Arizona ‘bombshell lawsuit’ fulfills prophecy – Julie Green (PPU 144)

As well as overturning claims of election rigging, theft and fraud of being conspiracy theory – not only refuted by the above news in yesterday’s posting – but also that news fulfills many prophetic words received by Julie Green, as found searching her ministry site for ‘Arizona’ and ‘Maricopa’.

So, here’s a couple of the fuller extracts.

ARIZONA PROPHECY – received 23 Jan 2022

“Woe to those in Arizona. I will have the final say and expose everything that happened there. My spotlight will shine and expose all the darkness and wickedness that took place in your state.

To those who gave your adversary the win for your financial gain, you will lose everything you hold dear. Your finances will be blasted out of your hands. Egg will be all over your faces in embarrassment and shame, and it will consume you.

To those of you who fought for the truth, you will be rewarded by Me for your tireless effort to protect the truth. I have an army coming to your state to ratify the truth and what should have been all along. The country will shout to certify now.

Your Governor will be exposed for what he has done behind closed doors. Do you see shame? Shame on you for selling out your state just to save yourself though of course you were rewarded financially for it. I am judging you now for the sheriff’s race you let go. You allowed them to steal it for you knew you had to have them on your side for your big steal and your big lie.

I will restore the rightful Sheriff along with everyone else who actually won, and I mean EVERYONE.

Arizona, big news will come from your state, and nothing can stop the domino effect that will take place. It is all My timing, My plans and not yours. All eyes will be on your state once again but this time, truth will prevail, and no longer can it be hidden from My country and the world I created.

This is the green light for those waiting for it. It is time to go and take back what is yours, saith the Lord of Hosts.”


“…Doug Ducey, [Governor 2015-23, prior to Katie Hobbs] your time is up. Exposures will rip any influence you still have. You will be removed from your place of power. There will be major breaking news with visual evidence of who you really are and how you stole from the people in your state. The video that is about to surface shows you receiving money for November 2020. Yes, they rewarded you nicely to sell your soul to the devil. You are a traitor and a liar. I gave you time to make things right, but you refused to, so now Judgment is upon you with no way to stop it. Governor, you will be no more, and treason will be written on you for all eternity.

Katie Hobbs, you are also in that video with Governor Ducey, and you, too, will fall. Your end is the same. Treason will be your end.

To the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors: a snake pit will be revealed. You are deceivers and liars. You sold your souls for money and power. You lied to your County and the United States of America. A video is coming out to implicate you. I had an infiltrator in your midst who caught you all red-handed. That time is now. You thought you were safe, but you are not, and the world will know what you have all done. I am ratifying every lie, everything you did on that night in 2020, and what you did since to destroy evidence. How, what you did and when; nothing will be kept secret!

Arizona, oh Arizona: a cleansing is coming, and truth will free you from what held you hostage. Yes, dominos will fall, and they are being tipped over even now. So rejoice in the truth once again. Truth always prevails. Evidence was held back until now. So take back what is yours. The hour which you have been waiting for has finally come.

Karen Fann, let My people go and let the truth flow. Do it now Karen.

Yes, concerning the sheriff’s race in Maricopa County, the lies are coming to light. Every wrong will be made right. Videos are surfacing, and for everything that was done to help the Supervisors, Governor, and Secretary of State, all of you, Judgment is coming and Vengeance is Mine, saith The Lord.

“Lord, how can this be? It’s too late.” It is never too late. I am an on-time God, and soon you will see and understand that….”

Our sister in Christ hopes to become AZ Senator > Kari Lake Telegram Channel

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