More investigations keep confirming prophecy of cheating in US elections (PPU 154)

Since Thursday’s updates on the progress of Veronika West’s 2020 stadium race dream, news has continued to explode relating to point 8. You may recall that she heard the public calling “Foul, foul” from the start and at the close of the election. As a reminder, here’s her dream’s end-points:

“8.He’s looking to be given the race as victor, but I see the race officials look at their screens and discuss between themselves what’s happened ds how the race was run and…

9.…I see one of the officials stand up and look at Joe Biden and say, “You may have run the race, but you have been disqualified.”

10..God showed her that Donald Trump had won the race.”

PPU 153 trilogy is just a ‘taster’ so to catch-up with subsequent ‘election interference’ news visit Richards Watch Prophecy Validations and scroll through the many items of June 21 and June 22.  NB. If you’re not on Telegram then select ‘Preview channel’ button.

The latest indicates the public ‘spectators’ may be getting heard at long last!

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