England ablaze: another vision from Arizona

Aurora-uk: image credit Telegraph

Thank you to my ‘cyber-friend’ Tony Puccio in Tucson for your heart and prayers for the UK and reporting what he senses from the Lord showing him what’s about to happen on his global horizon over the ‘Pond’ far to the east:


As I was reading Richard Barker’s posting this morning (Friday 25th August), regarding an unprecedented wave of God’s glory and fire coming to England, I saw the following vision:

In the vision I saw that it was night and I could see the waters of the ocean and barely make out the rest of Europe. Again, remember that it was night as this is significant. I then saw England glowing with a bright light in the midst of a dark sea and a dark night. I then saw people flocking to England and taking pieces of the light with them and leaving. What I am interpreting this as is that people will be attracted to the and, once there, will be transformed by the light, i.e., God’s glory, and take the light that they received with them.

Kitt Peak National Observatory outside Tucson (RBarker April 2008)

2 thoughts on “England ablaze: another vision from Arizona

  1. Pingback: 29 August 2017 | The Clueless Revivalist

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