Major ExposureS cont’d: National Intel chief’s interference in US 2016 and 2020 elections

The above report is particularly interesting in view of my past and present concerns over former president BH Obama’s motives and dealings, which drew my attention to his dealngs with Iran and hence, I was nudged by The Domino Effect, as seen by Patsy Southway, into appreciating that the Lord is exposing widespread rot and corruption – and thus many politicians will be falling.

Moreover, my initial posting on Exposures referred mainly to Obama, and in passing to tax investigations into a presumptive nominee for the US presidency; Donald Trump.

Therefore, my readers may like to carve out a slice of time to read Paul Sperry’s in-depth article about James Clapper, Mr October Surprise: How Obama’s Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump.

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