End-times Update: Days of Noah – White House sacrilege fulfills blasphemy prophecy (PPU 131.2)

First, we continue from PPU 127.1 with reaction from Catholic clergy, including another call for Biden’s excommunication!

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“…I ask my Brethren in the Episcopate and priests to recognize that Joe Biden has incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion. I call on Catholics and all Christians to pray that, on this solemn Easter Day, the Risen Lord will have mercy on the United States of America and put an end to the onslaught of the infernal forces unleashed today more than ever before…

Luciferian hatred of God and our Lord Jesus Christ can no longer be hidden or denied. This is the revelation unveiled before us, which the servants of darkness provocatively mock by celebrating perversions and vices on the very holy Day when we honor the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ…”

Read this bravely forthright archbishop’s Statement in full here.

Now to the prophetic word brought by Julie Green on Biden’s blasphemy:

One Nation Under God received on 3rd July last year concludes (emphases except for last are mine and note ‘Two Presidents’ reference, as brought 16 years ago yesterday by Kim Clement, copy herein):

‘Great blasphemy I have seen and heard. Watch what happens next in the White House, your Capitol Building, and Washington, D.C. A great fall is about to take place. 

“Biden is a fake!” people will scream. “Two presidents, how can this be? How can this happen in our Nation?” Great judgment will be seen in this land against the ones who have stolen your freedom, your Nation, your elections, and your health. 

The day is drawing near when you will see all who are against you be removed. So stand your ground. Hold the line and do not give up on Me and My protection of it (this Nation). You will see that I am the defender and protector of the United States, and your enemies will never have this Nation or what they desired from it. 

Their (your enemies’) great reset is about to fall. Hold on a little bit longer. Their dam is about to break. Every lie is about to be revealed, and truth will completely set you free, saith the Lord.  

I am with this Nation, no matter what man says, no matter what your enemy says, and no matter what it looks like. This Nation will be what it was always meant to be on this Earth – a blessing to the nations; a light to the world; a superpower to help defend and protect from the evil, corruption, and enemies that have tried to infiltrate every nation on this Earth. This country will be what I have called it to be, and nothing will get in the way of that.  

Freedom is coming like you have never known. Call it in. Receive it now in My Name, the Name of Jesus. It has been won. Your enemies are defeated. Believe that this day. Freedom will rise, and liberty will be celebrated once again. Shout your freedoms today. Take back what is yours now,” saith the Lord your Redeemer.’

Now note, Donald Trump trump’s Biden’s call:

Read in full advert-free here.

EPIC: Trump Mocks Dementia Joe Over ‘Trans Visibility Day,’ Declares Election Day Will Be ‘Christian Visibility Day’

Lord, may that declaration speak into 5th November being the removal of political plots and their culprits in the USA, just as in Guy Fawkes’ capture foiled the Gunpowder Plot of his attempting to blow up King James in Parliament in 1605.

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).