Pat Schatzline: prophetic message for 2016 on ‘The Lord’s joyous shout’

It’s not unusual for the Lord to direct my attention online and, as explained below, the following message from Patrick Schatzline is no exception – click title for original:


The year 2016 will be a year of reformation for the believer. I have never felt such a deep stirring to bring forth a message concerning a new year! For several days I have felt a deep impression from the Lord that I deliver a prophetic word for the year 2016. Each day I have sat on an old church bench that came from New London, Connecticut. This old pew sat in a church that experienced the Great Awakening in the 1740’s. As I sat in the pew to pray I would hear over and over the Lord say to me, “Son, I will shout over my people in 2016!” I have never written a prophetic word concerning a new year; yet, I have personally been deeply grieved over the last several months. While I hold onto the vision of the Remnant Awakening I also know that time is running out. In 2015 we have seen much of the diabolical plan of Satan begin to reveal itself bolder than ever before. We saw marriage redefined by an over reaching court, Isis take more ground, the exposure of Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, and many of the main stream Christian movements move closer towards the euthanasia of the Holy Spirit movement. But, I am here to announce, “all is not lost!” Wake-up and prepare yourself for a new day.

As I have already stated, I heard the Lord say over and over to me, “Son I will shout over my people in 2016!” This stirred me so deeply, because I once heard a powerful quote by C. S. Lewis, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”[1] I also began to study the places in the Bible where God shouts. Here is a verse that declares the Lord’s shout in Psalms 47:5-6, “God went up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.” (MEV)

I have personally heard this shout on several occasions. Once, was in the middle of the night in Kingman, Arizona, when God awakened me in my hotel room. It was March 7, 2011, at 3:30 in the morning, and the Lord informed me to write my first book called, Why is God so mad at me? This interruption changed everything. I also heard the Lord say to me in July of 2014 the term, “Ah Sovereign, Lord.” This became a message of repentance and also a chapter in my last book. My wife, Karen, also had this experience with her first book. I also believe for many of us that God waits till the stillness of the night to awaken us, because during the day we speak more than we listen. The Bible says in Psalms 78:65, “Then the Lord awoke as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man who shouts because of wine.” (MEV)

I asked the Lord what it meant that He would shout over His people in 2016. He led me to Psalms 89:14-15, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth shall go before Your presence. Blessed are the people who know the joyful shout. They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your presence.” (MEV) The shout of the Lord is “joyful” to those who know His ways! I then heard Father say,

“I have heard the cries of the righteous”, and He is declaring respite for His children. “My shout will cause the enemy to cower and take refuge from my glory.” Then He said, “Deliver a message to my people”.

The following is what I felt the Lord has told me to deliver to you:

2016 will be a year of reclamation, restoration, revolution and revival. The righteous will experience an unprecedented awakening of those whom have grown weary and tired in the battle. The righteous whom have lost their will to fight will suddenly be endued with power as never before. They will be given visions and dreams. They will suddenly find themselves with opportunities that have caused Heaven to smile at their obedience. Doors will swing wide open that no man can shut. God is handing out parchment and scrolls in prayer closets to those who know His heart. The parchments are announcements of what the Lord is about to do in the land, and these scrolls have hidden in them the keys to the kingdom of God. The Lord is clothing His righteous ones with humility and boldness. The Lord has reserved for Himself a Holy Remnant that know His voice. These are those whom have decided to go deeper and walk out His precepts. Favor will be upon their heads. They will suddenly find access to places once considered locked, and they will walk with supernatural influence.

There will be much civil unrest across America. The civil unrest will be caused by different political and social movements. It will look like the late 60’s. This will cause the righteous to stand up and say enough! God will awaken the mom movement. Mothers will stand up and declare leave our children alone. Their passion will be to tell culture, government and politicians that they will not stand by and watch their children’s identity be stolen. If they listen to the Lord they will be more powerful than the suffrage movement. These women will not be led by celebrities, but by prayer warriors.

God will visit the churches that have and are declaring His holiness and the pure Gospel. They will experience supernatural growth. Even churches that many have said will never grow will suddenly become shining voices in their cities. Waves of His glory will roll through the services like a fog in the early morning. The services will be marked with repentance and miracles. There will be a mass exodus from the churches that do not preach the whole council of God. Prayer and intercession will once again mark houses of worship. God is causing new wells to spring up. Children’s ministries services will resound with the sound of worship, gifts of the Spirit and miraculous moves of God. There will be a renewed call to evening worship in places that are hungry for more. A new sound of worship will come forth from psalmists. This will be a sound that is birthed by Heaven. God will awaken older and retired ministers to realize that their job is not complete. They will be endued with power to once again proclaim God’s truth. Youth services will no longer be about the crowd or the party atmosphere, but rather sacred assemblies where God will ignite a fresh fire.

Righteous church leaders will suddenly find their physical and spiritual selves renewed with wings like eagles. They will be cured of disease and find themselves resting like never before. Mentally leaders will find that depression has lost its grip on their lives. They will brim with fresh vision. They will also see their households refreshed. Their marriages will glow with renewed love, intimacy and spiritual bonding. Their children will become enamoured with the joy of the Lord. Prodigal children will return to the front doors to once again embrace the awesomeness of God. The Lord will bless their homes with uncanny finances. Many of these leaders will be reminded of prophecies and promises from the Lord as He brings them into fruition. These leaders will also write books birthed in the prayer closet.

Warning: For the leaders who no longer preach a message of conviction and truth, and those who declare their pre-packaged humanistic messages, their words will not go farther than the pulpit. It will be as if the people in the congregation have earplugs keeping them from hearing. These leaders are on trial in the court of God’s kingdom, and if not careful they will be found in contempt. Even now Father is visiting many of these leaders, and they are being given an opportunity to repent. If they do not repent they will find themselves staring at empty chairs in their palatial structures. Their places of leadership will be vacant. God is shouting over them.

God is visiting homes both Christian and secular. God is restoring broken marriages. Family altars and times of worship will be released in homes that have grown stagnate and comfortable. God is breaking off lethargy. There will be a renewed sense of conviction in homes that have allowed God to be locked outside. Prayer rooms will take over rooms reserved for guests. For the houses that are willing to restore God to His rightful place they will feel Him walking through their home. Healing will be in their water. Fathers and mothers must anoint their families. Worship will come from the bedrooms of children. Father’s will have their voices restored as leaders in homes where they were subjugated by culture. They will rise early and pray. Prodigal fathers and mothers will return to their place of leadership as the Lord’s grace calls to them.

The gatherings of the “unknowns” will take place across America. These gatherings will be planned and impromptu. They will be powerful movements that lead people to repentance and adoration. They will not be gatherings with well-known speakers or worship bands, but rather those whom have been awakened by the awe of the Lord will lead them. I believe that the Remnant Awakening will be a part of this.

In 2016 there will be a great awakening in parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and parts of the USA. The enemies of the cross will rise against these movements and in return they will experience great calamity and disease. Their evil plans will be exposed in supernatural ways. Israel will once again turn back the tide of Islam, and its borders will be enhanced. America will experience several close calls by terrorists and all but one will be thwarted. This will cause our nation to once again cry out to God. A renewed sense of God’s sovereignty will over take many communities, and with that people will awaken to the lies of the secularist. God’s people will suddenly stand in opposition to the lies of the enemy. They will find themselves marching as if to war.

There will be many outbreaks of God’s glory on university and college campuses. Christian universities that no longer stand behind their creed and original plan will have opportunity to return to the Master’s Plan! God will use the quiet and meek to be a powerful voice of freedom to those whom are blinded by the enemy.

There will also be a holy awakening of God’s love and deliverance within the homosexual community. There will be those whom have experienced and know God’s presence that will be driven to their knees. God is fiercely jealous of His kidnapped children. He is answering the prayers of righteous parents who are demanding that their seed be returned.

USA Presidential Election: There will be a major surprise during the USA presidential election. Christians must pray for God to show them the right candidate. They must not listen to the hype, but ask for discernment. The church must pray for the Lord’s will to be done.

Finances: The global market will grow increasingly unstable. Yet, the Lord is releasing finances to the righteous. Conviction will fall upon many wealthy to sow into ministry. This will allow the churches and ministries that the Lord trusts to experience financial growth for the vision. The camels are coming to the places where they can drink fresh water. We will see the systematic reduction of large ministries that have lost their compass.

Lastly, the Lord declares that,

“His shout will not be heard by all, but only by those whom have made themselves attentive to His ear!”

He is close to the broken-hearted and your cries are before Him. The shout coming from Heaven is preparation for the final shout found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” (MEV)

I challenge every believer to pray and fast! I believe that the Lord is giving us an opportunity to change our world. We know that in Psalms 103 it says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy” (MEV). Yet, we also know that in Psalms 7:11, “God is a righteous judge, and God has indignation every day” (MEV).

The Lord is shouting! Are we listening? Revelation 2:17, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no one knows except he who receives it.” (MEV)

We must awaken. It is a new day! The Remnant is rising!

Pat Schatzline

(Began at 4:30 pm December 18, 2015; ended at 11:28 am December 19, 2015)

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Also see:

Footnote: In view of a busy time leading into the holydays I’d intended republishing the previous post only and nothing else last Wednesday. But upon getting online we found friends had sent an email headed ‘Joy’ with a link to USAF flash-mob. I realised it should go on this blog before the Christmas blessing, thus postponing that to Christmas Eve.

After copying video and modifying text I dashed off a new title because its terse one word needed improving upon. So I found myself quickly referring to our Father’s joy in His Son.

After publishing it I checked my emails before closing down and found Patrick had sent a link to the above message. So I printed a hard-copy to mull over at leisure – only then did I read that message is based upon the Lord’s joyful shout! LOL 🙂

Surely the Lord’s using this ‘coincidence’ to confirm and stress the importance of this word for 2016!

7 thoughts on “Pat Schatzline: prophetic message for 2016 on ‘The Lord’s joyous shout’

  1. Really wonderful Word, thanks for this Richard. Ties in with what a lot of other prophets have been saying including Sharon Stone’s Word for 2016 which you might have seeen (free to watch on until end Jan), in which she says for 2016 it’s time for the saints to possess the kingdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sue and we tried watching her yesterday. For some reason my password wasn’t accepted and had to apply to reset a fresh one – which didn’t arrive! So have re-registered under another email a/c. Hopefully things are quietening so we hope to watch soon.


  2. Hi Richard, I totally agree with Sue as you know I was only half way through reading it and immediately thought about Dr Sharon’s word from the Lord.

    Would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing all that you do and encouraging us throughout the year. God Bless you


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