2019-2020 Fulfilled Prophecies, 2 of 3: Three blessings after three woes, including war with Iran! (#50)

Christopher Wickland released this prophecy four months ago but has re-released it in response to recent events. If new to you, I recommend its careful study and weighing.

I’m tempted to emphasise parts in addition to that of America’s response to Iran’s killing US citizens and attacking its sovereign territory (ie. US embassy in Baghdad; which is tantamount to a declaration of war!) – but I leave my readers to note aspects that have been, or are becoming, fulfilled. 

In my opinion, ‘government’ in the 1st woe covers the three arms of Executive, Parliamentary and Judicial authority within Britain. 



My name is Christopher Wickland, I’ve been a Christian going on for nearly 30 years. Over that time I have received many visions and dreams I believe to be from the Lord. Some of those visions and dreams have impacted and literally saved peoples lives.

There has been many words and dreams I have held onto for a long time, over 20 years regarding the war with Iran, the great economic collapse and the Great Revival. All of these words in the time I received them were very much out of time in respect to the world’s then geopolitical climate.

I feel now is the time to start opening up these words and revealing them to the general public for those who wish to hear such things. This word I am about to give will contain elements of those words including new prophetic insights I believe the Lord has given to me.

This prophetic word will be broken into two sections. A message of woe and a message of hope.

I need to make it clear, that I do not live to be a sensationalist, to grab attention or to be one who seeks stardom in the small world of the prophetic. On the contrary, I wish to be one who would rather hide in the shadows and remain hidden. I would rather live out my life in peace with God and man. It brings me no joy whatsoever to bring prophetic words, especially weighty ones.


The First Woe

The first part of this prophecy is aimed at the Stone Wall in our government. This is for those who have ears to hear, and have understanding to what the Spirit is saying.

“Oh Stone Wall. You have become great and marvelous in the eyes of man. You have grown from a child to a man. You have become as a king, dictating your edicts across this land with pride and arrogance. But know this. I never put you where you are today. I have allowed you to become the size you are so that I may bring you down with a mighty fall. I will chop down the tree of your influence. I will not even permit a stump to remain. I will utterly wipe the memory of you from this land.

“I am the Lord of breakthrough and I will shatter you Stone Wall. You think you are impenetrable, you think no one sees or knows. But I see, I know and to me you are as a grain of sand. I will destroy you Stone Wall and I will grind you to dust. You will never rise again and never again put your edicts and rules over this land again.”

The Second Woe

“I have declared a wind of change to blow through this nation. This wind is cold, sharp and bitter and it will tear down the institutions and arrogance of man. To My people I say, do not fear this wind. This must come before revival. I will clear the rubble of the empires of man before I will rise the Kingdom of My Name. [Cf RB’s ‘bulldozer’ word of 2014]

“My people, do not fear. I have not failed or forsaken you. I am with you always to the end of the Age. My wind of change will blow through government and establishments that no longer revere or respect My Name. I will shake all that can be shaken so that what remains will be made strong and intact.

“This wind will bring great shaking to the financial institutions of this land, indeed it will spread out to the whole world. For a season the systems of Babylon must be restrained. My people it is time for you to come out of Babylon and its time for Babylon to come out of My people.

“The wind of change will be painful but not unbearable. Great shaking and change is about to come upon this nation. My people do not fear this wind, for this is of My doing.

“I will shake all that can be shaken, even the institutions within my church. Many will fall in this hour from lofty hights and many in the mud will be raised up. Do not be surprised by this. Many will be surprised by what gets pulled down and what remains. Some may become shocked at what I choose to raise up in the days ahead.”

The Third Woe

“War is coming and it’s time to be prepared and not be troubled by this. I need to warn my people that this is not the battle of Gog and Magog. Many will claim it is, but it is not. Take comfort in this.

“A perfect storm is coming. War with Iran will be inevitable. America will be the first to fire back. This will escalate into a protracted season of conflict that will affect the nations.

“This war will cause the rise of militant Islam to take a hold in this country. Great fear will grab this nation as they realise they have an enemy within that they cannot see. But I want my people in this hour to not fear. Yes, some persecution will come from Islam to my people in this country. But it will be for a short season and then it will end.”


The First Blessing

“Many will question why I let the three woes come about. Many will point the finger at Me and wonder why. Let me be clear, the finger of blame lies within your governments. They have polluted this land with doctrines and laws that are not of me. The prayers of the saints have come up to me and I have heard those prayers.

“The three woes are not to harm my people, they are part of the dismantling of the profane, that good may rise from the ashes.

“The First blessing is growth. I will bring a new season of Spring to this nation. Once the bitter wind of change has blown its course, new life will come to this nation again. I love your green and pleasant land and I wish to use you as a sheep nation in these days. I chose to use you as a mighty oak in the orchard of the nations to be blessed to be a blessing to those around you.

“You will be instrumental in standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel. I will bless you, to enable you to stand with her and I will bless you greatly for standing with her.”

The Second Blessing

“The Second blessing will be a religious revival in the land of Great Britain. Churches will come to life and grow throughout all the land. It will be as in the days of Wesley. Churches will spring up in every city, village and town.

“I will do outlandish and interesting things. I will raise up again monastic houses of prayer and prayer communities throughout this nation to pray for the land of Britain. To work the land and bless the land that healing may come to the soil. I will heal the land for all the pollution of sin and wickedness that has corrupted it.

“In these days I will move in great power, signs and wonders will be seen by many. These will be days of open heavens and many will come to know me as they sense my presence filling up this land. My presence will be as a wonderful incense. It will permeate this land and all will sense it. All will breath it in and be changed by it. In these days many, many will give their lives to me.

“This is a blessing with a great charge. My people be ready for this harvest. Don’t ever turn people away. Move with me, don’t move against me because of fear. Be prepared to move into uncharted waters in these days in respect to church growth.”

The Third Blessing

“I will make this nation a head and not a tail. I will raise her up in the days ahead because I have plans for this nation. Plans to prosper and not plans to harm.

“I have remembered the prayers of this nation that have come before me for over a thousand years. They will not go unheeded or unanswered. I will beautify My Name in this Land again.

“Many will read this and wonder how such things can be. Wait and see for the Lord is good and His promises shall not tarry but surely come to pass.

“This nation will have in this blessing a strong, trusted and godly government that walks on the foundations of my Word. The government of this land will once again be respected and appreciated. It will no longer be a laughing stock. Indeed I will make it so that the former days will not be brought to remembrance.

“Do not fear my flock, do not be afraid. Be prepared for a winter of discontent. Set your faces like flint for the Spring that is soon to follow. I promise you that I will protect you and provide for you. Do not be afraid, only believe. You are going to see the goodness of My Name in the land of the living.”

[Published 18th September 2019 on Christopher’s Facebook and at UK Prophetic Words as Blessings Follow Woes and War on Britain.]

3 thoughts on “2019-2020 Fulfilled Prophecies, 2 of 3: Three blessings after three woes, including war with Iran! (#50)

  1. I am speechless though so thankful for Christopher sharing it and Richard for posting it on this particular day. The Lord has certainly been working in our Nation and has been answering the prayers of His people who love our Country and want God’s blessing upon it. It has changed so much over my lifetime and things that were sinful and unlawful are now no more. I Thank The Lord for HIS love and faithfulness for The Nation. We’ve seen so much torn down these last few years and I’m so relieved that He wants us OUT of this present day Babylon. It’s still a hard fight but with The Lord behind us what can man do to stop it. Now we are at risk of war in the Middle East – again- after the happenings of the last two days. There will be backlash in our Country I’m sure but The Lord is With US – He is Not With THEM. “Fear not for I have redeemed you” comes to mind. The 1st Scripture The Lord gave me when I became a Christian in 1982. I’d never read a Bible and I was in a bad place physically and emotionally and He spoke directly to me with that verse from Isaiah. With Him we can face The Winter and I look forward to The Spring which The Lord has promised and for HIS name to be praised by every tongue in our precious land – His precious land. Praise God for HIS Faithfulness and for speaking to His people who because of technology can be spread far and wide. Thank you again both Christopher and Richard. Blessings to you both and for all God’s People whom He uses to send warnings and promises to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moira, I was only reminded yesterday of the story from Johsua .5.13 where Joshua comes upon a man with a drawn sword near Jericho,and says to him “are you for us or for our adversaries?
      It will be as simple as this.
      We will,have to choose sides as things start to heat up.
      Britain will no doubt have to make the choice as will other countries but especially Britain as others take their lead from the Lion.
      Praise the I AM.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Praise the I AM indeed. His mercies endure forever. In light of recent events both at home and abroad it’s imperative that we stand For & With The Lord. Only He can win the battles ahead and we must stay in His steps for everyone’s sake. What a Mighty God we serve and I am so relieved He’s on the side of righteousness. With God for us what can mere men do?

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