PPS to Investigation into interference in 2020 Election (PPU 152.3)

With reference to the closing points of officials’ investigation into Biden cheating in the US presidential election race of November 2020, as in Veronika West’s dream and validatory news in PPU 152.1: we catch up on missed and further news subsequent to the PPU 152.2 PostScript.

First, continuing from full-circle post with this Detroit-related news on the rigged election.:

Remember, the prophecy’s final points refer to officials closely examining the Trump-Biden election race of 2020, as has subsequently happened in depth by professionally and legally interested parties.

Veronika doesn’t identity the official declaring Biden’s ‘disqualification’. It does, however mean an authoritative, final decision such as by the Supreme Court, or even the Lord Jesus as the Almighty has commissioned Him as Judge of the living and the dead.

Read the above item’s timeline in print-ready format here.

Intrepid Julie concludes her Substack Declassified:

So, Smith is up to his same old tricks in less friendly territory in Florida. Asking (Judge) Cannon to ban Trump from speaking about the raid under false pretenses is just another example of how the Special Counsel’s office is trying to shield the American people from learning about this case. He also pulled out the “threats and harassment” excuse in previously asking Cannon to conceal the names of potential witnesses in the case; she said no.

Smith continues to oppose efforts to unseal other evidence related to the investigation—a mostly losing battle as Cannon repeatedly underscores her commitment to transparency—including a trove of records demonstrating collusion between the Biden White House, the National Archives, and the DOJ in spring 2021 to concoct some sort of documents case against the former president.

Defense attorneys complain they still do not have all the discovery they are entitled to receive; some materials from grand jury proceedings in Washington, the Trump-hating and out-of-jurisdiction court where most of the investigation took place, also have not been turned over.

At the same time, the DOJ and Democrats warn that Trump is a threat to “democracy” and the “rule of law.’“

It is, of course, the exact opposite. Calling Smith’s gag order demand a “shocking display of overreach and disregard for the Constitution,” Trump’s lawyer filed a response on June 14:…

Cannon, however, is unlikely to play along with the DOJ’s desperate ploy to prevent the former president from continuing to expose this deeply botched case. Smith isn’t concerned about what he described as Trump “put[ting] a target on the backs of the FBI agents”—after all, names of law enforcement in the case are redacted in court documents—but rather how to protect his sloppy, dishonest prosecutors and investigators from Trump’s wrath.’

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