More exposures of Biden White House conspiracy against President Trump (PPU 135.4)

Further to previous 3 Updates on Hail Stones from Heaven and Glass White House by Veronika West, published by HKP on 7 February 2021:

Joe Hoft, author, independent investigative journalist and co-founder of The Gateway Pundit, writes on his personal site:

“In November 2022, we reported at TGP that the FBI set up President Trump and inserted documents at the Mar-a-Lago raid. In the report we pointed out the following:

This was all a lie.  The FBI created the crime scene, inserted their own documents, and then photo-shopped the document.  What a disgrace.

  1. We know that the FBI wanted to make this look like a crime scene….
  2. The FBI inserted documents into the photo….
  3. The photo was altered or photo-shopped after it was taken (i.e. the FBI was tampering with evidence)….”

He concludes, “The entire Mar-a-Lago raid was a set up.  The FBI and DOJ are the criminals here along with the Biden/Obama regime.  Americans want justice for the real crimes here.”

Read in FULL advert-free print-friendly version here.

Read in FULL advert-free print-friendly version here.

We read about Julie Kelly’s investigations last week in PPU 135.1…

EXPOSED: White House direct involvement in Mar-a-Lago raid fulfills prophetic vision (PPU 135.1)

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