Exposure of Obama’s Iranian deals thwarting justice (PPU 149)

MAY 2016

Eight years ago on 10th May 2016, Patsy Southway described a Domino Effect of this vision

“A couple of weeks ago I was sharing with a few close friends about an open vision I had received from the Lord. In the vision I saw a long wavy line of dominos. Several, of which, were different colours; with their usual number of dots on them. I sensed that each domino had been strategically placed in preparation for the momentum that occurs when the first one is touched.

Then God said to me that during the month of May many will see the beginning of a ‘domino effect’ in their lives. As God’s finger touches the very first domino; the rippling effect will be breathtaking!”

Republishing it, I mused there may be more than one trail of ‘prophetical promises’ Patsy saw and possibly having a counterpart elsewhere; that is, not of developments within God’s Kingdom on earth, but a trail of exposing evil schemes in politicians!!

This soon turned out to be prophetic too, the fulfillment of which has progressed – even accelerated – as reported in hundreds of postings (see Exposures tag). Thus, on 26 May 2016 I asked Is the Lord exposing rotten politics? UK, USA – next EU? and write (emphasis added),

‘I cannot but think one of those domino-trails is in the secular world in view of recent, unexpected exposures of political activities. Eg….President Obama’s unwelcome interference in the UK/EU Referendum and now his aide Ben Rhodes’ outrageous boasting about their manipulating media lackies with fiction and duplicity over the Iran nuclear deal. For the reasons behind this expose read here. (White House Christian correspondent Bill Koenig often refers to incompetence and lack of required experience and skills of Potus’ aides.)’


JUNE 2024

On 7th June Sharyl Attkisson posted Top Republicans uncover records allegedly show FBI obstruction of justice re: Iranian Islamic extremists terrorists under Obama, Biden.

Sharryl writes

‘Under the Obama-Biden Administration, then-Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly blocked multiple FBI arrest operations against people linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. That was in order to spur further negotiations on the stalled, controversial Iran nuclear deal with the US.

That’s according to unclassified, internal FBI emails recently obtained by Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and through legally protected whistleblower disclosures.’

Quite an indictment, so continue reading their brief demand for full accountability and accompanying links by clicking here.

ALSO see


2 thoughts on “Exposure of Obama’s Iranian deals thwarting justice (PPU 149)

  1. The Lord had told me to get off the phone, internet and tv in September 2015. I didn’t know why but I did what He said. He gave me a vision of a traffic light turning green on the right side and traffic moving. On the left He then gave me a vision of a man walking up steps of a beautiful structure that had no building to it. I wasn’t familiar with the structure. I kept seeing 23’s and not understanding why. On 9-23-15 I picked up the phone to call my brother and let him know we needed to pray. Something wasn’t right with that day. He called me before I could call him. He said I know what’s wrong, Obama and the pope are meeting on American soil today. Then I saw the structure on the internet with another group of pictures but it didn’t say what it was so I sent it to a friend. She said it was the seat of satan, pergamon, and she sent me information to study it. September 2015 was the beginning of dreams, visions, and words to occur on a weekly basis and it lasted 7 years. I still hear and He still speaks. Its just not so severe and so often as those 7 years. But He has had me pull out all of His promises in all those warnings and post them so the body of Christ does not grow weary. And recently He has been leaving the 99 to rescue the 1.
    A recent vision showed a city of people walking around on soil and dirt inside a gate, carrying on with their day. God’s thumb came down on that place and touched the ground. A gentle rain began to fall on the soil in this place. Then the Lion of Judah roared His mighty roar and an earthquake shook the earth and made a great divide from the people within that gate to the outside world so that no one could cross that divide in any way.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Richard do you recall commenting on this post from 2014?
    I had a second dream 09/08/2014 where I saw the president,  with a ring of keys in his hands. Keys, as far as I know, represent knowledge, power, and authority.  I saw him, as I stated above with a ring of keys. The key ring was large and there was more than one key on it. I then saw him hand the entire set to a foreign individual. I did not see who the individual was so I am not going to guess here unless the Lord reveals such to me. Again, something to take to the Lord in prayer.


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