Wake up or move to the side, it’s time for the sane ones to take over! — The Marshall Report

In the real world there are only two sexes, the other things are the by-products of years of mental programming to achieve the world the evil cabal are creating in order to disrupt, induce fear, confuse, create imaginary public tolerance (imaginary because anyone with a brain knows the truth), and because of our lukewarmness and following political correctness we march right into 2021 with the last straw that hopefully will break the camel of stupidity’s back!
Remember when those of us who told you the real ballots had watermarks and ‘fact-checkers’ all said we were liars? Well, now here are the hard factswe were correct and the fact-checkers, believe it or not…were lying to you. IN ARIZONA, the auditors are using UV lighting to detect watermarkings and human oil on paper ballots. […] WAKE UP OR MOVE TO THE SIDE, IT’S TIME FOR THE SANE ONES TO TAKE OVER! — THE MARSHALL REPORT

Herein Dianne Marshall updates events in Arizona as America may be moving towards the return of a properly elected president.

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