Two personal time-points and the Lord’s ‘pointman’, President Donald Trump! – 2012 Nations’ Identity prophecy

By courtesy of James Mark Long

We’ve examined the personal Time-point, or ‘God-incidental coincidence’, in 2016 of the prophetical nudge the Lord gave about the exposure of political corruption and the start of US Republican presidential candidate Donald J Trump’s campaign, with not only an  investigation into his financial affairs but also and especially, as I later learned, his own mission to expose and root out all political evil and corruption throughout and since his administration.

Over Summer of 11 years ago, I kept getting inner urges to ‘go public’ with my writing emails on End-times that I’d started in Feb 2009 to a small circle of friends and church leaders.  Three months later I was blessed to be given a directly relevant prophecy by renowned prophecy teacher Isabel Allum, as told in Why Write/blog? She discerned,

“An impartation like Daniel had is going to come into you and you will start understanding the ‘riddles’ of the Lord in a different way – the gift of interpretation itself as Daniel and Joseph had is going to come to you and God is going to open up your understanding to hear from heaven”.

And so I welcomed the world on 21.11.2011.

Year 2012 began with a month of prophecies setting the stage for End-times – even including one of three validations of the night of Jesus’ Visitation regarding its numerical location – with this first post indicating my abiding interest in Time (see Primer):

Points to ponder: 2011-2012 and Biblical historical/financial cycles

In the 11th month of 2012 Dr Sharon Stone brought this unusual prophecy:

Dr Sharon Stone: Prophetic Word on Hurricane Sandy

Here’s part of what she heard from the Lord on Hurricane Sandy striking North-Eastern USA (underscores and colour-change mine):

“…The western New World, particularly the USA, will enter accelerated crisis-shaking to hasten their journey to learn that I am their true resource and I am their defender. The USA has been a champion of freedom for much of the oppressed world, but you cannot represent freedom without representing Me, Jesus, Who is the provider and Who can bring sustainable protection to the nation.

“The Lord says,

“Parts of these winds that are blowing, part of these winds that are bringing a re-arranging, are blowing away what has confused nations of their identity.

“We’re not the only nation that has been in an identity crisis. I believe that many of our nations have had skewed identity and the Lord is saying this; He says,

“I will bring you out of what you have designed by your own thinking and by your own hands– listen to that! – that I may redesign it by My thoughts and My plans.”

This word on the importance of nations’ God-given identity can be regarded as affecting President Trump purposes during that same year, as we may infer from a paper by an associate of Patel Patriot known under the pseudonym of ‘Richard The Saint’ (another post will refer in detail to his paper):

‘…  Donald Trump was and is in the midst of something that will make his 2016 victory look like a junior high class treasurer election by comparison. Only in retrospect will any of us truly appreciate it….

…Besides, let’s not forget that we are talking about a guy that trademarked the phrase ‘Make America Great Again’ just a few days after Romney lost to Obama. That’s right. Back in 2012.’ (Washington Post Article).  RB: 6 Nov ’12


Five years later we find Donald Trump, upon meeting our government’s representative, stresses the importance of Britain’s national identity in leaving the European Union, and about which I blogged as follows (click titles):

Fulfilled prophecy #15: UK’s and USA’s identities and destiny

Not many people know: Trump’s words on Brexit predicted in 2012

4 thoughts on “Two personal time-points and the Lord’s ‘pointman’, President Donald Trump! – 2012 Nations’ Identity prophecy

  1. Hi Richard,

    Read all your post with the usual interest, but was amazed that you had heard so little about angel armies, or the hosts of heaven, as Tim Sheets (Dutch’s Brother) has in recent years written several books about angels, or the ‘hosts of heaven’ and has had dreams about angels, visitations from angels, and seen different ranks and tribes of angels in his church (Oasis Church, Midtown, Ohio). Recently he saw high ranking angels poised over every state in the US.

    Kat Kerr also teaches regularly on how believers should engage with angels and despatch them to ‘shred’ evil platforms, stamp out dangerous weather events, and generally protect God’s children. Plenty about all this on her websites.

    However, I realise how terribly busy you are and can’t keep up with everything going on in the world! I watch Elijah Streams every day (my favourite programme) to hear what the prophets have to say about current events in the States. ‘Johnny Enlow Unfiltered’ on Mondays is a marvellous source of info, and Kat Kerr on Wednesdays often gives us the lowdown from heaven! ES has been kicked off YouTube at present (because of their pro-Trump stance) so programmes can be seen on Elijah Streams on Rumble or Usually 7 p.m. our time, but probably 6 p.m. now as our clocks have just changed.

    Blessings to you and yours, and thanks for keeping us in the picture on so many fronts. I thought I would return the compliment, but guess many others will do the same!


    No doubt everybody will be telling you about

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