Security Intel validates a direct word on pandemic – first of many! (F/P #121.10-1)

Monday morning was encouraging upon seeing the headlines and connected content, in view of what I believe is the Lord’s answer of six weeks ago to my asking whether or not the ‘Chinese flu’ was His doing.

I’m aware of some articles (in Guardian and Foreign Policy) arguing those claims are not supported by evidence but are based upon open-source information and opinion, not secret intelligence. Nevertheless, this post’s purpose is to consider this news in the light of my musings upon the spiritual aspect of this global pandemic, and of what I understand from the Lord.US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is reported in an interview with ABC’s This Week as saying, “There is a significant amount of evidence that this (pandemic) came from that laboratory in Wuhan. The best experts so far seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point.” 


8 thoughts on “Security Intel validates a direct word on pandemic – first of many! (F/P #121.10-1)

  1. Richard I fully agree with your word from the Lord about a man-made virus.
    There has been breaches in bio-security before at these labs in China.
    Research was carried out in these labs because it was not allowed in America.
    You can’t have your cake and eat it.
    Hence the Corona virus.
    Praise the I AM

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  2. I have also heard from a prophetic intercessor (not sure if that is the correct designation for her), a friend of mine, that God is using this pandemic for His purposes. Can’t remember details now, as haven’t spoken to her for three or four weeks…besides which I am not sure that it is for me rather than her to publish abroad.
    But it is certainly interesting what she is receiving from God and ‘warfaring’ about…I’m sure it is to do with changing things within the church…and possibly in the world.

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  3. Not only was the virus made (according to a Nobel prize winning virologist) but it was made in Wuhan. The research there was a continuation of work being done in the USA which had been banned. Dr Fauci, who stands next to Pres Trump in the pressers, saw to it that the research continued in China with $8million of his Institute’s money. PM Trudeau of Canada also gave them $800,000. No wonder there is a rush to cover it up.

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  4. I can’t remember where I first heard that the virus originated in a Wohun Lab. It was some time before it hit the headlines. The Communist Chinese Government claimed it was not true and that it was caused by Bats. My information said this was lies. The death rate was supposedly around 2,000 when at the time it was over 42,000. I also discovered that the Virus was taken to Milan by a number of Sewing Women from Wutan, who get flown in every November to sew the labels on the new clothes for the Spring Collections. As the area around Milan was heavily affected by the virus – which soon spread across Northern Italy- it made sense to me. It seems now that many in High Positions around the world have a lot to answer to as well as the Chinese Government.

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