Jarrod Cooper: a fresh prophetic vision of God’s glory invading society

Thank you to Suzanne Payne at UK Prophetic Words for the heads-up on Jarrod Cooper’s previous post Many Prophets are Prophesying a New Era!, and this extract from his 500: Are We At The Dawn of a New Era of Glory?


This summer (2017) God has been speaking to me about a new era of outpouring that is growing in these coming decades, following the 500 year anniversary of the start of the Reformation.:

The Church will be filled with glory. A weighty sense of presence that has grown since the early 1900’s will begin to flood every corner of the Church – even the most stoic of church expressions will be found weeping at the wonder of His goodness again. Of course, there will be a backlash, that the coming glory is a figment of overly excited “Charismatic” imaginations, but the rising tide of glory and power will reach everyone who is thirsty – the coming move will be so obviously brought by the hand of heaven, that most of the Church will eventually open itself to new realms of power.

The Catholic and even other more “High” traditions will begin to be influenced powerfully by a new presence from heaven. The beauty of history and liturgy will blend with presence and glory, in ways many Pentecostals and Charismatics have thought impossible – and glory will rise upon the most historic of churches.

The Church will become more of a movement, and less of a club for members. She will pour out into the streets and the various strata of society, invading the very fabric of communities. She will meet in buildings large and small, facilitated by new types of church governmental structure, that are fluid, relational, releasing and non-bureaucratic.

Denominationalism will give way to Kingdom authority, led by servant apostles. Different streams or tribes in the Church will no longer be seen as competition, or lacking doctrinal accuracy. Instead, each tribe in the Kingdom will bring fresh emphasis, a strength that the whole Body of Christ needs. New authority structures will create Kingdom flow that lacks bureaucracy and releases the Saints to march across the land in power.

Church unity will flow as never before – such will be the harvest of souls. There will simply be too many people being saved to worry about the politics of pastoring. No longer will pastors fight over members – they will send each other members when their discipleship systems become overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.

Signs and wonders will become incredibly commonplace – even among children, and denominations formerly thought of as “dead”.

Indeed the dead will be raised, remarkable healings and miracles, transfigurations, men and women glowing at the presence of God. Some will be lifted off the ground, objects will move, the smoke of glory will fill streets, rooms, stadiums, parliaments. It will rain indoors – even oil will flow in miraculous ways. The wonders will cause worship to God and become so commonplace in certain locations, that they even seem to no longer fascinate the believers.

But these signs will fascinate the world and eventually be impossible to ignore, even by the most wary of media outlets.


God said “My glory will invade politics, carried on the shoulders of the ambassadors of heaven. Men and women who have met me in my glory, will be given the opportunity and mantle to stand for office and call my presence in.

Prayer meetings will run like rivers through parliament buildings. The EU will become engulfed in a war for its soul, as the Kingdom of light begins to penetrate even the darkest corners.”

The war for power in the boardrooms and cabinet rooms of the world will rage – but a new grace from my hand, that seems to melt even the greatest authorities will begin to invade meetings and conversations. While some have felt an “Elijah-like” confrontation will be the thing that turns men of power around, it will actually be a release of softening grace that will melt the hearts of kings and presidents. This is the age of grace and glory. Favour from the hand of God and man will be released in the earth, and the Church will be established as prince among the mountains.

A rising of a new type of missionary from the Church will begin to transform politics locally – strong, spiritual, biblically literate and fearless, the Church will march into the political arena ready to be a city on a hill.


The Church will become known again as a womb of creativity – art, music, words, media – Christian artists will be recognised as the source of immense creative expertise – as training schools in the arts arise in every city, nation and continent.

Film makers will send shockwaves throughout the world, explaining the fallen brokenness of man, melting the hardness of pride and releasing a longing for divine grace and healing. It is the arts, not politics, that will touch and reshape the morality of nations back to the image of God. Through stories, song, the retelling of divine history, the arts will capture the hearts of humanity and make many question the moral anarchy that has swept the world.

Stadiums will be used for church services again and again. The greatest auditoriums in the land will be filled. The arts and signs and wonders will run like streams, blending into a river of grace and glory that will capture the hearts of millions. Kings, presidents, the influencers of the world will weep in worship at the presence of God. Royalty will fall prostrate before the Fathers presence.

Revivals will accompany theatre companies. Anointed productions will be performed that lead the audience to overwhelming travailing of soul. Queues will go on endlessly as people long to be in God’s presence and hear the words once again. Audience members will convulse in their seats, cry out, rush the stage, run out to the streets, overcome by the Holy Spirit’s presence, in deep repentance. Some will be left overnight in the theatre, as the glory of God moves and crowds become immobile under the hand of God’s glory. In some areas this will become considered a normal response to the arts, such is the power and anointing of God at work.

Successful and renowned singers will begin to turn their concerts into evangelistic campaigns – even giving away bibles, taking altar calls and working with local churches. In some great auditoriums, multiple celebrities will give testimony and perform, with thousands giving their lives to Christ and leaving new churches planted.

Small radio stations will spring up across the earth broadcasting the Gospel, power and presence of God – telling the stories, releasing the testimonies of communities in regional areas. They will become the new pulpits of the airwaves. Thousands will be healed simply by listening, as the wisdom and wonder of God floods the airwaves. Some of these places will become so successful, larger stations will model themselves on the pattern of these glory stations.


Schools, colleges and universities will be in upheaval at the moves of revival. Christian Unions will hold prayer meetings that fill up like assemblies. Outpourings of the Spirit will interrupt classes. Teachers will at times become preachers, as God’s presence moves so strongly in the classrooms. Many will fall to the floor overcome by God’s presence.

Great wars will be fought around the classrooms, as the enemy vies for the minds of the young – but the glory of God will prevail. Schools, colleges and universities will be swept up in visitations of glory so strong, that head teachers will be unable to finish prayers and speeches, and as they weep under the hand of God and the young people assembled begin to sing under the infilling of the Spirit.

“Missionary” will become a common recommendation for careers advice – the hunger for millions to carry God’s glory to the ends of the earth will grow, as the compulsion of love drives a new generation to invade every last corner of the earth with the Gospel.


God’s glory will empty some hospitals. Saints will go in, and prayer will fast become another normalised route to wellness. There will be many times when wards are emptied by the visit of a group of glory carriers.

But what is more remarkable is that it will become acceptable again for doctors to pray and lay hands on the sick. They will see the dead raised, intensive care patients radically healed, and many will come to faith in hospital.

In many places, prayer will become activity accepted, taught and recommended as a legitimate means of healing. Some medical universities will specialise in prayer for healing, helping to release an army of “divine doctors” able to walk in miracles and medicine.

Some hospitals will develop “miracle teams” who are trained and released to move around the hospitals praying, caring and comforting the sick. Churches will be set up in hospital wings.


The make up of the family will be restored not by the laws of man, but by a movement of grace upon the broken hearts of humanity. The oil of God’s grace will flow upon the earth, and through encounter after encounter, the hearts of humanity, so hungry for approval and acceptance, will be restored to the Father’s Heart.

There will be outpost, after outpost, where a restoration of families will become the norm; divorce will drastically reduce, fatherlessness will fade, sexual confusion will give way to peace and holiness. In some places it will be the Church that become the “father and mother” of communities, bringing stability, nourishment, approval, discipline and tenderness. The Church will seem, in some places, to be almost a parental figure in the nation, rather than an irrelevant relic. Adoption and fostering ministries will explode across church communities, as God sets the lonely in healthy families.


Businessmen will be touched powerfully by glory, and become Generals of Commerce – releasing finances and resources into the global harvest. But not only will they resource ministries and churches, but their very businesses will become strongholds of the Kingdom, bringing societal transformation and change. Godly business men and women will be seen as spiritual elders in the cities, and many will run churches alongside, and even within, their businesses and staff. The commitment to transform a city or region will mean businesses become places of Kingdom rulership, to better advance the glory of God across an area.

The glory of God will disrupt the business day again and again! It will seem some leaders will have to trust that everything will get done, and profits will be made, as some will give up days to prayer and seeking God, allowing staff to be in God’s presence, rather than remaining on “the production line.” But these businesses will prosper greatly in God’s hand –bringing wealth and influence for the Kingdom. Habakkuk 2:14 states that, “The knowledge of the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.”

Jarrod Cooper, 3rd October 2017

1 thought on “Jarrod Cooper: a fresh prophetic vision of God’s glory invading society

  1. This is how I imagined things soon after I became a Christian twenty-five years ago (not saying that God showed me exactly), but I’ve always felt the need to be ‘out there’, not tucked up safely in church. I long for the Holy Spirit to sweep through the streets and everywhere in the land, using ‘ordinary’ believers wherever they may be, so that everyone, atheists, agnostics etc, will not be left unaffected, and everybody will know that something is afoot.

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