Kim Clement 2014 China’s ‘subtle war’ prophecy fulfilled, as detailed in Press


In the above-entitled report, part of the prophetic word South African prophet Kim Clement brought on 22nd February 2014 reads – emphases mine::

“..And then there is a nation He showed me – He took me – itching for a new kind of war with America…

“This nation shall come very subtly, but they shall not come in the time of President Obama…they shall come when this new one arrives, as My David, that I have set aside for this nation. A man of prayer – a man of choice words – not a man who is verbose, has verbosity, who speaks too much!”

“They will say ‘This man is not speaking enough!’ BUT God says, I have set him aside”…..

“And then God says,HIGHLY embarrassing moment when another ‘Snowden’ arrives!”

My post continues: ‘So maybe there’s a new whistle-blower coming on the scene to spill all the beans on criminal and seditious activities of politicians, media and business people?

‘China’s ‘new, subtle kind of war’ involves wooing and seducing many leaders in industry, business, media (as with Facebook) and all shades of politics, thereby blackmailing them into becoming fifth columnists and traitors in attacking their own nation and government from deep within, PLUS global release of their engineered viral bio-weapon, Covid-19.

‘My readers who’ve dug into the source material I’ve used will readily grasp that’s the true Situation.’


Now, Cathy He’s report published 7 years 7 months later begins:

‘Psychological warfare. Public opinion warfare. Legal warfare.

Known as the “three warfares” doctrine and relatively unknown in the West, these concepts serve as key strategies guiding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its quest to win a war against the free world without firing a single shot.

Psychological warfare seeks to demoralize the enemy; public opinion warfare seeks to shape the hearts and minds of the masses; legal warfare seeks to use systems of law to deter enemy attacks.

This explanation was set out in a recently released 650-page report that provides a comprehensive illustration of the Chinese communist regime’s global influence operations. The French-language report was published by the Institute for Strategic Studies of Military Schools (IRSEM), an independent agency affiliated with the French Ministry of Armed Forces.

Combined with another key CCP doctrine called “United Front” work, these principles have undergirded a breathtaking campaign by the Chinese regime to expand its influence and infiltration into Western democracies, the report stated.

United Front, described by the CCP’s first leader Mao Zedong as a “magic weapon,” is a policy that, according to the report, involves the regime “eliminating its internal and external enemies, controlling groups that may challenge its authority, building a coalition around the Party to serve its interests, and projecting its influence abroad.”

Click to continue this disclosure that validates the Lord’s prophetic word…

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