Richard's Watch

Looking for the signs of Jesus' return

Richard's Watch

Koenig/Glick: Europe’s pushing Palestinian state & illegal trade war on Israel

Further to the previous post about political and financial interference in Israeli-Palestinian relations, there’s another aspect to this serious issue – Europe’s illegal BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) of restricting goods from Israel and the ‘disputed’ (NB: not ‘occupied’) territories.

In my opinion, the closer we look at and investigate events of the last few years in tandem with a fuller, historically informed perspective, then all the consequences of those actions become as plain as a pikestaff.

Could Europe’s irrational and unremitting antagonism towards Israel be related somehow to the overwhelming flood of migrants? In its politicians’, intellectuals’ and media maligning of the existence and settlement of Jewish people in their ancient homeland could the Lord be saying to a once Christian continent, “Now’s time to taste your own medicine”?

In other words, “Europe, as you’ve sown against My plans then don’t whine over reaping the consequences!”. Hence, my blogging on the fulfillment of a prophetical word, “There’s no more extension of time” (see Cut-off date in God’s timeline), which resulted in Neville Johnson’s admonition; “The issue of sowing and reaping is becoming critical. Everything is speeding up. The process of sowing and reaping is being shortened over recent times; scary, because we don’t always sow the right things and it is coming back quicker”.

Therefore, the content of last Saturday’s Koenig’s Eye-view from the White House was most apposite, not only in William’s editorial but also in his later quoting Caroline Glick. William opens by referring to items on his desk and focusing upon French actions this year. So he asks:

“Did God lift his hand of protection off of France for a moment last Friday?”


He comments on the previous week’s outrage in Paris that, like with the 9/11 terror attack in New York fourteen years ago, God didn’t produce the evil but He didn’t stop it either. (RB: Maybe there’s something in that number as it often crops up.) William recaps on the past year,

‘The first major terror event was in Paris on Jan. 7 after the French initiated a UNSC vote on a Palestinian proposal that called for peace with Israel within a year and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by late 2017. It failed to pass a UN Security Council Resolution vote on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014. (UK abstained, the U.S. voted no, and Russia, China and France voted yes.) This was the culmination of significant efforts by the French earlier in the month, and their influence over the EU Parliament vote of 399 to 88 in favor of a Palestinian state in principle on Dec. 14, 2014.

‘The French U.N. envoy stated: “The peace process must evolve. If parties can’t take decisions alone, the international community has to share the burden.”

‘The French continued their relentless effort at forging a Palestinian state and were very active at the U.N. in September and in October (info below). This was the second time major pressure was applied on Israel by the French to give Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem to the Palestinians, which also arguably influenced the PA’s leadership recent incitement to terror.’


Hence my deep concern expressed in the recent two-part Fulfilled prophecies: 4 over the French government’s violation of scriptural principles.

In a later section covering news and commentary from outside the White House, William refers to and quotes extracts from an article published in The Jerusalem Post. However, it warrants fuller coverage and that website is duly credited as author (emphases Koenig):

Glick: EU is waging a trade war against Israel, and it is illegal

Carolyn Glick‘Senior contributing editor to The Jerusalem Post, Caroline Glick, accused the European Union on Wednesday (18 Oct) of waging a secret trade war against Israel.

‘Speaking at The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem, she outlined a series of steps she recommends Israel take to counter the “discrimination” of the recent EU decision to label products produced in West Bank settlements.

“Today we are in the middle of Europe’s trade war against Israel,” she said. “It is never acknowledged, it’s hidden by lies about international law, lies about consumer protection and lies about human rights.”

But, Glick added, “The war itself is a breach of international law, it doesn’t protect consumers, and it harms human rights.” The EU’s recent decision in regard to settlement products is “illegal under international law. Under the WTO [World Trade Organization] treaties, it is illegal to introduce technical barriers to trade among trading nations.”

The EU, she said, should either leave the WTO or apply this policy equally to other places in “the same legal situation” as Israel (emphasis RB). For example, she said, it should insist that products produced in Western Sahara are labeled as “Moroccan settlement products made in Western Sahara.”

The policies of the EU, Glick argued, are designed “to discriminate against the Jewish state, in order to weaken and harm it.” Its approach to Israel, she said, is based on “prejudice, not facts.” (emphasis RB)

Glick outlined a series of steps she recommends the Israeli government take in reaction to the European Union…

This isn’t the first time we’ve been singled out for unique treatment by the Europeans and it won’t be the last one,” she said. “They don’t think that we deserve to be treated the same way as every other country in the world, let alone every other liberal democracy.” (emphasis RB)

‘In fact, Glick added, since the Palestinians have called the recent EU move insufficient and the Israelis denounced it as discriminatory, “there’s no way that by taking these actions the Europeans are promoting the cause of peace. To the contrary, they’re harming it”.’

Watching the accompanying video of Caroline’s address I couldn’t fail to be impressed by her sensitivity and erudition. BUT the video stopped after a few minutes and no matter how often I try re-running, it just won’t!  Doubtless someone or something does not like it – or want such a rational argument to be seen and understood!

For more, visit Caroline Glick or her Facebook page.

PS: Just in from Honest Reporting is an item on France’s Ambassador to the US upsetting French Jews living in Israel by seemingly distinguishing between Jews and “ordinary citizens” of France. In my opinion the ambassador may have had in mind the fact that in January terrorists made a specific distinction in attacking a supermarket frequented by citizens of the Jewish faith.

PPS: Just to prove all points:

UPDATE 18/2/16: Gatestone Institute’s France’s Relentless Hostility to Jewish State by Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris and author of 27 books on France and Europe, opens:

“France today is one of the main enemies of Israel — maybe its main enemy — in the Western world. France’s disregard of the threats faced by Israel is more than simple willful blindness. It is complicity….”

UPDATE 24/2/16: Dekafile ‘Abu Mazen rebuffs Kerry’s appeal to cool Palestinian terror against Israelis: ‘US Secretary of State John Kerry came away empty-handed from his latest meeting with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Amman on Sunday, February 21 – which shouldn’t have surprised him as it was par for the course. Debkafile’s Middle Eastern sources report Kerry was finally persuaded that Abbas would not give Israel an inch on any political or security-related matters. The Palestinian leader has never swerved from his conviction that it was the duty of the international community to force Israel to present the Palestinians with a state of their own – without direct negotiations.

To this end, Kerry found Abu Mazen clinging to the initiative put forward by French President Francois Hollande, for an international conference that will establish a Palestinian state, while letting the Palestinians off the hook of talks with Israel. France in fact warned Israel that without progress towards a two-state solution of the conflict, Paris would go ahead and recognize a Palestinian state on its own.

The Palestinian leader is determined to campaign on behalf of the French initiative in the coming month, undeterred by the US Secretary’s repeated warning that Washington will not go along with it, even if France puts it before the UN Security Council….(emphases RB)

3 thoughts on “Koenig/Glick: Europe’s pushing Palestinian state & illegal trade war on Israel

  1. They all are fighting against GOD almighty. No one else. Sense I agree with GOD that HE created all things and can give that to whom ever HE wants. HE gave that land of Israel to the Jewish people. If others are going to reach in and steel what HE has given then they better be stronger, mightier, and more righteous than HE is and that will never happen. Men have caused all the trouble in this world. Adam and Eve thought they knew more than God and so sinned. That should be enough for us to see who we are and who God is. OBEY HIM and be done with this sin, junk, lies, and on and on. Be

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Fulfilled Prophecies: Paris Pays Price | The Road

  3. God’s timing is so amazing it takes my breath away. I was walking west on U.S. 12 west of Lolo, Montana yesterday and this pickup pulled over to give me a ride. His name was Jim and he had a bad back from a motorcycle crash years ago–he had to use a cane to walk around with. He had me work for him at his place in Idaho yesterday and this morning. He let me stay the night and we watched this film/documentary on the Nuremberg Trials after World War II; the film used mostly American and British actors; it was on the American Heroes Channel. 21 Nazis were on trial for atrocities against the Jewish people during the 1930s and 1940s. It was confirmation about the posts you have published about the anti-Semitism in France.

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