higher protection over these places and over these things – and I felt Him go back once again to around Manchester – again I do not understand why.

And then he started to speak of Great Britain’s destiny…(read in full here)

Personal Note:
On Monday I published the email from Deputy Sheriff Marty Breeden on his death-bed encounter with the Lord. I felt led to emphasis the importance of the 2-minute ‘end-of-game’ warning by starting the blog with some personal history of the 1950-60s ‘ominous’ 4-minute nuclear attack warning.  Afterwards I chided myself because it may detract from Marty’s story. However, maybe I was subconsciously sensing the impending menace of that very evening’s demonic attack in central Manchester, only 9 miles from my childhood home.

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