Post-2020 election vision of high-stakes poker game; prophet confirms Trump card to be played

I’d prepped but not completed this post several weeks ago but other matters took precedence and after last night’s presidential debate am taking break in weekend to catch up in very few minutes available.

Most readers will be aware of Veronika West’s vision published 8th November 2020 of the high-stakes poker game played between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and my subsequent updates on it and especially “Trump’s card”

Now, here’s an extract from prophetic word received 7 weeks ago on 8th May by Julie Green, A Trump Card Is About To Be Played:

“…False flags, black swan events, distractions, and diversions will pick up for you, oh United States. The jackals, rats, and snakes in your capital are desperate to stop you and your freedoms, but it will all come crashing down before their eyes, saith the Lord.

A trump card is about to be played, but, My children, there is more than one of those waiting in the wings for just the right time. Destruction and massive explosions will hit the enemies’ camp, sending them on the run.

The dominoes are about to fall—one person right after another. The fall of the establishment is near, closer than people realize. They will fall in a way no one will see coming.”

Time on Q’s watch – Trump’s watch and “Time” in poker game vision

PS Again I kid you not, published at ‘double-cue’ time (Q:Q) 17:17 BST

10 thoughts on “Post-2020 election vision of high-stakes poker game; prophet confirms Trump card to be played

  1. Richard do you recall my dream from February 2024?

    High Stakes Poker Game
    I was shown a vision while praying this morning where I saw a poker game being played by Donald Trump and those on the left. There were Republicans and Democrats representing the left. In the middle of the table was the pot being played for which was the United States and all she has, i.e, her resources, her abundance, in essence the soul of America. Should the left win I saw the winnings they thought they had won disappear from the table and be scattered to the 4 winds. Should Donald Trump win he would preserve the pot, i.e., the soul of America As the game was being played I could not see the hands of cards being held by the left but I did see what was in Donald Trump’s hand and one card in his hand was prominent and was called the, “Trump card”,.

    The soul of America is being fought for and prayers and intercession needs to be made on her behalf. America’s fate will affect other nations.

    I just want to be clear in this posting that in no way am I suggesting that Donald Trump is America’s savior. Jesus is America’s only hope and Donald Trump is merely a servant that God is using.

    This reminds me of a dream I had back in 2020 where I saw a ship at the edge of a massive waterfall. The ship had been turned sideways by the captain, which in my dream, was Donald Trump and there were those fighting him for control of the ship.

    As with any dream or post, take this to the Lord in prayer

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes indeed Elaine. I ignored all the hype and conspiracy claims and enquired with an open mind, so was very pleased to see how it does tie in with prophecy and devolution theory!
      PLUS its necessarily secretive, nuanced nature explains why most prophets didn’t get the full picture in 2019-20 (as well as we prophesy in part only)!


      • Thanks Richard

        Appreciate the link – too much going on to have Father’s clearance to sign up to this at present…

        It would be too much of a distraction!

        Shalom, love and continuing prayer

        Liked by 1 person

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