Prophecies fulfilled on man-made virus and whistleblowers: medics speaking against deep state conspiracy – 2. from America

Early this morning I had in mind to blog about an exceptional prophetic word Amanda Grace received from the Lord on 7th July, “Boiling Point in the NationsBoiling Point in the Nations“, a hardcopy of which I’ve been mulling over. Discussed in depth with Steve Shultz on Elijah Streams and is highly recommended, as it deals not only with Texas, ‘ichabod’ White House as well as Church and their cleansing, but also Canada, Turkey, Europe & EU – catastrophe (as in floods), Bilderbergers, gifts of ‘trojan horse’ from France, and Buckingham Palace (on royal succession)…

BUT…along came a couple of messages on a related topic that I was aware of, and the first of which I blogged in the previous post.  Then I ‘twigged’ – both connect into what I’ve been blogging about on CV-19 as a biological weapon, especially against which vaccines had already been patented (see trilogy on Incontrovertible Proof).

First, this in Messenger from Jane Briggs:

So I clicked only to get:

Therefore, I turned to my saved source document dated 21st June that I’d been mulling over:

NB:  ‘He said COVID was a bio-weapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bio-weapon.

“As this, in a sense, bio-terrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bio-terrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors. (Transcript of which may be read here)

‘He noted:

“Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain-of- function target of this bio-terrorism research.”

Continue reading at Behind the Vaccine Veil Doctor Cites Whistleblowers Inside CDC Who Claim Injections Have Already Killed 50,000 Americans (Leo Hohmann).

AND this is definitely NOT NEW but probably planned out in advance, as posited in the next post:

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).