Wendy Alec: Vision for Great Britain

Courtesy of James Mark Long, www.propheticartists.comThis continues Call to Pray for the UK – part 2 with the other incoming communication received on the same Monday, and to which it seemed connected by virtue of being on prophecies for Britain.

This item was an email from LH with a copy of a vision Wendy Alec had received and it ‘rang a bell’. Your fellow reader felt it right to revisit and pray over it. Furthermore, it plugged into my ruminations whilst digging into papers on the 2005 bomb attacks and on a coming battle that Chuck Pierce and Sharon Stone had spoken about. In fact, this vision was listed in my Library collection under 2005 but this version coming from God TV had a great deal more material than in my copy.

At first glance, however, the content of Wendy’s lengthy vision seems at odds with what her fellow prophets had already delivered. In late May 2005 Chuck “saw a sword in the heavens over London and England” and with his team sought its interpretation in the light of the word of God.

He didn’t know whose hand held or would guide it but felt he gained an understanding from Joshua 5 and believed that God was saying,

“I want to take charge over England and London for this hour. I want to be Commander in Chief over how you progress from this day on”, that He wants the prophets to contend for His sword to begin to lead us in victory against the giants that we’ve been unwilling to face in the past…(see report).

Also, what Chuck wrote in his ‘England Report’ of May 16, 2005 is appropriate for today:

“This is a season…to meet together, worship, cry out and press into revelation. The enemy has a plan to suppress the vision of God in this land. Do not get discouraged. You need to keep saying what needs to be said, even if it seems no-one in this land is listening.”

In addition, his associate Martha Lucia of Watchman Network had previously seen the demonic “spirit of Rabshakeh and its cohorts hovering over London” (covering note of June 1 2005 to Chuck’s report and call of May 31 for 40-days of prayer. This decision coincided with the inexplicable stopping of Big Ben – as here).

Then on 7th July came terrorist bomb attacks. And now we have constant heightened security vigilance because ISIS/L is at war with us.

But within days of the 7/7 outrage a prophetic visionary experience came to Wendy that seemingly made no reference to it, or to what others had discerned. Or did it?

Additionally, many uplifting and strengthening prophetic words have since been brought by Chuck and Sharon for Britain and Ireland’s ‘New Season’ of moving into the Lord. And although Wendy’s prophetic vision came in those difficult days of July 2005, it is  even more appropriate for today and the next years.

Wendy AlecHer vision commences with a sighting of ‘pockets of small fires across Europe’ and then proceeds into great depth about them and what the Lord is doing. So it connects not only with what was happening then but also where we’re heading today and need to be contending against, as in my recent posts and another yet to be posted from Clifford Hill.

After a most stirring, revelatory vision Wendy brings these encouraging exhortations from the Lord:

  • Great Britain: Land of End-Time Destiny
  • I Am About to Blow the Trumpet
  • Like Wilberforce, My Apostolic Voices Shall Rise in Parliament
  • A Mighty Flood of Evangelists
  • The Rise of One with a Rod of Iron and My Government on his Shoulders
  • The Great Joining of the Lion and the Eagle

Click to study, weigh and carefully consider her account of 2005 Vision for Great Britain.


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