‘God-incidence’ of 11 and 21st (3×7) anniversary of solar eclipse – “Look up for your redemption draws nigh!”

Not bothering to note today’s date, my intended online priority after the days morning tasks was to respond to a reference to number 11’s meaning by Jonathan Hill in his weekend email. BUT after opening my in-tray, what then dropped in from Ben Kay in Plymouth ‘God-incidentally’ highlights ’11’!! “ACE, absolutely brill Ben”, I immediately respond in my seeking his permission to copy; and so he puts it into perspective

“Glad that this email has hit the mark. It was interesting how it came about as I had no intention to write all these things until late last night when I sensed the Lord reminding me about the eclipse and prompting me to write an encouragement. It took a few hours but managed to get it sent out this morning thankfully. I meant to be writing… but sensed this interruption to my plans last night were from the Lord so decided to go with the flow…!”

Let’s ‘get in the flow’ of what the Lord’s indicating through Ben, as told under this title from Luke 21:28 (NB 7×3:7×4):


Good Morning,

Normally I simply send out dates and information about prayer meetings (such as the next PRAY UK meeting on 22nd August!)

However, this is a simple encouragement to keep pressing on when you may be feeling the pressure of life… to keep on looking up when you might be feeling down…and a reminder that we are held in the palm of the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

‘…I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 3 vs 12-14)

Last night, I remembered that today is a special anniversary for those in Devon and Cornwall who, 21 years ago today, witnessed the magnificent spectacle of the 1999 solar eclipse.

Indeed, you may have seen the special marker that was placed near Plymouth Hoe (by the cannons on Madeira Road) to remind us of this special moment. It is in the shape of a cross on the pavement.

‘X’ marks the spot where at the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of August 1999, the sun was turned to darkness and the moon turned a blood red colour above Plymouth and the surrounding region, and there followed 2 minutes of eerie darkness in the middle of the day, before the light of the sun broke through once again.

As I look back on this day with a sense of awe, I’m reminded of who it is that not only created the earth, the moon and the sun but actually brought them into alignment and scheduled this special moment at the beginning of time. For no solar eclipse randomly happens but each one was timetabled from the moment of creation.

‘And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years…”‘ (Genesis 1:14 KJV emphasis mine)

By all accounts (eg. Wikipedia’s Solar Eclipse of 11th August, 1999), this was a special eclipse. This was ‘one of the most-viewed solar eclipses in the whole of human history’ and the first that could be viewed from the UK since 1927.

As illustrated therein, the total eclipse started in the Atlantic (not far from where the Mayflower’s Pilgrims first settled), speeding across the ocean at around 2000km/h before making landfall, crossing both Devon and Cornwall. Interestingly, the eclipse then went from here to have an impact on the rest of Europe as well as parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia…2 billion people in all!

There are many prophetic words that have been spoken about the region over the years indicating that God is about to do something special. Given that an eclipse can also be defined as an ‘over-shadowing’, perhaps God’s Spirit is brooding and getting ready to bring forth ‘fullness of life’ in this region as expressed in John 10:10’s  “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”.

Furthermore, perhaps the precise time and direction of the eclipse over Plymouth and the region indicates that an end-time revival of great magnitude is coming that will have an impact on multitudes throughout the nations.

But if life is tough right now, perhaps we just need to hang in there. In the natural, there is much pressure on a baby in the birthing canal just before it is born.

‘We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed and broken. We are perplexed because we don’t know why things happen as they do, but we don’t give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.’ (2 Corinthians 4 vs 8-9 TLB)

God is in control, even though we may feel everything is out of control.

‘and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose’. (Romans 8 v 28)

Not all things are good…but in all things, we trust God is working things out for our good and birthing His purposes and plans in our lives.

When we’re in the thick of it, sometimes it is hard to see the bigger picture.

Perhaps this recent prophetic word from Veronika West entitled, ‘It’s Time, Destiny’s Clock is Ticking‘, will serve as an encouragement to ‘look up’ at this time and keep ‘watching and praying’…

Here’s an excerpt from this relatively short word:

‘So stay watching and praying in these days, as the Winnowing Winds of My Spirit now blow upon the threshing floor of the Nations. Listen and pay close attention! Tick, tock, tick, tock…the sound of destiny’s clock can be heard in the realm of the Spirit. Do you hear it? Are you ready? Are you aligned and rightly positioned? Are you walking in time with My Spirit?

Beloved…See! For this is a kairos time…an appointed time in the earth…a time of divine Shifting, Sifting, Scattering and Separation has surely begun…for the Nations at a divine tipping point are now being Shifted…the wheat and the tares are now being Sifted…Yes!…and the demons of hell are now being Scattered and the goats and sheep Nations are now being Separated…Watch! As the Winnowing Winds of My Spirit now blow forth upon the Harvest fields of the Nations…Beloved, Get ready!!

This follows on from a recent dream Veronika West had in June 2020 (Hourglass of End-time Harvest).

Veronika explains, “This dream came with such an urgency of the times and the need to begin to cry out for the nations of the earth who are in the valley of decision. I believe this dream speaks to the 11th hour. A kairos time in the earth. An appointed time of the End-time Harvest!”

The details of the dream and Veronika’s interpretation take a little longer to read than the above prophetic word…but it is well worth reading and reflecting upon.

The dream concludes with the following words:

“Watch and Pray! For but a little while longer the Golden Revolving Door of The Ages and of Eternal Destiny stands open before the nations. As the days of My Grace and Mercy are poured out upon the nations, watch! For the time is here, for the 11th Hour Harvesters will herald the birthing of a new great awakening on the earth!”

Veronika’s dream reminds me of an encounter I had with God after attending a prayer meeting at Plymouth Christian Centre back in 2012. I was left with a clear sense that we’re living in the closing age of time before Jesus returns for His bride.

Read more about this ’11th hour’ encounter HERE in Why ’12am CRY’? and listen-read-watch RT Kendall explain more about ‘What is the Midnight Cry?’.

Anyhow, this has now turned out to be a much longer email than originally envisaged, so I’ll finish here with a couple of verses encouraging us to rouse to the reality of the time we are living in…

‘Besides this you know what [a critical] hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah). The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put on the [full] armour of light. (Romans 13 vs 11-12 AMPC)

Every blessing,

Ben Kay

RB Footnotes:
  1. I wrote Ben, “Not only does your Luke 21:28 header tie in with scripture relating to the night Jesus visited me (and thus the First Sunday of Advent, celebrating His Return – as illus. below), but also and in depth, today’s date of 11th ties in with the details of an email I want to reply to later after returning home.”
  2. Jonathan Hill, author of Unlocking the Biblical Watch of Messiah’s Return, remarks in his recent email upon the Biblical meanings numbers ‘11’ and ‘12’: ‘The number ‘12’ represents the governmental perfection of Israel in the Millennium (12 tribes of Israel etc.). Number ‘11’ precedes ‘12’ and speaks of ‘anticipation’ of Millennium. As part of the Biblical Watch, ‘11’s appearing in global events/signs before the upcoming Millennium may, therefore, be part of this anticipation and signify events which closely precede the Millennium. The 11th hour warning of Armistice Day 1918 (11th hour of 11th day of 11th month) is one such sign’.’
  3. In referring to ’11’ and ’12’ Jonathan has ‘God-incidentally’ connected into Ben’s message on today’s date of 11th as 21st anniversary of the solar equinox at Plymouth – as well as into his calling at 11th hour on 7.9.2012 (see 12am Cry). (Also, 21 = 7 x 3.)
  4. And just as intriguing: I find yesterday’s total number of views on this website is two twelves, ie 1,212. MOREOVER, ‘two twelve’ was the number of my childhood home where that Visitation in 1989 was located!


PS: Two ‘GPS’ confirmations were immediately received, as recounted here.

4 thoughts on “‘God-incidence’ of 11 and 21st (3×7) anniversary of solar eclipse – “Look up for your redemption draws nigh!”

  1. I’m in Nova Scotia and was married on August 11 in 1990. Nine years later, in 1999, the Lord was leading me out of an abusive marriage and into the things of the Kingdom. I remember this eclipse well, trying to view it on TV or elsewhere as it happened in the UK. I began to have dreams and visions related to the ark of the covenant, the Holy One of Israel, and the New Jerusalem coming down from God. The Lord led me to walk with the Son the way of the cross to come into the fullness of it. First He opened the way for my parents to travel to Israel, then led me to an experience of the cross on a personal level, then it all culminated in asking for the ancient paths and traveling to south western part of UK. In a way only He knows, the more I stood on His Word related to turning the hearts of children to the fathers and vice versa, the more heaven opened up with more revelation about His coming Kingdom. Now today, thirty years after I was married on this date, we are receiving a huge victory over all evil. The number 21 figures prominently and points me to the archangel Michael, especially in my intercession for Canada – my home nation. I’ve come to see the two sticks in the Father’s hand (Ezekiel 37) as being related to Canada and the UK being held together by our common stand for Israel and the Jewish people. I’d be here all day trying to explain why, but am currently writing a book about it.

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  2. Dear Richard

    Intriguing stuff. I can certainly witness to a ramping up of the anticipation and the pressure.

    One of the things I’ve been led to do – and RW has played its part re encouragement with drawing attention to the mark/mask affair and Gilead’s right denunciation of them and linking – is the coming event attached. It will be the second of its kind and it’s encouraging folks to worship without shame and without fear… a little prayer covering would be good. The last one certainly was a work where the labour element was very much felt. For our first event we used Psalm 34 v 5 as our “speaking out” into the atmosphere and as we spoke these words I had literally turned my back on a black storm threatening to deluge us. It gave a good graphic as the storm could not face the light and slid harmlessly past us…

    Shalom, love & prayer Elaine ________________________________

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