Yep, the time’s now – May 2014

Hand Holding Puzzle Piece by Ponsulak credit Freedigitalphotos

Did you spot the gem buried in the middle of the previous post? It was as if the Lord had plonked down another piece of the ‘invisible jigsaw‘!  What have several retired folk who are better described as ‘re-fired’ got to do with it? And then came another piece too!  I’ll tell you about that one, but to put you in the picture first.:

For some time I’ve wanted time to transcribe a couple of very brief reports but other stuff got in the way. Followers of my meanderings may have noted my frustration on this at times, but I hope they’ll have noted several times when material has just ‘turned up’, or I’m nudged to look at something else, something more important than my intentions. And last week was just like that…

Instead of doing the transcriptions I’d fully planned on doing first, I had to do the piece on Julie Meyer’s prophetic song. And then something else got in the way of that too! So much time can be wasted online trawling around but this new thing just ‘popped up’. Try getting there on the link I gave and I bet you’ll say it’s ‘looking for a needle in a haystack’ – but that didn’t happen for me!  Maybe an angelic hand was scrolling it onto my screen 🙂

Upon reading the reference to the Lord having referred in 2010 to “The month of May” I just sensed it’s ‘NOW’ – a bit of a play on words with the author’s other reference to the Lord’s having said, “Now!”. So I amended that post’s title to ask, “Is the time now?”

Now it’s not proper prophetical protocol to assign any timing to prophecies. I  was simply hazarding a guess in line with hinting, “Keep your eyes on Britain”, but a few prophets are starting to give dates, thereby putting themselves to the biblical test of a prophet: whether or not their prophecy is fulfilled.


The young adults at our church would love to be in the ‘oldies’ afternoon house group and yesterday they were given a taste of what happened for us last week.  Pastor Lindi had tasked each of us with reporting upon the prophecies discussed at the group (as in previous post) and asked how they fit in with where this church should be heading. The one person not contributing was Nina, my wife.  But when she asked the Lord early one morning she received His reply and prepared it for delivery in church.

This material would cover the anniversary of Bobby Conner’s ‘Firestorm’ word but not Julie’s, “Keep Your Eyes On Britain”.  However, this changed because Lindi referred early in our meeting to a new word about this month, which confirmed what I’d sensed about the 2010 word perhaps targeting “May 2014”.

Our pastor read the main paragraph from a paper by Doug Addison published on 16 May as Sudden Changes Are About to Occur Without Warning in Month of May, which opens:

May is a time when new things will spring forth and begin to come together. Watch for doors and opportunities to open suddenly. We are entering into a new time of things happening suddenly. Webster’s dictionary defines the word suddenly as “happening quickly without warning”. It is time to be prepared for sudden change.

This is poignant in confirming in-depth teaching by Suzanne Ferret at Dr Sharon Stone’s mentoring day on 3rd May upon changes, which had started happening and developing in our local situation.

Upon reading the full piece, I notice it’s linked into an earlier word about this month Wind of Change Starts in Mid-May. This is last week, when I found the 2010 reference to a May. Yet there’s a more important part of Doug’s word stating that,

Unity Is The Key

Doug_Addison credit Elijah ListIn view of the fact that wrangling between churches made me a disillusioned teenager as regards Christianity, what Doug writes on unity and relating it to the curse of Cain is vitally important. The closing paragraphs cover both topics and is apposite to an on-line debate I’ve followed on God & Politics in UK. Here’s Doug’s closing points on those topics:

As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” (1 Cor 12:20-21)

In order to go into the new season and era God is calling us to, we must heal our divisions. We are “one” no matter what our doctrinal differences may be.


It’s the same today, spiritually. When we speak against other Christians, when we wound them or try to kill them spiritually, we can come under this same curse.

We have the theology that the Body is one, but we don’t live out the reality of it. Our sin of judging each other affects us all.

Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).

Get ready for sudden changes. Get ready to love people who are different than you, and get ready for God to move in your life and divinely realign us all to become more effective! (Emphasis added)

Please now read his message in its entirety by clicking here.

1 thought on “Yep, the time’s now – May 2014

  1. Pingback: Prophetic Word, June 2014 – part 2 | Richard's Watch

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