Sidney Powell shares her ‘US Election Integrity’ report — The Marshal Report

We saw what they did, the patriots have all the data, the proof, the evidence, while those who stole the election got into one big mantra of “SO WHAT…IT’S OVER.” 

Well, Sidney Powell has news for them…IT HAS JUST BEGUN!

What happened in the 2020 Elections? It would be easier, in the case of voter fraud, to ask what didn’t they do in the 2020 elections for it has been obvious and now about to be proven that the voter and election fraud committed had left nothing more to try outside of just standing up and saying Biden won, now go home and shut up. Oops…they did that too. I guess they left nothing out. Thanks to the persistence of all the patriots like General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrnes, and a persistent legal team, the tide is turning as the Arizona Audit winds down and Sidney Powell et al. roll up their sleeves for the moment they’ve been waiting for! We The People – hold the line for it’s KRAKEN TIME! […continue reading at…]   SIDNEY POWELL SHARES U.S. ELECTION INTEGRITY REPORT! — THE MARSHALL REPORT

Read the Report via this link, and if you want to copy and share with others too:

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