End-times Great Apostasy in Rome confirmed by sign from heaven! – Part 2

Continued from Part 1, and in case you may have missed comments by Tony thereon he prefaces them; “Because of the nature of the vision I would ask that all who read it take it to the Lord in prayer and see what He speaks to your heart.”  The first has a similar theme to the statue struck by lightning (hence my underscoring):


11 Mar 2018 –  Doorway of Evil Opened

I had a vision yesterday where I saw the current pope. He was in a room by himself and what would seem a room only he knew about. There was a large door in the room in front of him. I noticed that he had a large gnarly-looking skeleton key in his right hand. I watched as he used it to open this door and when he did I saw many demonic beings fly out.

10 Jan 2016 – The Roman Church

“I had a dream 01/10/16 where I saw, who I believe to be, the current Pope. He wasn’t standing addressing the crowds as I’ve seen on many occasions; instead, he was seated on the Papal throne. The throne was at the top of St Peters Basilica with the Pope seated upon it. Then I saw the building begin to implode with the Pope and his throne disappearing first within the building so that he disappeared from view. Then the building itself began to crumble in upon itself until there was nothing left. I don’t remember seeing rubble from the collapse of the building.”


The document Francis issued the day after his birthday 6 weeks ago today, and on which lightning struck and broke off the keys held in the right-hand of a statue of St Peter near the pope’s home in Argentina, as reported in Part 1, brought immense indignation globally – on top of preceding Vatican actions against, even censorship of, priests and bishops. Archbishop Vignano, on whom I’ve blogged many times, isn’t alone but may be the most outspoken on this latest issue:


Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book


Moreover, please note, I never expected it to have personal relevance to my Roman Catholic upbringing, as recounted in “You shouldn’t be at our school!”, together with a recent insight on my birth gained at the Nativity service played by children at 3Counties Vineyard church. SO, I had plenty to brood upon, but more was yet to come.

A fortnight ago, a brother at church told me about having a poignant dream on New Year’s Eve and I agreed it’s possibly of especial import because of the date. I was reminded of when Pope Benedict died on New Years’s Eve 2023 being most significant. So I mentioned the great upheaval that’s being happening in that church, as indicated in my posts about Pope Benedict.

On the intervening weekend I was very surprised to receive a message from Laszlo, a neighbour who knows we attend a church but who’s unaware of my blogging, and wherein he asks, “Hi Richard, please listen to this. What do you think?”

In my investigations into prophecy since learning about a visionary’s warning fifty years ago to President John Kennedy not to visit Dallas I came across the accounts in 1917 of some children in Portugal being astonished to have apparitions in which Jesus’ mother Mary gave them prophetic messages. Being concurrent with the Russian Revolution she requested prayers for the conversion of Russia and its return to the Christian fold.

Therefore, it’s not being an unfamiliar topic I found the half-hour video easy to follow and took particular note of how the narrator gives an intriguing nuance into the first four verses of Paul’s Second Letter to the Thessalonians and the Son of Perdition being seated on Peter’s throne! – for reference: BibleGateway’s Douay-Rheims version.


Regarding the last item, if that’s the case then why should there be any preferential treatment beyond the usual form of priestly blessing of all believers during a service??

Source: https://www.lifesitenews.com/

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