HUGE exposure of US intel deep-state culpability – treason? (PPU 135.3)

We continue with another fulfillment of Veronika West’s dream of February 2021 of her witnessing discussions in the Biden glass White House and which we since learn were conspiratorial – Prophecy Progress Updates 135.1 and 135.2 refer.

MOST interesting overnight news of in-depth exposures of US intelligence community, as expressly prophesied herein by Julie Green two years ago, with Telegram update:

EXTRACT from the prophecy with my emphases for information:

“Air raid sirens will be in your news. Pay attention to this location. Many things are about to be revealed regarding New York City, saith the Lord.

A member of the CIA is about to be exposed. Whistleblowers are about to come out and reveal what the CIA has been hiding.

Another ambassador is about to be in your news for a surprising reason.

Israel is about to receive a major victory. So don’t be moved by what they are saying now, because they can’t stop this or the one I have chosen for this hour. My children, you will see Benjamin Netanyahu come back, and your enemies can’t stop that from taking place, no matter what they try to do, saith the Lord of Hosts.’

Click here for many specific prophecies she has brought on US intel and other admin departments corruption. For example in this word received on 30th Nov 2022:

“A great FBI shake-up is about to occur- even bigger than what you have already seen. Christopher Wray is about to leave his seat of power, and nothing can stop his removal. They will try to explain his departure as a resignation, but the real truth will soon come out. He was forced out, and treason will be his end, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A great shake-up in the CIA is about to take place. Bill Burns: truth is coming for you, and you will also be removed from your position as the leader of the CIA. Great exposures will consume the CIA, similar to the FBI. Whistleblowers will destroy your narratives and connect you to the One World Order, their illegitimate governments, their lies, and how you were used by them to keep all their dark secrets hidden, those they didn’t want the world to know. But guess what? Nothing you have done to destroy, bury, or trash the evidence has worked. I had someone in your midst who has caught everything you have done, all that was done before you, and all that took place in your agency that has been hidden in dark places. Everything buried so deep is coming to the surface, and My light will expose it all. Many 3-letter agencies are being cleaned out by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.”


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EXTRACT from article:
‘O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign.

Conservative Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) isn’t wasting any time getting to the bottom of this very serious and disturbing story. Rep. Gaetz has already formally called on the Weaponization Subcommittee to IMMEDIATELY launch an investigation into the BOMBSHELL report by James O’Keefe’s OMG Media Group.

In a tweet, Gaetz shared a copy of the letter he sent to the Chair of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Rep. Jim Jordan. In his tweet about his formal request for an immediate investigation, Gaetz said that the undercover video that was released only hours ago, “contains video evidence that American intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump before & during his presidency and used Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorities to spy on President Trump.”

Read in full advert-free, print-friendly version here.

6 thoughts on “HUGE exposure of US intel deep-state culpability – treason? (PPU 135.3)

  1. Richard do you recall this dream from 2023?

    A Dream About an Attack in New York.

    In this dream I heard air raid sirens going off and then I saw people scattering like roaches when a light is turned on, heading into buildings to seek shelter. Then I heard 2 places mentioned in the dream. Manhattan and Syracuse. Pray for America


  2. And this dream

    New York Dream….Further Revelation
    As I was praying early this morning I again saw Manhattan only this time I saw the sewers, specifically, manhole covers. Sewers are connected by pipes and are underground thus hidden from view. With that said I saw men, under cover of darkness, dressed in black, coming up out of and going back down into the sewers. The sewers in the vision were connected by a network of pipes thus the men coming up out of and going back down into the sewers represent terror groups, i.e., networks, connected and operating underground away from public view


  3. And this dream from 2017

    Eagles on the White House
    I had a dream where I saw eagles perched on top of the White House. I did not get a count but knew there were many in the dream. I then saw people prowling around the White House with a cover over them trying to camouflage themselves to keep from being discovered. It was then that I would see an eagle swoop down, remove the covering , and expose the individuals who were hiding.

    Eagles perch on high places and their eyesight is amazing. I remember hearing the words, “the eagle has landed”, I remember that being from the Apollo moon missions.

    Eagles, from my understanding, are indicative of the prophetic. So in this dream that which was/is done under cover is going to be uncovered. Not only did the eagles see the people under cover but they removed their cover thus exposing those hiding underneath for all to see


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