Prophecy Update 2.3: Brussels now expects ‘no deal’ Brexit

Eventually I got hold of today’s paper, ’tis holiday season after all 🙂 and woke up to this prophecy-related front-page headline:

After the past year’s utter farago over Brexit and Parliament’s inability to agree to the May-Merkel treacherous Withdrawal Agreement, leaving the EU without any strings attached was regarded as being dead in the water. So it looked like the 2005 Vision for Great Britain breaking free from the EU’s entanglements would be impossible.

Then in January, that vision got ‘resurrected’ when Veronika West heard from the Lord about a figurative ‘raising of Lazarus’, both spiritually and politically, for our four nations. Then in March, she received further details on the Brexit delay and promising “Fear not, for Lazarus died but was raised after four days!” and knew to watch out for unexpected turnaround four months later; AND THIS PROPHECY WAS FULFILLED together with the confirmation of Wendy Alec’s 2005 Vision (see Fulfilled Prophecy #44).

Click image to read Guardian article

Michael Gove is in charge of the government’s no-deal preparations and is reported as being “deeply saddened” by the EU’s stance after diplomats in Brussels warned that no-deal now appears to be the UK’s “central scenario”. He accuses the EU of refusing to negotiate a new Brexit deal because it says the current agreement is the “best possible” option.

Previous Updates:
  1. Press reports ‘no deal’ Brexit is ‘back from the dead’! 
  2. Boris Johnson warns against blocking ‘no-deal’ Brexit

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